Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 23

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Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 23: English

Section 32

"Sanjaya said, 'Thy son then, O monarch, humbly approaching that mighty car-warrior, viz., the ruler of the Madras, addressed him, from affection, in these words, "O thou of true vows, O thou of great good fortune, O enhancer of the sorrows of foes, O ruler of the Madras, O hero in battle, O thou that inspirest hostile troops with fear, thou hast heard, O foremost of speakers, how, for the sake of Karna who spoke unto me, I myself am desirous of soliciting thee among all these lions of kings. O thou of incomparable prowess, O king of the Madras, for the destruction of the foe, I solicit thee today, with humility and bow of the head. Therefore, for the destruction of Partha and for my good, it behoveth thee, O foremost of car-warriors, to accept, from love, the office of charioteer. With thee for his driver, the son of Radha will subjugate my foes. There is none else for holding the reins of Karna's steeds, except thee, O thou of great good fortune, thou that art the equal of Vasudeva in battle. Protect Karna then by every means like Brahma protecting Maheswara. Even as he of Vrishni's race protects by every means the son of Pandu in all dangers, do thou, O chief of the Madras, protect the son of Radha today. Bhishma, and Drona, and Kripa, and thyself and the valiant ruler of the Bhojas, and Shakuni the son of Subala, and Drona's son and myself, constituted the chief strength of our army. Even thus, O lord of Earth, we had divided amongst ourselves the hostile army into portion for the share of each. The share that had been allotted to Bhishma is now no more as also that which had been allotted to the high-souled Drona. Going even beyond their allotted shares, those two slew my foes. Those two tigers among men, however, were old, and both of them have been slain deceitfully. Having achieved the most difficult feats, both of them, O sinless one, have departed hence to heaven. Similarly, many other tigers among men, of our army, slain by foes in battle, have ascended to heaven, casting off their lives and having made great exertions to the best of their powers. This my host, therefore, O king, the greater portion of which has been slaughtered, has been reduced to this state by the Parthas who were at first fewer than us. What should be done for the present? Do that now, O lord of Earth, by which the mighty and the high-souled sons of Kunti, of prowess incapable of being baffled, may be prevented from exterminating the remnant of my host. O lord, the Pandavas have in battle slain the bravest warriors of this my force. The mighty-armed Karna alone is devoted to our good, as also thyself, O tiger among men, that art the foremost of car-warriors in the whole world. O Shalya, Karna wishes to contend in battle today with Arjuna. On him, O ruler of the Madras, my hopes of victory are great. There is none else in the world (save thee) that can make so good a holder of the reins for Karna. As Krishna is the foremost of all holders of reins for Partha in battle, even so, O king, be thou the foremost of all holders of reins for Karna's car. Accompanied and protected, O sire, by him in battle, the feats that Partha achieve are all before thee. Formerly, Arjuna had never slain his foes in battle in such a way. Now however, his prowess has become great, united as he is with Krishna. Day after day, O ruler of the Madras, this vast Dhritarashtra force is seen to be routed by Partha because he is united with Krishna. A portion remains of the share allotted to Karna and thyself, O thou of great splendour. Bear that share with Karna, and destroy it unitedly in battle. Even as Surya, uniting with Aruna, destroys the darkness, do thou, uniting with Karna, slay Partha in battle. Let the mighty car-warriors (of the enemy), fly away, beholding in battle those two warriors endued with the effulgence of the morning sun, viz., Karna and Shalya, resembling two Suns risen above the horizon. Even as darkness is destroyed, O sire, at the sight of Surya and Aruna, even so let the Kaunteyas (Pandavas) with the Panchalas and the Srinjayas perish beholding thee and Karna. Karna is the foremost of car-warriors, and thou art the foremost of drivers. In the clash of battle, again there is none equal to thee. As he of Vrishni's race protects the son of Pandu under all circumstances, even so let thyself protect Vikarna's son Karna in battle. With thee as his driver, Karna will become invincible, O king, in battle even with the gods having Sakra at their head! What then need be said about the Pandavas? Do not doubt my words.'"

