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For the country of Gurjaras see Gurjaradesha

Gujar (गूजर)[1] [2] Gurjar (गुर्जर)[3] [4] [5] Goojar (गूजर)[6] Gujarwala (गूजरवाला)[7]gotra Jats are found in Rajasthan[8], Pakistan and Uttar Pradesh. [9]. Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [10] It is an important tribe of Punjab (Pakistan).[11] Gurjar is a Gotra of the Anjana Jats in Gujarat.


They got this gotra name from Gujrawala or Gujarat region of Pakistan. [12]


Ram Sarup Joon[13] writes that In addition to the people who are known as Jats now, the Ahirs, who live in the area contiguous to the Jats, are purely of Yayati stock and thus a sister community of the Jats. A large number of Jat gotras are found amongst the Gujars.

Ram Sarup Joon[14] writes that ...Abdul Malik Mashirmal, author of Gujar History writes that according to General Sir A Cunningham, the author of Gujar and Rajputs history, the rulers of Kanauj were Gujars (History of Gujars P-213 to 218). Their Gotra was Pratihar and they are the Descendants of Hun Chief Torman.

Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioneded it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [15]

गुर्जर जाति का शिलालेख

गुर्जर जाति का एक शिलालेख राजोरगढ़ (अलवर जिला) में प्राप्त हुआ है. डॉ गोपीनाथ शर्मा[16] इस शिलालेख के बारे में लिखते हैं कि राजोरगढ़ (अलवर जिला) के वि.स. १०१६ माघ सुदी १३ के इस लेख से पाया जाता है कि ११ वीं शताब्दी में राज्यपुर (राजोरगढ़) पर प्रतिहार गोत्र का गुर्जर महाराजाधिराज सावट का पुत्र महाराजाधिराज परमेश्वर मथनदेव राज्य करता था और वह महीपाल का सावंत था. इस लेख से गुर्जर जाति के किसान होने की भी सूचना प्राप्त होती है. विस्तृत विवर के लिए देखें - Rajor.

Gujar Community

Ram Sarup Joon[17] writes that The Gujar Community is a martial community of India. Till now Historians have not been able to say exactly as to what is the origin of word Gujar, Gurjar, Gaocher, Kosar, Khosa or Khijar.

The Gujars are also described in modern history books as descendants of Huns. The theory is that Hun tribes used to keep on moving but their base was in the country near Bahre Khijar (Black Sea). From here they went to Europe and Central Asia. Their main occupation was grazing cattle and sheep. They used to call themselves Khujar. Khujar got converted to Gujar

Although Huns were shepherds,they were brave warriors. They were from pure Aryan stock they

History of the Jats, End of Page-114

invaded India in about 400 AD. When defeated and driven out by king Yashodharman they concealed themselves in the mountains. A large number settled down in these countries. But amongst Indian Gujars only five gotras are after the name of Hun Sardars. The rest of the Gujars are from Jat Gotras. Some of them are from Rajputs also.

Dr. Huthi of Georgia paid a visit to India in 1967 and studied the Gujars living in Northern India. He has stated that there are Georgian tribes too among the Gujars because the accent of the Indian Gujars, their dress and their bullock carts resemble that of the Georgians. Dr. Huthi is of the view that they came to India when Timur let loose a reign of terror over them and consequently they settled here. They came here to protect their lives and religion and called themselves "Georgian", "Jorjars",. Later this word was changed into Gujjar. The "Khetana" caste of the Gujjars is also a proof of the fact that they came from Khotan.

The Gujar Gotras are divided into three groups.

  • The third and largest group Gujars of gotras are the same as Jat Gotras.

Gujars force ascendancy arose after the death of King Harshavardhana and they undertook the task of protecting the Hindu religion and checking the advance of Islam on the Western frontiers of the country.

Jats accepted Gujar leadership because Gujars were Buddhists and had arisen for a noble cause. The Jats who joined the Gujar force also came to be known as Gujars by and by. Kings of Solankhi Gotra,

History of the Jats, End of Page-115

Panwar or Partihars established two kingdoms named Bhinmal, and Tira (Achalgarh) in the area of Mount Abu.

The proof ofParmars and Pratihars being Gujars or Huns is that there was a town named Jablapuri which both these kingdoms claimed as their heritage. Jabila (Hun) was the chief of the tribe.

Kasana or Kasvan is a Jat Gotra in Rajasthan at present. King Kanishka was a foreign Yuchi (Yati Jat and Khathans were Khotani or Turkish Jats. Turkistan has been a pure Jat country and the ancestors or Turks were of Takshak Ghorsi (Ghosi) (Ghorzay), the Zablastanis of Kabul were Indians.

