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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Tejaji Statue in Museum under construction at Kharnal
Nagaur fort

Nagaur (नागौर) is a an ancient district town in Rajasthan. It was founded by Nagavanshi Jats who joined Chauhan Confederation at the time of creation of New Kshatriyas.


Variants of name

Jat Gotras Namesake

Given below is partial list of the peoples or places in Nagaur of Rajasthan, which have phonetic similarity with Jat clans or Jat Places. In list below those on the left are Jat clans (or Jat Places) and on right are people or place names in Nagaur Districts. Such a similarity is probably due to the fact that Nagavanshi Jats had been rulers of this area in antiquity as is proved by Inscriptions found in this region and mentioned in Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat[1].

Ancient History

Mahabharata period: Nagaur finds mention in the Mahabharata as the kingdom of Ahichhatrapura which Arjun is said to have conquered and subsequently offered to his Guru Dronacharya. It was perhaps some of the area of the Nagaur district. This area has been identified as Chhapar Churu, which in ancient times was called Dronapura (द्रोणपुर) or Dronaka (द्रोनक). [2]

Buddhist Records: Dr Naval Viyogi[3] writes.... [p.393]: We have some basic solid evidence. There[4] is a mention of the word Nagpura in the prayer of worship of tooth relics of Buddhist religion.

ekā dāthāti dasapure eka nāgapure ahu |
ekā gandhār visaye ekāsi puna sinhale ||
chatassā tā mahādātha, nivvāna rasadipikā |
pūjitā naradevehi tāpi bandāmi dhātayo ||

Meaning : One of the tooth relics of Tathāgata is secure in Dashapura, the second in Nagpura, third in Gandhara country and fourth in Sinhal country. All these four tooth relics are being worshipped by all the divinities for the sake of human deliverance, because they provide the taste of Niravana-Rasa (Juice of bliss). Hence, I also bow down.

In this prayer[5] of worship of tooth relics of Buddha, there is mention of tooth relics of Tathagata only. There is also description of one tooth relics of Buddha at Nagpura.[6]

In Harivamsa Nagpura has been mentioned as a dwelling place of Nagas. (Rajwade, Lekh-Sangrah Part II P-234). From this name of the place of Nagpur, it is also proved that it was a city of Nagas. [7]

Chauhan History

According to Dasharatha Sharma[8] inn ancient times the town was called Nagapura (नागपुर) and was a town of Chauhan dominions.

Nagaur finds mention in the Bijolia Inscription of 1170 AD[9] as Ahichhatrapur (अहिच्छ्त्रपुर).

Ratan Lal Mishra[10] writes.... The chronology of Harshanath Inscription of Chauhan rulers is supported by their Bijolia Inscription of v.s. 1226 (1170 AD). As per record of Bards the place of origin of Chauhans is Mahishmati on the banks of Narmada River. Ahichhatrapur and Shakambhari were their first and second capitals. Their state was known as Sapadalaksha which included one lakh villages. As per Ojha Sapadalaksha was the name of Nagaur. Shakambhari was the ancient name of Sambhar.

Dasharatha Sharma[11], In the Chauhan dominions, as elsewhere in India, towns grew up round forts, courts, sacred sites, and points of strategic and commercial importance. Ajayameru, Nadol, Ranthambhor, Jalor and Sambhar were not only capitals of important kingdoms and chiefships but also excellent places for offensive and defensive military action. Satyapura, Kanyanayana, Bhinmal, Phalavardhika, and Abu were sacred sites, tough the last one of these had also considerable strategic importance. Tabarhindah, Asika (Hansi), Sunam, Sarasvati (Sirsa), and Kohram owed their importance to being places of defence and refuge on the route from north-western India to Ajayameru. Delhi was the gateway to Madhyadesha and Nagapura (Nagor) commanded the route to the riches of Sapadalaksha and Marwar.

Dasharatha Sharma [12] writes that ....

  • The Kumarikhanda of the Skanda Purana which mentions a few other Sapadalaksha, i.e., territorial units supposed to have 1-1/4 lac villages. The Chauhans belonged to the Sakambhara-sapadalaksha which probably is the territorial unit meant by Wasaf who writes that "Siwalik contains 1,25,000 towns and villages." (ED., III, p. 31.).
(a) "Again, he (Muhammad Bahlim) rebelled, and founded the fortress of Naghawr, in the territory of Siwalikh" (p. 110).
(b) "This Taj-ud-din was in the service of Malik Karim-ud-din hamzah at Naghawr of Siwalikh." (p. 200).
(c) "The seat of territory, Ajmir, with the whole of the Siwalikh (territory), such as Hansi, Sirsuti; and other tracts were subjugated." (pp. 468-469) .
(d) A year subsequent to this. In 624 a.h. (A.D. 1227), he marched against the fort of Mandawar within the limits of the Siwalik territory (p. 11). (Raverty's translation of the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri.)
  • The Harsha inscription regards the region as Chauhans' land; and it was so also according to the Bijolia inscription, if my interpretation of the term, Ananta-Samanta is correct. No Ahichchhatrapura is to be found there at present. Dr. G.H. Ojha and Dewan Bahadur H.B. Sarda, however, think that Ahichchhatrapura still exists in the form of Nagor, a town in the Jodhpur Division. Their chief arguments for identifying the towns are:--
  • (1) That the names Ahichchhatrapura and Nagor are synonymous.
  • (2) That Nagor was at a hard day's ride from Sambhar. The Prithvirajavijaya puts Vasudeva's capital, presumably Ahichchhatrapura, at the same distance from Sambhar.
  • The synonimity, however, is doubtful, because not only Ahichchhatrapura is not an exact equivalent of Nagor or Nagapura, the exact equivalent being Ahipura, but also because Nagapura or Nagor, in spite of being a well-known Jaina tirtha, is never mentioned as Ahichchhatrapura in any Jain work. Even more unsound is the argument from the Prithvirajavijaya. The description there shows that Vasudeva passed the night in the temple of Sakambhari. (See the last verse of Canto IV.) Early in the morning, he started from there for his capital which he reached a little after sunrise. So naturally Vasudeva's capital could not have been at a hard day's ride from Sambhar, at least according to the Prithvirajavijaya.
  • But that it could have existed in this tract alone can be inferred from the fact that Vasudeva, the earliest Chauhan ruler known to us, is connected with the Sambhar lake, and another very early ruler, Nripa or Naradeva, the successor of Samanta of Ahichchhatrapura, is described as reigning at Purnatalla or Puntala in the Jodhhpur Division of Rajasthan. In verses 11 and 12 of the Bijolia inscription, Vishnu in verse 11 equals Vasudeva.
  • Ahichchhatrapura may have been somewhere between Puntala and Sambhar; at least it could not have been very far from them, for we have no evidence what so ever to put the early Chauhans in any area except that indicated in the beginning of this paragraph.

