
Sinsinwar (सिनसिनवार)[1] Sinsinwal (सिनसिनवाल)[2] Sanisanwar (सनीसनवार)[3] Sansanwal (सन्सनवाल) Sagiwal (सगीवाल) Sanawal (सनवाल) [4]Shanwal (शनवाल) is a Gotra of the Jats found in Rajasthan,[5] Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. Sagiwal and Sanisarwal (सनिसरवाल) inhabiting Tonk and Jaipur districts are originally Sinsinwars.
- This gotra originated from village Sinsini in Bharatpur district in Rajasthan. Sinsini village was named after Sinsina (सिनसिना) deva or Shini in Mahabharata. Its name was Shoorsaini founded by Maharaja Surasena. [6]
- Sin is a Hebrew word which means Swampy area.
Jat Places Namesake
Sinsini = Sisines (Anabasis by Arrian,p. 69, 379.)
Jat Gotras Namesake
Sinsinwar = Sisines (Anabasis by Arrian,p. 69, 379.)
The Anabasis of Alexander/1b,p.69
Arrian[7] writes....Darius then sent Sisines, one of his own faithful Persian courtiers, down to the sea-coast, under pretence of going to Atizyes, viceroy of Phrygia, but really to communicate with this Alexander, and to give him pledges, that if he would kill king Alexander, Darius would appoint him king of Macedonia, and would give him 1,000 talents of gold[4] in addition to the kingdom. But Sisines, being captured by Parmenio, told him the real object of his mission. Parmenio sent him immediately under guard to the king, who obtained the same intelligence from him. The king then, having collected his friends, proposed to them as a subject for deliberation what decision he ought to make in regard to this Alexander.
4. Nearly £250,000.
Ram Swarup Joon[8] writes about Chhonkar and Sansanwal: This is the gotra of the Bharatpur ruling dynasty. Their original gotra is Yadu. As they settled down in a village called Sansani, they became known as Sansanwal. They raised their voice against the atrocities of Aurangzeb, protected the Hindu Dharma and established a new capital. One Yaduvanshi ancestor belonging to this gotra, named Brij Raj ruled over the territory called Brij after his name. These people had returned home from Dwarka and their capital was Mathura, in the 64th generation of King Brij Raj.
Hukum Singh Panwar writes that The Bharatpur rulers of Sinsinwar gotra have originated from Shini in the ancestry of Krishna. [9]
Hukum Singh Panwar[10] has given the ancestry of Bharatpur rulers starting from 1. Yadu. Shini is at S.No. 38 and Krishna at S.No. 43 as under[11]:
1. Yadu ..... → 34. Andhaka → 35. Bhajmana → 36. Viduratha → 37. Shura → 38. Shini → 39. Bhoja → 40. Hardika → 41. Devamidha → 42. Vasudeva → 43. Krishna → 44. Pradyumna
This gotra Jats are found in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in India. Sinsinwars were the rulers of princely state Bharatpur. Before the formation of Bharatpur state the capital of Sinsinwars was at Sinsini. This was the gotra of Maharaja Suraj Mal of Bharatpur. Many Sinsinwars use Faujdar as their surname. Karauli city was founded by Sinsinwars.
Sinsini earlier was known as 'Shoorsaini' and its inhabitants were known as Saursen. The influence of Saursen people can be judged from the fact that the dialect of the entire north India at one time was known as 'Saursaini'.
Shoor Sain people were Chandravanshi. Lord Krishna was also born in vrishni branch of Chandravansh. A group of Yadavas was follower of Shiva and Vedic God in Sindh. Some inscriptions and coins of these people have been found in 'Mohenjo Daro'. ' Shiv Shani Sevi' words have been found engraved on one inscription. Yajur Veda mentions 'Shinay Swah'. 'Sini Isar' was found on one gold coin. Atharva Veda mentions 'Sinwali' for Sini God.
The above group of Yadavas came back from Sindh to Brij area and occupied Bayana in Bharatpur district. After some struggle the 'Balai' inhabitants were forced by Shodeo and Saini rulers to move out of Brij land and thus they occupied large areas. 'Saur Saini' was changed to 'ShinShoor' or 'Sinsini' after their God 'Shin'. These people of Sinsini were called Sinsinwar. One of their groups moved to Sugrivgarh and they were known as 'Sugrivgadhia' or 'Sogdians'.
