Bharat Singh IFS
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Bharat Singh (Sinsinwar) (born:3.10.1930- died:16.5.2021), from Bharatpur, is retired Indian Forest Service officer from Rajasthan Cadre. He was the first PCCF of Rajasthan and architect of Projects like Ashok Vihar, World Forestry Park-1st Leopard Project Area, FTI etc.
Early life
Bharat Singh was born on 3.10.1930 in village .....of Bharatpur district in Rajasthan.
He passed his matriculation from Govt Higher Secondary School Deeg. Graduated in Agriculture from Agra University and studied for post graduation at Govt Agricultural College Kanpur. While doing post graduation, he was selected by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission for Superior Forest Service in 1951.
His family
He married with Smt. Shyama Singh (born:15.8.1940-death:19.1.2019) on 2 march....
He got training in Forestry at Indian Forest College Dehradun and passed out in 1953 with honours. He joined Rajasthan State Forest Service and worked as Divisional Forest Officer at Baran and Jodhpur from 1953-59. He attended advanced Training program in soil conservation and watershed management in USA in 1960 under the International Cooperation Mission. On return from USA, prepared the Watershed Management Plan of the Chambal River Valley Project and launched the program as its first Project Director at Kota.
He preceded on deputation to Govt of India and worked on the staff of the Indian Forest College from 1962-69 and trained State Forest Service Officers from various states at the Forest Research Institute at Dehradun. He was promoted to IFS during this period. His Year of Allotment to IFS is 1957.
On return from deputation in 1970, launched the state trading and departmental working scheme in the state to replace the contractors agency. He held charge of the state trading circle at Jaipur and was promoted as Dy.C.C.F. Pioneered the US Aided Social Forestry Project in the State of Rajasthan.
The Bureau of Public Enterprises Govt of India selected him as the Managing Director of the Andaman Forest Corporation at Port Blair. While working in the Andaman Forest Corporation, launched the Palm Oil, Rubber and Spice plantation Projects.
On return from Andaman, he was promoted as Additional C.C.F. and CCF. The post of CCF was upgraded to Principal CCF in the IFS cadre of Rajasthan and was appointed as the first PCCF and held that post till his retirement on 31.10.1988.
Social Services
Contact details
Address: J-1, Jamana Lal Bajaj Marg, C-Scheme Jaipur, rajasthan
Phone: 0144-2221727, Mob:9413321727
Bharat Singh left for his heavenly abode on 16.5.2021 at 9.25 pm in Bhopal. He had shifted from Jaipur to Bhopal sometime back. His daughter Smt Renu Solanki is married to Anand Solanki, Brig. (Ret), son of Mukhtiar Singh Solanki (IFS) in Bhopal. He was living with his daughter in Bhopal (Mob:9407278718).
A few selected Condolence Messages
Sad to inform that Sh Bharat Singh IFS retd former PCCF passed away on 16.5.21. He was living with his daughter in Bhopal. Talked to his daughter smt Renu Solanki and Brig Anand Solanki. Condolence mail sent. contact no. 9407278718.....S.S. Bissa, IAS (R), Sr. Honorary Fellow HCM RIPA, & Secretary AIS Pensioners Association Jaipur. Phone: 9414150077
Passing away of Bharat Singhji Bhaisb is a personal loss to me. Before entering into service his younger brother Laxman and myself used to prepare for this competition and at that time Bharat Singhji was DFO Jodhpur. I did not know much about Forest Service but was impressed to see his big residence and fleet of staff in his house as they were living in Grass Farm Nursery. After passing out from IFC at that time he was TA to chief conservator Sen Old IFS. Initially I thought in office he was a tough guy. Later on as the time passed I realised he was a true Forester having all the qualities of good administrator keeping personal relations and helping his subordinates. In field he was very tough and bang field staff as well as officers but after inspection we had always beer Lunch. He used to like officers who prefer to stay in Forest. We had and many of us had a close family relation. All of us know his contribution for Rajasthan Forest. May God rest his soul in peace ....Rajendra Bhandari, IFS (R)
A very sad news. Shri Bharat Singh ji was a great person who guided us in our personal lives as well as in professional careers by setting examples. Whatever may be the weather his field inspections were probing and full of valuable instructions. He was a charming personality. very simple and freely mixing. Every year he would organise a number of family get together, goots, or picnicks of officers. Children of officers enjoyed these the most. His passing away is a great loss to each one of us. We pray for eternal peace for the great soul.....Vishnu Sharma, IFS (R)