It was a Shvetambara tirtha, mentioned first time in 9th century Shvetambara work of Jayasimha entitled Dharamopadeshamala. The Jaina shrine of this place, referred to in this place, has been mentioned also by later writers. Thhere were other temples and temples of Neminatha, was built according to an epigraph in circa 1100 AD. This temple was associated with the activities to the great Kharatara Acharya Jinavallabha.At present this tirtha is associated with Adinatha. The Nagapuriya gachchha originated from this place. [14]

Nagaur district is considered to be Rome for the Jats. It is the place of origin of a large number of Jat clans mainly from Nagavanshi. Nagavanshi Jats originally ruled over this place and about 7th century onwards the Chauhans became the overlords of Nagaur and it was included in Sapadalaksha.

The foundation of city dates back to 4th century. Nagaur city was at the centre of Muslim invasion from Central Asia. The Nagaur fort is famous fort of historical importance.

The birth place of Meera and Abul Fazal, Nagaur district has a charbhuja and Parsawanath Temple at Merta and the Dargah of Sufi Saint Tarkin at Nagaur city.

The town is said to take its name from its traditional founders, the Nagas and was held successively by Prithvi Raj Chauhan, Muhammad Ghori, and the chiefs of Jodhpur, save for a time when it was possessed by the Bikaner chief by grant from Akbar, and by another Rathor family by grant from Shah Jahan. The town wall is more than 4 miles in length, between 22 and 5 feet thick, and on the average 17 feet high. The battlements bear many Arabic and Persian inscriptions, obtained from mosques demolished by Maharaja Bakht Singh in order to repair breaches caused in warfare. Of the numerous religious edifices, two Hindu temples and a five-domed mosque are especially noteworthy. [15]

The fort, rising above the town, has a double wall nearly a mile long, the outer being 25 feet and the inner 50 feet above the ground, with a thickness of more than 3o feet at the base and about 12 feet at the top. The principal objects of interest in the fort are some palaces, a fountain with seventeen jets (dating from Akbar's reign), a mosque erected by Shah Jahan, and a cave claimed by both Hindus and Musalmans as a place of retreat for their former saints. The Nagaur district furnishes a fine breed of bullocks, famous throughout Northern India.[16]

The village of Manglod (20 miles east of Nagaur town) has a very old temple with a Sanskrit inscription dated A. D. 604, which records its repair during the reign of a king Dhuhlana. This is the oldest inscription yet discovered in Jodhpur. [17]

The Rome of Jats

Nagaur district is considered to be Rome for the Jats. It is the place of origin of a large number of Jat clans, mainly from Nagavanshi, and also the great saints and reformers.

According to Dilip Singh Ahlawat [18], The Naga Jats ruled over Kantipur, Mathura, Padmavati, Kausambi, Nagpur, Champavati, (Bhagalpur) and in the central India, in western Malwa, Nagaur (Jodhpur- Rajasthan). In addition they ruled the ancient land of Shergarh, (Kota, Rajasthan), Madhya Pradesh (Central India), Chutiya Nagpur, Khairagarh, Chakra Kotiya and Kawardha. The great scholar, Jat Emperor, Bhoja Parmar, mother Shashiprabha was a maiden of a Naga Clan.

Tejaji (1074- 1103) born at Kharnal near Nagaur is considered to be folk-deity and worshiped in entire Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh by all communities. Tejaji as a historical person was born on Bhadrapad Shukla Dashmi, dated 29 January 1074, in the family of Dhaulya gotra Jats, Chaudhary Taharji (Thirraj), a chieftain of Kharnal in Nagaur district in Rajasthan.

Ranabai (10 April 1504-16 March 1570), The second Mira of Rajasthan, was born in the family of Chaudhari Jalam Singh, Ghana Jat gotra, of village Harnawa in Parbatsar tahsil of Nagaur.

Karmabai (1615 - 1634) was a famous Jat woman popularly known as Bhakt Shiromani Karmabai. She was born on 20 january 1615 in the family of Jiwanji Dudi in the village Kalwa situated in Nagaur district.

Foolabai (1664 - 1682) (also Phulabai) was a famous Jat woman popularly known as Bhakt Shiromani Foolabai. She was born in 1664 AD in the family of Jat chieftain of Manju gotra in the village Manjuwas situated at a distance of 20 km from Nagaur in Nagaur district.

The Nagaur district has special importance in the matter of Jat History being the place of origin of many Jat clans. We have provided the list of all villages in each tahsil in the article of respective tahsil head quarters place.

नागौर : ठाकुर देशराज

ठाकुर देशराज[19] ने लिखा है....नाग - यह नागहृद और नागौर में राज करते थे। इनसे सातवीं शताब्दी में यह दोनों ही स्थान निकल गए।

नागौर किला

नागौर किले के निर्माता नागवंशी जाट राजा थे जिन्होंने चौथी शताब्दी में इसका निर्माण करवाया था थी. अहिछत्रपुर (नागौर) इनकी राजधानी थी। आज जहां नागौर का किला है वहाँ इन्हीं नाग जाटों के द्वारा सर्वप्रथम चौथी सदी में धूलकोट के रूप में दुर्ग का निर्माण किया गया था। इसका नाम रखा नागदुर्ग। नागदुर्ग ही बाद में अपभ्रंश होकर नागौर कहलाया। नागौर किला का परकोटा पांच हज़ार फीट लम्बा है पहल परकोटा 25 फीट ऊँचा दूसरा परकोटा 50 फीट ऊँचा है.

पाँचवीं शताब्दी(458 ईस्वी) में नागवंशी जाट अनंतनाग का शासन था। 551 ई. के आस-पास वासुदेव नाग यहाँ का शासक था। इस वंश का उदीयमान शासक हुआ सातवीं शताब्दी में नरदेव हुआ। यह नागवंशी शासक मूलतः शिव भक्त थे। यहाँ नागौर की धरती पर नाग वंश की जाट शाखा के राव पदवी धारी जाटों ने सैकड़ो वर्षो तक राज किया था। नागौर कई बार बसा और उजड़ा, उजड़ने के कारण इसका नाम नागपट्टन भी पड़ा। नागौर किले का माही दरवाजा भी नागवंशी परंपरा का उदाहरण है। इसके प्रस्तर खंडों पर नाग-छत्र बना हुआ है। यह नागवंशी राजा आज भी नागा नाम से जाटों में जाने जाते है इन्ही नागवंशी जाटों ने मंडोर के पास नागकुंड का निर्माण करवाया था

आठवी सदी में इसी नाग वंश की काला नाग शाखा ने नागौर दुर्ग पर अधिकार कर लिया था दसवी सदी तक यहाँ काला शाखा के नाग जाटों का राज्य था । यह कालानाग वंश के असित नाग के वंशज थे। बाद में कुछ समय यह दुर्ग प्रतिहारों के अधीन रहा फिर दुबारा दहिया जाटों ने इस पर कब्ज़ा कर लिया दहिया जाट कैमास ने वैशाख सुदी 3 विक्रम संवत 1211 (1154) को नागौर के किले का पुन निर्माण करवाया इन्ही नागवंश की श्वेत शाखा (धोलिया) में तेजाजी महाराजा का जन्म हुआ.