Faujdar was a title awarded by Muslim rulers to people who had responsibility of protecting some territory. Sogarwar, Chahar, Sinsinwar, Kuntal etc Jat gotra people use this title.
Villages founded by Sinsinwar clan
- Sinsini (सिनसिनी) - village is in Deeg tahsil , Bharatpur district in Rajasthan.
- Bharatpur: Bharatpur city was founded by Maharaja Surajmal (Sinsinwar) in 1733 after Bharat, brother of Rama.
- Badanpura (बदनपुरा) - village in Amber tahsil in Jaipur district in Rajasthan.Badanpura was founded by Raja Badan Singh of Bharatpur.
- Deeg: Deeg was the first capital of the newly carved out Jat state of Bharatpur, when Badan Singh was proclaimed its ruler in 1722. In 1730, Maharaja Suraj Mal erected the strong fortress of Deeg. After Suraj Mal moved his Capital to Bharatpur, Deeg became the second Capital of the rulers of Bharatpur state.
- Garoli (गाडोली) or Garauli - village in tahsil Deeg of Bharatpur district in Rajasthan. Origination of this village is from Paijoo thok of Sinsini.
- Jatoli Thoon - village in Deeg tahsil in district Bharatpur, Rajasthan.
- Kumher - Kumher was founded by a Jat chieftain Kumbh. It was one of the Four best forts of the Jats and during the reign of Badan Singh.
- Pahua (पाऊआ) - village in tehsil Kumher of Bharatpur district in Rajasthan was founded by two sons of Fateh Singh Sinsinwar son of Raja Ram of Sinsini.
- Ajau (आजऊ)- Second wife of Fateh Singh Sinsinwar, son of Raja Ram of Sinsini, had two sons who founded village Ajau.
- Nagla Ajau (नगला आजऊ) - Third wife of Fateh Singh Sinsinwar, son of Raja Ram of Sinsini, had one son who founded village Nagla Ajau.
- Sihi (सीही) - Fourth wife of Fateh Singh Sinsinwar, son of Raja Ram of Sinsini, had two sons who founded village Sihi.
- Sarsaina (सरसैना) - Sons of Fifth wife of Fateh Singh Sinsinwar, son of Raja Ram of Sinsini, founded village Sarsaina near Halaina.
- Weir ] (वेर) - town of Bharatpur district in Rajasthan was founded by Badan Singh (r.1722-33).
Villages after Sini
- सिनी (जाट गोत्र - सिन्ना/सिनसिनवार) : सिनी नाम का गाँव झारखंड के पश्चिमी सिंहभूम जिले की तांतनगर विकास-खंड में है।
- सिनी सिडमा (जाट गोत्र - सिन्ना/सिनसिनवार) : सिनी सिडमा नाम का गाँव झारखंड के सराइकेला खरसावाँ जिले की सराइकेला विकास-खंड में है।
Mention in Indian epics
Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 44 Shloka 12 states that -
- अदितिर देव माता च हरीः शरीः सवाहा सरस्वती
- उमा शची सिनीवाली तदा चानुमतिः कुहूः
- राका च धिषणा चैव पत्न्यश चान्या दिवौकसाम ।।12।।

'A study of the Bhagavata Purana; or, Esoteric Hinduism' by Purnendu Narayana Sinha, pp 222 mentions that Sini was son of Bhojamata. Shini's son was Bhoja.[12] Hukum Singh Panwar writes that In the 38th generation of Yadu was born Shini. [13] Sinsinwar has thus originated from Shini.