"Sanjaya continued, 'Hearing these words of Duryodhana, Shalya, became filled with rage. Contracting his brow into three lines, and waving his arms repeatedly, and rolling his large eyes red in wrath, that warrior of massive arms proud of his lineage and wealth and knowledge and strength, said these words:

"'Shalya said "Thou insultest me, O son of Gandhari, or without doubt suspectest me, since thou solicitest me, without hesitation, saying, 'Act thou as a driver.' Regarding Karna to be superior to ourselves, thou applaudest him thus. I, however, do not regard the son of Radha as my equal in battle. Assign to me a much greater share, O lord of Earth. Destroying that in battle, I will return to the place I come from. Or, if thou wishest, I will, O delighter of the Kurus, contend, single-handed, with the enemy. While engaged in consuming the foe, behold thou my prowess today. Brooding upon an insult, O thou of Kuru's race, a person like ourselves never engageth in my task. Do not have thy doubts about me. Never shouldst thou humiliate me in battle. Behold these two massive arms of mine, strong as the thunder. Behold also my excellent bow, and these shafts that resemble snakes of virulent poison. Behold my car, unto which are yoked excellent steeds endued with the speed of the wind. Behold also, O son of Gandhari, my mace decked with gold and twined with hempen chords. Filled with wrath, I can split the very Earth, scatter the mountains, and dry up the oceans, with my own energy, O king. Knowing me, O monarch, to be so capable, of afflicting the foe, why dost thou appoint me to the office of driver in battle for such a low-born person as Adhiratha's son? It behoveth thee not, O king of kings, to set me to such mean tasks! Being so superior, I cannot make up my mind to obey the commands of a sinful person. He that causeth a superior person arrived of his own will and obedient from love, to yield to a sinful wight, certainly incurreth the sin of confusing the superior with the inferior. Brahman created the brahmanas from his mouth, and the kshatriyas from his arms. He created the Vaishyas from his thighs and the Shudras from his feet. In consequence of the intermixture of those four orders, O Bharata, from those four have sprung particular classes, viz., those born of men of superior classes wedding women of classes inferior to themselves, and vice versa. The kshatriyas have been described to be protectors (of the other classes) acquirers of wealth and givers of the same. The brahmanas have been established on the Earth for the sake of favouring its people by assisting at sacrifices, by teaching and acceptance of pure gifts. Agriculture and tending of cattle and gift are the occupations of the Vaishyas according to the scriptures. Shudras have been ordained to be the servants of the brahmanas, the kshatriyas, and the vaishyas. Similarly, the Sutas are the servants of kshatriyas, and not latter the servants of the former. Listen to these my words, O sinless one. As regards myself, I am one whose coronal locks have undergone the sacred bath. I am born in a race of royal sages. I am reckoned a great car-warrior. I deserve the worship and the praises that bards and eulogists render and sing. Being all this, O slayer of hostile troops, I cannot go to the extent of acting as the driver of the Suta's son in battle. I will never fight, undergoing an act of humiliation. I ask thy permission, O son of Gandhari, for returning home."

"Sanjaya continued, 'Having said these words that tiger among men and ornament of assemblies, viz., Shalya, filled with rage stood up quickly and endeavoured to get away from that concourse of kings. Thy son, however, from affection and great regard, held the king, and addressed him in these sweet and conciliatory words, that were capable of accomplishing every object, "Without doubt, O Shalya, it is even so as thou hast said. But I have a certain purpose in view. Listen to it, O ruler of men, Karna is not superior to thee, nor do I suspect thee, O king. The royal chief of the Madras will never do that which is false. Those foremost of men that were thy ancestors always told the truth. I think it is for this that thou art called Artayani (the descendant of those that had truth for their refuge). And since, O giver of honours, thou art like a barbed arrow to thy foes, therefore art thou called by the name of Shalya on earth. O thou that makest large present (to brahmanas) at sacrifices, do thou accomplish all that which, O virtuous one, thou hadst previously said thou wouldst accomplish. Neither the son of Radha nor myself am superior to thee in valour that I would select thee as the driver of those foremost of steeds (that are yoked unto Karna's car). As, however, O sire, Karna is superior to Dhananjaya in regard to many qualities, even so doth the world regard thee to be superior to Vasudeva. Karna is certainly superior to Partha in the matter of weapons, O bull among men. Thou too art superior to Krishna in knowledge of steeds and might. Without doubt O ruler of the Madras, thy knowledge of horse is double that which the high-souled Vasudeva hath."

