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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Karkota Empire in the eighth century CE.

Karkota Empire (कर्कॊट) was a Kashmir centered medieval kingdom (625 CE- 1003 CE) which was founded by Durlabhvardhana during the lifetime of Harshavardhana.

Karkota is probably same tribe as Karkotaka (कर्कोटक), the ancient Nagavanshi King of Mahabharata (I.35.5), (II.9.9), (V.103.9), (VIII.30.45), (XVI.5.14).

Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[1] mentions The Rivers Cyrus and Araxes....The more famous towns in Lesser Armenia are Cæsarea3, Aza4, and Nicopolis5; in the Greater Arsamosata6, which lies near the Euphrates, Carcathiocerta7 upon the Tigris, Tigranocerta8 which stands on an elevated site, and, on a plain adjoining the river Araxes, Artaxata.9

3 Hardouin thinks that this is Neo-Cæsarea, mentioned as having been built on the banks of the Euphrates.

4 Now called Ezaz, according to D'Anville. Parisot suggests that it ought to be Gaza or Gazaca, probably a colony of Median Gaza, now Tauris.

5 Originally called Tephrice. It stood on the river Lycus, and not far from the sources of the Halys, having been founded by Pompey, where he gained his first victory over Mithridates, whence its name, the "City of Victory." The modern Enderez or Devrigni, probably marks its site.

6 Ritter places it in Sophene, the modern Kharpat, and considers that it may be represented by the modern Sert, the Tigranocerta of D'Anville.

7 The capital of Sophene, one of the districts of Armenia. St. Martin thinks that this was the ancient heathen name of the city of Martyropolis, but Ritter shows that such cannot be the case. It was called by the Syrians Kortbest; its present name is Kharput.

8 Generally supposed, by D'Anville and other modern geographers, to be represented by the ruins seen at Sert. It was the later capital of Armenia, built by Tigranes.

9 The ancient capital of Armenia. Hannibal, who took refuge at the court of Artaxias when Antiochus was no longer able to afford him protection, superintended the building of it. Some ruins, called Takt Tiridate, or Throne of Tiridates, near the junction of the Aras and the Zengue, were formerly supposed to represent Artaxata, but Colonel Monteith has fixed the site at a bend in the river lower down, at the bottom of which were the ruins of a bridge of Greek or Roman architecture.


According to Tej Ram Sharma[2] Nepala is mentioned in Allahabad Stone Pillar Inscription of Samudragupta (=A.D.335-76) (L. 22), The Nepal valley originally contained a lake called Naga Basa or Kalihrada, in which lived Naga Karkotaka. It was fourteen miles in length and four miles in breadth.

Alexander Cunningham[3] writes that according to the chronology of the ' Raja Tarangini,' the king of Kashmir in A.D. 631 was Pratapaditya ; but the mention of his maternal uncle[4] shows that there must be some error in the native history, as that king's father came to the throne in right of his wife, who had no brother. Pratapaditya's accession must, therefore, have taken place after Hwen Thsang's departure from Kashmir in A.D. 633, which makes an error of three years in the received chronology. But a much greater difference is shown in the reigns of his sons Chandrapida and Muktapida, who applied to the Chinese emperor for aid against the Arabs. [5] The date of the first application is A.D. 713, while, according to the native chronology, Chandrapida reigned from A.D. 680 to 688, which shows an error of not less than twenty-five years. But as the Chinese annals also record that about A.D. 720 the emperor granted the title of king to Chandrapida, he must have been living as late as the previous year A.D. 719, which makes the error in the Kashmirian chronology amount to exactly thirty-one years. By applying this correction to the dates of his predecessors, the reign of his grandfather, Durlabha, will extend from A.D. 625 to 661. He, therefore, must have been the king who was reigning at the time of Hwen Thsang's arrival in Kashmir in A.D. 631. Durlabha, who was the son-in-law of his predecessor, is said to have been the son of a Naga; and the dynasty which he founded is called the Naga or Karkota dynasty.

This kingdom marked the rise of Kashmir as a power in Central and South Asia. Durlabhvardhana had a long reign. After him came his son named Durlabahaka, who had a long reign as well. But the Karkota empire reached its peak under the grandson of Durlabahaka, Lalitaditya Muktapida (724-760 AD). He was later able to create an empire based on Kashmir and covering most of Northern India and Central Asia including most parts of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bactria and Sogdiana.

