Superiority of Jats ?

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1/. (i) Jats were Aryan peoples who settled in North India not necessarily in one wave but many waves going back thousands of years and most recently from 1500 BC to as recently as 500 AD. Jat is a synonym of Jitt, Jute, goth and getae ( i.e. the same race of people who invaded and settled Western and northern Europe becoming identified as the Germanic race hence place names in Germany such as Gotesberg in Bavaria, Gothenburg in Sweden and Jutland in Denmark). The prefix of the name of the inhabitants of Holland, the Dutch, is derived from the same race. In old Norse mythology specific reference is made to Jaets and to their kings Aegir and Ymir. The founders of the Persian Aechmeneid Empire were Zhats migrating from the Steppe region in 600 BC. To this day there are thousands of people living in Eastern Iran who bear the name Sohi identical to that found among Hindu and Sikh Jats in NW India. The Yuezhi in Chinese are associated phonetically and semantically in other languages including the progenitors of our own with Yu-te or Ju-te, yet another Steppe migratory people associated simultaneously with Aryans and Jats. In his book, "Israel's Tribes Today", the American writer and historian, Steven M. Collins, provides a wealth of evidence (citing numerous sources from ancient Greek, Roman, and British writers of 19th and 20th Centuries ) to show that the origin of the Germans of Europe can be traced to the "Germanii", a tribe belonging to the same ethnohomogeneous group of Scythians as the Sakas, Alani and Getae all of whom spread out from their original homeland within Parthia in the early centuries AD. Thus, the irrefutable inference from Collins' scholarship and research is that the Jats who migrated into India and the likes of the Germanii who migrated into and settled in present day Germany are not only from the same ancestral homeland but ethnically and racially, culturally and linguistically the same (speakers of an Iranic language related to Avestan which itself was the root language of Vedic Sanskrit of India, possibly Zoroastrians by religion but certainly fire-worshippers). Thus the term "Indo-Germanic" is more apt in its application specifically to the connection between Indian Jats and German and Germanic peoples in Europe.In his book, " The Sikhs," General Sir John J H Gordon refers to Sikhs being composed mostly of Jats descended, in his words, from the "Scythian Getae" who have "preserved inherited racial characteristics foreign to Orientals" and "who evolved themselves by the strength of their own arms into one of the finest military types to be found anywhere". This view is supported and corroborated by numerous other authorities including other reputable historians, writers and researchers from among the British Establishment such as Colonel Todd who includes the Jat clans among the Royal Races of India as well as Joseph Davey Cunningham in his highly esteemed work :"History of the Sikhs from the Origin of the Nation to the Battles of the Sutlej."

The British Empire which covered a quarter of the Globe and endured for several hundred years was presided over by a royal family of Jat origins ; today the Royal Family of Great Britain have adopted the surname Windsor but prior to 1917 their real surname was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and their origins from Germany. The Saxons and Goths were, as detailed earlier, descended from the same races as the Aryan-Scythian cluster identified with the Jats of the Indian subcontinent. Branches of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty rued most of Europe for several hundred years.

(ii) Of all races in India (including Pathans, Kashmiris, Brahmins, Rajputs, Parsis, Gujjars, Ahirs, Yadavs) the Jats have been identified through DNA testing in numerous studies and tests by the world's most renowned scientists at the most prestigious institutions including Harvard to have the highest genetic markers identifying with Steppe ancestry and thus the Aryan diaspora. [1] The Genetic Ancestry of Modern Indus Valley Populations from Northwest India, Haryana’s Rors brought Western flavor to Indus Valley.

2/. (i) Besides the fact that Jats are the only community in India or outside of Europe who share the same surnames as Germanic peoples (Hayer, Mann, Gill, Bains, Baring, Biling, Virk, Dhillon, Bhullar, Harman, Lohan, Burdak, Hayer just to name a few) they also share many similar traditions such as widow remarriage, not marrying within 6th or 7th line of consanguinity.Owing to the fact that the Jats entered India in numerous waves up until relatively recent times and were distinct ethnically they distanced themselves from other Indian communities as a result of which the Brahmins conspired to have them relegated outside mainstream Hinduism. But eventually it was realised that the Jat, true to his Aryan roots, was physically stronger, naturally warlike and dominating. Jats soon established their hegemony in Northern India ruling vast swathes of northern to central India and bringing prosperity ; Bikaner is derived from the Bika Nehras who were Jat rulers there (Jangladesh Jat state was their state which they ruled from 1010 AD to 1488 AD and which was the largest state in 15th Century incorporating present day Bikaner, Churu, Hanumangarh, Ganganagar, Jhunjhunu), Delhi from the Dhillon clan ( let alone the fact that Jat king Salakpal Singh Tomar ruled Delhi in 11th Century ) Fatehpur Sikri which eventually became Mughal Emperor Akbar's capital owes its origin to the Sikarwar Jat clan who ruled there previously. Narsinghpur was established by the Khirwa Jat rulers. Jaisalmer takes its name from the founding Jat clan, Jaisal. Churu in Rajasthan was founded by the Charu Jat clan. Sialkot owes its origins to the Sial Jat clan. Mathura was ruled by the Haga Jats. The strongest, most impregnable, most important strategically and logistically-speaking forts within India are associated with Jat rulers ; Ranthambore Fort was built by the Nagil Dynasty who were Jats and ruled by them for centuries and Gwalior Fort was conquered by the Jat rulers of of Gohad in 1485 AD and ruled from then on by the Gohad and Dholpur Rajas until 1805 AD. Even as far South as present-day Maharashtra there were powerful Jat rulers and dynasties flourishing during the Mughal Era : Sardars Rai Ramki and Majha Singh Chahar.

(ii) Going back to the most ancient times and to the earliest records available, it has been shown by historians such as Murad Ali Beg that as early as 600 BC most of NW India, including present day Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan and eastern Iran was ruled by Jats with names identical to those found in the region today : Virk, Kang, Maan, Dahiya, Mandu. Ahsan Bajwa from Pakistan and others have proven the existence of at least 12 Jat Virk forts in Western Punjab. Ancient kings such as Vikramditya and Kanishka have been identified as Virk Jats rom the inscriptions on pillars and stone making reference to them. Dr Vinay Shrivastava of the History Department at Chhatrasal Govt P.G. College, Panna, Madhya Pradesh, has written a paper entitled : Jat Rulers in Malwa : History Related to Origin of Malwa. In this work, he provides compelling evidence to show that Jat tribes from the Punjab entered the Western region of present day Madhya Pradesh state in the 5th Century BC. The area of their settlement was known then as Malava which means the Land of Malhis who were Jat. The names of the other tribes are unquestionably Jat : Kuntal, Bhoj, Bangar, Mall, Chahar, Mann. They all ruled within the region for centuries.

(iii) It is believed that Alexander the Great died in Mesopotamia upon withdrawing his forces from the Punjab region in India. European and Western historians accentuated such belief although the real evidence provides a far more fascinating revelation : according to General Neerkus who fought alongside Alexander the latter was killed in Uchh (in today's Bahawalpur District, Punjab, Pakistan) in 323 BC by a confederation of Malhi, Bajwa and Bahraich Jats to whom he makes specific reference in his writings. Alexander's own historian, Arrian, mentions that Jats were the bravest people Alexander had to contend with upon his invasion of India and this would explain why Alexander undefeated in his campaigns from Greece through Asia Minor, Persia and Mesopotamia came to a standstill at the banks of the Jhelum upon defeating king Porus. Beyond the Jhelum there were numerous Jat chieftains who had also defeated Porus in previous battles and whom Alexander was unable to assail. Thakur Deshraj and other historians have produced evidence to verify the identity of Kanishka and the Kushans with the Jats.

