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Yeta in Chinese stands for the Jats.[1]



Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria)[2] writes - We now turn to some other forms of the term Jat available us from the Chinese. During this very period in the region under review several variants were current: Yat89 or Yata90, Yeta91 or Yetha92 or Yet93 Yete or Yeti94, Yewti95 or Yuti96, Yuchi97 or Tue-Chie98 or Yue-Chi or Yueh-Chih99. We regard them all as variants of the term Jat.

89. Deshraj, Thakur, Jat Itihas, Agra, 1934, p. 95.

90. Dr. Kunudsen, a Norwegian visiting Professor in the Math. Deptt. of the Pb. 1970, holds that Yatas are Juts who migrated from the east, probably Ind., to the Scandanavian and the Netherlandic countries in the remote past. Please note that the name Kunudsen is just Indian. Lt. Ram Sarup Joon, His. Jats, p.4, 1967

91. Law, B.C; Some Kshatriya Tribes of Anc. Ind., 1975, p. 270.

92. Gankovsky, Yu. V.; The Peoples of Pakistan (an Ethnic His.), Lahore, 1971, p.91.

93. Law, B.C, op.cit., p. 270.

94. Joon, op.cit., p. 4.

95. Chanda, R.P.; op.cit., 1969, p. 35.

96. Mukerji, AB.; op.cit., p. 39.

97. Desraj, op.cit., p. 65. Joon, op.cit., p. 4. Mahil, op.cit., pp. 13-14. H.G. Wells op.cit., chapter 28, Sec. 4.

98. Mahil, op.cit., p. 48.

99. Taran, W.W.Grks in Bac. and Ind., p.286. It was a very popular name and is found in all standard works. E.J. Rapson, Camb. His. of Ind., Ch. XXII, P 510. Ency. Brit. 13th ed., Vol. 3, pp. 180-81.

Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria)[3] writes that The archaic Chinese pronunciation of Yueh-Chih as nagiwatteh might have been responsible for its vernaculansation as Jatah or Jeteh (Yatah or Yattah) till medieval times and Ywati for other forms prefixed with 'Y'. There is every probability that 'ngiwattia' was transformed into Gut-tia, and was abbreviated as Guti or Gut in course of time.

Bhim Singh Dahiya[4] writes that The word Jat is probably derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yoddha' (meaning, fighter). Even now, there are many Jats having the name Jodha, as well as Goddha, both derived from the word 'Yoddha'. The derivation of Jat and Got is similar. It is them that Panini called "Ayudhjivi" (professional fighters). These people called 'Yoddhas' are mentioned in the Mahabharata, alongwith Bodhas. 7 That is why the Chinese write the name as Yetha, as well as Yeta.

Bhim Singh Dahiya writes that the encyclopaedia of Ma-Tuan-g-Lin says that the Yeta are of the race of Ta-Yue-che, and further that the I-Tan belonged to the same race as Yue-che."[5]

According to Bhim Singh Dahiya[6] The date of occupation of Gandhara in 477 A.D. is further proved by the Chinese pilgrim, Sung-Yun, who stated in 520 A.D. that the Yetha had conquered Ye-Po-Lo, about two generations ago. Here the Ye-Po-Lo of the Chinese stands for Jauval/Jabul and the Yetha, of course, stands for the Jats; the Chinese Ye, giving the sound of 'J'. It is interesting to note that Hephthal III, who defeated and killed the next Iranian emperor Peroz, in a decisive battle in 484 A.D., is called Ye-ta-i-li-to meaning (Jaṭlāṭa) the king of the Jats. In fact, the Chinese used two words for the purpose, viz., Yetalito and Yue-che wang. The first is a transliteration of jatrat, and the second is a sort of translation of the same word, i.e. Guti-wang or Guti king or Jat king.

Prof. B.S. Dhillon[7] writes that the White Huns, a division of the Massagetae, invaded Punjab during A.D. 460-470. Thomas Watters (British Acting Consul General in Korea from (1887-1888) [51] writes "country (North-West of India) was conquered by the Yeta (White Huns), i.e. the Yets or Gats apparently near the end of our fifth century. The Yeta, who were a powerful people in Central Asia, in the fifth century, are also said to have been of the Yue-Chi (Kushan) stock".

Ram Sarup Joon[8] writes - Jat is in fact only another name of Chandravanshi branch of Aryans which, at one time, extended in the entire area from Northern India to Central Asia and Central Europe. At different times, and in the ancient histories of various countries they have been known by one of the derivatives of word Jat like Yayat, Yat, Yet, Yeti, Yates, Yuchi Jat, Jati, Jutes, Juton, Gat, Gatae, Gatak, Goth etc.

Ram Lal Hala writes that Maharaja Ushna performed hundred Ashvamedha Yagyas and got the title of yat. According to the historian Ram Lal Hala, the word Jat is derived from word 'Yat' (याट). The king 'Yat'(Ushna) was in Chandravansh and was ancestor of Lord Krishna. The Jats are descendants of King Yat. 'Yat' later changed to 'Jat'.[9]

Kalika Ranjan Qanungo[10] writes that It is perhaps against the rule of historical evidence to identify the Jats with the Gaete, Yuti, Yetha or other Indo-Scythian people simply for the sake of the resemblance of sound between their names, in defiance of the evidence of philology and ethnology to the contrary.

