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Daral (दराल)[1][2] Darel Drall (दराल) Darad (दरद)[3] Daraad (दराड़)[4] is the surname/Gotra of Jats living in the outskirts of Delhi and Haryana. Dharal found in Jats and Rajputs is branche of Bachak gotra.[5]


  • They are said to have descended from ancient people called Dard (दर्द), a term applied by the Mair to the tribes of the Indus Kohistan who live on the left bank of that river : Biddulph's Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, p. 12.[8]


Jat Gotras Namesake


Ram Swarup Joon[20] writes In the Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 48, while describing various Kings who attended a ceremony in the Durbar (court) of Maharaja Yudhisthira, seventeen names are mentioned which are today found as Jat gotras. These are Malhia, Mylaw, Sindhar, Gandhar, Mahity, Mahe, Savi, Bath, Dharan, Virk, Dard, Shaly, Matash, Kukar (Khokar) Kak, Takshak, Sand, Bahik (Bathi) Bije (Bijenia), Andhra, Sorashtra (Rathi) Mann, Ar, Sohat, Kukat, Othiwal (Othval).

Ram Swarup Joon [21] writes that Lord Krishna killed Bachak-nag in Kalidah. Twelve villages around Kalidah belong to Bahikas (Vahika) Jats. The Dharal Jats and Rajputs are branches of Bachak gotra.

James Legge[22] writes that the Kingdom of Daral people was visited by Fahian. From K’eeh-Ch’a (Skardo) Fahian went westwards towards North India, and after being on the way for a month, they succeeded in getting across and through the range of the Onion mountains. The snow rests on them both winter and summer. There are also among them venomous dragons, which, when provoked, spit forth poisonous winds, and cause showers of snow and storms of sand and gravel. Not one in ten thousand of those who encounter these dangers escapes with his life. The people of the country call the range by the name of “The Snow mountains.” When (the travellers) had got through them, they were in North India, and immediately on entering its borders, found themselves in a small kingdom called T’o-leih, where also there were many monks, all students of the hinayana. James Legge comments that Eitel and others identify T’o-leih with Darada, the country of the ancient Dardae, the region near Dardus.

Cunningham (“Ancient Geography of India,” p. 82) says that Xuanzang arrived at Tha-li-lo, or Darel, which had been the ancient capital of Udyana. Darel is a valley on the right or western bank of the Indus, now occupied by Dardus or Dardas, from whom it received its name.

The place of origin of Sindhu river is ancient Darada country. People who came to Haryana were known as Daral.[23]

Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia.[24]

These people were inhabitant of country Darada. Mahabharata mentions about Darad kshatriyas in Drona Parva.

  • Mahabharata locates the country of Daradas in the Himavata-Pradesa.
  • Herodotus refers to the Daradas as Dadicae and groups them with the Gandharas and the Aparytae (Afridis?). Herodotus and Strabo also connect the Daradas with the gold producing area located in the west of Tibet. There is an evidence that the Daradas, in ancient times, had their colonies located in Baltistan and Leh also.

Fight with Krishna : Drona Parva of Mahabharata attests that Krishna had vanquished the Daradas along with Anga, Vanga, Magadha, Kasi, Kosala, Vatsa, Garga, Karusha, Pundra, Avanti, Daserka, Kashmira, Ursa, Madugalas, Kambojas, Pisachas, Cholas, Malavas, Sakas, Yavanas etc.[26]

Mahabharata mentions a Suryasura and obviously not for the sun (Surya) but for the Sura people [27] Darada (the Darar clan people) a king of Bahlika was born from Surya. [28] The Sura Kings came for Yudhisthira’s sacrifice. [29]

Daradas in Yudhishtra's Rajasuya ceremony: The Daradas along with numerous other tribes from northwest had including the Bahlikas, Kiratas, Pahlavas, Paradas, Kambojas, Shakas, Yavanas, Trigartas, Kshudrakas, Malavas, Angas, Vangas etc had joined Yudhishtra at his Rajasuya ceremony and brought him numerous gifts.[30]

Daradas in Kurukshetra war: Daradas had also participated in the Kurukshetra war fought between the Kauravas and Pandavas. They are variously listed with Sauviras, Bahlikas, Shakas, Yavanas, Pahlavas, Paradas, Kekayas, Kambojas, Madras, Mlechchas, northern and westerner tribes etc[31]

The Dharal Jats and Rajputs are branches of Bachak gotra.[32]

According to Ram Sarup Joon[33] most of Darada clan people are now Muslims. In the Mahabharata (Dronaparva) Drada (Darada) Kshatriyas are called the neighbors of Cheema Kshatriyas. These people took part in the Mahabharata War. Panini's Ashtadhyayi refers to Dradi Sindhu which means the River Sindhu which emerges from the country of Daradas which indicates the area North of Kashmir. According to "Ptolemy" Daradas were the rulers of Afghanistan in the era of Mahabharata. In Drona Parva Shloka 17-58 it is mentioned that Lord Krishna and Arjuna conquered the Daradas, who were the rulers of Afghanistan and forced them to join their Rajasuya Yagya.