"'Shalya said, "Since, O son of Gandhari, thou describest me, O thou of Kuru's race, in the midst of all these troops, to be superior to Devaki's son, I am gratified with thee. I will become the driver of Radha's son of great fame while he will be engaged in battle with the foremost one of Pandu's sons, as thou solicitest me. Let this, however, O hero, be my understanding with Vikartana's son that I will in his presence utter whatever speeches I desire.'"

"Sanjaya continued, 'O king, thy son, with Karna then, O Bharata, answered the prince of the Madras, O best of Bharata's race, saying, "So be it."'"

Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 23: Sanskrit

 1  [स]
     पुत्रस तव महाराज मथ्रराजम इथं वचः
     विनयेनॊपसंगम्य परणयाथ वाक्यम अब्रवीत
 2 सत्यव्रत महाभाग थविषताम अघवर्धन
     मथ्रेश्वर रणे शूर परसैन्यभयंकर
 3 शरुतवान असि कर्णस्य बरुवतॊ वथतां वर
     यदा नृपतिसिंहानां मध्ये तवां वरयत्य अयम
 4 तस्मात पार्द विनाशार्दं हितार्दं मम चैव हि
     सारद्यं रदिनां शरेष्ठ सुमनाः कर्तुम अर्हसि
 5 अस्याभीशु गरहॊ लॊके नान्यॊ ऽसति भवता समः
     स पातु सर्वतः कर्णं भवान बरह्मेव शंकरम
 6 पार्दस्य सचिवः कृष्णॊ यदाभीशु गरहॊ वरः
     तदा तवम अपि राधेयं सर्वतः परिपालय
 7 भीष्मॊ थरॊणः कृपः कर्णॊ भवान भॊजश च वीर्यवान
     शकुनिः सौबलॊ थरौणिर अहम एव च नॊ बलम
     एषाम एव कृतॊ भागॊ नवधा पृतना पते
 8 नैव भागॊ ऽतर भीष्मस्य थरॊणस्य च महात्मनः
     ताभ्याम अतीत्य तौ भागौ निहता मम शत्रवः
 9 वृथ्धौ हि तौ नरव्याघ्रौ छलेन निहतौ च तौ
     कृत्वा नसुकरं कर्म गतौ सवर्गम इतॊ ऽनघ
 10 तदान्ये पुरुषव्याघ्राः परैर विनिहता युधि
    अस्मथीयाश च बहवः सवर्गायॊपगता रणे
    तयक्त्वा पराणान यदाशक्ति चेष्टाः कृत्वा च पुष्कलाः
11 कर्णॊ हय एकॊ महाबाहुर अस्मत्प्रियहिते रतः
    भवांश च पुरुषव्याघ्र सर्वलॊकमहारदः
    तस्मिञ जयाशा विपुला मम मथ्रजनाधिप
12 पार्दस्य समरे कृष्णॊ यदाभीशु वरग्रहः
    तेन युक्तॊ रणे पार्दॊ रक्ष्यमाणश च पार्दिव
    यानि कर्माणि कुरुते परत्यक्षाणि तदैव ते
13 पूर्वं न समरे हय एवम अवधीथ अर्जुनॊ रिपून
    अहन्य अहनि मथ्रेश थरावयन थृश्यते युधि
14 भागॊ ऽवशिष्टः कर्णस्य तव चैव महाथ्युते
    तं भागं सह कर्णेन युगपन नाशयाहवे
15 सूर्यारुणौ यदाथृष्ट्वा तमॊ नश्यति मारिष
    तदा नश्यन्तु कौन्तेयाः सपाञ्चालाः ससृञ्जयाः
16 रदानां परवरः कर्णॊ यन्तॄणां परवरॊ भवान
    संनिपातः समॊ लॊके भवतॊर नास्ति कश चन
17 यदा सर्वास्व अवस्दासु वार्ष्णेयः पाति पाण्डवम
    तदा भवान परित्रातु कर्णं वैकर्तनं रणे
