Swami Sumedhanand Saraswati
The author of this article is Laxman Burdak. |

Swami Sumedhanand Saraswati (स्वामी सुमेधानन्द सरस्वती) is a reputed Saint at Vedic Ashram in village Piprali in Rajasthan. He is Member of Parliament (2014) from Sikar. He is Member of Lok Sabha from Parliamentary Constituency Sikar (Rajasthan ). He won election as Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate in 2014 and 2019.
Basic Information
- Father's Name: Shri Maya Ram Arya (Dhaka). Born in Barak Gotra of Baland Rohtak but adopted in Dhaka family
- Mother's Name: Smt. Bharti Devi
- Date of Birth: 01 Oct 1951
- Place of Birth: Baland, Rohtak, Haryana
- Marital Status: Unmarried
- Educational Qualifications: Darshanacharya, M.A. (Sanskrit)
- Educated at Dayanand Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Dinanagar, Punjab; and Meerut University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
- Profession: Social Service
Positions Held
- May 2014: Elected to 16th Lok Sabha
- 1 Sep. 2014 onwards : Member, Standing Committee on Human Resource Development
- 15 Sep. 2014 onwards:
- Member, Committee on Ethics,
- Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Agriculture
- Member, Hindi Salahkar Samiti, Ministry of Human Resource Development
- 23 May 2019 : Elected to 17th Lok Sabha.
Books authored
- Brahmacharya Sandesh, detailed description of Brahmacharya Sukta of Veda;
- Presented Research papers in different forum;
- Has been editing various weekly and monthly magazines;
- Published articles in various magazines.
- Literary Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
- Besides studying Sanskrit language, has keen interest in literature and the Science of Yajna
Social And Cultural Activities
- Associated with many Social Organisations since 1975;
- Associated with Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh from School and College days;
- Held the posts of State level General Secretary and State level President in various organisations of Arya Samaj;
- Holding the post of executive President of Sarvdeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha;
- working in the field of education through various educational and other organisations. *Had an interest in drama during the school and college days.
Special Interests
- To educate the youth and imbibing social and moral values in them;
- Has special interest in Yoga;
- Launched special drive for de-addiction in rural areas; also has keen interest in Jan Jagran and to serve Cow Progeny.
Sports and Clubs
- Special interest in Yoga, Wrestling and Football;
- Participated in State level competitions in school and Inter-University competitions during college days
Countries Visited
• Armenia, • Austria, • France, • Germany, • Holland, • Italy, • Mauritius, • New Zealand, • Russia and • Switzerland
Visited foreign centres for cultural studies and propagating Vedic culture
Other Information

Has religious bent of mind since childhood, left home in 1972 to study Sanskrit, while studying Sanskrit, undertook teaching also for eight years, took `Diksha` from Swami Sarvanandji in 1984 and became `Sanyasi`; while doing social work, got associated with BJP in 1989; Participated in movements like "Save Cow" (Gauraksha) and "Prohibition of liquor" etc.; played active role in J.P. Movement also.
Contact details
- Present Address: 163, South Avenue, New Delhi-110 011
- Tel : (011) 23794748, 09013869341 (M)
- Permanent Address: Vedic Ashram, Piprali, Vill. and P.O. Piprali, Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan
- Tel : (01572) 226300, 09928470131 (M)
- M.P. Office Sikar : 01572 259000
- Email Address : sumedhanand.s@sansad.nic.in
- sss.piprali@gmail.com
- https://www.facebook.com/sumedhanandsaraswati/
- https://twitter.com/MPSumedhanand
External links
Swami Sumedhanand Saraswati at Gramin Mahila Shikshan Sansthan Sikar:Delivering Lecture
Swami Sumedhanand Saraswati at Gramin Mahila Shikshan Sansthan Sikar
Sumedhanand Saraswati
जाट बोर्डिंग हाऊस सीकर में स्वामी सुमेधानंद से सम्मानित होते रणमल सिंह, 2007
सोनब्रून पैलेस वियना आस्ट्रिया में रामेश्वर लाल रणवा, स्वामी सुमेधानंद, शिवनाथ सिंह के साथ रणमल सिंह, 9.2010
रा.प्रा.स्वा. केन्द्र ईटावा भोपजी (चौमू) में फाइबर सीट पोर्च एवं सिंगल फ़ेस बोरिंग का लोकार्पण करते हुए साथ में स्थानीय विधायक श्री रामलाल शर्मा व कार्यकर्त्ता. दिनांकः 19.09.2014
माननीय रेल मन्त्री श्री डी.वी. सदानन्द गौड़ा जी से रेल्वे सम्बंधित समस्याओ व नई परियोजनाओ पर चर्चा करते हुए. दिनांक : 18.09.2014
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी के साथ स्वामी सुमेधानन्द सरस्वती एवम् राजस्थान के सभी सांसद
दिनांक 14 मार्च,2016 को माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र जी मोदी से मुलाकात करके सीकर में मेडिकल कॉलेज स्वीकृत कराने के सम्बन्ध में चर्चा की तथा इससे सम्बन्धित दस्तावेज प्रस्तुत किये
सूरजमल से लें एकजुटता की प्रेरणा:दैनिक भास्कर सीकर, 26.12.2015
स्वामी सुमेधानंद को स्वयं द्वारा बनाया गया चित्र भेंट करते हुये अभिलाषा रणवा
कारगिल शहीद बनवारी लाल बगड़िया की प्रतिमा को माल्यार्पण करते सांसद स्वामी सुमेधानंद सरस्वती
जयपाल सिंह चलका, शहीद समारोह 22.7.2011 में रणमल सिंह, प्रो जगमोहन सिंह (शहीद भगत सिंह के भाई), स्वामी सुमेधानंद सरस्वती, श्री सवाई सिंह सर्वोदयी और मेजर जी. सुखराम
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