Author of this article is Laxman Burdak लक्ष्मण बुरड़क |

Dhankoli (धनकोली), is a village in Didwana tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan. Sikar district starts after about 5 km from the village in east direction. Population of Dhankoli according to Census 2001 is 6508, Where male population is 3227, While female population is 3281[1] M.K. Azad has authored a Book in Hindi on Dhankoli titled - 'Dhankoli Aaj Tak' (धनकोली आज तक). It is Published by Dhankoli Vikas Mandal, Dhankoli, 2004. The book contains very useful informations. We have taken history concerned with Jats.
Jat Gotras in Dhankoli
- Bijarnia - See details below
- Tetarwal - See details below
- Bagaria - See details below
- Jajhada - See details below
- Bhinchar - See details below
- Chahar (3) - There are three families of Chahars in Dhankoli. They came from Bhadaliya. [2]
- Kaswan - Kaswan came to Dhankoli from Kursia (Khushiya) Gawaria village to Nawa to Dabra and then to Dhankoli. [3]
- Jethoo - Jethoo of the village came from Bhadana and then to ‘Jethwan Ka Bas’ in Sikar district. Some families had gone from here to ‘Jan Jhadeli’. Uda Ram Jethoo was first to come to this village in samvat 1950. Uda Ram Jethoo is an expert chejara, whose name is engraved on Laxman Jhula in Haridwar. [4]
- Nain (4)
- Bugalya (1)
- Thalod (2) – Came from Asalsar
- Mandha (1) – Came from Lunoda in 1970
- Khokhar (2) – Came from Hirani (Bhanwata)
- Lamrod (1) - Came from Hirani (Bhanwata)
- Bhakhar (7) – Came from Khakholi
History of village
This is an ancient village. The village was founded near a big pond. According to M.K Azad the village was founded earlier than 1500 AD as the Kayamkhani records reveal that Nawab Asal Khan had handed over the Jagir of Dhankoli to his brother in period 1500-25. (M.K Azad p.34)
In ancient times this village served as a camping place for caravans carrying goods from Bikaner and Shekhawati. Kuchaman was the next camp after Dhankoli. The goods included daily use items like food grains, sugar, gur, oils, misri, hirmach, paliabhata, namak, clothes etc.
Origin of the name of village
About the name of village it is believed that it was settled at the site of a talab which was of the shape of a ‘koli’ or ‘katori’ hence called Dhankoli. (M.K Azad, p.36)
Some people believe that name of village Dhankoli is after Dhanukas of Ramgarh Shekhawati. (M.K Azad, p.37)
The northern part of the village extends up to Didwana Salt lake (Kharda). In east of village is a ‘bhar’ named ‘Kalibhar’. (M.K Azad, p.40)
In south of the village is an old people tree. It was destroyed twice in the winds but developed again. Some people believe that a Kaleri Jatni had put a ‘neri’ of pipal tree for churning of curd. It sprouted into a tree which became known as ‘Kala Pipal’. People are afraid of going to this site. (M.K Azad p.49) The story of this pipal tree indicates that in the past Kala or Kaler Jats lived in the village.
‘Bhairuji Ka Khejra’ is an ancient Khejri tree situated in south of village on Kuchaman Road. There is one than of Bhairuji here. It is of religious importance and newly married couple visit the site and pay respect here. (M.K Azad, p.49)
Khetawats of Dhankoli
Dudhani Vaisy families developed differences with Bikaner Maharaja and left Riri Bhadra and settled in this village. They were descendants of Khetsi Das and are called Khetawat. (M.K Azad p.36) All Khetawats have originated from Dhankoli. Khetawat of Dhankoli is the chief Gotra of Agrawals today.(M.K Azad p.134)
Famous Khetawats of Dhankoli include:
- H.P Khetawat
- D.D. Khetawat
- Prahlad Rai - Jugalkishor Khetawat
- Sudhir Khetawat – World famous Doctor
Four Choudharies of village
Choudhary of village: The four notable Chaudharies of the village during Jagirdari system were :
These Chaudharies used to play a dominant role in assessment and collection of taxes and proved link between Jagirdars and the people. Out of these four Chaudharies Sukha Ram Tetarwal was most influential. (M.K Azad, p.91-92)
There was a system of appointment of Kanawaria (कणवारिया) in villages to keep an eye on the farmers and the assessors. They used to inform the Jagirdar if somebody pays less levy or takes any product from his field. A story of Bhura Meer Kanwaria is popular in the village. Once a Jajhara Jat woman had brought bajari sitta from his field for household use. The Kanwaria - Bhura Meer stopped her in the way to check her kharia (head-load). Jatni requested - 'Lalji let her go she had nothing with her'. When Bhura Meer insisted further Jatni said – O.K come near and see ! When Bhura Meer came closer to Jatni to check her, the Jatni catches him and pressed under arms and carried away. Bhura Meer kept crying under this circumstance but Jatni did not care. When she came near the village Bhura Meer said – I am your black cow and will never check you or any Jatni in future . Then only she dropped him from arms. He fell on her feet and never dared any Jatni to check in future. This Jatni was wife of Ganga Ram Jajhara. (M.K Azad p.92-93)
History of Bijarnia
Dhankoli has population of Bijarnia Jat Gotra. The Bahi of the bard (Raoji Bajrang Singh, Dalania, Phagi, Jaipur) of Bijarnia reveals that One Bijarnia ancestor had come to Dhankoli in samvat 1609 (1552 AD) during the period of Kayamkhani rulers at Dhankoli and the rule of Humayun at Delhi.
