Maharaja Narendra Singh

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Maharaja Narindar Singh (r.18 January 1846-13 Nov.1858) was Jat Ruler of Patiala. He succeeded ‎Raja Karam Singh (r.30 June 1813- 23 Dec.1845). His successor was Maharaja Mahendra Singh (b.16 Sept.1852, r.29 Jan.1863-1875).

The proposed visit of Maharaja to England

Lepel H. Griffin writes:232-233[1] Maharaja Narindar Singh had always expressed a great desire to visit England. The Sikhs are not a race much addicted to travelling, and no Sikh Chief, of any consequence, had ever left India and very few had travelled as far as Calcutta. In 1854 he formally asked permission to visit England and that an English officer might be appointed to accompany him. The consent of Government was given, on the condition that satisfactory arrangements were made for the administration of the Pattiala State during his absence.

Arrangements during his absence:

A council of Regency was appointed, consisting of three officers who were to have full powers and, in case of difference of opinion, the majority was to decide ; and, in compliance with the suggestion of the Government of India, the Maharaja abandoned his intention of taking with him a suite of 500 persons in favor of a smaller number. All arrangements were completed, but the Maharaja, at the last moment, postponed his departure, and before he had again made

* Government of India to Government Punjab, No. 2131, dated 11th June 1858. Government Punjab to Commissioner Cis-Satlej States, No. 421 dated 23rd June. Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to Government Punjab, No. 197, dated 9th July. Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to Deputy Commissioner Ambala, No. 601, dated 20th April 1857, and Deputy Commissioner Ambala to Commissioner Cis-Satlej States, No. 204, dated 5th July 1858.


up his mind to starts the mutiny broke out, and his presence was necessary in his own State.*

The design a second time formed:

After the mutiny, Narindar Singh again determined to visit England. His services, during 1857, had been so brilliant, and the acknowledgments of the Government so warm, that he believed that in England he would receive a very flattering reception. His expectation would no doubt have been realized, but, unfortunately, a second time, domestic affairs and political questions forced him to abandon the intention after all arrangements had been completed and an English officer, Major R. Lawrence, Military Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, had been selected to accompany him.

The mutiny of 1857

The mutiny put on its trial the great experiment which the British Government had been laboriously working out since 1809, with regard to the Cis-Satlej States; and it indisputably proved that the Sikh Chiefs knew that they had been treated with generosity and consideration by the paramount power.

During the disturbances of 1857-58, no prince in India showed greater loyalty or rendered more conspicuous service to the British Government than the Maharaja of Pattiala. He was the acknow-

* Commissioner Cis-Satlej States, Nos. 154 and 205, dated 13th July and 23rd August 1854, with enclosures. Government Punjab to Government of India, Nos. 642 and 717, dated 19th July, 6th September. Government of India's Nos. 3648, 800 and 885, dated 18th August, 25th September and 15tli November 1854.
Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to Government Punjab, No. 289, dated 16th October 1858. Government Punjab to Government of India, No. 791, dated 30th October.


The influence of the Maharaja:

... lodged head of the Sikhs, and his hesitation or disloyalty would have been attended with the most disastrous results ; while his ability, character and high position would have made him a most formidable leader against the Government.

His conspicuous loyalty:

But following the honorable impulses of gratitude and loyalty, he unhesitatingly placed his whole power, resources and influence at the absolute command of the English, and during the darkest and most doubtful days of the mutiny he never for a moment wavered in his loyalty, but, on the contrary, redoubled his exertions when less sincere friends thought it politic to relax theirs.

His immediate action on the side of British Government:

When the news searched Pattiala of the mutinies at Dehli and Meerat and the doubtful attitude of the native troops at Ambala, the Maharaja placed himself at the head of all his available troops and marched the same night to Jesomli, a village close to Ambala, sending, at the same time, his elephants, camels and other carriage, to Kalka, for the transport of European troops to Ambala from the hill stations of Kussowli, Dagshai and Sabathu. From Jesomli he marched to Thanesar, and placed there a force of 1,300 men, with four guns, for the protection of the district.

The opinion of the Commissioner of Ambala:

" This straightforward and loyal conduct, " wrote the Commissioner of the Commissioner of Cis-Satlej States, " was of infinite importance to our cause at that time. Peoples’ minds were agitated with various rumours about the cartridges, about the adulteration of flour and other subtle designs to destroy


their caste. "When the Maharaja placed himself boldly and heartily on our side these mischievous reports began to be discredited. The Maharaja was an orthodox Hindoo, whose position and career alike commanded respect. His support at such a crisis was worth a Brigade of English troops to us, and served more to tranquillize the people than a hundred official disclaimers would have done,"

His services at Ambala, Thanesar and Delhi:

Thanesar, Karnal and the station of Ambala, were hold by Pattiala troops, who also guarded the Grand Trunk Road from Karnal to Phillor. The Maharaja constantly expressed his earnest wish to lead a contingent to Dehli, but, both by the Commander-in-Chief and the Civil Authorities, he was dissuaded from this, as his presence in the Cis-Satlej States was considered of the highest importance. He sent, however, 500 horse and foot, under the command of Sirdar Partab Singh, and these troops did good service during the siege and at the assault of Delhi, and the assistance rendered by Pattiala was warmly acknowledged by General Wilson in his despatch of the 22nd September 1857.

At the commencement of the disturbances the Maharaja received a letter from the King of Dehli, urging him to come over his side, and promising him rewards for so doing. This letter the Maharaja gave to the English authorities.

In Sirsa, Rohtak and Hisar:

Besides troops at Dehli, Karnal, Thanesar and Ambala, the Pattiala Chief sent a detachmcnt with General Van-Cortlandt, and materially aided in restoring order in Sirsa, Rohtak and Hissar ; another detachment


was employed at Saharanpur and Jagadri and was twice engaged with the mutineers : on the revolt of the 10th Cavalry at Firozpur, his troops followed them up, and in a skirmish that took place, several of his men were killed and wounded.

He furnishes carriage and supplies:

The Maharaja, in his own territories, furnished supplies and Carriage, and kept the the roads clear for all Government troops passing through from the Punjab to Dehli ; and all refugees from Sirsa, Rohtak and Hissar, who came into Pattiala, were received with kindness and supplied with everything they required.

He also gave a loan of five lakhs of Rupees to to Government, and expressed his Willingness to double this amount, but no more was required of him.

