
Vehari (Hindi: वेहरी) Urdu, Punjabi: وہاڑی) is a city and district in the Punjab province of Pakistan.
Tahsils in the District
Jat Gotras
Click to see Jat Gotras in Vehari
Tribes and clans
The principal tribes of the district are the Rajpoot (generally known as Ranghar, who migrated from Haryana during 1947 and are settled in all parts of Pakistan but mostly in Punjab and Sindh), Khokhar, Arain, Dogar, Dhudhi, Daultana, Daha, Gujar, Jat (both local & settler), Johiya, Khagga, Khichi, Khakwani, Kharal, Langrial, Manais, Syed, QureshiSuddiqe, Gasura Jatt, Wattu, and Kamlana
Subsequently, areas to the east of the above mentioned riparian tract were inhabited by Rain from Lahore and Khichi from Bikaner who founded Mailsi town. Mailsi is still much their preserve.
- Khokhar - Khokhar in Vehari, Lahore and Multan is the dominant caste. Khokhar, Bhatti, Khar, Kharal, Awan and Bara are associated castes and probably originated the name of five brothers. They trace their genealogy with Bahud Din Zakria, Qutab Shah and then back to Arab Quresh. These castes trace their links to the Prophets Muhammad, through distinct genealogy. Prominent personalities of the Khokhar caste are Riaz Khokhar (Ex. Foreign Secretary), Haji Nawaz Khokhar (Ex. Deputy Speaker National Assembly Pakistan), Malik Zaheer Abbas Khokhar (Ex. Member of National Assembly, Pakistan), Justice (R) Fakhur un Nisa Khokhar and Malik Ahud Khkhar.
- Malik - Malik is famous for business, religious, political and social activities. There is 90% hold in Karayana businees in Bureala and medical business in Vehari. Malik are 95% belongs to business class families so they take a major role in business in District Vehari.
- Daha - The tribe claims descent from Daha Jats, who was said to be a Muslim holyman, who married the daughter of Parihar Rajput. They do claim kinship with the Bohar and Parhar Jats, who are also of Parihar Rajput ancestry. They are found mainly in Vehari, Khanewal, D G Khan, D I Khan, Faisalabad, Multan and Rajanpur districts. In Rajanpur District, their main village is Kotla Daha. In Muzaffargarh District, their main villages are Mahiwal Daha, Sardar Mohammed Daha, Mohammed Daha, Chak Ali Daha and Ali Daha.
- Arain - According to some traditions, they are descendants from the group of Ummayad(Arab) soldiers from Areeha (Jericho, Palestine) who accompanied Muhammad bin Qasim and were called by their Arabic name "Areehai", which changed to Arain by the usage in local tongues.
- Dhudhi - A clan derived from Punwar, Dhuddis are Rajputs, their origin is from Rajasthan. The Dhuddi is one of the major clans of district Vehari, have influential socio-political relations with the district.
- Khichi - Khichi are a clan of Chauhan Rajputs, who came into the district from Bikaner in Rajasthan, India.The Khichi Tribe are known to be the one of the biggest Landlords of Pakistan, and proved to be the leading Agriculturists too. The Tribe owns more than 45000 acre of Land (Irrigated). The Tribe has great political background of more than 60 years.
- Gasura - Gasura are a clan of Jat / Rajput, who came into the district from Bikaner in Rajasthan, India. Gusura arrived in Vehari (Multan) in 1890. The Gasura live in Basti Gud Gasuran Wali and other villages of Mailsi. The important village of Gussora is 65/KB which is near to Luddan. Its people are educated in that area. previous one and half decade proved Gussora in these professions teaching, enterprise development, chartered accountants, agriculture etc.
- Joiya - Daultana - The Joiya is tribe of ancient pedigree. The Daulatana clan has dominated the district's politics since 19th century.
- Khakwani - They had come to Multan from Khugyani District in Nangarhar province. Nawab Ali Mohammad Khan Khakwani was made the Nawab of Multan after the city came under the rule of the Durrani Empire.
- Jats - Jats are split into two groups: those who lived in the district prior to the building of the canals and the start of British Raj, and those who settled afterward, including Partition of India who came after 1947.
Notable persons
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