
Tetara (तेतरा) (Tetra) is a village in Jhunjhunu tahsil in Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan.
Tetara (तेतरा) Village was founded by Tetarwal Jats.
Tetara village is situated 25 km from Jhunjhunu Headquarter and 1 km from Mandawa. The village covered in South Hanumanpura, Kisari and Meethwas, in West Mandawa, North Bajisar and East Dhaka ka Bas. Tetara village is situated near Delhi Bikaner State Highways No. 41.
The village is divided in two names one of the name is Chandrapura which is in Postal Address of Tetara and Tetara is the Revenue Name in Record.
- Birama Ram Tetarwal's ancestors migrated from Tetara → Bheemasar → Ladsar → Biram Ka Bas. The village Biram Ka Bas was founded by Biram Ram Tetarwal, in his own name.
- Ancestors of Daluram Tetarwal migrated from Tetra – Shekhawati to Neemwali (Nohar) to settle at Ginri Patta Rajpura.
Jat gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, the Tetara village has the total population of 1558, of which 800 are males while 758 are females. [1]
Notable persons

- Rameshwar Singh Garhwal (Guardsman) became martyr on 07.12.1971 during Indo-Pak War-1971 in western sector Jammu and Kashmir. He was from Tetra village in Mandawa tahsil of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan.
- Unit - 2 Guards Regiment
External Links
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