यही वजह है कि नागौर के आस-पास चारों ओर अनेक नागवंशी मिसलों के नाम पर अनेक गांव बसे हुये हैं जैसे काला मिसल के नाम पर काल्यास, फ़िरड़ोदा का फिड़ोद, इनाणियां का इनाणा, भाकल का भाखरोद, बानों का भदाणा, भरणा का भरणगांव / भरनांवा / भरनाई, गोरा का डेह तथा धोला का खड़नाल आदि ।

Ref - International Jatt martial Race (अंतरराष्ट्रीय जाट मार्शल रेस,26.6.2018)

चौहान सम्राट

संत श्री कान्हाराम[20] ने लिखा है कि.... [पृष्ठ-76]: ईसा की दसवीं सदी में प्रतिहारों के कमजोर पड़ने पर प्राचीन क्षत्रिय नागवंश की चौहान शाखा शक्तिशाली बनकर उभरी। अहिच्छत्रपुर (नागौर) तथा शाकंभरी (सांभर) चौहनों के मुख्य स्थान थे। चौहनों ने 200 वर्ष तक अरबों, तुर्कों, गौरी, गजनवी को भारत में नहीं घुसने दिया।

चौहनों की ददरेवा (चुरू) शाखा के शासक जीवराज चौहान के पुत्र गोगा ने नवीं सदी के अंत में महमूद गजनवी की फौजों के छक्के छुड़ा दिये थे। गोगा का युद्ध कौशल देखकर महमूद गजनवी के मुंह से सहसा निकल पड़ा कि यह तो जाहरपीर (अचानक गायब और प्रकट होने वाला) है। महमूद गजनवी की फौजें समाप्त हुई और उसको उल्टे पैर लौटना पड़ा। दुर्भाग्यवश गोगा का बलिदान हो गया। गोगाजी के बलिदान दिवस भाद्रपद कृष्ण पक्ष की गोगा नवमी को भारत के घर-घर में लोकदेवता गोगाजी की पूजा की जाती है और गाँव-गाँव में मेले भरते हैं।

[पृष्ठ-77]: चौथी पाँचवीं शताब्दी के आस-पास अनंत गौचर (उत्तर पश्चिम राजस्थान, पंजाब, कश्मीर तक) में प्राचीन नागवंशी क्षत्रिय अनंतनाग का शासन था। इसी नागवंशी के वंशज चौहान कहलाए। अहिछत्रपुर (नागौर) इनकी राजधानी थी। आज जहां नागौर का किला है वहाँ इन्हीं नागों द्वारा सर्वप्रथम चौथी सदी में धूलकोट के रूप में दुर्ग का निर्माण किया गया था। इसका नाम रखा नागदुर्ग। नागदुर्ग ही बाद में अपभ्रंश होकर नागौर कहलाया।

551 ई. के आस-पास वासुदेव नाग यहाँ का शासक था। इस वंश का उदीयमान शासक सातवीं शताब्दी में नरदेव हुआ। यह नागवंशी शासक मूलतः शिव भक्त थे। आठवीं शताब्दी में ये चौहान कहलाए। नरदेव के बाद विग्रहराज द्वितीय ने 997 ई. में मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारी सुबुक्तगीन को को धूल चटाई। बाद में दुर्लभराज तृतीय उसके बाद विग्रहराज तृतीय तथा बाद में पृथ्वीराज प्रथम हुये। इन्हीं शासकों को चौहान जत्थे का नेतृत्व मिला। इस समय ये प्रतिहारों के सहायक थे। 738 ई. में इन्होंने प्रतिहरों के साथ मिलकर राजस्थान की लड़ाई लड़ी थी।

नागदुर्ग के पुनः नव-निर्माण का श्री गणेश गोविन्दराज या गोविन्ददेव तृतीय के समय (1053 ई. ) अक्षय तृतीय को किया गया। गोविंद देव तृतीय के समय अरबों–तुर्कों द्वारा दखल देने के कारण चौहानों ने अपनी राजधानी अहिछत्रपुर से हटकर शाकंभरी (सांभर) को बनाया। बाद में और भी अधिक सुरक्षित स्थान अजमेर को अजमेर (अजयपाल) ने 1123 ई. में अपनी राजधानी बनाया। यह नगर नाग पहाड़ की पहाड़ियों के बीच बसाया था। एक काफी ऊंची पहाड़ी पर “अजमेर दुर्ग” का निर्माण करवाया था। अब यह दुर्ग “तारागढ़” के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है।

अजमेर से डिवेर के के बीच के पहाड़ी क्षेत्र में प्राचीन मेर जाति का मूल स्थान रहा है। यह मेरवाड़ा कहलाता था। अब यह अजमेर – मेरवाड़ा कहलाता है। अजयपाल ने अपने नाम अजय शब्द के साथ मेर जाति से मेर लेकर अजय+मेर = अजमेर रखा। अजमेर का नाम अजयमेरु से बना होने की बात मनगढ़ंत है। अजयपाल ने मुसलमानों से नागौर पुनः छीन लिया था। बाद में अपने पुत्र अर्नोराज (1133-1153 ई.) को शासन सौंप कर सन्यासी बन गए। अजयपाल बाबा के नाम से आज भी मूर्ति पुष्कर घाटी में स्थापित है। अरनौराज ने पुष्कर को लूटने वाले मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों को हराने के उपलक्ष में आना-सागर झील का निर्माण करवाया।

[पृष्ठ-78]: विग्रहराज चतुर्थ (बिसलदेव) (1153-1164 ई) इस वंश का अत्यंत पराक्रमी शासक हुआ। दिल्ली के लौह स्तम्भ पर लेख है कि उन्होने म्लेच्छों को भगाकर भारत भूमि को पुनः आर्यभूमि बनाया था। बीसलदेव ने बीसलपुर झील और सरस्वती कथंभरण संस्कृत पाठशाला का निर्माण करवाया जिसे बाद में मुस्लिम शासकों ने तोड़कर ढाई दिन का झौंपड़ा बना दिया। इनके स्तंभों पर आज भी संस्कृत श्लोक उत्कीर्ण हैं। जगदेव, पृथ्वीराज द्वितीय, सोमेश्वर चौहानों के अगले शासक हुये। सोमेश्वर का पुत्र पृथ्वीराज तृतीय (1176-1192 ई) ही पृथ्वीराज चौहान के नाम से विख्यात हुआ। यह अजमेर के साथ दिल्ली का भी शासक बना।


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[21] ने लेख किया है ...नागौर (AS, p.491) नगर को, किंवदंती के अनुसार, नाग लोगों ने बताया था. जान पड़ता है कि नागौर का मूल नाम नागपुर रहा होगा. मुगल काल में नागौर एक प्रसिद्ध नगर था. अकबर के दरबार के रत्न अबुल फजल और फैजी के पिता शेख मुबारक नागौर के ही रहने वाले थे और नागोरी कहलाते थे.