History of king Thot born in Yuti vansha

James Todd obtained a Pali inscription about Jit or Jat tribe at village Ramchandrapura (Now Chhawni Ram Chandra Pura, 324007 in Kota Municipal area)3 kos (6 miles) east of Bundi state, which he sent to Asiatic Society London. The inscription reveals that there was a king Thot born in Yuti vansha. His son was Raja Chandrasain (Chandrasena) , a powerful and beloved of his subject. The son of Chandrasain was Kartika, renowned for his prowess. His wife was Gunaniwas, who gave birth to two sons Mukunda and Daruka. Daruka produced son named Kuhal. Kuhala produced son named Dhunak, who achieved great works. He had war with Hill Meenas tribes and defeated and destroyed them. He along with his brother Dok worshipped gods and brahmanas. They founded a Sun-temple for the pleasure of his beloved wife. The temple will stand till the sumer suvarna mountain stands on the sand. Kuhala had founded this temple and a Maheshwar temple in east. The popularity of this was spread by Achal, son of Mahabali Maharaja Yashovarma. [11]

The period of war of this dynasty with pahari Meenas is difficult to asses. If we assume that Jat ruler Kartik had war with Menander then the period of this comes about 150 BC. Menander had attacked areas up to Chittor. It is very likely that Kartika had a war with Menander. This way the period of his descendant becomes the first century. If we look into the period of Achal who made this temple popular it comes around third or fourth century or beyond it, as ruler Yashovarman was in Maukhari vansha in eighth century in Kannauj. He had sent a delegation to China in 731 AD. [12] Lack of records and history prior to sixth century prevents prom determining the exact period of the rule of Kartik and his descendants. According to Thakur Deshraj, We can presume their rule from fourth to sixth century. [13]

Ancestry of Thot:

  • Thot (थोत) → Chandrasena (चंद्रसेन) → Kartika (कार्त्तिक) {m. Gunaniwas (गुणनिवास)} →Mukunda (मुकुंद-बड़ा)+ Daruka (दारुक -छोटा)
  • Daruka (दारुक) → Kuhala (कुहल - बड़ा) + Doka (दोक-छोटा)
  • Kuhala (कुहल)→ Dhunaka (धुनक)

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[14] लिखते हैं कि यदु के पुत्र करोक्षत्री की शाखा में यदु की सातवीं पीढी में प्रथम चक्रवर्ती सम्राट् शशविन्दु हुए जिन्होंने विदर्भ देश पर शासन करते हुए अश्वमेध यज्ञ किया। इसकी पुत्री विन्दुमती का विवाह चक्रवर्ती सम्राट् मान्धाता से हुआ। इस सम्राट् ने अपने बड़े पुत्र पृथुश्रवा को ही सारा राज्य दे दिया। इस सम्राट् पृथुश्रवा के धर्म नामक पुत्र से सम्राट् उशना हुए। उसने 101 अश्वमेध यज्ञ किए। इस कारण उनको ‘याट’ की उपाधि मिली। कुछ ऐतिहासिक इस उशना याट से ही जाट जाति का प्रारम्भ मानते हैं जो कि अनेक वंशों से मिलकर बने हुए जट्ट संघ के लिए अयुक्तियुक्त मत है।[15]

इस यादव वंश में बड़े योद्धा राजे-महाराजे हुए और कईयों के नाम से जाटवंश चले, जिनका उचित स्थान पर वर्णन किया जायेगा। श्रीकृष्ण महाराज इसी यादव वंश में हुए जिन्होंने कई क्षत्रिय संघों को मिलाकर जाट संघ बनाया। वे स्वयं जाट थे। भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण ने क्षत्रियों का एक जाति संघ बनाय जो जाट कहलाया।[16]


  1. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/The Jats,p.25
  2. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Jat-Its variants,p.345
  3. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Jat-Its variants,p.346
  4. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/The Jats,p.6
  5. Dahiya, Bhim Singh (1980): Jats, the ancient rulers: a clan study (First Edition: 1980). Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. p. 25
  6. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Harsha Vardhana : Linkage and Identity,pp.221
  7. History and study of the Jats/Chapter 2,p.46
  8. History of the Jats/Chapter I,p.4
  9. Ram Lal Hala: Jat Kshatriya Itihasa
  10. History of the Jats:Dr Kanungo/The theory of the Indo-Scythian Origin of the Jats, [Page 189]
  11. James Todd, Appendix 1], Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas, p.588-589
  12. Bharat Ke Prachin Rajvansh, II
  13. Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas, p.589-590
  14. जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठ-187
  15. क्षत्रियों जातियों का उत्थान, पतन एवं जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 283-84 लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री।
  16. पूरी जानकारी के लिए देखो द्वितीय अध्याय, (जाटवीरों की उत्पत्ति प्रकरण, जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत )

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