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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Warangal-district-map Urban
Warangal rural district map
Telangana State

Warangal (वारंगल) is a city and district in Telangana. Warangal is the second largest city in Telangana after Hyderabad.



During the Kakatiya rule, Warangal was referred with various names like Orugallu, Ekasila Nagaram, or Omatikonda all these means a 'single stone' referring to a huge granite boulder present in the Warangal fort.[2] When the kakatiyan dynasty was defeated by Delhi Sultanate in 1323, ruler Juna khan conquered the city and renamed it as Sultanpur.[3] Later Musunuri Nayaks recaptured warangal in 1336 A. D. and named it Orugallu again.


Warangal was the ancient capital of kakatiya dynasty. It was ruled by many kings such as BetaRaja I, ProlaRaja I, BetaRaja II, ProlaRaja II, Rudradeva, Mahadeva, Ganapathideva, Prataparudra and Rani Rudrama Devi who is the only woman to rule over Telugu region. Beta Raja I is the founder of Kakatiya Dynasty and ruled the kingdom for 30 years and was succeeded by his son Prola Raja I who shifted his capital to Hanamkonda.[4]

During the rule of Ganapathideva, the capital was shifted from Hanamkonda to Warangal.[5] Kakatiya Period Inscriptions praised Warangal as best city within all of Telugu region up to shores of the Ocean.[6] The Kakatiyas left many monuments, including an impressive fortress, four massive stone gateways, the Swayambhu temple dedicated to Shiva, and the Ramappa temple situated near Ramappa Lake. The cultural and administrative distinction of the Kakatiyas was mentioned by Marco Polo. After the defeat of Prataparudra II, the Musunuri Nayaks united 72 Nayak chieftains and captured Warangal from Delhi Sultanate and ruled for fifty years. After the demise of the Nayaks, Warangal was part of the Bahmani Sultanate and then the Sultanate of Golconda.

The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724, which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad was annexed to India in 1948, and became an Indian state called as Hyderabad state. In 1956 Hyderabad state was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state, which includes Warangal, became part of Andhra Pradesh. After the Telangana movement, Telangana state was formed on 2 June 2014, warangal became part of Telangana State.

History And Legend In Hyderabad

This section is from the book History And Legend In Hyderabad, Department of Information and Public Relations, 1953, pp.117-124

[p.118]: masiddhi, the Telugu-Chola ruler of Nellore and a feudatory of Ganapati.

After Ganapati’s long rule of 62 years, came his daughter Rudrama Devi (A.D. 1260-1296) in whose reign the Venetian traveller Marco Polo arrived at the famous Andhra harbour of Motupalli on the eastern coast and visited the Andhradesha.

In his account of travels Marco Polo records that Andhra was famous for its diamonds and superfine cloth woven with yarn finer than gossamer.

Rudrama Devi was no effiminate ruler. She dressed like a man, rode on elephant and horse and was actually addressed as Rudradeva Maharaj as if she was a man. The Yadavas of Devagiri wished to take advantage of a woman on the throne and led an invasion, but she put up an able defence and repxilsed the invaders.

Pratap Rudra (A.D. 1296-1323) who succeeded Rudrama Devi was her daughter’s son, and is renowned in Sanskrit literature as Vira Rudra. He wrested Kanchi from the Pandyas and drove them beyond Tiruchirrapalli. But he had to encounter several invasions of the Sultans of Delhi who were bent on reducing the Kakatiya kingdom to subordination. For over twenty years, from A.D, 1303, Pratap Rudra maintained his kingdom intact and according to Hindu accounts successfully resisted the Muslim invaders on six successive occasions failing only on the seventh and last occasion in A.D. 1323.

The Kakatiya kingdom was finally overcome in A.D. 1323 by prince Ulugh Khan who later ascended the Delhi throne, in A.D. 1325, as Muhammad Tughlaq. Ulugh Khan took Pratap Rudra prisoner, and after taking over the administration of the kingdom and appointing necessary officers, he returned to Delhi. While being led as a prisoner to Delhi, Pratap Rudra committed suicide on the banks of the Narmada, unable to bear the bitterness of humiliation and defeat.

Originally followers of Jainism, the Kakatiya rulers patronized Saivism from the time of Prola II. The Pasupata sect of Saivism in particular gained in strength and numbers at this time. Most of these religious leaders were renowned scholars and monasteries were centres of learning, and hospitals as well. Great expansion of commerce, especially sea-borne trade, was responsible for the increase in the wealth and prosperity of the kingdom during this period. The numerous temples constructed by the Kakatiya kings and their feudatories contributed to the progress of architecture and sculpture.

Learning and literature in Sanskrit and Telugu advanced to a high degree of achievement, as testified to by numerous scholars and authors of repute. A certain Virabhallata-desika is renowned for his encyclopaedic learning {sarva-sastra-visarada) and Agastya, another great writer and author of Balabharata and Nalakirti Kaumudi in Sanskrit, is often identified with Vidyanatha the author of the famous work on Alankara Sastra called Pratapa-rudra Yasobhusana. Jayapa, the commander of the elephant- corps of Ganapati, is the author of Nrttaratnavali and even the renowned Sanskrit poet Sakalyamalla is generally assigned to this period. In Telugu there is the excellent popular work Ranganatha Ramayanamu by Gona Buddha Reddi and the equally famous Basava Purammu and Parditaradhya Charitarm by Palkuriki Somanatha, all in easy flowing dvipada meter. Bkaskara Ramayanamu is

[p.119]: another excellent product of this time. Pratap Rudra himself is reputed to have composed a work in Telugu called Nitisara but unfortunately no copy of this work is now available.