नागौर परिचय

नागौर राजस्थान राज्य, जयपुर से उत्तर-पश्चिम में स्थित है। यह क्षेत्र प्राकऐतिहासिक है, किंतु नागौर की प्रसिद्धि मध्ययुगीन है। सपादलक्ष अर्थात् सांभर एवं नागौर चौहानों के मूल स्थान थे।

इतिहास: भारत में तुर्को के आगमन के साथ ही नागौर उनकी शक्ति का केन्द्र बन गया। नागौर महाराणा कुम्भा के अधीन भी रहा। पन्द्रहवीं-सोलहवीं शताब्दी में गुजरात के मुस्लिम शासकों की नागौर की राजनीति में दिलचस्पी रही। सन् 1534 ई. में गुजरात के शासक बहादुरशाह द्वितीय ने नागौर पर थोड़े समय के लिए अधिकार कर लिया था।

सम्राट अकबर के समय में नागौर मुग़ल साम्राज्य का अंग था। 1570 ई. में अकबर ने नागौर में दरबार लगाया था, जिसमें अनेक राजपूत राजाओं ने अकबर से मिलकर उसकी अधीनता स्वीकार कर ली थी।

राजस्थान में अजमेर के बाद नागौर ही सूफी मत का प्रसिद्ध केन्द्र रहा। यहाँ पर ख्वाजा मुइनुद्दीन चिश्ती के शिष्य शेख हमीदुद्दीन नागौरी (1192-1274 ई.) ने अपने गुरु के आदेशानुसार सूफी मत का प्रचार-प्रसार किया। यद्यपि इनका जन्म दिल्ली में हुआ था लेकिन इनका अधिकांश समय नागौर में ही बीता। इन्होंने अपना जीवन एक आत्मनिर्भर किसान की तरह गुजारा और नागौर से लगभग 2 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थिति सुवाल नामक गाँव में खेती की। वे पूर्णतः शाकाहारी थे एवं अपने शिष्यों से भी शाकाहारी रहने को कहते थे। इनकी ग़रीबी को देखकर नागौर के प्रशासक ने इन्हें कुछ नकद एवं ज़मीन देने की पेशकश की, जिसको इन्होंने अस्वीकार कर दिया।

हमीदुद्दीन नागौरी समंवयवादी थे इन्होंने भारतीय वातावरण के अनुरूप सूफी आन्दोलन को आगे को आगे बढ़ाया। नागौर में चिश्ती सम्प्रदाय के इस सूफी संत की मजार आज भी याद दिला रही है। इस मजार पर मुहम्मद बिन तुग़लक़ ने एक गुम्बद का निर्माण करवाया था जो 1330 ई. में बनकर पूर्ण हुआ।

नागौर को सूफी मत के केन्द्र के रूप में पुनर्स्थापित करने की दिशा में यहाँ के सूफी संत ख्वाजा मखदूम हुसैन नागौरी (15वीं शताब्दी) का नाम उल्लेखनीय है। 16 वीं शताब्दी में नागौर में राजपूत शाक्ति के उदय के बावजूद भी नागौर सूफी सम्प्रदाय का केन्द्र बना रहा। अकबर के दरबारी शेख मुबारक के पिता एवं अबुल फ़जल के दादा शेख ख़िज़्र नागौर में ही आकर बस गये थे।

नागौर की प्राचीन इमारतों में अतारिकिन का विशाल दरवाज़ा प्रसिद्ध है, जिसे 1230 ई. में इल्तुतमिश ने बनवाया था।

जाट इतिहास

संत श्री कान्हाराम[22] ने लिखा है कि....[पृष्ठ-111]: नागौर नागों की मूल राजधानी रही है। प्राचीन काल में यहाँ पानी की झील थी। जिसमें नागवंशियों का जलमहल था। पहले शिशुनाग (शेषनाग) और बाद में वासुकि नाग यहाँ राजा था। शिशुनाग जलमहल में निवास करता था। ईसा की चौथी शताब्दी में यहाँ नागों द्वारा दुर्ग का निर्माण किया गया था। इस दुर्ग का नाम नागदुर्ग। कालांतर में नागदुर्ग शब्द ही नागौर बना।

मध्यकाल में नागौर के चारों ओर तीन सौ से चार सौ किमी के क्षेत्र में नाग गणों के गणराज्य फैले हुये थे। नाग+गण = नागाणा । इस क्षेत्र को नागाणा बोला गया। इन गण राज्यों में 99 प्रतिशत नागवंश से निकली जाट शाखा के थे। आज नागौर के चारों और 400-500 किमी तक फैली जाट जाति अकारण नहीं है। इसका ठोस कारण प्राचीन गणराज्य है।

नागौर कई बार बसा और उजड़ा, उजड़ने के कारण इसका नाम नागपट्टन भी पड़ा। नागौर किले का माही दरवाजा भी नागवंशी परंपरा का उदाहरण है। इसके प्रस्तर खंडों पर नाग-छत्र बना हुआ है। नागौर का एक नाम अहिछत्रपुर भी है जिसका उल्लेख महाभारत में है। महाभारत युद्ध में अहिछत्रपुर के राजाओं ने भी भाग लिया था। अहिछत्रपुर का अर्थ है 'नागों की छत्रछाया में बसा हुआ पुर (नगर)'। यहाँ नागौर की धरती पर नाग वंश की जाट शाखा के राव पदवी धारी जाटों ने 200 वर्ष तक राज किया था।

[पृष्ठ-128]: तेजाजी के पूर्वज धौलिया गोत्र के जाट नागवंश की चौहान शाखा (खांप) की उपशाखा खींची नख से संबन्धित थे। खींची चौहान की उपशाखा है। इनके गणराज्य जायल क्षेत्र के अंतर्गत तेजाजी के पूर्वजों का गणराज्य खरनाल आता था। तेजाजी के पूर्वज श्वेतनाग शाखा के जाट थे। चौहान उनका दल था। खींची उनकी नख थी। जाट उनका वंश था।

