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See also: Mor / Maur – Jat clan

Maurya (मौर्य)[1] [2] Mahori (महोरी)[3] Mauri (मौरी) is gotra of Jats found in Uttar Pradesh[4] and in Rajasthan[5].Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [6] They were supporters of Saroya Confederacy. [7]


Dhundiraja, the 18th century A D commentator on the Text of Puranas takes Chandragupta Maurya to be the son of Mura who was one of the wives of king Nanda [Chandraguptam Nandasyaiva patanyasya Mura-samjanasya putram Mauryanam prathamam].

Prof. Radha Kumud Mukerji, the author of Chandragupta Maurya and His times, comments on this statement as follows:

“Heavens save us from commentators who supplement texts by facts of their own creation! The commentator here makes the astounding statement that Chandragupta was a son of the Nanda king against the silence of all the Puranas on the subject. Such a fact completely militates against the context of the references which the Puranas make to Chandragupta…. It may be noted that if there is any sort of connexion between a preceeding and succeeding dynasty, the Puranas as a rule do not omit to mention it.” He goes on to add that it “is nothing but a pure and simple invention of the commentator to explain grammatically the formation Maurya from Mura. But he is as innocent of grammar as of any concern for truth. It is impossible to derive by any grammar Maurya as a direct formation from Mura. The derivative from Mura is Maureya. The term Maurya can be derived only from the masculine Mura which is mentioned as the name of a gotra in a Ganapatha to Panini’s Sutra [IV.1,151]. It is strange that the derivation of the term has not been traced by this track.”[8]

Another view about their origin is that they originated from Raja Maan Maurya (मान मौर्य).

Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[9] mentions 'The Indus.'....Below these deserts are the Dari and the Surve, and then deserts again for one hundred and eighty-seven miles, sands in general encircling these spots just as islands are surrounded by the sea. Below these deserts, again, are the Maltecoræ, the Singæ, the Marohæ, the Rarungæ, and the Morontes. These last peoples, who possess the mountains throughout the whole range of country as far as the shores of the ocean, are free, and independent of all kings, and hold numerous cities upon the declivities of the mountains.

Jat clans mentioned by Megasthenes

Megasthenes also described India's caste system and a number of clans out of these some have been identified with Jat clans by the Jat historians. Megasthenes has mentioned a large number of Jat clans. It seems that the Greeks added 'i' to names which had an 'i' ending. Identified probable Jat clans have been provided with active link within brackets. (See Jat clans mentioned by Megasthenes)

Jat clans as described by Megasthenes
Location Jat clans Information
10. Below the deserts are The Dari (Dar, Dara, Darwal), the Surae (Sur, Sauran, Soora, Surve), the Maltecorae (Maltiya), Singhae (Sangha, Singa, Singad, Singala, Singhal, Singhar, Singwa), Marohae (Maru, Maurya, Marohi), Rarungae (Rangi,Rara), Moruni (Mor) These inhabit the hills which in an unbroken chain run parallel to the shores of the ocean. They are free and have no kings, and occupy the mountain heights, whereon they have built many cities

In Puranas

As per Vayu Purana the Mauryan dynasty founded by Chandragupta at Patliputra in Ancient India consisted of the following rulers:

"Upon the cessation of the race of Nanda, the Mauryas will possess the earth, the Kautilya will place Chandragupta pm the throne: his sone will be Vindusarara, his son will be Asokavarddhana, his son will be Suyaas, his son will be Dasratha; his son will be Sangata' his son will be Salisuka; his son will be Somasarmman; his son will be Sasadharman; and his successor will be Vrihadratha. These are the ten Mauryas; who will reign over the earth for a hundred thirty-seven years...The dynasty of the Sungas will next become possessed of the sovereignty; for Pushpamitra, the general of the last Maurya Prince, will put his master to death." [10]


Ram Sarup Joon[11] writes quoting Todd that Chittor, then known as Jattor was the capital of Mori branch of Takshaks. Gehlot Jats later occupied it.