Gorzai a big tribe of Pathans in Ghazni (Zabilastan) claim their origin from Gazni.

The Gaur Jats and Rajput had their kingdoms in Rajasthan also.

This was because Afghanistan was a province of India and tribes often shifted from one province to another.

The Arab historian Suleman Nadvi in his book Tarikhe-Tibri writes that in 900 A. D. there was a powerful Jat king of Balhara Gotra. He ruled on the Western frontiers of India and was a fast friend of Arab Kings.

Jat Gotras who joined Gujar force

Ram Sarup Joon[18] writes that.... On the other hand the Gujar was a bitter foe of Arab and Islam. The Gujar rule had that time spread over most of India.

About 70 Jat Gotras joined the Gujar force and started calling themselves Gujars. Some of these Jat Gotras are given below.

Babar, Bagiar, Bander, Bar, Bhadan, Bhatti, Bhilaut, Bhind, Bhoria, Birru, Chalukya, Chandal, Chandel, Changas, Chaura, Chhonker, Cirwar, Dehru, Duhal, Dulesra, Gaherwal, Girwar, Gomat, Goraya, Jaglain, Jamgal, Jarija, Jinder, Kataria, Kharal, Khare, Khirya, Khokkar, Kitcher, Lamba, Matsara, Medh, Midhan, Phalswal (Poruval), Puni, Punia, Rathi, Rawasia, Sandal, Sargu, Sindher, Singal, Tanwar, Thakrela, Thand, Titarwal,

History of the Jats, End of Page-116

The Gujars were Buddhists. After the death of King Harsha , the Puranic Mat eclipsed Buddhism. The Brahmin priests did not admit Gujars as 'Akshatriyas' calling them foreigners. This point was an obstacle for them in winning over the public faith and establishing a firm Gujar rule- With this policy, the Brahmins succeeded in converting Gujars from Buddhism to the Puranic Mat. Later the Gujars in power were named as 'Rajputs', after the ceremony of 'Agni Kund Yagya' and granted the privileges to be classified as 'Aksahtriyas'

List of Kings of Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty (650–1036 CE)


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[19] ने लेख किया है ...द्वाराहाट अथवा 'द्वारहाट' (AS, p.460) रानीखेत तहसील, अल्मोड़ा ज़िला, उत्तराखण्ड का एक प्राचीन स्थान है। यह रानीखेत से 13 मील (लगभग 20.8 कि.मी.) की दूरी पर स्थित है। 8वीं से 13वीं शती तक के अनेक मंदिरों के अवशेष यहाँ से मिले हैं। द्वाराहाट में तीन वर्ग के मन्दिर हैं- कचहरी, मनिया तथा रत्नदेव। इसके अतिरिक्त बहुत-से मन्दिर प्रतिमाविहीन हैं। गूजरदेव का मन्दिर द्वाराहाट का सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण मन्दिर है। कला की दृष्टि से यह मन्दिर उत्कृष्ट कहा जा सकता है। इस मन्दिर की चारों ओर की भित्तियों को कलापूर्ण शिलापट्टों से समलंकृत किया गया है। द्वाराहाट का 'शीतला मंदिर' भी बहुत उल्लेखनीय है।

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Nagaur district


Villages in Pali district


Villages in Barmer district

Bayatu Chimanji, Chandesara, Chaukriya Ki Dhani, Chohtan, Kanasar, Poshal,

Villages in Jodhpur district


Distribution in Pakistan

According to 1911 census the Gujar were the principal Muslim Jat clan in districts with population:

  • Jhang District - Gujar (1,265)

Notable persons from this gotra

  • Hema Ram Gujar (चौधरी हेमाराम गुजर), from Berathal (बेराथल), Nagaur, was a social worker in Nagaur, Rajasthan.[20]
  • Nirmal Gujar - Director GSI Jaipur, Mob 9460617918, Email: <>, great great grandson of Hema Ram Gujar.
  • Narsinga Ram Gujar , Paushal, Sheo Tahsil, who lost life in struggle against Jagirdars in year 1955
  • DR. Mrs. Ratan Choudhary (Gujar) - Doctor: 2/37, GANDHI NAGAR JAIPUR, Present Address : 2/37, GANDHI NAGAR JAIPUR, Phone Number : 0141-2700833 [R], Mobile Number : 9414071833

See also

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