जायल के खींची राज्य की स्थापना करने वाले माणकराव (खिंचलवाल) की आठवीं पीढ़ी में गून्दलराव हुआ था। खींची चौहनों की एक शाखा है। सांभर के चौहान शासक सिंहराज के अनुज लक्ष्मण ने 960 ई. में नाडोल राज्य की स्थापना की थी। लक्ष्मण के वंशज आसराज (1110-1122 ई) के पुत्र माणकराव, खींची शाखा का प्रवर्तक था। वह 1111 ई. में जायल आया था। उनकी पीढ़ियाँ – 1. माणकराव 2. अजयराव 3. चन्द्र राव 4. लाखणराव 5. गोविंदराव 6. रामदेव राव 7. मानराव 8. गून्दलराव

खींची शाखा की वंशावली जायल के राम सिंह खींची के पास उपलब्ध है। रामसिंह जायल से पूर्व दिशा में एक ढाणी में रहते हैं। तेजाजी के इतिहास के शोध के दौरान जायल के सहदेव बासट जाट के साथ लेखक उनसे मेले थे।

दलीप सिंह अहलावत [23] ने पुष्टि की है कि नागवंशी जाटों का राज्य कान्तिपुर, मथुरा, पद्मावती, कौशाम्बी, अहिक्षतपुर, नागपुर, चम्पावती (भागलपुर), बुन्देलखण्ड तथा मध्यप्रान्त पश्चिमी मालवा, नागौर (जोधपुर) पर रहा. इनके अतिरिक्त शेरगढ़ कोटा राज्य की प्राचीन भूमि पर, मध्यप्रदेश में चुटिया, नागपुर, खैरागढ़, चक्रकोट एवं कवर्धा में भी इस वंश का राज्य था.

नागवंशियों का राजस्थान में आगमन

डॉ पेमाराम[24]लिखते हैं कि सिंध और पंजाब से समय-समय पर ज्यों-ज्यों जाट राजस्थान में आते गये, मरूस्थलीय प्रदेशों में बसने के साथ ही उन्होने प्रजातन्त्रीय तरीके से अपने छोटे-छोटे गणराज्य बना लिये थे जो अपनी सुरक्षा की व्यवस्था स्वयं करते थे तथा मिल-बैठकर अपने आपसी विवाद सुलझा लेते थे । ऐसे गणराज्य तीसरी सदी से लेकर सोलहवीं सदी तक चलते रहे । जैसे ईसा की तीसरी शताब्दी तक यौधेयों का जांगल प्रदेश पर अधिकार था । उसके बाद नागों ने उन्हें हरा कर जांगल प्रदेश (वर्तमान बिकानेर एवं नागौर जिला) पर अधिकार कर लिया । यौधेयों को हराने वाले पद्मावती के भारशिव नाग थे, जिन्होने चौथी शताब्दी से लेकर छठी शताब्दी तक बिकानेर, नागौर, जोधपुर तथा जालोर के जसवन्तपुरा तक शासन किया । जांगल प्रदेश में नागों के अधीन जो क्षेत्र था, उसकी राजधानी अहिच्छत्रपुर (नागौर) थी । यही वजह है कि नागौर के आस-पास चारों ओर अनेक नागवंशी मिसलों के नाम पर अनेक गांव बसे हुये हैं जैसे काला मिसल के नाम पर काल्यास, फ़िरड़ोदा का फिड़ोद, इनाणियां का इनाणा, भाकल का भाखरोद, बानों का भदाणा, भरणा का भरणगांव / भरनांवा / भरनाई, गोरा का डेह तथा धोला का खड़नाल आदि ।

छठी शताब्दी बाद नागौर पर दौ सौ साल तक गूजरों ने राज किया परन्तु आठवीं शताब्दी बाद पुनः काला नागों ने गूजरों को हराकर अपना आधिपत्य कायम किया ।

दसवीं सदी के अन्त में प्रतिहारों ने नागों से नागौर छीन लिया । इस समय प्रतिहारों ने काला नागों का पूर्णतया सफ़ाया कर दिया । थोड़े से नाग बचे वे बलाया गांव में बसे और फिर वहां से अन्यत्र गये ।

Nagaur district

District Map of Nagaur

Nagaur District is situated between 26°25' & 27°40' North Latitude & 73°.10' & 75°.15' East Longitude. It is situated amidst seven districts namely Bikaner, Churu, Sikar, Jaipur, Ajmer, Pali, Jodhpur. Nagaur is the fifth largest district in Rajasthan with a vast terrain spreading over 17,718 sq. K.M. Its geographical spread is a good combine of plain, hills, sand mounds & as such it is a part of the great Indian Thar Desert.

The present district of Nagaur finds a place in the heart of the Rajasthan state. If we draw a cross over the map of Rajasthan the centre of this cross is bound to fall in the district of Nagaur. Before the merger of the states, Nagaur was a part of the erstwhile Jodhpur State.

After indepenence, Nagaur had the honour of being selected as the place in the country from where the Democratic Decentralisation process was launched by the late Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India on the 2nd October 1959.

Nagaur district is one of the largest district of Rajasthan. The District Collector is the head of District administration. In the district administration two Additional District Magistrates (Nagaur & Deedwana) help him in the discharge of administrative duties.

Sub Division Offices

Fifteen Sub Divisional Officers (SDOs) work at the sub division to provide administrative support at the local level. Nagaur district has Fifteen Sub-Divisions which are :

  1. Bhairunda
  2. Degana
  3. Deedwana
  4. Jayal
  5. Khinvsar
  6. Kuchaman City
  7. Ladnun
  8. Makarana
  9. Maulasar
  10. Merta
  11. Mundwa
  12. Nagaur
  13. Nawa
  14. Parbatsar
  15. Riyan Bari


There are Fifteen tehsil headquarters in this district. Each one has a Tehsildar as the administrative officer, who works in accordance with the land-record system to serve rural farmers and land-holders. The tehsils of the district are :

DeganaDeh (Newly) ♠ DeedwanaJayalKhivnsarKuchamanLadnunMakaranaMertaMundwaNagaurNawaParbatsarRiyan BariSanju

A tehsil contains a number of "Patwar-Mandals", each of which has a 'Patwari' to serve the landholders and farmers at the village level. There are Sub tehsils namely - Maulasar, Bherunda, Peelwa, Chhoti Khatu, Gachhipura (Newly), Nimbi Jodha (Newly) & Bhakri (Newly).

Population and Area

The district comprises of 1624 Revenue Estates (Villages), out of which Merta, Deedwana, Makarana, Parbatsar and Kuchaman are the major towns of the district. The total area of the district is 17,718 sq. K.M., out of which 17,448.5 sq. K.M. is rural and 269.5 sq. K.M. is urban. As per the 2011 census, the population of the district is 33,07,743 (6,37,204 urban and 26,70,539 rural population) which is 4.82% of the total population of the State & Decadal Growth of polulation is 19.20% (2001-2011). The density of population in the district is 187, as against 200 of Rajasthan as a whole. 17,58,624 persons of the district are literate, out of which 13,75,421 are rural and 3,83,203 are urban, which makes it 62.80% of the total population. Out of this literate population 77.20% are males and 47.80% are females.