With the disappearance of the Muslim power, about A.D. 1335-36, Andhra split up into a number of petty kingdoms, the earliest of which was the coastal kingdom of eastern and north-eastern Andhra under Prolaya Nayaka with his capital near Kunavaram on the Godavari, not far from modern Bhadrachalam. The next was the kingdom of Telingana with headquarters at Warangal recovered from the Muslims by the able warrior Kapaya Nayaka who was cousin (son of father’s brother) of Prolaya Nayaka. When Prolaya Nayaka died without issue his kingdom was united with that of Kapaya Nayaka. The second was the kingdom of the Reddis founded by Prolaya Verna Reddiuntur]] district. The third was the kingdom of the Padma-Velamas founded by Recherla Singamanaya with its capital at Rajukonda. The fourth was the kingdom of Vijayanagar founded by Harihara and Bukka under the wise guidence and patronage of the great sage Vidyaranya.

In 1422, Warangal was finally captured by the Bahmani troops, and on the break-up of that kingdom it fell to the Qutb Shahis of Golconda. Shitab Khan became the Qutb Shahi governor of Warangal. He slowly succeeded in carving out for him a separate principality comprising of Khammamet, Nalgonda and Warangal and became independent.

As lovers of art and literature the Kakatiya kings made a name in history. The best specimens of architecture of their age are the 1000-Pillar Temple at Hanamkonda, the temple at Palampet popularly known as Ramappa temple and the Warangal fort. Of the best irrigation works which have stood the test of time are the Pakhal, Ramappa and Laknavaram lakes.

The name Warangal is a corrupt form of the word “ Orukal ” or Orugallu ” which means ‘one stone’. According to some inscriptions in Sanskrit this town was also called Ekopala, Ekasila, Ekopalapuri or puram all of which refer to the solitary cliff in the centre of the magnificent fort built here by the kings of Kakatiya dynasty and used as their capital.

[[[Warangal]] or Varankal is also believed to be the Korun Kula of Ptolemy, while another name is Akshalingar, evidently the Yeksilanagar or Yeksilapatan mentioned by Raghunath Bhaskar in his Aravachan Kosh.

The city was surrounded by two walls ; the outer one, which is of mud, is said to have been 25 miles in circumference. Traces of it are still extant, and the railway cuts through it in two places. The inner wall of stone is pierced by four arches and the gateways are remarkable for their strength. Both walls date from the 13th century.

For hundreds of years, both Hanamkonda and Warangal have been renowned for their industrial importance, and Marco Polo wrote of Warangal, in the kingdom are made the best and most delicate buckrams (cotton stuff) and those of highest price; in sooth they look like tissue of spider’s web. There is no king or queen in the world but [p.120]: might be glad to wear them"

Thousand-Pillar Temple: The temple of Hanamkonda, one of the suburbs of Warangal, is considered to be one of the finests specimens of the architecture and sculpture of the Kakatiya period.

Founded by Ganapati the temple is mentioned in Pratap Charitra and, like all earlier Chalukyan temples, it is star-shaped and triple-shrined, the three shrines being dedicated to Siva, Vishnu and Surya respectively.

The shrines have no deities, the pedestals inside being fitted with black basalt lingams. But the perforated and ornamented stone screens on the respective doors of the shrines contain the effigies of the three gods.

The most notable features of this temple are the richly carved pillars and lintels, the delicately pierced screens and the most carefully finished sculptures. The black basalt Nandi or the sacred bull, in front of the temple, is a splendid specimen of sculpture in monolith.

A large black basalt slab, fixed near the eastern entrance and inscribed with Kan- nada-Telugu characters, records the events and the date, 1164 A.D., of the construction of the temple.

This record is extremely important inasmuch as it gives a geneological table of the builder of the temple, King Ganapati, and contemporaneous events.

Warangal Fort: King Ganapati began the construction of this fort in 1199 and Rudrama Devi completed it in 1261 A.D. A large temple in the centre of the fort which was presumably under construction, has been recently excavated. The boundary of the original temple was marked by four large elaborately carved gateways facing the four cardinal points. They bear a striking similarity to the famous gateways of Sanchi, and are very imposing to look at.

The fort has two walls, the inner one being of stone and the outer of mud, surrounded by a moat nearly 72 feet wide and 56 feet deep. Traces of a third earthen wall are visible near the villages of Thimmapur and Narasimalingudem, six miles south of Hanamkonda. According to a chronologist this wall had a circumference of thirty miles, the largest of its kind in India. Other notable structures inside the fort are numerous minor temples, the Durbar Hall of Shitab Khan and store houses.

The fort has a vast army of minor antiquities, such as images, carvings, inscription slabs, etc. They can be seen in the Durbar Hall of Shitab Khan.

Excavations in the area within the four decorated gateways, the heart of the fort, have revealed basements and remains of a Kakatiya temple as well as other antiquities

[p.121]: of considerable archaeological and artistic significance.