The number of his troops employed:

The Pattiala contingent employed in the British cause duriug 1857, consisted of 8 guns, 2,156 Horse, 2,846 Infantry, with 156 Officers, the most distinguished of whom were Sirdar Partab Singh and Syad Muhammad Hassain, who commanded the detachment at Dehli ; Kour Dip Singh at Thanesar ; Sirdars Hira Singh and Hazara Singh at Ambala; Sirdars Karam and Kahan Singh at Hissar ; Sirdars Dal Singh and Fatah Singh at Hansi; and Sirdar Jiun Singh at Firozpur, *

* No. 77, from the Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to Chief Commissioner Punjab, 9th March 1858, enclosing statement of the Maharaja’s services. No. 34 of 13th April 1858 from Chief Commissioner Punjab to Government of India.
Commissioner Cis-Catlej States’ Nos. 8, 133, 150, 200, 352, dated 8th January. I2th May. 2l8t May, 12th Jul}', 12th November 1858. Commissioner Hissar’s, Nos. 38, 44, 140, dated 15th June, 22nd June, 30th October 1858. Commissioner Dehli's, No. 31, dated 4th November 1857.


Most of the services of the Maharaja in 1858 were rendered at Dholepur, a small Rajput State (? It was Bamraulia Jat State:Wiki editor), between Agra and Gwalior, the Chief of which, Rana Bhagwant Singh, had married his daughter. Early in September 1857, the combined insurgent forces of Indore and Gwalior entered the Dholepur State. Most of the Rana's troops and officials joined the rebels, who ravaged the district, defied the Chiefs authority and even threatened his life until he consented to their demands. At length they left Dholepur, taking with them the Rana's guns, for Agra, where they were totally defeated by the Agra garrison and the Dehli Column under General Greathed, on the 10th of October, But Dholepur remained in a state of anarchy, and the Chief was unable to restore order ; till, with the consent of the North West and Punjab Authorities, the Maharaja of Pattiala sent there a force of 2,000 men and two guns, under the command of Nihal Chand and Diwan Jagdesh Singh Motando, two of his ablest officials. * Although Dholepur was tranquillized, the neighbouring States were in so disturbed a condition that the Pattiala troops were directed to remain there. Gwalior, which had already been the scene of rebellion and bloodshed, was again attacked by the rebels, and, for a time, held by them. The Maharaja Sindiah fled to Dholepur, on the 2nd of June, and was supplied with an escort of Pattiala troops to Agra. A British force then marched

* Letter of Colonel Riddell, Commanding Dholepur force, to Diwan Nihal Chand, dated 2nd February 1858.
No. 784 of 27th July 1858, from General G. Lawrence, Agent Governor General Rajputana to Government of India. No. 6 of 10th February 1858, from Major Macpherson, Political Agent Gwalior, to Agent Governor General for Central India.


against the rebel army at Gwalior, and the Pattiala Chief increased his force at Dholepur by every available man. He guarded all the ferries on the Chumbal river, collected supplies for the British army, and a detachment of 500 of his troops served under General Napier in the action at Alipur, on the 19th of June, when the rebels, who had been defeated before Gwalior, were again attacked and routed.

A month later, at the requisition of Sir R. Hamilton, a Pattiala detachment of 600 infantry and 300 horse was moved from Dholepur to Gwalior, where it remained, doing excellent service, reducing rebellious villages and acting as guards and escorts.

At Jhajjar and in Oude:

In February 1858, the Maharaja, at the request of the Chief Commissioner, sent a force of 600 foot and 200 horse, afterwards doubted in strength, to Jhajjar, where they were employed during the whole year under the Civil authorities, in maintaining the order of the district. Two months later the Chief Commissioner of Oude applied for a regiment fully equipped for service in that province. Although all his regular troops were employed at this time on active service, the Maharaja raised 820 infantry and 203 sowars, and despatched them to Oude without delay, where their services were most useful. *

The rewards given to the Maharaja for his service:

The Pattiala Chief was splendidly rewarded for his services by the Government.

:* No. 53, from Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to Secretary to Government Punjab, dated 16th February 1859. Government Punjab, to Government of India, No. 161, dated 23rd February. No. 2216, from Government of India, to Government Punjab, dated 23rd April 1859. Kharita addressed to Maharaja of Pattiala by His Excellency the Viceroy, dated 21st April 1859.


Firstly, — The Narnoul division of the Jhajjar territory, the ruler of which had rebelled, valued at Rs. 2,00,000 a year, was granted to him on condition of good behaviour and service, Military and Political, at any time of general danger or disturbance.

Secondly. — The jurisdiction over Bhadour, long the subject of dispute, was ceded to him, with the right of escheats, the reversion to lapsed estates therein, and the annual commutation tax amounting to Rs. 5,265.

Thirdly. — The confiscated house in Dehli formerly belonging to the Begam Zenat Mahal, and valued at Rs. 10,000, was granted to him and his honorary titles were increased.*

The reason for granting Jhajjar territory to Pattiala:

It had been first proposed to give the Maharaja territory adjoining his own State, To the value of Rs. 50,000 a year, but this idea was abandoned ; for it was undesirable to transfer territory which had been for many years under British rule, the more especially as there was new territory which had been

* The titles of the Maharaja in 1857 were— Mahārāja Dhirāj Rājeshar Mahāraja Rājagān Narindar Singh Mohindar Buhādur.
They were increased in 1858 as follows :— Farzand Khās, Dowlat-i-Inglisia, Mansur Zamān, Amir-ul-Umra, Mahārāja Dhirāj, Rājeshar Sri Mahārāja Rājagān Narindar iSlugh Mohindar Bahādur.
No. 34, from Secretary to Government Punjab to Government of India, dated 13th May 1858.
No. 1549, from Government of India to Chief Commissioner Punjab dated 2nd June 1858.
The term " Dowlat-i-Inglisia," meaning " of the British Government" was inserted later, " Farzand Khās" signifying " choicest son," and requiring some after qualification to shew whose son the Chief was.
Commissioner Cis-Satlej States, No. 337, dated 30th December 1859.
Government of India, No. 8 dated 4th January 1860.


only recently annexed, that of the rebel Nawab of Jhajjar, which was not too far from the Pattiala territory to prevent the Maharaja exercising over it an efficient control. It was, moreover, an advantage to have a Sikh Chief, whose loyalty had been so well tried, located in the midst of the turbulent and, at that time, disaffected Muhammadan population of the Jhajjar territory and interposed as a barrier towards the independent States of Alwar and Jaipur, with its feudatories of Shaikhawati and Ketri, whose army and population had shown themselves unfriendly during the mutinies. The Narnoul division of the Jhajjar territory, which was granted to the Maharaja, was the frontier division adjoining the above named States. The revenue of Narnoul was estimated at two lakhs of rupees, on the faith of the assessment fixed the Nawab of Jhajjar, which was in excess of that sum. It did not, at any rate, on its first acquisition by the Maharaja, yield more than Ks. 1,70,000, inclusive of fines and miscellaneous revenue, and this was made the ground for a request for further grants to complete the two lakhs of territory which had been assigned to the Maharaja. But the Government had made no promise and given no guarantee that the territory would yield as much as two lakhs of rupees, nor was there any means of ascertaining its income, except from the assessment of its late owner, which was in excess of two lakhs, and it was reasonably supposed that under another native ruler it would yield at least as much. The Government were thus under no obligation whatever to make up to the Maharaja the amount defi-


dent ; for, although he had been told the approximate rental, he was quite aware that the territory would yield somewhat less, and that it was made over to him for no specific revenue, but simply for what it was worth.*

The claims of the Maharaja received every consideration, and in September 1859, the Commissioner Cis-Satlej States made a further and full enquiry into them.

