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Barad (बराड़)[1] Brar/Brad (बराड़)[2] Burad (बुराड़)[3] Barar (बराड़)/Burar (बुराड़)[4] Brar (बरार)[5] Burada/Burara (बुराड़ा) gotra Jats are found in Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Pakistan. Barar (बरार) Jat clan is found in Multan and Montgomery and in the latter District they are both Hindu and Muhammadan. [6] It is branch of Siddhu clan.


  • The gotra is said to have originated from Rao Barad (राव बराड़) in the 9th generation of Rao Sidhu.[7][8]

Jat Gotras Namesake


Genealogy from Rao Jaisal to Phul

Jesal (1156) → HemhelRao JandraRao BateraMangalrabUndraKhiwaRao SidhuRao BhurRao BirSitrachJerthaRao MahiRao GalaRao MehraHambirRao BararRao Paur (+ Rao Dhul) → Rao BairathKaiBaoRao SangharBariam (d.1560) → Rao Mehraj (+Garaj) → SuttohPukkoRao Mohan (b.-d.1618) (+ Habbal) → Rup Chand (b.-d.1618) (m.Mai Umbi) → Phul (b.-d.1652) (m.Bali) → Ram Singh (b.-d.1714) (m.Sabi) + Rughu (b.-d.1717) (m.) + Tiloka (b.-d.1687) + Channu + Takht Mal + Jhandu


Siddhu (सिद्धु) or Sidhu is a very ancient gotra. The ancestor of this gotra was Siddhu Barar. The gotra was named after him and came to be known as Siddhu.

Lepel H. Griffin[9] writes that Rao Sidhu, who was, ancestor and originator of Sidhu-Jat clan, had four sons, Dhar, sometimes called Debi, Bur, Sur and Rupach.

From the Dhar/Debi has descended the families of Kythal, Jhumba, Amowli and Sadhowal.

From the second, Rao Bhur, the Phulkian Chiefs.

Sur, the third, has no family of any note among his descendants, who, however, are numerous in Battinda and Firozpur ;

From Rupach, the youngest, reside at Pir-ki-kot and Ratrya in the Firozpur district.

Rao Bir, the son of Rao Bhur, had two sons, the eldest of whom, Sidtilkara, did not marry, but became an ascetic.

Sitrah, the younger, had two sons, Jertha and Lakumba, from the second of whom the family of Attari, in the Amritsar district, has sprung.

His son Hari, gave his name to Hariki on the Satlej, near the spot where the battle of Sobraon was fought, and also founded the villages of Bhatta and Ghima.

[Page-4]: Jertha had one son, Rao Mahi or Maho, and from him descended, in successive generations, Gala, Mehra, Hambir and Barar.

Rao Barar gave his name to the Barar tribe. He was a brave and a successful man and waged continual warfare with the Jaid and Dhaliwal Jats, and the Muhammadan Bhattis of Sirsa, who had sprung from the same original stock as himself; also with the Chattarsal Rajputs, against whom he fought at Fakarsar, Theri and Kot Ladhoha, at which last place it is said that two thousand fell on the side of Barar, and a still larger number on that of the Rajputs, while the Fort of Ladhoha passed into the possession of the conqueror.

Rao Barar had two sons, Rao Paur and Rao Dhul, the younger of whom is the ancestor of the Raja of Faridkot, and of the Barar tribe, which holds almost the whole of the districts of Mari, Mudki and Muktsar, Buchan, Mehraj, Sultan Khan and Bhadour in the Firozpur district, the whole of Faridkot, and many villages in Pattiala, Nabha, Jhumba and Malod.

The two brothers quarrelled, and the elder, Rao Paur, being worsted, fell into great poverty, in which his family remained for several generations, till Rao Sanghar restored their fortunes. When the Emperor Babar invaded India in 1524, Rao Sanghar waited on him at Lahore and entered his army with a few followers ; but soon afterwards he was killed at the battle of Panipat, on the 21st April 1526, when Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi, with great slaughter, and gained the Empire of Dehli. This victory did not, however, lead him to forget the services of Rao Sanghar, to whose son Bariam, he gave the Chaudhriyat* of the waste country

* A Chaudhri was, in the tine of the Empire, the head-man in a certain District, for the revenue collection of which he was responsible, receiving a percentage on the collections. His office was termed “Chaudhariyat."