Mori or Maurya is one of Thirty-Five branches of the Pramaras. [12]

Jahajpur and Kumbhalgarh areas in Mewar region in Rajasthan were ruled by Mauryas. Samprati Maurya, grandson of Ashoka, was ruler of Rajasthan . Samprati constructed many forts in Rajasthan. Famous fort is that of Kumbhalgarh. On ruins of this fort Maharana Kumbha constructed present historical fort. Samprati constructed a fort in Jahajpur also. Samprati Maurya was a follower of Jainism. There are ruins of ancient Jaina temples in Jahajpur. [13][14]

Many branches of Mauryas ruled in Rajasthan. Mauryas defeated Yaudheyas in Shekhawati region who moved to northern parts of Bikaner such as Sindharani, Maroth etc, where they lived for a long period. The Maurya samantas of Prithviraj were Bhima Maurya, Saran Maurya, Madalrai Maurya and Mukundrai Maurya. (Devi Singh Mandawa,p.137)

A mountain named Maura near Jhunjhunu town in Rajasthan is in their memory. [15]

Col. Tod considered that Maurya is a corruption of Mori tribe. The Tika on Mahvamsa builds a fancied resemblance of the word to Mayura, S Mori, Pr. 'a Peacock'. There being abundance of pea fowl in the place whee the Sakya tribe built a town, they called it Mori, and these princes were thence called Mauryas. [16]

A fragmentary inscription from Mathura c.7th/8th century related with Yasovarman of Kanauj introduces threeMaurya rulers viz Candergupta, Aryaraja and Karka Dindiraja. Karka Dindiraja Maurya is also said to have lead a successful expedition against Kanauj. [17]

Mori clan is a branch of Yaudheyas.

The ancient inscriptions in the Pali Buddhist character have been discovered in various parts of Rajasthan of the race of Taxak or Tak, relating to the tribe Mori and Parmara are their descendants. Taxak Mori was the lord of Chittor from very early period. [18][19]

The Huna Kingdom of Sialkot (of Mihir Kula 515-540 AD), destroyed by Yashodharman, was subsequently seized by a new dynasty of kshatriyas called Tak or Taxaka. The Taxak Mori as being lords of Chittor from very early period and few generations after the Guhilots supplanted the Moris, this palladium of Hindu liberty was assailed by the arms of Islam. (725-35) we find amongst the numerous defenders who appear to have considered the cause of Chittor their own the Tak from Asirgarh. This race appears to have retained possession of Asirgarh for at least two centuries after this event as its chieftain was one of the most conspicuous leaders in the array of Prithvi Raj. In the poems of Chandar he is called the "Standard, bearer, Tak of Asir." [20]

James Tod[21] writes that The warriors assembled under Visaladeva Chauhan against the Islam invader included the ruler of Mori. The Mori and Bargujar also joined with the Catchwahas of Anterved.

Hukum Singh on Mauryas

Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria) states:[22] We do not possess any sorting criteria of the Mauryas either and are, thus consequently handicapped in determining their race. It is surprising that even Chanakya, the Justus Judex of Chandra Gupta, did not throw any light on this aspect of the Mauryas except calling Chandragupta Vrishala, (bull among kings or bull among men) at times out of affection126". Scholars, by and large, hold that Vrihala denotes "a low man or a Sudra", Although Lexicographers have given this meaning in the native lexicons, yet it has not been me, with in any published text127. The Mura anecdotes with which the Mauryas are connected by vested interests seem to be invented in 18th century, A.D. after Dhundi Raja stated that Mura was the daughter of a Sudra128. Monier-Williams129, informs that it was also the name of Chandragupta (Maurya). In the Mudrakshasa Vrishala was used in the sense of bull or ox or horse among kings, the best of kings or men13O. Without being led astray by the poetic imagination of the dramatist, we can safely conclude that Chandragupta Maurya, as his epithet indicates, must be a tall hefty and healthy man, strong as an ox or a horse.

