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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.)

Aruna (Hindi:अरुण, Aruṇa) literally means "red, ruddy, tawny", and is also the name of the charioteer of Surya (Sun god) in Hinduism.[1]He is the personification of the reddish glow of the rising Sun.[2]

In Buddhism & Jainism

Aruna is also found in Buddhism and Jainism literature and arts.[3] He is the older brother of the mythological bird Garuda. Aruna and Garuda are the sons of Vedic sage Kashyapa and his wife Vinata.[4] Shrines dedicated to Aruna, called Wat Arun, are found in Thailand.[5]

Aruna in Ancient literature

Another Aruna is significant in the Ramayana epic, where he takes on a female avatar, and has two sons who are turned into monkey commanders named Sugriva and Vali.[6].

In Mahabharata Surya offered Aruna and the divine chariot to his son Karna which he denied as he didn’t want to rely on others to win the war like Arjuna who always depended upon Krishna.

In the Upanishadic literature such as the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, a different sage is named Aruna whose son is also a Vedic sage named Uddalaka.[7]

The term is also used for those rishis in Hindu tradition who achieve liberation through self-study.[8]

Mention by Panini

Aruna (अरुण) is name of a Country mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi under Dhumadi (धूमादि) (4.2.127) group.[9]


Aruna is found in different, inconsistent Indian mythologies. In one, he was born prematurely and partially developed from an egg. According to this version, states George Williams[10], Kashyapa Prajapati's two wives Vinata and Kadru wanted to have children. Kashyapa granted them a boon. Kadru asked for one thousand Nāga sons, while Vinata wanted two. Kashyapa blessed them, and then went away to a forest. Later, Kadru gave birth to one thousand eggs, while Vinata gave birth to two eggs. These incubated for five hundred years, upon which Kadru broke the eggs open and out came her 1,000 sons. Vinata eager for her sons, broke one of the eggs from which emerged the partially formed Aruna.[11] From the broken egg a flash of light, Aruna, sprang forth. He was as radiant and reddish as the morning sun. But, due to the premature breaking of the egg, Aruna was not as bright as the noon sun as he was promised to be.[12] Vinata waited, and later the fully developed brother of Aruna named Garuda (vehicle of Vishnu) was born.[13]

In Mahabharata

Aruna (अरुण) is mentioned in Mahabharata : (I.24),(I.27.33,34), (I.59.39), (I.60.38,67), (VIII.8.23), (IX.44.14),

Aruna River is mentioned in Mahabharata : (III.82.133, 135), (IX.42.24,25,35)

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 27 mentions birth of Aruna and Garuda sons of Vinata. ....And Vinata also, her purpose fulfilled, was exceedingly glad. And she gave birth to two sons, Aruna and Garuda. And Aruna, of undeveloped body, became the fore-runner of the Sun. And Garuda was vested with the lordship over the birds...

एवम उक्तॊ जगामेन्द्रॊ निर्विशङ्कस तरिविष्टपम, विनता चापि सिद्धार्था बभूव मुदिता तदा (I.27.33)
जनयाम आस पुत्रौ दवाव अरुणं गरुडं तथा, अरुणस तयॊस तु विकल आदित्यस्य पुरःसरः(I.27.34)

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 59 gives the Genealogy of Danavas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Yakshas, Rakshasas. ....Progeny of the gods and the Asuras: And the sons of Vinata's sons - were Tarkhya and Arishtanemi, and Garuda and Aruna, and Aruni and Varuni....

तार्क्ष्यश चारिष्टनेमिश च तथैव गरुडारुणौ, आरुणिर वारुणिश चैव वैनतेया इति समृताः (I.59.39)

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Book I Chapter 60 mentions genealogy of all the principal creatures:

Verse (I.60.38) tells... Garuda the son of Vinata and the mighty Aruna also, and the illustrious Brihaspati are reckoned among the Adityas.

वैनतेयस तु गरुडॊ बलवान अरुणस तथा, बृहस्पतिश च भगवान आदित्येष्व एव गण्यते (I.60.38)

Verse (I.60.67) tells...And Syeni, the wife of Aruna, gave birth to two sons of great energy and strength, named Sampati and the mighty Jatayu. And Vinata had two sons Garuda and Aruna, known far and wide.

अरुणस्य भार्या शयेनी तु वीर्यवन्तौ महाबलौ, संपातिं जनयाम आस तथैव च जटायुषम, दवौ पुत्रौ विनतायास तु विख्यातौ गरुडारुणौ (I.60.67)

Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 23 ....In Mahabharataverse (VIII.23.15) Surya offered Aruna and the divine chariot to his son Karna which he denied as he didn’t want to rely on others to win the war like Arjuna who always depended upon Krishna.

सूर्यारुणौ यदाथृष्ट्वा तमॊ नश्यति मारिष, तदा नश्यन्तु कौन्तेयाः सपाञ्चालाः ससृञ्जयाः (VIII.23.15)

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 82 Mentions names Pilgrims: Arriving next at the well of Tamraruna (ताम्रारुण) (III.82.133,135), that is frequented by the gods, one acquireth, O lord of men, the merit that attaches to human sacrifice. Bathing next at the confluence of the Kirtika with the Kausiki and the Aruna, and fasting there for three nights a man of learning is cleansed of all his sins.

