Paniyali Kasimpur

Paniyali Kasimpur (पनियाली कासिमपुर) is a village in tehsil Deoband in Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh.
- Village - Paniyali Kasimpur is in Block - Nagal.
- Latitude - 29.7989841
- Longitude - 77.6636344
- Elevation / Altitude: 269 meters. Above Seal level
- Post Office - Paniyali Kasimpur
- Telephone Code / Std Code: 01336
- Bus Stand - Talheri Buzurg
- Block - Nagal
- Tehsil - Deoband
- District - Saharanpur
- Postal Code : 247551
- Pin Code - 247001
- Area Code - 0133
- Railway station - Talheri Buzurg
- Bus Stand - Talheri Buzurg
- Police Station - Nagal Police Station, Talheri Police Chowki
- Market - Talheri Buzurg, Nagal, Deoband, Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar
- Airport - Sarsawa Air Base, Karnal Airport
- School in and out - Primary School Paniyali, Secondary School Paniyali, Kanya Pathshala Paniyali, R.D. National Public School Talheri, Cambridge International School Talheri, Doon Valley Public School Deoband
Nearby Cities
- Saharanpur 42 Km (via Tapri 28Km)
- Muzaffarnagar 40 Km
- Fatehpur 38 Km
- Roorkee 34 Km
- Yamunanagar 60 Km
- Meerut 100 Km
- Shamli 71 Km
- Karnal 103 Km
Jatts of this village came from Punjab c. 300- 350 years back. They are called Pachhade Jatts.
- It is a very peaceful and beautiful Punjabi Jatt village in District Saharanpur having a historical gurudwara of SHRI GURU HARGOVIND SINGH SAHIB JI
- Paniyali Kasimpur is also having a historical SHIV MANDIR of Ancient time.
- In Village Various Community People Lives Happily without discrimination of any kind like - Race, Creed, Colour, Religious belief, Sex, Ancestry, Physical & Mental disability And Veteran status.
- Gurudwara Shri Hargovind Sahib ji established in Year 1898 by the village pepole. The old pepole of village told us that Shri hargobind Sahib Ji visited the village and took rest along with their followers, marching towards Pilibhit (NANAK MATTA SAHIB) After the victory on Samana Mandi (Dist-Patiala).
- Baba Banda Singh Bahadur ( Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Army Commander) rushed to UP and came to Paniyali Kasimpur more than 300 years back. They belong to those brave warriors who came with Baba Banda Singh Bahadur.
- Sardar Fakkar Singh Jawandha was the person who killed (Kasim) and then hosted Nishan Sahib (Known as JHANDA Ji in our village).
- Then Sardar Fakkar Singh and his brother in law Bhullar Sahib (name not clear) distributed the village land and the main road which is going in between this village. On the left side most of the people are of Bhullar surname and on the right side of the road most of the people are Jawandha's
- However, there are others also like Jawandha, Gill, Maan, Gandhu, Sandhu, Sidhu, Thind, Bhullar, Punia, Masand, Ghuman, Beniwal, Khairi, Bhattal, Bhare, etc.
- So that was an order of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur that all the people who gets victory on any area, will live there only. This is how the Khalsa Panth (SIKHI) was promoted in the areas of western UP. Same happened in another villages of our Relations who came in UP a long time back
- This point should be noted that most of the villages of Muslim Origin, which were captured by the Sikhs at that time are : Kheda Mughal, Paniyali Kasimpur, Tughlakpur (Tuglakpur-Kamhera), Ameen Nagar (Meennagar), Naseerpur, Babri, Putthi Ibrahimpur, etc. In all, there are 24 villages in District- Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar known as 'CHAUBISSI' (24).
- There are more than 110 villages including Moradabad and Ghaziabad of the same history and origin of Jat people called Pachhade.
- The Gurudwara Shri Hargobind Sahib ji, Foundation Stone was laid in 1913.
Gotras of Jatt in Paniyali Kasimpur
- Population about 5500
- Total Votes about 3800
Facilities in Village
- Bank - Punjab & Sind Bank Paniyali Kasimpur
- Government Health Clinic
- Post Office
- Private Doctor Clinic's
- Sub Power Station
- Anganwadi
- Panchayat Ghar
- Primary School
- Sports - Cricket Ground, Volley Ball Ground, Football Ground
- Many General store, Medical store, Milk diary and other basic outlets
Notable Persons
- Late Chaudhary Jagpal Singh
- Baba Ranjit Singh (Gurdwara's head)
- Chaudhary Rajpal Singh (Gurdwara committee member)
- Sardar Mohan Singh (Kisan union leader)
- Chaudhary Vedpal Singh
- Rajbir Singh Chaudhary
- And all respected village people
Designed And Maintained By
External Links
- Tigers)
- Gurpreet Singh s/o Mr. Harvinder Singh.
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