(iv) Moving forward in time, such renowned historians as C V Vaidya ,Thakur Deshraj and Dr Vinay Srivastava have produced evidence to prove that Yashodharman was born into a Virk Jat family around 500 AD. He repulsed the Huns from India and ruled over the entire Malwa region of today's Western MP state. It mentions in Chandra's Grammar " Ajay Jarto Hunan" meaning that the Jats defeated the Huns. Even the famous Gupta Empire which ruled over a greater area than any other Empire within India preceding or following it with the exception of the Mughals and British was founded by Jats of the Dharan clan and not by Gupta vaisyas given that in this context the honorific title "Gupta" was not synonymous with the trading community caste. In the Tibetan text, Arya Manjusrimulakalpa, the lineage of the Gupta Emperor Bhanugupta is mentioned as 'Mathura Jata Vamsa' ( hails from the Jat lineage of Mathura ). King Harshavardhana who ruled over a vast region of north-central India at the beginning of the 7th Century AD was a Jat of the Bains clan. Even the Gurjar-Pratihara Dynasty who ruled over most of Central and North-West India in the centuries preceding the first Islamic invasions of the subcontinent has Jat antecedents ; Gurjar has always been and remains an ancient Jat gotra and is not to be confused with Gujjar which describes the caste of shepherds and cattle rustlers spread throughout Northern India while, similarly, Pratihara is one and the same as another ancient Jat gotra, Parihar.

(v) In 7th Century AD the Jats fought for the Sassanids in Persia against the Islamic invaders just as they did against the armies Muhammad bin Qasim when the Arabs invaded Sindh inflicting heavy losses on Qasim's forces. For instance, Al-Baladhuri writes in Futuh-ul-Buldan that between 659 and 712 A.D. five Arab expeditions were defeated, dispersed and their commanders killed at the borders of Sindh by the Jats and Meds. The Chuchnamah based on a contemporary Muslim account describes in detail how the Jats fought fiercely for every inch of their motherland. They became so renowned for their ferocity and martial prowess that they were recruited into the armies of the Caliphate of Baghdad. One of the greatest conquerors of Central Asia, Mohammed Ghori, was killed by 20 Khokar Jats. Even during Mughal Rule the Jats were recognised as the most formidable adversaries of the Mughals in India. As early as 1581 Emperor Akbar issued a royal decree or 'farman to Jat khap ruler Baliyan accepting him as the Wazir of the largest khap in the Doab region of what is today Western UP. From the Mughal period right through to British Rule and beyond as many as 70% of the most powerful zamindars from Punjab to north Madhya Pradesh (excluding parts of Rajasthan) and conferred the hereditary titles of zaildar or numbardar were Jat.

(vi) Thus, given the aforesaid facts, there can be no question as to Jats having been Kshatriyas in a continuous and unbroken line from ancient times right down to the present. In our ancient Sanskrit texts and scriptures specific reference is made to Jats as originating from the matted locks of Lord Mahadeo (Siva) thus putting them above Brahmins, Rishis and all other castes. Similarly, in the Deva Samhita Parvati inquires of Siva the origins of the Jats to which Siva responds that of all the Kshatriyas the Jats are the purest and superior to all others. Even in the Rig Veda associated with the Aryan invaders of India the name 'Jatavedas' is constantly invoked as the worshippers of the main Aryan god, Indra. As per standards of Vedic Kshatriyas, there is no dispute as to Jats being true Aryans belonging to the Kshatriya varna. The Aryan origins of Jats has been advocated on the basis of the ethnological, physical and linguistic standards for centuries by numerous historians including in most recent times Ernest Binfield Havell, Kalika Ranjan Qanungo, Chintaman Vinayak Vaidya, Sir Herbert Risley, Thakur Deshraj, Mangal Sen Jindal, etc. Jats have more than 5000 gotras and are found in all 4 Kshatriya types i.e, Suryavansh, Chandravansh, Nagavansh and Agnivansh. America's most circulated magazine , Appleton's Journal, published an article about the Jats in 1876 ( Vol XV. No.354, 1 Jan). It referred to the Jats' good looks, rich history and Aryan origins. The article further records how in ancient times over centuries the Jat khaps ruled North-West India repulsing invaders and forcing tribute from their inferior Rajput feudatories.

(vii) Even in the West well over 100 years ago the Jats in India were regarded as the Aryans with the oldest and purest lineage and as the progenitors of the Races who spread throughout Europe creating the civilisations that eventually sprung up there. For instance, on March 17th 1854, Colonel Sleeman, the then British Resident at Lucknow, wrote to Dr Logan, the guardian of the young Maharaja Dalip Singh, advising that a home should be found in Kent, England, for the young prince on account of the fact that the inhabitants there were of the same race : Juts from Jutland in Scandinavia who displaced the original Britons in the 5th century AD. Sleeman goes on to state that these Juts like the Jut ancestors of Dalip Singh were of the same family originating in Kashgar and the Caspian with one branch settling in Western Europe and the other on the Indus and in the Punjab. To quote Sleeman, " All the old Kentish families are descendants of Juts, and of the same race as Duleep Singh." For decades, Dutch and German girls would come to visit Haryana to conceive children of the Jat men there and Radhika Vaz writing an article in the Times of India (July 24, 2015) commented that American women were flocking to Haryana state to find a Haryanvi Jat husband or boyfriend.

(viii) All the Maharajas of Punjab were Jat ( Patiala, Jind, Nabha, Faridkhot, Khalsia, Malaudh, Sogar, Sonkh, Shadzapur ) including Maharaja Ranjit Singh, voted in 2020 in a BBC worldwide poll the greatest ruler of all time. In UP, Rajasthan and MP there were many Jat Maharajas or Rajas such as those of Ballabgarh, Mursan, Hathras,Angai, Gohad, Dholpur, Bharatpur, Pisawa, Kaithal, Thanesar, Sahanpur, Hodal, Sonkh etc. In present day Pakistan the regions of Sindh and Balochistan have a long connection and association with the Jats from the time of the Mehrgarh and Kot Diji settlements thousand of years ago right through to Modern Times ; Somra Jats ruled the entire region from 1300 to 1440 A.D. their rule overlapping with that of the Samma Jats whose rule extended to 1519 A.D. while from 1699 A.D. to 1784 A.D. the whole of present day Sindh and Balochistan (encompassing an area of some 500,000 square kilometres) was conquered and ruled by the Kalhora Jats. From 1784 AD to 1843 AD Meer Jats ruled the region.These facts have been corroborated by such scholars and historians as ljaz Ul Haq Qadusi in his work, Tareekh-Sindh as published by Sindhica Academy Karachi. Multan, Punjab, presently in Pakistan was ruled by the Langah Jats from 1445 to 1526 AD. One of the most powerful dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate in the Centuries prior to the Mughals was the Tughlaq Dynasty( 1320-1413 ) which ruled in a short period of time most of the subcontinent and an area exceeding in size that ruled by all the previous Delhi Sultanates or that subsequently acquired by the Mughal Empire over the 300 hundred years of its existence.The founder of the dynasty was Ghazni Malik, born of a Turkish royal father and a Jat mother. He founded Tughlaqabad in Delhi the fort of which remains one of the most impressive and imposing monuments not just within Delhi but in India. The founder of Rampur state, Nawab Ali Muhammad Khan, was a Hindu Jat converted to Islam upon adoption by his Afghan Rohilla father. Rampur state went on to conquer 33,000 square kilometres challenging the Mughals, Marathas, the Nawab of Oudh and even the British. Sa'adullah Khan (who died in 1656 A.D.), the Prime Minister of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, was a Jat of the Braderi tribe as asserted by Tahqiqat e Chisti and as consistent with the traditions of the Tahima Jats of Jhang and Bhawalpur. Miyan Almas Ali Khan, born into a Jat family in Hoshiarpur (Punjab), is renowned as the greatest administrator in the history of the Kingdom of the Nawabs of Oudh and in the latter part of the Eighteenth Century A.D. he ruled directly over half that Kingdom and was bestowed such royal titles as Nazir-ul-Mulk, Rukun-ud-Daula and Fateh Jung. Even in the South of India Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sultan who established a massive empire in the mid to late Eighteenth Century and which stretched from the Western to Eastern Ghats and from the Malabar and Coromandel Coasts to the Bay of Bengal had a Jat ancestry ; Hyder Ali's paternal ancestry can be traced to a one Bhauddin born in 1514 AD in Vinoke, a small village on the banks of the River Chenab near Lalian in Jhang District, Punjab, whose father was named Mian Musa, a Jat of the Sapraa tribe.