ताम्रारुणं समासाद्य बरह्म चारी समाहितः, अश्वमेधम अवाप्नॊति शक्र लॊकं च गच्छति (III.82.133)
कालिका संगमे सनात्वा कौशिक्यारुणयॊर यतः, तरिरात्रॊपॊषितॊ विद्वान सर्वपापैः परमुच्यते (III.82.135)

Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 42 mentions about the River Aruna in verses (IX.42.24,25,35) ....

The Supreme Lord of the universe said unto him, 'Performing a sacrifice, bathe with due rites, O chief of the celestials, in Aruna, that tirtha which saveth from the fear of sin! The water of that river, O Shakra, hath been made sacred by the Munis! Formerly the presence of that river at its site was concealed. The divine Sarasvati repaired to the Aruna, and flooded it with her waters. This confluence of Sarasvati and Aruna is highly sacred!

महर्षीणां मतं जञात्वा ततः सा सरितां वरा, अरुणाम आनयाम आस सवां तनुं पुरुषर्षभ (IX.42.24)
तस्यां ते राक्षसाः सनात्वा तनूस तयक्त्वा थिवं गताः, अरुणायां महाराज बरह्महत्यापहा हि सा (IX.42.25)

Giving away many gifts and bathing in that tirtha, he of a hundred sacrifices, the piercer of Vala, duly performed certain sacrifices and then plunged in the Aruna.

इत्य उक्तः सा सरस्वत्याः कुञ्जे वै जनमेजय, इष्ट्वा यदावथ बलभिर अरुणायाम उपास्स्पृशत (IX.42.35)

Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 44: Aruna (अरुण) has been mentioned in verse(IX.44.14) along with Nagas.

उच्चैःश्रवा हयश्रेष्ठॊ नागराजश च वामनः, अरुणॊ गरुडश चैव वृक्षाश चौषधिभिः सह (IX.44.14)

In Ramayana

Ramayana ....Aranya Kanda/Aranya Kanda Sarga 14 mentions Rama's Contact with Jatayu. Rama on way to Panchavati came into contact with Jatayu. When Rama questions about its identity, Jatayu narrates the Genealogy , and informs Rama that he is a friend of King Dasharatha and would like to help Rama in exile.

Surasa gave birth to Nagas, viz., many headed serpents, while Kadru gave birth to ordinary serpents. [3-124-28]

Kadru was the sister of Surasa. [3-14-31]

Kadru gave birth to a thousand-headed serpent (Nagas) who is the bearer of this earth, and Vinata gave birth to two sons namely Garuda and Aruna. [3-14-32]

रोहिणि अजनयद् गावो गन्धर्वी वाजिनः सुतान् ।
सुरसा अजनयन् नागान् राम कद्रूःपन्नगान् ॥३-१४-२८॥
सर्वान् पुण्य फलान् वृक्षान् अनला अपि व्यजायत ।
विनता च शुकी पौत्री कद्रूः च सुरसा स्वसा ॥३-१४-३१॥
कद्रूर् नाग सहस्रम् तु विजज्ञे धरणीधरन् ।
द्वौ पुत्रौ विनतायाः तु गरुडो अरुण एव च ॥३-१४-३२॥
तस्मात् जातो अहम् अरुणात् संपातिः च मम अग्रजः ।
जटायुर् इति माम् विद्धि श्येनी पुत्रम् अरिंदम ॥३-१४-३३॥


  1. Roshen Dalal (2010). Hinduism: An Alphabetical Guide. Penguin Books. pp. 39–40. ISBN 978-0-14-341421-6.
  2. अरुण aruṇa: reddish-brown, tawny, red, ruddy (the colour of the morning as opposed to the darkness of night). Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Monier-Williams, Monier Williams (1899)
  3. 1.Helmuth von Glasenapp (1999). Jainism: An Indian Religion of Salvation. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 267. ISBN 978-81-208-1376-2. 2. John C. Huntington; Dina Bangdel (2003). The Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art. Serindia. p. 76. ISBN 978-1-932476-01-9.
  4. Roshen Dalal (2010). Hinduism: An Alphabetical Guide. Penguin Books. pp. 39–40. ISBN 978-0-14-341421-6.
  5. 1. Norbert C. Brockman (2011). Encyclopedia of Sacred Places, 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO. pp. 601–602. ISBN 978-1-59884-655-3. 2. Nasing, Phra Somphop; Rodhetbhai, Chamnan; Keeratiburana, Ying (2014). "A Model for the Management of Cultural Tourism at Temples in Bangkok, Thailand". Asian Culture and History. Canadian Center of Science and Education. 6 (2). doi:10.5539/ach.v6n2p242.
  6. Roshen Dalal (2010). Hinduism: An Alphabetical Guide. Penguin Books. pp. 39–40. ISBN 978-0-14-341421-6.
  7. Paul Deussen (1980). Sixty Upaniṣads of the Veda. Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 533–535. ISBN 978-81-208-1468-4.
  8. Roshen Dalal (2010). Hinduism: An Alphabetical Guide. Penguin Books. pp. 39–40. ISBN 978-0-14-341421-6.
  9. V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.509
  10. George M. Williams (2008). Handbook of Hindu Mythology. Oxford University Press. pp. 62–63. ISBN 978-0-19-533261-2.
  11. George M. Williams (2008). Handbook of Hindu Mythology. Oxford University Press. pp. 62–63. ISBN 978-0-19-533261-2.
  12. Gopal, Madan (1990). K.S. Gautam, ed. India through the ages. Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. p. 70.
  13. George M. Williams (2008). Handbook of Hindu Mythology. Oxford University Press. pp. 62–63. ISBN 978-0-19-533261-2.

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