Jat Prachin Shasak/Bibliography

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जाट प्राचीन शासक (1982)
लेखक - बी. एस. दहिया (आइ आर एस, रिटायर्ड)

विकिफाईअर : चौ. रेयांश सिंह

मुख्य पृष्ठ, अनुक्रमणिका पर जाएँ


पृष्ठ 360 समाप्त

  • Burrow, T. The Sanskrit Language and A Translation of Kharoshthi Documents from Chinese Turkestan (London, 1940).
  • Banerjee, A.C. Studies in the Brahmanas (1963).
  • Belvelkar, S.K., Systems of Sanskrit Grammar.
  • Chowdhri, S.B. Ethnic Settlements in Ancient India.
  • Christian Scriptures (Bible, etc.)
  • Chattopadhyaya, S. Ethnic History of North India: The Achaemenids in India.
  • Chachnama (A History of Sindh). Trans. by Cunningham; also M.K. Beg's Trans.
  • Cunningham, A. Ancient Geography of India & Coins of Medieval India.
  • Cambridge Ancient History.
  • Central Asia, Edited by Amlendu Guha (1971).
  • Datta, R.C. A History of Civilisation in Ancient lndia (1972), Vishal Publishers, Delhi.
  • Davar, F.C. India and Iran Through the Ages-Iran and its Culture.
  • Devahuti, D. Harsha, A Political Study.
  • Drover, E.S. The Mandaen in Iran and Iraq.
  • Dey, N.L. Geographical Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval India (Bombay, 1927).
  • Douglas, A.F. "The Logic of History" in JRAS (1963), Vol. V, pp. 76-79.
  • Elliot and Dowson, The History of India As Told by Its Own Historians (London, 1866-77).
  • Eggeling, J. Śatapaṭha Brāhmaṇa (English Trans.).
  • Farishta Tarikh-i-Farishta, English Trans. by Briggs.
  • Fleet, J.F. Corp. Ins. Ind. Vol. III (Calcutta, 1888), "The Name Kushan" in JRAS, 1914, p. 370.
  • Frye, R.N. The Heritage of Persia (London 1962).
  • Gafurov, B. Kushan Studies in USSR (Calcutta 1970).
  • Ghirshman, R. Iran & Le Chionites-Hephthalites.
  • Goyal, S.R. A History of the Imperial Guptas.
  • Gupta, Sushil, Editor of Travels of Huen-Tsang by S. Beal.
  • Guignes, Des. Histoire Des Huns ...
  • Harīvaṁśa Purāṇa
  • Harsha Charita of Bāṇa.
  • Hirth Fr. Story of Chang Kien

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Journals (पत्रिकाएं)

  1. Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona (ABORI).
  2. Archaeological Survey of India Reports (ASI).
  3. ASICA
  4. Epigraphia Indica (EI or Ep. Ind.)
  5. Indian Antiquary (IA)
  6. Indian Culture, Calcutta (IC)
  7. Indian Historical Quarterly (IHQ).
  8. Journal Asiatique (JA).
  9. Journal of American Oriental Society (JAOS)
  10. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal (JASB)
  11. Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society (JBORS)
  12. Journal of Bihar Research Society (JBRS)
  13. Journal of Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Suciety (JBBRS)
  14. Journal of the Cama Oriental Institute (JCOI)
  15. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society (JRAS)
  16. Journal of Indian History (JIH)
  17. Journal of the Numismatic Society of India (JNSI)
  18. Proceedings of Indian History Congress (PIHC)
  19. Vishveshvaranand Indological Journal (VIJ)
  20. Indica Asiatic Researches (IAR)
  21. Span
  22. Byzentian.
  23. Central Asiatic Journal (CAJ)
  24. Indo-Asian Culture.
  25. Nāgari Pracharini Patrikā (NPP)
  26. American Journal of Archaeology (AJA)
  27. Adyar Library Bulletin (ALB)

ग्रन्थसूची जारी है (नीचे)

  • Kosambi, D.D. An Introduction to history
  • Kumar, Baldev, The Early Kusanas (1973), Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.