Jat clans linked with Kushan
डॉ धर्मचंद विद्यालंकार [14] लिखते हैं कि कुषाणों का साम्राज्य मध्य-एशिया स्थित काश्गर-खोतान, चीनी, तुर्किस्तान (सिकियांग प्रान्त) से लेकर रूस में ताशकंद और समरकंद-बुखारा से लेकर भारत के कपिशा और काम्बोज से लेकर बैक्ट्रिया से पेशावर औए मद्र (स्यालकोट) से मथुरा और बनारस तक फैला हुआ था. उस समय मथुरा का कुषाण क्षत्रप हगमाश था. जिसके वंशज हगा या अग्रे जाट लोग, जो कि कभी चीन की हूगाँ नदी तट से चलकर इधर आये थे, आज तक मथुरा और हाथरस जिलों में आबाद हैं. आज भी हाथरस या महामाया नगर की सादाबाद तहसील में इनके 80 गाँव आबाद हैं. (पृ.19 )
कुषाणों अथवा युचियों से रक्त सम्बन्ध रखने वाले ब्रज के जाटों में आज तक हगा (अग्रे), चाहर, सिनसिनवार, कुंतल, गांधरे (गांधार) और सिकरवार जैसे गोत्र मौजूद हैं. मथुरा मेमोयर्स के लेखक कुक साहब ने लिखा है कि मथुरा जिले के कुछ जाटों ने अपना निकास गढ़-गजनी या रावलपिंडी से बताया है. कुषाण साम्राज्य के अधिकांश क्षेत्र में जाटों की सघन जन संख्या उनको कुषाण वंसज होना सिद्ध करती है.(पृ.20)
सिनसिनवार:ठाकुर देशराज
यदुवंश के शाखागोत्र - : 1. वृष्णि 2. अन्धक 3. हाला 4. शिवस्कन्दे-सौकन्दे 5. डागुर-डीगराणा 6. खिरवार-खरे 7. बलहारा 8. सारन 9. सिनसिनवाल 10. छोंकर 11. सोगरवार 12. हांगा 13. घनिहार 14. भोज ।[15]
ठाकुर देशराज[16] ने लिखा है.... भरतपुर के संबंध में जागा लोगों का कहना है कि बालचंद्र ने एक डागुर गोती जाट की स्त्री का डोला ले लिया था, अतः बालचंद राजपूत से जाट हो गया। बृजेंद्रवंश भास्कर के लेखक ने भी इसी गलती को दोहराया है। हालांकि महाराजा श्री कृष्णसिंह जी इस बेहूदा
[पृ.129]: बात पर बड़े हंसे थे। वे तो कहते थे हम राजपूतों से बहुत पुराने हैं। उनका गोत सिनसिनवार क्यों हुआ? इसके लिए जगा कहते हैं क्योंकि ये सिनसिनी में जाकर आबाद हुए थे किंतु उन बेचारों को यह तो पता ही नहीं कि गांवों के नाम सदा किसी महान पुरुष के नाम पर होते हैं। और उसी के नाम पर गोत्र का नाम होता है। जैसे मथुरा नाम मधु के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुआ और उसके साथी मधुरिया अथवा मथुरिया कहलाए। पुरानों के अनुसार भी देश और नगरों के नाम किन्हीं महान पुरुषों के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुए हैं। हाँ 2-4 घटनाएं अपवाद भी होती हैं।
वास्तव में बात यह है कि इन लोगों ने वहां पर शिन देवता की स्थापना की थी। उसी शिन के नाम पर जिसे कि ये लोग सिनसिना कहते थे सिनसिनी प्रसिद्ध हुआ। ये शिन अथवा सिनसिना कौन है यह भी बता देना चाहते हैं। शिन वैदिक ऋचा का दृष्ट्वा एक ऋषि हुआ है जिसका वैदिक ऋचा में नाम है और चंद्रवंशी क्षत्रियों में ही हुआ है। चंद्रवंश की वंशावली में भगवान श्रीकृष्ण से 6 पीढ़ी पहले शिनि हुये हैं। एक शिनी कृष्ण से 10 पीढ़ी पहले वृषणी के जेठे भाई थे। संभव है इन दोनों शिनियों को वे सिनसिना के नाम से उसी भांति याद करते हैं जैसे लोग नलनील अथवा रामकृष्ण को याद करते हैं। सिंध में तो इन लोगों की कुछ मोहरें भी मिलीं जिनपर शिनशिन और शिन ईसर लिखे शब्द मिले हैं। यह याद रखने की बात है कि ब्रज की
