Haya Naga

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Haya Naga (हय नाग) (210-245) (years 30 on coin) was a Nagavanshi king of Bharashiva family in Nava Naga dynasty. [1]


  • Aswa and Haya are synonymous Sanskrit terms for 'horse'.

Variants of name

Jat clans


K P Jayaswal[3] writes ....The name Jaya (750) is quite in line with the Bharasiva Naga names we read on the coins e.g., Haya, Traya, etc. [4].

Dr Naval Viyogi[5] writes about the Re-establishment of Nagas in Kantipuri: The Bharsivas, in the later days of imperial Kushanas or about 150 A.D. reached Kantipur on the Ganges, they performed there Ashwamedha and coronations at or near Banaras where is located the place known as Nagwa, the present site of the Hindu University seems to be associated with their name. From Kantipur, they moved westwards under Virasena, who strikes coins extensively and whose coins are found from Ahichchhatra, regains Padmavati and Mathura.

Nava Naga (year 27 on his coin) was founder of the Nava Naga Dynasty (140-170 AD) of Bharsiva. Virasena (Year 34 on Coin) was founder of Mathura and Padmavati Branches. (170-210 AD). [6]

Nava Nagas Rulers at Kantipuri: [7]

Nava Nagas Rulers at Padmavati:[8]

Dr Naval Viyogi[9] writes ....According to KP Jayaswal,[10] there were four kings after Virasena. Haya Naga, Traya Naga, Brahina Naga, Charaja Naga. Bhava Naga ruled from about 290 to 315 A.D. Dr. Jayaswal made it clear that he had fixed the date of Bhava Naga on a consideration of the Vakataka and Gupta chronology. Bhava Naga was a contemporary of Pravarsena I who was an elder contemporary of Samudra Gupta. Bhava Naga is described as belonging to, the family of the Bharasivas [11] whose royal line owed its origin to the great satisfaction of Siva that was caused by their carrying a Sivalinga placed as a load upon their shoulder" and "who were besprinkled on the forehead with the pure water of the Bhagirathi that had been obtained by their valour. "

Bhim Singh Dahiya[12] writes that a tribe of Haihayas still exists, at the top of the valley of Sohagpur in Baghel-khand, aware of their ancient lineage, and though few in number, celebrated for their valour.[13] The scope of the traditions regarding them, especially of their overrunning the country, alongwith Sakas and other [p.13]: foreign tribes, in the reign preceding that of Sagara [14] indicates their foreign origin also; and if we might trust to verbal resemblances, we might suspect that the Hayas and Haihayas of the Hindus had some connexion with the Hia, Hoiei-ke, Hoiei-hu, and similarly denominated Hun or Turk tribes, who make a figure in Chinese history.[15] At the same time it is to be observed that these tribes do not make their appearance until some centuries after the Christian era and the scene of their first exploits is far from the frontiers of India: the coincidence of appellation may be therefore merely accidental. In the word Haya, which properly means 'a horse', it is not impossible, however, that we have a confirmatory evidence of the Scythian origin of the Haihayas, as Tod supposed; although we cannot with him imagine the word 'horse' itself is derived from Haya." [16] [p.14]: Wilson duly mentions their foreign origin as the people who overran India, alongwith Sakas and other tribes. He is fully justified in identifying the Indian Haihayas with the central Asian people called by the Chinese as 'Hia'. The word 'Haya' meaning a horse is not only word having that meaning. Many other Jat tribes have names which were, due to their long and intimate association with the horse, taken as synonyms for 'horse'. For example, the names Tur, Turk, Takhar/Tokhar, etc., all mean 'horse' just as Damaska means silk and China -means pottery. Incidentally, it were the traders under Kusana Jats who introduced glassware and pottery in China in the fifth century A.D., when these traders reached the Chinese court of Tai-wee (424-451 A.D.) and informed the Chinese that the Ta-yue-chi (Great Jats) under Ki-to-lo (Kidar, their king) had occupied Peshawar, Gandhara, etc.[17]

Kalika Ranjan Qanungo[18] writes that....Col. Tod made a rather desperate attempt to prove the common origin of the Tatars, the Chinese and the Aryan Kshatriyas of the Lunar race by a study of the comparative genealogical trees of these three races and the traditions of their origin [Crooke's ed. of Rajasthan, i. 71-72]. Wilson, who held the Purans to be not older than 1045 AD, also suspected that the Hayas and the Haihayas of the Hindus had some connection with the Hia, .... "who make a figure in the Chinese history .... It is not impossible, however, that we have confirmatory evidence of the Scythian origin of the Haihayas as Col. Tod supposed" [Wilson's Vishnu Puran, p. 418, foot note 20]. In short, it has been suspected by many European Orientalists that a Central Asian genealogy entered India with the Indo-Scythian races and was cleverly engrafted on the Indo-Aryan genealogical tree by the unscrupulous Hindu ethnologist, who dubbed the descendants of the barbarian invaders as Kshatriyas of the Lunar race.

Hukum Singh Panwar[19] tells that .... The Haihayas were, infact, according to Tod[20], Scythians or (Sakas). The Haihayas derived their name, as such, from the word 'haya', which means 'horse'69. The Scythians (Sakas) are invariably identified70 with the Jats.

