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Isran (इसरान)[1] [2] Isaran (इसरान) Ishran (इशरान) is gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan.[3]They had joined Parihar Confederation.

Etymology of word Isar

  • Isran Gotra got fame after their ancestor Isar Rai in about middle of 13th century. The Bards interpret the word Isar as a person with Rai as his title. But the word Isar existed in long antiquity. This indicates Isar is a clan name. Plural of Isar becomes Isaran. Isar is also found in place names and as a name of a river - Isar River.
  • Isar River (इसर नदी) is a river flowing in Tyrol, Austria, Bavaria, Germany etc. It is Germany's second most important tributary of the Danube after the Inn.
  • Isarauen is term used for "floodplains" in Germany.
  • One theory about origin of Isar is that the name Isar comes from the hypothetical Indo-European root *es or *is, which generally meant "flowing water" and later turned into a word with a meaning narrowed to frozen water (hence English ice, German: Eis) in Proto-Germanic; the name itself is mentioned for the first time in 763 as Isura.[4]
  • Isura is name of an island in Arabia mentioned by Pliny (23–79 AD). Pliny[5] mentions....There are many islands also that have no name, but the better known ones are Isura, Rhinnea, and another still nearer the shore, upon which there are some stone pillars with an inscription in unknown characters.
  • An older theory is that word Isar comes from Celtic words and the name Isar is a construction of the Celtic stems ys "fast, torrential" and ura "water, river". According to another interpretation ys may mean "high" as well as "low", referring to the rapidly changing water level in the river Isar.


Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[6] mentions 'The Nations of India.'.... The nations whom it may be not altogether inopportune to mention, after passing the Emodian Mountains, a cross range of which is called "Imaus," a word which, in the language of the natives, signifies "snowy,"27 are the Isari, the Cosyri, the Izi, and, upon the chain of mountains, the Chisiotosagi, with numerous peoples, which have the surname of Brachmanæ,28 among whom are the Maccocalingæ. There are also the rivers Prinas and Cainas,29 which last flows into the Ganges, both of them navigable streams. The nation of the Calingæ30 comes nearest to the sea, and above them are the Mandei and the Malli.31 In the territory of the last-named people is a mountain called Mallus: the boundary of this region is the river Ganges.

27 The Sanscrit for "snowy" is "himrarat." The name of Emodus, combined with Imaiis, seems here to be a description of the knot of mountains formed by the intersections of the Himalaya, the Hindoo Koosh, and the Bolor range; the latter having been for many ages the boundary between the empires of China and Turkistan. It is pretty clear, that, like Ptolemy, Pliny imagined that the Imaiis ran from south to north; but it seems hardly necessary, in this instance at least, to give to the word "promontorium" the meaning attached to our word "promontory," and to suppose that he implies that the range of the Imaüs runs down to the verge of the eastern ocean.

28 A name evidently given to numerous tribes of India, from the circumstance that Alexander and his followers found it borne by the Brahmins or priestly caste of the Hindoos.

29 Still called the Cane, a navigable river of India within the Ganges, falling into the Ganges, according to Arrian as well as Pliny, though in reality it falls into the Jumna.

30 The Calingæ, who are further mentioned in the next Chapter, probably dwelt in the vicinity of the promontory of Calingon, upon which was the town of Dandaguda, mentioned in c. 23 of the present Book. This promontory and city are usually identified with those of Calinapatnam, about half-way between the Mahanadi River and Godavari; and the territory of the Calingæ seems to correspond pretty nearly to the district of Circars, lying along the coast of Orissa.

31 By the Malli, Parisot is of opinion that the people of Moultan are meant.

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[7] mentions Arabia.... There are many islands also that have no name, but the better known ones are Isura, Rhinnea, and another still nearer the shore, upon which there are some stone pillars with an inscription in unknown characters.

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[8] mentions Ethiopia.... Aristocreon informs us that on the Libyan side, at a distance of five days' journey from Meroë, is the town of Tolles, and then at a further distance of twelve days' journey, Esar, a town founded by the Egyptians who fled from Psammetichus23; he states also that they dwelt there for a period of three hundred years, and that opposite, on the Arabian side, there is a town of theirs called Daron.24 The town, however, which he calls Esar, is by Bion called Sape, who says that the name means "the strangers:" their capital being Sembobitis, situate on an island, and a third place of theirs, Sinat in Arabia.

