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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Kapooria (कपूरिया)[1] Kapuria (कपूरिया) Kapoorya (कपूरया) Kapureya (कपूरेया) [2] [3] gotra Jats are found in Rajasthan and Haryana.


They are supposed to get name from place called Kapisha (कपिशा). [4]

Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[6] mentions Fortunate Islands.... There are some authors who think that beyond these are the Fortunate Islands1, and some others; the number of which Sebosus gives, as well as the distances, informing us that Junonia2 is an island seven hundred and fifty miles distant from Gades. He states also that Pluvialia3 and Capraria4 are the same distance from Junonia, to the west; and that in Pluvialia the only fresh water to be obtained is rain water.

1 Or Islands of the Blessed—the modern Canaries.

2 Supposed to be the modern island of Fuerteventura.

3 Supposed to be that now called Ferro.

4 Probably the modern Gomera. In B. iv. c. 36, Pliny mentions them as six in number, there being actually seven.

Mention by Panini

  • Karpura (कर्पूर) is name of a place mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi under Kashadi (काशादि) ( group. [7]
  • Karpurin (कर्पूरिन्) is a place name mentioned by Panini under Suvastvadi (सुवास्त्वादि) (4.2.77) group. [8]


H.A. Rose[9] has mentioned Kapur in the list of Jat clans.

The Kapur tribe in Afghanistan has given their name to the village of Kapurdagarhi, or Fort of Kapur, in Yusufzi. It is the same place as the Langar Kot mentioned in the Afghan histories as the stronghold of the Dalazak tribe at the time they were conquered and driven across the Indus by the Mandanr and Yusuf. [10]

H. W. Bellew[11] writes that the Kapur clan found in Afghanistan is the Kapol, which he classified as mercantile Rajput, or the Kapur Khatri.

H. W. Bellew[12] writes that... According to their own accounts the Yusufzi came into their present settlements in the Peshawar valley about the middle of the fifteenth century, during the reign of Mirza Uluqh Beg, who was king of Kabul and Ghazni, and the grandson of Amir Tymur (Tamerlane of European writers), and paternal uncle of the Emperor Babar, founder of the Mughal dynasty of India.

Prior to this migration, they dwelt in the Ghwara Margha, or "fat pasture" district, at the sources of the Arghasan river, a southern tributary of the Tarnak. In consequence of a dispute about pasture with the Tarin tribe, occupying the Lower Arghasan and Kadani districts, they migrated thence to Kabul ; where, meeting with other migrating tribes, named Mahmand, Khalil, and Daudzi, collectively styled Ghorya-Khel, or Ghori, they joined with them and took to plundering the roads and vexing the country. Their depredations became so intolerable that Ulugh Beg sent a force to chastise them, and they were driven out of the Kabul district towards Jalalabad. Here they formed an alliance with the Khugiani tribe, inhabiting the north slopes and skirt of the Sufed Koh, and with their aid moved forwards towards the Indus. The Yusufzi, under the lead of their chief, or Malik, named Khan Kajoh or Kachu, passed over the Khybar hills, into the Peshawar district, where they were granted a strip of land along the hill skirts as a residence. But quarrelling with the Dalazak occupants about the use of a water-course there, they broke into war with them, and after a succession of hostilities, drove them across the Kabul and Swat rivers into the Sama. Here the Dalazak rallied at their capital, called indifferently Kot Kapura, Langar Kot, Kapurdagarhi, and Garhi Kapur (or " Fortress of the Kapur," or Kapol, the name of a mercantile Rajput tribe), and renewed hostilities against the Yusufzi, who had passed the Swat river into the Sama. Their efforts were unavailing, and the victorious Yusufzi, driving the Dalazak across the Indus into Chach Hazarah, took possession of the Sama.

Kapureya (कपूरेया) gotra of Jats were inhabitants of place called Kapisha (कपिशा), near Khotan and Tian Shan mountain. Hence the name Kapureya. [13] Kapiśa (Kapisha) (Persian: کاپيسا) is one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan.

