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*DR. Bega Ram Bana - Date of Birth :1972, DENTAL SURGEON, VPO-[[Jasrasar]], [[Nokha]], [[Bikaner]], Present Address : E-134, NIRMAN NAGAR,AJMER ROAD,JAIPUR, Mobile:9414137094 | *DR. Bega Ram Bana - Date of Birth :1972, DENTAL SURGEON, VPO-[[Jasrasar]], [[Nokha]], [[Bikaner]], Present Address : E-134, NIRMAN NAGAR,AJMER ROAD,JAIPUR, Mobile:9414137094 | ||
*[[Ram Swaroop Bana]] - Scientist (Agronomy) ICAR | *[[Ram Swaroop Bana]] - Scientist (Agronomy) ICAR , Vill.- [[Jaitpura]] P.O.- [[Khandel]], Teh.- [[Phulera]], Distt.- [[Jaitpura Phulera|Jaipur]], Raj. Present Address : Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, Phone Number :9414593251, Mob: 9873783461, Email Address : | ||
*Adu Ram [[Bana]] 12 October 1964, [[Derasar]], [[Ramsar]] Tahsil , who lost life in struggle against Jagirdars | *Adu Ram [[Bana]] 12 October 1964, [[Derasar]], [[Ramsar]] Tahsil , who lost life in struggle against Jagirdars | ||
Revision as of 07:16, 31 December 2015

Bana (बाना)/(बाणा)[1] [2] is a gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan[3] and Uttar Pradesh in India.
Bhadana (भदाणा) Village gets name after Nagavanshi word Bana (बाना).[4]
Bana is a rigvedic ruling clan. The word Bāṇeya is used for the adherents of Banasura (बाणासुर). [5]. The present Bana clan may be identified with them. [6]

Dr Pema Ram writes that after the invasion of Alexander in 326 BC, the Jats of Sindh and Punjab migrated to Rajasthan. They built tanks, wells and Bawadis near their habitations. The tribes migrated were: Shivis, Yaudheyas, Malavas, Madras etc. The Shivi tribe which came from Ravi and Beas Rivers founded towns like Sheo, Sojat, Siwana, Shergarh, Shivganj etc. This area was adjoining to Sindh and mainly inhabited by Jats. The descendants of Madras in Rajasthan are: Jinja, Bana, Thoria, Lagman, Kamodia, Madal, Devsalya, Junawa, Maderna, Judi, Madrewa, Khokh, Asihag etc. [7]
बाना जाटवंश
दलीप सिंह अहलावत[8] के अनुसार बाना चन्द्रवंशी जाटवंश सुप्रसिद्ध नरेश बाणासुर के नाम से प्रचलित हुआ। बयाना, जो जिला भरतपुर में है, इस वंश के क्षत्रियों की राजधानी थी। यहां की राजकुमारी उषा का विवाह श्रीकृष्ण जी के पौत्र तथा प्रद्युम्न के पुत्र अनिरुद्ध से हुआ था। उषा का स्मृति मन्दिर बयाना में आज भी विद्यमान है। बाद में इस नगर पर वरिक2 (जाटवंश) और फिर सिनसिनवारों (जाटों) का आधिपत्य स्थिर हुआ।
बाना जाटों का राज्य भारतवर्ष की पश्चिमी सीमा पर भी रहा है। जाट्स दी ऐनशन्ट् रूलर्ज पृ० 224 पर बी० एस० दहिया ने लिखा है कि “अहलावत व बाना जाट भारतीय सीमा पर शत्रु को रोकने वाले द्वारपाल थे।” (हवाला अलबुरुनीज् इण्डिया बाई सचाऊ पृ० 193)।
यह बाना वंश शुद्ध वैदिकधर्मी रहा। सिक्खों और मुसलमानों में इनकी सत्ता नहीं है। अजमेर के समीप व्यावर में, जिला बीकानेर में भदानार, कड़ियार, खाण्डा, जिला मेरठ में गिरधरपुर, चित्तौली, चंदौड़ी आदि गांव बाना जाटों के हैं।
बाना लोग बानगंगा (बयाना क्षेत्र) के किनारे से उठकर ईरान देश में गये। वहां जाकर बस्ती आबाद की जहां उनके नाम पर वहां की नदी का नाम बाना नदी पड़ गया3।
- 1. जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 330, लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री।