Therefore, just within the last half-millennium at least several Jat dynasties ruled over the whole of Northern India from the Indus ( the whole of the Punjab region and what is today Haryana, Sindh and Balochistan, the Hill states bordering Punjab, and the areas bordering Afghanistan ) to what was Rohilkhand (bordering Nepal), the Ganga-Yamuna Doab region and beyond (present-day Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh ) as well as the region then known as Bundelkhand ( encompassing much of northern Central India today falling within Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh ). Prior to Indian Independence, all the Princely States of India were dominated by Jats, Rajputs and Marathas, the very same races regarded as martial by the British.

(ix) Going back even farther in time, land revenue records from 1595 show that all the administrative zamindars ( jagirdars, Magistrates and Landlords ) of the Delhi zone (17 Parganas in all ) were Jat. During the period of the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire the Jats were so affluent, prominent, powerful and influential that the Rulers of Delhi frequently had to rely on their support, assistance or cooperation ; 5 prominent Jats of the Solanki clan laid the foundation of the Red Fort along with Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1639. At the time of Emperor Akbar, 85% of all lands in Delhi were owned by Jats, 65% before 1857 and even up to 1912 as recorded in the Delhi Gazette as much as 48% of all lands in Delhi were owned by Jats.

(x) Jats typefy courage, honour and loyalty and self-sacrifice. There could be no advancement of the Khalsa and establishment of the Sikh Empire without these qualities. It was the Jats who uplifted Sikhs rather than Sikhs uplifting Jats. In the Zafarnameh Guru Gobind Singh ji states to Aurangzeb that his ( the Guru's) Brar Jats would destroy the Mughals. This was most prophetic ; after the demise of the Guru and Banda Bahadur, it was the Jat Sikhs who not only destroyed the remnants of the Mughal Empire but repulsed all other invaders from the North, the Afghans and even Nadir Shah's Persians.In the last chapter of Bhagat Singh's History of the Sikh Misls it is stated that "the Gurus made the Khatris subservient to the Jats" and further that"the new features of Sikhism came to represent the dominance of Jat culture which Guru Gobind proclaimed in 1699, as the essentials of Sikhism. Love of freedom and warlike spirit of the Jats could no longer be denied a place in the system."

Bhai Taru Singh, Baba Deep Singh Dhillon, Nawab Kapur Singh Virk, Bhagel Singh Dhalliwal, Phula Singh, Shamsher Atttariwala, Veer Singh Dhillon, all of whom were Jats ensured single handedly over many generations the survival of Sikhism as well as the safety of all other Indians who otherwise would have succumbed to the Mughals, Afghans and Persians. Of the 12 Sikh Misls 10 are regarded unanimously by experts, scholars and historians as being Jat. The Ramgarhia and Ahluwalia Misls are associated with different communities but even these two Misls owed their origins to Jats ; Khushal Singh of Guga village near Amritsar was a Jat who founded the Misl which then passed to Tarkhan caste Jassa Singh who named it Ramgarhia after Ram Rauni fort. The Ahluwalia Misl was founded by Jat, Sadao Singh from the village of Ahlu, Hallu-Sadho, Tor and Chak. The tradition goes that Sadawa, the younger brother of Sadao Singh and his successor, fell violently in love with a girl of the Kalal (or distiller) caste. The marriage of Sadawa with the Kalal girl was not approved by his relatives. However, upon discovering Sadawa's serious physical and mental condition the marriage was eventually allowed on one condition imposed by the bride's parents : that, in future, all their children would be married among the Kalals to which Sadawa agreed. Subsequently, Ahluwalias or residents of the village of Ahlu came to be called Kalal and to be associated with that caste. Therefore, it can be argued vehemently that all 12 Sikh Misls were Jat either by way of ethnicity, leadership or origin.

The said Jat Sikh Misls conquered the region from the Chenab bordering Attock in the West right through to the Ganga bordering the kingdom of the Oudh Nawab and from Hazara, Peshawar, Kangra, Bilaspur, in the North to Sindh and Rajasthan in the South (conquering even the kingdom of Jaipur under Madho Singh I). These Jats defeated the Rajputs of Jaipur and the Hill States, the Gurkhas (as at Kangra in 1805 and 1809), Rohillas of Rampur, Afghans, Mughals, forces of the Nawab of Oudh and the Marathas ( repulsing Mahadji Scindia's top generals including Amboji Ingle, Gopal Rao, Madhav Rao Phalke, Francois Madec ). Bhagel Singh Dhaliwal was famous for invading and even conquering Delhi 4 times ( between 1774 and 1783 ). He also expanded the conquests of the Sikh Misls beyond the Ganga into the territory of the Nawab of Oudh ( Muzaffarnagar, Chandausi, Moradabad and beyond ). The Sikhs only withdrew from Oudh at the pleas and behest of Harji Ambaji, Mahadji Scindia's agent and a treaty was made between the parties on 30th March 1785.Even Bibi Sahib Kaur, sister of Maharaja of Patiala, Sahib Singh, defeated a vastly superior Maratha force in 1794. When Baghel Singh entered Delhi he remained in control of Delhi and the entire surrounding area ( Panipat, Karnal, Sonepat etc ) for 12 years, a feat not achieved even by the Marathas. In fact, Delhi was grabbed from the Marathas by Bhagel Singh's forces. It was the mistake of Bhagel Singh and the other Misldars ( who unlike the Marathas were not greedy and did not have imperial ambitions ) that they did not remain and entrench in Delhi and take over the Maratha lands and feudatories. Had they done so the British could and would never have been in a position to challenge Jat Sikh power in the North of India. In total, there were 11 invasions of Delhi by Jats both Hindu and Sikh during the second half of 18th Century 4 of those by Baghel Singh himself.