[पृ.130]: संतान के कुछ लोग पंजाब के जदू का डांग और सिंध के मोहनजोदारो में जाकर आबाद हुए थे। वहां से लौट कर इनके एक पुरुष ने बयाना पर कब्जा किया। यहां पर बहुत प्राचीन समय में बाना लोग राज करते थे। उनकी पुत्री उषा का वहां अब तक भी मंदिर है। आगे चलकर इनकी दो शाखाएँ हो गई। एक दल नए क्षत्रियों में दीक्षित हो गया जो कि राजपूत कहलाते थे। उसने उन सब रस्मों रिवाजों को छोड़ दिया जो कि उसके बाप दादा हजारों वर्ष से मानते चले आ रहे थे। इस तरह जाट संघ से निकलकर वे लोग अपने लिए यादव राजपूत कहलाने लगे। करौली में उन्होंने अपना राज्य कायम किया।
फौजदार उपाधि
फौजदार - यह उपाधि मुगल शासनकाल में उन शाही उच्च अधिकारियों को दी जाती थी जो कई परगनों या प्रान्त की शासन व्यवस्था करते थे। जाटों को यह उपाधि भरतपुर नरेश महाराजा सूरजमल ने देनी आरम्भ की थी। प्राचीन राजवंशज जाट जो महाराजा की सेना में बड़ी संख्या में भरती थे, उनको महाराजा सूरजमल ने यह फौजदार की उपाधि प्रदान की थी। भरतपुर के सभी सिनसिनवार गोत्र के जाट, अलीगढ, मथुरा के खूंटेल (कुन्तल), डागुर, चाहर, गंड और भगौर गोत्रों के जाट फौजदार कहलाते हैं।[17]
सिनसिनवार खाप
77 सिनसिनवार खाप - किसी जमाने में इस खाप के 365 गांव ब्रज मंडल में गिने जाते थे परंतु आज यह उत्तर प्रदेश, हरियाणा और राजस्थान तीनों प्रांतों में फैले हुए हैं. गांव सिनसिनी के कारण सिनसिनवार नामक जाटों के गोत्र का जन्म हुआ. महाराजा भरतपुर इसी गोत्र से हैं. कुम्हेर और डीग के प्रसिद्ध किले इसी खाप की शान हैं. सिनसिनी इस खाप का मुख्यालय है जिसके लिए जाटों ने रक्त के दरिया बताए और मुगलों को छठी का दूध याद दिलाया. इस खाप के अभाव में जाटों का इतिहास लिख पाना संभव नहीं. अखिल भारतीय जाट महासभा के पूर्व अध्यक्ष महाराजा विश्वेंद्र सिंह इसी खाप से रहे हैं.[18]
Sinsinwar Bhat
Distribution in Rajasthan
Sinsinwar Khap has 235 villages in Bharatpur district. [19]
Villages in Bharatpur district
Aajau, Akbarpur Foujdar, Astavan Jadid, Awar, Bachhamadi, Badha, Bahaj, Bahnera, Barkhera Faujdar, Bedham Beelauth, Bhadira, Bharatpur, Bharkau, Bhutoli, Borai, Boshai, Budhwari (500), Dahra, Dantlothi, Deeg, Dehawa, Dhanagarh, Dhanwara, Dhormui, Didwari Bharatpur, Gadoli, Garauli, Ghusyari, Gudawali Nadbai, Halena, Hantra, Hathaini, Januthar, Jatoli, Jatoli Thoon, Jhaurol, Jiroli, Kamalpura, Kareeli Kasot, Katra, Khan Surjapura, Khanswara, Kheri Devisingh , Khohra, Kila, Korer Bharatpur, Kumha, Kumhan, Kumher, Lakhanpur, Lalpura, Lanki, Madapura , Mahloni, Mahravra, Mai, Mawai, Nadbai, Nagla Bartai, Nagla Lakhan, Nagla Nathu Ram, Naraina, Nigohi, Pathena, Pathena (5000), Peeraka, Peernagar, Pichoomar Pidawali, Piprau, Raisees, Randheergarh, Sabora (Kumher), Sarsena, Shees Bada, Sihi, Sinsini, Sundrawali, Thairawar, Unch, Usrani, Vijwari, Vaulkhera,
Locations in Jaipur city
Sagiwal and Sanisarwal inhabiting Tonk and Jaipur districts are originally Sinsinwars.
