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For village see Mothsara Hisar

Motsara (मोटसरा) Mothsara (मोठसरा)[1] Mothsra (मोठसरा) Mothasara (मोठसरा) Mothshera (मोठशेरा) Mostra (मोस्टरा) Modsara (मोड़सरा) Morsara (मोरसरा) [2] Mothda (मोठड़ा) Mothra/Mothara (मोठड़ा) Motada (मोटड़ा) Motara (मोटड़ा) is Gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan and Haryana. In some villages of Jhunjhunu and Sujangarh area they are pronounced as Modsara or Morsara. In Marwad area of Rajasthan this gotra is pronounced as Mothda (मोठड़ा), Mothra (मोठड़ा), Motada (मोटड़ा), Motara (मोटड़ा) etc. They were integral part of the Chauhan Confederacy.


Motsara are Descendants of Moterao Chauhan (मोटेराव चौहान 1315 ई.) of Dadrewa.

Jat Gotras Namesake

Villages founded by Motsara clan


According to some historians they are considered descendants of Maharaja Medashira (मेदशिरा). [3] There is also a Jat tribe in Rajasthan called Motsara, to be identified with Motsiya of Iran.[4]

According to Bhats of Mothsaras their ancestors were Chauhans of Dadrewa. Bhat records tell that Motarao and Bhurarao Chauhan's were two brother in Dadrewa. Descendants of Motarao are Motsara and Descendants of Bhura are Bhukar. These two gotras are considered as Brother & inter-marriages between them are not permitted.[5]

We need to research Moteraya Chauhan of Dadrewa who was ancestor of Gogaji also.

Genealogy of Mothasara of Dhana Bhakhran

Dr Chandan Singh Mothsara tells that their Bhat is from Lachhadsar. Molisar Chota Near Ratangarh, Churu

While they were staying in Kanau, there was a marriage proposal from Chaudhary Manaram of Dhana Bhakhran (who was Chaudhary of village) for his daughter to one ancestor of Motsara. Manaram had no son, after some year his daughter’s husband passed away then Manaram decided to adopt his Nati (Dohita) Hastaram.

  • Hastaram had 3 sons- 1.Devaram, 2.Banaram & 3.Shyokaran.
  • 1.Devaram had 2 sons
Ch.Malaram’s only grandson Dr Chandan Mothasara is Doctor who was selected in RPMT in very first attempt, now posted at [Govt Hospital]] Sardarshahar as Senior Medical Officer , Granddaughters Dr Bhagwati was the 2008 RPMT topper & Suman Mothasara is doing MBBS from Bikaner medical college.
All 4 sons of Indraj are Compounder (MN 2)
 Grand Son of Indraj, Mukul s/o Hanuman Prasad (Senior Nursing Officer) doing Final MBBS from Govt Medical College, Jodhpur 
  • 2.Banaram Has No Son , Adopted younger Brother Shyokaran eldest Son Mamraj . Grandson of Mamraj.. Mukesh s/o Ramjas Done B Tech From NIT Surathkal... At present is Senior Engeeneer at Indian Oil Refinary, Mathura & Pramod Kumar s/o Ramjas , Completed MBBS from Mujjafarpur Medical College, Bihar..
  • 3.Shyokaran had 6 son.
Mamraj who is son of Shyokaran was adopted by Ch.Banaram .

Chauhans of Dadrewa

Another feudatory Chauhan family which deserves notice on account of its connection with the folk-deity Gogaji as well as the Kyamkhani (Qiwam Khani) family of Fatehpur, is that of the ‘’Mandaleshwara’’ of Dadrewa (Bikaner Division), known to us from the Kyam Khan Raso and an inscription of V.1273. From the first of these sources we learn that Gogaji was the eldest son of Jevara (जेवर) and ruled for some years. His Successor was Naniga (नानिग), who perhaps died childless. The chieftainship then probably passed on to Udayaraja, a son of Goga's brother, Vairasi. Udayaraja's successors were Jasaraja, Kesoraja, Vijayaraja, Padmasi, Prithviraja, Lalachanda, Gopala, and Jaitasi. It is for the last of these rulers, 'ranaka Jayatsiha, the son mandaleshvara Gopala', that we have an inscription of V. 1270 (1213 A.D. by Govind Agarwal) at Dadrewa (JPASB. XVI •• 257). Jayatasiha's successors were Punapala, Rupa, Ravana, Tihunapala, and Moterao (1315 AD). The last one of them had a son named Karama Chanda who was converted to Islam (Kayamkhani) by Firuz Shah, (1351-1388 A.D.).[6]

Ancestry of Moterao Chauhan

Moterao Chauhan was descendant of Gogaji, who was born at village Dadrewa in Churu district by the blessing of Guru Gorakhnath. The mother of Gogaji, Bachal worshiped her Guru Gorkhnath for 12 years for a child. The Gogaji's wife was Siriyal. The Ancestry of Gogaji and Motarao is based on Dasharatha Sharma [7] is as under:-

Chahuman → • Muni → • Kalahalanga → • Ghangh (902 AD[8]) {Harsha+Harkaran+Jeen (933 AD)[9]} → • Kanho → • ? → • ? → • ? → • Jivraj/ Jevara (m. Bachal) (Dhandhu to Dadrewa) → • Naniga (childless) → • Gogaji (946-1024 AD) → • Bairasi (Brother of Goga) → • Udayaraja (son of Vairasi) → • Jasaraja → • Kesoraja → • Vijayaraja → • Padmasi → • Prithviraja → • Lalachanda → • Gopala → • Jaitasi (1213 AD) → • Punapala → • Rupa → • Ravana → • Tihunapala → • Moterao (1315 AD) → • Karamachanda (converted to Kayamkhani Muslims by Firuz Shah, 1351-1388 A.D.)

