
Bagpat (Hindi: बागपत, Urdu: باغ پت) is a city and district in Uttar Pradesh, India. Baghpat District was established as a separate district in 1997. Prior to becoming a district, Baghpat was a Tehsil under Meerut in western Uttar Pradesh. [1]
Variants of name
- Bagpat बागपत, उ.प्र., (AS, p.617)
- Vrikaprastha (वृकप्रस्थ) (AS, p.969)
- Vrikasthala (वृकस्थल) = Vrikaprastha वृकप्रस्थ (p.869)
- Vyaghraprastha (व्याघ्रप्रस्थ) (AS, p.617)
- Vrishaprastha (वृषप्रस्थ) (AS, p.617), (p.870)
- Vishaprastha (विषप्रस्थ) = Vrishaprastha (वृषप्रस्थ) (p.865)
District Baghpat is one of the district of Uttar Pradesh. The city is Located on the banks of river Yamuna.It is 52 KM from Meerut City and is on the main Delhi – Saharanpur Highway around 40 KM from Delhi.In the north of the district Baghpat there is district Muzaffarnagar,in the south district Ghaziabad,in the west river Yamuna and district Rohtak of Haryana. The shape of the district Baghpat is rectangular which area is more in north to south than east to west.It is very closely located to (around 40 Km) the national capital New Delhi.
- Vrikaprastha (वृकप्रस्थ) - There are many versions of the story as to how the city derived it’s name. It is said to get name from ancient Vrikaprastha.[2]
- Vrikasthala (वृकस्थल) mentioned in Mahabharata (V.31.19), (V.82.20), (one of five villages demanded by Pandavas)
- Vyaghraprastha (व्याघ्रप्रस्थ) - The city was originally known as ‘Vyaghraprastha’ - Land of Tigers (because of the population of tigers found many centuries ago. One version states that the city’s original name was ‘Vyaghraprasth’, while according to another version, the city has derived its name from the Hindi word ‘Vakyaprasth’, which means place of delivering speeches. Inspired by such words and versions, the city was finally named ‘Baghpat’ or ‘Bagpat’ during the Mughal Era.
Tahsils in Baghpat district
Villages in Baghpat Tahsil
Agarwal Mandi (NP), Ahamadpur Gathina, Ahamadshahpur Padra, Ahera, Baghpat(MB), Baghu, Bali, Bari Nangla, Bichpari, Biharipur, Budhera, Chopra Maheshpur, Choulhada, Dhanaura Silvernagar, Dhodra, Faizpur Ninana, Faizullapur, Fatehpur Poothi, Gauripur, Goripur Jawahar Nagar, Gwali Khera, Gyasri Urf Gadhi, Jafarabad Nangla, Jahangarh Urf Doja, Jawaharpur Mewla, Kanoli, Karam Alipur, Khandwari, Kherae Islampur, Kheriki, Ladhwari, Meetli, Nethla, Niwali, Niwara, Norozpur Goorjar, Pali, Pawla Begmabad, Poothi Brahmnan, Qasamabad Urf Dudba, Qyampur, Rajpur Khampur, Sadullapur, Santoshpur, Saroorpur Kalan, Shikohpur, Sisana, Soorajpur Mahanwa, Sujra, Sultanpur Hatana, Tatiri (Rural), Tyodhi,
V. S. Agrawala[3] writes that Panini mentions in category of villages ending prastha. In Pali text Prastha denotes a place outside the grama, a waste land not used by men either for ploughing or sowing. It may be noted that places ending with the Prastha (Hindi=pat) are confined mostly to Kuru Country, such as Panipat, Sonipat, Baghpat, Tilpat etc. and to the region of Himalayas watered by Ganges.
The city, founded by the Pandava brothers of Mahabharata, was originally known as Vyaghraprastha (Sanskrit: व्याघ्रप्रस्थ, lit. “tigercity”) because of the population of tigers found many centuries ago, and was one of the five villages asked by the Pandava brothers from Duryodhan to avoid the Mahabharat. Barnava, near Baraut is the site of the Lakshagraha – palace made of wax, that was built by Purochana a minister of Duryodhana to kill the Pandavas.[4]
Barnava, near Binauli is the site of the Lakshagriha, the lac palace that was built by Mayasura, the demon architect, to kill the Pandavas.
The district has a strong presence of Jainism. Bada Gaon is an important pilgrimage center for Jains. It is located near the town of Khekra. Here is a place called pakke ghat where one of the popular Shankaracharya Swami Savroopanandji had got jnana.
