Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 19
Mahabharata Book V Chapter 19:English
mentions Kings and tribes Who joined Yudhishthira for war v.1-13
"Vaisampayana said, 'Then Yuyudhana, the great hero of the Satwata race, came to Yudhishthira with a large army of foot, and horses and cars and elephants. And his soldiers of great valour come from various lands, bore various weapons of war, and heroic in look they beautified the Pandava army. And that army looked splendid by reason of battleaxes, and missiles and spears, and lances, and mallets, and clubs, and staves, and cords, and stainless swords, and daggers, and arrows of various kinds, all of the best temper. And the army, beautified by those weapons, and resembling in colour the cloudy sky, assumed an appearance like to amass of clouds with lightning-flashes in its midst. And the army counted an Akshauhini of troops. And when absorbed in the troops of Yudhishthira it entirely disappeared, as doth a small river when it enters the sea.
And similarly, the powerful chief of the Chedis, Dhrishtaketu, accompanied by an Akshauhini, came to the sons of Pandu of immeasurable strength. And the king of Magadha, Jayatsena of great strength, brought with him for Yudhishthira an Akshauhini of troops. And similarly, Pandya, who dwelt on the coast-land near the sea, came accompanied by troops of various kinds to Yudhishthira, the king of kings. And, O king, when all these troops had assembled, his army, finely dressed and exceedingly strong, assumed an appearance pleasant to the eye. And the army of Drupada, also was beautified by valiant soldiers who had come from various lands, and also by his mighty sons. And similarly, Virata, the king of the Matsyas, a leader of troops, accompanied by the king of the hilly regions, came to Pandu's sons. And for the high-souled sons of Pandu there were thus assembled from various directions, seven Akshauhini of troops, bristling with banners of various forms. And eager to fight with the Kurus, they gladdened the hearts of
[p. 32]: the Pandavas.
mentions Kings and tribes Who joined Duryodhana in Mahabharata War v.14-
And in the same way king Bhagadatta, gladdening the heart of Dhritarashtra's son, gave an Akshauhini of troops to him. And the unassailable mass of his troops, crowded with Chhinas and Kiratas and Kanchanas, all looking like figures of gold, assumed a beauty like to that of a forest of Karnikara trees.
And so the valiant Bhurisravas, and Salya, O son of Kuru, came to Duryodhana, with an Akshauhini of troops each. And Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, accompanied by the Bhojas, the Andhas, and the Kukuras, came to Duryodhana with an Akshauhini of troops. And the body of his troops composed of those mighty soldiers, who wore on their persons garlands of many-coloured flowers, looked as graceful as a number of sportive elephants that have passed through a wood.
And others led by Jayadratha, the dwellers of the land of Sindhu-sauvira, came in such force that the hills seemed to tremble under their tread. And their force, counting an Akshauhini, looked like a mass of clouds moved by the wind. And Sudakshina, the king of the Kambojas, O ruler of men, accompanied by the Yavanas and Sakas, came to the Kuru chief with an Akshauhini of troops. And the body of his troops that looked like a flight of locusts, meeting with the Kuru force, was absorbed and disappeared in it. And similarly came king Nila, the resident of the city of the Mahishmati, with mighty soldiers from the southern country who carried weapons of pretty make. And the two kings of Avanti, accompanied by a mighty force, brought to Duryodhana, each a separate Akshauhini of troops. And those tigers among men, the five royal brothers, the princes of Kekaya, hastened to Duryodhana with an Akshauhini of troops, and gladdened his heart. And from the illustrious king, of other quarters there came, O best of Bharata's race, three large divisions of troops. And thus Duryodhana had a force which numbered eleven Akshauhinis all eager to fight with the sons of Kunti, and bristling with banners of various forms. And, O descendant of Bharata, there was no space in the city of Hastinapura even for the principal leaders of Duryodhana's army. And for this reason the land of the five rivers (Panchanada), and the whole of the region called Kuru-jangala, and the forest of Rohitaka which was uniformly wild, and Ahichhatra and Kalakuta, and the banks of the Ganga, and Varana, and Vatadhana, and the hill tracts on the border of the Yamuna--the whole of this extensive tract--full of abundant corn and wealth, was entirely overspread with the army of the Kauravas. And that army, so arranged, was beheld by the priest who had been sent by the king of the Panchalas to the Kurus.'"