In 1754 Thomas Khan Miskin saw with his own eyes three Sikh horsemen drive away before them a full regiment of Turki soldiers under Qasim Khan between Patti and Lahore. Major Polier, a Swiss officer in the Mughal servive at Delhi wrote in May 1776 : " Five hundred of Najaf Khan's horsemen dare not encounter fifty Sikh horsemen ". Waris Shah, author of the story "Hir and Ranjha", whose reputation as a writer during this period flourished, stated : "The Jats have become masters of our country."

The mainly Jat Sikh Empire was one of the greatest in India and unique in that it conquered parts of Afghanistan, Chinese ruled Tibet and other regions hitherto never conquered by any Indian dynasty and it was created by a Jat, Ranjit Singh. He was the first person in history to close the Khyber and Bolan Passes to foreign invasion.

In relation to Veer Singh Dhillon as referred earlier in this section ( to whom can be attributed the conquest of Eastern Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh for which the title Jallaha -or Duke - was conferred upon him and his successors) his armies based in Gurdaspur were never defeated by the British during the Anglo-Sikh Wars owing to the city's strong defenses. In fact, the British signed a treaty with the ruler in which his areas would also come under the British empire but the 'Jallaha' would still remain the supreme commander of the forces and also the chief administrator of the area. Veer Singh was even given by the British the title of "Duke of Gurdaspur", the only Indian Aristocrat to be awarded such title.The Sikh Regiment as it is now known was created from Veer Singh's Army in 1862 or thereabouts and for which it was mandatory for British officers inducted into the regiment to wear the uniform and colours of the Jallaha.

A very popular nineteenth century British newspaper, Tit-Bits, wrote :

"It is surprising how the important honour is to Sikhs, even when the last of them were being killed and defeated, a Sikh gave down his territory only if the honour of his people and his family was kept intact, which forced the mighty British royalty to bow down and give into his demands...and now the British who have to serve in his regiment have to wear his Uniform!" .

Interestingly, Veer Singh's descendants - besides being renowned as the greatest experts in the Sikh Martial Art of Gatka- were also instrumental in bringing down the British Empire in India ; Devinder Singh Jallah Gurdaspuriah formed an alliance with Subhas Chandra Bose and raised a Sikh regiment in the unofficial Indian National Army and named it Maharaja Ranjit Singh Regiment. Simultaneously, those loyal to the Jallaha defected from the Sikh Regiment weakening British forces and pitching highly trained men against them.

(xi) The greatest resistance to the Muslims during the entire period of the Delhi Sultans ( of which there were many drawn from numerous dynasties ) and to the Mughals thereafter came not from Rajputs or others but specifically and overwhelmingly from Jats. There was Rao Manchand of Jatruali who rebelled against Ibrahim Lodhi, Rao Mohan Singh of Bajam who rebelled against Shahjahan, Rao Amar Singh of Khair who rebelled against Aurangzeb as did the 6 feet 6 inch Veer Gokula of Tilpat, the Bhagore cousins Pratap and Durga Singh of Malpura, Veer Fauzdar Thenua of Jawar, Balram Singh of Samuna, Maujiar Singh Chahar of Chaikora, Banarsi Singh Kuntal of Sonkh, Rustam Singh Sogarwar of Fatehpur, Fateh Singh Sinsinwar and of course Rao Churaman Sinsinwar of Sinsini ( founder of Bharatpur dynasty ). These are just some examples. In the Jat-Mughal Wars of 1688-97 massive defeats inflicted on the Mughals led to the carving out of numerous Jat kingdoms from formerly ruled Mughal lands ( Mursan and Hathras, Bharatpur, Ballabgarh, Firozabad, Sogar, Sonkh etc). A most befitting testimony to the superior martial prowess of the Jats is the statement made by one of India's most prominent intellectuals, Subramanian Swamy, who on his Twitter account on September 9th 2013 professed : "Jats are fierce fighters. Maharaj Suraj Mal had bashed the Islamic rulers around Delhi as no other Hindu king had done."

(xii) The very last independent and indigenous kingdoms to succumb to British conquests in peninsular India were Jat : Bharatpur in 1828 AD ( following a 20-year siege of the Lohagarh Fort in the course of which one of the British Empire's foremost generals, Lord Lake, perished ), Ranjit Singh's Empire in 1849 AD ( surrendering only in the aftermath of the Second Anglo-Sikh War due to the betrayal by two leading generals within the Sikh camp, Tej and Lal Singh, neither Jat ).

Regarding the Second Anglo-Sikh War, Jat Sher Singh Attariwala commanded the Khalsa army against the East India Company. He was the only General from all over Asia whom the British had failed to defeat on the battlefield despite the advantage of the British possessing numbers on their side, fighting in a flat terrain, a favorable climate , fresh troops , sufficient artillery and cavalry and superior logistics . In contrast to the Afghans and Nepalese in their wars against the British, Sher Singh did not have the topographical advantages of cover by way of the safety of any major fort or mountainous region. It is also to Sher Singh's credit that his warriors were unique among those who fought the British in being able to repulse the famed British “Bayonet charge.” From 1757 to the 1940s no Asian army could replicate what he did to British prestige. The British bayonet charge was assumed to be such an effective, unsettling and terrorizing tactic that most armies simply chose to flee in front of it rather than taking it head on. So effective was Sher Singh's counterattack during the Chillianwalah battle that HM ( his majesty’s) 14 Light dragoon regiment simply fled from the battlefront only to be stopped later at gunpoint by other British officers while another regiment, 24th foot, was slaughtered by Sher Singh's artillery . Such was the magnitude of the British defeat and slaughter at Chillianwalah that the British general Hugh Gough was relieved from his post and Napier was given the command after the debacle. It is said that in that one battle the British suffered more casualties in India than any other battle before or after Chillianwala. A British officer later said the following about the enemies he faced on the battlefield : “The Sikhs fought like devils, fierce and untamed... Such a mass of men I never set eyes on and a plucky as lions: they ran right on the bayonets and struck their assailants when they were transfixed.” The huge loss of British prestige at the Battle of Chillianwalah can be appraised further from subsequent events ; in 1854, after the massacre of British cavalry at the much famed but doomed “Charge of the light brigade” of the Crimean war between Britain and Russia, Lord Lucan remarked and reflected gloomily that "This is a most serious matter" to which General Airey retorted, "It is nothing compared to Chillianwalah." The Battle Of Chillianwala proved to be a major British debacle and a humiliation of the utmost degree to the British Empire whose vast armies, artilleries, manpower, supplies and logistics were considered vastly superior to all other contenders. Sadly what success the British were incapable of achieving on the battlefield they made up duly through bribing, encouraging treachery and through other devious machinations of theirs.

The Ghadrites, an armed resistance to British rule were formed by Jats. India's greatest martyrs vis-a-vis the independence struggle were Jats : Maharaja Dalip Singh ( kidnapped by the British, exiled to the UK but who later rebelled against his false imprisonment calling himself : "the implacable for of the English people" ), the Rajas Nahar Singh of Ballabgarh, Amani Singh Thakurela, Shahmal Singh Tomar, Chaudhary Bhaktwar Singh Thakran of Gurgaon (all who died valiantly in the 1857 War against the British ),post 1857 Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh of Hathras and Mursan ( along with Mahatma Gandhi India's only Nobel Peace Prize nominee and President of the Provisional Government of India which served as the Indian Government in exile during World War 1 ), Kartar Singh Sarabha, Udham Singh, Bhagat Singh, Ajit Singh Sandhu. It is acknowledged that the vast majority of freedom fighters executed for supposed treason or sedition during the British Rule of India were Jat Sikhs. For example, out of 121 patriots hanged 93 were Sikh and predominantly Jat Sikh.