There are a number of temples, dedicated to Narasimhaswami, Padmakshi, and Govindarajuluswami, which are of great sanctity. The last named temple is perched on a hillock near the Warangal railway station, commanding a grand panorama of the entire city and its surroundings. Very beautiful and artistic is the modern Siva temple with idols in pure white marble and walls inlaid with coloured porcelain. Other excavations have revealed prehistoric sites in many places.

At Ailoni in Warangal there is a temple of the Kakatiya period dating from 12th-13th century. It has a double compound wall which is extremely massive and represents the typical Kakatiya style. The outer wall has three entrances which are fashioned like the gateways that stand in the heart of Warangal fort. There are also two Kakatiya inscriptions, one of which is seven feet long and set up on a covered platform while the other is located on the tank bund.

Ramappa Temple: Forty miles from Warangal, in Mulug taluq, is Palampet and here on the shores of the famous Ramappa lake are the remains of temples, described as the brightest stars in the galaxy of medieval temples of the Deccan.

The main temple, which is surrounded by an old enclosure wall composed of large stone slabs, has subsidiary shrines on its northern and southern ends. The Temple is similar in style and workmanship to its great prototype, the Thousand-Pillar Temple, but it is more ornamental. The sikhara of the temple is constructed of large light bricks which can float on water.

The pillars and ceilings are full of ornamentation, and scenes from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are sculptured everywhere. Long panels of figures of gods, goddesses, warriors, acrobates, musicians and dancing girls in different poses decorate the outer walls while female figures in extremely graceful poses, almost life-like and made of highly polished black basalt stone, are arranged in pairs in the form of brackets. They represent the Yakshis, female spirits, in technical dance poses serving as guards of the doors.

According to an old Kannada-Telugu inscription fixed inside the enclosure, the temple was constructed in 1204 A.D.

The Two Sisters: The Ramappa lake is the most magnificent example of old irrigation works constructed by the kings of Kakatiya dynasty. A reference to this tank is made in an inscription at Palampet according to which this lake was constructed in 1213 A.D. when the Kakatiya king, Ganapati, was ruling. It has a catchment area of about 82 square miles and four main distributary channels. It is capable of irrigating about 9,000 acres.

The Laknavaram lake is 13 miles from Mulug and regarded as a sister to Ramappa

[p.122]: lake being named after Sri Lakshmana the brother of Sri Rama. This lake also dates from the same period and was created by shutting up three narrow valleys with short bunds. It has a catchment area of 75 square miles and three main distributaries irrigating about 13,000 acres.

The Great Pakhal: The Pakhal Lake is situated in Pakhal taluq, about 32 miles east of Warangal town. It was constructed about 700 years ago. It is said that when Pratap Rudra failed to pay tribute to the Emperor of Delhi, Shitab Khan, the commander of the emperor’s forces, breached the tank and carried away the hidden treasures from the tank bed. The lake is formed by a 2,000-yard dam across the river Pakhal at a place where it cuts its way through two low hills.

An inscription of the Kakatiya king Ganapati on the bund in Kannada-Telugu praises him as one “ who received homage of Kings of Kase, Kalingas, the Sakas, the Malwas, Koralas, the Hunas, the Kauras, Arimardas, Mogadhas, Nepalas, etc.”

Hasanparti: Here is a temple of Venkateswara Swamy and a religious Jatra is held annually in which large numbers participate.

Kazipet: The name Kazipet is derived from a domed tomb built by a kazi of this district in the early part of the 19th century. Near it are some picturesque rocks, on one of which are two horn-like boulders which are visible from the railway train. Three ancient temples, situated on the summit of these rocks, contain some interesting specimens of early Hindu carving.

An annual Urs called “ Dargah Urs ” takes place near Kazipet. There are some old temples situated on an isolated, rock at Muddikonda, about a mile to the south of Kazipet station. One temple is dedicated to Siva and the other to Vishnu. Both are in the Dravidian style of architecture with pyramidal sikharas or spires. In the village near the rock there are some smaller temples of which the finest is used by Saivites.

Khammamet: At Karkonda there are Buddhist and Andhra sites dating from the first to the third centuries A.D. In the Karkonda hill there are rock carvings, while remains of two dagobas and two cells carved out of sandstone rocks represent the Mahayana cult. The walls are sculptured.

At Khammam the 11th centuty Hindu fort, is a conspicuous landmark. Built

[p.123]: 00 years ago it was further fortified by French engineers. The fort also contains several uns of a much later period. There are also prehistoric sites in various places in the Maluq.

Mulug: Ghanpur in this taluq has a group of 22 temples which are replicas of the famous Ramappa temple. The 22 form a square enclosure in the centre of which stands the lain temple which has porticoes on the east, north and south, while the western side has cell with the broken effigy of a linga. The mahamandapa is destroyed, but eight human and animal brackets similar in style and form to the Ramappa brackets, however, survive. These temples are in fact contemporaneous with the Ramappa temple.

Katachpur: On the southern bank of the Katachpur tank are two 13th century Kakatiya temples built of grey granite. These two are also similar to the temples at Hanamkonda, Ramappa and Ghanpur in style and workmanship.

Waradhannapet: Here an old 18th century fort is believed to have been built by Zafaruddaula. It has double walls and some bastions having gun emplacements.

Bhadrachalam: Bhadrachalam is a small village on the northern bank of the Godavari, Bhadra was the name of a rishi who was believed to have met Sri Rama at this place, and the village was named Bhadrachalam after the rishi. According to a local legend Sri Rama was separated from his wife at this place, and it is believed that the temple at Bhadrahalam was built on the very spot where Sri Rama had built a hut for himself. The site is the Achala Hill on top of which stands the temple. It is also believed that he crossed the Godavari from somewhere at the foot of the hill on his celebrated expedition to Ceylon.