[p.5]: to the south-west of Dehli, which office was confirmed to him by Humayun, the son and successor of Babar, in 1554. The name of Bariam is the only one by which this chief is historically known, but it was not his original name, and was given him by the Emperor in honor of his bravery, and signifies brave, Bahadur. He lived for the most part at Neli, the village of Sidhu's maternal relations, and also re-built Bhidowal, which had become deserted. He was killed about the year 1560, fighting with the Bhattis, and with him fell his grandson Suttoh.

He left two sons, Rao Mehraj, (commonly known as Rao Maharaj) who succeeded to the Chaudhriyat, and Garaj, whose descendants people five villages in the Firozpur district. The only son of Rao Mehraj had been killed in his father’s lifetime, and Pukko, the grandson, succeeded, but he was soon after killed in a skirmish with the Bhattis at Bhidowal.

He had two brothers, Lukho and Chaho ; the descendants of the first live in Jakepal ; and of the second at the village of Chaho, some eight miles distant from Bhadour in the Ludhiana district.

His sons were Habbal and Mohan, the latter of whom was confirmed as Chaudhri ; but he fell into arrears with the Government, and finding himself unable to pay what was due, and also being much harassed by his hereditary foes the Bhattis, he fled to Hansi and Hissar, where his relations were numerous, and, collecting a considerable force, returned home and defeated the Bhattis near Bhidowal. By the advice of Guru Har Govind, the sixth of the Sikh prophets, he founded the village of Mehraj or Maharaj, naming it after his great-grandfather.

H.A. Rose writes that Barāṛ (बराड़), (1) The name of a caste of Jats around Bhatinda; Barar bans, a person belonging to, or descended from, the Barar caste. See under Sidhu Barar ; (2) a Jat clan (agricultural) found in Multan. [10]

The Bhattis were originally its own Central Asian tribe, (as documented by Arab writers), and later became Jats. Some of them later became Rajputs. They claim descent from Lord Krishna. Cunningham think they are from Kashmir and their Capital at Gajnipur (Rawalpindi) and they are Indo-Scythians. Incidentally, the town of Bhatinda according to Dhillon was Bhatti–da and became Bhatinda. Brar or Barar is said to have come from Sidhu. They are known by some as the most aristocratic of Jats due to their Rajas; Patiala, Nabha, and Jind States. Also many famous Sidhu-Barars – Sham Singh Attariwala, Dalla Brar, Sant Jarnail Singh Binderanwala, etc.

The princely rulers of Faridkot were Brar gotra Jats. Maharaja Kishan Singh married with Maharani Rajendra Kaur, youngest daughter of Raja Balbir Singh of Brar clan Raja of Faridkot.

सिद्धू - बराड़ जाटवंश

दलीप सिंह अहलावत [11] के अनुसार ये दोनों जाटवंश (गोत्र) चन्द्रवंशी मालव या मल्ल जाटवंश के शाखा गोत्र हैं। मालव जाटों का शक्तिशाली राज्य रामायणकाल में था और महाभारतकाल में इस वंश के जाटों के अलग-अलग दो राज्य, उत्तरी भारत में मल्लराष्ट्र तथा दक्षिण में मल्लदेश थे। सिकन्दर के आक्रमण के समय पंजाब में इनकी विशेष शक्ति थी। मध्यभारत में अवन्ति प्रदेश पर इन जाटों का राज्य होने के कारण उस प्रदेश का नाम मालवा पड़ा। इसी तरह पंजाब में मालव जाटों के नाम पर भटिण्डा, फरीदकोट, फिरोजपुर, लुधियाना आदि के बीच के प्रदेश का नाम मालवा पड़ा। (देखो, तृतीय अध्याय, मल्ल या मालव, प्रकरण)।