Sanwal Jats are found in following colonies in Jaipur:
Bani Park, Himmat Nagar, Shanti Nagar, Tonk Road,
Sinsinwars live in colonies: Bani Park, Durgapura, Gopalpura Bypass, Gujar ki Thadi, Jhotwara, Krishnpuri, Mahavir Nagar I, Mansarovar Murlipura Scheme, Panipech, Triveni Nagar,
Villages in Jaipur district
Villages in Sikar district
Villages in Alwar district
Garoo, Gurjar Sonkh, Haldeena, Kerwa Jat, Khudiyana, Leeli, Pinan, Resti, Reta Kathumar, Sonkh Alwar,
Villages in Tonk district
Sagiwal,Sanwal, Sanisarwal (सनिसरवाल) and inhabiting Tonk and Jaipur districts are originally Sinsinwars. Adoosya (4), Bhadu Ka Khera, Datob Ganwar, Jamdoli,
- Tundera (तुन्देड़ा/ टुंडेड़ा)
Sanisarwal Jats live in villages:
Bapdunda (7), Sahalsagar (1),
Villages in Hanumangarh district
Villages in Chittorgarh district
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Sinsinwar Khap has 18 villages in Agra district. [20] ...
Villages in Mathura district
Bhaderua , Daulatpur Banger , Dhana Teja, Hasanpur, Jatipura, Malsarai, Nandgaon, Neem Gaon,
Villages in Aligarh district
Barhsera, Talesar, Chhoti Ballabh, Palimukimpur,
Villages in Gautam Budh Nagar district
Chipiyana Buzurg, Nagla Hukam Singh,
Villages in Ghaziabad district
Villages in Agra district
Gamari, Jaupura, Nagla Kare, Nagla Mohare, Tikari,
Villages in Firozabad district
Villages in Lalitpur district
Villages in Bulandshahr district
Distribution In Haryana
Villages In Bhiwani Distict
Patuwas-Mahrana(पातुवास-महराणा), Patuwas (पातुवास), Khedi Sanwal (खेड़ी सनवाल), Pur (Near Bawani Khera),
Villages in Sonepat district
Khandrai (t. Gohana]], Nijampur (t.Gohana]],
Villages in Jhajjar district
Villages in Ambala district
Villages in Rewari district
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh
Villages in Nimach district
Villages in Ratlam district
Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:
Barbad 1, Kanser 1, Karmadi 1, Ratlam 14,
Villages in Dhar district
Villages in Indore district
Gavhalu Julwaniya, Tigaria Badshah,
Villages in Gwalior district
Birlanagar (Gwalior), Kadura, Kishanpur Chinor, Morar (Gwalior),
Villages in Guna district
Villages in Shivpuri district
Villages in Datia district
Kadura (20),
Villages in Shajapur district
Villages in Sagar district
Villages in Sehore district
Villages in Shivpuri district
Villages in Khargone district
Villages in Bhopal district
Villages in Rajgarh district
Barwan Rajgarh, Dingalpur, Gopalpura Rajgarh, Muwaliya Dangi,
Villages in Dewas district
Villages in Ujjain district
Distribution in Maharashtra
Villages in Jalgaon district
Villages in Delhi
Notable persons from the clan
Bharatpur Sinsinwar rulers
- Raja Ram, 1670 – 1688
- Fateh Singh Sinsinwar, son of Raja Ram of Sinsini
- Churaman, 1695 – 1721
- Badan Singh, 1724 - 1756
- Maharaja Suraj Mal, 1756 - 1767
- Maharaja Jawahar Singh, 1767 - 1768
- Maharaja Ratan Singh, 1768 - 1769
- Maharaja Kehri Singh, 1769 - 1771
- Maharaja Nawal Singh, 1771 - 1776
- Maharaja Ranjit Singh, 1776 - 1806
- Maharaja Randhir Singh, 1805 - 1823
- Maharaja Baldeo Singh, 1823 - 1825
- Maharaja Balwant Singh, 1825 - 1853
- Maharaja Jaswant Singh, 1853 - 1893
- Maharaja Ram Singh, 1893 - 1900 (Exiled)
- Maharani Girraj Kaur, regent 1900-1918
- Maharaja Kishan Singh, 1918 - 1929 (Exiled)
- Maharaja Brijendra Singh, 1929-1947 (Joined the Indian Union)
- Maharaja Vishvendra Singh Till Now
Other notable Sinsinwars
- Satender Sansanwal - President Bijwasan Assembly, Indian Youth Congress
- Digambar Singh - Ex. Minister
- Karan Singh Madapuria (Sinsinwar) - A great warrior from Madapura village in Rupbas tahsil in district Bharatpur, Rajasthan. He was Senapati of Lohagarh Fort and died protecting it.