(xiii) Within the Military, the bravest of the brave under British Rule were Jats : the Jat regiment being the most decorated regiment in British and Independent India to this day along with the predominantly Jat Sikh Regiment ( which in August 2021 celebrated its 175th Anniversary ). The most Victoria Crosses during the British Empire were awarded in India to Gurkhas and Hindu and Jat Sikhs. In fact, the youngest recipient of the VC in India was also a Jat, 19-year old Sepoy Kamal Ram of the 8th Punjab Regiment (awarded on 27 July 1944). Saragarhi in which just 21 Jat Sikhs belonging to the 36th Sikh Regiment ( made up exclusively and solely of Jats ) defended to the death a flimsy fort in NW Frontier against 10,000 Afghans for days - cited by UNESCO as the bravest defence in world history. The 21 Jat Sikhs had sold their lives at a high cost. While all 21 died, they took 1,400 enemy soldiers with them while injuring thousands more. Estimates from most sources list 600-1400 fatalities, with many more wounded. Either way, these 21 men took a heavy toll on their enemy. Every Sikh there that day killed 28-50 enemies, an unprecedented feat which has not been matched by any other soldiery in history ( whether Spartan, Samurai, Cossack, Gurkha or other ).However, just within the annals of Jat Sikh history there have occurred numerous instances whereby Jats, although vastly outnumbered by the enemy, have resisted annihilation with almost superhuman ability. One notable case was in December of 1732 when Bhai Tara Singh, a Buttar Jat from Van village near Amritsar, with just 22 men took on a force of 2000 Mughals under the command of Momin Khan.

In September 1918 during WW1 General Edmund Allenby launched an offensive against the Turks in Palestine with an army that consisted of 80% Haryanvi Jats and whose defeat of the Turks was so impressive that to this day the area which currently falls in Israel is named Yanuh and Jat. Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, C-IN-C of the British Army during WW2 made this statement of the Jats : "If things looked bleak and danger threatened I would ask nothing better than to have Jats beside me in the face of the enemy." On the eve of the Partition of India and Indian Independence Rab Butler, one of the most highly educated, powerful, eminent and respected politicians in England at the time ( who in his career became at different times Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary, Lord Privy Seal in the British Government ) commented that :"Of all the martial races in the World the Sikhs enjoy the greatest reputation". Of course, it needs not mentioning again that the majority of Sikhs are Jat, the majority of the Sikhs in the armed forces then and before British Rule were Jat and of the medals including the Victoria Cross awarded to Sikhs the majority were to Jats. As illustrated in an Trending stories on Indian Lifestyle, Culture, Relationships, Food, Travel, Entertainment, News and New Technology News - Trending stories on Indian Lifestyle, Culture, Relationships, Food, Travel, Entertainment, News and New Technology News - article of 20th September 2017 written by Maninder Dabas, the 3 Jat Battalion sealed the victory for India in the 1965 Indo-Pakistan War which freed what is today Bangladesh. Mr Maanjit Randawa posted a page commemorating such occasion on his Facebook account from which he received internationally numerous responses including from ex-British and even US Armed Forces personnel a number of these individuals acknowledging Sikhs (the majority again who are Jat) as the World's greatest warriors. In June 2017, in Doklam, on the Indo-Chinese border (between Sikkim and Bhutan ), Chinese forces backed down when pitted against 250 Hindu and 450 Sikh Jats.

(xiv) Numerous C-in-Cs in India and Pakistan have been Jat. Currently in Pakistan the C-in-C is a Jat, General Qamar Javed Bajwa. The only Air Chief Marshal in India whose rank was par with independent India's two only Field Marshals (Cariappa and Manekshaw) was a Jat : Arjan Singh Aulakh ( also a decorated WW2 pilot in UK and the only Indian whose portrait is displayed with pride at the world famous RAF College, Cranwell UK ). Sardar Hardit Singh Malik CIE OBE was an Indian civil servant and diplomat. He was the first Indian High Commissioner to Canada, and then Indian Ambassador to France. He was the first Indian to fly as a pilot with the Royal Flying Corps in the First World War. He also played first-class cricket between 1914 and 1930. The first Indian officer to be awarded the Padma Bhushan post Independence was Roorkee engineer educated General Joginder Singh Dhillon for his role in the 1965 India-Pakistan War. The Jats' achievement is further unique in that in 2016 all the three army chiefs at that time were Jat: Dalbir Singh Suhag (Army), Sunil Lamba (Navy) and Birender Singh Dhanoa ( Air ). In 2019, Sunil Lamba was replaced as Chief of the Indian Navy by yet another Jat, Admiral Karambir Singh Nijjar. Since Independence there have been numerous Jat Generals in the Indian Army with many having been appointed GOC ( General -Officer- Commanding-In-Chief ) and in far greater proportion for their numbers than any other community. Just in the most recent years there has been General Alok Singh Kler, GOC of South Western Command, who was succeeded by yet another Jat Amardeep Singh Bhinder. Presently, the GOC of Central command is a Jat, Iqroop Singh Ghuman and the Director General of the Defence Intelligence Agency is the imposing 6 feet 4 inch General Kanwal Dhillon.

(xv)The superiority of the Jat is further acknowledged by the fact that from British times till today the most exclusive regiment in the Indian army, the President's Bodyguard ( previously Viceroy's Bodyguard ) is recruited exclusively among Jats and Rajputs but only 1/3 Rajput and 2/3 Jat because of the superior height, physique and strength ( minimum height 6 feet but under the British 6 feet 2 ). Jats have always been renowned for their superior size and height : Raja Gokula who fought against the Jats was 6 feet 6 inches in height as was Maharaja Yadavindra Singh of Patiala. Sardar Bahadur Captain Mehtab Singh Agre OBI 3rd Cavalry of Amrotha was 7 feet 6 inches in height. Dr W. Hew McLeod, one of the World's foremost scholars of Sikh history, mentions how in the aftermath of the Anglo-Sikh wars the British were held in awe by the superior size of the Sikh combatants many of whom were in the eyes of their British observers 7 feet in height or thereabouts. During British Rule, height measurements carried out by the British Authorities confirmed Jats and Rajputs as having the tallest average height far exceeding that of Kashmiris, Pathans or khatris and with the upper index being up to 190-192 cms.