23 Who is mentioned again in B. xxxvi. c. 19.

24 Ptolemy, however, speaks of Esar and Daron as the names of towns situate on the island of Meroë.

ईसराण गौत्र का इतिहास

ईसराण गौत्र का यह इतिहास प्रो. हनुमानाराम ईसराण (Mob: 9414527293, Email:<>) द्वारा उपलब्ध कराया गया है। ये तथ्य बही भाट श्री कानसिंह गांव ढेंचवास, पोस्ट:चौसाला वाया डिग्गी, तहसील: मालपुरा, जिला:टोंक (राजस्थान) की बही में अभिलिखित है।

ईसराण का गौत्रचारा

ईसराण गोत्र की वंशावली:

ईसराण गोत्र के प्रथम महापुरुष/संत पुरूष श्री महिदास जी हुए।

महिदास जी के 65 पीढ़ी उपरांत श्री पुरूषोतम नामक सिद्ध पुरुष हुए।

श्री पुरूषोत्तम जी के चार पुत्र हुए जिनसे निम्नानुसार जाट चार गोत्र प्रसिद्ध हुये :-

1. ज्ञानाराय ----ज्याणी
2. जोरराज----झूरिया
3. हेमराज----हुड्डा
4. ईसरराय---ईसराण

ईसरराय:- पृथ्वीराज चौहान के शासन काल में सन 1192 में श्री ईसरराय जी ने पश्चिमी राजस्थान में एक स्थान पर कुआं और बावड़ी खुदवा कर ईसराणों गांव बसाया। श्री ईसरराय ने ईसराण गोत्र को प्रसिद्धि दिलवाई।

ईसरराय के दो पुत्र थे:- 1. आशाराम (अविवाहित/ निःसंतान), 2. कालूराम,

कालूराम के तीन पुत्र:- 1.भैराराम, 2.सुखाराम, 3. कानाराम

कानाराम के दो पुत्र थे: 1. गोरूराम (अविवाहित/ नि:सन्तान), 2. मालाराम

मालाराम ने 1322 ई. में मालगांव बसाया। इनके 6 पुत्र थे जिनके नाम ये थे:- 1. श्यामुराम, 2. पीथाराम, 3. नन्दराम, 4. सुरताराम 5. मेदाराम 6. छाजाराम

छाजाराम सन् 1572 में मालगांव छोड़कर गांव ताखालसर तहसील- फतेहपुर जिला- सीकर में आकर बस गए।

छाजाराम ईसराण की वंश पुरुषावली:- 1. जयराम, 2. नेतराम, 3. दानाराम, 4. परसाराम, 5. मोटाराम, 6. सेवाराम

मेघसर गाँव में ईसराण परिवार का आगमन

चाहर गोत्र के जाटों द्वारा बसाए गए मेघसर गाँव ( तहसील-जिला- चूरू ) में जाटों में सबसे पहले बाहर से आकर बसने वालों में ईसराण गोत्र के जाट थे। मुख्य रूप से चाहर गोत्र के जाटों से आबाद मेघसर गाँव में ताकलसर गाँव ( तहसील- फतेहपुर, जिला- सीकर ) के रहवासी "'श्री मोटाराम ईसराण"' का विवाह संवत 1849 ( सन 1792 ई. ) में इस गाँव के चाहर गोत्र के परिवार की लड़की सुखी से हुआ। तीन-चार साल बाद उनके पुत्र हुआ जिसका नाम था श्री सेवाराम ईसराण, जो कि इस गांव में चाहर गोत्र के भाणजे हुए। श्री मोटाराम अपनी पत्नी श्रीमती सुखी ( चाहर गोत्र ) व बेटे श्री सेवाराम ईसराण के साथ मेघसर में बस गए और यहाँ के स्थायी निवासी हो गए।

श्री सेवाराम ईसराण के 6 पुत्र थे, जिनके नाम ये थे:- 1. श्री लिखमाराम 2. श्री देवाराम 3. श्री लालाराम ( इनके एक पुत्री थी ) 4. श्री कालूराम ( बचपन में मृत्यु ) 5. श्री सुखाराम ( निःसंतान ) 6. श्री मुकनाराम ( निःसंतान ) स्व. लिखमाराम व स्व. देवाराम ईसराण के बेटे-पोतों-पड़पोतों की संतति मेघसर गांव में अभी आबाद है। स्व. लिखमाराम के बेटे स्व. पेमाराम के छः बेटों में से तीन बेटे सर्व श्री पदमाराम, सोहन एवं छतुराम सन 1976 के आसपास यहाँ से गाँव भोजासर छोटा ( तहसील सरदारशहर ) जाकर बस गए।

