(Tewatia, Teotia, Tevathiya, Tevathi, Tevathiya)
Location : Haryana, Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh
Country : India

Tevatia (तेवतिया)[1] Tewatia (तेवतिया) Teotia (तेवतिया)[2] Tevathiya (तेवथिया) Tevathi (तेवथि)/(तेवाथी)[3] Tevathiya (तेवठिया)[4] is clan or gotra found in Jats of Haryana, Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh in India. Population of Tevatia Jats is mainly concentrated in Faridabad, Gurgaon, Bulandshahr, Bharatpur, Chittorgarh, Mathura, Ghaziabad, Aligarh, Muzaffarnagar districts. There are some villages of tevatias in Bagpat, Bijnor, Moradabad, Nainital districts also. They are also found in Bhopal in MP.
- Tapti River is considered to be named after Tevatia gotra.
- Teviot is a river of the Scottish Borders area of Scotland in Great Britain. It is considered to be named after Tevatia gotra.
Ram Swarup Joon[6] writes about Tewathiya: Moving down from Multan during the Mughal period, these people settled down In villages Tewathi in district Gurgaon. They call themselves Shavi Jats and their biggest villages is Bhattona.
Charades, father of King Bal Ram of this dynasty founded Ballabhgarh and married his daughter to King Suraj Mal of Bharatpur.
Bal Ram founded the state of Ballabhgarh.
B S Dahiya[7] writes:Certain coins were found at Ujjain and are described by K.P.Jayaswal. [8] A coin has a river with a fish on one side; it has a legend in the oldest form of Brahmi, reading Tubathi or Turbathi. Probably its Sanskrit equivalent is Turvasti. Coin seems to be older than Maurya times. The name which is a place name, appears to be connected with the dynastic name Turvasha. The reverse has a tree on the ground marked with a square.
These are the observation of late Dr. K P Jayaswal. His reading of the name, Tubathi is practically correct it should be tevathi / Tuvathi but it is not place name it is a clan name of the Jats. The symbols of water (with fish) and earth (with tree) are the tradition symbols of the Jats (Dharti-Pani in Hindi) It is perhaps, older than Mauryan times. Tabiti is the name of the fire goddess of the Scythians. If these suppositions are correct then it shows that the Tevathiya Jats came to India during Achaemenid disturbance. [9] [10]
Tevatia Jats believe that they have migrated from village named Tevti/Teoti. There is one village of this name in Bharatpur. There is also a village of this name near Ujjain. River Tapti is considered to be named after this gotra. Country Tibet is also believed to be named after this gotra.
If we look similar names in other countries we find one tribe named Teuton in Europe and Germany. Tevatia jats are believed to have come to India in 5th century B.C. during Mauryan period from Iran. The word Tevatia has no meaning in Hindi or Sanskrit languages. In Persian language Tevatia word is found which means "Goddess of Fire". In China also a similar word Tao is found which is indicator of 'greatness'.
Janoothar is a (Teotia) village in Bharatpur (Rajasthan) is more than 2400 years old. John Paul Tewatia founded Janauli village (Palwal, Haryana) more than 2000 years back. About 900 years back some Tewatia Jats crossed Yamuna river and founded present Bhatona village in Gulawthi (Bulandshahr) UP. Along with them went some Dagar and Rawat Jats also from Palwal. Palwal and Batana are Persian name. Bhatona is famous for Temple of Dagre wale Baba & thousands of devotees come to temple on Diwali & Holi for Darshan. Sarju Baba was born in Bhatona & took Samadhi at the place ,where this Temple is situated.