Nagaur has a dry climate with a hot summer. Sand storms are common in summer. The climate of the district is conspicuous by extreme dryness, large variations of temperature & highly variable rainfall. The mercury keeps on rising intensely from March till June. These are the hottest months. The maximum temperature recorded in district is 117 F with 32 F as the lowest recorded temperature. The average temperature of the district is 74 F. The winter season in the extends from mid November till the beginning of March. Rainy season is of a short during from July to mid September. There are ten raingage stations, namely - Nagaur, Khinvsar, Didwana, Merta, Parbatsar, Makarana, Nawa, Jayal, Degana & Ladnun in the district. The average rainfall in the district is 36.16 cm & 51.5 percentage humidity.

Nagaur Fair

Nagaur Fair -The Jodhpur-Nagaur Fair is the second biggest fair in India. The fair goes on for eight days. Nagaur Fair of Jodhpur, Rajasthan is held every year during the month of Jan-Feb.

It is popularly known as the Cattle fair of Nagaur. This is because the Nagaur Fair is mainly all about trading of animals. Approximately 70,000 bullocks, camels and horses are traded every year in this fair. The animals lavishly decorated and even their owners dress up wearing colorful turbans and long moustaches. Other trading in the Nagaur Fair in Jodhpur, India consists of sheep to Marwari horses to spices. Some other attractions include the Mirchi bazaar (largest red-chilly market of India), wooden items, iron-crafts and camel leather accessories.

There is a lot of sports activity also in the fair. The sports range from tug-of-war, camel races to bullock races to cock fights. Nagaur fair is also famous for its jugglers, puppeteers, storytellers, etc. For further entertainment, there is the folk music of the Jodhpur echoing throughout the fair.

Event Profile - The Nagaur Fair or the Cattle Fair of Rajasthan is held in the month of January-February every year. The Fair, which goes for eight days, is the second largest cattle fair of India, and boasts of trading about 70,000 bullocks, camels and horses every year. Nagaur, where the fair is organized, is one of the most charming Rajput towns in Rajasthan.

Thousands of animals, magnificently garlanded with lots of accessories, to provide a vibrant look to them, are gathered at the fair for trading. The owners, displaying their colourful turban and long moustaches, sell cows, bullocks, oxen, horses and camels. In addition to the huge animal exhibition, the fair is also popular for its Mirchi Bazaar (red chilly market), which is biggest in India. The fair also trades for wooden items, iron-crafts and camel leather accessories and many other things.

Besides doing business, the visitors get excellent opportunity to enjoy a diversity of enthralling activities at the fair. The major sports held at the fair include tug-of-war, camel races, bullock races and cockfights. While jugglers; puppeteers, storytellers and campfire evenings make it a life time experience; feel the stillness of the desert sand amid the enchanting ambience created by the folk music of Jodhpur.

Nagaur Cattle Fair Nagaur - Nagaur is the very famous quaint and scenic town in Rajasthan. It attracts huge number of tourists during the cattle fair popularly referred to as the Nagaur Cattle Fair, Nagaur.

The Nagaur Cattle Fair in Nagaur marks the trading of cattle on an expansive and extensive scale. This fair is celebrated for 8 days on an annual basis. It usually takes place in the Hindu month of Magha that comprises of January and February months of English.

The Nagaur Cattle Fair, Nagaur is reputed to be the second biggest cattle fair of Rajasthan. In this fair as many as 70,000 bullocks, camels and horses are traded and owing to the presence of this huge number of cattle this fair has been assigned great importance. However it is just not the number factor for which this fair has risen into popularity. It is also about the quality of the cattle that has earned it a special reputation.

In the Nagaur's Cattle Fair all the cattle are beautifully decorated. These are spotted boasting fascinating accessories in absolutely lavish manner. However it is not the cattle only that are beautified. The owners also boast of gorgeous turbans speckled with vibrant colors and impressive long moustaches.

Apart from cattle the other items that are also exhibited for trading in the Nagaur Cattle Fair, Nagaur include wooden items, iron-crafts, camel leather accessories, etc. A very noted Mirchi Bazaar or Red Chili Market of India is also organized.

Sports contribute to the fun element of the Nagaur Cattle Fair in Nagaur. Several types of sports such as tug-of-war, camel races, bullock races and cockfights are organized which are enjoyed by both the local people and the tourists to the fullest extent. These apart, there are other forms of entertainment also available in the fair. These comprise of jugglers, puppeteers, storytellers, and campfire evenings. These truly add an extra flavor of enjoyment in the fair. However, the one thing that actually steals the show is the folk music of Jodhpur reverberating in entire desert region.