लिखमाराम के इकलौते पुत्र का नाम श्री पेमाराम था

पेमाराम के 6 पुत्र हुए जिनके नाम ये हैं:- 1.श्री पदमाराम, 2.श्री बेगाराम, 3. श्री अनोपसिंह, 4. श्री हणमान, 5. श्री सोहन, 6. श्री छतुराम

देवाराम के 5 पुत्र थे जिनके नाम ये हैं:-

1. नोरंगराम (इनके इकलौते पुत्र का नाम बिड़दा राम )
2. चेतनराम (इनके दो पुत्रों के नाम श्री जमनाराम व भैराराम )
3. अरजनराम (इनके दो पुत्र एवं चार पुत्रियां । पुत्रों के नाम : हनुमानाराम ईसराण व हरफूल ईसराण । पुत्रियों के नाम:- रत्ती, जमना, सजना, कमला)
4. इंद्राराम (इनके पांच पुत्रों के नाम:- उदाराम, रामेसर, गोरूराम, गणपत, तेजाराम)
5. भूराराम (इनके पांच पुत्रों का नाम:- किसनाराम, साँवताराम, भगूता राम, प्रताप, विद्याधर)

महिदास से हनुमानाराम ईसराण तक वंशावली:

1. महिदास (50 ई.) → → → → → → 66. पुरूषोतम → 67. ईसरराय (ईसरराय, 1250?: ईसराण गौत्र के प्रवर्तक) → 68. कालूराम → 69. कानाराम → 70. मालाराम (1322 ई. में मालगांव बसाया) → 71. छाजाराम (सन् 1572 में मालगांव से ताखलसर आए) → 72. मोटाराम (विवाह सन् 1849 में मेघसर में चाहर गोत्र में) → 73. सेवाराम (मेघसर बसे) → 74. देवाराम → 75. अरजनराम → 76. हनुमानाराम ईसराण (b:25.1.1956)

नोट: यदि एक पीढ़ी का काल 25 वर्ष माना जावे तो ईसराण गोत्र के प्रथम महापुरुष/संत पुरूष श्री महिदास का समय 1950 - 1900 (76x25) = 50 ई. के आस-पास बैठता है। यह समय भारत में कुषाणवंश जाटराज्य (40 ई० - 220 ई०) का है।


Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Churu district

Dhani Doongarsinghpura, Ginri Patta Rajpura, Meghsar (28) Kalwas, Bhojasar Chota,

Villages in Hanumangarh District

Shri Dungarsinghpura

Villages in Sikar District

Bagas (30),

Notable persons

H R Isran
  • H R Isran - Mob: 9414527293, Retired from Department of College Education ,Rajasthan, Former Syndicate Member at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Worked at Lohia College Churu. Former Principal at R. N. Ruia Govt College, Ramgarh - Shekhawati. Former Principal at S K Govt College,Sikar, Rajasthan University. Former Principal,Dept Of College Education, Rajasthan at Govt. Bangur College Didwana. He is from Meghsar, Churu, Rajasthan
  • Bhumika Isran - From Meghsar, Meritorious student. Kendriy Madhyamik Shiksha Board 10th class - 2010, Merit list, from Central School Churu, Grade 9.4
  • Sunita Isran - Dhani Doongarsinghpura, Churu, Bronze Medal in 1500 metre race

External links


  1. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. इ-4
  2. Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.28,sn-107.
  3. Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Ādhunik Jat Itihas, p.223
  4. Martin Bitschnau, Hannes Obermair (2009), Tiroler Landesmuseen-Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. (ed.), Tiroler Urkundenbuch. II. Abteilung: Die Urkunden zur Geschichte des Inn-, Eisack- und Pustertals. Band 1: Bis zum Jahr 1140 (in German), Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner, pp. 25–27, Nr. 45, ISBN 978-3-7030-0469-8
  5. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 32
  6. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 21
  7. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 32
  8. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 35

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