Dalip Singh Ahlawat[11] writes -
पहले इन जाटों का, जो भटिण्डा के क्षेत्र में आबाद थे, शिविगोत्र था। यह शिविगोत्र चन्द्रवंश में वैदिककालीन जाट गोत्र है। जैसा कि हम पहले लिख चुके हैं कि इस वंश के एक सरदार गोपालसिंह, जो कि तिब्बत गांव (जो अब तिरपत) का रहने वाला था, ने अपने वंशजों के साथ आकर बल्लभगढ़ राज्य की स्थापना की और शिवि गोत्र के स्थान पर अपने को तिब्बत (तिरपत) गांव के नाम से तेवतिया प्रसिद्ध कर दिया। उसके अन्य वंशधर जिनौली, नंगला, तिरसण, करिज, हाजीपुर, देलाको, छपरौली, अछगौदा, नंगलाभुक्कु, अटाली आदि गांवों में आबाद हुए जो इसी तेवतिया गोत्र के जाट हैं। सन् 1857 ई० के विद्रोह में अंग्रेजों ने तेवतिया जाटों के बल्लभगढ़ राज्य को समाप्त कर दिया किन्तु इसके बाद अंग्रेजी शासनकाल में तेवतिया जाटों की भटौना नाम की एक नई रियासत का विकास हुआ जो कि जिला बुलन्दशहर में है। इस भटौना रियासत का आदि पुरुषा बहारिया नामक जाट सरदार था, जो बल्लभगढ़ राज्य को सुदृढ़ करने वाले बलरामसिंह का भाई था। उसके तीन पुत्रों ने बुलन्दशहर जिले के उपजाऊ भाग गुलावटी के पास भटौना नामक स्थान पर अधिकार स्थिर किया। यहां से तेवतिया जाटों ने सन्तति वृद्धि की और कृषि की विशाल आय से बहुत गांव, भूमि मोल लेकर बसाए जैसे - अस्ता, छपरावत, खदैड़ा, देवली, नरावठी, नगौरा, शेख, बटाल, कयामपुर, भरथल, झण्डामसरखपुर, रामगढ़ी, महमूदपुर, मिसौली, गोठनी आदि। मेरठ में जानी खुर्द, चित्तौड़ा, भदौला, मुरादाबाद में भवानीपुर नामक गांव तेवतियों के हैं। इस वंश का विशाल वैभव गुड़गांव और बुलन्दशहर जिलों में भी है। सब मिलकर 60-70 गांवों में बसे हुए ये लोग अब तेवतिया के साथ भटौनिया नाम से कहे जाते हैं क्योंकि इनकी अधिक प्रसिद्धी भटौना गांव से निकलने पर हुई। ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य के लिए जहां इनकी सेवायें अग्रगण्य रहीं, वहां देशभक्ति और स्वाधीनता के लिए किए गए कार्य भी उल्लेखनीय हैं। चौधरी चरणसिंह भूतपूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री और भारत के किसानों के महान् नेता इसी गोत्र के थे।
Villages founded by Tevatia clan
- Janoothar (जनूथर) (Januther) - village in Deeg tahsil in district Bharatpur, Rajasthan. Janoothar is a (Teotia) village in Bharatpur (Rajasthan) is more than 2400 years old.
- Bhatona: About 900 years back some Tewatia Jats crossed Yamuna river and founded present Bhatona village in Gulawthi (Bulandshahr) UP. Along with them went some Dagar and Rawat Jats also from Palwal. Palwal and Batana are Persian name. Bhatona is famous for Temple of Dagre wale Baba & thousands of devotees come to temple on Diwali & Holi for Darshan. Sarju Baba was born in Bhatona & took Samadhi at the place ,where this Temple is situated.