वृकप्रस्थ (AS, p.869): बागपत, उत्तर प्रदेश का प्राचीन नाम है। (दे. बागपत, वृकस्थल). कुछ लोगों का यह मानना है कि बागपत व्याघ्रप्रस्थ का अपभ्रंश है। [5]
वृकस्थल = वृकप्रस्थ
वृकस्थल = वृकप्रस्थ (AS, p.869): बागपत उन पाँच ग्रामों में से एक था, जिनकी माँग महाभारत के युद्ध से पहले समझौता करने के लिए पांडवों ने दुर्योधन से की थी- 'अविस्थलंवृकस्थलं माकन्दी वारणावतम्, अवसानं भवेत्वत्र किंचिदेकं तु पंचमम्।'-- महाभारत, उद्योगपर्व 31,19. वृकस्थल अथवा वृकप्रस्थ का अभिज्ञान बागपत, उत्तर प्रदेश से किया जाता है. (दे. बागपत) [6]
बागपत के अन्य प्राचीन नाम 'व्याघ्रप्रस्थ' या 'वृषप्रस्थ' भी कहे जाते हैं। कुछ लोगों का यह मानना है कि बागपत 'व्याघ्रप्रस्थ' का अपभ्रंश है। पांडवों द्वारा माँगे जाने वाले अन्य चार ग्राम निम्नलिखित थे- 1. सोनीपत, 2. तिलपत, 3. इंद्रपत, 4. पानीपत. महाभारत में दिये गए पाँच ग्राम दूसरे ही हैं, जैसे- 'अविस्थल', 'वृकस्थल', 'माकंदी', 'वारणावत' और पाँचवा नाम रहित कोई भी अन्य ग्राम। संभव है कि 'वृकस्थल' बागपत का महाभारत कालीन नाम रहा हो। वैसे 'वृकस्थल' (वृक-भेड़िया या बाघ) बागपत या व्याघ्रप्रस्थ का पार्याय हो सकता है।[7]
वृषप्रस्थ पर्वत
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[8] ने लेख किया है ...वृषप्रस्थ (AS, p.870) नामक एक पर्वत का उल्लेख महाभारत, वनपर्व में हुआ है- 'कन्यातीर्थे श्वतीर्थे च गवां तीर्थे च भारत, कालकोट्यां वृक्षप्रस्थे गिरावुष्य च पांडवाः, बाहुदायां महीपाल चक्रः, सर्वेस्भिषैचनम्। (महाभारत, वनपर्व 95, 3-4) कान्यकुब्ज, अश्ववीर्थ, कालकोटि आदि के साथ इस पर्वत का तीर्थ रूप में उल्लेख होने से यह बुंदेलखंड की कोई पहाड़ी जान पड़ती है। संभवतः यह कालिंजर के निकट स्थित है। वृषप्रस्थ पर्वत पर वास करते हुए अपनी तीर्थयात्रा के समय पांडवों ने बाहुदा नदी में स्नान किया था। वृषप्रस्थ का पाठांतर 'विषप्रस्थ' भी है।
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[9] ने लेख किया है कि....बागपत (जिला मेरठ, उत्तर प्रदेश) (AS, p.617). वर्तमान जिला बागपत: इस नगर का प्राचीन नाम व्याघ्रप्रस्थ या वृषप्रस्थ कहा जाता है. स्थानीय जनश्रुति में यह गांव उन पांच गांवों में से था जिनकी मांग महाभारत युद्ध से पहले समझौता करने के लिए, पांडवों ने दुर्योधन से की थी. अन्य 4 ग्राम सोनीपत, तिलपत, इंद्रपत और पानीपत कहे जाते हैं. किंतु महाभारत में यह 5 ग्राम दूसरे ही हैं-- ये हैं-- अविस्थल, वृकस्थल, माकन्दी, वारणावत, और पांचवा नाम रहित कोई भी अन्य ग्राम (दे. अविस्थल). संभव है वृकस्थल बागपत का महाभारत कालीन नाम है. वैसे वृकस्थल (वृक-- भेड़िया या बाघ) बागपत या व्याघ्रप्रस्थ का प्रयाय हो सकता है.
