Matta (मत्ता) was an ancient Shivi clan Jat King of Siwistán in Sindh, Pakistan.
Jat Gotras
Sir H. M. Elliot[1] writes that there was a chief in Siwistán, called Matta, and Chach crossed the Mihrán at a village called Díháyat, which formed the boundary between Samma and Alor. From this place he proceeded to Búdhiya, the chief of which was the son of Kotal bin Bhandargú Bhagú. His capital was Nánáráj, and the inhabitants of the place called it Sawís. Chach attacked and took the fort of Sawís. Kaba, son of Káka, came forth to ask quarter for the prince and his followers. They laid upon themselves a tribute to pay him, and made their submission.
From that place he went to Siwistán, and when he approached it, Matta, its chief, came forth with great alarm and a large retinue to meet him. A battle was fought, Chach was victorious, and Matta, with his army, fled and took refuge in the fort. Chach besieged it, and after a week the garrison was obliged to sue for peace. The terms being agreed to, they came out the fort, and surrendered the keys to the officers of Chach, who gave them protection and showed them much kindness. He gave the chiefship of the place to Matta, and also placed one of his confidential officers there. He stopped there for a few days, during which time the affairs of the territory and the city were put in order.
When the invasion of Siwistán was over, Chach sent a letter to Akham Lohána, the governor of Brahmanábád, who was Chief also of Lákha, Samma and Sihta, and called upon him to acknowledge submission. When he was a few days' journey from Makrán, the footmen whom he had placed on the roads, caught a person with letters from Akham, which he had written to Matta, the governor of Siwistán, to the following effect.
- "I have always behaved towards you with great cordiality and friendship, and have never
- [p.146]:shown you opposition or quarrelled with you. The letter which you sent by way of friendship was received, and I was much exalted by it. Our friendship shall remain confirmed for ever, and no animosity shall arise. I will comply with all your orders. You are a king, and the son of a king. Unity exists between you and me. Circumstances like this have occurred to many persons, and have obliged them to seek protection. You are at liberty to reside at any place you like within the territory of Brahmanábád, that is to say, up to the sea of Debal. If you have resolved to go in any other direction, there is nobody to prevent or molest you. Wherever you like to go I will assist you. I possess such power and influence that I can render you aid."
Matta found it expedient to repair to the country of Hind, to Malik Ramal, who was also called Bhatti.
Journey of Matta, Chief of Siwistán
Sir H. M. Elliot[2] writes that When Matta, chief of Siwistán, went to the king of Kanauj, the country of Hindustán was in a flourishing condition. Kanauj was under the rule of Síharas, son of Rásal.1 Matta went to him and represented thus: "Chach, son of Síláij, is dead, and his brother Chandar, a monk (ráhib), has succeeded him. He is a devotee (násik), and his whole day is occupied in the study of his faith with other religious persons in the temple. It is easy to wrest the kingdom from him. If you take his territories and place them under my charge, I will pay a tribute, and send it to your treasury."
The answer of Síharas.
Síharas said to Matta, "Chach was a great king, and had an extensive territory under his sway. As he is dead, I will bring his possessions under my own rule, if I take them. They will form a great addition to my kingdom, and I will appoint you over one of their divisions." Síharas then sent his brother Barhás, son of Kasáís. The son of the daughter of the great Chach, who ruled over Kashmír and Ramal, also agreed to join him, and they proceeded with their armies till they reached the banks of the Hásí,2 where they encamped. The agents and offices of Chandar, who were still in the fort of Deo, fled. The invaders took the place, and advanced on their journey till they arrived at Band Káhúya, where they halted for one month, and performed the worship of Budh. They sent a messenger with a letter to Chandar to induce him to come, make his submission, and sue for protection.
In Mahavansa
Mahavansa/Chapter 23 mentions ....Near the Tuladhara-mountain in the village of Vihäraväpi lived a son of the householder Matta, named Vasabha. Since his body was nobly formed they called him Labhiyavasabha.