But the Government, unable to admit any claim to compensation on account of an alleged deficiency in the income of the grant, was yet willing to make a further grant of territory to the . Maharaja in acknowledgment of the good service he had done, and a proposal was submitted by the Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to transfer to Pattiala portions of the pargannah of Kanoudh and Budwana, in the Jhajjar territory, with an income of about a lakh of rupees per annum, the Pattiala Chief giving a nazarana equivalent to 20 years revenue.††

The districts of Kanoudh and Budwana assigned to Pattiala:

These pargannahs were the southernmost portion of the confiscated territory of Jhajjar, and it would have been inconvenient for the Government to retain them, as it would entail the maintenance

* No. 53, dated 16th February 1859, from Commissioner Gis-Satlej States to Secretary to Government Punjab. No. 161, dated 23rd February 1859, from Secretary to Government Punjab to Secretary to Government of India, No. 2216, of 23rd April 1859, from Secretary to Government of India to Secretary to Government Punjab.
† Commissioner Cis-Satlej States, Nos. 264 and 274, dated 27th September and 1st October 1859 to Government Punjab.
†† Memorandum by Commissioner Cis-Satlej States, dated 22nd December 1859, and Memo, by Lieutenant Governor Punjab, 31st December 1359.


of a separate judicial and revenue establishment. The Chiefs of Pattiala, Jhind and Nabha were, on the other hand, most anxious to acquire this territory, which lay adjacent to that conferred upon them in 1858. There was, besides, an advantage to Government in clearing off the large debts which were due to Pattiala and Nabha for loans advanced in 1848 and 1857.

The Pattiala and Nabha loans:

These amounted, in 1860, to the following sums : —

Pattiala, 5 percent loan of 1848, Rs. 16,96,000*
Do., 6 per cent loan of 1857, „ 2,36,000
Total, ...Rs. 19,32,000
Nabha, 5 per cent loan of 1848, Rs. 7,00,000
Do., 6 per cent loan of 1857, „ 2,50,000
Total, ...Rs. 9,50,000

There was also a large sum due to Pattiala for interest which had not been drawn since 1857, which was separately considered. The Raja of Jhind had never had any pecuniary transactions with the British Government, but, considering the great services he had rendered during the mutiny and his desire to acquire additional territory, it was determined to give him a share with the other States. To Pattiala were assigned villages of Kanoudh, with the town and fort, worth Rs. 98,000 a year ; to Nabha villages worth Rs. 48,000 ; and to Jhind, villages worth Rs. 21,000. Twenty years purchase of the share allotted to Pattiala would be more than the principal of his debt, but the balance

* The sum lent by Pattiala in 1848-49, was Rs. 30,00,000, and in 1857, Rs. 5,00,000.


was deducted from the interest still due. In the same way with the Nabha grant ; while the Raja of Jhind paid for his new territory a nazarana of Rs. 4,20,000. The remainder of the district of Jhajjar was then absorbed into the Rohtak district.*</supf>

The Estate of Khumanun granted in lieu of interest due:

There still remained a balance of interest due to Pattiala, amounting to Rs. 3,10,666. principally on tho 5 per cent loan. To reduce this, the district of Khumanun, which has been before described, was made over to Pattiala, the Government giving up the commutation tax of Rs. 4,128 per annum, and the right to escheats, estimated at 10 per cent, on the gross rental of the estate, which was worth Rs. 48,000. Four out of seven villages, shared with the British Government, Chiri, Phuror, Lakhanpur and Amargarh, were also made over to Pattiala, and the value of the estates and rights ceded to him amounted to Rs. 1,76,360, On the 30th of June 1860, the balance due to Pattiala was Rs. 93,767-15-10, which was paid to him in cash and the transactions closed.

The Maharaja Narindar Singh invested with Order of the Star of India

Lepel H. Griffin writes:[2] On the 1st November 1861, Maharaja Narindar Singh was invested with the Most exalted Order of the Star of India, at Allahabad ; and, about the same time,

Appointed member of the Legislative Council: he was appointed a member of the Governor General's Council for making Laws Regulations, The Maharaja accordingly left for Calcutta, arriving there in time for the opening of the session, on the 15 th January 1862.

and conspicuous loyalty, His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor General of India has conferred additional honors and territories upon the Maharaja for himself and his heirs for ever, and has graciously acceded to His Highness's desire to receive a Sanad or grant under the hand and seal of the Viceroy, guaranteeing to the Maharaja the free and unreserved possession of his ancient territories, as well as of those tracts bestowed on his Highness and his predecessors at various times by the British Government. It is accordingly ordained as follows :—

Clause I.—His Highness the Maharaja and his heirs for ever will exercise full sovereignty power his ancestral and acquired domains according to the annexed list All the rights, privileges, and prerogatives, which His Highness enjoys in his hereditary territories, he will equally enjoy in his acquired territories. All feudatories and dependents of every degree will bound to render obedience to him throughout his dominions.

Clause I.— Except, as provided in Clause III, the British Government will never demand from His Highness or any of his successors, or from any of his feudatories, relations, or dependants, any tribute on account of revenue service, or on any other plea.

Clause III.— The British Government cordially desires to see the noble house of Pattiala perpetuated, and in this spirit confers upon His Highness and his heirs for ever, whenever male issue may fail, the right of adopting a successor from among the descendants of the Phulkian family. If, however, at any time any Maharaja of Pattiala, should die without male issue and without adopting a successor, it will still be open to the Rajas of Nabha and Jhind, in concert with the Commissioner or Political Agent of the British Government, to select a successor from among the Phulkian family, but in that case a nazarana or fine equal to one-third of the gross annual revenue of the Pattiala State shall be paid to the British Government.