- Baba Dheeraj - From Pathena village of Wair tahsil, Bharatpur.
- Gajendra Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर गजेंद्र सिंह), from Wair, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [22]
- Jiwan Singh Sinsinwar (born:?-death:1942) (ठाकुर जीवनसिंह), from Pathena (पथेना), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [23]
- Moti Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर मोतीसिंह), from Pathena (पथेना), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [24]
- Ram Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर राम सिंह), Khohra (खोहरा), Bayana, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [25]
- Charan Singh Sinsinwar (फ़ौजदार चरनसिंह), Bahaj (बहज), Deeg, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan.[26]
- Dhruv Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर ध्रुवसिंह), Pathena (पथेना), Wair, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.[27]
- Ghisi Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर घीसीसिंह) from Pathena, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [28]
- Chiranji Singh Sinsinwar (born:1893) (रायसाहब सू.ठा. चिरंजी सिंह), from Bachhamadi, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan.
- Ram Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर राम सिंह), Khohra (खोहरा), Bayana, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan.
- Charan Singh Sinsinwar (फ़ौजदार चरनसिंह), Bahaj (बहज), Deeg, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan.
- Tej Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर तेजसिंह रायसीस), from Raisees (रायसीस), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [29]
- Laxman Singh Sinsinwar (कुँवर लक्ष्मण सिंह आजऊ), from Ajau (आजऊ), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [30]
- Padam Singh Sinsinwar (सूबेदार पदम सिंह), Gadoli (गादौली), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [31]
- Tota Singh Sinsinwar (सूबेदार तोता सिंह), Dantlothi (दांतलोठी), Deeg, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [32]
- Vijay Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर विजय सिंह), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [33]
- Ratan Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर रतन सिंह ), Mahloni (महलौनी), Bayana, Bharatpur was an Executive Magistrate, and a Social Worker in Rajasthan.[34]
- Rishi Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर ऋषि सिंह ), Mahloni (महलौनी), Bayana, Bharatpur was a qualified Lawyer and worked as a Dy. S. P. in Rajasthan Police
- Rajeev Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर राजीव सिंह ), Mahloni (महलौनी), Bayana, Bharatpur served NTPC as Additional General Manager in Jaipur
- Sanjeev Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर संजीव सिंह ), Mahloni (महलौनी), Bayana, Bharatpur is an Architect and Design Consultant and served Government of Rajasthan as HOD in an Architectural Department of Polytechnic College in Jaipur
- Karan Sinsinwar (कुंवर करन सिनसिनवार), Mahloni (महलौनी), Bayana, Bharatpur is an Environmental Sustainability Consultant, MIEnvSc, Green Mark AP, MSc, BTech (Hons) working in Singapore
- Ramchandra Singh Sinsinwar (कुँवर रामचंद्र सिंह), from Bas Bhadaiya (Pingora), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [35]
- Maharaj Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर महाराज सिंह), from Wair (वैर), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan.
- Damodar Singh Sinsinwar(ठाकुर दामोदरसिंह सिनसिनवार), from Sabora (साबोरा), Kumher, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.[36]
- Charan Singh Sinsinwar Bayana (ठाकुर चरनसिंह सिनसिनवार), from Bayana, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.[37]
- Ramswarup Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर रामस्वरूपसिंह सिनसिनवार), from Mawai (मवई), Deeg, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. [38]
- Ninuva Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर निनुवासिंह सिनसिनवार), Kasot (कासोट), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.[39]
- Phuli Singh Sinsinwar and Muli Singh Sinsinwar (ठाकुर फूलीसिंह-मूलीसिंह सिनसिनवार), Bailara (बैलारा), Kumher, Bharatpur were a Social workers in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.