Certain phrases pertaining to Chandragupta Maurya in the said Drama, tempt us to form some idea of the physique and form of the Maurya Emperor. He is described as Moon-like Maurya, "Moon faced Maurya131 "with limbs tenaciously resilient132, "strong shoulders to bear the Yoke"133 (of royalty, "borne by his elders)"134 "mettle-some like a young bull" 135 "with lotus like feet, (rendered pink by the radiant rubies in the diadems of rulers, tremulously bending in obeisance136 "(to Vrishala, Chandragupta Maurya). All these references to the personality of the Maurya king that he was undoubtedly a handsome Kshatriya of fair complexion and not a Shudra as described by the interested element. Moreover, to all intents and purposes it sounds quite inconceivable that Chanakya might have ever thought of replacing a Shudra by another Shudra as the empire builder137. All this leads us

The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations: End of p.138

to the surmise that Chandragupta was, in reality, a high class Kshatriyas of the Morya clan of Pippalivana i.e. of More town in the Patna district of Bihar138. In the eyes of the Brahmans the Mauryas were Vrisala, (i.e. heretics) which in the Course of time changed its significance to Shudra139.

Recently, new light has been thrown on the origin of Chandragupta Maurya. Dr. H.R. Gupta informs that Chandragupta Maurya originally belonged to Koh-e-Mor, 250 km. north of Peshawar commanding the Swat valley beyond the Malkand pass, wherefrom after freeing Panjab from the Greeks, he shifted his parents to Panjab hills, designated his father Sarmor i.e. head of the More tribe and the hill state was later on known as Sarmour after this designationl40. Buddhist literature tells us that, after the demise of Lord Buddha, Virudhaka, the king of Kosala, attacked the Buddhists and massacred them, and that many of them fled to the north-western hills to escape his wrath141. However, there is every, possibility that the Mauryas, as they were connected with the Sakyas of Kapilvastu142, who were from Solar race of Aryans143, had followed them to the west144. It is significant that we find Moryas in Bihar and Mores in Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan even today. Grammatically Moriya/Maurya can be easily derived from Mor/More but never from Mura.

Since Chandragupta (More) became famous as the founder Emperor of Maurya/Moriya dynasty at Patliputra, their descendents were called Moriya in Bihar etc., whereas they retained the original gotra as More in the west. Bappa Rawal, the traditional founder of Rajput clans, displaced the Mauryas in Rajasthan to set up his own rule. Petty Mauryan chiefs were known as far south as Goa down to 10th century A.D. and they survived in Mores in Marathas down to 17th century, (Chadrarav More) and Kiran More now confirm it145.

It is extremely interesting to note that Mores are also found in the Jats and like the Dharan Jats they also traditionally assert with an air of pride that their forefathers had been the first emperors of India in the historica1 past.

The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations: End of p.139

Ram Sarup Joon on Mauryas

Ram Sarup Joon[23] writes that .... There are numerous legends about the Maurya dynasty, as Ashoka of this dynasty was an ardent follower of Buddhism, Brahmin writers have, in the Puranas, called it a Shudra dynasty. It has, however, been established that Maurya was an old dynasty ruling in the Northern Hills. King Padmananda of the Nanda Dynasty failed in his efforts to conquer this State. Ultimately, his wily minister Shaktar succeeded where Padmananda had failed. As a result of a clever conspiracy the whole ruling family was killed except one pregnant queen who escaped and started living in Magadha as a beggar. One night she delivered a boy and put him in a garbage heap in front of a potter's house. When the potter's wife heard the child's cry, she came out and saw that the boy was handsome as a moon. She took him in her care and named him Gupta Chandra i.e. hidden moon. His mother resolved to reign the Mauryan kingdom one day. She got a job as a maid in the palace so that she could remain in touch with the affairs of the State, She, also kept an eye on her son who displayed signs of greatness.

The Sheshnaga rulers who earlier had their capital at Rajgiri, shifted to Patliputra on the confluence of Rivers Ganga and Sone. The ambitions Nanda killed their last ruler and annexed the State. Nanda also conquered the Kaushal kingdom.