Clause IV.- In 1847 the British Government empowered the Maharaja to inflict capital punishment after reference to the Commissioner. It now removes the restriction imposed by this reference, and invests His Highness with absolute power of life and death over his own subjects. With regard to British subjects committing crime and apprehended in his territory, the Maharaja will be guided by the rules contained in the Despatch of the Honorable Court of Directors to the Madras Government, No. 8, dated 1st June 1886. The Maharaja will exert himself to execute justice, and to promote the happiness and welfare of his people. He


During the absence of the Maharaja, the Commissioner of the Cis-Satlej States, at the request of the Chief, was directed to exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the Pattiala State, aiding with his counsel the officers who had been appointed to conduct the administration of the country, and taking care that the wishes of the Maharaja were loyally carried out.*

The Pattiala Chief remained in Calcutta the whole time that the Legislative Council sat, and, on the approach of summer, returned to his capital where everything had gone on satisfactorily.

engages to prohibit Sati, Slavery and Female Infanticide throughout his territories, and to punish with the utmost rigor those who are found guilty of any of these crimes.

Clause V.— The Maharaja will never fail in his loyalty and devotion to the Sovereign of Great Britain.

Clause VI.——If any force hostile to the British Government should appear in this neighbourhood, the Maharaja will co-operate with the British Government and oppose the enemy. He will exert himself to the utmost of his resources in providing carriage and supplies for the British troops, according to requisitions he may receive.

Clause VII.—.The British Government win not receive any complaints from any of the subjects of the Maharja, whether mafidars, jagirdars, relatives, dependants, servants or other classes.

Clause VIII. —The British Government will respect the household and family arrangements of the Maharaja, and abstain from any interference therein.

Clause IX.—— His Highness the Maharaja will, as heretofore, furnish, at current rates, through the agency of his own officers, the necessary materials required for the construction of rail-roads, railway stations, and imperial roads and bridges. He will also freely give the land required for the construction of rail-roads and imperial lines of road.

Clause X.—The Maharaja and his successors, &c., will always pursue the same course of fidelity and devotion to the British Government, and the Government will always be ready to uphold the honor and dignity of the Maharaja and his house.

Schedule of territories belonging to the Mahjaraja of Pattiala

Ancestral.— Paraganah Pattiala Khas and Sanonr. Ilakas Murdanpur, Ghanour, Ranimazra, Amargarh, Chinarthal, Sonam, Rajpura, Anahadgarh or Baruala, Sherpur, Bhiki, Banur,

* Government of India to Government Punjab, No. 210, dated 27th December 1861. Letter from Secretary to Government of India to Maharaja, dated 10th December 1860, and No. 188, the same date, to Commissioner Cis-Satlej States.


In March 1862, the right of adoption granted in 1860 was confirmed by a special Sanad.*

The death of Maharaja Narindar Singh, November 1862

Lepel H. Griffin writes:[3] It was a calamity for Pattiala that the life of the most enlightened ruler she had possessed was destined to be short. In the beginning of November 1862, the Maharaja fell ill of fever, and though his illness was not at first considered serious, he

Bhawanigrh urf Doda, Boha Surdulgarh urf Dodhal, Akalgarh or Manak, Karmgarh or Kulbanun Dirha, Bangarh or Narwana, Pinjor, Govindgarh or Batindah, Ramgarh or Ghuram, Sahibgarh or Pael, Fatahgarh or Sirhind, Alamgarh or Nandpur Kaloar.

Acquired territories.— Ilaka Umralah. The Hill district of Bughal, the Hill district of Keonthal. ilaka Chamkorian, Pargaaahs Bassai Mulk Hydar, Fatah Jhuneri, Muhla, and Naruoul,

List of Feudatories.Skhs of Lunda, Lohari, Bhet Kot, Gunar, Chakia, Rara, Kotila, Bulara Bulari, Budadi Bhai, Bir Singh Rampur, Kot Dana, The Jagirdars of Bhadour and Jiundan.

The Jagirdars of Khamanun, Tullakour, Dhanonri and Lukhnonr, are at present under the jurisdiction for life of the Maharaja of Pattiala, but paying commutation tax in lieu of service to the British Goverument.

Ilaka Bhai Rapa shared with Nabha and Jhind.


Dated 5th March 1862.

• Her Majesty being desirous that the Governments of the several Princes and Chiefs of India who now govern their own territories should be perpetuated, and that the representation and dignity of their houses should be continued, I hereby, in fulfillment of this desire, repeat to you the assurance which I communicated to you in the Sanud under my signature, dated 5th May 1860, that, on failure of natural heirs, the adoption by yourself and the future Rulers of your State of a successor, from the ancient Phoolkian House, of which your family forms a part, will be recognized and confirmed ; and that if at any time any Maharaja of Pattiala should die without male issue, and without adopting a successor, it will still be open to the Rajahs of Jhind and Nabha, in concert with the Commissioner or Political Agent of the British Government, to select a successor from among the Phulkian family, but in that case a nuzzuranah or fine equal to one-third of the gross annual revenue of the Pattiala State shall be paid to the British Government,

Be assured that nothing shall disturb the engagement thus made to you so long as your house is loyal to the Crown and faithful to the conditions of the treaties, grants or engagements which record its obligations to the British Government.


was unable to regain his strength, and died on the 13th November, aged thirty-nine, after a reign of nearly seventeen years. *

The character of Narindar Singh has been shown in the preceding pages. He inherited from his father and grand- father a jealousy of the English Government and a disposition to assert his own dignity, rights and pretensions in a factious and litigious spirit, which turned into a conflict every enquiry which the Government were compelled to make, and which they desired to conduct with the utmost delicacy and consideration for Pattiala. The events of 1857-58 changed the disposition of the Maharaja altogether. He was wise enough to understand what the inevitable result would be ; and, like a brave soldier as he was, his sympathies were all with the few Englishmen, holding gallantly their own throughout India, against tremendous odds. The generous manner in which he was rewarded by Government after the mutiny and the grant of the right of adoption, with its assurance that the British Government did not desire the ruin of the Cis-Satlej Chiefs but their continued prosperity, removed all mistrust from his mind ; and, had he lived, Narindar Singh would have been one of the most valuable friends of the British Government in northern India.

The Punjab Government issued a Gazette Extraordinary on receiving the news of his death, the terms of which will show the estimation in which he was held : —

* Commissioner Cis-Satlej States to Punjab Government No. 852, dated 14th November 1862. Deputy Commissioner Ambala No. 852, dated 14th November.


The Gazette Order announcing his death:

"The Hon'ble the Lieutenant Governor has received, with the deepest regret, intelligence of the demise, on the 13th instant, of His Highness the Maharaja of Pattiala.

