Beedsar Laxmangarh

हिन्दी पेज के लिए देखें - बीदसर
Bidsar (बीदसर) or Beedsar is a village in the Laxmangarh tehsil of the Sikar district of Rajasthan state in India.
Before independence, the village was inhabited by Garhwal Jats.It is considered that a person, name Bida established Bidsar. The village was dominated by Garhwal Jats.
The village lies 21 Km east of Laxmangarh and 6 Km from Nawalgarh. The borders villages and towns including Birodi Bari, Bidasar, Mirzwash, Dundlod and Nawalgarh. On the road into the village there is a well that supplies water to the village next to an abandoned well. On the left side of the road is a common area for Holi celebrations. There are many houses and a few shops to the left of the same road in village common area. One Banyan tree is planted by Shree Ramu Ram Garhwal. The village school is on the right of the road to Laxmangarh leads to the Government Secondary School.
Jat Gotras
About Village
About 80% (1500) of the population are engaged in farming. Village agriculture is dependent on the monsoon rains although today many farms use artesian wells for irrigation.
Bidsar is connected by a two lane asphalt road to Laxmangarh and Nawalgarh. Nawalgarh Railway station 8 km from Bidsar, is the nearest railway station, which is well connected from Jaipur, Delhi and other cities.
The villagers claim to be fully literate while all children now attend school. However, many women remain illiterate, although literacy rates are improving. Many students of the village have obtained admission to pioneering engineering institutes as well as into medical colleges. Mr.Sudhir Kumar Garhwal is pursuing his PhD in Centre for Inner Asian Studies from School of International Studies (SIS) JNU, New Delhi. The village is looking ahead.
All villagers follow the Hindu religion. Jats, Harijans, Brahmins live in the village. Among the Jats.
Villagers celebrate all major Hindu festivals. Some of the major festivals are Holi, Deepawali, Makar Sankranti, Raksha Bandhan, Sawan, Teej, and Gauga Peer, Gangaur.
Religious Places
- Hari Baba Aashram,Bidsar (Chatarana Johra)
- Bala Giri Baba (Bhisrana Johra)
- Ganesh Ji Mandir (Kumana Johra)
- Shiv Mandir (Bidsar Bus Stand)
Notable persons
- Shivchand Garhwal - (Senior Teacher) Mob:+919413585285
- Ranvir Singh Garhwal - Mob:+919414772851
- Ramu Ram Garhwal, Bidsar
- Deepak Bhaskar - Bidsar, Mob: 99413888887, Resource person Teja Foundation.
External links
- Details of Sarpanch in Sikar
- List of all villages of Rajasthan with their Panchayat Samiti
- Sikar District Official Web Page
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