Villages in Nagaur tahsil

Map of villages around Nagaur

Ahmadpura (अहमदपुरा), Ajasar (अजासर), Akhasar (अखासर), Alay (अलाय), Amarpura (अमरपुरा), Andolav (आन्दोलाव), Ashapura (आशापुरा), Athiyasan (अठियासन), Balasar (बालासर), Balwa (बालवा), Bansra (बांसडा), Bapor (बापोड), Barangaon (बरणगांव), Barani (बाराणी), Basni Belima (बासनी बेलिमा)(CT), Basni Kuriya (बासनी कुडिया), Baswani (बसवाणी), Beeramsar (बीरमसर), Bhadana (भडाणा), Bhadwasi (भदवासी), Bhagu (भगू) Bhakrod (भाकरोद), Bhed (भेड़), Bhanwad (भंवाद), Bhojas (भोजास), Bhomasar (भोमासर), Bhundel (भूण्डेल) Boodhi With Chak (बुढ़ी मय चक), Bukaram Sotan (बुकरम सोता), Chak Ghishiyader (चक घिसिनयाडेर), Charnisar (चारनीसर), Chatra Manjra (चातरा मांजरा), Chau (चाऊ), Chawandia (चावण्डिया), Chenar (चैनार), Chenasar (चेनासर), Chheela (छीला), Chugawas (चुगावास), Chuntisara (चुंटिसरा), Datina (दांतीणा), Devisagar (देवी सागर), Derwa (डेरवा), Deu (देऊ), Dhakoriya (ढ़ाकोरिया), Dheengsara (ढींगसरा), Dholiader (धोलियाडेर), Dhoondhiya (ढूंढिया), Dhundhwalon Ki Dhani (धुंधवालों की ढाणी), Dukosi (दुकोसी), Fatehsar (फतेहसर), Gagwana (गगवाना), Galni (गलनी), Gandila Basni (गंदीला बासनी), Gantheelasar (गंठिलासर), Gawaloo, Ghodaran (घोडारण), Godhan (गोधन), Goganada (गोगानाडा), Gogelao (गोगेलाव), Golsar (गोलसर), Gorera (गोरेरा), Gowa Khurd (गोवा खुर्द), Gudha Bhagwandas (गुढा भगवानदास), Gurla (गुडला), Hanmannagar (हनमान नगर), Harima (हरिमा), Hingoniya (हींगोनिया), Indas (इन्दास), Jabrasi (जबरासी), Jajolai (जाजोलाई), Jakhaniya (जाखानिया), Jathera (जठेरा), Jhadeli (झाडेली), Jhadisara (झाड़ीसरा), Jhorda (झोरडा), Jindas (जिन्दास), Jiwan Bera (जीवणबेरा) Jodhiyasi (जोधियासी), Joshiyad (जोशीयाद), Kadarpura (कादरपुरा), Kalri (कालड़ी), Kanwlisar (कंवलीसर), Karnetpura (करनेटपुरा), Karnoo(करणू), Kharkali (खड़काली), Khari Karamsotan (खारी कर्मसोता), Khariya (खारिया), Khetas (खेतास), Khetolao (खेतोलाव), Kitalsar (कीतलसर), Koonknon Ki Dhani (कुंकणों की ढाणी), Krishanpura (कृष्णपुरा), Kumari (कुमारी), Ladiya (लाडिया), Lunda (लुणदा), Madpharas (मदफरास), Makori (मकोड़ी), Malgaon (मालगांव), Mamniyala (बामणियाला), Manasar (मानासर), Mandeli (माण्डेली), Manjhwas (मांजवास), Mundasar (मुण्डासर), Nagaur (M), Nakas (नकाश), Nandwani (नंदवाणी), Nathanara (नाथानाड़ा), Naya Gaon (नया गांव), Nenau (नेणाऊ), Nimbola (निम्बोला), Pabusar (पाबुसर), Pabuthal (पाबुथल), Padan (पाडान), Panchori (पांचौडी), Peelanwasi (पीलनवासी), Peempasar (पींपासर), Peetholai, Perawa (पैरावा), Phagali (फागली), Pithasiya (फिथासिया), Potliya Manjra (पोटिलया मांजरा), Raidhanu (रायधनू), Rajoowas (राजु वास), Ramsar (रामसर), Ramsiya (रामिसया), Ratari (रातड़ी), Raon Ki Dhani (रावो की ढाणी), Rohini (रोहिणी), Sadokan (साडोकन), Saleu (सलेऊ), Salwa (सालवा), Saranwas (सारणवास), Sarasani (सरासनी), Satheran (सथेरण), Satika Khurd (साटिका खुर्द), Seengar (सींगड), Sewri (सेवडी), Shivnada (शिवनाडा), Shivpura (शिवपुरा), Shribalaji (श्रीबालाजी), Shriyadenagar (श्रीयादे नगर), Shyamsar (श्यामसर), Sindhipura (सिंधीपुरा), Singhani (सिंघाणी), Sinod (सिणोद), Siyagon Ki Dhani (सियागों की ढाणी), Son Nagar (सोन नगर), Subhashpura (सुभाषपुरा), Sukholav (सुखोलाव), Sukhwasi (सुखवासी), Surajaniyawas (सुरजिनयावास), Surana (सुराणा), Surjana (सुरजाना), Tankla (टांकला), Tantwas (तांतवास), Tausar (ताऊसर), Teetari (तीतरी), Thalanjoo (थलांजु), Untwaliya (ऊंटवालिया),

Places of Archaeological Interest

Tejaji Temple Kharnal
  • Kharnal - It is situated on the Nagaur-Jodhpur National Highway near about 15 kms from Nagaur. It is the birth place of Lok Devta Veer Tejaji. It is believed that Kharnal was established by Dholya Jats. The Kharnal village was abandoned many times in the past and presently it is situated at a distance of 1 mile in northwest of ancient village. Tejaji is considered to be folk-deity and worshiped in entire Rajasthan and Malwa in Madhya Pradesh by all communities. He was born on Bhadrapad Shukla Dashmi, dated 29 January 1074, in the family of Dhaulya gotra Jats. His father was Chaudhary Taharji, a chieftain of Khirnal.
Ranabai Dham Harnawa
  • Harnawa - Ranabai Dham - It is the birth place of Ranabai. Ranabai (रानाबाई) (1504-1570) was a Jat warrior girl of Dhoon Gotra and poetess whose compositions are popular throughout Marwar region of Rajasthan, India. She is known as 'Second Mira of Rajasthan". She was a disciple of sant Chatur Das also known as Khojiji. Ranabai composed many poems (padas) in Rajasthani Language. [25]
Gusainji Temple Junjala
  • Junjala - Gusainji Dham, situated on Merta-Nagaur road about 40 km from Nagaur. It is located at Coordinates: 27°0'41"N 73°45'59"E. Gusainji temple is situated at village Junjala (जुन्जाला). Gusainji (गुसांईजी) is Kuladevata of many communities in India and Pakistan. This temple is very ancient and of historical importance. Fairs are organized here twice on chaitra sudi 1-2 and Ashwin sudi 1-2. Followers come from Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Both Hindu and Muslims come for worship here. Hindus call the deity as Gusainji Maharaj and Muslims call as Baba Kadam Rasool.[26]
  • Peepasar -Peepasar is a small village in the Nagaur Tehsil of Nagaur district. It is the birth place of the Great Saint Jambhoji, the founder of the Vishnoi community.
  • Maroth - Situated in Nawan tehsil of Nagaur District. 11 kms away from Nawan & 11 kms away from the Kuchaman Road railway station.
  • Harsor - Situated in Degana tehsil of Nagaur district. About 30 kms from Degana.
Dadhimati Temple Goth-Manglod
  • Manglod - Goth-Manglod Dadhimati temple. Dadhimati is said to be the sister of sage Dadhichi. Dadhimati temple of goddess Dadhimati is located in Nagaur district of Rajasthan. and is surrounded by villages goth-Manglod. It is one of the oldest surviving temples in northern India. Archaeologically, it was built in the 4th century and is of the Gupta era.
  • Phalvardhika (Phalodi) - Situated in Merta tehsil of Nagaur district near Merta Road Railway Station. An old temple of Brahamani Mata known as Phalvardhika Mata belonging to the 10th century or even earlier. Some believe the temple was constructed during the Pratihara period and situated 11 kms from Merta City.
  • Khatu - Khatu's old name was Shatkup (six wells). When Shak rulers came to India then they brought two new wells with them which were called Shakandhu (Stepwell) & Kalandh (Rahat). Accoring to Prathivraj Raso Khatu's old name was Khatwan. Old Khatu is almost destroyed. Now there are two villages, one is called Bari Khatu & other Chhoti Khatu. On the hillock of Chhoti Khatu a small fort is standing. Fort was built by Prathviraj Chouhan. An old stepwell is located in Chhoti Khatu, known as Phool Bawadi, it is believed that this stepwell was constructed in Gurjara Pratihara period. This stepwell is artistic in its style of architecture.
  • Harsolav - It is believed that this village is many centuries old. It has an old fort, a Ganesh temple, a Jain Mandir & a cenotaph of Ramchandra Gurjar which is worth a visit. In the building one can seen beautiful stone carvings. The village is situated on Gothan-Jodhpur road in the Merta tehsil of Nagaur district.
  • Mundiyad - It is situated about 25 kms away from Nagaur district Hq. in Nagaur tehsil. Village is centuries old, it is believe that the village was established by Mundra Maheshwari, hence it is called Mundiyad. Here is an old Mataji temple & cenotaphs of Jagirdars & Charans of the medieval period. There is also a small Ganesh temple very famous among the people near by.
  • Manjhwas - The village is famous for "Pashupati Nath Temple" & "Phulabai Temple". It is 20 km away from Nagaur district Hq. on Deh route. Pashupati Nath temple is unique in India & built archaeologically as Kathmandu, Nepal. Phulabai was saint born in year 1664 in a Manju gotra Jat family. She was highly devoted to Lord Rama right from childhood & spent her most of time in "Bhakti" & "Kirtana" of Shri Ram.
  • Ren - This Village is situated in Merta Tehsil of Nagaur district. 15 kms. away from Merta City. Here is a famous Peeth of the Ram Sanehi community. It is believed that Adi Acharaya Daryavji of Ram Sanehi Community performed "tapsaya" here. Every year a big fair is held on the full noon in the month of Chaitra.
  • Kurki - Kurki is a small village in the Merta Tehsil of Nagaur district. It is the birth place of the famous princess and poetess, Meera Bai, about 30 kms. from Merta.
  • Jhorda - It is situated on the north of Nagaur about 30 kms away. It is the birth place of the Great Saint Baba Hariram and the poet Kandan Kalpit. Every year in the month of Bhadrapad Chaturthy & Panchmi a big annual fair is held here where about 1-2 lac people participate who come from Rajasthan, U.P., Haryana, Delhi & Punjab.
  • Son Nagar - It is situated on the north-west border of the district & is a favourite place for foreign tourists who can enjoy the desert life style here. In the village there is a small museum where Rajasthani life style goods are collected & displayed. (This village is also famous for its artistic "Kathi"-saddle for camels & horses.)
  • Gogelav - This village was established in the name of Lok Devta Gogaji and it is believed that Gogaji's Barat-marriage party had stayed here. In the village near about 150 Gateways are there & some of them are very beautiful with stone carvings. Residents of the village are mainly Oswal Mahajans & there are beautiful & big havelies belonging to them. Most of the major Oswal Mahajan families have migrated from here to Kolkatta, Chennai & other big cities of India & quite a few of these families are settled in the U.S.A., Dubai, Germany & Iran for trading purposes.