"His Honor, in announcing the melancholy event, laments the removal, in the prime of life and usefulness, of a Feudatory Prince, who, at the time of the mutiny of the Native Army in 1857, performed the most eminent services to the Crown, and who administered the Government of his territories with exemplary wisdom, firmness and benevolence."

Dip Singh, the brother of the deceased Chief: Maharaja Narindar Singh had a half-brother, Dip Singh, who died, without issue, a short time before him, in 1862, aged 35. He was not a man of any note. He enjoyed for life the income of the district of Karhali, about Rs. 25,000 a year; but generally lived in Pattiala. Some suspicion of his loyalty was entertained at the time of the mutiny, but there is no reason to believe that he was in any way implicated.

The family of the Maharaja:

Narindar Singh married seven wives, who bore him one son and three daughters. The eldest of these was Basant Kour, born in 1845, and married to the Rana of Dholepur. The second daughter is now dead : she married Sirdar Narain Singh, son of Sirdar Dewa Singh of Sialba. The third was Bishan Kour, born in 1849, and married, in 1859, to Maharaja Jaswant Singh of Bharatpur. From this last marriage the happiest political results were hoped, which unfortunately have not been realized. The wedding ceremonies were conducted on a scale of great splendour, though the Maharaja of Bharatpur was induced


to depart from the custom of distributing large sums of money among the congregated multitude of mendicants, vagabonds and thieves. Among the Chiefs assembled at the ceremony were the Rajas of Jhind and Nabha, Raja Jowahir Singh, Raja Gurbaksh Singh of Manimajra ; Sirdar Jiun Singh Buria ; the Nawab of Maler Kotla ; Sirdar Dewa Singh of Kalsia; the Nawabs of Loharu and Karnal Presents were given amounting in cash to Rs. 62608, thirteen jewelled ornaments ; 404 articles of ladies' dress, 94 horses, 18 of them with gold trappings, two elephants, and two pairs of Kashmir shawls. The Maharaja of Kashmir sent a present of Rs. 21,000 ; the Raja of Kapurthalla Rs. 1,100, 31 articles of dress and two horses ; and the Maharaja of Jodhpur Rs. 500 and an elephant. The British Government gave a marriage gift (neota) of Rs. 5,000, *

पटियाला के शासक महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह

सन् 1846 ई० 18 जनवरी को 21 वर्ष की अवस्था में महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह अपने पिता की गद्दी के अधिकारी हुए। उक्त अवसर पर जिस तरह की रिवाज होती हैं, सभी हुईं। रियासत के ओहदे के अनुसार 101 अशर्फी जो गवर्नर-जनरल को महाराज की ओर से दी जाती थीं, महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह के लिए गवर्नर-जनरल की ओर से जमा कर दी गईं।

उस समय पंजाब में अंग्रेजों के प्रति अत्यन्त असन्तोष फैला हुआ था। पर सिख-सरदार सभी अंग्रेज सरकार की ओर थे। सरदार लोगों का भी अपनी पलटनों पर विश्वास न था। पर महाराज करमसिंह बड़े दूरदर्शी थे। उन्होंने ऐसे अधिकारियों को भरती किया था कि जिससे नरेन्द्रसिंह को अधिक कष्ट न उठाना पड़ा। फिर भी कुछ सैनिकों ने बगावत करने वालों का कुछ साथ दिया, पर वे बड़ी होशियारी से दबा दिए गए। उस समय रियासत से पूरी सहायता की गई थी। अंग्रेज सरकार को सन्देह हुआ कि अवश्य ही इस विद्रोह में सरदारों का भी कुछ हाथ अवश्य है। इसलिए नाभा, पटियाला, जींद, फरीदकोट, कलसिया, रायकोट, दयालगढ़ और ममदूट रियासतों को छोड़ सब सरदारों से फौजदारी और पुलिस के हथियार छीन लिए और राहदारी का महसूल उठवा दिया गया और नाभा को छोड़कर इन रियासतों के लिए भी यही तय हुआ कि महसूल राहदारी छोड़ दिया जाए। उसके लिए उन्हें कुछ मिलेगा अवश्य और नाभा शहर के सिवाय, नाभा स्टेट में भी महसूल राहदारी हटा दिया जाय।

जब पटियाला के शासक महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह को पता लगा कि अंग्रेज सरकार का यह निश्चय हुआ है तो उन्हें यह रकम जो कि 9000) प्रति वर्ष आय की थी, एकदम छोड़ दी और गवर्नर-जनरल को लिखा - क्योंकि गवर्नमेण्ट की यह इच्छा है कि देश में आमतौर पर महसूल न रहे और यह इच्छा प्रजा के फायदे में है, इसलिए हम कुछ भी न लेकर यह महसूल माफ करते हैं। यह जानकर गवर्नर जनरल को अत्यन्त प्रसन्नता हुई और बतौर मुआवजे के दस हजार रुपए का इलाका अनुरोधपूर्वक दिया। तोपों की सलामी निश्चित करार दी। इस समय सरकार हर एक सरदार के अधिकार संकुचित कर देना चाहती थी क्योंकि भय था कि कहीं

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-423

विद्रोहियों में सम्मिलित न हों। इसलिए महाराज को भी एक सूचना दी गई जिसके अनुसार उनकी स्वतन्त्रता और अधिकारों में कमी आ गई।

इस नवीन सन्धि अथवा परामर्श से नरेन्द्रसिंह सहमत हो गए, क्योंकि उन्हें भय था कि कहीं मुझ पर प्रकोप न हो जाय। क्योंकि उस समय कई सरदारों के उदाहरण उनके सामने थे। सन् 1847 ई० में जब पंजाब में फिर झगड़ा हुआ और सिखों के दल के दल इकट्ठे होकर अंग्रेजों से लड़ने के लिए तैयारी करने लगे, उस समय इसी रियासत से तीन लाख रुपया दिया गया था। इस प्रकार अंग्रेजी सरकार से दोस्ती जाहिर की, जिससे अंग्रेजों को विश्वास हो गया कि यह रियासत सरकार की खैरख्वाह है।

सन् 1850 ई० में राजा ज्वालामुखी के दर्शन करने गए और वहां पचास लाख के करीब चढ़ावा चढ़ाया। इससे जाना जाता है कि नरेन्द्रकुमारसिंह कितना मातृभक्त था। क्योंकि हिन्दू पुराणों की आज्ञानुसार ज्वालामुखी शक्ति है, देवि है और इस बात का पता भी चलता है कि वह कितने धर्मानुयायी थे कि शक्तिपूजा करने गए।

