Author: Laxman Burdak लक्ष्मण बुरड़क, IFS (R) |
Lol (लोल)/Lohal (लोहल)[1] [2] Loyal (लोयल),Loya(लोया)[3] Loal (लोअल) Lohl (लोह्ल) is a gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan.[4] Lol and Loyal are same gotras. They were supporters of Chauhan Confederacy.
They are said to be descendants of king Lall or Lalla(लल्ल). [5] Lol is a Gotra of the Anjana Jats in Gujarat.
From around 1800 BCE until the 9th century the lake supported a thriving Tocharian culture. Archaeologists have discovered the buried remains of settlements, as well as several of the Tarim mummies, along its ancient shoreline. Former water resources of the Tarim River and Lop Nur nurtured the kingdom of Loulan since the second century BCE, an ancient civilization along the Silk Road, which skirted the lake-filled basin. Loulan became a client-state of the Chinese empire in 55 BCE, renamed Shanshan. Marco Polo in his travels passed through the Lop Desert.[6]
Niya became part of Loulan Kingdom by the third century. Towards the end of the fourth century it was under Chinese suzerainty, later it was conquered by Tibet.[7]
It is to be noted that Lopnor or Lop Nor or Lop Nur is a former salt lake in China, now largely dried-up. Its ancient name was Shen-shen.[8] The mention of Kingdom of Loulan on Lop Nur shows that these people inhabited that country. From there they seem to have migrated to areas around Sambhar Lake.
Jain sources mention that in ancient times Narayana village, in Phulera tahsil of Jaipur District situated near Sambhar Lake, was known by the names Naranayana (नरानयण), Naranaka (नाराणक) etc. It is mentioned in KB (p.25). It is recognized as a tirtha in Sakalatirthastotra of Siddhasena. Dhanapala in his Satyapuria Mahavira Utsaha mentions the Mahavira temple of this place, which according to Bijolia Inscription of V.S.1226 (1170 AD), was built by an ancestor of Lolaka (लोलक), who is mentioned as living in that year. It therefore appears that this temple was built in early 11th century. K.C. Jain mentions the date V.S. 1009 (952 AD) on a standing image of Parshvanatha of this place. [9]
It may be noted that here Lolaka is the sanscritized form of Jat clan Lol. This evidence proves their presence there as rulers in 10th century AD. This fact is further confirmed by the following description of Thakur Deshraj.
Rajatarangini[10] tells that in the reign of Harsha of Kashmir (1089-1101 AD), the Damaras became riotous, and he ordered the lord of Mandala to massacre them. ....After having quite depopulated — Madava of the Damaras, the lord of Mandala intended to do the same with Kramarajya, and marched towards it. In despair the Damaras of this place collected an army at Loulaha. They fought a fierce battle, and the lord of Mandala was for a time baffled. But the king, like a
Rakshasa, was bent on destroying this beautiful kingdom. [VII (i), p.262]. This shows that the Lol people in the time of Harsha of Kashmir (1089-1101 AD) were inhabitants of Loulaha in Kramarajya.
Thakur Deshraj [11] writes that these people lived in Marwar. They had ruled Nagaur prior to 16th century. Pathans, Mughals etc had occupied the big cities of the region like Nagaur but the Loyal people never paid royalty to them. They ruled their areas under Bhumiachara system. When Akbar (1542 – 1605) became the ruler of Delhi he arrested many Jat sardars after inviting them to Delhi. When this thing came to the notice of Jat chieftain named Tola Sardar who went to Delhi to meet Akbar. Akbar told him to pay the taxes. Tola Sardar replied that take as much of gold coins as can be carried by your mules and leave our brothers. This indicates that Tola was a very rich chieftain. The discussion between Tola and Akbar is recorded in poetic form as follows in Rajasthani Language:
- अकबर सूं तोला मिला, करके बात करारी (Akbar sun Tola mila, Karke baat karari)
- पट्टी रहूं मैं नागौररी, घर म्हारा खारी (Patti rahun mai Nagaur’ri, ghar mhara khari)
- खच्चर भरले मोहरां की, बिरादरी छोड म्हारी (Khachchar bharle moharanki, Biradari chhod mhari)
Note - There is a difference of period of Tola Chieftain mentioned in this poem and the Inscription of Tola mentioned below of year 1508 AD. Tola Sardar must be surviving in period of Sikandar Lodi (r.1489–1517) as ruler at Delhi. It may be the earlier Tola was some different person from that of 1508 AD Inscription.