King Drupada said that Shaks, Palius and Dradas should be invited to join them in war. According to "Bhisham Parva", Dradas joined the Pandu's and fought well. The Dradas also took part in their Yagya (Sacrifice). A region adjoining Kashmir is called Dradis-Stan and a tribe in Kashmir is called Drada. In Punjab Sikh Jats belonging to this gotra are found in large numbers. Sadhan, Sajra, Sadhie and Sadhnana are branches of this gotra.

Arjuna's Conquest: Arjuna was sent north by Yudhisthira to subjugate kingdoms for the Rajasuya Yagya, after crowning as the Emperor of Indraprastha.Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 24 & Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 25 tell us countries Arjuna subjugated. The list includes: Daradas (दरद).[34]

The ancestors of present Daral clan people around Delhi had migrated from another village - Duralla on the outskirts of Delhi. An ancestor had three sons namely Tika, Neela and Hira. The villages got their names after them respectively -

There are only two and a half villages in Delhi where Dralls live.

In Mahabharata

The Mahabharata Tribe - Darada (दरद) Mentioned in Geography of Mahabharata (VI.10.66)

शूद्राभीराद दरदाः काश्मीराः पशुभिः सह
खशिकाश च तुखाराश च पल्लवा गिरिगह्वराः (VI.10.66)

Also mentioned in Sabha Parva Mahabharata - (II.48.12)

कायव्या दरदा दार्वाः शूरा वैयमकास तदा
औदुम्बरा दुर्विभागाः पारदा बाह्लिकैः सह (II.48.12)

The Mahabharata Tribe - Darada (दरद) may be identified with Jat Gotra - Darad (दराड़)

In Puranas

The Vayu Purana (47, 44) and the Matsya Purana, (121, 45) mention that:

सान्ध्रान् स्तुखारान् लम्पकान् पह्लवान् दरदान् छकान्
अताञ्जनापदाञ्चक्षु प्लावयन्ती गतोदधिम्

The Chaksu or Oxus river goes to the sea after irrigating the lands of the Sandhrans (Jats) , Tukharas (Takhar Jats), Lampakas (Lamba Jats), Pahlavas (Pehlavi-Iranians) Daradas (of Kashmir) and Chhakans (Chhikara Jats).

दरद या दराळ जाट गोत्र

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[35] के अनुसार दरद या दराळ चन्द्रवंशी जाट गोत्र है जो सम्राट् ययातिपुत्र द्रुह्यु के वंश की परम्परा में प्रचलित हुआ था। अष्टाध्यायी की काशिकावृत्ति 4/3/83 ‘दारदी सिन्धु’ से विद्वानों ने अनुमान किया है कि सिन्धु नदी का उत्पत्ति स्थान प्राचीन दरद देश है। यवन विद्वान् टालमी का भी यही मत है। यादववीरों की दिग्विजय के समय श्रीकृष्ण जी ने और राजसूय यज्ञ के लिए अर्जुन ने वाह्लिकों के बाद दरद क्षत्रियों को जीतकर उनसे कर (टैक्स) लिया था। (महाभारत सभापर्व, अध्याय 26वां)। उस समय यह दरदवंश अफगानिस्तान का शासक था और चीना, तुषार, वाह्लिकों (तीनों जाटवंश) का पड़ौसी था। आज भी दरदवंश के नाम पर गिलगित क्षेत्र में दरदिस्तान नाम का स्थान है। महाभारत भीष्मपर्व अध्याय 51वां तथा 117वां के अनुसार दरद क्षत्रियों ने कौरवों की ओर होकर पाण्डवों के विरुद्ध युद्ध किया था। ब्राह्मण प्रभुत्व के स्थापित होने पर महाभारत के पश्चात् ये दरद क्षत्रिय भी उन वंशों में थे जिन्हें ब्राह्मणों की दिमागी दासता के विरोधस्वरूप क्षत्रियत्व से बहिष्कृत[36] होना पड़ा था। (जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 310-311, लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री) उस काल में ये दरद क्षत्रिय आज ‘दरदिस्तान’ में बसे हुए हैं। इनका रूप रंग और स्वभाव आज भी आर्य श्रेणी के क्षत्रियों के समान है। बौद्धकाल के पश्चात् ये सब मुसलमान बन गए। उसी समय इस्लाम की प्रथम क्रान्ति से बचकर काफी दरद लोग कश्मीर में जाकर बस गये। वहां ये लोग ब्राह्मणों में