- 2. देखो तृतीय अध्याय वरिक वंश प्रकरण।
- 3. जाट इतिहास (उत्पत्ति और गौरव खण्ड) पृ० 150 लेखक ठा० देशराज।
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-305
जाटों का सिंध से आगमन
डॉ पेमाराम[9]लिखते हैं कि सिंध और पंजाब से समय-समय पर ज्यों-ज्यों जाट राजस्थान में आते गये, मरूस्थलीय प्रदेशों में बसने के साथ ही उन्होने प्रजातन्त्रीय तरीके से अपने छोटे-छोटे गणराज्य बना लिये थे जो अपनी सुरक्षा की व्यवस्था स्वयं करते थे तथा मिल-बैठकर अपने आपसी विवाद सुलझा लेते थे । ऐसे गणराज्य तीसरी सदी से लेकर सोलहवीं सदी तक चलते रहे । जैसे ईसा की तीसरी शताब्दी तक यौधेयों का जांगल प्रदेश पर अधिकार था । उसके बाद नागों ने उन्हें हरा कर जांगल प्रदेश (वर्तमान बिकानेर एवं नागौर जिला) पर अधिकार कर लिया । यौधेयों को हराने वाले पद्मावती के भारशिव नाग थे, जिन्होने चौथी शताब्दी से लेकर छठी शताब्दी तक बिकानेर, नागौर, जोधपुर तथा जालोर के जसवन्तपुरा तक शासन किया । जांगल प्रदेश में नागों के अधीन जो क्षेत्र था, उसकी राजधानी अहिच्छत्रपुर (नागौर) थी । यही वजह है कि नागौर के आस-पास चारों ओर अनेक नागवंशी मिसलों के नाम पर अनेक गांव बसे हुये हैं जैसे काला मिसल के नाम पर काल्यास, फ़िरड़ोदा का फिड़ोद, इनाणियां का इनाणा, भाकल का भाखरोद, बानों का भदाणा, भरणा का भरणगांव / भरनांवा / भरनाई, गोरा का डेह तथा धोला का खड़नाल आदि ।
छठी शताब्दी बाद नागौर पर दौसौ साल तक गूजरों ने राज किया परन्तु आठवीं शताब्दी बाद पुनः काला नागों ने गूजरों को हराकर अपना आधिपत्य कायम किया ।
दसवीं सदी के अन्त में प्रतिहारों ने नागों से नागौर छीन लिया । इस समय प्रतिहारों ने काला नागों का पूर्णतया सफ़ाया कर दिया । थोड़े से नाग बचे वे बलाया गांव में बसे और फिर वहां से अन्यत्र गये ।
Villages founded by Bana clan
- Bayana - City in Bharatpur district was founded by Bana clan Jats who were the first rulers in this area. Bayana was their capital.
- Banon Ka Bas (बानों काबास) - village in district Jodhpur of Rajasthan.
- Bana - Village in Dungargarh tahsil of Bikaner district in Rajasthan.
- Jagu Bana Ki Dhani (जगू बाना की ढाणी) - Village in Phalaudi tahsil of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan, Founder: Jagu Bana of Bana clan.
- Bana Ka Khera (बाणा का खेड़ा) - village in district Chittorgarh in Rajasthan.
- Banon Ka Bas (बानों काबास) - village in district Jodhpur in Rajasthan.
- Banuda (बानुड़ा)- village in Danta Ramgarh tehsil in Sikar district in Rajasthan.
Distribution in Rajasthan
Beawar near Ajmer and Bhadawar, Kadiyar Khanda in Bikaner are inhabited by Bana Jats.
Villages in Bikaner district

Bana (Village) in Bikaner district is inhabited by Bana Jats. Bana (बाना) Village is situated in Bikaner district in Rajasthan. It is situated 10 km south of Sri Dungargarh city. It was founded by Bana clan Jats.
Bana village is inhabited by Bana clan Jats only. There are 550 families of Bana Jats living in this village. There is only one family of Bhamu gotra living in the village. They migrated from Jaleu Bari village in Ratangarh tehsil in Churu district. Jaleu village is supposed to be place of origin of Banas who spread in Rajasthan. Jaleu still has a population of 30 families of Bana gotra Jats.
