Raja Rasalu

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Author: Laxman Burdak IFS (R)

Raja Rasalu

Raja Rasalu is a folk hero of Punjab. He was the Jat ruler of Sialkot son of Raja Salivahan. Raja Rasalu is the ancestor of Bhatti Jat Ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh Sandhawalua and other Bhatti Jats. [1]

His clan

According to historian Dr Temple (1884) his clan was Sindhu/Sindhar.[2][3]

Genealogy of Raja Rasalu

Hukum Singh Panwar[4] has given the ancestry of Bharatpur rulers starting from 1. Yadu. Shini is at S.No. 38, Krishna at S.No. 43 and Vajra at S.No. 46[5]. From Naba at S.No. 47 onward we follow James Tod[6] who has based on records of Brahman Sukhdharma of Mathura.

1. Yadu → → → → 34. Andhaka → 35. Bhajmana → 36. Viduratha → 37. Shura → 38. Shini → 39. Bhoja → 40. Hardika → 41. Devamidha → 42. Vasudeva → 43. Krishna → 44. Pradyumna → 45. Aniruddha → 46. Vajra

47. Naba → 48. Prithibahu → 49. Bahubal (w.Kamlavati Puar) → 50. Bahu → 51. Subahu → 52. Rijh → 53. Raja Gaj (founded Ghazni in Yudhishthira 3008= BC 93) → 54. Salivahana (S.72 = AD 16) → 55. Raja Baland + Rasalu...15 sons


Raja Gaj founded Ghazni. On Sunday, the 3d of Bysāk, the spring season (Vasant), the Rohini Nikhitra, and Samvat Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira) 3008 (=93 BC), Raja Gaj seated on the throne of Ghazni. Raja Gaj invaded Kashmir ; and married the daughter of its prince, by whom he had a son, called Salivahan. When this child had attained the age of twelve, tidings of another invasion came from Khorasan. Raja Gaj sent his family and kin, and on pretence of a pilgrimage to Jwalamukhi, with the prince Salivahan, to Punjab, where he fixed on a spot with abundance of water, and having collected his clansmen around him, he laid the foundation of a city which he named after himself, Salivahanpura (Salpura), on Sunday, the 8th of the month of Bhadoon of S. 72 (=16 AD). The surrounding Bhomias attended, and acknowledged his supremacy. Salivahan conquered the whole region of the Punjab.[7]

Salbahan had fifteen sons, who all became Rajas : viz., Balund, Rasaloo, Dhurmungud, Vacha, Roopa, Soondur, Lekh, Juskurn, Naima, Maut, Neepak, Gangeou, Jugeou ; all of whom, by the strength of their own arms, established themselves in independence. [8]

H.A. Rose[9] writes that Raja Rasalu of Punjab folklore had by a paramour of the scavenger class four sons, Seo, Teo, Gheo, and Karu, from whom are respectively descended the Sials, Tiwanas, Ghebas, and Karrals.

राजा रिसालू

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[10] ने लिखा है ... राजा रिसालू - राजा शालिवाहन की छोटी रानी नूणादेह से रिसालू पुत्र उत्पन्न हुए जो पूरण भगत की मौसी के बेटे भाई थे। प्रचलित लोककथाओं के अनुसार उसका जन्म ही पूरण भगत जी के आशीर्वाद से हुआ था। प्रचलित लोककथाओं के अनुसार उसका जन्म ही पूरण भगत जी के आशीर्वाद से हुआ था। राजा रिसालू सातवीं सदी के अन्त में अथवा आठवीं सदी के आदि में राज्य करते थे जिनकी राजधानी सियालकोट थी। राजा रिसालू के शासनकाल में मोहम्मद बिन कासिम ने भारत पर प्रथम मुस्लिम आक्रमण का नेतृत्व किया था।

इस आक्रमण की समाप्ति के पश्चात् मोहम्मद बिन कासिम तथा राजा रिसालू में परस्पर सन्धि हुई थी। यह तथ्य भारतीय तथा अरबी इतिहास ग्रन्थों में उपलब्ध है। प्रख्यात इतिहासवेत्ता डा० टेम्पल ने सन् 1884 ई० में इस सम्बन्ध में शोध की थी, उससे भी यही तथ्य प्रमाणित एवं पुष्ट हुए हैं। डाक्टर टेम्पल की मान्यता है कि राजा रिसालू सिन्धु अथवा सिन्धड़ गोत्र के जाट थे[11]

External links


  1. Jat Kshatriya Culture
  2. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter VI ,p.539
  3. अस्थल बोहर मठ का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, पृ० 1-12, लेखक कोकचन्द्र शास्त्री।
  4. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Appendices/Appendix No.1
  5. Yadu Vamsavali of Bharatpur given by Ganga Singh in his book 'Yadu Vamsa', Part 1, Bharatpur Rajvansa Ka Itihas (1637-1768), Bharatpur, 1967, pp. 19-21
  6. James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.196-201
  7. James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.200
  8. James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.200
  9. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/K,p.478
  10. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter VI ,p.539
  11. अस्थल बोहर मठ का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, पृ० 1-12, लेखक कोकचन्द्र शास्त्री।

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