जब पंजाब के छोटे-छोटे सरदारों को सरकार ने अधिकारच्युत कर दिया, उनके अधिकार छीन लिये तब रियासत के चहारमी लोगों ने आन्दोलन शुरू कर दिया। उनको इसके लिए सरकार अंग्रेजी की ओर से सहारा मिला। चतुर्थांश के भागी तो रियासत की ओर से इन लोगों को समझा जाता था और बाकी तीन भाग रियासत के माने जाते थे। पर इनकी तरफ से इसका अर्थ यों था कि चतुर्थांश तो रियासत का और तीन हिस्से हमारे रहें। इन लोगों ने रियासत के मातहत रहने से इन्कार कर दिया। अंग्रेज सरकार तो उस समय अपनी सीमा के बढ़ाने की ओर प्रयत्नशील थी। चट से कर्नल मेकन एजेण्ट गवर्नर जनरल और कमिश्नर अम्बाला ने गवर्नमेण्ट को रिपूर्ट कर दी कि इनका रियासत पटियाला से कुछ सम्बन्ध नहीं। अगर यह सम्बन्ध-विच्छेद चाहें तो इन्हें रियासत से अलग कर दिया जाए। फलस्वरूप कई कारणों को दिखाते हुए इनको सरकार अंग्रेजी ने अधीनस्थ कर लिया। और इनकी ओर से भी किसी प्रकार अड़चन न डाली गई और इन्होंने रियासत से सम्बन्ध-विच्छेद कर लिया।

अप्रैल सन् 1852 में महाराज ने बाई बसन्तकौर का विवाह राजा धौलपुर के कुंवरसाहब के साथ बड़ी धूमधाम से किया, जिसमें लाखों रुपये व्यथ किये गए। अंग्रेज सरकार की ओर से भी इसमें 5000) रुपया दहेज में दिया गया था। 11 मई 1852 में विवाह करने के बाद महाराज गंगा-स्नान को गये। हरद्वार से गंगा-स्नान के पश्चात् ऋषिकेश और बद्रीनारायण के दर्शन को प्रस्थान किया। इस यात्रा में 64000) रुपया दान वगैरह में व्यय हुआ और बद्रीनारायण पर एक हजार रुपया सदाबरत का निश्चय किया। इसी वर्ष सितम्बर की 16 तारीख को

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-424

कुंवर महेन्द्रसिंह का जन्म हुआ। महाराज के सन्तान पैदा होकर जिन्दा न रहती थी, इसलिए इस खुशी के समाचार को गुप्त रखा गया। पर आखिर कितने समय तक छुपा रह सकता। 14 जनवरी सन् 1853 में राजकुमार के पैदा होने का समाचार सुनाया गया, जिससे रियासत भर में खुशी के जलसे मनाए गए।

जींद रियासत के पैमायश पर सन् 1854 के आरम्भ में एक गांव पलट गया। कुंवरसेन तहसीलदार को मार कर गांव के लोगों ने कागजात नष्ट कर दिए और गिरोह बना कर रियासत से बगावत करने को तुल गए। जींद के शासक द्वारा, सहायता के मांगने पर महाराज ने दो पलटन, दो हजार सवार और चार भारी तोपों के साथ चौधरी इमामबख्श को सहायता के लिए भेजा, परन्तु अंग्रेज सरकार की ओर से आज्ञा हुई कि हद से बाहर न जायें। पर बारनश कमिश्नर की स्कीम फैल हुई और चीफ कमिश्नर पंजाब सर जान लारैंस की ओर से महाराज को दंगा शांत करने की तजबीज करने को लिखा गया। रियासत की फौज ने गांव में पहुंच कुछ लड़ाई के पश्चात् शान्ति स्थापित की। बागी गांव छोड़कर भाग गए और 17 मरे तथा 80 घायल हुए।

विलायत की राजनैतिक समृद्धि को देखने के लिए महाराज ने लन्दन यात्रा का विचार किया और 28 अगस्त 1854 ईस्वी को प्रस्थान किया। रास्ते में काशी-दर्शन की इच्छा से बनारस में उतर पड़े। राजा ईश्वरीप्रशाद नारायणसिंह काशी-नरेश के यहां ठहरे। स्थानीय अंग्रेज हाकिमों ने भी काफी स्वागत किया। विश्वेश्वरनाथ की पूजा तथा अन्य धार्मिक स्थानों को देखने के बाद, गुरुद्वारा आदि में धार्मिक कृत्य किए। अपनी तरफ से गुरुद्वारे में सदाबरत जारी कर दिया और भी हजारों रुपए का दान किया गया। यहां 'सैसर फेडरिक केरी' नामक एक छोटे जहाज द्वारा जल के रास्ते से पटना तथा गया को देखते हुए कलकत्ते पहुंचे। कलकत्ते में आपका अंग्रेज सरकार की ओर से काफी स्वागत हुआ। 13000) रु० नकद और बहुत सी मेवा-मिठाई महाराज की मेहमानदारी के लिए आई। 21 तारीख को गवर्नर-जनरल डलहौजी ने गवर्नमेंट हाऊस में दरबार में महाराज का स्वागत किया। फॉरेन सेक्रेटरी और गवर्नर-जनरल ने आगे बढ़ करके महाराज के प्रति सम्मान प्रकट किया। जितने समय तक दरबार हुआ, अंग्रेजी बाजा बजता रहा और जाते-आते वक्त 17 तोपों से सलामी दी गई और गवर्नर-जनरल ने महाराज के लिए बहुत से तोहफे प्रदान किए। नियमानुसार महाराज ने भी अपने यहां बुला करके स्वागत तथा भेंट की। इस समय 19, 19 तोपों की सलामी हुई। विलायत जाने के लिए निश्चय हुआ कि कांगड़ा के असिस्टेंट कमिश्नर मि० फोर महाराज के साथ विलायत जायें। विलायत जाने की बिल्कुल तैयारी थी किन्तु कुछ कारण ऐसे पैदा हो गये कि विलायत-यात्रा स्थगित कर दी गई और पटियाला लौट आये।