18 तवया सारदिना हय एष अप्रधृष्यॊ भविष्यति
    थेवतानाम अपि रणे सशक्राणां महीपते
    किं पुनः पाण्डवेयानां मातिशङ्कीर वचॊ मम
19 थुर्यॊधन वचः शरुत्वा शल्यः करॊधसमन्वितः
    तरिशिखां भरुकुटीं कृत्वा धुन्वन हस्तौ पुनः पुनः
20 करॊधरक्ते महानेत्रे परिवर्त्य महाभुजः
    कुलैश्वर्यश्रुतिबलैर थृप्तः शल्यॊ ऽबरवीथ इथम
21 अवमन्यसे मां गान्धारे धरुवं मां परिशङ्कसे
    यन मां बरवीषि विस्रब्धं सारद्यं करियताम इति
22 अस्मत्तॊ ऽभयधिकं कर्णं मन्यमानः परशंससि
    न चाहं युधि राधेयं गणये तुल्यम आत्मना
23 आथिश्यताम अभ्यधिकॊ ममांशः पृदिवीपते
    तम अहं समरे हत्वा गमिष्यामि यदागतम
24 अद वाप्य एक एवाहं यॊत्स्यामि कुरुनन्थन
    पश्य वीर्यं ममाथ्य तवं संग्रामे थहतॊ रिपून
25 न चाभिकामान कौरव्य विधाय हृथये पुमान
    अस्मथ्विधः परवर्तेत मा मा तवम अतिशङ्किदाः
26 युधि चाप्य अवमानॊ मे न कर्तव्यः कदं चन
    पश्य हीमौ मम भुजौ वज्रसंहननॊपमौ
27 धनुः पश्य च मे चित्रं शरांश चाशीविषॊपमान
    रदं पश्य च मे कॢप्तं सथश्वैर वातवेगितैः
    गथां च पश्य गान्धारे हेमपट्ट विभूषिताम
28 थारयेयं महीं करुथ्धॊ विकिरेयं च पर्वतान
    शॊषयेयं समुथ्रांश च तेजसा सवेन पार्दिव
29 तन माम एवंविधं जानन समर्दम अरिनिग्रहे
    कस्माथ युनक्षि सारद्ये नयूनस्याधिरदेर नृप
30 न नाम धुरि राजेन्थ्र परयॊक्तुं तवम इहार्हसि
    न हि पापीयसः शरेयान भूत्वा परेष्यत्वम उत्सहे
31 यॊ हय अभ्युपगतं परीत्या गरीयांसं वशे सदितम
    वशे पापीयसॊ धत्ते तत पापम अधरॊत्तरम
32 बराह्मणा बरह्मणा सृष्टा मुखात कषत्रम अदॊरसः
    ऊरुभ्याम असृजथ वैश्याञ शूथ्रान पथ्भ्याम इति शरुतिः
    तेभ्यॊ वर्णविशेषाश च परतिलॊमानुलॊमजाः
33 अदान्यॊन्यस्य संयॊगाच चातुर्वर्ण्यस्य भारत
    गॊप्तारः संग्रहीतारौ थातारः कषत्रियाः समृताः
34 याजनाध्यापनैर विप्रा विशुथ्धैश च परतिग्रहैः
    लॊकस्यानुग्रहार्दाय सदापिता बरह्मणा भुवि
35 कृषिश च पाशुपाल्यंविशां थानं च सर्वशः
    बरह्मक्षत्रविशां शूथ्रा विहिताः परिचारकाः
36 बरह्मक्षत्रस्य विहितः सूता वै परिचारकाः
    न विट शूथ्रस्य तत्रैव शृणु वाक्यं ममानघ
37 सॊ ऽहं मूर्धावसिक्तः सन राजर्षिकुलसंभवः
    महारदः समाख्यातः सेव्यः सतव्यश च बन्थिनाम
38 सॊ ऽहम एताथृशॊ भूत्वा नेहारि कुलमर्थन
    सूतपुत्रस्य संग्रामे सारद्यं कर्तुम उत्सहे
39 अवमानम अहं पराप्य न यॊत्स्यामि कदं चन
    आपृच्छ्य तवाथ्य गान्धारे गमिष्यामि यदागतम
40 एवम उक्त्वा नरव्याघ्रः शल्यः समितिशॊभनः
    उत्दाय परययौ तूर्णं राजमध्याथ अमर्षितः
41 परणयाथ बहुमानाच च तं निगृह्य सुतस तव
    अब्रवीन मधुरं वाक्यं साम सर्वार्दसाधकम
42 यदा शल्य तवम आत्देथम एवम एतथ असंशयम