Genealogy of Tewatias of Bhatona
Puranmal Teotia (1328 AD) → Sarthanand (1/2) Chawle Singh (1/3) Rattu Singh (3/3) → Teja Singh (6/7) → Sawant Singh (2/4) (Kilhora wale) → Inder Singh (2/2) → Laxman Singh (3/4) → Baba Chandan Singh (3/4) → Balwant Singh (1/6) → Rampal Singh (1/4) → Col. Virendra S Tavathia (Retd.) (6/6)
Tewatia Pal
Tewatia Pal has 12 villages in tahsil Khair in Aligarh district in Uttar Pradesh. Main villages are: Edalsar, Khera Sattu, Darkana, Nagaria, Savai Raghunathpur, Sabhapur, Arni, Bhagatgarhi, Bhareri, Sattu ki Nagariya, Bhagwangarhi. This Pal share's a common temple of Lord Shiva which is located in this pal named as Bujana. [12]
तेवतिया पाल
32. तेवतिया पाल - इस खाप के 18 गांव अलीगढ़ जनपद में खैर तहसील के अंतर्गत आते हैं जिनमें एदलसर, खेड़ा, दरकना और नगरिया प्रमुख गांव हैं.[13]
Tewatia Khap
Some people consider it different from Tewatia pal but others consider Tewatia Pal to be small khap and Tewatia khap to be bigger one. Many villages of this khap are in Bulandshahr district. Ballabhgarh in Haryana and Nurpur in Ghaziabad are in this khap. Ex Prime Minister of India Chaudhary Charan Singh was born in this khap in village Nurpur. [14]
तेवतिया खाप
33. तेवतिया खाप - यह खाप तेवतिया पाल से अलग है. कुछ लोग तेवतिया पाल को छोटी और तेवतिया खाप को बड़ी खाप कहते हैं. इस खाप के अनेक गांव बुलंदशहर जनपद में फैले हुए हैं. हरियाणा प्रांत में बल्लभगढ़ तथा गाजियाबाद में बसा गांव नूरपुर भी इसी खाप में आते हैं. भूतपूर्व प्रधानमंत्री चौधरी चरण सिंह का जन्म गांव नूरपुर में ही हुआ था.[15]
Sarvapal Khap
Sarvapal Khap is a Khap of 22 villages. This is a grand organization spread from Faridabad, Ballabhgarh to Chhata, Kosi in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. It has 1000 village. It includes Deende Pal of Kosi Kalan, Gathona Khap of Bathain Kalan, Beniwal Khap of Kamar, Sorot Pal of Hodal, Munder Pal of Dhatteer- Allika, Tewatia Pal of Janauli, Rawat Pal of Paigaon. [16]
सर्वपाल खाप
सर्व पाल खाप में 22 गाँव हैं. यह फरीदाबाद, बल्लभगढ़ से लेकर मथुरा जिले के छाता, कोसी तक फैला एक विशाल संगठन है. इसमें करीब 1000 गाँव हैं. इस खाप में कोसी की डींडे पाल, बठैन की गठौना पाल, कामर की बेनीवाल पाल, होडल की सौरोत पाल, धत्तीर- अल्लिका की मुंडेर पाल, जनौली की तेवतिया पाल, पैगांव की रावत पाल आदि सम्मिलित हैं. यह पाल दहेज़ निवारण में सबसे आगे है.[17]
Distribution in Rajasthan
Villages in Bharatpur district
Bharatpur, Bhojaka, Januther, Kumhan,
Villages in Chittorgarh district
Villages in Karauli district
Distribution in Haryana
Villages in Palwal district
Ajronda, Alawalpur, Atali, Dehlaka, Fazalpur Palwal, Janauli, Khedikalan, Kondal, Meerapur Palwal, Nagla Bhiku, Naya Gaon Palwal, Sihi, Panhera Kalan, Sotai, Nagla Jogian, Bhanakpur.