The temple today is more famous for yet another reason. It was built at a cost of six lakhs of rupees by Ram Dass or Gopanna, to call him by the name he bore before his spiritual enlightenment, who was the nephew of Akkanna, the Prime Minister of King Abul Hasan Tana Shah (1654-1687), the last of the Qutb Shahi kings of Golconda. The story runs that while he was the Tahsildar of the tahsil which included Bhadrachalam when, Gopanna misappropriated six lakhs of rupees of the revenue and spent them in building this temple. When the matter came to the king's ears he commanded that

[p.124]: Ram Dass should be arrested and brought on foot to Golconda. Accordingly he was marched to Golconda and was incarcerated in a dungeon in the fort of Golconda, which is even now pointed out to visitors as Ram Dass’s prison. It is said that Ram Dass grew tired of life in prison and wanted to put an end to himself. Sri Rama appeared to him in a dream and gave him a clean receipt for the money he had spent in building the temple. Tana Shah himself then visited Ram Dass, confirmed the receipt of the money paid to him by some unknown person and set Ram Dass at liberty.

Every year on Sri Rama Navami, the birth anniversary of Rama, thousands of pilgrims from all parts of India congregate and attend the principal function of the day, namely Kalyanam (marriage of Rama and Sita). On this day small idols of Rama and Sita are bathed in sacred waters of the Godavari and decked with resplendent jewellery. They are placed in a small gaudily decorated silver palanquin and carried in procession amidst scenes of devotion and great enthusiasm to a huge mandapam, close by, capable of accommodating thousands of pilgrims. Amidst the assembled congregation and in the presence of high officials of the Hyderabad State, the marriage ceremony is celebrated with due rites and great eclat to the chanting of Vedic hymns and the applause of the spectators. Then the pilgrims fulfil their ' Vows ’ for favours received or solicited. This concludes the principal attraction of the Jatra which lasts for nearly a fortnight.

There is yet another important day, the Mukkoti Ekadasi, when pilgrims from all parts of India congregate in thousands to see the gods taken out in procession early in the morning. This festival lasts for about 10 days.

Tana Shah, the last king of Golconda, had endowed the temple with a substantial annual grant. The temple is now also getting a grant from Government.

Bhadrachalam can be reached by road as well as rail from Warangal. From the Bhadrachalam Road station, which is the terminus of the branch line connecting the Singareni Collieries with the main broad guage system, regular Road Transport Department buses run upto Burgampad, which is the last town in the State on the Madras border. The town is a short distance from the Godavari, which forms the boundary between Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh, and across is Bhadrachalam. The road from Warangal to Bhadrachalam is excellent.

Bhadrakali Temple at Warangal

Bhadrakali Temple at Warangal, Telangana - India is blessed with deeply rooted culture and spirituality and there are eternal structures to narrate our glorious history. One such ancient construction that reveals our history is the Bhadrakali Temple in Warangal. The temple which is counted as one of the oldest temples of Indian History is dedicated to the worship the mother of goddesses, Kali Matha or Bhadrakali Ammavaru. Goddess Bhadrakali is a true example of the capability and strength of women. Surrounded by the lush greenery amidst the hilly region, the Bhadrakali Temple opens up to a picturesque setting on the banks of the Bhadrakali Lake. The serene surroundings of the temple work as an add-on and help the mind to relax and soothe the soul, while one gives away in obedience to the supreme power.[7]

The history behind the temple dates back to 625 AD. It is believed that the Chalukya King Pulekesi II after successfully bringing the Vengi region of Telangana under his dominion, constructed a magnificent temple dedicated to the mother goddess to celebrate his victory and also express his dedication and gratitude to goddess Bhadrakali for granting him his competence. We can see the style of the great Chalukya Dynasty in every bit of the temple, right from its architecture to the main deity, which displays the Ekanda Shila or single stone sculpture, which makes as the trademark style attributed to the Chalukyas. One can also observe the strong resemblance to the Kakatiya style of architecture in the temple, particularly the entrance gateways which are made of stone. One of the inner pillars of the temple has a Sanskrit inscription on it. That particular pillar is called the Antralaya stambam.[8]

Jat History

Ahlawats Dynasty

Ahlawat is said to be derived from Ilavrata or Alawat. Illa-vrta was a province in Jambudvipa, which was situated in Mongolia. Presently it is known as Altai that is degenerated form of Elawrat.

The historians indicate the habitations of Ahlawats in Narth-west region of India and place known as Alans in Central Asia. According to the historian Bhim Singh Dahiya, Ahlawats in Russia are known as Allans.

Two branches of Ahlawat Solankis were rulers in south India. Pulkesin first of this clan founded Vatapi (Badami) kingdom between Godavari and Krishna rivers. This branch ruled till 753. The second branch of this clan founded rule at Kalyani near Warangal in north east of Vatapi in 937. They ruled till 1190.

After their down fall in south India they migrated to north India and settled at Dadheda village in Jangladesh. They further moved to Kalabadala place in Bhiwani district of Haryana. After some time they moved to Seria village of Jhajjar district and cleared forests of this place for cultivation.

