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Mallinath (मल्लिनाथ) is a folk hero of Rajasthan. He was the eldest son of Rao Salkhaji, the ruler of Mehwanagar in Barmer District. He and his wife, Rani Rupade, are revered as folk saints in Western Rajasthan. James Todd [1] writes that Mallinath was son of Rao Salkha, eighth in descent from Siahji, founder of Marwar State.

Origin of name

According to James Tod Mallinath means 'god of the Mallis'.[2]

Genealogy of Mallinath

Rao Siha (Siahji) (S.1330) → → → → → → → Rao Salkha → Mallinath →


James Tod[3] writes that Jalor tract is one of the most important divisions of Marwar. It is separated from Siwanchi by the Sukri and Khari,1 which, with many smaller streams, flow through them from the Aravalli and Abu, aiding to fertilize its three hundred and sixty towns and villages, forming a part of the fiscal domains of Marwar. Jalor, according to the geographical stanza so often quoted, was one of the ' nine castles of Maru,' when the Pramar held paramount rule in Marusthali. When it was wrested from them we have no clue to discover ; - but it had long been held by the Chauhans, whose celebrated defence of their capital against Alau-d-din]], in A.D. 1301, is recorded by Ferishta, as well as in the chronicles of their bards. This branch of the Chauhan race was called Mallani, and will be again noticed, both here and in the annals of Haraoti. It formed that portion of the Chauhan sovereignty called the Hapa Raj, whose capital was Juna-Chhotan, connecting the sway of this race in the countries along the Luni from Ajmer to Parkar, which would appear to have crushed its Agnikula brother, the Pramar, and possessed all that region marked by the course of the ' Salt River ' to Parkar.

Sonagir, the ' golden mount,' is the more ancient name of this castle, and was adopted by the Chauhans as distinctive of their tribe, when the older term, Mallani, was dropped for Sonigira. Here they enshrined their tutelary divinity, Mallinath, ' god of the Malli,' who maintained his position until the sons of Siahji entered these regions, when the name of Sonagir was exchanged for that of Jalor, contracted from Jalandharnath, whose shrine is about a coss west of the castle. Whether Jalandharnath [297], the ' divinity of Jalandhar,' was imported from the Ganges, or left as well as the god of hetiic Malli by the ci-devant Mallanis, is uncertain : but should this prove to be a remnant of the foes of Alexander, driven by him from Multan,3 its probability is increased

1 Another salt river.
2 The Chauhan Rao Kirttipal took it from the Pramaras towards the end of the twelfth century, and Kanardeo Chauhan lost it to Alau-d-din (Erskine iii. A. 109 f.). In Briggs' translation of Ferishta (i. 370) the place is called Jalwar, and the King Nahardeo.
3 Multan and Juna (Chhotan, qu. Chauhan-tan ?) have the same signification, ' the ancient abode,' and both were occupied by the tribe of Malli or Mallani, said to be of Chauhan race ; and it is curious to find at Jalor classically Jalandhar) the same divinities as in their haunts in the Panjab, namely, Mallinath, Jalandharnath, and Balnath. Abu-1 Fazl says, " The cell of Balnath is in the middle of Sindsagar " ; and Babur (Elliot-Dowson ii. 450, iv. 240, 415, v. 114, Aln, ii. 315) places " Balnath-jogi below the hill of Jud, five marches east of the Indus," the very spot claimed by the Yadus, when led out of India by their deified leader Baldeo, or Balnath.

[p.1267]: by the caves of Jalandhar (so celebrated as a Hindu pilgrimage even in Babur's time) being in their vicinity. Be this as it may, the Rathors, like the Roman conquerors, have added these indigenous divinities to their own pantheon. The descendants of the expatriated Sonigiras now occupy the lands of Chitalwana, near the furca of the Luni.