Ustra pillar Inscription of 1192 AD

We find mention in Ustra pillar Inscription of 1192 AD a name Motiswara. This needs further research if Motsara is related with Motiswara of this inscription.

जोधपुर जिले के उर्स्तरा कसबे में एक वीर स्तम्भ मिला है. डॉ गोपीनाथ शर्मा[10] इस शिलालेख के बारे में लिखते हैं कि वि.स. 1248 ज्येष्ठ बड़ी 6 (4 मई 1192 ई.) के इस लेख में गुहलोत्र (गहलोत) वंशी राणा मोटीस्वरा के साथ उसकी मोहिल रानी राजी के सती होने का लेख है. मोहिल चौहानों की एक शाखा है जिसका पहले नागौर और बीकानेर राज्य के कुछ भाग पर अधिकार था.

Motsara Bhat

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Bikaner district

Thukariyasar, Lunkaransar, Khari, Uttamdesar, Mahadevwali,

Villages in Hanumangarh district

Mothsaran, Ratanpura, Sangaria, Rawatsar

Dungrana, Malsisar, Chhani Badi, Bhadra, Hanumangarh, Naharana, Dhannasar, Dhaban, Sardarpura Khalsa, Dabli Bas Pema,

Villages in Ganganagar district

Dhingtania (Sadulsahar), Prempura,

Villages in Churu district

Bachharara, Charsar, Churu, Chhapar Churu (2), Devgarh, Dhadharia Charnan, Dhana Bhakhran, Dheerwas Bara, Dungras Aguna, Assusar, Kalwas, Khandwa, Maharavansar, Molisar Chhota, Rajaldesar, Rajas, Rajgarh, Ramsisar Bhedwaliya, Ribiya, Khandwa, Rolasar, Sardarshahar, Sujangarh (Modsara=2), Taranagar, Dhodhliya, Khudera Chhota, Rajalwara, Ankholyan,

Villages in Jhunjhunu district

Anandpura, Chirawa, Hanumanpura, Indrapura, Modsara, Morsara Ka Bas,

In Hanumanpura village Mothsara are called as Modsara (मोड़सरा).

Villages in Nagaur district

Motsara Ki Dhani, Khajwana,

Villages in Jodhpur district

Chopasni, Jodhpur, Nandwan, Jaleli Faujdara,

Mothra (मोठड़ा), Mothara, Mothada, Mothda) gotra Jats live in Jodhpur, Pali, Nagaur districts in Rajasthan. They are same as Motsara.

Villages in Pali district


Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Sirsa district

Madho Singhana, Mangalia, Hanzira,

Villages in Charkhi Dadri district

Badhra, Rawaldhi, Kamod, Azad Nagar, Kakroli Hathi,

Villages in Gurgaon district


Villages in Hisar district

Mothsara Jats live in villages:


Mothsara village is in Adampur tahsil But Mothsara Do Not Live Here...This is Village of Bishnoi Community

