Ramgarh Ujjalwas

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(Redirected from Shri Ramgarh)
Location of Ramgarh in Hanumangarh district

Ramgarh or Ramgarh Ujjalwas is a village in Nohar tahsil of Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan.


It is situated on Nohar - Bhadra Road about 21km from Nohar in east.

Jat Gotras

There are about 3000 houses in the village out of them 1340 houses are of Jats.

Other castes are Kumhar, Brahman, Meghwal, Dhanak, Nai, Swami, Suthar, Luhar, Sunar, Balmiki etc.


Ramgarh is one of the biggest villages with population of 14,000 (approximately).

It is a historic village to be known at least 400 years history. Agricultural land of Ramgarh is irrigated by DPN and NTR.

Education in Ramgarh

There are 3 government schools in Ramgarh:

  • Government Senior Secodary School, Ramgarh.
  • Government Girls Midal School, Ramgarh.
  • Government Primary School, Ramgarh.

Students of different schools are serving the country in different fields. There are number of Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Army personnel, industrialists, politicians, etc. are amongst the proud alumnus of the schools in the village.

List of temples

  1. Hanuman Mandir
  2. Baba Ram Dev Mandir
  3. Bhbhuta ji Mandir
  4. Shani ji Mandir
  5. Shiv ji mandir
  6. Krishan ji mandir
  7. Norangnath ji ka Dera
  8. Sati dadi ka mandir
  • There is one mosque also in the village.

External links

Notable persons



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