Other Villages in Bikaner district are:
Bhadanagar, Jasrasar (80), Kadiyar Khanda,
Villages in Churu district
Chainpura Bara, Jaleu Ratangarh, Poonusar,
Villages in Barmer district
Amarji Ki Dhani, Arang, Beriwala Tala (बेरीवाला तला), Chabawas, Chawanada, Derasar, Hudo Ki Dhani, Shivkar,
Villages in Jodhpur district
Bana Ka Bas, Banon Ka Bas (Shergarh Jodhpur), Jagu Bana Ki Dhani, Malera, Nayagaon Chaksu, Nevra (Osian), Ratanada,
Villages in Ajmer district
Locations in Jaipur city
Himmat Nagar, Kailaspuri, Tonk Road,
Villages in Jaipur district
Baget, Bokarawas, Chauru (2), Dhandholi (7), Itawa Tejya Ka Bas, Jaitpura, Maleda, Mungithala (2), Nayagaon (1), Rasoolpura, Surajpura (1), Sali. Medpura Banshipura
Villages in Nagaur district
Barani, Bhadana Bana Ka, Deh, Gunsali, Harnawa (50), Hudeel, Kiroda, Pundlota,
Villages in Hanumangarh district
Bharwana, Maliya Nohar, Ramgarh Hanumangarh, Ramgarh Ujjalwas, Sangariya,
Villages in Ganganagar district
Villages in Tonk district
Mahadevpura (1),
Villages in Chittorgarh district
Villages in Jhunjhunu district
Distribution in Haryana
Villages in Sirsa district
Bakrianwali, Kharian Kheowali, Pili Mandori,
Villages in Kurukshetra district
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Giradhpur, Chitauli, and Chandaudi etc famous villages of Meerut are inhabited by Bana jats.
Villages in Meerut district
Villages in Ghaziabad district
Villages in Mujaffarnagar district
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh Pradesh
Villages in Ratlam district
Villages in Ratlam with population of this gotra are:
Villages in Indore district
Villages in Harda district
Villages in Hoshangabad district
Distribution in Punjab
Villages in Nawanshahr district
- Bana is village in Balachaur tahsil in Nawanshahr district in Punjab.
Notable persons from this clan
- Ganga Ram Bana - Martyr protecting wildlife. Village Pooniyon Ka Tala (Barmer)
- Radha Krishan Choudhary( Bana) - Ex-Chairman , IFFCO & EX.OSD to Dy.PM Ch.Devi Lal
- Dilip Chaudhary (Bana) - From Jaitaran of Pali district is elected MLA in 2008 as Independent candidate and has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary. He was President of District Congress Committee, Pali. Mob:92145-93501 02939-222310, 01462-222684
- Dungar Singh Bana - Vice President, Rajasthan Jat Mahasabha
- CH. Nand Ram Bana -Namberdar of village Bakrianwali and social worker
- DR. Bega Ram Bana - Date of Birth :1972, DENTAL SURGEON, VPO-Jasrasar, Nokha, Bikaner, Present Address : E-134, NIRMAN NAGAR,AJMER ROAD,JAIPUR, Mobile:9414137094
- Ram Swaroop Bana - Scientist (Agronomy) ICAR , Vill.- Jaitpura P.O.- Khandel, Teh.- Phulera, Distt.- Jaipur, Raj. Present Address : Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, Phone Number :9414593251, Mob: 9873783461, Email Address :
- Adu Ram Bana 12 October 1964, Derasar, Ramsar Tahsil , who lost life in struggle against Jagirdars
- Col. N. Bana - Pvt. Service, Soma Ltd. Defence, 312, Mauhbat Appt, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi NCR (PP-201)
- Col. Naresh Bana - R.P.S., Retd. on 8-Jun-64, GM Soma Enterprise Ltd. Enkay Centre, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Gurgaon 312, Manchahat Aptt., Sectro-10, Dwarka, New Delhi, Vill.- Chitauli, Post- Dwarka, Dist.- Ghaziabad (U.P.) Ph:0124-4828907, 011-25072478, 9958403336 NCR (PP-778)
Gallery of Bana people
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ब-39
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.51,s.n. 1702
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
- ↑ Dr Pema Ram:Rajasthan Ke Jaton Ka Itihas, p.19
- ↑ See Sanskrit English Dictionary, M. Williams, 1960
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers ( A clan study), p.279
- ↑ Dr Pema Ram:Rajasthan Ke Jaton Ka Itihas, p.14
- ↑ जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठ.305-306
- ↑ राजस्थान के जाटों का इतिहास, 2010, पृ.19
Back to Jat Gotras
- Jat Gotras
- Rajasthan
- Haryana
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Punjab
- Gotras in Churu
- Gotras in Bikaner
- Gotras in Jaipur
- Gotras in Ajmer
- Gotras in Jodhpur
- Gotras in Hanumangarh
- Gotras in Ganganagar
- Gotras in Tonk
- Gotras in Chittorgarh
- Gotras in Nagaur
- Gotras in Ratlam
- Gotras in Indore
- Gotras in Harda
- Gotras in Hoshangabad
- Gotras in Faridabad
- Gotras in Sirsa
- Gotras in Nawanshahr
- Gotras in Meerut
- Gotras in Ghaziabad
- Ancient Jat Gotras
- The Mahabharata Tribes
- Chandravanshi