Jag Singh Chaudhary was an officer in the Army of Mughal emperor Humanyun. Badshah was very pleased with his services so he offered him a Jagir of 12 villages in samvat 1503 (1446 AD). Jagsi Bijarnia had 12 sons and one Paswan son named Rupsi.
Local tradition tells us that Jakhar Kunwar of Mandoli (Bairath) was married in the family of Bana Jat of Jayal Bhadana. Jakhar Kunwar was returning after his gona with his wife Bijli. He stayed at Ladhana. Meanwhile Jagsi’s Paswan son Rupsi was going to forest for hunting and he also stayed at Ladhana for a while. The newly married wife Bijli of Jakhar Kunwar was very impressed with the behavior of Rupsi. She praised the qualities of Rupsi in front of his husband. (M.K Azad, p.196)
This annoyed Jakhar Kunwar and he scolded her for this behavior, left her behind and went away without her. Bijli was a simple and humorous girl. She had not anticipated this before. When Rupsi came back from hunting he found Bijli weeping with sorrow. Rupsi said since he is responsible for this incidence he offered that she could go with him if she had no objection. She was left with no option so decided to go with Rupsi.
Jakhars when learnt that their bahu had gone with Bijarnias they got annoyed over this incidence and complained to Delhi Badshah. Jakhars attacked Bijarnias with an army of 2200 soldiers on chaitra sudi 8 samvat 1510 (1453 AD). Bijarnias had blessings of Jeenmata that they could not be defeated. The 12 brothers who were initially keeping a distance with Paswan brother Rupsi also joined him in war against Jakhars.
Though all brothers fought war but it was made clear during the war by elder Bijarnia that Rupsi had created this problem so he would be dealt accordingly after the war. Rupsi when learnt about this dictate of elder Bijarnia he left Ladhana with Bijli and went to Shrimadhopur. His descendants flourished there.
Jagsi Bijarni family moved from Ladhana to Palsana in Sikar district. Jagsi had two sons Bindra and Alha. Alha was an ambitious and far sighted person. He came to know that Badshah Humayun was returning from Ajmer after performing jiyarat at Ajmer Dargah and going to capital Delhi. He offered for a feast to the Badshah to please him. Badshah accepted it and Alha gave a grand feast of khir-churma to Humayun. (M.K Azad p.197) Humanyu liked the Rajasthani food. He was pleased with Alha and gifted him 5500 bigha land. Alha was a kind man. He left a gauchar land and constructed a talab there. This Johad is still present and called Alhana Talab. Bijarnia descendants constructed many talabs in Dhankoli also.
Jagsi’s sixth son was Nihalji. Nihalji begot son Panagji who begot son Balu Ramji. Balu Ramji’s grand son Tola Ram ji constructed Tolana Talab and left auran (catchment) land 200 bigha in samvat 1620 (1562 AD). In the fourth generation Hemaji constructed Hemnana Talab in samvat 1695 (1638 AD) in west of Dhankoli.
Chaudhary Narbadji constructed Narbadana Talab in 300 bigha in samvat 1751 (1694 AD) in east of village. Narbadji’s son was Koju Ramji and his son was Harji Ramji who constructed ‘Har Jo Lav’ Talab in 50 bigha in Jhajhara’s fields in samvat 1825. Harji Ramji’s son was Kana Ramji who built a well in samvat 1875 in east of village. Kana Ramji built a 6 pillar chhatri after his father near the village well in samvat 1879. (M.K Azad p.198)
History of Tetarwal Gotra
Tetarwal Jats came to Dhankoli in samvat 1675 (1618 AD) after paying respect to their family deity goddess ‘Saunth Mata’. Saunth Mata is their kuladevi. They do not offer Saunth to ladies during delivery period.