The forest fraternity is shocked to hear the sudden demise of our beloved fatherly forestry stalwart Sh Bharat Singh ji. All the members of Senior Forest Club Jaipur are shocked and praying almighty god to grant eternal peace to the pious soul. On behalf of members I am sending a condolence letter....Tejvir Singh, IFS (R)
Very sad to know about death of Shri Bharat Singh saheb.His enormous contributions to Rajasthan Forest Department will be remembered for all times to come.May God give eternal peace to departed soul and strength and courage to all his family members ito bear the loss.....V.S.Rathore, IFS (R)
Deeply saddened to learn about sudden demise of Respected Shri Bharat Singhji - an outstanding forester, great visionary, able administrator, leader and above all a great human being. My heartiest condolences to his daughter and other family members. May his noble soul rest in eternal peace.....L K Sharma, IFS (R)
It is a sad news. Respected Bharat Singhji shall ever be remembered in the department for his outstanding services for such a long period of time. He led a glorious life ,any body can be proud of which. We pray the almighty to grant power to absorb this grief ,to his bereaved family and friends. With high regards, ....Sunayan & Smt Renu Sharma
Extremely shocked to know about the demise of Bharat Singh Ji. His stature was always taller than the Forest Secretary. I am witness to this in many meetings which I attended with him. He laid the foundation of State Trading-a very successful wing of FD. We could have had Forest Development Corporation (RVVN) also, had he continued for few more months after October,1988, when he superannuated. He was indeed one of the most respected forest officers. He was hard task master yet very soft & kind. Following lines wholly fit for Late Bhara Singh Ji: हजारों साल नरगिस अपनी बेनूरी पे रोती है, बड़ी मुश्किल से होता है चमन में दीदावर पैदा। Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May his noble soul RIP.....Shafaat Husain
Shri Bharat Singh was among our instructors. He was mostly busy in research works also sitting in main building of FRI. He almost regularly coming on our PLAY GROUND at Tennis court and take me to Squash hall and would play 3 to 4 games of Squash. It so happened that after few months his younger brother Shri Laxman Singh also came in FRI . He too was very fond of SQUASH. I played Squash with both brothers. (Since I was Captain of Squash ) I had that privilege. I remained in his contact while serving in Gwalior Circle. I have great respect for Bharat Singh Sahib and feel very sorry on his demise. He was a great Sportsman Forest Officer and Very Kind SOUL. I pray for Eternal Peace for his GREAT SOUL.....K.K.Goswami, IFS (R), M.P.
Yesterday 16 .5 21 we lost Mr Bharat Singh ji a stalwart in forest fraternity .Mr Singh was born in 1930 in a village in Bharatpur dist of Rajasthan. He did his graduation in Ag. from Agra university and post graduation from Kanpur university in Ag.He passed out from Indian Forest college D Dun in 1953 with honours.He was faculty member in IFC from 1962 -1969 .In 1970 he launched the State Trading and Departmental Working scheme to replace contract system.He was the pioneer of Social Forestry Project in the State.He also served as Managing Director Andaman forest corporation .He was very hard in the field and the same time he was very kind and supportive to the fellow officers and subordinate staff. He retired on 31.10.1988 as first Principle chief conservator of forests Rajasthan . We pray almighty god to grant eternal peace to the noble soul and strength to his daughter and son in law to bear this great lose..... Tejvir Singh and Bhanwar Beniwal on Facebook.
भरतसिंह जी के देहांत का समाचार सुनकर दुख हुआ और भारी धक्का लगा. ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करें और परिवार को यह दुख सहन करने की शक्ति प्राप्त हो. उनका स्वास्थ्य बहुत अच्छा था और हमेशा हंसमुख रहते थे. किसी ने यह कल्पना भी नहीं की थी कि वह अचानक इतनी जल्दी चले जायेंगे. पिछले कुछ समय से वे अपनी पुत्री रेणु सोलंकी के पास रहने के लिए जयपुर से भोपाल चले गए थे. जन्म और मृत्यु ऐसी चीजें हैं जिन पर मनुष्य का अपना वश नहीं है. उनके विषय में तो जब जो कुछ हो जाए उसे विवश होकर सहन ही करना पड़ता है. राजस्थान के वरिष्ठ वन अधिकारीगण परिवार के लिए तो उनकी मृत्यु का आघात विशेष रूप से भारी होगा क्योंकि उनके रहते तो उनका तो साया ही काफी होता था. अपने मधुर तथा उपकारी स्वभाव के कारण वे सभी जगह अत्यंत लोकप्रिय थे. जो भी लोग उन्हें जानते थे उन सभी को उनका अभाव बहुत अखरेगा.