At this stage Nanda grew suspicious of his minister Shaktar, son of Viktar. After accusing him of some fictitious offense he got him imprisoned in a dry well.

One day King Nanda happened to laugh. The maid who was attending on him also laughed. The king, considering her action impertinent, sentenced her to death. He however agreed to pardon her if she

History of the Jats, End of Page-52

could tell why he had laughed. At night she went to the dry well and gave food and water to the starving Shaktar. He was grateful and on hearing of her problem, gave her the correct answer. She repeated it to the king the next morning. The king was surprised and asked her how she found the right answer. She told the truth. The king was impressed and ordered Shaktar to be released and reinstated. Shaktar, however, never forgave him and started plotting his destruction.

Vishnu Gupta, well known as Chanakya or Kautilya was educated at the University of Taxila. He was learned but ugly. One day a shoot of spear grass pricked his foot. He said aloud that he would destroy the grass. Shaktar who happened to be passing by told him not to worry, as he would get it destroyed. By royal servants. The two became friends after that.

Once Chanakya had gone to a feast given to Brahmins by Nanda on his father's death anniversary. Nanda could not stand Chanakya's ugliness and got him thrown out. Thus Chanakya was harboring a grudge against Nanda. He started looking for some one whom he could train to be capable of destroying Nanda. One day he spotted Chandra Gupta holding a mock-up court of a group of shepherds. He asked him some questions and was impressed by his intelligent answers. Chanakya took Chandra Gupta in his care and trained him so well that with the connivance of Shaktar he became Nanda's C-in-C. He became very popular. Unfortunately the conspiracy leaked out and Chandra Gupta and Chanakya were banished from the country. They migrated to Punjab. At the time of Alexander's invasion they managed to get a number of small states to get together and marshaled a sizable army under the command of Chandra Gupta. He defeated Alexander's General Seleucus who gave him his daughter Helen in marriage and retired to Greece. Chandra Gupta became the ruler of most of the Punjab with Chanakya as his Prime Minister. Chandra Gupta conquered Magadha thus fulfilling Chanakya's long cherished aim of destroying Nanda. Chandra Gupta's son Bindusara was killed in 272 BC. He is not well known in history.

Mor, Maurya, Maurana are Jat gotras of very old standing. Hence the rule of this dynasty has been given a high place in history of Jats.

Mori village

Mori - The location code or village code of Zari village is 551554. Zari village is located in Vasai Tehsil of Palghar district in Maharashtra, India. It is situated 15km away from sub-district headquarter Vasai and 32km away from Thane. As per 2009 stats, Poman is the gram panchayat of Mori village.[24]


मौर्य काल में दिल्ली या इंद्रप्रस्थ का कोई विशेष महत्व न था क्योंकि राजनैतिक शक्ति का केंद्र इस समय मगध में था. बौद्ध धर्म का जन्म तथा विकास भी उत्तरी भारत के इसी भाग तथा पार्श्ववर्ती प्रदेश में हुआ और इसी कारण बौद्ध धर्म की प्रतिष्ठा बढ़ने के साथ ही भारत की राजनीतिक सत्ता भी इसी भाग (पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश तथा बिहार) में केंद्रित रही. फलत: मौर्य काल के पश्चात लगभग 13 सौ वर्ष तक दिल्ली और उसके आसपास का प्रदेश अपेक्षाकृत महत्वहीन बना रहा.[25]

जाट इतिहास

मौर्य-मौर जाटों का राज्य खोतनतुर्किस्तान के क्षेत्रों पर था तथा यूनान, यूरोपइंग्लैंड में भी इनका निवास था।[26]