(xvi) At least 2 prime ministers of Pakistan were Jat, the first PM of that country Liaqat Ali Khan and decades later Zirdari. Two former Prime Ministers of Azad Jammu and Kashmir have been Jat namely Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry and Chaudhry Abdul Majid. Numerous other Jats have been CMs in Pakistan including Pervaiz Elahi Nat, Ghulam Mustfa Khar, Manzur Watto, Mohammad Khan Joneja. Baldev Singh, a Jat Sikh from a rich steel industrialist family, was the first Defence Minister of India after Independence. It was he who appointed the first Indian C-in-C Thakur Nathu Singh Rathore of Dungarpur. India has had at least 1 Jat PM ( Chaudhary Charan Singh Tewatia ), at least 1 Deputy Prime Minister (Chaudhary Devi Lal), a number of Foreign Ministers such as Shri Natwar Singh and other Cabinet Ministers such as Sucha Singh Langah (PWD) not to mention those in Modi's BJP Government such as Chaudhary Kailash Gahlot who of all The Delhi Govt Cabinet Ministers had one of the largest portfolios (Transport, Land Revenue, Law and Justice, Legislative Affairs, Information and Technology), numerous CMs especially in Punjab ( where all but one have been Jat since 1966 ), Haryana ( the majority in this state having been Jat )and Delhi (such as Sahib Singh Verma). In 2021 the Chief Secretary of India's largest state, Iqbal Singh Bains, was a Jat. Former head of RAW was D S Bains. A former Deputy Auditor-in-General of India, Baljit Singh Gill, is a Jat. The very first female IPS officer of the country was not Kiran Bedi but a Jat, Surjit Kaur Deol. Even abroad Jats have gone on to high political office. The leader today of the New Democratic Party in Canada is a Jat, Jagmeet Singh Dhalliwal. The majority of the Indian origin ministers in Trudeau's ruling government in Canada are Jat. In British Columbia in Canada a former governor, Ujjal Dosanjh, was Jat. In the USA a former governor of South Carolina state was a Jat, Nimrata Nikki Haley (b. Randawa) who also became the youngest ever Governor of a state in US history. The first ever Indian-origin Attorney-General in the USA, of New Jersey state, is a Jat : Sukhbir Grewal.

In 2021 the mayors of both Edmonton and Calgary cities in Alberta Province ( one of the most affluent provinces in Canada on account of being at the forefront of the Nation's oil and gas industry ) were Jat Sikhs : ex- Canadian Cabinet Minister Amarjeet Sohi and Jyoti Gondek ( born Grewal ) respectively. Mrs Gondek is also the first Asian woman to become mayor of a major metropolitan city in Canada. In July 2022, Indramit Gill became the Chief Economist of the World Bank, one of only two Indians or Indian-origin individuals to date to hold such highly prestigious and powerful position.

Until 2021 almost every single CM of Punjab has been Jat ( and every one of them from at least 1966 ) despite the fact that non-Jat Hindus still outnumber Jats in Punjab. Only for a short period in 2021 to 2022 was there a Punjabi CM, Congress Party's Charanjit Singh Channi, who was of non Jat ethnicity. In the Punjab State elections in March 2022 a Jat, Bhagwant Singh Mann, returned once again as CM this time representing AAP (Aam Aadmi Party). It is clear that in Punjab the Jat Sikhs still control the reins of power in all areas overwhelmingly. Even though in 2021 the CM of Haryana was a khatri, Khattar, the deputy CM is Dushyant Chautala a Jat whose own grandfather Om Prakash Chautala was once CM. In any case, most Haryana CMs preceding Khattar were Jat. Numerous State Governors have been Jat including in 2021 the likes of Satya Pal Malik, Governor of Meghalaya and erstwhile Governor of the States of Bihar, Odisha and Jammu. In the Diplomatic Service, Jats have risen to the highest and most distinguished positions with many appointed as Ambassadors. Indeed, in 2021 the incumbent Indian Ambassador to the USA (undoubtedly the most prestigious and illustrious appointment among all ambassadors ) was none other than a Jat Sikh, Taranjit Singh Sandhu.In 2022 his wife, Reenat, was appointed Indian Ambassador to the Netherlands ( the only husband and wife from India to have both been Ambassadors to different countries at the same time. )

(xvii) More importantly, the British attributed Kshatriya or martial status to the Jats as they did to the Rajputs snd Gurkhas.


(i) The World's first ever university and the greatest in ancient times was founded in Taxila in 600 BC and endured as an institution up to 500 AD. Its foundation is attributable to the Sial Jats. At the time of its founding Taxila was located in the kingdom of Gandhar and to which the Gandhara Jats as found in the region today owe their origin. The area is also the location of numerous tumulus burials attributed to the Jat Aryan invaders.

(ii) The most prolific Indian inventor who also owns more patents today than any American, British and European inventor and who is recognised as the world's 7th most prolific inventor of all time (with 1900 US utility patents far outstripping Thomas Edison) is a Jat : Gurtej Sandhu. Sandhu is not only the most prolific inventor in history of Indian origin but owns today more patents than any other individual from the World ( Australia and Japan excepted ). The man who pioneered one of modern civilisation's greatest technological breakthroughs, that of mobile and wireless telecoms systems first patented through US company AT&T, was none other than a Jat, Dr Rajendra Singh. Co-inventor of the SPY Imaging System ( a product that is used in surgeries today all over the world to assess blood flow and perfusion thus impacting the lives of millions of doctors and patients ) was a Jat : Rick Mangat. One of the most reputed plastic surgeons in USA today is a Jat : Devinder Singh Mangat. The first Indian to become chairman of NASA was a Jat : Dr Jagjeet Singh Rathi. The UK's leading researcher into Crohn's Disease is Dr Bhupinder Sandhu. Vast numbers of Jats have topped the IAS and other professional exams. In 2017, the individual who topped the AIIMS in the Tricity Chandigarh was a Jat, Navtej Mangat. In the UPSC, regarded as the toughest and most competitive of all the IAS exams in India, the person who came first within India in 1996 was a Jat, Iqbal Singh Dhaliwal ( whose wife Gita Gopinath went on to become the first ever Indian National or Indian- origin person to head the IMF ) just as in 2020 another Jat, Pradeep Singh Malik, scored No.1 in the AIR ( All India Ranking ) in the UPSC. In 2019, a Jat girl, Shipra Dhankar, topped the Delhi Judicial service exam. In 2021, two Jats ( Rathi and Randawa ) ranked among the top 10 in the UPSC exams.

Kartikeya Jakhar, a 12 year old Jat schoolboy from Haryana in India entered the Guinness Book of World Records in 2022 by becoming the World's youngest ever computer apps developer (he developed three learning web applications without any guidance) and has been admitted to Harvard University to study for a BSc in computer science ( also making him thus one of the youngest ever students to gain admission to Harvard ).

(iii) Even in the Arts, members of the Jat community have distinguished themselves in a unique way ; Faiz Ahmad Faiz is regarded as one of the most celebrated writers of the Urdu language in Pakistan and is the only individual from the country to have been nominated for the Nobel Prize. Similarly, the only individual from the entire subcontinent to have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize was Jat leader of the Provisional Indian Government in Exile during British Rule, Mahendra Pratap Singh. In the UK, two of the most distinguished, award winning and internationally acclaimed historians are Sathnam Sanghera ( a First Class Degree graduate from Cambridge Universify ) and former engineer Amarpal Sidhu.

(iv)The modern popular music driving Bollywood success is attributable to Jat singers, lyricists and composers who not only dominate the Bollywood musical scene today but the mainstream Punjabi and Indian popular music scenes ; artists such as Guru Randawa, Gary Sandhu, Harrdy Sandhu, Gippy Grewal, Diljit Dosanjh, Jazzy B Bains, Babbu and Harbajhan Maan etc. A number of our Jat singers such as Guru Randawa have even gone on to get over a billion views on YouTube for their hits putting them on par internationally with the likes of Rihanna, Eminem, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift. The World’s most successful Social Media star is producer and director of motivational videos, Dhar Mann, with over 7 billion views on YouTube. Today Dhar Mann owns a studio in Hollywood where he is a sensation. Even in acting one of the greatest superstars of Indian cinema in the 1960s and 1970s was Dharmendra known as the "He-Man" of Indian cinema. His son, Sunny Deol, also became one of Bollywood's biggest superstars in the 80s and 90s.