The later Gupta dynasty was really destroyed by the Karkotas of Kashmir, who at 740 A.D. succeeded to the imperial throne of Northern India. [6]

Lalitaditya Muktapida was able to extend the power of Kashmir beyond the normal mountain limits and in about 740 AD inflicted a defeat upon Yasovarman, the King of Kannauj. Lalitaditya was able to vanquish the Turks, Tibetans, Bhutias, Kambojas and others. The Martand complex of temples in the Anantnag district of today’s Kashmir perpetuate the memory of King Lalitaditya. These details are described in the Rajatarangini of Kalhana.

After Lalitaditya we know about two more important kings of Kashmir named Avanativarmana and Shankarvarman. But after death of Lalitaditya many territories declared their independence. The campaigns against these newly independent kings were stopped in Avantivarman’s time but again started by his son and successor Shankarvarman. He made Kashmir strong-politically and economically. Kabul as well Kashmir was completely Hindu kingdoms during those times.

Dr Naval Viyogi [7] writes with reference to K P Jayaswal, who says. "The Bhar Deul Siva's temple, as indicated by learned scholar is covered all over with the figures of naga (serpent) kings. As recorded by Kittoe in whose time it was called the temple of Karkota Nag" . This evidently supports this view that the Bhar here stands for Bharsivas.[8] This is to be noted that Karkota Nag was worshipped by the Takas [9], who were progenitor of Bharsivas. These Takas or Takka or Takshak Nagas according to the Mahabharata account were Native Naga tribe and sworn enemies of Pandavas .

The word Nāgara [10] as in Karkota Nāgara is undoubtedly connected with the word Naga and is a vernacular form, denoting a derivative from that word, likewise in Nagar-dhana (Nāgara- Vardhan) and Nagarkot. Similarly the architectural tern, 'Nāgara style' could not be explained on the basis of assuming its connection with the word Nagara (Town), but it is known to the Mānasāra a work of Guptas for later Guptan age. The style, designated by the term Nāgara, seems to be the style made popular by the Naga kings like Nāgara Brahmans of the Gangetic Valley and Nāgāra Jats of Ahichchhatra. The Vesarastyle [11], which again is a vernacular term taken like the Nāgara, from the vocabulary of the mason, is distinguished by its being in the ornamental style. It means, it differs from the earlier only because there is more provision of leaves, flowers, plants and creepers in it. The base in Nāgara is thus Nāg.

Karkotaka resided, according to Hodgson (Lang. Lit. etc., reprint, p. 115), in the lake which traditionally occupied the site of the present Nepal Valley, and when the lake was dessicated 'by the Sword of the Manjusri, Karkotako had a fine tank built for him to dwell in, and is there still worshipped; as well as in the Cave-temple attached to the great Buddhist Shrine of Swayambhu Nath in Nepal. A range of hills in Rajasthan named 'Kārkota' seems associated with Nagas (Ind. Arch. Surv. Hep. vi. p. 167). And 'Karkota' is the name of a Kashmir dynasty mentioned in Raja Tarangini and elsewhere, dating from the seventh century AD; and of a 'Kota' dynasty (Ind. Arch. Surv. Rep. xiv. 45).

Avantivarman, the first king of the Utpala dynasty, was the son of Sukhavarman and the grandson of Utpalaka or Utpala who was a maternal uncle of the Karkota king Chippatajayapida, son of Lalitapida and Jayadevi, daughter of a spirit - distiller. Taking advantage of the minority of the king, Utpala and his four brothers virtually grasped the regal powers and ultimately caused the death of their royal nephew and became king makers.

Account of Korean Buddhist Hui Chao

Buddha Prakash[12] mentions .... [p.130]: The Panjab became independent under a ruling house with its capital at Jullundur. In the first quarter of the-eighth century, the Korean pilgrim Hui Ch’ao (704–787) toured through this country and noted that its king had 300 war-elephants and lived at a city which he built on hill side. His account shows that, this king of Jullundur was an important power in North India, but the kings of Kashmira and Middle India frequently invaded and annexed his territory forcing him to retire to the hill retreat. One drawback of this kingdom, according to him, was the dearth and scarcity of horses, the king having only 100 and the chiefs three to five. This may be due to the fact that the sources of horse supply were cut in the north by the Turki Shahis and in the west by the Muslim invaders of Sind as well as by the king of Middle India Yashovarman, who had conquered and controlled Rajasthan and Hariyana, as Vakpati states in his Gaudavaho.

