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Sarang (सरंग) Saarang (सारंग)[1][2] is Gotra of Jats found in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Sarhang clan is found in Afghanistan.[3]


Saranga (सरंग) have originated from Nagavanshi mahapurusha Saranga (सरंग)

Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[4] mentions Nations situated around the Hyrcanian Sea.... Beyond the nations already mentioned, are the Chorasmii,13 the Candari,14 the Attasini, the Paricani, the Sarangæ, the Marotiani, the Aorsi,15 the Gaëli, by the Greek writers called Cadusii,16 the Matiani, the city of Heraclea,17 which was founded by Alexander, but was afterwards destroyed, and rebuilt by Antiochus, and by him called Achaïs; the Derbices also,18 through the middle of whose territory the river Oxus19 runs, after rising in Lake Oxus,20

13 An extensive tribe of 'Sogdiana, now represented by the district of Khawarezm, in the desert country of Khiva.

14 A tribe in the north-western part of Sogdiana. They appear to have been situate to the east of the district of Khawarezm. It has been suggested that they derived their name from the Sanscrit Gandharas, a tribe beyond the Indus.

15 The chief seat of the Aorsi, who appear to have been a numerous and powerful people both of Europe and Asia, was in the country between the Tanais, the Euxine, the Caspian, and the Caucasus. It seems doubtful, however, whether it is these people who are alluded to in the present passage.

16 These would almost seem to be a different people from those mentioned in c. 15 of the present Book, as dwelling in Atropatene. The present appears to have been a tribe of Sogdiana.

17 Strabo mentions a town of this name, which he places, together with Apamea, in the direction of Rhagæ. If Pliny has observed anything like order in his recital of nations and places, the Heraclea here mentioned cannot be that spoken of by Strabo, but must have been distant nearly 1000 miles from it.

18 This was a tribe, apparently of Scythian origin, settled in Margiana, on the left bank of the Oxus. Strabo says that they worshipped the earth, and forbore to sacrifice or slay any female; but that they put to death their fellow-creatures as soon as they had passed their seventieth year, it being the privilege of the next of kin to eat the flesh of the deceased person. The aged women, however, they used to strangle, and then consign them to the earth.

19 The modern Jihoun or Amou. It now flows into the Sea of Aral, but the ancients universally speak of it as running into the Caspian; and there are still existing distinct traces of a channel extending in a southwesterly direction from the sea of Aral to the Caspian, by which at least a portion, and probably the whole of the waters of the Oxus found their way. into the Caspian; and not improbably the Sea of Aral itself was connected with the Caspian by this channel.

20 Most probably under this name he means the Sea of Aral.

Villages after Sarang


Bhim Singh Dahiya identifies them with Rigvedic Tribe - Sarangya : A king, Daivavata, of this tribe, is named in RV l/27/7,4/15/4,7. Also the charity of Prastoka Sringya is mentioned in Rigveda. They are to be identified with the Sarangh clan of the Jats, and also with the Sarangai of the Greek authors and Sarank/Zarank of Iranian history.

अयं यः सर्ञ्जये पुरो दैववाते समिध्यते |
दयुमां अमित्रदम्भनः || (RV 4/15/4)

Parthian Stations

Parthian Stations by Isidore of Charax[5], is an account of the overland trade route between the Levant and India, in the 1st century BCE, The Greek text with a translation and commentary by Wilfred H. Schoff. Transcribed from the Original London Edition, 1914.

The Parthian Stations of Isidore of Charax, fragmentary as it is, is one of the very few records of the overland trade-route in the period of struggle between Parthia and Rome. As the title indicates, it gives an itinerary of the caravan trail from Antioch to the borders of India, naming the supply stations, or, as they would now be called, the caravanserais maintained by the Parthian Government for the convenience of merchants. We find mention of city named Sarang at S.No.17:

17. Beyond is Zarangiana (the Sarangians of Herodotus III, 93), 21 schoeni. There are the city of Parin and the city of Coroc. (See Nimruz - Zaranj is an ancient historic city which was known as Sarang in Sanskrit during Hindu times and later came to be known as Zarang and now Zaranj).

James Tod mentions the exploits of Bhatti Chief Deoraj. Under their leaders, Tejsi and Sarang, they protected the mock Dhar, and were cut to pieces to the number of one hundred and twenty. Deoraj approved their valour, and provided for their children. Being thus released from his oath, he proceeded towards Dhar, reducing those who opposed his progress. Brij-bhan defended Dhar during five days, and fell with eight hundred of his men; upon which Deoraj unfurled the flag of victory and returned to his late conquest, the city of Lodorva. [6]

Distribution in Uttar Pradesh

Villages in Badayun district


Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Faridabad district


Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Sarang (सरंग) Jats are found in Ratlam district in Madhya Pradesh.

Villages in Ratlam district

Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:

Dhamottar 3,

Distribution in Maharashtra

Villages in Buldhana district



विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[7] ने लेख किया है ...पटिया, उड़ीसा, (AS, p.521): उड़ीसा में कटक के निकट सारंग-केसरी नामक केसरीवंशीय नरेश द्वारा बसाया गया नगर जहां का दुर्ग सारंगगढ़ कहलाता था. यहाँ सारंग नाम की झील भी है.

Notable persons

External links


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