(v) It is interesting how despite few Jats being involved in the film industry many top Bollywood movies have been inspired by Jats : A Flying Jatt, Gold ( inspired by the greatest field hockey player of all time, Balbir Singh Dosanjh ), Kesari ( based on Saragarhi ), Shaheed Uddham Singh, The Legend of Bhagat Singh, etc.


(i) For their numbers, Sikhs of all the Indian diaspora are the most financially successful with the highest per capita income among all immigrants in UK, Canada and USA. What is significant about this is that 66% of all Sikhs are Jat. By way of the most affluent castes or communities within India, Sikhs ( who are predominantly Jat lest we forget ) rank third trailing behind Parsis and Jains only ( see Top 10 Richest Caste in India - Javatpoint ).

(ii) The richest Jats besides could always hold as they do today their own by way of standards of wealth not just within India but without too. In the Eighth Century AD, the richest man in Asia controlling the Silk Route was none other than Abu Hanifa born into a Jat family. It was he who wrote the Hadiths of the Sunni faith of Islam. Coming to India, Choudhary Sajjan Singh Lamba from the famous Jat Zamindar family of Alakhpura was the Third richest businessman in United India prior to 1947. Dyal Singh Majithia (1848-1898 ) opened the Punjab National Bank and founded "The Tribune" newspaper in 1881 which today is one of the most respected and widely circulated newspapers in India. In 2008, the 5th richest man in the world was Jat Kushal Pal Singh of DLF as well as being the world's largest property developer. Even today Kushal Pal Singh ranks 15th in India's rich list. His daughter owns to this day the most expensive property, a bungalow, in Lutyens Delhi. One of India's youngest billionaires was Delhi IIT-educated Sameer Gehlaut, founder and CEO of the multi-national Indiabulls Group. The founder and CEO of one of India's largest and most well known insurance companies, PolicyBazaar, is also an IIT Delhi educated Jat, Yashish Dahiya. He was also the highest paid CEO of India's top 10 start-up unicorns as of 2018. The richest families in India are still drawn from former ruling families, old landed aristocratic dynasties or old ruling families many of whom are Jat : in Punjab, the Maijthia family, Khairon family, Maan family ( i.e, Simran Singh Maan ), the Badals ( Prakash Badal 5 times CM of Punjab, the biggest landowner in California, USA). In 2020 the two richest MLAs in Delhi were Jat : Chaudhary Dharmpal Lakra and Parmila Tokas . In the Early Twentieth Century, the wealthiest man between Jaipur and Delhi was Chaudhury Maluk Singh Thakrun. Jats were owners of what was a few decades back the world's costliest land (in Gurgaon near Delhi).

(iii) It is true that farming (like fighting) characterised Jats and is still representative of our community. Farming requires beside hard physical labour, skill and intelligence ( understanding soil conditions, weather patterns, geography, botany, chemistry and horticulture ). Agriculture accounts for 70% of India's GDP and this is largely on account of the Jats. It was the Jats who pioneered the Green Revolution which made Punjab the most prosperous state in India.Thanks to the Jats the highest per capita income in India today is in Chandigarh while the most number of high end luxury car brands are to be found in Ludhiana, a Jat stronghold, as compared to any other city in India. The Agricultural College in Ludhiana is the top in the country. That is why even for agriculture Jats are recruited from outside of India to the extent that in some countries such as Canada there is even a 'Jat' visa. Today, the largest landowners in Argentina are Jat Sikhs and in Italy, Mexico and many other countries they have become dominant landowners in many regions.

(iv) Outside of India Jats distinguished themselves in business and commerce from the earliest days of the diaspora ; for example, between the 1930s and 1970s, the richest man in the whole of East Africa ( the region being the richest within the British Empire ) was Inder Singh Gill, a Jat. Who are the biggest and richest landowners even vineyard owners in California : Jats. The richest NRI property developer outside India is a Jat : Bob Dhillon. The first and youngest Indo-American billionaire was industrial engineering graduate Darshan Singh Dhaliwal who became the largest petrol retailer in the USA. He is also the most philanthropic individual among the richest NRIs. Of religious charities within India Radha Soami Satsang Beas is one of the oldest, largest and most affluent charities feeding, clothing and administering medicines to millions of poor Indians in thousands of ashrams all over India. The origins of the organisation in its present form can be traced to who ? A Jat Sikh of Dhillon clan. Today it is headed by Sardar Harcharan Singh Grewal another Jat. It has a huge international following.One of the largest humanitarian organisations in the World, Khalsa Aid, was founded and is still headed by Jat Sikh, Ravinder Sidhu.


(i) Regarding beauty pageants, Jat doctor Manushi Chillar became first Miss India and then in 2017 Miss World. In 2021, yet another Jat, Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu, was crowned Miss Universe becoming one of only three Indian women to date to have won the Miss Universe crown in the Pageant’s 70-year history. Miss India in 2011 was a Jat, 5 foot 10 Kanishtha Dhankar, 5 foot 10 Simran Kaur Mundi who in 2008 became Femina Miss India is Jat, as is 6 foot 1 Ashwarya Sheoran a Miss India Finalist and UPSC topper (98th in the whole country ). Sonia Rathee, ( Princeton educated ), Harpi Gill ( singer, songwriter ), ankur rathee ( Sonia's brother who is also Princeton educated ), Sonam Bajwa, Ajay Sarkaria, Gurjeet Kaur Mann, Shehnaaz Gill, 6 foot 4 Dhairya Karwa, Malti Chahar, a Miss India Finalist in 2014 ( plus software engineer graduate from I.E.T Lucknow ) and whose brother is an Indian international cricketer, are just some examples of intelligent, successful and good looking pure Jats who dominate the Arts, Entertainment, Fashion, Modelling and Media industries. Simi Grewal is one of the most well known female celebrities in India, renowned for good looks, brains and outstanding interviewing skills which has seen her achieve distinction at an international level. She was also Ratan Tata's only romantic liaison at a time Ratan Tata was the richest man in India and among the top richest in the World. In the UK, Jat girl, Rajdip Shoker, has taken social media by storm on account of her stunning looks and talent.

(ii) Regarding sports Jats being taller, bigger, stronger and fitter than all other communities within India explains why they dominate in sports. In every sport Jats dominate be that field hockey, cricket, basketball, wrestling. The greatest field hockey player of all time and regarded as the greatest centre forward in the history of the game holding the record of the highest number of field goals was 3 time Olympic Gold Medallist, Colonel Balbir Singh Dosanjh Snr (1923-2020).

In cricket, some of the greatest players have been or are Jat including in more recent times Virender Sehwag, Yuzvendra Chahal and Shubman Gill who in July 2022 in the Test Series against the West Indies joined a unique list of Indian openers who remained unbeaten on 90s in ODIs. That list also included fellow Jat, Virender Sehwag, as well as Sunil Gavaskar among others. In cricket we also have physically imposing cricketers such as 6 foot Kapil Dev ( regarded as one of the greatest all rounders in the sport's history and who captained the India Team when they won the World Cup in 1983 ),Navjot Sidhu and Yuvraj Singh both who stand 6 foot 2.

