Author: Laxman Burdak IFS (R) |

Pichhore (पिछोर) is a town and site of Jat Fort of Donderiya Jats in Dabra tahil of Gwalior district in Madhya Pradesh.

As of 2001 India census, Pichhore had a population of 11,725. Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%. Pichhore has an average literacy rate of 52%, lower than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 63%, and female literacy is 40%. In Pichhore, 17% of the population is under 6 years of age.

Various Jat clans had an important role in running the administration of Gohad state. The supreme power of the state vested in the King but the senior chieftains from Jat clans in-charge of various forts in the state used to keep a balance. For example Rao Baljoo of Neerpura was awarded with Jagir.
- The forts nearby Gohad such as Chitaura, Karwas, Madhaina, Itayli, Pipahad etc were managed by chieftains of Bamraulia clan.
All the Jat clan chieftains had united to oppose the north India expedition of Marathas. [1]
Magrora fort was built by Maharaja Hamirjoodeo. Magrora state has been known for kind hearted rulers very popular amongst the public. Before the war with Mahadji Sindhia they were the rulers of Pichhore (Dabra).[2]
The Magrora state included Lohagarh, Magrora, Salvai, Patha, Ajaygarh ans Simaria garhis (forts). There were 25 garhis and 400 villages in this state. All these forts were built on high hillocks and well protected. After war with Mahadji Sindhia there was a treaty in which Pichhore ruler Maharaja Chhatra Singh was given the Magrora fort along with the title of Bahadur Joodeo. It was a free Jagir. [3]
Maharaja Balwant Singh (1820 - 1853) (महाराजा बलवंत सिंह, भरतपुर), the ruler of princely state Bharatpur (1825 - 1853) and successor of Maharaja Baldeo Singh, was married to the princess of Pichhore in 1827.
The present fort at the northern end of the western ghats was built in 1675 AD by the Bundela ruler Rajaveer Vrashabh Dev Singh. The city earlier known as Champa Nagari, was destroyed in 1313 AD during a fierce battle between the Tomar and Rajput kings. Among the historical spots which still exist are the bungalow of Raja Bhoj, the tomb of Veer Jagat Singh in the Nageshwar mountains, Rasik Bihavi, the temple of Ganesh built in 1734, and a huge lake.
Pichhor fort

Pichhor fort, Gwalior. This beautiful fort was built by Doderiyan Jat ruler Maharaja Hamir Deo in 1448. The founder of Pichhore State was Raja Bhagirath veer Singh in 1340 AD. Maharaja Hamir Deo Great Great Grandson was Maharaja Pahar Singh ji, He was close associate of Maharaja jawahar singh and helped him conquer North madhya pradesh and subjugate maratha forces. (Post credit:- Mr. Jaideep Singh Nain (Admin))[4]
पिछोर किला, ग्वालियर: इस खूबसूरत किले को 1448 में दोंदेरिया जाट शासक महाराजा हमीर देव ने बनवाया था। पिच्छोर राज्य के संस्थापक राजा भागीरथ वीर सिंह थे। महाराजा हमीर देव पड़-पड़ पौत्र थे ! महाराजा पहाड़ सिंह जी, वह महाराजा जवाहर सिंह के करीबी सहयोगी थे और उन्होंने उत्तर मध्यप्रदेश को जीतने और मराठा सेनाओं को अपने अधीन करने में मदद की।
ठाकुर देशराज[5] ने लिखा है ....भरतपुर शहर में जमने और अपने मिशन को आगे बढ़ाने में मुझे सबसे अधिक मदद चौधरी गोवर्धनसिंह खरेटावाले से मिली। आपकी फूफी रानी गुमान कौर महाराजा बलवंत सिंह को ब्याही थी। इससे आप राज्य के पुराने रिश्तेदार हैं। आपके पिता चौधरी गोविंद सिंह राज्य में अच्छी सर्विस में थे। आप भी नायाब तहसीलदार रह चुके हैं। वाटराशाही के आप शिकार बने तबसे राज्य सेवा से अलग रहे। आपका खानदान सरदार खानदान रहा है। ग्वालियर, अलवर आदि में बड़े-बड़े घरों में रिश्तेदारी है। राजा साहब पिछोर के खानदान में आपकी बहन ब्याही गई थी। जिनके सुपुत्र राजाजी ठाकुर निरंजन सिंह हैं। निरंजन सिंह एक योग्य पुरुष हैं। उन्होने राज सेवा में मुंशिफ के पद से प्रवेश किया फिर रेवेन्यू कमिशनर भी रहे। निहायत संजीदा और गंभी व्यक्ति हैं। इस समय आप धौलपुर में प्रांतीय और राष्ट्रीय सर्विस के लिए जिस योग्यता की जरूरत होती है वे आपमें हैं।
The Jats of Pichhore
Like their Bambrolia Kinsmen in Gohad the Doderiyan Jats of Pichhore were also reluctant emigrants from the Punjab. About the year 1340 A.D. Raja Bhagirath founded a settlement around the village of Keo some 35 miles South East of Gwalior, which subsequently became famous as Pichhor. Raja Bhargirath had four sons, namely Chandermani, Sinhmani, Akshamani and Mado Singh.
Chandermani the eldest succeeded his father. On Chandermani's death, his only on Dhruve Angad became the ruler of Pichor. He started the building of Pichhor fort in 1448 which was completed by his son Raja Hamir Deo the First, whose reign partly coincided and probably overlapped the reign of the famous Tomar chief Raja Man Singh. Hamir Deo the First saw hard days in his conflicts with the chiefs of Narwar and Orchha. But by the very able stratagem of his wife Ganga Kumari he was able to overcome his problems and continued to rule Pichhore for many years and was probably still alive when Babar appeared on the Indian scene. After that there is a hiatus in the Doderiyan tradition.
During the rule of Hamir Deo the second, a contemporary of Shah Jahan I (1628-58 A.D.), the Pichor principality grew into a modest size. His just rule and martial exploits are to this day extolled by the itinerant bards of Northern Bundhel Khand. Hamir's sense of Justice is reputed to have led him to sentence his own beloved son to death for an unintentional misdemeanor in a hunting field.
Hamir Deo was succeeded by Raja Padam Singh, who ruled Pichhore during The greater part of Aurangzeb's reign. Padam Singh had two sons. Hindupati and Prithvipati. Hindupati was a reputed scholar and poet. He wrote a religions tract called Tattva-Bodha which is still extant. Hindupati was succeeded by his son Pahar Singh. During 1767, Pahar Singh had joined forces with Jawahar Singh or expelling the Maratha troops from the Bhind area and in the latter's expedition to Ajmer and Pushkar. However, about the year 1783-84 Pahar Singh had accepted a feudatory status under Mahadji Sindhia. Chhattar Singh the successor of Pahar Singh was treacherously deprived of Pichor by Daulat Rao Sindhia. His wife's blood stained palm impression in the citadel at Pichor still commemorates her exile from that ancient fortress.
External links
See also
Source - Ranvir Singh Tomar from Gwalior via WhatsApp Mob.94251 37463
Pichhor fort Dabra Gwalior, Nai Duniya.20.5.2020
- ↑ Dr. Ajay Kumar Agnihotri (1985) : Gohad ke jaton ka Itihas(Hindi), p. 89
- ↑ Raja Padm Singh: "Magrora Durg", Jat-Veer Smarika, Gwalior. 1992, p. 70
- ↑ Raja Padm Singh: "Magrora Durg", Jat-Veer Smarika, Gwalior. 1992, p. 70
- ↑ Ja tKshatriya Culture
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.33-34
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