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Adwal (अडवाल) Arwal (अड़वाल)/(अरवाल)[1][2] gotra Jats live in Jaipur district in Rajasthan. Arwal Jat clan is found in Pakistan.[3]


Jat Gotras Namesake


H.A. Rose[5]tells us that Arwal, a Jat tribe, found in the Sangarh tahsil of Dera Ghazi Khan District. Like the Manjothas and Sanghis it follows the Baloch customs in all matters connected with marriage, etc., thus differing from nearly all the other Jat tribes of that tahsil. Also found in Multan, where it is classed as agricultural.

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Jaipur district

Watika (1)

Distribution in Pakistan

Arwal Gotra Jats are found in Dera Ghazi Khan district in Pakistan. [6],[7]

Notable persons

External links


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