Local tradition reveals that one Tetarwal woman came to the village well, which was constructed by Bijarnias, for taking drinking water. She was in hurry and requested to let her take water first. Other ladies commented that this not Tetarwal’s well and if she was in such hurry Tetarwals should dig their own well. Tetarwal lady came back without water and told to her family. Tetarwals decided not to take water from Bijarnia’s well. They decided to dig their own well till that time they brought water from nearby village Asalsar.
Khemji Tetarwal’s son Poosa constructed and completed a well on Jeth Badi 3 samvat 1692 (1635 AD). This well was known as ‘Mithi Kothi’.
Tetarwals also constructed, near this well, a temple of Balaji and temple of Tamadayatas (Maharshi). (M.K Azad p.203)
History of Bagaria Gotra
Bagarias were originally settled at Sikar where there is fort of Sikar. The Shekhawat Jagirdar displaced them from that place to construct Fort. The Bagarias got annoyed with Jagirdar on this displacement and they left Shekhawati area and settled in Fatehpur which was under Kayamkhani Nawabs. Later they left that area also and came to Dhankoli. The ancestral person of Bagarias was Khuma Ram who had four sons Gordhan, Nadu , Pema and Hari. Gordhan had four sons: Uda, Ramu, Gidha and Sewa. Ramu’s son Jagu came to Dhankoli in samvat 1825 (1758 AD).
Bagarias in Dhankoli live in Aguna Bas. They became Marjidan of Thakur and got permission to construct Haveli. Their grand Haveli was constructed in magh sudi 10 samvat 1980 (1932 AD).
Reference - (M.K Azad p.207-8)
History of Jhajara Gotra
Jhajara is same as Jhajaria. Due to differences with thakur they left Dhankoli and went to village Baldu (tahsil:Ladnu). Gangoji Tetarwal brought them back to Dhankoli in samvat 1968. ( M K Azad, p. 211)
History of Bhinchar Gotra
Their original habitation of Bhinchar Gotra people was in Gujarat. Some ruler from Sambhar settled Bhinchawa village. They had war with Borawar Rajput ruler. This ruler took away Kalwa from Dukiya Jats. Bhichars opposed this.
One family of Bhinchars lived with Kukana Jats of Kukanwali. Then they settled in Nalot. Later they founded ‘Bhincharon Ka Bas’.
Kesar Singh Bhinchar of this gotra was a great warrior. One Rajput lady was his dharmbahin. Shekhawats took away cows of this lady. On the request of Rajput lady Kesar Singh followed the thieves. He encountered them at Mundwara fought with them bravely with sword and got back cows from them. Kesar Singh was returning back with cows when the enemies attacked him from behind when he was unprepared. His head was chopped off. Even after chopping of head he moved headless on horse up to ‘Lamba Kotda’. This news spread in the area like jungle fire. When the Rajput lady learnt it she rushed to the spot and tied a rakhi thread to him. Then only his head felled on ground. Rajputs and Bhinchars constructed a chhatri on the Samadhi of Kesar Singh Bhinchar here. This chhatri is very sacred today.
Bhinchars came to Dhankoli in samvat 1982 from Moriyawat (मोडियावट) to ‘Bhincharon Ki Dhani’ and finally to Dhankoli.
Bhinchar are also called Bhainchar, Bhachar , Bhaskar etc due to linguistic variations.