Mahabharata Book V Chapter 19:Sanskrit
1 [व] युयुधानस ततॊ वीरः सात्वतानां महारदः महता चतुरङ्गेण बलेनागाथ युधिष्ठिरम 2 तस्य यॊधा महावीर्या नानाथेशसमागताः नानाप्रहरणा वीराः शॊभयां चक्रिरे बलम 3 परश्वधैर भिण्ड बालैः शक्तितॊमरमुथ्गरैः (Tomar) शक्त्यृष्टि परशु परासैः करवालैश च निर्मलैः 4 खड्गकार्मुकनिर्यूहैः शरैश च विविधैर अपि तैलधौतैः परकाशथ्भिस तथ अशॊभत वै बलम 5 तस्य मेघप्रकाशस्य शस्त्रैस तैः शॊभितस्य च बभूव रूपं सैन्यस्य मेघस्येव स विथ्युतः 6 अक्षौहिणी हि सेना सा तथा यौधिष्ठिरं बलम परविश्यान्तर धधे राजन सागरं कुनथी यदा 7 तदैवाक्षौहिणीं गृह्य चेथीनाम ऋषभॊ बली धृष्टकेतुर उपागच्छत पाण्डवान अमितौजसः 8 मागधश च जयत्सेनॊ जरासंधिर महाबलः अक्षौहिण्यैव सैन्यस्य धर्मराजम उपागमत 9 तदैव पाण्ड्यॊ राजेन्थ्र सागरानूपवासिभिः वृतॊ बहुविधैर यॊधैर युधिष्ठिरम उपागमत 10 तस्य सैन्यम अतीवासीत तस्मिन बलसमागमे परेक्षणीयतरं राजन सुवेषं बलवत तथा 11 थरुपथस्याप्य अभूत सेना नानादेशसमागतैः शॊभिता पुरुषैः शूरैः पुत्रैश चास्य महारदैः 12 तदैव राजा मत्स्यानां विराटॊ वाहिनीपतिः पार्वतीयैर महीपालैः सहितः पाण्डवान इयात 13 इतश चेतश च पाण्डूनां समाजग्मुर महात्मनाम अक्षौहिण्यस तु सप्तैव विविधध्वजसंकुलाः युयुत्समानाः कुरुभिः पाण्डवान समहर्षयन 14 तदैव धार्तराष्ट्रस्य हर्षं समभिवर्धयन भगदत्तॊ महीपालः सेनाम अक्षौहिणीं थथौ 15 तस्य चीनैः किरातैश च काञ्चनैर इव संवृतम बभौ बलम अनाधृष्यं कर्णिकारवनं यदा 16 तदा भूरिश्रवाः शूरः शल्यश च कुरुनन्थन थुर्यॊधनम उपायाताव अक्षौहिण्या पृदक पृदक 17 कृतवर्मा च हार्थिक्यॊ भॊजान्धकबलैः सह अक्षौहिण्यैव सेनाया थुर्यॊधनम उपागमत 18 तस्य तैः पुरुषव्याघ्रैर वनमाला धरैर बलम अशॊभत यदामत्तैर वनं परक्रीडितैर गजैः 19 जयथ्रद मुखाश चान्ये सिन्धुसौवीरवासिनः(Sindhu-Sauvira) आजग्मुः पृदिवीपालाः कम्पयन्त इवाचलान 20 तेषाम अक्षौहिणी सेना बहुला विबभौ तथा विभूयमाना वातेन बहुरूपा इवाम्बुथाः 21 सुदक्षिणश च काम्बॊजॊ यवनैश च शकैस तदा उपाजगाम कौरव्यम अक्षौहिण्या विशां पते 22 तस्य सेना समावायः शलभानाम इवाबभौ स च संप्राप्य कौरव्यं तत्रैवान्तर थधे तथा 23 तदा माहिष्मती वासी नीलॊ नीलायुधैः सह महीपालॊ महावीर्यैर थक्षिणापदवासिभिः 24 आवन्त्यौ च महीपालौ महाबलसु संवृतौ पृदग अक्षौहिणीभ्यां ताव अभियातौ सुयॊधनम 25 केकयाश च नरव्याघ्राः सॊथर्याः पञ्च पार्दिवाः संहर्षयन्तः कौरव्यम अक्षौहिण्या समाथ्रवन 26 इतश चेतश च सर्वेषां भूमिपानां महात्मनाम तिस्रॊ ऽनयाः समवर्तन्त वाहिन्यॊ भरतर्षभ 27 एवम एकाथशावृत्ताः सेना थुर्यॊधनस्य ताः युयुत्समानाः कौन्तेयान नाना धवजसमाकुलाः 28 न हास्तिनपुरे राजन्न अवकाशॊ ऽभवत तथा राज्ञां सबलमुख्यानां पराधान्येनापि भारत 29 ततः पञ्चनथं चैव कृत्स्नं च कुरुजाङ्गलम तदा रॊहित कारण्यं मरु भूमिश च केवला 30 अहिच छत्रं कालकूटं गङ्गाकूलं च भारत वारणा वाटधानं च यामुनश चैव पर्वतः 31 एष थेशः सुविस्तीर्णः परभूतधनधान्यवान बभूव कौरवेयाणां बलेन सुसमाकुलः 32 तत्र सैन्यं तदायुक्तं थथर्श स पुरॊहितः यः सपाञ्चालराजेन परेषितः कौरवान परति
Mahabharata Book V Chapter 19:Transliteration