James Tod[4] writes about Mallinath, Barmer. — The whole of this region was formerly inhabited by a tribe called Malli or Mallani, who, "although asserted by some to be Rathor in origin, are assuredly Chauhan, and of the same stock as the ancient lords of Juna Chhotan. Barmer was reckoned, before the last famine, to contain one [302] thousand two hundred houses, inhabited by all classes, one-fourth of whom were Sanchora Brahmans. The town is situated in the same range as Sheo-Kotra, here two to three hundred feet in height. From Sheo to Barmer there is a good

[p.1273]: deal of flat intermingled with low tibas of sand, which in favourable seasons produces enough food for consumption. Padam Singh, the Barmer chief, is of the same stock as those of Sheo Kotra and Jasol ; from the latter they all issue, and he calculates thirty-four villages in his feudal domain. Formerly, a dani (which is, literally rendered, douanier) resided here to collect the transit duties ; but the Sahariyas have rendered this office a sinecure, and the chief of Barmer takes the little it realizes to himself. They find it more convenient to be on a tolerably good footing with the Bhattis, from whom this tract was conquered, than with their own head, whose officers they very often oppose, especially when a demand is made upon them for dayid ; on which occasion they do not disdain to call in the assistance of their desert friends, the Sahariyas. Throughout the whole of this region they rear great numbers of the best camels, which find a ready market in every part of India.

Hudera Jogian Rathor Sati pillar of s.v. 1309 (1252 AD)

सवत 1309 मत ब-
साष सूद १ रठड नर-
हरदास र सत पहड़
कसन ईस सत चढ़
Hudera Jogian Sati pillar of s.v. 1309 (1252 AD)[5]

डॉ. गोपीनाथ [6] लिखते हैं कि यह लेख चुरू जिले में रतनगढ़ रेलवे जंक्सन के निकट हुडेरा जोगियां का बास में स्थित है. यहाँ एक प्राचीन मठ में संवत 1309 का सती स्मारक रखा है जो राठोड़ों के इतिहास के लिए बड़े महत्व का है. यह स्मारक लगभग डेढ़ फुट लम्बा और पौन फुट चौड़ा है. इस पर हाथ में खांडा लिए एक घुड सवार उत्कीर्ण है और उसके आगे एक सती हाथ जोड़े खड़ी है. इसके नीचे एक लेख है जिसका आशय यह है कि संवत 1309 वैशाख सुदी 1 को राठोड़ नरहरिदास की स्त्री पोहड़ (भाटी क्षत्रियों की एक शाखा) किसना यहाँ सती हुई. इसका महत्व पूर्ण निष्कर्ष यह है कि राठोड़ इस क्षेत्र तक पहुँच गए थे तथा उनका वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध भाटियों से होने लग गया था और सती प्रथा का प्रचलन था. इससे बड़ी बात यह है की रावसीहा (राठोड शाखा का प्रमुख प्रवर्तक) की देवली (स.1330 ) से भी यह प्राचीन पड़ती है. यदि इस में पढ़ा गया संवत 1309 सही है. लेख का मूल पाठ साथ के बाक्स में है.

Mallinath cattle fair

The Mallinath cattle fair is held every year at Tilwara in Barmer district. It is the biggest cattle fair in Rajasthan. The Mallinath Fair often features highly popular breeds of animals including cows, camels, sheep, goats, and horses. People from as far away as Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh attend the fair seeking good prices on livestock. It is said that the fair originated when admirers of Mallinath, a popular local hero, gathered in Tilwara, riding on well-bred animals to meet him.

The fair opens with the hoisting of the flag of Rawal Mallinathji and songs praising his valor and greatness. The fair features bullock, camel, and horse races on the dry riverbed. The animals that win are crowned with white badges and are sold for higher prices at the fair.

Shrine of Mallinath

There is a shrine of Mallinath, where people pray with the belief that their wishes will be granted. If their wishes are fulfilled, it is customary to offer miniature horse statues as a token of thanks to the shrine. One can see wood, brass, and bronze horses being sold by the traders who come from Mathura, Agra, and Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh. There are other shops selling general merchandise, fodder, and agricultural tools.


  1. James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert,p.1272,fn-2
  2. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume III, James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert,p.1262
  3. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume III, James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert,p.1262
  4. James Todd Annals/Sketch of the Indian Desert, Vol. III,p. 1272
  5. डॉ गोपीनाथ शर्मा: 'राजस्थान के इतिहास के स्त्रोत', 1983, पृ.104
  6. शर्मा डॉ. गोपीनाथ शर्मा: राजस्थान के इतिहास के स्त्रोत, 1983, पृ. 104

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