    अभिप्रायस तु मे कश चित तं निबॊध जनेश्वर
43 न कर्णॊ ऽभयधिकस तवत्तः शङ्के नैव कदं चन
    न हि मथ्रेश्वरॊ राजा कुर्याथ यथ अनृतं भवेत
44 ऋतम एव हि पूर्वास ते वहन्ति पुरुषॊत्तमाः
    तस्माथ आर्तायनिः परॊक्तॊ भवान इति मतिर मम
45 शल्य भूतश च शत्रूणां यस्मात तवं भुवि मानथ
    तस्माच छल्येति ते नाम कद्यते पृदिवीपते
46 यथ एव वयाहृतं पूर्वं भवता भूरिथक्षिण
    तथ एव कुरु धर्मज्ञ मथर्दं यथ यथ उच्यसे
47 न च तवत्तॊ हि राधेयॊ न चाहम अपि वीर्यवान
    वृणीमस तवां हयाग्र्याणां यन्तारम इति संयुगे
48 यदा हय अभ्यधिकं कर्णं गुणैस तात धनंजयात
    वासुथेवाथ अपि तवां च लॊकॊ ऽयम इति मन्यते
49 कर्णॊ हय अभ्यधिकः पार्दाथ अस्त्रैर एव नरर्षभ
    भवान अप्य अधिकः कृष्णाथ अश्वयाने बले तदा
50 यदाश्वहृथयं वेथ वासुथेवॊ महामनाः
    थविगुणं तवं तदा वेत्द मथ्रराज न संशयः
51 [ष]
    यन मा बरवीषिगान्धारे मध्ये सैन्यस्य कौरव
    विशिष्टं थेवकीपुत्रात परीतिमान अस्म्य अहं तवयि
52 एष सारद्यम आतिष्ठे राधेयस्य यशस्विनः
    युध्यतः पाण्डवाग्र्येण यदा तवं वीर मन्यसे
53 समयश च हि मे वीर कश चिथ वैकर्तनं परति
    उत्सृजेयं यदाश्रथ्धम अहं वाचॊ ऽसय संनिधौ
54 [स]
    तदेति राजन पुत्रस ते सह कर्णेन भारत
    अब्रवीन मथ्रराजस्य सुतं भरतसत्तम

Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 23: Transliteration

 1  [s]
     putras tava mahārāja madrarājam idaṃ vacaḥ
     vinayenopasaṃgamya praṇayād vākyam abravīt
 2 satyavrata mahābhāga dviṣatām aghavardhana
     madreśvara raṇe śūra parasainyabhayaṃkara
 3 śrutavān asi karṇasya bruvato vadatāṃ vara
     yathā nṛpatisiṃhānāṃ madhye tvāṃ varayaty ayam
 4 tasmāt pārtha vināśārthaṃ hitārthaṃ mama caiva hi
     sārathyaṃ rathināṃ śreṣṭha sumanāḥ kartum arhasi
 5 asyābhīśu graho loke nānyo 'sti bhavatā samaḥ
     sa pātu sarvataḥ karṇaṃ bhavān brahmeva śaṃkaram
 6 pārthasya sacivaḥ kṛṣṇo yathābhīśu graho varaḥ
     tathā tvam api rādheyaṃ sarvataḥ paripālaya
 7 bhīṣmo droṇaḥ kṛpaḥ karṇo bhavān bhojaś ca vīryavān
     śakuniḥ saubalo drauṇir aham eva ca no balam
     eṣām eva kṛto bhāgo navadhā pṛtanā pate
 8 naiva bhāgo 'tra bhīṣmasya droṇasya ca mahātmanaḥ
     tābhyām atītya tau bhāgau nihatā mama śatravaḥ
 9 vṛddhau hi tau naravyāghrau chalena nihatau ca tau
     kṛtvā nasukaraṃ karma gatau svargam ito 'nagha
 10 tathānye puruṣavyāghrāḥ parair vinihatā yudhi
    asmadīyāś ca bahavaḥ svargāyopagatā raṇe
    tyaktvā prāṇān yathāśakti ceṣṭāḥ kṛtvā ca puṣkalāḥ
11 karṇo hy eko mahābāhur asmatpriyahite rataḥ
