Bhisma Parva, Mahabharata/Book VI Chapter 47

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Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 47:English

describes immeasurable heroes assembled for battle


Sanjaya said, "Beholding the mighty and terrible array called Krauncha formed by Pandu's son of immeasurable energy, thy son,

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approaching the preceptor, and Kripa, and Shalya, O sire, and Somadatta's son, and Vikarna, and Aswatthaman also, and all his brothers too, headed by Dussasana, O Bharata, and other immeasurable heroes assembled there for battle, said these timely words, gladdening them all, 'Armed with various kinds of weapons, ye all are conversant with the meaning of the scriptures. Ye mighty car-warriors, each of you is singly capable of slaying in battle the sons of Pandu with their troops. How much more then, when ye are united together. Our host, therefore, which is protected by Bhishma, is immeasurable, while that host of theirs, which is protected by Bhima, is measurable. 1 Let the Samsthanas, the Surasenas, the Venikas, the Kukkuras, the Rechakas, the Trigartas, the Madrakas, the Yavanas, with Satrunjayas, and Dussasana, and that excellent hero Vikarna, and Nanda and Upanandaka, and Chitrasena, along with the Manibhadrakas, protect Bhishma with their (respective) troops,'--Then Bhishma and Drona and thy sons, O sire, formed a mighty array for resisting that of the Parthas. And Bhishma, surrounded by a large body of troops, advanced, leading a mighty army, like the chief of the celestials himself. And that mighty bowman, the son of Bharadwaja, endued with great energy, followed him with the Kuntalas, the Dasharnas, and the Magadhas, O king, and with the Vidarbhas, the Mekalas, the Karnas, and the Pravaranas also. And the Gandharas, the Sindhu-sauviras, the Shivis and the Vasatis with all their combatants also, (followed) Bhishma, that ornament of battle, and Sakuni, with all his troops protected the son of Bharadwaja. And then king Duryodhana, united with all his brothers, with the Aswalakas, the Vikarnas, the Vamanas, the Kosalas, the Daradas, the Vrikas, as also the Kshudrakas and the Malavas advanced cheerfully against the Pandava host. And Bhurisravas, and Shala, and Shalya, and Bhagadatta, O sire, and Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, protected the left flank. And Somadatta, and Susarman, and Sudakshina, the ruler of the Kambojas and Satayus, and Srutayus, were on the right flank. And Aswatthaman, and Kripa, and Kritavarman of Satwata's race, with a very large division of the troops, were, stationed at the rear of the army. And behind them were the rulers of many provinces, and Ketumat, and Vasudana, and the powerful son of the king of Kasi. Then all the troops on thy side cheerfully waiting for battle, O Bharata, blew their conches with great pleasure, and set up leonine roars. And hearing the shouts of those (combatants) filled with delight the venerable Kuru grandsire, endued with great prowess, uttering a leonine roar, blew his conch. Thereupon, conches and drums and diverse kinds of Pesis and cymbals, were sounded at once by others, and the noise made became a loud uproar. And Madhava and Arjuna, both stationed on a great car unto which were yoked white steeds, blew their excellent conches decked with gold and jewels. And Hrishikesa blew the conch called Panchajanya, and Dhananjaya (that called)

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[paragraph continues] Devadatta. And Vrikodara of terrible deeds blew the huge conch called Paundra. And Kunti's son king Yudhishthira blew the conch called Anantavijaya, while Nakula and Sahadeva (those conches called) Sughosa and Manipushpaka. 1 And the ruler of Kasi, and Saivya, and Sikhandin the mighty car-warrior, and Dhrishtadyumna, and Virata, and the mighty car-warrior Satyaki, and that great bowman the king of the Panchalas, and the five sons of Draupadi, all blew their large conches and set up leonine roars. And that great uproar uttered there by those heroes, loudly reverberated through both the earth and the welkin. Thus, O great king, the Kurus and the Pandavas, both filled with delight, advanced against each other for battling again, and scorching each other thus."


128:1 This identical verse occurs in the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita (vide, Verse 10, Chap. 25, of this Parvan, ante). There following the commentators, particularly Sreedhara, I have rendered Aparyaptam and Paryaptam as less than sufficient and sufficient. It would seem, however, that that is erroneous.

129:1 For these names, vide note in page 51 ante, Bhishma Parva.

Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 47:Sanskrit

 1  [स]
     करौञ्चं ततॊ महाव्यूहम अभेथ्यं तनयस तव
     वयूढं थृष्ट्वा महाघॊरं पार्देनामित तेजसा
 2 आचार्यम उपसंगम्य कृपं शल्यं च मारिष
     सौमथत्तिं विकर्णं च अश्वत्दामानम एव च
 3 थुःशासनाथीन भरातॄंश च स सर्वान एव भारत
     अन्यांश च सुबहूञ शूरान युथ्धाय समुपागतान
 4 पराहेथं वचनं काले हर्षयंस तनयस तव
     नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणाः सर्वे शस्त्रास्त्रवेथिनः
 5 एकैकशः समर्दाहि यूयं सर्वे महारदाः
     पाण्डुपुत्रान रणे हन्तुं स सैन्यान किम उ संहताः
 6 अपर्याप्तं तथ अस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम
     पर्याप्तं तव इथम एतेषां बलं पार्दिव सत्तमाः
 7 संस्थानाः शूरसेनाशवेणिकाः कुकुरास तदा
     आरेवकास तरिगर्ताशमथ्रका यवनास तदा
 8 शत्रुंजयेन सहितास तदा थुःशासनेन च
     विकर्णेन च वीरेण तदा नन्थॊपनन्थकैः
 9 चित्रसेनेन सहिताः सहिताः पाणिभद्रकैः
     भीष्मम एवाभिरक्षन्तु सह सैन्यपुरस्कृताः
 10 ततॊ थरॊणश च भीष्मश च तव पुत्रश च मारिष
    अव्यूहन्त महाव्यूहं पाण्डूनां परतिबाधने
11 भीष्मः सैन्येन महता समन्तात परिवारितः
    ययौ परकर्षन महतीं वाहिनीं सुरराड इव
12 तम अन्वयान महेष्वासॊ भारथ्वाजः परतापवान
    कुन्तलैशदशार्णैशमागधैशविशां पते
13 विथर्भैर मेकलैश चैव कर्णप्रावरणैर अपि
    सहिताः सर्वसैन्येन भीष्मम आहवशॊभिनम
14 गान्धाराः सिन्धुसौवीराः  शिबयॊ ऽद वसातयः
    शकुनिश च सवसैन्येन भारथ्वाजम अपालयत
15 ततॊ थुर्यॊधनॊ राजा सहितः सर्वसॊथरैः
    अश्वातकैर विकर्णैश च तदा शर्मिल कॊसलैः
16 दरदैश चूचुपैश चैव तदा क्षुद्रकमालवैः
    अभ्यरक्षत संहृष्टः सौबलेयस्य वाहिनीम
17 भूरिश्रवाः शलः शल्यॊ भगथत्तश च मारिष
    विन्थानुविन्थाव आवन्त्यौ वामं पार्श्वम अपालयन
18 सौमथत्तिः सुशर्मा च काम्बॊजश च सुथक्षिणः
    शतायुश च शरुतायुश च थक्षिणं पार्श्वम आस्दिताः
19 अश्वत्दामा कृपश चैव कृतवर्मा च सात्वतः
    महत्या सेनया सार्धं सेना पृष्ठे वयवस्दिताः
20 पृष्ठगॊपास तु तस्यासन नानाथेश्या जनेश्वराः
    केतुमान वसु थानश च पुत्रः काश्यस्य चाभिभूः
21 ततस ते तावकाः सर्वे हृष्टा युथ्धाय भारत
    थध्मुः शङ्खान मुथा युक्ताः सिंहनाथांश च नाथयन
22 तेषां शरुत्वा तु हृष्टानां कुरुवृथ्धः पितामहः
    सिंहनाथं विनथ्यॊच्चैः शङ्खं थध्मौ परतापवान
23 ततः शङ्खाश च भेर्यश च पेश्यश च विविधाः परैः
    आनकाश चाभ्यहन्यन्त स शब्थस तुमुलॊ ऽभवत
24 ततः शवेतैर हयैर युक्ते महति सयन्थने सदितौ
    परथध्मतुः शङ्खवरौ हेमरत्नपरिष्कृतौ
25 पाञ्चजन्यं हृषीकेशॊ थेवथत्तं धनंजयः
    पौण्ड्रं थध्मौ महाशङ्खं भीमकर्मा वृकॊथरः
26 अनन्तविजयं राजा कुन्तीपुत्रॊ युधिष्ठिरः
    नकुलः सहथेवश च सुघॊषमणिपुष्पकौ
27 काशिराजश च शैब्यश च शिखण्डी च महारदः
    धृष्टथ्युम्नॊ विराटश च सात्यकिश च महायशाः
28 पाञ्चाल्यश च महेष्वासॊ थरौपथ्याः पञ्च चात्मजाः
    सर्वे थध्मुर महाशङ्खान सिंहनाथांश च नेथिरे
29 स घॊषः सुमहांस तत्र वीरैस तैः समुथीरितः
    नभश च पृदिवीं चैव तुमुलॊ वयनुनाथयत
30 एवम एते महाराज परहृष्टाः कुरुपाण्डवाः
    पुनर युथ्धाय संजग्मुस तापयानाः परस्परम