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[10] ने लेख किया है कि....अविस्थल (AS, p.48): अविस्थल महाभारत उद्योग पर्व 13-19 में उल्लिखित पांच स्थानों में से एक जिन्हें युधिष्ठिर ने दुर्योधन से पांडवों के लिए मांगा था. उन्होंने यह संदेश दुर्योधन के पास संजय द्वारा भिजवाया था--'अविस्थलंवृकस्थलं माकन्दीं वारणावतम्, अवसानं भवत्वत्र किंचिदेकं च पञ्चमम्' Mahabharata (V.31.19) अर्थात हमें केवल अविस्थल, वृकस्थल, माकन्दी, वारणावत तथा पांचवा कोई भी ग्राम दे दें. वृकस्थल या वृकप्रस्थ (वर्तमान बागपत, माकन्दी और वारणावत (वर्तमान बरनावा, जिला मेरठ, उत्तर प्रदेश) हस्तिनापुर के निकट ही स्थित थे. अविस्थल भी इन के निकट ही होगा यद्यपि इसका ठीक-ठीक अभिज्ञान संदिग्ध है. कुछ विद्वानों के अनुसार अविस्थल का शुद्ध पाठ कपिस्थल या कपिष्ठल होना चाहिए. कपिस्थल वर्तमान कैथल है.
माकन्दी = आसन्दी (Mahabharata) (V.31.19)
In Mahabharata
Vrikasthala (वृकस्थल) is mentioned in Mahabharata (V.31.19), (V.82.20)
Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 31 mentions that Pandavas were desirous of peace and demanded only five villages as listed in Mahabharata (V.31.19).[11]... Kushasthala, Vrikasthala, Asandi, Varanavata, and for the fifth any other village to end the quarrel.
Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 82 mentions that Krishna departed for Hastinapura on Yudhishthira's mission. He came upon a delightful forest called Shalibhavana (शालिभवन) (V.82.15) which was filled with every kind of crops, a spot that was delicious and sacred. Many of the citizens of Upaplavya, coming out of their town, stood together on the way, desirous of beholding Krishna. At last stays Krishna at Vrikasthala for night-halt. [12]
Local tradition tells us that Vrikasthala was one of five villages demanded by Pandavas. Mahabharata mentions that that When Pandavas were defeated in chausar they were forced to leave the state for 13 years. During most of this time, they lived at place called Varanavata (modern Bairat) in Jaipur district in Rajasthan. Having lived there for pretty long time, the Pandawas sent a message to the Kauravas that they won't lay their claim to the throne if they were given just five villages. These 5 villages were :
- Indraprastha (इन्द्रप्रस्थ) (Indarpat) - Purana Kila (Delhi)
- Panaprastha (पणप्रस्थ) (Panipat) - Haryana
- Sonaprastha (सोणप्रस्थ) (Sonipat) - Haryana
- Tilaprastha (तिलप्रस्थ) (Tilpat) - Haryana
- Vyaghraprastha (व्याग्रप्रस्थ) (Bagpat) - Uttar Pradesh
If you study the population of people who lived in all these areas mentioned in Mahabharata it is found to be the homeland of Jats.
Harappan graves
The largest Harappan necropolis in Indian subcontinent has been discovered near Sanauli village on the banks of Yamuna in Bagpat. One of the discoveries is a grave with a sword and sheath which represents the Ganga valley civilization of third and second millennia BC. This suggests that there was an intermingling of the Harappans and the Gangetic civilization. The cemetery seems to have been used over several centuries as burials. The tentative time bracket has been given from 2200-1800 BC, which puts it in Harappan period. [13] After the mutiny of 1857 , the city gained importance and was established as the headquaters of Tehsil Baghpat. The city was previously as small town and had a small commercial center known as the Mandi . This mandi is now more than 200 years old and was set up by Jabita Khan , son of Ruhela Chief of Najibabad ( Bijnore ) Najib Khan . PURA MAHDEV is a famous Temple of Lord Shiva and Lakshagraha place related to MAHABHARATA in Bagpat. The main commercial activity of the people living in this region is agriculture and making-selling GUD and Sugar. [14]
List of Villages in Bagpat Janpad :Hindi
Notable persons
External links
- ↑
- ↑ Mahipal Arya, Jat Jyoti, August 2013,p. 15
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.67
- ↑ Official website of Bagpat on nic
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.869
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.869
- ↑ भारतकोश-वृकप्रस्थ
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.870
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.617
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.48
- ↑ कुशस्थलं वृकस्थलम आसन्दी वारणावतम, अवसानं भवेथ अत्र किं चिथ एव तु पञ्चमम Mahabharata (V.31.19)
- ↑ वृकस्थलं समासाथ्य केशवः परवीरहा, परकीर्णरश्माव आथित्ये विमले लॊहितायति Mahabharata (V.82.20)
- ↑ Hindustan Times, Bhopal: 5 January 2007
- ↑ Indarjeetstomar 00:33, 4 March 2006 (EST)
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