The Korean pilgrim states that the kings of Kashmira and Middle India frequently invaded and annexed the territory of the kingdom of Jullundur. The king of Kashmira at that time was Chandrapida (713-722) of the Naga or Karkota dynasty, who also possessed a force of 300 elephants according to that pilgrim, and the king of Middle India, having his capital at Ke-na-chi-tzta (Kanauj), was Yashovarman, about whom he writes as follows ;

“The territory of this Central Indian king is very broad, the inhabitants here are populous. The king possesses 900 elephants, the rest of great chiefs, each possesses two to three hundred elephants. The king himself often led troops

[p.131] in battles, frequently fought with other rulers and the Central Indian king is always victorious” (Fujita Toyohaohi, Hui-Ch'ao wong wu-t'ien-chu-kuo chuan chien-shih, p. 10) translated by Jan Yun-hua, ‘Some Fresh Reflections on Yashovarman of Kanauj and Muktapida of Kashmira, Journal of Indian History, Vol. XLV (April 1967.)

This king, called Yi-sha-fu-mo, is reported to have sent one Bhadanta, named Po-ta-hsin (Bhaṭṭasena ?) to the court of the Tang in China between November 4 and December 3, 731 A.D. with presents of local products. The Gaudavaho represents him as a conqueror of the whole of India.

Yashovarman followed a vigorous policy in regard to the Panjab also. The Gaudavaho (verse 484) refers to his conquest of Rajasthan (Marudesha), and Hariyana (Shrikantha-Kurukshetra). Hui Ch’ao mentions his frequent invasions of the kingdom of Jullundur and annexations of its territory and the Nalanda Inscription (Epigraphia Indica, Vol. XX, pp.37-46) suggests his conquest of Western Panjab after which he appointed a governor with the title of Udicipati (lord of the north) and mārgapati (warden of the marches) there. This Udicipati-mārgapati is called pratita-tikina (one who has rivalled or excelled the tikin) showing that he took arms against the Turki Shahi rulers of the North-West. The discovery of Yashovarman’s coin in the Manikyala stapa also indicates his influence over that region. In spite of a clash of interests over the Panjab, particularly the kingdom of Jullundur, Yashovarman maintained workably good relations with the kings of Kashmira, obviously to stem and stave off the menace of the Tibetans who were pressing on Baltistan. This is clear from the account of an embassy under Bhadanta Wu-li-to sent by Lalitaditya Muktapida, who came to the throne of Kashmira after his brother Tarapida in 726, to the court of the Tang emperor Hiuen-Tsung on May 10, 733. The Hsin Tang-slut (New History of the T’ang Dynasty) states that the envoy of Kashmira presented a memorial to the Chinese emperor conveying the following message of Lalitaditya:

“I, an humble subject of Your Majesty, along with the king of Central India, control the five principal routes of communication of Tibet having fought against the Tibetans with constant victories. If Your Majesty, the Heavenly Khan, will despatch the Imperial armies to Po-lu (Baltistan), I

[p.132] would be able to supply food to two hundred thousand soldiers. Moreover, there is a dragon pool in the country named Mo-ho-poto-mo ( Mahapadma). I wish to build a memorial building for Your Majesty, the Heavenly Khan. I, therefore, pray for an Imperial appointment by proclamation”.

Villages after Karkata

Katewa Jat clan

Karkotakeshwar Temple near Harasiddhi Temple complex in Ujjain

Katewa (कटेवा) gotra of Jats found in Delhi and Rajasthan are said to be descendants of Karkotaka (कर्कॊटक) Naga. [13]