    bhavāṃś ca puruṣavyāghra sarvalokamahārathaḥ
    tasmiñ jayāśā vipulā mama madrajanādhipa
12 pārthasya samare kṛṣṇo yathābhīśu varagrahaḥ
    tena yukto raṇe pārtho rakṣyamāṇaś ca pārthiva
    yāni karmāṇi kurute pratyakṣāṇi tathaiva te
13 pūrvaṃ na samare hy evam avadhīd arjuno ripūn
    ahany ahani madreśa drāvayan dṛśyate yudhi
14 bhāgo 'vaśiṣṭaḥ karṇasya tava caiva mahādyute
    taṃ bhāgaṃ saha karṇena yugapan nāśayāhave
15 sūryāruṇau yathādṛṣṭvā tamo naśyati māriṣa
    tathā naśyantu kaunteyāḥ sapāñcālāḥ sasṛñjayāḥ
16 rathānāṃ pravaraḥ karṇo yantṝṇāṃ pravaro bhavān
    saṃnipātaḥ samo loke bhavator nāsti kaś cana
17 yathā sarvāsv avasthāsu vārṣṇeyaḥ pāti pāṇḍavam
    tathā bhavān paritrātu karṇaṃ vaikartanaṃ raṇe
18 tvayā sārathinā hy eṣa apradhṛṣyo bhaviṣyati
    devatānām api raṇe saśakrāṇāṃ mahīpate
    kiṃ punaḥ pāṇḍaveyānāṃ mātiśaṅkīr vaco mama
19 duryodhana vacaḥ śrutvā śalyaḥ krodhasamanvitaḥ
    triśikhāṃ bhrukuṭīṃ kṛtvā dhunvan hastau punaḥ punaḥ
20 krodharakte mahānetre parivartya mahābhujaḥ
    kulaiśvaryaśrutibalair dṛptaḥ śalyo 'bravīd idam
21 avamanyase māṃ gāndhāre dhruvaṃ māṃ pariśaṅkase
    yan māṃ bravīṣi visrabdhaṃ sārathyaṃ kriyatām iti
22 asmatto 'bhyadhikaṃ karṇaṃ manyamānaḥ praśaṃsasi
    na cāhaṃ yudhi rādheyaṃ gaṇaye tulyam ātmanā
23 ādiśyatām abhyadhiko mamāṃśaḥ pṛthivīpate
    tam ahaṃ samare hatvā gamiṣyāmi yathāgatam
24 atha vāpy eka evāhaṃ yotsyāmi kurunandana
    paśya vīryaṃ mamādya tvaṃ saṃgrāme dahato ripūn
25 na cābhikāmān kauravya vidhāya hṛdaye pumān
    asmadvidhaḥ pravarteta mā mā tvam atiśaṅkithāḥ
26 yudhi cāpy avamāno me na kartavyaḥ kathaṃ cana
    paśya hīmau mama bhujau vajrasaṃhananopamau
27 dhanuḥ paśya ca me citraṃ śarāṃś cāśīviṣopamān
    rathaṃ paśya ca me kḷptaṃ sadaśvair vātavegitaiḥ
    gadāṃ ca paśya gāndhāre hemapaṭṭa vibhūṣitām
28 dārayeyaṃ mahīṃ kruddho vikireyaṃ ca parvatān
    śoṣayeyaṃ samudrāṃś ca tejasā svena pārthiva
29 tan mām evaṃvidhaṃ jānan samartham arinigrahe
    kasmād yunakṣi sārathye nyūnasyādhirather nṛpa
30 na nāma dhuri rājendra prayoktuṃ tvam ihārhasi
    na hi pāpīyasaḥ śreyān bhūtvā preṣyatvam utsahe
31 yo hy abhyupagataṃ prītyā garīyāṃsaṃ vaśe sthitam
    vaśe pāpīyaso dhatte tat pāpam adharottaram
32 brāhmaṇā brahmaṇā sṛṣṭā mukhāt kṣatram athorasaḥ