With regard to international wrestling we can boast of Dara Singh ( the only professional wrestler with 500 bouts and no losses ) ,Tiger Dalbir Singh, Tiger Jeet Singh, Tiger Ali Singh, all world class wrestlers well over 6 feet. The list is endless. In WWE there are the likes of Jinder Mahal who became a world champion in the Heavyweight Division, in MMA Arjan Bhullar who became the World MMA Heavyweight champion and Amanpreet Singh Randhawa ( known as Mahabali Shera ) who won the RKK Word Heavyweight title. Dylan Cheema from the UK is a 2 times world kickboxing champion (also a university graduate). In boxing there is Parminder Singh Nagra, the Heavyweight boxer (trained by former World Heavyweight champion, Tim Witherspoon) and Hawa Singh Sheoran, India's national heavyweight champion for 11 years and back to back Asian Games gold medallist , Vijender Singh Beniwal who was the first Indian boxer to win an Olympic medal (bronze, Beijing 2008) not to mention his other accolades : bronzes at the 2009 World Championships and 2010 Commonwealth Games in addition to silvers at the 2006 and 2014 Commonwealth Games, all in the Middleweight Division. One of the greatest boxers of all time from Asia is none other than a Jat, Kaur Singh, who won a gold medal at the senior national boxing championship and remained the holder of the gold medal for four years till 1983. In 1980, Singh won a gold medal at the Asian Boxing Championship in Mumbai and in 1982 went on to win a gold medal at the heavyweight category in the Asian Games held at New Delhi.

6 foot 4 vegetarian Sachin Mann had by the age of 25 in 2022 distinguished himself in Martial Arts having already been 8 times National judo champion (including gold medal in the Under 21 category in 2017), having won 6 international judo championships and 2 Asian. He is also a law graduate, bodybuilder, actor, model and is multi-lingual.

In bodybuilding, Varinder Singh Ghuman won Mr India in 2009 and 2nd place in Mr Asia and currently works as the brand ambassador for Arnold Schwarzenegger's health products in Asia. Mukesh Singh Gahlot besides being a bodybuilder with an unbroken record as 4 times Mr India is also a two time Gold-medal winning world powerlifting champion (2013 and 2016). The most accomplished basketball family in India are the Cheema family the most famous among them being Saijjan Singh Cheema. The Bhullar brothers of NBA are both over 7 feet in height just as the tallest players of Indian origin are all Jat such as Princepal Singh, Amjyot Singh and Satnam Singh Bhamara. In cricket, Kapil Dev who captained India’s triumphal World Cup team in 1983 and who is regarded as one of the greatest all-rounders in the sport’s history, Navjot Sidhu, Yuvraj Singh and Virender Sehwag have distinguished themselves as among the country's foremost cricketers. In wrestling, there are the likes of Dara Singh( the only professional wrestler with 500 bouts and no losses ).

With regard to the most recent sporting achievements one may note the following. In 2021 Tokyo Oympics, 4 of the Indian wrestlers were Jat (Deepak Punia, Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia and Ravi Kumar). Of the 7 Indians awarded medals in the same Olympics 4 of those individuals were Jat ( P V Sindhu who won the Bronze in the Women's Singles in Badminton, Ravi Kumar Dahiya who won Silver in the Men's 57 kg wrestling, Bajrang Punia who won Bronze in the Men's Freestyle 65 kg Wrestling and Neeraj Chopra who won Gold in the Men's Javelin ). Neeraj Chopra is a Ror Jat ( Rors were believed to be Marathas who had settled in the Haryana region after the Third Battle of Panipat but DNA evidence now shows that they are identical to all other Jats.) Within India, all the greatest sporting accomplishments in recent years have been attained by Jats ; 19 year old Deepak Singh Punia became the new world junior wrestling champion, Sunil Kumar Malik bagged the Greco Roman gold medal in the 2020 Asian Wrestling Championship, Amit Panghal won gold medal at the Asian Boxing Championships while in 2019 Amit's female cousin, Bunty Panghal, bagged a gold medal in China at the World Police and Fire Games. In same year, 18-year old Diksha Dagar became the second only Indian golfer to win the Ladies European Tour. The first Indian bowler to take a hat trick in T201 (3.2 overs, 7 runs, 6 wickets ) was a Jat : Deepak Chahar. 17 year old girl Manu Bhakar and 16 year old Saurav Chaudhary clinched the gold medal in the Asian Airgun Championship shattering a world record in the process. Sejul Gulia snatched the gold medal in the 2019 international fencing tournament in Thailand. Dhruv Jurel was appointed in 2019 as captain of India's under-19 international cricket team. Sumit Nagal yet another Jat has been ranked the No.1 Indian singles tennis player since 2018. Anuj Singh Taliyan from the Indian Army won the Mr India Bodybuilding Championship around this time. Jats took a staggering 42% of all the medals awarded in the 2010 Commonwealth Games. The performance of India's Jats at the 2022 Commonwealth Games was so outstanding that Rajdeep Sardesai, writing in the Hindustan Times, referred to such stellar performance as the " ‘Jatification' of Indian sport" : out of the 101 medals won by India just over a quarter, 27, went to Jats who also won 10 of the 19 gold medals ( so over half of the gold medals awarded ). The achievement is all the more remarkable in light of the fact that Haryana and Punjab from where most of the Jat contingent originates receive the least funds for sports infrastructure among all states in India - as of 2022 just 94 and 89 crore rupees respectively in contrast to Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh which receive 608 and 503 crore rupees respectively.

Even in non traditional sports Jats have excelled. For example, to date the only American to have won a gold medal in road cycling is Indian-origin Alexi Singh Grewal (1984 Olympics ).One of the greatest athletes of all time among senior citizens is again a Jat, marathon runner Fauja Singh who aged 111 in 2021 was still running. Although Fauja Singh only started running at the age of 83 he went on subsequently to break a number of world records in multiple age brackets.


It has now been proved scientifically and beyond all reasonable doubt through DNA ( as they say 'blood doesn't lie'), archaeology, anthropology, linguistics and semantics as well as literary sources ( historical, religious and other ) that of all races within the Indian subcontinent Jats are racially and ethnically the closest to the Armenoid, dolicephalic, fair skinned Caucasian Steppe migratory peoples associated with the Aryan culture and that in India they have always been associated with Kshatriyas from ancient times right to the present. All the facts point indisputably to Jats as having been for millennia a distinct and distinguished martial, regal and landowning race of European and Central Asian origin. There is no other martial race in the world that can boast of such a continuous and glorious legacy and tradition spanning thousands of years. There is no other race or community in the World that have been fighting wars in one continuous period over thousands of years across many regions ( India, Persia, Afghanistan, Central Asia ). The Pathans pride themselves on being great warriors since time immemorial and on never being conquered by outsiders but both claims are untrue ; the earliest records of Pathans are only from Herodotus' writings around 500 BC and regarding the second claim, the Pathans were conquered and subdued by Ranjit Singh's forces. There is no race or community in the world whose royalty, aristocracy, nobility can boast of so many old, continuous and uninterrupted family lines as the Jats within the Indian subcontinent possess i.e, the Virk Jats, Nagil Jats, Godara Jats and many more.