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-425

सन् 1857 के विद्रोह में पलटनों के बागी होने का एक-दम से दौर-दौरा हो गया था। डिप्टी-कमिश्नर अम्बाला ने जब रियासत के वकील के जरिये सूचना दी कि अम्बाला की पलटन भी बागी होने वाली है, इसलिए सहायता के लिए आइए। इस खबर को पाकर महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह ने बहुत से उंट-हाथियों को भेजा कि पहाड़ी छावनियों से आने वाले सिपाही सुविधापूर्वक आ सकें और अपनी कुल फौज लेकर गवर्नमेंट की मदद के लिए अम्बाला पहुंच गए। पटियाला के महाराज के आने का समाचार सुनकर जो सैनिक विद्रोह में शामिल होने का इरादा रखते थे, शांत हो गए। महाराज फौज को वहीं छोड़कर डिप्टी-कमिश्नर की सलाह से थाने पर गए, क्योंकि वह जेल का सदर मुकाम था और देहली1 के पास होने से ही विद्रोहियों का घर था। वहां जाकर कप्तान विलियम मेकनेल के परामर्श से प्रबन्ध किया। फौजों को विद्रोह-स्थानों में भेजकर वापस पटियाला लौट आए। विद्रोह में 2156 सवार, 2849 पैदल, 156 अधिकारी, आठ तोपें, देहली, पानीपत, थानेसर, करनाल, अम्बाला, जगाधरी, सहारनपुर, फीरोजपुर, सिरसा, हिसार, रोहतक बंगाल स्थानों में सहायता पहुंचाते थे। जब देहली में लड़ाई छिड़ रही थी, तब रास्ते में रसद का इन्तजाम पटियाला के सैनिकों ने ही किया था।

गदर में पटियाला रियासत से सिर्फ फौजी सहायता ही नहीं दी गई। जब सरकार अंग्रेज ने पांच लाख रुपया ऋण मांगा तो उसी समय भेज दिया और कहा गया - आवश्यकता हो तो दस लाख लीजिये। और भी रसद वगैरह की समय-समय पर जैसी सहायता मांगी गई, तत्काल दी। सिरसा, रोहतक एवं हिसार से अंग्रेज और मेंमें-बच्चे जब पटियाला रक्षा की पुकार करते हुए पहुंचे तो उन्हें बड़ी खातिर से रक्खा गया और उन्हें यथा-समय सुरक्षित स्थानों पर भेज दिया और समय-समय पर फौजें इकट्ठी करके भेजी गईं।

गदर में की गई सहायता और सरकार भक्ति के पुरुस्कार में ब्रिटिश गवर्नमेंट ने नारनौल का इलाका जो झझ्झर का था और सरकार द्वारा जब्त कर लिया गया था, इनको दे दिया। भदोड़ का इलाका तथा जनतमहल आदि कई स्थान भी दिये गये। इस समय पर महाराज के अधिकारों में वृद्धि की गई और 'महाराजाधिराज' की उपाधि प्रदान की गई।

इस तरह चर्बी लगे हुए कारतूसों के कारण उठे हुए झगड़े और विद्रोहियों की ओर लगाई गई स्वाधीनता की आग को दबा कर महाराज ने अपना रुतवा और रियासत बढाई। इसका नाम भारतीयों की दृष्टि से देशद्रोह है एवं अंग्रेज-सरकार की नजर में राज-भक्ति है।

1. क्योंकि उस समय देहली में विद्रोहियों ने पूरी तरह सफलता प्राप्त कर ली थी।

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-426

कुछ समय के बाद अम्बाला में एक दरबार हुआ, जिसमें गवर्नर जनरल ने महाराज के गले में माला डालते हुए, उनकी तरफ से गदर में की गई सहायता का वर्णन किया और महाराज की बुद्धिमानी, बहादुरी और राजभक्ति की तारीफ की। इसके साथ ही यह इनायत भी की कि पटियाला स्टेट के कुटुम्ब में संतान न होने पर गोद लिया हुआ व्यक्ति भी उत्तराधिकारी समझा जायेगा जो कि अब तक किसी अन्य स्टेट में न था और इसके कारण कई स्टेट अंग्रेजी इलाके में मिला ली गई थीं।

जब इलाका नारनोल रियासत पटियाला को दिया गया था, उस समय की आय 2 लाख 10 हजार बताई गई थी, परन्तु जब देखा गया कि इसकी कुल आमद एक लाख सत्तर हजार से कुछ भी अधिक नहीं होती है, तो सरकार से लिखा-पढ़ी की गई। मि० वार्नस ने इसकी जांच की तो उन्हें भी कमी पाई गई और उन्होंने इस पूर्ति की ओर ध्यान दिलाते हुए परगना कानोड़ जिसकी कि आमदनी करीब एक लाख थी, पटियाला स्टेट को इस शर्त पर देने के लिए लिखा कि इसकी बीस बरस की आमदनी नजराना के बतौर ले ली जाए और वह रकम गदर में दिये ऋण में से काट ली जाए। सरकार की ओर से यह मंजूर हो गया और कानौड़ का परगना जिसमें कि 1110 गांव थे, मय शहर और किला कानौड़ के पटियाला के अधिकार में आ गए और जो अख्तियार स्टेट में हैं, उन्हीं अधिकारों के साथ इस इलाके को भी करार पाया।

कुछ काल बाद इलाका खमानोन भी बाकी ऋण की पूर्ति के लिए स्टेट को दे दिया गया तथा बचे हुए और रुपये नकद दे दिये गये। परन्तु यह नया मिला इलाका एक सनद के अनुसार अधिकार में तो पटियाले के ही रहा, परन्तु देखभाल अंग्रेजी सरकार करे और इसके लिए दो आना फी रुपया सरकार ले, यह निश्चय हुआ।

महाराज साहब ने नाभा और जींद से सलाह कर अपने राज्य की सनद ब्रिटिश गवर्नमेंट की मुहर से प्राप्त कर लेने का इरादा किया और एक प्रार्थनापत्र भी भेजा गया कि इंगलैंड की मुहर से हमारे राज्य के लिए पट्टे लिख दिये जायें, परन्तु गवर्नर जनरल ने सूचित किया कि इस तरह सभी रईस पट्टों के लिए इंगलैंड की मुहर सहित लेने का उद्योग करेंगे, जब कि वाइसराय का हिन्द पर पूरा अधिकार है। उनके हस्ताक्षर से सनद दी जा सकती है, इसलिए महाराज नरेन्द्र सिंह ने स्वयं शिमला जाकर वाइसराय के हस्ताक्षरों से राज्य के पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी अधिकार रहने की सनद प्राप्त की, जिसमें मौटे तौर से निम्न बातें थीं - जो प्रदेश ब्रिटिश सरकार द्वारा दिया गया है अथवा महाराज साहब तथा उनके बुजुर्गों ने स्वयं प्राप्त किया है, उस सारे प्रदेश को गवर्नमेंट महाराज साहब तथा उनकी पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी मौरूसी हक स्वीकार करती है और वह अपने राज्य के खुदमुख्तार