ठाकुर देशराज[27] ने लिखा है....मौर्य - यह पिप्पली वन में गणतंत्रात्मक शासन करते थे। राजा नंद की मुरा स्त्री इन्हीं के वंश की थी। इसी से चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य भी कहलाया था। जाटों में जो मौर्य हैं हमारा मत है कि वह पिप्पली वन से दिल्ली राजपूताना और पंजाब व सिंध में फैले थे। मौखरी, पौरुषवार, ठकुरी, वैस, वर्म, बिरक भी भारत में एक समय प्रसिद्धि पा गए थे। इनका वर्णन जाट इतिहास में काफी दिया है।

मध्यकाल (600-1200 ई.) के जाट राज्यों का वर्णन: मौर्य

ठाकुर देशराज[28] ने लिखा है.... मौर्य - मध्यकाल अर्थात राजपूती जमाने में इनका राज्य चित्तौड़ में था। बाप्पा रावल जिसे कि गहलोतों का विक्रमादित्य कहना चाहिए चित्तौड़ के मौर्य राजा मान के ही यहां सेनापति बना था। 'हिंदू भारत का उत्कर्ष' के लेखक श्री राव बहादुर चिंतामणि विनायक वैद्य लिखा है कि राजा मान से बाप्पा ने चित्तोड़ को अपने कब्जे में कर लिया। यहां हम इस बात को और साफ कर देना चाहते हैं कि राजा मान बौद्ध धर्म का अनुयाई था। इस प्रांत में हारीत नाम का साधु नवीन हिंदूधर्म का प्रचार कर रहा था। 'स्रोत चरितामृत' में भी इस बात को स्वीकार किया है कि हारीत ने बाप्पा को इसलिए काफी मदद दी कि वह उनके मिशन को पूरा करने के लिए योग्य पुरुष था। हारीत अपने षड्यंत्र में सफल हुआ। सारी फ़ौज और राज्य के वाशिंदे राजा मान के खिलाफ हो गए और मान से चित्तौड़ छीन लिया।

[पृ.120]: सीवी वैद्य ने इस घटना का जिस तरह वर्णन किया है उसका भाव यह है। बाप्पा रावल चित्तौड़ के मोरी राजा का सामंत था। रावल के माने छोटे राजा के होते हैं। उदयपुर के उत्तर में नागदा नाम का जो छोटा सा गांव है, वहीं बाप्पा रावल राज्य करता था। आसपास में बसे हुए भीलों पर उसका राज्य था। भीलों की सहायता से ही उसने अरबों का आक्रमण विफल किया था। नवसारी के एक चालुक्यों संबंधी शिलालेख से है पता लगता है कि अरबों ने मौर्यों (शायद के ही मौर्यों) पर भी आक्रमण किया था। हम ऐसा अनुमान कर सकते हैं कि हारित ऋषि ने बाप्पा को मौर्य राजा की सेना में धर्म रक्षा के हेतु भर्ती होने की सलाह दी होगी। कालक्रम से बाप्पा को चित्तौड़ का सर्वोच्च पद प्राप्त हो गया था। यह कैसे हुआ इसमें कई दंतकथाएं हैं। एक तो यह है कि चित्तौड़ के सब सरदारों ने मिलकर राजा के विरुद्ध विप्लव कर दिया और उसे पदच्युत करके बाप्पा को चित्तौड़ का अधीश्वर बनाया। बात कुछ भी हो, इसके बाद मोर्य कुल का राज्य चित्तौड़ से नष्ट हो गया।

अब विचारना यह है कि मान मोर्य से चित्तौड़ का राज्य कब निकल गया। चित्तौड़ में मान मौर्य का जो शिलालेख मिला है उस पर संवत 770 अंकित है अर्थात सन् 713 में मान आनंद से राज्य कर रहा था। अरबों ने जो मौर्य राज्य पर आक्रमण किया था उसका समय सन् 738 नवसारी के

[पृ.121]: चालुक्य के शिलालेख के अनुसार माना जाता है। तब हम यह ख्याल कर सकते हैं कि यदि सचमुच अरबों ने चित्तौड़ के मौर्य राज्य पर हमला किया था तो मान राजा सन् 738 तक तो चित्तौड़ में राज्य कर ही रहे थे।*बाप्पा ने उनसे यह राज्य सन् 740 के इधर-उधर हड़प लिया होगा।