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-253

सम्मिलित होकर आज दर नाम से प्रसिद्ध हैं। पश्चिमोत्तर भारत से जब ये क्षत्रिय हरयाणा में आकर बसे तो दरद से दराळ कहलाने लगे। यहां टीकरी कलां दिल्ली के दराळ आज भी प्रसिद्ध हैं। दिल्ली में दरद या दराळ के गांव लीलवाल, झाडौदा (½), हिरण कूदना (½) हैं। पंजाब में दरद सिक्ख जाट बड़ी संख्या में हैं।

मध्य एशिया में

दरद-दराळ - इनका राज्य मध्य एशिया में था। ये अफ़गानिस्तान के शासक रहे। इनके पड़ौसी चीन, चोल, तुषार तथा वाह्लीक लोग थे।[37]

Distribution in Delhi

Daral, Drall (दराल) surname Jats are in Neelwal, Hiran Kudna, Tikri Kalan villages of west Delhi distt, Delhi. People in this surname believes in the kind teachings of Baba Haridas, people of this surname are doing good in their own respective fields, these surname people are the major agricultural land owner in the west Delhi distt, Delhi. Now more and more younger generation of this surname is getting higher education. They might not be the brightest star in the sky, but they are just doing good.

Villages in Delhi

Jharauda Kalan (½)[38], Hiran Kudna, Neelwal, Tikri Kalan

Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Sonipatdistrict


Distrbution in Punjab

Villages in Patiala district

Famous People of the clan

  • Smt. Bhagwani Devi of Nilwal (1915-1982) w/o Major Ram Narain Dahiya of Kirholi Prahladpur in whose marriage sometime in the 1920s, there was a motor-car in the barat and that motor-car served as her doli. She had no real brother but enjoyed the love and care of the following four who were her cousins and the next three who were her nephews (Only the departed souls of her clan have been listed here), more survive and give all due love and care to her decendents even to this day;
  • Insp. Attar Singh Daral of Nilwal who served as the Gun-Man of the then DCs of Delhi based in Tees Hazari all his life, when there weren't too many DCs in the capital;
  • Ch. Diwan Singh Daral(Diwana) of Nilwal;
  • Ch. Leela Daral of Nilwal;
  • Ch. Dhir Singh Daral of Nilwal;
  • Ch. Kartar Singh Daral of Nilwal;
  • Ch. Puran Singh Daral of Nilwal;
  • Ch. Satpal Singh Daral of Nilwal;
  • Dr. Tarif S. Daral - Mobile: 9868399520 / 9911332551, Email: tsdaral@yahoo.com


  1. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. द-28
  2. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.44,s.n. 1189
  3. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. द-28
  4. B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.237, s.n.52
  5. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p.71
  6. Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas,p.255
  7. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV,p. 253
  8. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/D, p.222
  9. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 22
  10. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. द-81
  11. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.44,s.n. 1189
  12. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, pp.341-342
  13. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 22
  14. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. द-81
  15. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.44,s.n. 1189
  16. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 22
  17. Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p.255
  18. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 22
  19. Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p.255
  20. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter II,p. 32-33
  21. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p.71
  22. A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms/Chapter 6
  23. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV,p.254
  24. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV,p.352
  25. Mahabharata II.27.20-23
  26. Mbt (VII.13.15-18).
  27. ibid, 1 / 67 / 58
  28. ibid , 2 / 44/8
  29. Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers ( A clan study), p. 289
  30. Mahabharata 2.51-2.53; 3.51
  31. Mahabharata 6.51, 6.118, 7.20, 7.90, 7.116, 7.118, 8.73 etc
  32. History of the Jats
  33. History of the Jats/Chapter V ,p.82
  34. गृहीत्वा तु बलं सारं फल्गु चॊत्सृज्य पाण्डवः, दरदान सह काम्बॊजैर अजयत पाकशासनिः II.24.22
  35. जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठ.253-254
  36. देखो द्वितीय अध्याय, जाट क्षत्रिय वर्ण के हैं, प्रकरण।
  37. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV,p.352
  38. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III (Page 254)

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