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-427

मालिक होंगे और जो उपाधियां महाराज को इस समय हैं, ये भी पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी कायम रहेंगी। सरकार की मंजूरी और फूल खानदान से गोद लेने की शर्तों के साथ सरकार गोद लेने के अधिकार को स्वीकार करती है और महाराज अपनी रियासत से सती की प्रथा, कन्या-वध आदि की बुरी रिवाजें हटा देंगे और महाराज साहब और सरकार आवश्यकता के समय एक दूसरे की मदद करेंगे और रियासत के भीतरी मामलों में सरकार किसी प्रकार का हस्तक्षेप न करेगी आदि-आदि।

इलाका झझ्झर से जो परगने रियासत को मिले थे, उनमें मुआफीदार भी थे और नवाबी के जमाने में सरकार की तरफ से यह अधिकार नहीं था कि मुआफियां जब्त कर सके, या इन मुआफीदारों के मामले में हस्तक्षेप कर सके, परन्तु यह शर्त नवाब से थी। पटियाला रियासत को दिये जाने के समय किसी तरह की कोई शर्त नहीं हुई। रियासत के आधीन हो जाने पर माफीदारों द्वारा इस बात का आन्दोलन हुआ कि हम पूरी तरह स्वाधीन रहें, जिस तरह की पटियाला रियासत है और रियासत हमारे अधिकार में किसी तरह का हस्तक्षेप न करे। पर राजा नरेन्द्रसिंह इस तरह के शासक होना कैसे स्वीकार कर सकते थे। मुआफीदारों की ओर से बड़े-बड़े अफसरों द्वारा सिफारिश करवाई गई पर फल कुछ न हुआ और आखिर पटियाला स्टेट को इसके अधिकार सौंप दिये गये।

सन् 1858 के नवम्बर मास में जब भारतवर्ष में अंग्रेज सरकार की ओर से उपाधियों का पहले-पहल जन्म हुआ, तब महाराज पटियाला को भी सितारे-हिन्द की उपाधि मिली और जब हिन्दुस्तान का प्रबन्ध एक कौंसिल बनाकर वाइसराय की अध्यक्षता में करने का निश्चय हुआ, तब उस कौंसिल के एक मेम्बर महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह पटियाला भी नियत हुए। महाराज पटियाला की कुर्सी बंगाल गवर्नर की तरह थी और जैसा कि उनके साथ एक अहलकार आता था, उसी तरह महाराज के साथ भी एक अहलकार के आने का प्रबन्ध हुआ था। इस तरह महाराज के मान का पूरा ख्याल रखा गया। सन् 1862 ई० 18 जनवरी को महाराज पहले-पहल कौंसिल में गये और कौंसिल की कार्यवाही में भाग लिया। कौंसिल में सम्मिलित होते रहने से महाराज को बहुत लाभ हुआ और वह अपनी रियासत के सुधार की ओर भी ध्यान देने लगे। भारतवर्ष में अंग्रेजों द्वारा राज्य करने के लिए यह पहली संस्था कायम हुई थी, इसलिये इसके प्रारम्भ के अधिवेशन बड़े महत्त्व के थे। उस समय हर एक डिपार्टमेंट नये बनाने पड़ते थे और रियासतों अथवा अन्य देशों और हर एक प्रबन्ध की नई नीम डाली जाती थी।

लार्ड कैनिंग महाशय के सामने ही महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह ने पटियाला आने की मंजूरी प्राप्त कर ली थी। पर कैनिंग विलायत जा रहे थे और उनके स्थान पर लार्ड एलगिन वाइसराय नियुक्त होकर आ रहे थे, इसलिये महाराज कुछ दिन

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज, पृष्ठान्त-428

कलकत्ते और ठहर गये और मार्च में पटियाला आ गये। यहां आने पर महेन्द्रसिंह की शादी की तैयारी में लग गये। महाराज की इच्छा थी कि महेन्द्रसिंह की शादी खूब धूमधाम से की जाये। परन्तु होना कुछ और ही था और बीमार होकर 13वीं नवम्बर 1858 ई० को स्वर्ग सिधार गए।

महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह के शासन-काल में, रियासत की उन्नति हुई और वृद्धि भी। हालांकि इनके समय में ऐसा भी वक्त था कि कई एक जागीरें सदा के लिये नष्ट हो गई थी, और तो और पंजाब के महाराज रणजीतसिंह का भी विशाल राज्य अंग्रेजों के हाथ में चला गया था, परन्तु महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह पूरे राज्य-भक्त थे और लोगों की कितनी ही आलोचनायें होते हुये भी वह अपने कार्य में संलग्न रहे। कहते हैं वे हिन्दू-मुसलमान के लिए एक भाव रखते थे। एक बार दौरा करते हुये अम्बाला के कमिश्नर उधर आ गये और महाराज के हाथी पर घूमने निकले तब कमिश्नर ने कहा कि औरंगजेब ने तो कितने ही मंदिर तुड़वाये थे पर आपके तो महल के पास ही मस्जिद बनी हुई है? इस पर महाराज ने कहा कि - मैं औरंगजेब की तरह अपना नाम नहीं चाहता।

राज्य बढ़ाने के साथ ही इन्होंने प्रबन्ध भी भली प्रकार किया। डाक में बहुत से सुधार किये गये। पहाड़ी परगनों में कई बार दौरा करके फैले हुये असन्तोष एवं अधिकारियों की उदासीनता को देखकर उसका इन्तजाम किया। इसी तरह कारखानों, अधिकारियों की नियुक्ति और वेतन देने के तरीकों में कई तरह की तबदीली हुई। भूमि-कर में बहुधा अन्न का हिस्सा दिया जाता था। परन्तु इन्होंने रुपये का चलन जारी किया और जहां-तहां अनाज का रिवाज भी जारी रहा। अनाज खराब हो जाने पर निरख के मुताबिक जमींदारों को दिया जाता। रियासत के कानूनों में भी परिवर्द्धन और संशोधन हुये। हफ्ते में एक बार अर्जी पेश करने की रिवाज थी। पहले महाराज 2 अगस्त सन् 1846 को अपने किये गये नये प्रबन्ध के मुताबिक अदालत में आए जिसमें 83 अर्जियां पेश हुईं। पहले स्टेट में फैसले के बाद अपील का कायदा न था। परन्तु महाराज ने अपील करने का कानून बना दिया। इसी तरह सजा देने में भी परिवर्तन हुये। महाराज के शासन में घूस व चोरी बहुत कम होती थी। महाराज नरेन्द्रसिंह मिलनसार भी खूब थे, इस कारण उनकी काशी नरेश, प्रान्तीय हाकिमों वगैरह से खूब बनी रहती थी। यात्रा का शौक भी उन्हें काफी था।


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