- Ram Singh Sinsinwar Bailara (ठाकुर रामसिंह सिनसिनवार बैलारा), Bailara (बैलारा), Nadbai, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.
- Kanhaiya Singh Sinsinwar Bahnera (ठाकुर कन्हैयासिंह सिनसिनवार), from Bahnera (बहनेरा), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.[40]
- Kanhaiya Singh Sinsinwar Dhanagarh (ठाकुर कन्हैयासिंह सिनसिनवार), from Dhanagarh (धानगढ़), Bharatpur was a Social worker in Bharatpur, Rajasthan.[41]
- Bhagwat Singh Sinsinwar(ठाकुर भगवतसिंह सिनसिनवार), Budwari, Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. [42]
- Ramchandra Singh Sinsinwar Jatipura
- Smt. Krishnendra Kaur Deepa - MLA from Nadbai constituency.
- Vinod Kumar Shanwal - Scientist, The Week magazine selected him in list of 25 "Emerging Indians 2007" in August 2007.
- Surendra Singh Sabora- 1st Officer in Rajasthan Administrative Service(1962)
- Deep Singh, RAS, Vill.& P. O. - Dantlothi, Tehsil - Deeg, Distt. - Bharatpur ( Rajasthan ).
- Vijay Pal Singh (Sinsinwar)- RAS Rajasthan, Present Address : B-620, Shiv Marg , Bani Park , Jaipur, Phone: 0141-2208081, Mob: 9929108338, Email:
- Col. Ajay Pal (Sinsinwar) - Bharatpur, Rajasthan
- Havildar Sahab Singh
- Bhim Singh (Sinsinwar) - RAS Home District Bharatpur, Rajasthan, Date of Birth : 27-October-1957, Vill - Pidawali,Po- Khora, Bayana, Bharatpur,Present Address : A-32, Nityanand Nagar, Queens Road, Jaipur,Phone: 0141-2352566, Mob: 9001099999
- Roria Singh Jat - Warrior of 1635 AD.
- Shaheed Jeet Singh Sansanwal - A road in Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi- 110016 is named after him.
- Balbir Singh Sinsinwar - RAS (2007).From village Sarsaina in Bharatpur district in Rajasthan.
- Babu Singh (Sinsinwar) - Distt. Judge (Retd.) RJS, Date of Birth : 1-February-1938,VPO - Pathena, Distt. -Bharatpur, Present Address : 8/240, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, Phone: 0141-2335589
- Balbir Singh (Sinsinwar) - CTO (Retd.), Commercial Taxes , Date of Birth : 1-August-1935, Vill.- Barkhera Fauzdar, Po& Teh.- Nagar, Distt.- Bharatpur, Present Address : 196, Gayatri Nagar-A, Maharani Farm, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Phone: 0141-2761608
- Santosh Kumar (Sinsinwar) - RJS, Date of Birth : 6-April-1982, VPO - Borai, Teh. - Kumher, Bharatpur, Present Address : jr-3/2, civil line, Ganganagar, Phone : 0154-2474666, Mob: 9460173690, Email:
- Satish Kumar-Raj. Accounts Services,resident of Vill.-Gudawali, District- Bharatpur,Mob.No.9414655130
- Satyapal Singh (Sinsinwar) - RPS,Date of Birth : 15-August-1958, Home District : Bharatpur, Address: 150, Gopal Vihar-2, Baran Road, Kota (Raj), Phone : 0744-2325588, Mob: 9414262578, Email:
- Natthi Singh (Ex. Revenue Minister, Rajasthan) hails from Bharatpur. Now resides in Jaipur.