In Rajatarangini
Rajatarangini[12] mentions that Lava was a renowned prince of Kashmir. He had a vast and powerful army under him, and probably carried on many wars with his neighbours. It is said of him that the noise of his army made his people sleepless, but lulled his enemies to long sleep (death). He built the town of Lolora which, it is said, contained no less than eighty-four lacs of stone-built houses. Nothing more is said of him than that he bestowed the village of Lovara in Ledari on Brahmanas before his death. He was succeeded by his son Kusheshaya, who was a powerful prince. He bestowed the village of Kuruhara on Brahmanas.
Rajatarangini[13] tells that in the reign of Harsha of Kashmir (b.1059, ruled. 1089-1101 AD), The Damaras became riotous, and he ordered the lord of Mandala to massacre them. The Damaras inhabiting Madava and Lohara were first attacked and murdered like birds in the nests. Even the Brahmanas who dwelt at Madava were not spared by the destroyer of the Lavanyas (Damaras). Poles were fixed on the place where the Damaras were executed. One wife of a Lavanya was impaled, the rest were terrified, and fled on all sides. Some fled to the country of the Mlechchhas and lived on beef, others took to working wheels at wells. The lord of Mandala sent to the fierce king many garlands made of the heads of the Lavanyas. The gates of the palace was seen filled with Damara heads. Gold, cloth, and other valuable things were kept at the palace-gate, and whoever brought a Damara head obtained one of them from the door as his reward. And the birds lingered at the king's gate to feed on human heads. Wherever the king stopped, the gates were adorned with garlands of Damara heads. The bad smell which arose, and the cry of jackals, made the place appear like the spot assigned for the burning of the dead.
From the tank at Valeraka to Lokapunya, the lord of Mandala erected a row of the impaled Damaras.
After having quite depopulated — Madava of the Damaras, the lord of Mandala intended to do the same with Kramarajya, and marched towards it. In despair the Damaras of this place collected an army at Loulaha. They fought a fierce battle, and the lord of Mandala was for a time baffled. But the king, like a Rakshasa, was bent on destroying this beautiful kingdom. [VII (i), p.262]
Villages founded by Lol clan
- Bijariya Bavri (Jodhpur) was founded by Binja Ramji Lol.
- Lolora - Rajatarangini[14] mentions that Lava was a renowned prince of Kashmir, built the town of Lolora (लोलोर). This is the same style as we get name Nagor built by Nagas.
- Loulaha - Rajatarangini[15] mentions a place called Loulaha in the Kramarajya during the reign of Harsha of Kashmir (1089-1101 AD), where the Damaras fought a fierce battle.