Chaudhary Digha founded another village Deeghal. There are 26 villages of this gotra. Ohlan, Pehlan, Brahman, Joon and Made are derivatives of Ahlawats.

अहलावत सोलंकी वंश का दक्षिण में राज्य

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[9] लिखते हैं: इलावृत प्रदेश में निवास करने वाले आर्यों को ऐल नाम से पुकारा गया है और ये लोग चित्तराल के रास्ते से भारतवर्ष में आए1। एक समय लगभग पूरे एशिया तथा यूरोप पर जाटवीरों का राज्य था। ईसाई-धर्मी तथा मुस्लिम-धर्मी लोगों की शक्ति बढ़ने के कारण जाटों की हार होती गई जिससे ये लोग समय-समय पर अपने पैतृक देश भारतवर्ष में आते रहे और सदियों तक आये। अधिकतर ये लोग भारतवर्ष की पश्चिमी सीमा की घाटियों से आये (विशेषकर खैबर और बोलान घाटी से)। इसका पूरा वर्णन अगले अध्याय में किया जाएगा। सम्भवतः अहलावत जाट भी इन्हीं रास्तों से अपने देश भारतवर्ष में लौट आये।

यह नहीं कहा जा सकता कि ये अहलावत जाट लोग कितने विदेशों में रह गये और कितने भारतवर्ष में आ गये। यहां आने के बाद पंजाब में और फिर राजस्थान, मालवा, गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र और दक्षिण भारत में इनका निवास तथा राज्य स्थापित करने का कुछ ब्यौरा मिलता है जो निम्नलिखित है ।

कुछ लेखकों ने अहलावतों को अहलावत सोलंकी लिखा है2चालुक्य चन्द्रवंशी जाट हैं जिनको बाद में सोलंकी3 नाम से पुकारा गया। राजपूत संघ बनने पर उन्होंने भी सोलंकी नाम धारण कर लिया था। परन्तु याद रहे कि दसवीं सदी से पहले इनका नाम नहीं चमका था। ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी में राजपूतों ने राज्य स्थापित करने शुरु कर दिये थे। दक्षिण में अहलावतों की पदवी सोलंकी रही।

अहलावत सोलंकी जाटवंश के शासकों की दो शाखायें कही गई हैं। पहली शाखा ने सन् 550 ई० से 753 ई० तक लगभग 200 वर्ष तक दक्षिण भारत में राज्य किया। इनकी राजधानी बादामी4 (वातापी) थी। दूसरी शाखा ने सन् 973 ई० से 1190 ई० तक लगभग 200 वर्ष तक दक्षिण भारत में राज्य किया। इनकी राजधानी कल्याणी थी5

वातापी या बादामी के शासक (सन् 550 ई० से 753 ई० तक)6

इस वंश के पहले दो शासक जयसिंह और रणराजा थे। किन्तु बादामी राज्य का संस्थापक पुलकेशिन प्रथम था जो इस सोलंकीवंश का तीसरा राजा हुआ। विन्सेन्ट स्मिथ के लेख अनुसार, “चालुक्यवंश दक्षिण में एक प्रसिद्ध वंश था जिसका संस्थापक पुलकेशिन प्रथम था जिसने इस राज्य को छटी शताब्दी के मध्य में स्थापित किया था।”

1. भारत भूमि और उसके निवासी पृ० 251, लेखक सी० वी० वैद्य; जाट इतिहास पृ० 7 लेखक ठा० देशराज।
2. जाट इतिहास उर्दू पृ० 206 लेखक ठा० संसारसिंह; क्षत्रिय जातियों का उत्थान, पतन एवं जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 363; लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री, जाट इतिहास पृ० 86, लेखक रामसरूप जून। जाट इतिहास इंग्लिश पृ० 69, लेखक लेफ्टिनेन्ट रामसरूप जून; सर्वखाप रिकार्ड, शोरम गांव जिला मुजफ्फरनगर।
3. जेम्स टॉड ने चालूक्य-सोलंकी वंश की गणना 36 राज्यकुलों में की है।
4. वातापी (बादामी) - यह गोदावरी नदी और कृष्णा नदी के बीच पश्चिमी तट के निकट है।
5. कल्याणी - यह वातापी से उत्तर-पूर्व वरंगल के निकट है।
6. हिन्दुस्तान की तारीख (उर्दू) पृ० 377.

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-203

1: पुलकेशिन प्रथम ने वातापी को जीतकर अपने राज्य की राजधानी बनाई। इसी खुशी में उसने एक अश्वमेध यज्ञ किया। (अश्वमेध - राजा न्याय धर्म से प्रजा का पालन करे, विद्यादि का देनेहारा, यजमान और अग्नि में घी आदि का होम करना अश्वमेध कहलाता है - सत्यार्थप्रकाश एकादश समुल्लास पृ० 188)।

2: पुलकेशिन प्रथम की मृत्यु के पश्चात् उसके दो पुत्रों कीर्तिवर्मन और मंगलेश ने अपने शत्रुओं से युद्ध किए। मंगलेश ने अपनी राजधानी बादामी में विष्णु का एक सुन्दर मंदिर बनवाया।