Connexion with the Scythic habits: James Todd[21] writes ....The Rajput tribes could scarcely have acquired some of their still existing Scythic habits and warlike superstitions on the burning plains of Ind. It was too hot to hail with fervent adoration the return of the sun from his southern course to enliven the northern hemisphere. This should be the religion of a colder clime, brought from their first haunts, the sources of the Jihun and Jaxartes. The grand solstitial festival, the Aswamedha, or sacrifice of the horse (the type of the sun), practised by the children of Vaivaswata, the ' sun-born,' was most probably simultaneously introduced from Scythia into the plains of Ind, and west, by the sons of Odin, Woden, or Budha, into Scandinavia, where it became the Hi-el or Hi-ul, 1 the festival of the winter solstice ; the grand jubilee of northern nations, and in the first ages of Christianity, being so near the epoch of its rise, gladly used by the first fathers of the church to perpetuate that event. 2

1. Haya or Hi, in Sanskrit, ' horse ' — El, ' sun ' : whence [greek] and [greek]. [greek] appears to have been a term of Scythian origin for the sun ; and Hari, the Indian Apollo, is addressed as the sun. Hiul, or Jul, of northern nations (qu. Noel of France ?), is the Hindu Sankranti, of which more will be said hereafter. [The feast was known as Hvil, .Tnl, or Yule, and the suggested derivation is impossible.]

2. Mallet's Northern Antiquities.

Khalari Stone Inscription Of Haribrahmadeva : Year VS 1470 (=1415 AD)

Khalari Stone Inscription Of Haribrahmadeva : (Vikrama) Year 1470 (=1415 AD) [22] mentions as under in VV4-5:

(V. 4) In the royal race of Ahihaya (अहिहय) (L.4-5) there was born a devotee of Siva possessed of fierce valour (namely) the king Simhana (सिंहण) (L.5), having adopted the Kalachuri branch (of it) , who, by the great pride of his own arms, conquered, on the battlefield, eighteen fortresses of the enemies.

(V. 5) His son was the valiant king Râmadeva (रामदेव) (L.6), who, with an angry look, attacked, in the forefront of battle, Bhôningadëva (भोनिगदेव) (L.6) of the Phaṇivaṁśa (फणीवंश) (L.6) Nâga lineage (and) who, like a jewel (in the hood of a serpent), had a lustre resplendent like a collection of rays of the mid-day sun

The inscription refers itself to the reign of the king Haribrahmadeva (हरिब्रह्मदेव) of the Kalachuri dynasty. After the customary obeisance to Gaṇapati and three invocatory verses in honour of that god and of Bhāratī (भारती) (the goddess of speech ) and Nārāyaṇa, the inscription goes on to state that in the Kalachuri branch of the Ahihaya (अहिहय) (i. e., Haihaya) dynasty there was born the king Siṁhaṇa (सिंहण ) a devotee of Śiva, who conquered eighteen forts of his enemies. His son was Rāmadēva, who killed in battle Bhōṇiṅgadēva (भोनिंगदेव) of the Phaṇivaṁśa (i.e., Nāga lineage). His son was Haribrahmadeva (हरिब्रह्मदेव), who also was a devotee of Chandrachūḍa (Śiva) (चंद्रचूड). Verses 7-8 describe his capital Khalvāṭikā (खल्वाटिका). The inscription was written by Rāmadāsa of the Vāstavya family and was engraved by the artisan Ratnapāla.

हापुड़ (उ.प्र.)

हापुड़ (AS, p.1018) उ.प्र. एक जिला है. दोर यह राजपूत हरदत्त का बसाया हुआ है। यहाँ औरंगजेब के समय की [p.1019]: एक मस्जिद है जिस पर 1081 हिजरी =1703 ई. का अभिलेख खुदा हैः कहा जाता है कि गयासुद्दीन तुगलक ने इस शहर में कुछ नागा लोंगों को देखकर इसका नाम हयापुर रख दिया था। फ्यूरर ने हापुड़ का अर्थ फलो-द्यान से किया है। किन्तु सम्भवतः ‘हापुड’ हरपुर का बिगड़ा हुआ रूप है।[23]

In Mahabharata

Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 44 mentions about the ceremony for investing Kartikeya with the status of generalissimo (सेनागणाध्यक्ष) and the diverse gods, various clans and Kings who joined it. Haya is at Mahabharata (IX.44.14).

उच्चैःश्रवा हयश्रेष्ठॊ नागराजशवामनः
अरुणॊ गरुडश चैव वृक्षाश चौषधिभिः सह Mbt (IX.44.14)

External links


  1. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, p.333,334
  2. Corpus Inscriptionium Indicarium Vol IV Part 2 Inscriptions of the Kalachuri-Chedi Era, Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, 1905, p.575-579
  3. An Imperial History Of India/Gauda and Magadha Provincial History, p.52
  4. JBORS, XIX. 1; History of India, (Naga-Vakataka Period) p. 35
  5. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, p.333, 334
  6. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, p.333, 334
  7. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, p.333, 334
  8. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, p.333, 334
  9. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, p.337
  10. Jayaswal KP, An Imperial History Of India/Provincial History of Lāḍa Sea-coast (Kachh-Sindh), P-26, 27.
  11. Jayaswal KP, An Imperial History Of India/Provincial History of Lāḍa Sea-coast (Kachh-Sindh), P-26,27.
  12. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/The Jats, p.12-14
  13. Col. Tod, Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, 139.
  14. ibid., Bk.IV, Chapter III.
  15. Deguignes, Histoire des Hns, 17, 55,231. & II. 253, c.
  16. op. cit., I, 76.
  17. Paul Peliot, op. cit., pp. 42·43
  18. History of the Jats:Dr Kanungo/The theory of the Indo-Scythian Origin of the Jats,p.189
  19. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/The Yadava origin of the Jats, p.87
  20. Tod, op.cit, Vol. I. p. 76. Sankalia, H.D., Excavations at Maheshwar and Navdatoli, 1952,53, Poona, 1958, p. 252.
  21. James Todd Annals/Chapter 1 Genealogies,p.29
  22. Corpus Inscriptionium Indicarium Vol IV Part 2 Inscriptions of the Kalachuri-Chedi Era, Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, 1905, p.575-579
  23. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.1018-1019

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