
Thoon (थून) or Thun (थून) village is situated in Tehsil- Nagar, District- Bharatpur in Rajasthan. Its PIN Code-321210. Population-3,042.
Sinsinwar Jats
Jat Gotras
Genealogy of Bharatpur Rulers
Genealogy of Bharatpur family from Bhuri Singh to Maharaja Suraj Mal of Bharatpur:
- Thakur Bhuri Singh of Sinsini
- -Thakur Ruria Singh of Sinsini
- --Thakur Khan Chand of Sinsini
- ---A. Thakur Bhagwant Singh
- ----Raja Ram Sinsinwar of Sinsini
- -----1.Kunwar Jorawar Singh of Sinsini
- -----2.'Dung Naresh' Fateh Singh of Sinsini
- ---B.Thakur Braj Raj Singh
- ----1.Rao Churaman Singh of Thun
- ----- Raja Mukham Singh of Thun
- ----2. Thakur Bhav Singh of Deeg
- ----- Raja Badan Singh of Deeg
- ------a. Maharaja Suraj Mal of Bharatpur
- ------b. Raja Pratap Singh of Weir
Source - Jat Kshatriya Culture
Churaman (1695 – 1721) (चूड़ामण) was Zamindar of Sinsini and the real founder of Jat state of Bharatpur in Rajasthan, India. He was son of Bhajja Singh and younger brother of Raja Ram. He was the first unanimously elected leader of Jats in 1695. He made Jats a political power in India.
In 1702 after the death of Bhajja Singh, Churaman came on front. Within a short period Churaman gathered 500 horse riders and thousands of soldiers. Nand Ram, the Zamindar of Hathras, also joined him along with 100 horse riders. Churaman recruited the famous brigand of Mendoo and Mursan in his army. He constructed a fort at place known as ‘Thoon’ at a distance of 150 km in west of Agra. Within a short span, there were 80 villages under the Thoon state. There was an army of 14 – 15 thousands.
After the death of Churaman on 22 September 1721 there were family disputes between Badan Singh and Mohkam Singh, son of Churaman. Badan Singh aligned with Jai Singh of Jaipur to avoid the anger of Mohkam Singh. In this family feud, Jai Singh supported Badan Singh.
Mohkam Singh (1721-1722) succeeded his father Churaman to the leadership of Jats from c. September- October , 1721 - 18 November 1722. Fransoo, while giving the genealogy of the Jat rulers, mentions him as the first Raja, who set up his Raj at Thun. [1]It appears, however, that he himself adopted the title of the Raja. [2], [3],
Rise of Jat states from ashes of Thoon
On 18 November 1722 the Rajput Mughal combined army besieged the Thoon fort of Mohkam Singh, took it and got it ploughed by Ashes. Thus the Jat state of Badan Singh rose from the ashes of Thoon, Jatauli and other forts.
After the fall of Thoon and Jatauli, Badan Singh became formally a samant of Jaipur Darbar on 23 November 1722. Jai Singh in exchange honoured Badan Singh with the title of ‘Brijraj’ i.e. the king of Brij. He was permitted the use of ‘Nagara’, ‘Nishan’ and ‘Pachrang flag’ and gave the Kotwali of Agra. Besides, he was also given the Jagirs of Mathura, Vrindavan, Mahavan, Hisar, Chhata, Kosi and Hodal parganas for revenue of Rs. 50-60 lakh.
Notable persons
External links
- ↑ Tawarikh-i-Hunud, 14a,14b
- ↑ Dow, Hindustan, II, 352
- ↑ G.C.Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Delhi, 2003, p.88
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