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Chakito was son of Bhupati who was son of Raja Bhatti, who was grandson of Raja Baland and great grandson of Salivahana (S.72 = AD 16).[1]

Genealogy of Bhupati

Hukum Singh Panwar[2] has given the ancestry of Bharatpur rulers starting from 1. Yadu. Shini is at S.No. 38, Krishna at S.No. 43 and Vajra at S.No. 46[3]. From Naba at S.No. 47 onward we follow James Tod[4] who has based on records of Brahman Sukhdharma of Mathura.

1. Yadu → → → → 34. Andhaka → 35. Bhajmana → 36. Viduratha → 37. Shura → 38. Shini → 39. Bhoja → 40. Hardika → 41. Devamidha → 42. Vasudeva → 43. Krishna → 44. Pradyumna → 45. Aniruddha → 46. Vajra

47. Naba → 48. Prithibahu → 49. Bahubal (w.Kamlavati Puar) → 50. Bahu → 51. Subahu → 52. Rijh → 53. Raja Gaj (founded Ghazni in Yudhishthira Era 3008= BC 93) → 54. Salivahana (S.72 = AD 16) → 55. Raja Baland → 56. Raja Bhatti → 57. Bhupati → 58. Chakito

Originator of Jat Gotra


For detailed History starting from Yadu you may see Raja Baland.

Salbahan had fifteen sons, who all became Rajas : viz., Balund, Rasaloo, Dhurmungud, Vacha, Roopa, Soondur, Lekh, Juskurn, Naima, Maut, Neepak, Gangeou, Jugeou ; all of whom, by the strength of their own arms, established themselves in independence. [5]

Raja Baland succeeded. He had seven sons : Bhatti, Bhupati, Kullar, Jinj, Sarmor, Bhynsrecha, Mangreo. [6]

Raja Bhatti succeeded his father Raja Baland. He conquered fourteen princes, and added their fortunes to his own. Among his effects, he reckoned twenty-four thousand mules laden with treasure ; sixty-thousand horse, and innumerable foot. As soon as he mounted the gadi, he assembled all his forces at Lahore preparatory to the teeka-dour destined against Beerbhan Bhagel, lord of Kanakpur. Beerbhan fell in the battle which ensued, at the head of forty thousand men. With Bhatti, the patronymic was changed, and the tribe thenceforth was distinguished by his name. [7]

Bhupati had a son, Chakito, from whom is descended the Chakito (Chagitai) tribe.[8]

Chakito had eight sons, viz., Deosi, Bharoo, Khemkhan, Nahur, Jeipal, Dharsi, Beejli-Khan, Shah Summund. [9]

Raja Baland, who resided at Salivahanapura, left Ghazni to the charge of his grandson Chakito ; and as the power of the barbarian (Mlechchha) increased, he not only entertained troops of that race, but all his nobles were of the same body. They offered, if he would quit the religion of his fathers, to make him master of Balich- Bokhara, where dwelt the Uzbek race, whose king had no offspring but one daughter. Chakito married her, and became king of Balich- Bokhara, and lord of twenty-eight thousand horse. Between Balich and Bokhara runs a mighty river, and Chakito was king of all from the gate of Balichshan to the face of Hindustan ; and from him is descended the tribe of Chakito Moguls. [10]

This is a most important admission of the proselytism of the ancient Indo Scythic- Yadu princes to the faith of Islam, though there can be no reasonable doubt of it. Temugin, better known by his nomme de guerre Jungees, the father of Chagitai, according to the Mahomedan historians, is termed an infidel, and so was Tacash, the father of Mahomed of Khwarezm : the one was of the Getic or Yuti race ; the other, as his name discloses, of the Tak or Takshac, the two grand races of central Asia. The insertion of this pedigree in this place completely vitiates chronology : yet for what purpose it could have been interpolated, if not founded on some fact, we cannot surmise.[11]

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