- Mr. B. S. Sinsinwar - Govt. Service, Asst. Acctts. Officer, Urban Development, 1-N CGH Complex, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, 011-26149313 NCR (PP-733)
- Shri. Vishal Singh Sunsunwal - 63/4, Mehrauli, Near Lower Jatwara ( Jaton Ki Chupad) New Delhi - 110030, 011- 26645224, Mob: 9899686661, 9250056661, Email:, Skype id: jatram27, Facebook: VishalSinghSunsunwal
- Yatendra Sinsinwar Born 1993, Contact No. 9461087100, from Astavan Jadid, Kumher, Bharatpur is Clerk in Secretariat, Government of Rajasthan and currently posted at Jaipur, Rajasthan.
- Naresh Singh Sinsinwar was a Martyr of Kargil War from Uttar Pradesh. He belonged to village Chhoti Ballabh in Iglas tehsil of Aligarh district in Uttar Pradesh.
- Vijay Pal Singh I (Sinsinwar)- RAS Rajasthan, (DR-89/Bharatpur), DOB - o8/02/1965, RAS 1989 batch, Director, Horticulture Dept. Jaipur, From Bharatpur, President of RAS Association also . M: 9929108338
- Bharat Singh IFS (Sinsinwar) (born:3.10.1930), from Bharatpur, is retired Indian Forest Service officer from Rajasthan Cadre.
- विशाल सिंह सनसनवाल @ फौजदार ६३/४ महरौली, न्यू दिल्ली ११०० ३०" मोबाइल - ९८९९६८६६६१
- Bhagwan Dasji Maharaj (Banswara)
- Thakur Lal Singh Sinsinwar (1889-4.12.1951) was a an educationist, politician and social worker from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
- Kapil Kumar Singh (alias Kapil Faujdar) Born 1994, Contact No. 9461230032, from Astavan Jadid, Kumher, Bharatpur is Assistant Engineer at Public Health Engineering Department, Government of Rajasthan and currently posted at Sub Division Deeg.

- Sujan Singh Sinsinwar (Havaldar) (1962 - 29.01.1999) became martyr of militancy on 29.01.1999 at Peth Dial Gam village of Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir. He was from Bahaj village, situated in Tehsil- Deeg, District- Bharatpur in Rajasthan. He was awarded Shaurya Chakra for his act of bravery.
- Unit - 9 Rashtriya Rifles/4 Mechanized Infantry

- Data Ram Faujdar (Sinsinwar) became martyr of militancy on 19.02.2021 in Kupwada district of Jammu and Kashmir. He was from Peeraka village in Nagar tahsil in Bharatpur district in Rajasthan.
- Unit - 3 Rajputana Rifles
See also
External links
Further reading
- Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Hindi), Delhi, 1934
- Kishori Lal Faujdar: Jat Samaj, Agra, August 2001, Rajasthan ke Madhyakalin Jatvans.
- Dr. Raj Pal Singh, Rise of the Jat Power, (1988), Delhi.
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.243, s.n.206
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. स-44
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.62,s.n. 2442
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.60, s.n. 2356
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
- ↑ Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p. 282
- ↑ The Anabasis of Alexander/1b,p.69
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 78
- ↑ Hukum Singh Panwar: The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Appendices/Appendix No.1
- ↑ The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Appendices/Appendix No.1
- ↑ Yadu Vamsavali of Bharatpur given by Ganga Singh in his book 'Yadu Vamsa', Part 1, Bharatpur Rajvansa Ka Itihas (1637-1768), Bharatpur, 1967, pp. 19-21
- ↑ A study of the Bhagavata Purana; or, Esoteric Hinduism by Purnendu Narayana Sinha, p. 222
- ↑,_Antiquity_and_Migrations/Appendices/Appendix_No.1#Appendix_NO.1.
- ↑ Jat Samaj:11/2013,pp 19-20
- ↑ जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठ.187
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Shashtham Parichhed, p.128-130
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter II, p-85
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.22
- ↑ Jat Bandhu, Agra, April 1991
- ↑ Jat Bandhu, Agra, April 1991
- ↑ User:Sk56
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.18-19
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.22-23
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.22-23
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.31
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.32
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.61-63
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.24
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.36
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.37
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.37
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.38
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.39
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.39
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.39
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.50
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.51
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.53
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.54
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.59
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.59
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.65
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