मेरा आईएफ़एस का कैडर मध्य प्रदेश होने के कारण भरत सिंह जी से सीधा कभी संपर्क नहीं रहा परंतु मध्यप्रदेश में उनके समधि श्री एम एस सोलंकी साहब मेरे मार्गदर्शक के रुप में रहे हैं. उनके माध्यम से आपके बारे में हमेशा मुझे जानकारी मिलती रहती थी. एक बार मुझे कोई व्यक्तिगत काम था राजस्थान के वन विभाग में, तब मैं श्री सोलंकी जी से उनके नाम एक सिफ़ारसी-पत्र लिखा कर लाया था और आपसे मिला था. आपने बहुत ही सुलझे हुये अभिभावक की तरह मिलने पर सलाह मशविरा दिया और वह काम भी किया. मैं तब उनके व्यक्तित्व से बहुत प्रभावित हुआ. बाद में तो मेरी दो पुत्रियों की शादी में उनको आमंत्रित किया और वे सपत्नीक दोनों शादियों में आए भी थे. उनका व्यक्तित्व निश्चय ही बहुत प्रभावी था और किसी भी मिलने वाले पर असर डालता था. मेरी बड़ी बेटी सुनीता के विवाह दिनांक 16 नवंबर 2002 का निमंत्रण देने जब बजाज मार्ग स्थित उनके निवास पर गया तब उनके गेट पर उसी समय काला पेंट हुआ था. मैंने गेट खोला तो मेरे दोनों हाथ काले हो गए. आपने स्वयं मेरे हाथ साफ करवाए और फिर बैठाकर चाय पिलाई और शादी पर आने का भरोसा भी दिलाया. तभी से मैं उनका बहुत प्रशंसक रहा हूं. इसलिए उनके देहांत का सुनकर मुझे वास्तव में धक्का लगा.
भरतसिंह जी कितने लोकप्रिय थे इस बात का अंदाजा भारतीय वन सेवा के व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप में उनको मिले संवेदना संदेशों से होता है. राजस्थान में तो अनेकों संवेदना संदेश प्राप्त हुए ही हैं. मैंने मध्य प्रदेश के सेवानिवृत्त अधिकारियों के ग्रुप में भी जब यह जानकारी दी तो सैकड़ों अधिकारियों ने उनको संवेदना संदेश प्रकट कर सम्मान दिया जो राज्य से बाहर उनकी लोकप्रियता की निशानी है. फेसबुक पर मैंने अंडमान भ्रमण के संबंध में पोस्ट दी थी उसमें मैंने उनका भी उल्लेख किया था. जब हम भ्रमण पर गए थे तो अंडमान में भी लोग उनके कार्यों को बहुत याद करते थे. राजस्थान में उनके द्वारा किए गए कार्य तो अविस्मरणीय हैं ही.
उनके घर और परिवार के लोगों को साहस और धैर्य से परिवार के नेतृत्व के दायित्व को संभालना है. भगवान उनके परिवारजनों को इसके लिए मानसिक बल दे. उनका अपना सारा जीवन ही इतने सरल और साधु ढंग से बीता था कि इसमें संदेह ही नहीं कि परलोक में उनकी सद्गति होगी फिर भी परमात्मा से प्रार्थना है कि उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करें..... लक्ष्मण बुरड़क आईएफ़एस (से.नि.) जयपुर
External links
Bharat Singh (Courtesy: Daughter Renu Solanki)
Bharat Singh at his favourite place.....Ashok Park, Jaipur (Courtesy: Renu Solanki)
Bharat Singh with Renu's father-in-law (MS Solanki)....his friend.....batch-mate.....samadhi....2018
Bharat Singh with MS Solanki (Courtesy: Daughter Renu Solanki)
Bharat Singh at Central park, Jaipur
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