3: पुलकेशिन द्वितीय (सन् 608 ई० से 642 ई०) - इस वंश का सबसे प्रसिद्ध और शक्तिशाली सम्राट् पुलकेशिन द्वितीय था1। चीनी यात्री ह्यूनत्सांग (हुएनसांग) ने अपनी यात्रा समय लिखित पुस्तक “सि-यू-की” में लिखा है कि “पुलकेशिन द्वितीय बड़ा प्रतापी सम्राट् था। उसका राज्य नर्मदा के दक्षिण में बंगाल की खाड़ी से अरब सागर तक और दक्षिण में पल्लव (जाटवंश) राज्य की सीमाओं कांची तक फैला हुआ था2। विदेशी राजा उसका मान करते थे। उसके दरबार में फारस का राजदूत आया था। उसके जलपोत व्यापार के लिए ईरान और दूसरे देशों में जाते थे। उसके राज्य के निवासी बड़े निडर और युद्धप्रिय थे।” पुलकेशिन के चित्रित दरबार में फारस के राजदूत का चित्र आज भी अजन्ता की गुफाओं में देखा जा सकता है*

उत्तरी भारत का शक्तिशाली सम्राट् हर्षवर्धन (606 ई० से 647 ई० तक) वसाति या वैस जाट गोत्र का था। उसने सन् 620 ई० में पुलकेशिन द्वितीय पर आक्रमण किया। दोनों सेनाओं का युद्ध नर्मदा के पास हुआ। हर्ष की असफलता हुई जिसके कारण पुलकेशिन द्वितीय की शक्ति और मान में अधिक वृद्धि हुई3। पुलकेशिन द्वितीय ने पल्लव (जाटगोत्र) राजा महेन्द्रवर्मन को हराया और बढ़ता हुआ कांची तक जा पहुंचा। परन्तु महेन्द्रवर्मन के पुत्र नरसिंह वर्मन ने इस हार का बदला लिया। सन् 642 ई० में उसने बादामी पर आक्रमण किया जिसमें पुलकेशिन द्वितीय हार गया और मारा गया।

4: विक्रमादित्य प्रथम - पुलकेशिन द्वितीय की मृत्यु के पश्चात् उसका पुत्र विक्रमादित्य प्रथम सन् 642 ई० में राजगद्दी पर बैठा। इसने पल्लवों को हराया और उनकी राजधानी कांची तक

1. सर्वखाप पंचायत का रिकार्ड जो सर्वखाप पंचायत के मंत्री चौ० कबूलसिंह ग्रा० व डा० शोरम जिला मुजफ्फरनगर (उ० प्र०) के घर में है, में लिखा है कि पुलकेशिन सम्राट् जाट अहलावत गोत्र का था।
2. भारत का इतिहास हरयाणा विद्यालय शिक्षा बोर्ड, भिवानी पृ० 81.
  • - उस समय ईरान का राजा खुसरो द्वितीय था (590-628 ईस्वी)। खुसरो द्वितीय का दूतमण्डल पुलकेशिन द्वितीय के दरबार में आया था। उसके दरबार में भी पुलकेशिन द्वितीय ने एक दूतमण्डल भेजा था। (मध्य एशिया में भारतीय संस्कृति पृ० 41, लेखक सत्यकेतु विद्यालंकार)।
3. भारत का इतिहास, हरयाणा विद्यालय शिक्षा बोर्ड, भिवानी पृ० 81; भारत का इतिहास प्री-यूनिवर्सिटी कक्षा के लिए, पृ० 153, लेखक अविनाशचन्द्र अरोड़ा।
नोट - महाराजा पुलकेशिन द्वितीय का एक शिलालेख मिला है जिस पर लिखे लेख का वर्णन, पं० भगवद्दत बी०ए० द्वारा रचित भारतवर्ष का इतिहास द्वितीय संस्करण पृ० 205 पर किया गया है।

जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-204

अधिकार कर लिया। उसने दक्षिण के चोल, पांड्य वंश चीर वंश को भी जीत लिया था।

5: विक्रमादित्य द्वितीय - यह विक्रमादित्य प्रथम का पौत्र था। इसने पल्लव राजा नन्दीवर्मन जो हराकर उसकी राजधानी कांची पर अधिकार कर लिया। इसकी मृत्यु के बाद यह वंश कमजोर होता चला गया।

6: कीर्तिवर्मन द्वितीय - यह इस वंश का अन्तिम राजा था। इसको सन् 753 ई० में राष्ट्रकूट वंश (राठी) के राजा वन्तीदुर्ग ने हरा दिया और इसका राज्य छीन लिया। इस तरह से बादामी के शासकों का अन्त हो गया1

सन् 754 ई० से लेकर सन् 972 ई० अर्थात् लगभग 200 वर्ष के अन्तराल में इन अहलावत वंशज जाटों के गौण राज्य स्थापित रहे जिनका ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व नगण्य है।