    ūrubhyām asṛjad vaiśyāñ śūdrān padbhyām iti śrutiḥ
    tebhyo varṇaviśeṣāś ca pratilomānulomajāḥ
33 athānyonyasya saṃyogāc cāturvarṇyasya bhārata
    goptāraḥ saṃgrahītārau dātāraḥ kṣatriyāḥ smṛtāḥ
34 yājanādhyāpanair viprā viśuddhaiś ca pratigrahaiḥ
    lokasyānugrahārthāya sthāpitā brahmaṇā bhuvi
35 kṛṣiś ca pāśupālyaṃ ca viśāṃ dānaṃ ca sarvaśaḥ
    brahmakṣatraviśāṃ śūdrā vihitāḥ paricārakāḥ
36 brahmakṣatrasya vihitaḥ sūtā vai paricārakāḥ
    na viṭ śūdrasya tatraiva śṛṇu vākyaṃ mamānagha
37 so 'haṃ mūrdhāvasiktaḥ san rājarṣikulasaṃbhavaḥ
    mahārathaḥ samākhyātaḥ sevyaḥ stavyaś ca bandinām
38 so 'ham etādṛśo bhūtvā nehāri kulamardana
    sūtaputrasya saṃgrāme sārathyaṃ kartum utsahe
39 avamānam ahaṃ prāpya na yotsyāmi kathaṃ cana
    āpṛcchya tvādya gāndhāre gamiṣyāmi yathāgatam
40 evam uktvā naravyāghraḥ śalyaḥ samitiśobhanaḥ
    utthāya prayayau tūrṇaṃ rājamadhyād amarṣitaḥ
41 praṇayād bahumānāc ca taṃ nigṛhya sutas tava
    abravīn madhuraṃ vākyaṃ sāma sarvārthasādhakam
42 yathā śalya tvam ātthedam evam etad asaṃśayam
    abhiprāyas tu me kaś cit taṃ nibodha janeśvara
43 na karṇo 'bhyadhikas tvattaḥ śaṅke naiva kathaṃ cana
    na hi madreśvaro rājā kuryād yad anṛtaṃ bhavet
44 ṛtam eva hi pūrvās te vahanti puruṣottamāḥ
    tasmād ārtāyaniḥ prokto bhavān iti matir mama
45 śalya bhūtaś ca śatrūṇāṃ yasmāt tvaṃ bhuvi mānada
    tasmāc chalyeti te nāma kathyate pṛthivīpate
46 yad eva vyāhṛtaṃ pūrvaṃ bhavatā bhūridakṣiṇa
    tad eva kuru dharmajña madarthaṃ yad yad ucyase
47 na ca tvatto hi rādheyo na cāham api vīryavān
    vṛṇīmas tvāṃ hayāgryāṇāṃ yantāram iti saṃyuge
48 yathā hy abhyadhikaṃ karṇaṃ guṇais tāta dhanaṃjayāt
    vāsudevād api tvāṃ ca loko 'yam iti manyate
49 karṇo hy abhyadhikaḥ pārthād astrair eva nararṣabha
    bhavān apy adhikaḥ kṛṣṇād aśvayāne bale tathā
50 yathāśvahṛdayaṃ veda vāsudevo mahāmanāḥ
    dviguṇaṃ tvaṃ tathā vettha madrarāja na saṃśayaḥ
51 [ṣ]
    yan mā bravīṣi gāndhāre madhye sainyasya kaurava
    viśiṣṭaṃ devakīputrāt prītimān asmy ahaṃ tvayi
52 eṣa sārathyam ātiṣṭhe rādheyasya yaśasvinaḥ
    yudhyataḥ pāṇḍavāgryeṇa yathā tvaṃ vīra manyase
53 samayaś ca hi me vīra kaś cid vaikartanaṃ prati
    utsṛjeyaṃ yathāśraddham ahaṃ vāco 'sya saṃnidhau
54 [s]
    tatheti rājan putras te saha karṇena bhārata
    abravīn madrarājasya sutaṃ bharatasattama