मता: ठाकुर देशराज
ठाकुर देशराज[3] ने लिखा है.... हाला - यह खानदान कुछ पुराना है। सतवाहन लोगों में हाला एक विद्वान पुरुष हुआ है। जिसने गाथा सप्तमी तैयार कराई थी। राजपूत काल में चंदराम हाला सूस्थान का अधिपति था। इसका देश हालाखंडी के नाम से मशहूर था।
उस समय सिंध में मता और नेरून नाम के दो जाट राजा और भी राज करते पाए जाते हैं।
ठाकुर देशराज लिखते हैं कि शिवस्तान में उस समय शिव-गोत्री जाट मत्ता का राज था। वह साहसीराय से द्वेष तो रखता था, किन्तु किसी अवसर की ताक में था। कुछ दिन बाद जब चच मर गया तो राणा मत्ता ने कन्नौज के महाराज के पास जाकर कहा कि अब मौका है कि हम सिन्ध का राज अपने हाथ में ले लें। उसने अपने भाई बसाइस को सेना देकर मत्ता के साथ कर दिया। इन्होंने सिन्ध में लूट-मार तो की किन्तु चच के लड़के चन्द्र को हरा न सके ओर उससे मित्रता कर ली। अलोर में जब चन्द्र का लड़का और चच का पौत्र दाहर गद्दी पर बैठा तो कन्नौज के राणा रणमल ने भी इरादा किया कि इस ब्राह्मण-राज्य को नष्ट कर दिया जाय जो कि जाट और लुहानों के लिए अहितकारी है। किन्तु राणा भी विफल रहा।[4]
वीरांगना धर्म कौर
जिला फिरोजपुर के एक गाँव में चौधरी मीरमत्ता की युवा बेटी धर्म कौर अति संदर थी और बलिष्ठ भी । अकबर उस समय गाँव के पास से दौरे पर जा रहा था कि उसने धर्म कौर को सर पर घड़ा रखे हुए एक पाँव से भागते हुए बछड़े को उसके रस्से पर पाँव रख कर रोके रखा जब तक कि उसके पिता ने उस रस्से को पकड़ न लिया । यह दृश्य देख कर अकबर हैरान हो गया । बादशाह ने उसके पिता को बुला कर उसकी बेटी से शादी करने का आदेश दिया । यह सुनकर चौधरी मीरमत्ता ने कहा, "महाराजा मुझे इस बारे में अपने जाती बंधुओं से विचार करना पड़ेगा । इसलिए कुछ समय चाहिय ।" बादशाह अकबर सहमत हो गया । मीरमत्ता ने ३५ जाट वंशीय खापों की पंचायत की । सर्वखाप ने निर्णय लिया "अकबर को जाट कन्या नहीं दी जा सकती । यदि वह सैन्य बल से लड़की को लेने का प्रयत्न करेगा तो उसके साथ युद्ध करके हम अपने धर्म की रक्षा करेंगे । " पंचायत का यह फैसला अकबर को सुना दिया गया । फैसला सुनकर अकबर लज्जित हुआ । परन्तु उसने सूझ-बूझ से काम लिया और अपना इरादा त्याग दिया । [5]
See also
- Dharm Kaur - Dharm Kaur (धर्म कौर) was daughter of Chaudhari Mihr Mitha of Firozepur district in Punjab. She was very beautiful and very strong girl. Akbar wanted to marry with her. Mihr Mitha consulted 35 Jat clan Khap people and the proposal was rejected by the Khaps.[6]
- ↑ The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians/III. Chach-náma,p.145-146
- ↑ The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians/III. Chach-náma,p.15
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Shashtham Parichhed, p.125
- ↑ जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठ-701
- ↑ सुखवीर सिंह दलाल, जाट ज्योति, अप्रेल 2013,p.7
- ↑ Sukhvir Singh Dalal, Jat Jyoti, April 2013,p.7
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