Atiram Singh

Thakur Atiram Singh was the vassal of Halena and son of Thakur Braj Raj Singh of Sinsini. Atiram Singh was the younger brother of Churaman.
Atiram Singh was the younger brother of Rao Churaman Singh and Bhav Singh (father of Raja Badan Singh). Atiram Singh was the son of Thakur Braj Raj Singh of Sinsini and Amrit Kaur (daughter of Chaudhary Chandra Singh Bisayati of Chiksana).
Khanchand → Braj Raj → Ati Ram → five sons
Thakur Atram Singh Mahal, Bharatpur
Thakur Atram Singh ji was the vassal of Hailana.This fort was built about 310 years ago. Th. Atiram Singh was the younger brother of Rao Churaman Singh and Bhav Singh(father of Raja Badan Singh).Atiram Singh was the son of Thakur Braj Raj Singh of Sinsini and Amrit Kaur (daughter of Chaudhary Chandra Singh Bisayati of Chiksana).On 24 July,1711 the Mughal Emperor ordered the destruction of the fort of halena however Atiram Singh was able to defend his fort.He helped his brother Rao Churaman in all his campaigns.Atiram Singh was successed by his elder son at Halena while his younger son Shardul Singh Sinsinwar after defeating Vijay Ram Garasia took control of Pathena Fort.Shardul Singh was a very brave man even Peshwa Bajirao Ballal praised him on his bravery.The Halena and Pathena families are descended from Atiram Singh.The history of this house is well documented in the 18thDdc century book 'Garh Pathena Raso'.
Picture credit:- Th. Dharmendra Singhji Foujdar
Hanoli Mahal of Halena

Hanoli Mahal was built by jagirdars of Halena: During the time of Raja Ram Singh Sinsinwar, Halena was held in jagir by Thakur Shri Atiram Singh Sinsinwar who was son of Braj Raj of Sinsini and younger brother of Rao Shri Churaman Singh of Thun and Thakur Shri Bhav Singh of Deeg (father of Badan Singh). Thakur Shri Atiram Singh Sinsinwar was succeeded by his younger son while his elder son Shardul Singh received the Jagir of Pathena. Hanoli Mahal is not in it's good condition.
Jagir- Halena
Dynasty- Sinsinwar Jats
Source - Jat Kshatriya Culture
अतिराम की वंशावली
अतिराम ब्रज राज सिंह सिनसिनी के पुत्र थे.
ठाकुर अतिराम के 5 पुत्र हुए थे। जिन में से तीन निःसंतान मर गए बाकी पुत्रो में से सिंहराम को हलैना की जागीरी मिली थी, तो उनके भाई शार्दूल सिंह को पथेना की जागीरी मिली थी।
ठाकुर शार्दूल सिंह के 14 पुत्र ठाकुर किसनसिंह, ठाकुर धीरजसिंह, ठाकुर पोपसिंह, ठाकुर रतनसिंह, ठाकुर अजीतसिंह, ठाकुर जोधसिंह, ठाकुर गजेन्द्रसिंह, ठाकुर किरतसिंह, ठाकुर भीमसिंह, ठाकुर रणसिंह, ठाकुर देवीसिंह, ठाकुर मेघसिंह, ठाकुर सुजानसिंह, ठाकुर सन्तोषसिंह हुए सभी एक से बढ़ कर एक वीर थे इनके 14 ठिकाने है ।
ठाकुर अतराम सिंह महल, भरतपुर ठाकुर अतराम सिंह जी हलैना के जागीरदार थे , इस किले का निर्माण तकरीबन 310 साल पहले किया था ! ठाकुर अतीराम सिंह, राव चूरामन सिंह और ठाकुर भावना सिंह (राजा बदन सिंह के पिता) के छोटे भाई थे। आत्माराम सिंह सिनसिनी के ठाकुर ब्रज राज और अमृत कौर (चिकसाना के चौधरी चंद्र सिंह बिसाती की बेटी) के बेटे थे। 24 जुलाई,1711 मुगल सम्राट ने हलेना के किले को नष्ट करने का आदेश दिया, हालांकि अतिराम सिंह अपने किले की रक्षा करने में सक्षम थे। उन्होंने अपने सभी अभियानों में अपने भाई राव चूरामन की मदद की। अतीराम सिंह को उनके बड़े बेटे हल्दाना में उनके छोटे बेटे शार्दूल सिंह सिनसिनवार ने सफलता दिलाई। विजय राम गरासिया को हराने के बाद पथैना किले पर कब्जा कर लिया। शार्दूल सिंह एक बहुत बहादुर आदमी थे, यहां तक कि पेशवा बाजीराव ने भी उनकी बहादुरी की प्रशंसा की। हलेना और पथैना परिवार अतीराम सिंह के वंशज हैं। इस घर का इतिहास 18 वीं सदी में अच्छी तरह से प्रलेखित है। सदी की किताब 'गढ़ पथैना रासो'।
Dr Girish Chandra Dwivedi[1] writes that when Churaman (December 1708) attacked the rebel Rajputs, Churaman's brother Ati Ram , who was a friend of Naruka, mediated a settlement between Churaman and the Naruka.
On 24 July, 1711 the Mughal Emperor ordered the destruction of the fort of Halena however Atiram Singh was able to defend his fort. He helped his brother Rao Churaman in all his campaigns. Atiram Singh got success with the help of his elder son at Halena while his younger son Shardul Singh Sinsinwar after defeating Vijay Ram Garasia took control of Pathena Fort. Shardul Singh was a very brave man even Peshwa Bajirao Ballal praised him on his bravery. The Halena and Pathena families are descended from Atiram Singh. The history of this house is well documented in the 18th century book 'Garh Pathena Raso'.[2]
Badan Singh’s second imprisonment within a short time and the maltreatment at the hands of Muhkam Singh ultimately strengthened his cause. Fransoo adds that as many as 22 prominent sardars (Said [3] to be Raja Ram’s son, Fateh Singh of Ajan , Anup Singh of Arig, Ati Ram’s son, Shardul Singh of Halena , Gujars of Sihi and Helak , Purohit Kalu Ram and Lalji of Barsana and others), who loved Badan Singh for his “ good behaviour” appealed to Muhkam Singh to release his cousin but he refused . [4],
Vijay Ram Garasia, the chief of Pathena, being a close associate of Churaman and his sons, had in the past and still opposed Badan Singh. In an attempt to bring the Garasia close to him, he married Suraj Mal with his daughter, Kalyan Kaur (Kalayani). [5] But this conciliatory step failed to mend his ways. Thereupon, he granted Pathena as a jagir to Shardul (the son of Ati Ram of Halaina) whom he had earlier won over to his side. Shardul killed Vijay Ram and held Pathena under Badan Singh. [6]
External links
- ↑ Dr Girish Chandra Dwivedi: The Jats - Their Role in the Mughal Empire,p.61
- ↑ Jat-Kshatriya-Culture
- ↑ U.N.Sharma, Itihas, 304, 310
- ↑ G.C.Dwivedi, The Jats, Their role in the Mughal Empire, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Delhi, 2003, p.89
- ↑ Tawarikh-i-Hunud, 22b
- ↑ Pathena Raso, Quoted by Ganga Singh, op. cit., 100-101,91
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