अहलावत वंश के शासकों का कल्याणी पर राज्य (सन् 973 से 1190 ई० तक2)।

  • 1. तल्प द्वितीय - इसने सन् 973 ई० में राष्ट्रकूट वंश (Rathi) के अन्तिम राजा कक्क को पराजित किया और कल्याणी राजधानी पर चालुक्य (सोलंकी) वंश का राज्य स्थापित किया। इसने परमार राजा मीख से युद्ध किया था।
  • 2. जयसिंह द्वितीय - राजा तल्प के पश्चात् इस वंश का प्रसिद्ध सम्राट् जयसिंह द्वितीय था। इसने जैन धर्म को त्यागकर शिवमत धारण किया। इसने कल्याणी नगर को बसाया और राजधानी बनाई। इसका परमार शासक तथा चोलवंश शासक राजेन्द्र प्रथम से युद्ध हुआ।
  • 3. विक्रमादित्य षष्ठ - कल्याणी के सोलंकी शासकों में यह सम्राट् सबसे प्रसिद्ध हुआ। इसने मैसूर के होयसल वंश के शासक तथा चोलवंश के शासक राजेन्द्र द्वितीय को पराजित किया। इसके दरबार में बल्हण और विज्ञानेश्वर जैसे प्रसिद्ध विद्वान् थे। (सम्भवतः जाट इतिहास पृ० 86 ले० रामसरूप जून साहब ने इसी का नाम अहुमल लिखा है)।
  • 4. विक्रमादित्य षष्ठ के बाद इस वंश के सब शासक दुर्बल थे। इस राज्य के सब प्रान्त धीरे-धीरे स्वतन्त्र हो गये। इस वंश का अन्तिम राजा सुवेश्वर था जिसको देवगिरि (ओरंगाबाद प्रदेश) के यादव वंश के शासक ने सन् 1190 ई० में हराया और उसके राज्य पर अधिकार कर लिया। (यादव वंश = जाटवंश)। इस तरह कल्याणी के सोलंकी वंश का शासन समाप्त हो गया।

1. तारीख हिन्दुस्तान (उर्दू) पृ० 278.
2. तारीख हिन्दुस्तान (उर्दू) पृ० 279-280 पर।
नोट - चोल, पांड्य और पल्ल्व तीनों जाट गोत्र (वंश) हैं।


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[10] ने लेख किया है ...वारंगल (AS, p.841): वारंगल या वारंकल–तेलुगू शब्द ओरुकल या ओरुगल्सु का अपभ्रंश है, जिसका अर्थ है 'एक शिला'। इससे तात्पर्य उस विशाल अकेली चट्टान से है जिस पर ककातीय नरेशों के समय का बनवाया हुआ दुर्ग अवस्थित है। कुछ अभिलेखों से ज्ञात होता है कि संस्कृत में इस स्थान के ये नाम तथा पर्याय भी प्रचलित थे–एकोपल, एकशिला, एकोपलपुरी या एकोपलपुरम्। रघुनाथ भास्कर के कोश में एकशिलानगर, एकशालिंगर, एकशिलापाटन – ये नाम भी मिलते हैं। टालमी द्वारा उल्लिखित कोरुनकुला वारंगल ही जान पड़ता है।

11वीं शती ई. से 13वीं शती ई. तक वारंगल की गिनती दक्षिण के प्रमुख नगरों में थी। इस काल में ककातीय वंश के राजाओं की राजधानी यहाँ रही। इन्होंने वारंगल दुर्ग, हनमकोंडा में सहस्र स्तम्भों वाला मन्दिर और पालमपेट का रामप्पा–मन्दिर बनवाए थे। वारंगल का क़िला 1199 ई. में बनना प्रारम्भ हुआ था। ककातीय राजा गणपति ने इसकी नींव डाली और 1261 ई. में रुद्रमा देवी ने इसे पूरा करवाया था। क़िले के बीच में स्थित एक विशाल मन्दिर के खण्डहर मिले हैं, जिसके चारों ओर चार तोरण द्वार थे। साँची के स्तूप के तोरणों के समान ही इन पर भी उत्कृष्ट मूर्तिकारी का प्रदर्शन किया गया है। क़िले की दो भित्तियाँ हैं। अन्दर की भित्ति पत्थर की और बाहर की मिट्टी की बनी है। बाहरी दीवार 72 फुट चौड़ी और 56 फुट गहरी खाई से घिरी है। हनमकोंडा से 6 मील दक्षिण की ओर एक तीसरी दीवार के चिह्न भी मिलते हैं। एक इतिहास लेखक के अनुसार परकोटे की परिधि तीस मील की थी। जिसका उदाहरण भारत में अन्यत्र नहीं है। क़िले के अन्दर अगणित मूर्तियाँ, अलंकृत प्रस्तर-खंड, अभिलेख आदि प्राप्त हुए हैं। जो शितावख़ाँ के दरबार भवन में संग्रहीत हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त अनेक छोटे बड़े मन्दिर भी यहाँ स्थित हैं। अलंकृत तोरणों के भीतर नरसिंह स्वामी, पद्याक्षी, और गोविन्द राजुलुस्वामी के प्राचीन मन्दिर हैं। इनमें से अन्तिम एक ऊँची पहाड़ी के शिखर पर अवस्थित है। यहाँ से दूर-दूर तक का मनोरम दृश्य दिखलाई देता है।

12वीं 13वीं शती का एक विशाल मन्दिर भी यहाँ से कुछ दूर पर है, जिसके आँगन की दीवार दुहरी तथा असाधारण रूप से स्थूल है। यह विशेषता ककातीय शैली के अनुरूप ही है। इसकी बाहरी दीवार में तीन प्रवेशद्वार हैं, जो वारंगल के क़िले के मुख्य मन्दिर के तोरणों की भाँति ही हैं। यहाँ से दो ककातीय अभिलेख प्राप्त हुए हैं–पहला सातफुट लम्बी वेदी पर और दूसरा एक तड़ाग के बाँध पर अंकित है। वारंगल पर प्रारम्भ में दक्षिण के