Jat Gotras in Nagaur district

See complete list of Jat Gotras in Nagaur district - Jat Gotras in Nagaur district

Notable Persons

  • कुंवर करण सिंह - आप नागौर परगने के रहने वाले नौजवान व्यक्ति हैं। आपका जीवन उत्साही जवानों का जैसा है। आप इस समय वकालत करते हैं और जाट बोर्डिंग हाउस नागौर के आप सुपरिटेंडेंट रह चुके हैं। आप रचनात्मक काम में अधिक दिलचस्पी रखने वाले आदमियों में से हैं। [30]
  • हीरा सिंह गुरु मास्टर, बौ हा नागौर - मारवाड़ जाट कृषक सुधार सभा की प्रबंधकारिणी और कार्यकारिणी में रहकर आप ने जाट जाति की सेवा करके अपने को कृतार्थ किया है। [31]
  • फतह सिंह हैड मास्टर, कृषि स्कूल नागौर- मारवाड़ जाट कृषक सुधार सभा की प्रबंधकारिणी और कार्यकारिणी में रहकर आप ने जाट जाति की सेवा करके अपने को कृतार्थ किया है। [32]
  • हरनारायन सिंह, नागौर - मारवाड़ जाट कृषक सुधार सभा की प्रबंधकारिणी और कार्यकारिणी में रहकर आप ने जाट जाति की सेवा करके अपने को कृतार्थ किया है। [33]

Gallery of famous Jats from Nagaur

External links

See also


  1. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III, p.242
  2. (See Sakrai inscription of s.v. 1155)
  3. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, Delhi, 2002, p. 393
  4. Kosare H.L. P-232.
  5. Ibid
  6. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, Delhi, 2002, p. 393
  7. Dr Naval Viyogi: Nagas, the Ancient Rulers of India, Delhi, 2002, p. 394
  8. Chauhan dominions: Dasharatha Sharma:Early Chauhan Dynasties, Teble-2, S.No. 218, p.331
  9. विप्र श्री वत्स गोत्रे भूदहिच्छ्त्रपुरे पुरा । सामन्तोअनन्त सामन्त: पूर्नतल्लो नृपस्तत: ॥
  10. रतन लाल मिश्र:शेखावाटी का नवीन इतिहास, मंडावा, १९९८, पृ.36
  11. Early Chauhan Dynasties (800 to 1316) by Dasharatha Sharma, pp.231
  12. "Early Chauhan Dynasties" by Dasharatha Sharma, pp. 11-13
  13. See Indian Antiquary , 1912, p. 196; ASR, VI, Plat e. XXI
  14. Encyclopaedia of Jainism, Volume-1 By Indo-European Jain Research Foundation p.5530
  15. Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 18, p. 298.
  16. Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 18, p. 299.
  17. Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 18, p. 299.
  18. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III, p.242
  19. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Shashtham Parichhed, p.127
  20. Sant Kanha Ram: Shri Veer Tejaji Ka Itihas Evam Jiwan Charitra (Shodh Granth), Published by Veer Tejaji Shodh Sansthan Sursura, Ajmer, 2015. pp.76-78
  21. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.491
  22. Sant Kanha Ram: Shri Veer Tejaji Ka Itihas Evam Jiwan Charitra (Shodh Granth), Published by Veer Tejaji Shodh Sansthan Sursura, Ajmer, 2015. pp.111, 128
  23. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III, p.242
  24. राजस्थान के जाटों का इतिहास, 2010, पृ.19
  25. Dr Pema Ram & Dr Vikramaditya Chaudhary, Jaton ki Gauravgatha (जाटों की गौरवगाथा), First Edition 2004, Publisher - Rajasthani Granthagar, Jodhpur, Ph 0291-2623933, p. 40-41
  26. प्रहलाद नाथ: श्री गुसांईजी महाराज के भजन व रचना, p.5
  27. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.187
  28. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.188-189
  29. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.207
  30. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.208
  31. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.210
  32. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.210
  33. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.210

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