The rule of Kanishka I, the second great Kushan emperor, fifth Kushan king, who flourished for at least 28 years from c. 127, was administered from two capitals: Purushapura (now Peshawar in northern Pakistan) and Mathura, in northern India. The Kushans also had a summer capital in Bagram (then known as Kapisa), where the "Begram Treasure", comprising works of art from Greece to China, has been found.

Distribution in Rajasthan

Locations in Jaipur city

Janta Colony, Narayan Nagar

Villages in Jaipur district

Kapoorya (कपूरया) Jats live in villages: Gadooda (27), Jaisinghpura Gadoora, Khora Larkhani (10), Sangtera (सांगटेड़ा) (in Kotputli tahsil),

Villages in Sikar district


Villages in Churu district

Dhani Kalera (5),

Villages in Jhunjhunu district


Villages in Alwar district

Bansur, Fatehpur Bansur (10),Khera (खेडा),

Villages in Jaisalmer district

Fatehgarh tahsil in Jaisalmer district, Rajasthan, has a village called Kapuriya.

Villages in Barmer district

Villages in Hanumangarh district


Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Bhiwani district

Kapuri (कपूरी) is a village in Charkhi Dadri tehsil of district Bhiwani in Haryana.

Notable persons

  • Ram Swarup Chaudhary (Kapuriya) - From village Khera, Bansur, Alwar, Rajasthan. Mob: 9352611100, राम स्वरूप चौधरी (कपूरिया), प्रवर्तन अधिकारी, राजस्थान सरकार, ग्राम--खेड़ा, तहसील--बानसूर, जिला--अलवर, वर्तमान में--सूर्यनगर, गोपालपुरा बायपास, जयपुर, मोबाइल नम्बर--09352611100,
  • Sarita Kapuria - Meritorious student. Rajasthan Madhyamik Shiksha Board 10th class - 2010, Merit list, from Vivekanand Vidya Bhawan, Jaipur, Rank 2, Marks 97.00%
  • Madan Kapuria - RPS, Dy.SP, State Crime Bureau Jaipur, From Dheelsar, Malsisar, Jhunjhunu, DOB:25.11.1971[14]
  • Rajesh Kapuria - शहीद राजेश कपूरिया,1 दिसम्बर 2014 को नक्सलियों से लोहा लेते हुए छतीसगढ़ के सुकमा जिले के ग्राम कासलपाड़ा में देश के लिए शहादत देने वाले सहायक कमांडेंट शहीद राजेश कपूरिया। शहीद सहायक कमांडेंट राजेश कपूरिया का जन्म 1 सितंबर 1977 को झुंझुनूं जिले की तहसील नवलगढ़ के ग्राम फतेहसरी में हुआ। मातृभूमि के प्रति जज्बे से वशीभूत हो देश की रक्षा करते हुए वतन पर अपनी जान लूटा गए । आपके पिता श्री बिरजू सिंह भूतपूर्व सैनिक है तथा माता श्रीमती परमेश्वरी देवी गांव में घर-परिवार और खेती सम्भालती है। भाई का नाम सुभाष कपूरिया है। आप बचपन से ही सबसे दुलारे व प्यारे थे। आपने पहली से पांचवी तक की शिक्षा झुंझुनूं से तथा कक्षा 6 से बारहवीं तक राष्ट्रीय मिलिट्री स्कूल अजमेर से और स्नातक जयपुर से की। शहीद राजेश कपूरिया ने CRPF में 2003 से सब इंस्पेक्टर पद से सेवा देना शुरु किया। 1 जुलाई 2001 को आपकी शादी श्रीमती सुमन देवी के साथ हुई । आपके एक सुपुत्र हर्षित तथा 2 पुत्रियां पलक एवं वर्षा है । भारत के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी के प्रोटो कॉल में 7 साल तक अपनी सेवाएँ दी।


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