[p.842]: प्रसिद्ध आन्ध्र वंशीय नरेशों का अधिकार था। तत्पश्चात् मध्यकाल में चालुक्यों और ककातीयों का शासन रहा। ककातीय वंश का सर्वप्रथम प्रतापशाली राजा गणपति था जो 1199 ई. में गद्दी पर बैठा। गणपति का राज्य गोंडवाना से काँची तक और बंगाल की खाड़ी से बीदर और हैदराबाद तक फैला हुआ था। इसी ने पहली बार वारंगल में अपनी राजधानी बनाई और यहाँ के प्रसिद्ध दुर्ग की नींव डाली। गणपति के पश्चात् उसकी पुत्री रुद्रमा देवी ने 1260 से 1296 ई. तक राज्य किया। इसी के शासन काल में इटली का प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक मार्कोपोलो मोटुपल्ली के बंदरगाह पर उतर कर आन्ध्र प्रदेश में आया था। मार्कोपोलो ने वारंगल का वर्णन करते हुए लिखा है कि यहाँ पर संसार का सबसे बारीक सूती कपड़ा (मलमल) तैयार होता है। जो मकड़ी के जाले के समान दिखाई देता है। संसार में कोई ऐसा राजा या रानी नहीं है जो इस आश्चर्यजनक कपड़े के वस्त्र पहन कर स्वयं को गौरवान्वित न माने।

रुद्रमादेवी ने 36 वर्ष तक बड़ी योग्यता से राज्य किया। उसे रुद्रदेव महाराज कहकर संबोधित किया जाता था। प्रतापरुद्र (शासन काल 1296-1326 ई.) रुद्रमा दोहित्र था। इसने पाण्डयनरेश को हराकर काँची को जीता। इसने छः बार मुसलमानों के आक्रमणों को विफल किया, किन्तु 1326 ई. में उलुगख़ाँ ने जो पीछे मुहम्मद बिन तुग़लक़ नाम से दिल्ली का सुल्तान हुआ, ककातीय के राज्य की समाप्ति कर दी। उसने प्रतापरुद्र को बन्दी बनाकर दिल्ली ले जाना चाहा था किन्तु मार्ग में ही नर्मदा नदी के तट पर इस स्वाभिमानी और वीर पुरुष ने अपने प्राण त्याग कर दिए। ककातीयों के शासनकाल में वारंगल में हिन्दू संस्कृति तथा संस्कृत की ओर तेलुगु भाषाओं की अभूतपूर्व उन्नति हुई। शैव धर्म के अंतर्गत पाशुपत सम्प्रदाय का यह उत्कर्षकाल था। इस समय वारंगल का दूर-दूर के देशों से व्यापार होता था। वारंगल के संस्ककृत कवियों में सर्वशास्त्र विशारद का लेखक वीरभल्लातदेशिक, और नलकीर्तिकामुदी के रचयिता अगस्त्य के नाम उल्लेखनीय हें। कहा जाता है कि अलंकारशास्त्र के प्रसिद्ध ग्रन्थ प्रतापरुद्रभूषण का लेखक विद्यनाथ यही अगस्त्य था। गणपति का हस्तिसेनापति जयप, नृत्यरत्नावली का रचयिता था। संस्कृत कवि शाकल्यमल्ल भी इसी का समकालीन था। तेलगु के कवियों में रंगनाथ रामायणुम का लेखक पलकुरिकी सोमनाथ मुख्य हैं। इसी समय भास्कर रामायणुम भी लिखी गई। वारंगल नरेश प्रतापरुद्र स्वयं भी तेलगु का अच्छा कवि था। इसने नीतिसार नामक ग्रन्थ लिखा था। दिल्ली के तुग़लक़ वंश की शक्ति क्षीण होने पर 1335-1336 के पश्चात् में कपय नायक ने

[p.843]: स्वतंत्र राज्य स्थापित कर लिया। इसकी राजधानी वारंगल में थी। 1442 ई. में वारंगल पर बहमनी राज्य का आधिपत्य हो गया और तत्पश्चात् गोलकुंडा के कुतुबशाही नरेशों का। इस समय शिताब ख़ाँ वारंगल का सूबेदार नियुक्त हुआ। उसने शीध्र ही स्वतंत्र राज्य स्थापित कर लिया। किन्तु कुछ समय के उपरान्त वारंगल को गोलकुंडा के साथ ही औरंगज़ेब के विस्तृत मुग़ल साम्राज्य का अंग बनना पड़ा। मुग़ल साम्राज्य के अन्तिम समय में वारंगल की नई रियासत हैदराबाद में सम्मिलित कर ली गई।

वारंगल शहर, उत्तरी आन्ध्र प्रदेश राज्य, दक्षिण–पूर्व भारत में स्थित है। यह चेन्नई–काज़िपेट्ट–दिल्ली राजमार्ग पर स्थित है। वारंगल 12वीं सदी में उत्कर्ष पर रहे आन्ध्र प्रदेश के काकतीयों की प्राचीन राजधानी था। वर्तमान शहर के दक्षिण–पूर्व में स्थित वारंगल क़िला कभी दो दीवारों से घिरा हुआ था। जिनमें भीतरी दीवार के पत्थर के द्वार (संचार) और बाहरी दीवार के अवशेष मौजूद हैं। 1162 में निर्मित 1000 स्तम्भों वाला मन्दिर शहर के भीतर ही स्थित है।[11]

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