कटेवा: इन्हीं लोगों के नाम से उस नदी का नाम काटली प्रसिद्ध हुआ, जिसके किनारे यह जमकर बैठ गए। झंझवन से आगे काटली नदी बहती थी। बरसात में वह अब भी बहती है। उसी के किनारों पर कटेवा लोगों का जनपद था। काटली नदी के किनारे खुडाना नामक एक गढ़ है। अब सिर्फ वहां भी मिट्टी का एक टीला अवश्य है। आस-पास के लोग कहते हैं, यह पहले गढ़ था। कटेवा लोगों का यहां राज्य था। ऐसा कहते हैं कि यवनों से युद्ध में लड़ते समय देश की रक्षा के लिए अत्यधिक संख्या में सिर कटाने के कारण ये कटेवा मशहूर हुए हैं, जिस भांति कि शिशोदिया। वास्तव में यह कर्कोट या वाकाटक यादव हैं। [14]

पुरातन काल में नाग क्षत्रिय समस्त भारत में शासक थे. नाग शासकों में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण और संघर्षमय इतिहास तक्षकों का और फ़िर शेषनागों का है. एक समय समस्त कश्मीर और पश्चिमी पंचनद नाग लोगों से आच्छादित था. इसमें कश्मीर के कर्कोटक और अनंत नागों का बड़ा दबदबा था. पंचनद (पंजाब) में तक्षक लोग अधिक प्रसिद्ध थे. कर्कोटक नागों का समूह विन्ध्य की और बढ़ गया और यहीं से सारे मध्य भारत में छा गया. यह स्मरणीय है कि मध्य भारत के समस्त नाग एक लंबे समय के पश्चात बौद्ध काल के अंत में पनपने वाले ब्रह्मण धर्म में दीक्षित हो गए. बाद में ये भारशिव और नए नागों के रूप में प्रकट हुए. इन्हीं लोगों के वंशज खैरागढ़, ग्वालियर आदि के नरेश थे. ये अब राजपूत और मराठे कहलाने लगे. तक्षक लोगों का समूह तीन चौथाई भाग से भी ज्यादा जाट संघ में सामिल हो गए थे. वे आज टोकस और तक्षक जाटों के रूप में जाने जाते हैं. शेष नाग वंश पूर्ण रूप से जाट संघ में सामिल हो गया जो आज शेषमा कहलाते हैं. वासुकि नाग भी मारवाड़ में पहुंचे. इनके अतिरिक्त नागों के कई वंश मारवाड़ में विद्यमान हैं. जो सब जाट जाति में शामिल हैं.[15]


The Karkota emperors were primarily Hindu. They built spectacular Hindu temples in their capital Parihaspur. They however also allowed Buddhism to flourish under them. Stupa, Chaitya and Vihara can be found in the ruins of their capital. They built Martand Temple, the oldest known Sun temple in India. It was also the biggest temple complex till that time.

In Mahabharata

Karkota is probably same tribe as Karkotaka (कर्कोटक), the ancient Nagavanshi King of Mahabharata (I.35.5), (II.9.9), (V.103.9), (VIII.30.45), (XVI.5.14).


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[16] ने लेख किया है .....बढ़ाकोटरा (AS, p.604) तहसील मऊ, बांदा ज़िला, उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित एक ऐतिहासिक स्थान है। यह स्थान मध्य कालीन हिन्दू मंदिर और मूर्तियों के अवशेषों के लिए उल्लेखनीय है। यहाँ पर कर्कोटनाग शिव का मंदिर भी है।

See also


  1. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 10
  2. Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions/Place-Names and their Suffixes,p.259
  3. The Ancient Geography of India/Kingdom of Kashmir,pp.91-92
  4. 'Hiouen Thsang,' ii. 90.
  5. Remusat, ' Nouveaux Melanges Asiatiques,' i. 197.
  6. An Imperial History Of India/Imperial Mgadha - Gauda Dynasties by By K.P. Jayaswal - the Sanskrit Text, Revised by Rahul Sankrityayana, Publisher - Motilal Banarasi Dass, The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot, Sasdmrha, Lahore, p.44
  7. Nagas: the Ancient Rulers of India, p.333
  8. Jayaswal KP., "History of India' P-30.
  9. Jayaswal KP. P-39.
  10. K P Jayaswal:History of India, p.55
  11. K P Jayaswal:History of India, p.55
  12. Evolution of Heroic Tradition in Ancient Panjab, XII. The Guard on the North Western Frontier,p.130-132
  13. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihas (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998, p. 233
  14. Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX, p.614
  15. किशोरी लाल फौजदार: "महाभारत कालीन जाट वंश", जाट समाज, आगरा, जुलाई 1995, पृ 8
  16. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.604

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