जब सातवीं शताब्दी में भारतवर्ष में राजपूत संघ बना तब मालव या मलोई गोत्र के जाटों के भटिण्डा में भट्टी राजपूतों से भयंकर युद्ध हुए। उनको पराजित करके इन जाटों ने वहां पर अपना अधिकार किया। इसी वंश के राव सिद्ध भटिण्डा नामक भूमि पर शासन करते-करते मध्य भारत के सागर जिले में आक्रान्ता होकर पहुंचे। इन्होंने वहां बहमनीवंश के फिरोजखां मुस्लिम शासक को ठीक समय पर सहायता करके अपना साथी बना लिया था जिसका कृतज्ञतापूर्वक उल्लेख शमशुद्दीन बहमनी ने किया है। इस लेखक ने राव सिद्ध को सागर का शासनकर्त्ता सिद्ध किया है। राव सिद्ध मालव गोत्र के जाट थे तथा राव उनकी उपाधि थी। इनके छः पुत्रों से पंजाब के असंख्य सिद्धवंशज जाटों का उल्लेख मिलता है। राव सिद्ध अपने ईश्वर विश्वास और शान्तिप्रियता के लिए विख्यात माने जाते हैं। राव सिद्ध से चलने वाला वंश ‘सिद्धू’ और उनकी आठवीं पीढ़ी में होने वाले सिद्धू जाट गोत्री राव बराड़ से ‘बराड़’ नाम पर इन लोगों की प्रसिद्धि हुई। राव बराड़ के बड़े पुत्र राव दुल या ढुल बराड़ के वंशजों ने फरीदकोट और राव बराड़ के दूसरे पुत्र राव पौड़ के वंशजों ने पटियाला, जींद, नाभा नामक राज्यों की स्थापना की। जब पंजाब पर मिसलों का शासन हुआ तब राव पौड़ के वंश में राव फूल के नाम पर इस वंश समुदाय को ‘फुलकिया’ नाम से प्रसिद्ध किया गया। पटियाला, जींद, नाभा रियासतें भी फुलकिया राज्य कहलाईं। बाबा आला सिंह संस्थापक राज्य पटियाला इस वंश में अत्यन्त प्रतापी महापुरुष हुए। राव फूल के छः पुत्र थे जिनके नाम ये हैं - 1. तिलोक 2. रामा 3. रुधू 4. झण्डू 5. चुनू 6. तखतमल। इनके वंशजों ने अनेक राज्य पंजाब में स्थापित किए।

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-774

फुलकिया से सम्बन्धित कैथल और अरनौली राज्य थे। इनके अतिरिक्त भदौड़, झुनवा, अटारी आदि छोटी-छोटी रियासतें भी सिद्धू जाटों की थीं। यही वंश पंजाब में सर्वाधिक प्रतापी है और सम्पूर्णतया धर्म से सिक्ख है।

राव सिद्धू के पुत्र राव भूर बड़े साहसी वीर योद्धा थे। अपने क्षेत्र के भट्टी राजपूतों से इसने कई युद्ध किए। इसी तरह से राव भूर से सातवीं पीढ़ी तक के इस सिद्धूवंश के वीर जाटों ने भट्टी राजपूतों से अनेक युद्ध किए। भट्टी राजपूत नहीं चाहते थे कि हमारे रहते यहां कोई जाट राज्य जमे या जाट हमसे अधिक प्रभावशाली बनकर रहें किन्तु राव सिद्धू की आठवीं पीढ़ी में सिद्धू गोत्र का जाट राव बराड़ इतना लड़ाकू शूरवीर, सौभाग्यशाली योद्धा सिद्ध हुआ कि उसने अपनी विजयों द्वारा राज्यलक्ष्मी को अपनी परम्परा में स्थिर होने का सुयश प्राप्त किया। यहां तक कि फक्करसर, कोट लद्दू और लहड़ी नामक स्थानों पर विजय प्राप्त करने पर तो यह दूर-दूर तक प्रख्यात हो गया। राव बराड़ के नाम पर सिद्धूवंशज बराड़वंशी कहलाने लगे। आजकल के सिद्धू जाट अपने को बराड़वंशी कहलाने में गौरव अनुभव करते हैं। इस वीर योद्धा राव बराड़ के दो पुत्र थे। बड़े का नाम राव दुल (ढुल) और छोटे का नाम राव पौड़ था।

इन दोनों की वंशपरम्परा में पंजाब में निम्न राज्य स्थापित किए ।

Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Hisar district


Distribution in Punjab

Villages in Moga district

Ramu Wala,

Villages in Bhatinda district

Sirie Wala,

Villages in Fazilka district

Daulatpura Abohar[12]

Villages in Sangrur district

Villages in Muktsar district

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Ajmer district

Bander Sindri,

Villages in Jaipur district

Dantri (दांतरी), Madhopura Dudu.