लोयल गोत्र का इतिहास
लोयल (1508 ई.): इस वंश के जाट मारवाड़ में रहते हैं। सोलहवीं सदी से पहले नागौर के प्रदेश पर इन्हीं लोगों का राज था। यद्यपि पठान, मुगल नागौर जैसे बड़े-बड़े स्थानों पर कब्जा कर लेते थे, किन्तु इन लोगों ने उनको अपना शासक कभी नहीं माना। यह भूमिया-चारे की पद्धति से अपने अधिकृत प्रदेश पर शासन करते थे। जिन दिनों अकबर बादशाह हुआ और उसे भी इन लोगों ने किसी भांति की भेंट अथवा शाही कर न दिया, तो उसने बहुत से जाट सरदारों को जब यह पता लगा कि बादशाह जब तक शाही कर न ले लेगा, तब तक उनके जाति भाइयों को न छोड़ेगा, तो तोला अकबर बादशाह के पास गए। बादशाह ने यही सवाल किया कि हमें राजस्व (कर) दो। तोला इस बात पर कड़क कर बोला - इसी लोभ के लिये तुमने हमारे जाति भाइयों को पकड़ा है, तो छोड़ दो। हमारे यहां तुम्हारा जैसा घाटा नहीं है।परगना नागौर में खारी गांव में तोला सरदार की राजधानी थी। गांव में पश्चिम दिशा में तोरणां नाम का तालाब है, जो उसी के नाम से मशहूर है। यहां एक शिलालेख है, उस पर संवत् 1565 भादवा सुदी 8 खुदा हुआ है। उसी पत्थर पर तोलाजी की मूर्ति है। वे पांचों हथियार बांधे हुए हैं। उनके आगे छड़ीदार अथवा चोबदार हैं। खारी के समीप किस्ताना, ढोलोलाव नाम के कई तालाब हैं, जो तोला तथा उसके पूर्वजों की समृद्धि और वैभव को प्रकट करते हैं। उनके खजाने में अपार धन भरा रहता था, इसलिए तो उन्होंने अकबर से कह दिया कि मुहरों से खच्चर भर ले। [16]
लोल गोत्र कुल देवता झुंजार जी व सती माता का मंदिर

लोल गोत्र कुल देवता झुंजार जी व सती माता का मंदिर लोळ गोत्र द्वारा खारी कर्मसोता नागौर में बनवाया गया मंदिर की पोल व फाटक का निर्माण स्व. भंवर सिंह लोळ पुत्र श्री स्व. हरी राम जी लोळ की यादगार में पुत्रो द्वारा निर्माण करवाया गया नाम- प्रमोद देवी ( धर्मपत्नी ) पुत्र - कमलकिशोर, विरेन्द्र (बबलू ) ,अनिल पता - गाँव - अड़वड, तह. जायल जिला -नागौर राजस्थान हाल निवासी -इंदिरा कॉलोनी नागौर मोब.7878632421,8955400907
Khari Karamsotan Inscription of Tola Sardar (Loyal) v.s. 1565 (1508 AD)
There is an inscription on this pond dated bhadwa sudi 8 samvat 1565 (1508 AD). On this stone there is a statue of Tola Sardar with all five weapons with him. Standing before him is chhadidar or chobadr. Kistana, Dhololav etc are ponds near Khari village, which were constructed by the ancestors of Tola, reflecting the richness of this clan. He had a huge wealth. The capital of Tola sardar was at Khari village in Nagaur pargana. A pond in the west of village was named ‘Torana’ (तोराणा) after him. [17]
We need to identify this Khari village. Our search shows that there are two villages named Khari in Nagaur district.
- Khari Karamsotan (खारी कर्मसोता) is a village in Nagaur tehsil & district of Rajasthan.
- Khari Jodha village in Jayal tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
Shri Poonam Ram Lol [18] identified Khari Karamsotan (खारी कर्मसोता) with the historical village Khari associated with Lol history.
About 250 years back 7 Lol brothers moved from Khari. One settled at Ghevara village in Jodhpur district, two settled at Bhunka village in Barmer district and three brothers settled at Bijariya Bavri village in Jodhpur district.
Their Bhomia and Junjhar are situated in village Khari Karamsotan near Nagaur. Bhomia is offered meat and Junjhar is offered Daliya in Prasada. Tradition tells us that their Junjhar was struggling to get back cows stolen by the enemies and he sacrificed his life at village Bethwasiya.
Distributin in Rajasthan state
Lol gotra Jats live mainly in Jodhpur, Nagaur and Barmer districts in Rajasthan.