यहां यह बताना उचित होगा कि मान के साथी-संगाति चित्तौड़ के छोड़कर बड़े दुख के साथ जावद (ग्वालियर राज्य) की ओर चले गए। ये मौर्य जाट अपना निकास चित्तौड़ से बताते हैं। वे कहते हैं कि ऋषि के श्राप से हमें चित्तौड़ छोड़ना पड़ा। यह ऋषि दूसरा कोई ओर नहीं हारीत है। कहा जाता है कि भाट ग्रन्थों में मान राजा को बाप्पा का भांजा कहा है। हमारे ख्याल से तो वैसा ही था जैसा कि धर्म वीर तेजाजी मीणा लोगों को मामा कहकर पुकारा था। उस जमाने में कोई किसी से रक्षा चाहता तो मामा कहकर संबोधित करता था और वह आदमी जिसे मामा कहा जाता था तनिक भी नाराज न कर खुश होता था।

एक बात और भी है कि बाप्पा के बाद ही तो उसका खानदान राजपूतों में (हारीत से दीक्षित होकर) गिना जाता है। तब हम यह मान लें कि जाट गहलोत और राजपूत गहलोत यहीं से गहलोतों की

* किंतु टॉड राजस्थान 729 में बाप्पा को चितौड़ का अधीश्वर होना मानता है।

[पृ.122]: दो श्रेणियां हो गई इन महाराज ने चित्तौड़ में एक सरोवर भी खुदवाया था जो मानसरोवर कहलाता है। भाट ग्रंथों से टॉड साहब ने जो वर्णन बाप्पा के संबंध में दिया है वह तो अलिफलैला अथवा पुराणों के अधिकार गप्प से मिलता है। यथा- उनकी मां ने कहा मैं चित्तौड़ के सूर्यवंशी राजा की बहिन हूँ। झट बाप्पा जिसने आज तक नगरों के दर्शन भी नहीं किए थे चित्तौड़ में पहुंचता है। राजा केवल बाप्पा के यह कहने भर से कि मैं तेरा भांजा हूं उसे बड़े आदर से अपने यहां रखता है। राजा के संबंध सामंत राजा को और बाप्पा को इतना आकर्षित देखकर नाराज़ हो जाते हैं और राजा का उस समय तक तनिक भी साथ नहीं देती जब उस पर चढ़कर शत्रु आता है। बाप्पा जिसके पास कि हारीत के दिए हुये दिव्यास्त्र और गोरखनाथ की दी हुई तलवार थी, शत्रुओं को हरा देता है।* किंतु विजयी देश से लौटकर चितौड़ नहीं आता, अपनी पितृभूमि गजनी को चला जाता है। उस काल वहां

* गुरु गोरखनाथ 13-14वीं सदी के बीच हुये हैं। कुछ लोग उन्हें आल्हा-उदल का समकालीन मानते हैं, जो कि 13वीं शदी में मौजूद थे। किंतु बाप्पा पैदा हुआ था आठवीं सदी में, फिर गोरखनाथ उस समय कहां से आ गया।

गजनी बाप्पा के पितृों की भूमि कहां से आई? वहां तो यादव वंशी कई पीढ़ी से राज करते थे। यह भाटों की गप्प है।