Villages in Gurgaon district
Villages in Palwal district
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh
Villages in Mandsaur district
Villages in Ratlam district
Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:
Ratlam 9,
Villages in Gwalior district
Villages in Guna district
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Villages in Aligarh district
Aidalpur, Baraula, Bhareri, Bhojaka Aligarh, Darka Nagaria, Fatehgarhi, Harnarayan Garhi, Idalpur, Khera Sattu, Rajmargpur, Utvara, Vikramganj,
Villages in Bulandshahr district
Banboi, Baral Bulandshahr, Bhatona, Bhogpur Bulandshahr (near Bhatona), Bijlipur, Birauli, Chhapravat (छपरावत), Ghesupur, Ginora Shekh, Gothni, Gulaothi, Jirawathi, Kadrabad Bulandshahar, Karauthi, Karim Nagar Banboi, Khad Mohan Nagar, Khailia Kalyanpur, Khushhalpur, Kisoli, Kyampur, Nayabas, Noorpur Ki Madhaiya, Papari, Sarawa Bulandshahar, Shahpur Kala, Shekhpur-Gaindpur, Shekupur Raura, Sihi Bulandshahr, Pasauli,
Villages in Gautam Budh Nagar district
Beerpura, Khandera Girirajpur, Khandera (Milk), Nagla Bhatona, Nagla Hukam Singh, Saithali,
Villages in Ghaziabad district
Aurang Nagar Kinapur, Bhadaula, Churiyala, Darkana, Dasna Dehat, Jalalabad Ghaziabad, Kilhora, Sahibabad, Saidpur Husainpur,
Villages in Baghpat district
Fakharpur, Mavikalan, Norozpur Aima,
Villages in Sambhal district
Villages in Mathura district
Villages in Hapur district
Noorpur Hapur, Partapur[18], Udaipur Hapur,
Villages in Shamli district
Villages in Meerut district
Distribution in Delhi
Villages in Delhi
Badarpur south delhi, Jia Sarai, Saidullajab (Said-Ul-Ajaib),
Notable persons of Tewatia clan
- Raghubir Singh Tewatia MLA Prithla Faridabad
- Chaudhary Charan Singh - The ex. Prime Minister of India.
- Chaudhary Ajit Singh - Politician
- Deep Chand Bandhu - Politician
- Balram Singh Tewatia - The ruler of Ballabhgarh
- Raja Nahar Singh - The ruler of Ballabhgarh
- Devi Singh Tewatia - Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High Court
- Kushal Pal Singh Tewatia - Industrialist
- Maj. Narendra Kumar - IRS
- Captain Amir Singh - ADC to President of India
- Jayant Choudhary - former MP, Mathura,U.P.,2009
- Jogendra Singh - IRS, 1971 batch Founder of NCB
- Sanjeev Kumar Teotia - Assistant Conservator of Forests ,U.P.
- Devendra K. Tewatia - Indian Forest Service, Bihar, 1988 Batch
- Col. Virendra S Tavathia (Retd.) - North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, Phone Number, 732-658-3179 (H), Vice President Financial Services
- Dr S K Tewatia - IIT, Scientist
- HFO Sahansar Pal Tevatia - village Bhatona Bulandshahar. Ex Indian Air Force.
- Dr N.P.S. Teotia - Doctor and author
- Dr Tina Teotia - Doctor, London (UK)
- Chandi Ram Verma (Tewatia), Faridabad - Director ,Ministry of labour ,govt. of India
- Brig. (Dr) Bhim Singh Verma, M D (Tewatia), Faridabad - R R Army Hospital ,Delhi
- Manveer Singh Tewatia - Hero in Bhatta Parsaul Land Acquisition Movement
- Dr Arun Kumar (Tewatia) - Mob:9810009844
- Baba Udasnath (बाबा उदासनाथ) - Tewatia Gotra
- Dr. S.P.S. Teotia, an international figure in Metabolic diseases,
- Master Raghuvir Singh (Tevatia) - He belonged to Duhai in UP. He left his government job and came to Marward and did a lot in building Jat hostels and educating the Jat community. Nathuram Mirdha, Ramraghunath Chaudhary, Kumbharam Arya etc came through his hostels. His friends use to be Kaviraj Yogendra Pal Shastri and he was blessed by a daughter Smt. Vijaylaxmi who was married to Dr. Rampal Shastri Parasaria of Barni Khurd.
- Chaman Singh Tewatia - From village Udaipur Hapur in Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. Martyr of Kargil war on 12 June 1999.
- Shivam Teotia: Danics 2012 batch, Posted as Dy Collector, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, M: 9911231740
- Dr. Lokendra Singh (Teotia): Retired Director DRDE Gwalior, M.P. He is research scientist. He did research on decomposition of excreta. He was born on 5.7.1957 at village Ginora Shekh, Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh.
