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Shyam (श्याम)[1][2] is gotra of Jats.[3] Syam (स्याम)[4] gotra Jats are found in Rajasthan[5].


This gotra originated from Vasudeva's brother Shyamaka (श्यामक). [6]

Jat Gotras Namesake

  • Syam (Jat clan) = Svamiraja (स्वामिराज) (L.1-2). Nagardhan Plates Of Svamiraja - (Kalachuri) Year 322 (=573 AD) were issued from Nandivardhana (नान्दीवार्द्धन) (L.1) by Nannarja (नन्नराज) (L.2) who meditated on the feet of his brother Svamiraja (स्वामिराज) (L.1-2) , during whose reign the grant was made. The unnamed suzerain of Svâmirâja was probably the Kalachuri Krishnaraja (circa 550-575 AC) (Krishna=Shyam). [7] Nagardhan (नगरधन) is town in Ramtek tahsil in Nagpur district of Maharashtra. It was earlier known as Nandivardhana (नन्दिवर्द्धन), which was well-known as an ancient capital of the Vakatakas.


Jats and Meds have been the oldest occupants of Sind. The first Persian account of the 11th century Mujmat ut-Tawarikh (1026), originally an ancient work in Sanskrit, mentions Jats and Meds as the ancient tribe of Sind and calls them the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. [8] [9]

Hukum Singh Panwar[10] quotes different versions of many Indian place and tribal names given by E. Pococke in his book, 'India in Greece'.

Hamman = Hammon = Ham (Sam or Shyam),[11]


ठाकुर देशराज[12] लिखते हैं: ये लोग मथुरा से दक्षिण-पच्छिम गोवर्धन के आसपास राज करते थे। ये वसुदेव के भाई श्यामक की संतान में से हैं। महाराज अजमीढ़ के दो रानियां थीं - एक क्षत्रियाणी, दूसरी वैश्याणी। क्षत्रियाणी रानी से दस पुत्र हुए, उन्हीं में एक श्यामक थे। यथा-

वसुदेवं देवभागं देवश्रवसमाऽनकम्।
सृंजयं श्यामकं कंकम् समीकम् वत्सकम्वृकम्॥1॥
अर्थात् (1) वसुदेव, (2) देवभाग, (3) देवश्रवा, (4) आनक, (5) सृंजय, (6) श्यामक, (7) कंक, (8) समीक, (9) वत्सक और (10) वृक


Distribution in Rajasthan

Syam (स्याम)[13] gotra Jats are found in Rajasthan[14].

Shyamaka is village in Kishangarh Bas tahsil in Alwar district in Rajasthan.

Notable persons


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