[पृ.123]: गजनी में एक म्लेछ सलीम राज करता था। उसको गद्दी से हटाकर एक एक सूर्यवंशी को गद्दी पर बैठाया और खुद ने सलीम म्लेछ की लड़की से शादी कर ली। अब चित्तोड़ को लौटे। इधर जो नाराज सामामन्त गण थे वे बाप्पा के साथ मिल गए और उन्होंने चित्तोड़ को छीनने के लिए बाप्पा का साथ दिया। बाप्पा के इस कार्य के लिए कर्नल टॉड ने उसको कृतघ्न और दूराकांक्षी जैसे बुरे शब्दों से याद किया है। बाप्पा ने राजा होकर 'हिंदू-सूर्य' 'राजगुरु' और 'चकवे' की पदवियां धारण की। इसके बाद बापपा ने ईरान, तूरान, कंधार, काश्मीर, इस्पहान, काश्मीर, इराक और काफिरिस्तान के राजाओं को जीता तथा उनकी लड़कियों से शादी की। और जब वह मरा तो हिंदू मुसलमान सबने उसकी लाश पर गाड़ने और जलाने के लिए झगड़ा किया। जब कफन उठा कर देखा तो केवल फूल लाश की जगह मिले।

हम कहते हैं भाट लोगों की यह कोरी कल्पना है। ऐतिहासिक तथ्य इतना ही है कि बाप्पा एक होनहार युवक था। बौद्ध विरोधी हारीत ने उसे शिक्षा दीक्षा दी। नागदा के आसपास के भीलों को उसका सहायक बना दिया। वह अपने भीलों की एक सेना के साथ मान राजा के नौकर हो गया। उधर हारीत अपना काम करता रहा। अवसर पाकर बौद्ध राजा मान को हटाकर बाप्पा को चित्तौड़ का अधीश्वर बना दिया। उस समय चित्तौड़ एक संपन्न राज्य था। भील जैसे वीर बाबा को सहायक मिल गए वह आगे प्रसिद्ध

[पृ.124]: होता गया। हम तो कहते हैं कि अग्निकुण्ड के चार पुरुषों की भांति ही राजस्थान में बाप्पा नवीन हिंदू धर्म के प्रसार के लिए हितकर साबित हुआ। अतः हिंदुओं ने उसे 'हिंदुआं सूरज' कहा तो आश्चर्य की बात नहीं। धीरे-धीरे मेवाड़ से वे सब राज्य नष्ट हो गए जो मौर्य के साथी थे। सिंध के साहसी राय मौर्य का राज्य चच ने और चित्तौड़ का हारीत ने नष्ट कर दिया। इस तरह से सिंध और मेवाड़ से मौर्य जाट राज्य का खात्मा ही कर दिया गया*

* चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग ने चित्तौड़ के मौर्य को सिंध वालों का संबंधी लिखा है! टाड चित्तौड़ के मौर्य को परमारों की शाखा लिखते हैं, किंतु सीवी वैद्य का मत उन्हें मौर्य ही मानता है।

See also


  1. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. म-44
  2. O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.56,s.n. 2098
  3. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910) by Pandit Amichandra Sharma,p. 57
  4. जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठ-586
  5. Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
  6. Dilip Singh Ahlawat: Jat viron ka Itihas
  7. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910) by Pandit Amichandra Sharma,p. 57
  8. Radha Kumud Mukerji, Chandragupta Maurya and His Times, pp.9-10
  9. Natural History by Pliny Book VI/Chapter 23
  10. H H Wilson, Tr. Vishnu Purana, pp. 375-376
  11. History of the Jats/Chapter II,p. 31
  12. James Todd, Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume I,: Chapter 7 Catalogue of the Thirty Six Royal Races,pp.111
  13. Rajputana Gazetteer 1880, p.52
  14. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p. 361
  15. Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Ādhunik Jat Itihas, Agra 1998, p.274
  16. quoted by H H Wilson, op.cit., p. 375 f.n.21
  17. E I, Vol. XXXII, pp. 207-212
  18. James Tod, Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, p.126
  19. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas – The Ancient Rulers of India, p.171
  20. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas – The Ancient Rulers of India, p.148
  21. James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II,Annals of Haravati,p.414-416
  22. The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/An Historico-Somatometrical study bearing on the origin of the Jats, pp.138-139
  23. History of the Jats/Chapter IV ,p. 52-53
  25. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.434-438
  26. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, p. 341
  27. Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Pancham Parichhed,p.112
  28. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Shashtham Parichhed, pp.119-124

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