Villages in Sonipat district


Villages in Kaithal district


Villages in Jind district

Lodhar, Alipura,

Villages in Delhi

Pahari Dheeraj

Notable persons

  • Ramesh Chandra Mothra - Twice winner of President's Jiwan Raksha award. He was born on 15 May 1949 in village Khajwana in Nagaur tahsil district Nagaur in Rajasthan.
  • Ch.Banaram Mothsara, - He was a notable Chaudhary ofMothsara, clan From Dhana Bhakran, of Taranagar,.
  • Dr. Maliram Motsara - From Village Dhadhriya Charnan, of Churu, Another person notable from Mothsara,gotra, was top official in Indian agriculture Dppt.Retd. Fertilizer Commissioner, Agriculture, C-2/6 Janakpuri, New Delhi,Delhi 110058, Ph: 011-25611898, 9891188739 (PP-121),
  • Dr K.R. Motsara - From Village Dhadhriya Charnan, of Churu,He is principal of Women Agriculture College, Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria, Sangariya, Hanumangarh.
  • Preetpal Singh Mothsara - HCS Officer of Haryana Civil Services.
  • Mahipal Motsara - From Village Dhadhriya Charnan, of Churu,selected in RAS 2015.
  • Dr Neeru Mothsra D/O Surat Mal Arya is Opthalmologist(MBBS,D.O.) and works at SUNLIGHT HEALTH CLINIC,Mirza Ismail Road Rohtak. Her Address -SONEPAT ROAD H.NO. 109/22, LAXMI NAGAR, Rohtak, Haryana, India - 124001 Contact No.+91-9812123700
  • Dr Bhagawati Mothsara - D/O Nandram Mothasara, From Dhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar,See was topper of RPMT-2008, has done MBBS from SMS Medical CollegeJaipur,.
  • Dr.Chandan Mothasara - S/O Nandram Mothasara,From Dhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar, Ch.Malaram’s only grandson,has done MBBS from JLN Medical college,Ajmer.At present he is posted at Govt. Hosptal Sardarshahar,as Medical Officer.Mob. No._09269917581
  • Dr. Poonam Mothsra is assistant professor at Bhagini Nivedita College of delhi university in chemistry department.
  • Dr Janshruti Mothsara - From Village Rawaldhi of Charkhi Dadri of Bhiwani has Completed MBBS & is doing internship from Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati
  • Dr.Suman Mothasara - D/O Nandram Mothasara, FromDhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar, has done MBBS from SP Medical College,Bikaner.At present doing DNB , ENT ...FROM CHURU MEDICAL COLLEGE
  • Late Shri Surendra Singh Motsara -From Indrapura,near Udaipurwati,Jhunjhunu was Thanedar,Every year on his death anniversary,blood donation camp is organized by his family members at Indrapura.
  • Mr. Anil Motsara - From Village Dhadhriya Charnan, of Churu,Area Manager NFL, C-2/6, Janakpuri, New Delhi (PP-850)
  • Mr. Tarachand Motsara -From Village Dhadhriya Charnan, of Churu,Govt. Lecturer of english at Govt.Bagla Higher Secondary School,Churu]],.
  • Mr. Mahendra Pratap Motsara - From Village Dhadhriya Charnan, of Churu,Ex. President Lohiya College Churu]],.
  • Mr. Anil Choudhary - From Chirawa,is engineer at BHEL Bhopal, done B.Tech. from M.N.I.T. Jaipur,
  • Mr.Vinod Kumar Mothsara - From Village Kalwas of Churu is doing B.Tech. from M.N.I.T.Jaipur,
  • Dr. Tamanna Singh Mothsara -From Village Dhadhriya Charnan, of Churu, Daughter of Dr. Kurda Ram Mothsara, who studied in Gramothan Vidyapith Sangaria, and is now Principal of the Kanya Mahavidyalaya Sangaria. His daughter Dr Tamanaa Singh has done Ph.D. on the life of Swami Keshwanand. She is author of a book Swami Keshwanand ek Yug Purush ki Amar Katha, published by Veer Tejaji Charitable Trust Sangaria (Rajasthan). She is working as Lecturer in Sangaria.[1]
  • Pramod Kumar - S/O Ramjas Mothasara, From Dhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar, is doing MBBS from Krishna Government medical College Mujjafarpur , Bihar
  • Mukul - S/O Hanuman Prasad Mothasara, From Dhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar,is doing MBBS from Dr. S.N.Medical College,Jodhpur,Rajasthan
  • Mukesh Kumar - S/O Ramjas Mothasara, From Dhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar, Has done B Tech From NIT Surathkal,Karnataka, in may present POSTED in IOCL Refinary Mathura
  • Prateek Mothasara - S/O HemRaj Mothasara, From Dhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar,Has Done MBBS from Rishikesh AIIMS.
  • Pooja Mothasara - D/O Hemraj Mothasara, FromDhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar, is doing MBBS from Dr.S.N.Medical College Jodhpur.
  • Nisha Mothasara -D/O Laxman Mothasara, From Dhana Bhakhran, of Taranagar, Got Selected in Navoday Vidyalay,Sardarshahar, in 2013.
  • Captain Arun Singh Mothsara (20.7.1981-13.6.2008) - From Rawaldhi, Charkhi Dadri, Bhiwani, Haryana. Martyr on 13.6.2008.
  • Surendra Motsara - Vedic Buildmart Pvt. Ltd. Mob: 9983500777, Address: 64, Vedic Asharya, Narayan Sagar Vistar, Jaipur

Gallery of Motsara people

External links

See also


  1. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.56,s.n. 2092
  2. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.56,s.n. 2092
  3. Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihasa (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998, p. 275
  4. Rigvedic tribes:Aryan Tribes and the Rig Veda, by B S Dahiya, (1991) , Dahinam Publishers, 16 B Sujan Singh Park, Sonepat, Haryana, India
  5. Chandan Mothasara by Email
  6. Dasharatha Sharma: Early Chauhan Dynasties (800-1316 AD), pp.365-366
  7. DasharathaSharma: Early Chauhan Dynastied (800-1316 AD), pp.365-366
  8. रतन लाल मिश्र:शेखावाटी का नवीन इतिहास, मंडावा, १९९८, पृ.41
  9. Burdak Gotra Ka Itihas
  10. डॉ गोपीनाथ शर्मा: 'राजस्थान के इतिहास के स्त्रोत', 1983, पृ. 69

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