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Yoginipura (योगिनीपुर) was earlier name of Delhi and even in the pre-Muslim period it was known by this name to Jains.


Jat Gotras


The King Madanapala of Delhi (Yoginipura) gave a cordial reception to Kharatara Saint Jina Chandra II in V.S. 1222. It mentions Parshvanatha temple of the town, which existed in 12th century. Jains played an important role in the religious affairs of Delhi at that time. Prabandhakosha of Rajashekhara was written at this place in 1347 AD. A temple of Mahavira was built in Delhi around 1328 AD. during the rule of Muhammad Bin Tughluq, It was known as Bhattaraka Sarai. [1]

The Agrawal merchant Nattal Sahu, and the Agrawal Poet Vibudh Shridhar lived here during the rule of Tomara Anangapal of Yoginipur (now Mehrauli, near Delhi).[2] Vibudh Shridhar wrote Pasanahacariu in 1132 AD, which includes a historical account of Yoginipur (early Delhi near Mehrauli) then.

An inscription was discovered at Batiagadh in Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh of the year V.S 1385 = 1328 AD which records Muslims as Sakas. It mentions Muhammad Tuglak. It tells us that Delhi was also known by the name Yoginipura.[3]

Batihagarh stone Inscription of the Vikrama Year 1385 (1328 AD)

(Deposited in the Nagpur Museum?)

Batihagarh is a village 21 miles north-west of Damoh. The inscription refers itself to Jallala Khoja, a local Muhammadan Governor at Batihadim (the present Batihagarh). It states that Jallala was the representative of Hisamuddin, son of Julachi, who was appointed Commander of the Kharapara armies and Governor of Chedi country by Sultan Mahmud of Yoginipura or Delhi. This Mahmud must be Nasiruddin Mahmud of the Slave dynasty who reigned between 1246 and 1266 A. D. It was in 1251 that he conquered Chanderi and Malava and appointed a Governor there.1 The mention of Kharapara armies gives importance to this record. They are apparently identical with the Kharaparikas of Samudragupta's inscription on the Allahabad pillar. They must have been a powerful tribe to deserve mention by that great Emperor in the 4th Century A.D. The record is dated in the Vikrama year corresponding to 1328 A.D.

1. Briggs' Firishtā, Volume I, page 232, and Tabakāt-i-Nasīri as quoted in Dowden's Elliott, Volume VI, page 351, and Cunningham's archaeological Reports, Volume II. page 402,

Source- (Epigraphia Indica, Volume XII, page 44 ff.), Hira Lal:Descriptive lists of inscriptions in the Central provinces and Berar, p.50


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[4] ने लेख किया है .....बटियागढ़, जिला दमोह, म.प्र., (AS, p.602): मध्य प्रदेश का एक ऐतिहासिक स्थान है। इस स्थान पर विक्रम संवत 1385 ई. (=1328 ई.) का एक अभिलेख प्राप्त हुआ था (एपिग्राफिका इंडिया-12,42) जिसके बारे में विशेष बात यह है कि इसमें मुस्लिमों को शक कहा गया है। इस स्थान से प्राप्त अभिलेख में मुहम्मद तुग़लक़ का उल्लेख है। मुहम्मद तुग़लक़ के समय में सुल्तान की ओर से जुलचीख़ाँ नामक सूबेदार चंदेरी में नियुक्त था और सूवेदार का नायक बटियागढ़ में रहता था। उस समय इस नगर को बटिहाड़िम या बड़िहारिन कहते थे। प्राप्त अभिलेख में दिल्ली का एक नाम 'जोगिनीपुर' भी दिया हुआ है। एक दूसरा शिलालेख विक्रम संवत 1381 (=1324 ई.) का यहाँ के प्राचीन महल के खंडहरों में मिला है, जिसमें गयासुद्दीन तुगलक का उल्लेख है, जिसके सूबेदार ने इस महल को बनवाया था।

Notable persons

External links


  1. Encyclopaedia of Jainism, Volume-1 By Indo-European Jain Research Foundation p.5549
  2. An Early Attestation of the Toponym Ḍhillī, by Richard J. Cohen, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1989, p. 513-519
  3. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.602
  4. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.602

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