Villages in Jodhpur district
Lol gotra Jats live in villages: Beru, Bijariya Bavri (10), Gagari, Ghevara, Jodhpur, Lolasani, Lolawas, Punasar,
Villages in Barmer district
Lol gotra Jats live in villages:
Aakli, Aasupura, Baytoo, Barmer, Bor Charnan, Bhimthal[19], Chawanada, Jhakh Barmer, Isrol, Pabubera[20], Purawa,
Villages in Nagaur district
Loyal Gotra Jats live in villages:
Khari, Kuchera, Panchla Siddha[21], Raidhanu, Singar, Tangla, Thambariya, Untwaliya,
Lol Gotra Jats live in villages:
Arwar, Narwa Kalan, Rasidpura, Sarunda,
Villages in Bikaner district
Loyal Gotra Jats live in villages: Kedli (250),
Lol gotra Jats live in villages: Kedlu,
Villages in Sikar district
Loyal Gotra Jats live in villages: Dalmas,
Locations in Jaipur city
Loyal Gotra Jats live in villages: Ambabari,
Villages in Jhunjhunu district
Loyal Gotra Jats live in villages: Siriyasar Kalan,
Villages in Jalor district
Lol gotra Jats live in villages: Lalji Ki Dungari,
Villages in Churu district
Lol clan is found in villages: Gedap,
Villages in Jaisalmer district
Distributtion in in Madhya Pradesh
Villages in Harda district
Loal clan is found in villages: Kartana,
Villages in Dewas district
Notable persons from this clan
- Swami Chaindas Lol (born:1905) (स्वामी चैनदास लोल), from Baloopura (बलूपुरा), Danta Ramgarh, Sikar, was a freedom fighter, social worker and reformer in Nagaur, Rajasthan.[22]
- Ramu Ram Lol (चौधरी रामूराम लोयल), from Ladnu (लाडनू), Nagaur, was a social worker in Nagaur, Rajasthan.[23]
- Chaudhari Ramuram Lol (Ladnu), was among the five Jats who became martyr in Dabra kand in opposing the oppressive activities of jagirdars on 13 March 1947.
- Chaudhari Rugha Ram Lol (Ladnu), was among the five Jats who became martyr in Dabra kand in opposing the oppressive activities of jagirdars on 13 March 1947.
- Chaudhari Kishanaram Lol (Ladnu), was among the five Jats who became martyr in Dabra kand in opposing the oppressive activities of jagirdars on 13 March 1947.
- Hav Jai Singh Loyal - Army Service Corps (Mechanical Transport), OP PARAKRAM MARTYR 27-11-2002, Rajasthan
- Poonam Ram Lol - Originally from village Bijariya Bavri (Tah:osia, Jodhpur), Address:02, Abhaygarh Scheme, Near Air Force School No.1, Jodhpur-342001. Phone - 0291-2614805, Mob- 9414133806. [24]Social worker From village Bijariya Bavri, Tah: Tinwari, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. He donated Rs. 110000 for construction of one room for Jat Dharmshala Haridwar.
- VIRENDRA LOL LOL-originaly from villagearwar (tah:jayal,nagaur) he made lol gotra temple poll &gate at khari karam sotan nagaur
Gallery of Lol people
Poonam Ram Lol and his wife from Jodhpur
External Links
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ल-56
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.59,s.n. 2249
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.608
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
- ↑ Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p. 280
- ↑ J.M. Dent (1908), "Chapter 36: Of the Town of Lop Of the Desert in its Vicinity - And of the strange Noises heard by those who pass over the latter", The travels of Marco Polo the Venetian, pp. 99–101
- ↑ Susan Whitfield (2004). "Krorain: Settlements in the Desert (Niya and the Oases of Kroraina)". The Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith. The British Library. ISBN 1-932476-12-1
- ↑ James Legge: A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms/Chapter 2, fn-1
- ↑ Encyclopaedia of Jainism, Volume-1 By Indo-European Jain Research Foundation p.5532
- ↑ Rajatarangini of Kalhana:Kings of Kashmira/Book VII (i), p.262
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.608
- ↑ Rajatarangini of Kalhana:Kings of Kashmira/Book I,p.7
- ↑ Rajatarangini of Kalhana:Kings of Kashmira/Book VII (i), p.262
- ↑ Rajatarangini of Kalhana:Kings of Kashmira/Book I,p.7
- ↑ Rajatarangini of Kalhana:Kings of Kashmira/Book VII (i), p.262
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.608
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.608
- ↑ Poonam Ram Lol - Originally from village Bijariya Bavri (Tah:osia, Jodhpur), Address:02, Abhaygarh Scheme, Near Air Force School No.1, Jodhpur-342001. Phone - 0291-2614805, Mob- 9414133806
- ↑गोत्र-जोड़ने-बाबत
- ↑गोत्र-जोड़ने-बाबत
- ↑ User:Premaramisharna
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.193-194
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.208
- ↑ Jat Samaj, Agra, October 2008, p.35
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