Reference - (M.K Azad p.212-13)
Other castes in Dhankoli
• Rankawat (Swami), • Meer (Mirasi) – The Charans of Kayankhanis came from Fatehpur, • Kalal (Taak) – Came from Kuchaman in samvat 1982, • Kasai – came from losal, • Khati (Jangir) – Came from Harsh-Maroth-Panchawa-Dhankoli • Daroga (Chauhan – Songara) Came from Kochhor, • Bawari, • Mali (Chauhan Vanshi – Chandolia) : Came from Khandela, • Sunar – Came from Maulasar, • Nat, • Maniar (Mughal) – Came from Bhathot Patoda, Kumhar – Came from Nagaur to Baori to Dhankoli, • Dhadhi – Came from Palsana with Bijarnia Jats, • Balai – Balai or Bhabhi now call themselves descendants of Megha Rishi and write Meghwal, Gotras of balai are: Mahich, Mherda, Pindar, Barupal Bola, Garba, Dhanya and Balan. • Raigar – Gotra Mundotia who came from Losal in samvat 1960, • Nai – Gotra Harshwal who came from Unta Lad (Nagaur) to Singrawat and to Dhankoli, • Bhisti – Came from Gumanpura inn samvat 1930, • Teli (Tigala) – Came from Nawalgarh in samvat 1930, • Teli (Nirban) – Came from Ghatwa, •Naik, • Lohar – Cale from Dabra 1976 AD, • Harijan (Mehtar) – Gotra Sungata who came from Jijot, • Dakot (Bhargav) – Came from Hansi to Didwana to Nimod to Dhankoli, • Dholi (Dabal) , • Darji – Namdev Vanshi who came from Bansa, • Dhobi (Muslim) – Use Chandel surname who came from Harsh, • Saanee (Fakir) – Came from Bhatinda 100 years ago to perform death ceremony of Kayamkhanis, • Chhimpa (Gotra – Bhagerwal) – Dhanaka Bas (Sikar) to Bhadalia to Dhankoli, • Muslim Chhinpa (Rangrej) – Came from Kuchaman and call themselves Chauhan Vanshi, • Muslim Nai
Notable persons from Dhankoli
Balu Ram Bijarnia – He was a freedom fighter and farmer from Dhankoli, who struggled against Jagirdars. The farmers had called a meeting at Dabra on 13 March 1947. Rajput Jagirdars had gathered here heavily armed to stop the meeting. Many farmers from Dhankoli had reached Dabra in favour of Jagirdars but the only farmer from Dhankoli who was against Jagirdars and reached Dabra was Balu Ram Bjarnia. There was a bloody encounter of freedom fighters and the Jagirdars. Balu Ram Bijarnia got heavily injured and was rushed to Jodhpur hospital. He was calling Jagirdars down till he became fant.
Balu Ram Bijarnia’s family members at present include his son Bega Ram Bijarnia and Ugama Ram. Bega Ram Bijarnia was a ward panch. Subedar Ugama Ram was born in 1930. He is retired from army and engaged in social services. (M.K Azad p.202)
K. R. Chaudhary (Tetarwal) – Khema Ram Tetarwal was born in April 1952 at Dhankoli in the family of Chaudhary Harlalji Tetarwal.
He passed High School and went to Assam. He is currently in Guwahati since last 35 years. He is connected with many Social Institutions. He is President of Purwanchal Jat Mahasabha. He is Vice President of World Jat Aryan Foundation. He is Executive President of Hindustani Ekta Manch. He is member of G.L.P. Social Circle.
He is politically active as Secretary of Assam Pradesh Congress Committee since 1998 and Vice President of Jila Congress Committee since 1995.
He is member of Purwanchal Pradesh Marwari Sammelan established 1935. He has two sons Raj Kumar and Manoj Kumar.
Reference - (M.K Azad p.206)
B R Chaudhary – Bhura Ram Tetarwal was born on 7 July 1951 at Dhankoli in the family of Chaudhary Jora Ram Tetarwal. He was married in 1968 with Bhagawati Devi. He has two sons Banwari and Manish. He has three daughters Anju, Sangita and Dimpal. He went to Kolkata in 1970 and worked with Seth Hira Lal Khetawat. In 1975 he joined firm of Madho Prasad Jhunjhunwala. Presently he is doing his own business since 1988 in Light Metals Aluminium.
Reference - (M.K Azad p.207-8)
Mukana Ram Tetarwal – Sarpanch in 1977
Pusa Ram Bagaria – Born on 5.1.1934 in family of Pema Ram Bagaria. Did B.A. LLB and joined CBI. He was promoted to Assistant Director Prosecution in 1988.
Ramu Ram Bagaria – He was sarpanch for longest period.
Dalu Ram Bagaria – Sarpanch in 1987. He is bhatija of Ramu Ram Bagaria
Ramu Ram Bhinchar was a notable person of Dhankoli.
Shrawan Ram Choudhary (Jethoo) - Asstt. Commandant CRPF,VPO- Dhankoli, Distt. - Nagaur, Present Address : M-184,Sect.6, Kendriya Vihar, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, Resident Phone Number : 0141-2232856 .
- Kishan Bhinchar: VPO: Dhankoli, Teh. Didwana Nagaur, Rajasthan, Chairman Nagaur Dairy & Board of director rajasthan co operative dairy federation ltd. Jaipur, Mob: +91 97720 13333
External Links
- ↑ Dhankoli on ourvillageindia.org
- ↑ M.K Azad p.213
- ↑ M.K Azad p.213
- ↑ M.K Azad p.215
Further reading
- Book on Dhankoli - 'Dhankoli Aaj Tak' by M.K Azad, Published by Dhankoli Vikas Mandal, Dhankoli, 2004
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