- Rajendra Singh (Teotia) (IIT) s/o Shri Tej Singh, village Bhatona, district Bulandshahr U.P. Contact +1(202)250-0504. Present working - Senior Regulatory expert in world bank Washington DC. Earlier assignments director Indian Railways. Secy TRAI. Education- B .Tech. (E&C) IIT Roorki , M .Tech . IIT Delhi, MBA - FMS Delhi University.
- Ombir Singh (Teotia) s/o Tej Singh, village Bhatona, district Bulandshahr U.P., Diploma (E&C) Delhi Technical Board , Global Services Head for Europe and APJ Market Nokia.

- Raghubir Singh Tewatiya (22.03.1966 - 15.03.2000) became martyr of militancy on 15.03.2000 during Operation Rakshak at Badampur in Jammu and Kashmir. Unit: 7 Jat Regiment/5 Rashtriya Rifles. He was from Sotai village in Ballabhgarh tahsil of Faridabad district, Haryana.
- Er. Ashbir Singh (Teotia) (IIT): s/o Shree Tej Singh, village Bhatona ,district Bulandshahr U.P. B. Tech. (Industrial Engineering) IIT Roorkee , M.Tech. Prodn .Engg. from SRU Rajasthan , MBA IIFT New Delhi, BPR Expert - trained at CSC LUCAS UK. Services - Chairman Centre of Entrepreneurship and Innovation J C Bose University YMCA Faridabad, Adjunct Faculty IITR, Ex COO TAFE (Third largest tractor manufacturing company in the world), GM Escorts Ltd .
- Dr. Krishan Pal Singh Teotia: Associate Professor, M.Sc (Physics, Meerut University); UGC - CSIR NET, GATE qualified, Ph.D (Physics, (plasma) Agra University); Head of the Physics, Sanskriti University, Mathura
- Dr. Khushvant Singh: Associate Professor, M.Sc (Physics, Roorkee University); UGC - CSIR NET, GATE Qualified; M.Tech (gold medallist, biomedical, BHU); Ph.D (Physics (plasma), Agra University); Head of the Physics and head proctorial board, BSA college, Mathura
- Sheshan Teotia : Garhmukteshwar
- Bhupendra Singh :- U.P.F (Garhmukteshwar)
- Ankit Teotia :- Garhmukteshwar (Hapur)
- Mohit Teotia :- Garhmukteshwar (Hapur)
- Shyam Lal Tewatiya MLA Palwal 1972

- प्रवीण चौधरी पुत्र श्री राजेन्द्र सिंह तेवतिया निवासी बी-591एम आई जी फ्लेटस चित्रकूट लोनी रोड दिल्ली -93 ने अपनी कड़ी मेहनत और लगन से 16th world Dragon Boat racing championship 2023 Pattaya, Thailand में 2000मीटर PD-2 में Gold Medal व PD-1 में Bronze Medal जीतकर समाज, कालोनी और देश का नाम रोशन किया। अखिल भारतीय जाट महासभा की तरफ से आपको हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं। आपका भविष्य उज्जवल हो और आप ओर अधिक उन्नति करे, मेडल जीते। अमर पाल सिंह राठी (अध्यक्ष)। अखिल भारतीय जाट महासभा पूर्वी दिल्ली।
Gallery of Tewatia people
Sunil Singh Tewatia of Ballabgarh, Great Grandson of martyr Maharaja Nahar Singh of Ballabgarh.
Dr. K P Singh Tewatiya, Secretary Jat Jan Chetna Mahasabha Mathura
Dr. Khushvant Singh Teotia
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. त-14
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.43,s.n. 1140
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. त-14
- ↑ B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.244, s.n.233
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III, p.197
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V, p. 106
- ↑ Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India,p. 276
- ↑ Journal of Bihar and Orissa Society, 1936, vol. XVII, p.65
- ↑ Rowlinson’s Herodotus, Vol. III, p. 160
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers ( A clan study), p. 276
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IX (Page 803)
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 17
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 17
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 17
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p. 17
- ↑ Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.22
- ↑ डॉ ओमपाल सिंह तुगानिया : जाट समुदाय के प्रमुख आधार बिंदु , आगरा , 2004, पृ . 22
- ↑ User:TewatiaJatt3120
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