Mahabharata Book VI Chapter 47:Transliteration

 1 [s]
     krauñcaṃ tato mahāvyūham abhedyaṃ tanayas tava
     vyūḍhaṃ dṛṣṭvā mahāghoraṃ pārthenāmita tejasā
 2 ācāryam upasaṃgamya kṛpaṃ śalyaṃ ca māriṣa
     saumadattiṃ vikarṇaṃ ca aśvatthāmānam eva ca
 3 duḥśāsanādīn bhrātṝṃś ca sa sarvān eva bhārata
     anyāṃś ca subahūñ śūrān yuddhāya samupāgatān
 4 prāhedaṃ vacanaṃ kāle harṣayaṃs tanayas tava
     nānāśastrapraharaṇāḥ sarve śastrāstravedinaḥ
 5 ekaikaśaḥ samarthāhi yūyaṃ sarve mahārathāḥ
     pāṇḍuputrān raṇe hantuṃ sa sainyān kim u saṃhatāḥ
 6 aparyāptaṃ tad asmākaṃ balaṃ bhīṣmābhirakṣitam
     paryāptaṃ tv idam eteṣāṃ balaṃ pārthiva sattamāḥ
 7 saṃsthānāḥ śūrasenāś ca veṇikāḥ kukurās tathā
     ārevakās trigartāś ca madrakā yavanās tathā
 8 śatruṃjayena sahitās tathā duḥśāsanena ca
     vikarṇena ca vīreṇa tathā nandopanandakaiḥ
 9 citrasenena sahitāḥ sahitāḥ pāṇibhadrakaiḥ
     bhīṣmam evābhirakṣantu saha sainyapuraskṛtāḥ
 10 tato droṇaś ca bhīṣmaś ca tava putraś ca māriṣa
    avyūhanta mahāvyūhaṃ pāṇḍūnāṃ pratibādhane
11 bhīṣmaḥ sainyena mahatā samantāt parivāritaḥ
    yayau prakarṣan mahatīṃ vāhinīṃ surarāḍ iva
12 tam anvayān maheṣvāso bhāradvājaḥ pratāpavān
    kuntalaiś ca daśārṇaiś ca māgadhaiś ca viśāṃ pate
13 vidarbhair mekalaiś caiva karṇaprāvaraṇair api
    sahitāḥ sarvasainyena bhīṣmam āhavaśobhinam
14 gāndhārāḥ sindhusauvīrāḥ śibayo 'tha vasātayaḥ
    śakuniś ca svasainyena bhāradvājam apālayat
15 tato duryodhano rājā sahitaḥ sarvasodaraiḥ
    aśvātakair vikarṇaiś ca tathā śarmila kosalaiḥ
16 daradaiś cūcupaiś caiva tathā kṣudrakamālavaiḥ
    abhyarakṣata saṃhṛṣṭaḥ saubaleyasya vāhinīm
17 bhūriśravāḥ śalaḥ śalyo bhagadattaś ca māriṣa
    vindānuvindāv āvantyau vāmaṃ pārśvam apālayan
18 saumadattiḥ suśarmā ca kāmbojaś ca sudakṣiṇaḥ
    śatāyuś ca śrutāyuś ca dakṣiṇaṃ pārśvam āsthitāḥ
19 aśvatthāmā kṛpaś caiva kṛtavarmā ca sātvataḥ
    mahatyā senayā sārdhaṃ senā pṛṣṭhe vyavasthitāḥ
20 pṛṣṭhagopās tu tasyāsan nānādeśyā janeśvarāḥ
    ketumān vasu dānaś ca putraḥ kāśyasya cābhibhūḥ
21 tatas te tāvakāḥ sarve hṛṣṭā yuddhāya bhārata
    dadhmuḥ śaṅkhān mudā yuktāḥ siṃhanādāṃś ca nādayan
22 teṣāṃ śrutvā tu hṛṣṭānāṃ kuruvṛddhaḥ pitāmahaḥ
    siṃhanādaṃ vinadyoccaiḥ śaṅkhaṃ dadhmau pratāpavān
23 tataḥ śaṅkhāś ca bheryaś ca peśyaś ca vividhāḥ paraiḥ
    ānakāś cābhyahanyanta sa śabdas tumulo 'bhavat
24 tataḥ śvetair hayair yukte mahati syandane sthitau
    pradadhmatuḥ śaṅkhavarau hemaratnapariṣkṛtau
25 pāñcajanyaṃ hṛṣīkeśo devadattaṃ dhanaṃjayaḥ
    pauṇḍraṃ dadhmau mahāśaṅkhaṃ bhīmakarmā vṛkodaraḥ
26 anantavijayaṃ rājā kuntīputro yudhiṣṭhiraḥ
    nakulaḥ sahadevaś ca sughoṣamaṇipuṣpakau
27 kāśirājaś ca śaibyaś ca śikhaṇḍī ca mahārathaḥ
    dhṛṣṭadyumno virāṭaś ca sātyakiś ca mahāyaśāḥ
28 pāñcālyaś ca maheṣvāso draupadyāḥ pañca cātmajāḥ
    sarve dadhmur mahāśaṅkhān siṃhanādāṃś ca nedire
29 sa ghoṣaḥ sumahāṃs tatra vīrais taiḥ samudīritaḥ
    nabhaś ca pṛthivīṃ caiva tumulo vyanunādayat
30 evam ete mahārāja prahṛṣṭāḥ kurupāṇḍavāḥ
    punar yuddhāya saṃjagmus tāpayānāḥ parasparam


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