1 [v] yuyudhānas tato vīraḥ sātvatānāṃ mahārathaḥ mahatā caturaṅgeṇa balenāgād yudhiṣṭhiram 2 tasya yodhā mahāvīryā nānādeśasamāgatāḥ nānāpraharaṇā vīrāḥ śobhayāṃ cakrire balam 3 paraśvadhair bhiṇḍa bālaiḥ śaktitomaramudgaraiḥ śaktyṛṣṭi paraśu prāsaiḥ karavālaiś ca nirmalaiḥ 4 khaḍgakārmukaniryūhaiḥ śaraiś ca vividhair api tailadhautaiḥ prakāśadbhis tad aśobhata vai balam 5 tasya meghaprakāśasya śastrais taiḥ śobhitasya ca babhūva rūpaṃ sainyasya meghasyeva sa vidyutaḥ 6 akṣauhiṇī hi senā sā tadā yaudhiṣṭhiraṃ balam praviśyāntar dhadhe rājan sāgaraṃ kunadī yathā 7 tathaivākṣauhiṇīṃ gṛhya cedīnām ṛṣabho balī dhṛṣṭaketur upāgacchat pāṇḍavān amitaujasaḥ 8 māgadhaś ca jayatseno jarāsaṃdhir mahābalaḥ akṣauhiṇyaiva sainyasya dharmarājam upāgamat 9 tathaiva pāṇḍyo rājendra sāgarānūpavāsibhiḥ vṛto bahuvidhair yodhair yudhiṣṭhiram upāgamat 10 tasya sainyam atīvāsīt tasmin balasamāgame prekṣaṇīyataraṃ rājan suveṣaṃ balavat tadā 11 drupadasyāpy abhūt senā nānādeśasamāgataiḥ śobhitā puruṣaiḥ śūraiḥ putraiś cāsya mahārathaiḥ 12 tathaiva rājā matsyānāṃ virāṭo vāhinīpatiḥ pārvatīyair mahīpālaiḥ sahitaḥ pāṇḍavān iyāt 13 itaś cetaś ca pāṇḍūnāṃ samājagmur mahātmanām akṣauhiṇyas tu saptaiva vividhadhvajasaṃkulāḥ yuyutsamānāḥ kurubhiḥ pāṇḍavān samaharṣayan 14 tathaiva dhārtarāṣṭrasya harṣaṃ samabhivardhayan bhagadatto mahīpālaḥ senām akṣauhiṇīṃ dadau 15 tasya cīnaiḥ kirātaiś ca kāñcanair iva saṃvṛtam babhau balam anādhṛṣyaṃ karṇikāravanaṃ yathā 16 tathā bhūriśravāḥ śūraḥ śalyaś ca kurunandana duryodhanam upāyātāv akṣauhiṇyā pṛthak pṛthak 17 kṛtavarmā ca hārdikyo bhojāndhakabalaiḥ saha akṣauhiṇyaiva senāyā duryodhanam upāgamat 18 tasya taiḥ puruṣavyāghrair vanamālā dharair balam aśobhata yathāmattair vanaṃ prakrīḍitair gajaiḥ 19 jayadratha mukhāś cānye sindhusauvīravāsinaḥ ājagmuḥ pṛthivīpālāḥ kampayanta ivācalān 20 teṣām akṣauhiṇī senā bahulā vibabhau tadā vibhūyamānā vātena bahurūpā ivāmbudāḥ 21 sudakṣiṇaś ca kāmbojo yavanaiś ca śakais tathā upājagāma kauravyam akṣauhiṇyā viśāṃ pate 22 tasya senā samāvāyaḥ śalabhānām ivābabhau sa ca saṃprāpya kauravyaṃ tatraivāntar dadhe tadā 23 tathā māhiṣmatī vāsī nīlo nīlāyudhaiḥ saha mahīpālo mahāvīryair dakṣiṇāpathavāsibhiḥ 24 āvantyau ca mahīpālau mahābalasu saṃvṛtau pṛthag akṣauhiṇībhyāṃ tāv abhiyātau suyodhanam 25 kekayāś ca naravyāghrāḥ sodaryāḥ pañca pārthivāḥ saṃharṣayantaḥ kauravyam akṣauhiṇyā samādravan 26 itaś cetaś ca sarveṣāṃ bhūmipānāṃ mahātmanām tisro 'nyāḥ samavartanta vāhinyo bharatarṣabha 27 evam ekādaśāvṛttāḥ senā duryodhanasya tāḥ yuyutsamānāḥ kaunteyān nānā dhvajasamākulāḥ 28 na hāstinapure rājann avakāśo 'bhavat tadā rājñāṃ sabalamukhyānāṃ prādhānyenāpi bhārata 29 tataḥ pañcanadaṃ caiva kṛtsnaṃ ca kurujāṅgalam tathā rohita kāraṇyaṃ maru bhūmiś ca kevalā 30 ahic chatraṃ kālakūṭaṃ gaṅgākūlaṃ ca bhārata vāraṇā vāṭadhānaṃ ca yāmunaś caiva parvataḥ 31 eṣa deśaḥ suvistīrṇaḥ prabhūtadhanadhānyavān babhūva kauraveyāṇāṃ balena susamākulaḥ 32 tatra sainyaṃ tathāyuktaṃ dadarśa sa purohitaḥ yaḥ sapāñcālarājena preṣitaḥ kauravān prati