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  • Konow, S. Corp. Insc. Ind., Vol. II, Part I (London 1929).
  • Kephart, Calvin, Races of Mankind (New York 1960).
  • Law, B.C. Tribes in Ancient India, Historical Geography of India, Geography of Early Buddhism (1973) (Paris 1954).
  • Levi, S. Le Nepal.
  • Mahil, U.S., Antiquity of Jat Race {1955}.
  • Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa.
  • Mahābhārata (Geeta Press, Gorakhpur, Critical Edn. (Poona) & S.D. Satvalekar Editions.)
  • Matsya Purāṇa.
  • Majumdar, R.C. and Altekar, A.S. "The Vākāṭaka-Gupta Age" & "A New History of Indian People."
  • Majumdar, R.C. and Pusalkar, A.D. "The Age of Imperial Unity".
  • Majumdar, R.C. & others History and Culture of Indian People, Vol. I to IV.
  • Majumdar, R.C. "Ancient India" & "Classical Accounts of India."
  • Mookerji, R.K. Chandragupta Maurya and His Times.
  • Mongait, A.L. Archaeology in USSR (Moscow, 1959).
  • Mc Govern, W.M. The Early Empires of Central Asia.
  • Mc Crindle, J.W. Invasion of India by Alexander the Great.
  • Mac Donald, A.A. and Keith, A.B. Vedic Index, Hindi Trans. by Ram Kumar Rai (Varanasi 1962).
  • Monier Willians, M., A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Oxford 1960).
  • Morgan, J. De, Manual de Numismatique Oriental & Et Unde.
  • Mahābhāṣya of Pātañjali.
  • Marquart, J. Eranshr der Geographic des Ps. Moses Xorenac-i.
  • Mirashi, V.V. Studies in Indology, Vol. I & II.
  • Muller, F.W.K. Sogdiseho Texte.
  • Mukherjee, B.N. The Kushana & the Deccan (1968, Calcutta, Pilgrim Publishers). {Goddess} "Nana on a Lion".
  • Mukerje, S. The Achai Monids in India.
  • Negi, J.S. Some Indological Studies (1968, Allahabad).
  • Ojha, G.S. History of Rajasthan.
  • Pargiter, F.E. Ancient Indian Historical Traditions and Dynasties of Kali Age.
  • Pandey, R.B. Vikramaditya of Ujjayini.
  • Persian, English Dictionary, by Stein Grass (London 1930).
  • Pliny, Naturaiis Historia.

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  • Ptolemy, An Outline of Geography. Tr. by J.W. Mc Crindel.
  • Puri, B.N. India under the Kusanas (1965 Bombay).
  • Pelliot, Paul, "Tokharien at Koutcheen" in Journal Aseatique (1934) & "La Hante Asie".
  • Qanungo, K.R. History of Jats (Vol. I) & "Historical Essays" (1960 Delhi).
  • Rai, Ram Kumar, Mahābhārata Kosha Vol. I & II (Varanasi 1964).
  • Rapson, EJ. "Indian Coins." (ICR)
  • Rai, Gopinath, Elements of Hindu Iconography.
  • Ray Chowdhry, H.C., Political History of Ancient India (1950 Calcutta).
  • Ray, H.C. Dynastic History of North India.
  • Risley, H. Census Report for 1901.
  • Rowlinson, G. History of Herodotus (Four Volumes).
  • Rostovtzeff, M.I. Iranian & Greeks in South Russia (Oxford, 1922).
  • Soviet Union-A Geographical Survey Edited by S.V. Kalesnik & F.V. Pavlenko (1976, Moscow).
  • Sachau, E.C. Alberuni's India.
  • Sankrityayana, R. Madhya Asia Ka Itihas (2 Vols. in Hindi).
  • Sastri, K.A.N. The Age of Nandas and Mauryas.
  • Saran, P. Studies in Medieval Indian History.
  • Saran, M.K. Tribal Coins-A Study.
  • Sykes, P. A History of Persia. (2 Vols. London 1951).
  • Seth, H.C. "Did Chandra Gupta Maurya Belong to North West India ?" in ABORI, Vol. XVIII, Pt. II (1937), pp. 158-165.
  • Shafer, Robert, Ethnography of Ancient India.
  • Sharma, C.R. The Excavations at Kausambi.
  • Sharma, R.N. Brahamanas Through the Ages. (1977, Delhi, Ajanta Publications).
  • Sirkar, D.C. 'Select Inscriptions' & 'Studies in the Geography of Ancient and Medieval India.'
  • Stein, M.A. Rajatarangani of Kalhana. (2 Vols. London 1900).
  • Smith, V.A. The Early History of India (Oxford 1914).
  • Shastri, Ajay Mitra, India as seen in the Brihat Samhita of Varahamihira (1969, Motilal Banarasi Dass, Delhi).
  • Shastri, Y.P. "Jat Kshatriya Itihas" (1943, Hardwar).
  • Sayce, Ancient Empire of the East.
  • Singhal, D.P. India and World Civilization (Two Volumes).
  • Sukumar Sen, Old Persian Inscriptions (Calcutta 1941).

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