Villages in Nagaur district


Villages in Ganganagar district

39Gg, 51 F, 8b,

Villages in Hanumangarh district


Distribution in Uttar Pradesh

Villages in Bijnor district

Nasirpur Mithari

Villages in Muzaffarnagar district


Villages in Moradabad district

Mehmoodpur Kunj,

Villages in Meerut district

Kunkura, Ramraj,

Villages in Hathras district


Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Villages in Sehore district

Jamonia Kalan(Pandagaon)[13], Kharsania, Muhai (मुहाई),

Villages in Khandwa district

Pratappura Khandwa,

Distribution in Himachal Pradesh

Villages in Kangra district

Talla Kangra,

Distribution in Pakistan

According to 1911 census the Barar were the principal Muslim Jat clan in:

Notable persons

  • Rao Barar (1410 AD) - Originator of the clan
  • Abu Ahmad Suhal Barar - See The history of India : as told by its own historians. Volume II/IV. Jamiu-l Hikayat of Muhammad Ufi by Sir H. M. Elliot Edited by John Dowson, 1867, p.189
  • Sham Singh Atariwala - The Sikh general in the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
  • Harcharan Singh Brar (21 January 1919 – 6 September 2009) was a politician from Punjab unit of Indian National Congress. He was the 13th Chief Minister of Punjab and held this position from 31 August 1995 to 21 November 1996.
  • Avinder Singh Brar: Padma Shri - 1987, Punjab, Civil Service [14]
  • Arvind Singh Brar, DOB 11-7-1958, IFS, Rajasthan, 1984
  • Sharandeep Kaur Barar - IAS (2009)
  • Dinesh Barad - Anna Purna Krishi Sewa Kendra, Adhyaksh Block Youth Congress Khategaon, Dewas, MP, Mob:9893607604
  • Sant Jarnel Singh Bhindrawale - Barad Gotra, who led 1984 rebellion
  • Zabarjang Singh of Jhamba, Brar - Jat, From Firozpur district was in the List of Punjab Chiefs.
  • Sardar Gurjant Singh Barad - elected in Rajathan Assembly as BJP MLA-2013 from Sadulshahr.
  • Upinderjit Kaur Barar - पंजाब PCS रैंक 1 - उपिंदरजीत कौर बरार
  • Varinder Brar - A Punjabi Singer.
  • Ramesh Barar (रमेश बराड़) : कांगड़ा विधानसभा हलके की पलेरा पंचायत के टल्ला गांव निवासी रमेश बराड़ जाट समुदाय की शान हैं। अमूमन मीडिया से दूर रहने वाले सदर भाजपा मंडलाध्यक्ष बराड़ शांत रहकर अपने काम से पार्टी को आगे ले जा रहे हैं। यह बराड़ का ही दबदबा था कि पिछले चुनावों में उनके बूथ पर कुल पड़े 182 वोट में विरोधी पार्टी कांग्रेस को महज सात वोट मिले थे,जबकि 175 भाजपा को। यही नहीं, लोकसभा चुनावों में ही हलके से भाजपा को 19395 मतों की बढ़त मिली थी,जो बराड़ की ताकत को दिखाती है। पांच जुलाई 1962 को जन्में बराड़ समाजसेवा में हमेशा आगे रहते हैं। ओबीसी समेत पूरे समाज की तरक्की में विश्वास रखने वाले बराड़ कहते हैं कि अगर हाइकमान टिकट दे,तो वह एमएलए बनकर कांगड़ा हलके को आगे ले जाएंगे। खास बात यह है कि इन्हें 600 फोन नंबर टिप्स पर याद हैं।[15]

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