Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Bauka (बाउक) (837 A.D.) was a Pratihara king of Mandor near Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Bauka was son of Kakka from queen Padmavati or Padmini. The area around Mandor was at that time called Gurjaratra. Kakkuka was a step-brother of Bauka. Bauka defeated a king named Mayura.
Genealogy of Bauka
Harichandra (550 AD) (हरिचंद्र) (wife Bhadra) → Rajjila (रज्जिल) → Narabhata (600-625 AD) (नरभट) → Nagabhata (625-650 AD) (नागभट) → Tata (तात) → Yashovarddhana (690-740) (यशोवर्द्धन) → Chanduka (चंदुक) → Shiluka (725-730) (शीलुक) → Jhota (झोट) → Bhilladitya (भिल्लादित्य) → Kakka (कक्क) (wife Padmini) → Bauka (वाउक)
The epigraph of Bauka was found in the Jodhpur city wall. Bauka was not a strong warrior but a good administrator. Raja Mayura of Bhatti Kshatriya attacked Mandor during his reign. When his unorganized army lost control over the war he himself entered in the middle of enemy Bhatt's army and fought bravely. Jodhpur Inscription tells us that when Nandaballa was killed by the enemy and his own army left him alone in the war he killed Raja Mayura and his kingdom was merged into Pratihara kingdom. After this victory he became a saint and handed over kingdom to Kakkuka. [1]
Jodhpur inscription of Pratihara Bauka dated V.S. 894 (837) A D

Reference - Epigraphia Indiaca, Vol.XVIII, pp.87-96 by R C Majumdar
[Page-87]This inscription was first edited, without any translation and facsimile, by Munshi Deviprasad of Jodhpur in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1894, pp. 1 ff. I re-edit it at the suggestion of, and from an estampage kindly supplied to me by Professor D. R. Bhandarkar. The stone which bears this inscription was discovered about 1892, in the wall surrounding the city of Jodhpur, but, as Professor Bhandarkar suggests, it was probably brought there from Mandor, five miles to the north of the city. The inscription consists of twenty-two lines. It is generally in a good state of preservation, although some letters have peeled off here and there. The engraving is remarkably excellent. The characters are of the type used in the inscriptions of the Imperial Pratihara dynasty. The language is Sanskrit ; and excepting the benedictory formula at the beginning, and the date and the engraver's name at the end, the inscription is written in verse.
The inscription records in the last five verses (27 to 31) the military exploits of a Pratihara chief called Bauka and gives in vv. 4 to 26 an account of the dynasty, to which he belonged. The eulogy of Bauka as described in the record seems to suggest that Bauka must have been away on a career of conquest when his kingdom was attacked by a confederacy of kings. His own partisans were unable to stand the fight and broke into disorder, when Bauka suddenly appeared on the scene, rallied his men and gained a complete victory. This heroic feat that saved tie country from a great disaster is the main theme of the inscription.
The Ghatiyala Inscriptions of the Pratihara Kakkuka, dated in the Vikrama year 918, confirm the above genealogy, although in two cases the names are slightly modified such as Silluka for Siluka, and Bhilluka for Bhilladitya. As these inscriptions trace only the direct line of descent, they omit the names of tie three brothers of Rajjila and of the brother of Tata but add a new name to the dynastic list, viz that of Kakkaka, the son of Kakka and Durlabhadevi. Kakkuka was thus a step-brother of Bauka. The foundation of the dynasty is thus ascribed to a Brahman who married two wives from two different castes. This is very interesting from a social point of view. His sons are credited with the conquest of Mandavyapura (modem Mandor) where, as already observed the atone must hare been originally put up. The grandson of one of them fixed his capital at the city of Medantaka which, as Munshi Deviprasad remarks, is possibly represented by the town Merta in Marwar. Shortly after this the military ardour of the family gives way to a
[Page-89] religious one, and the next king Tata spent his last days in a hermitage. His three successors seem, no doubt, to have been powerful rulers, but his example was followed by the, next two kings who spent the last part of their lives on the banks of the Gauges. Kakka, the successor of the last of them, is described to have fought with the people of Bengal (Gauda) in distant Monghyr, and the full significance of this will be explained later on. His successor Bauka who is the hero of the inscription, defeated a king named Mayura.
The date of the inscription has given rise to much discussion. On the whole, therefore, I am inclined to think that Bauka was the earlier prince and that the date of the inscription is Samvat 894 or 837 A.D. as read by Professor Bhandarkar.
The historical Importance of the inscription is very great. It gives us a line of chiefs extending over twelve generations. Taking twenty-five years as average for each generation the total reign-period of the dynasty would be about 300 years. As the dates of Kakkuka and Bauka, representing the twelfth generation of kings, are respectively 861 and 837 A.D., Harichandra, the founder of the dynasty may be placed at about 550 A.D. The Imperial Pratihara dynasty, however, cannot be traced back beyond the beginning of the eighth century A. D. So far, therefore, as the available evidence goes, Harichandra must be looked upon as the earliest Pratihara chief. The verse 5 of our inscription
[Page-90] says that the sons that were born of Harichandra and Bhadra were known as Pratihara and were wine-drinkers. This might imply a common origin of all the Pratihara ruling clans, and it is not impossible that the Imperial Pratihras of Kannauj also branched off from this family. The two following grounds may be urged in support of thin view, although the question cannot be finally sealed till fresh evidence is available:-
- (1) The common mythical tradition about the origin of the name Pratihra, both tracing it to Lakshamana the brother and door-keeper of Rama.
- (2) The commonity of names in the two "families, such as those of Kakkuka, Nagabhata and Bhoja.
It 'is not easy to determine the status of the chiefs mentioned in the inscription. Their names are not preceded by titles like maharajadhiraja, parama-bhattaraka etc., which often accompany the names of independent and paramount sovereign in inscriptions. But no conclusions can be based on the absence of these titles in the present instance, for we know that in some inscriptions the Imperial Pratiharas are mentioned without nay of these pompons titles, which are, however, preserved in other inscriptions. Prof. Bhandarkar has deailt With this point in detail and his arguments have been fully endorsed by V. A. Smith; and I believe it is impossible to avoid the conclusion, that so far at least this period is concerned, 'titular formulas, in reality, are of extremely slight significance.'
Our inscription applies the term rajni to Bhadra, tho queen of Harichandra the first chief, and to Jajjikadevi, the queen of Nagabhata, and the term Maharajni to Padmini the queen of Kakka. It refers to the "rajadhani" of Nagabhata and the rajya of Tata, Jhota and Bhilladitya. The sons of Harichandra are called Bhu-dharana-Kshama. Kakka is styled Bhupati and Bauka is called Nrisimha. These are the only references, direct or indirect, to the royal power exercised by these chiefs. In this respect it bears a close resemblance to he Gwalior inscription of Bhoja I published below. Th latter adds no royal epithet to Nagabhata, the first chief; calls the second and fourth kings respectively as Kshmabhridisa and Khmapala while Nagabhata and Bhoja I two of the greatest kings of the dynasty are introduced without any royal epithet. Whatever might be the reason the close parallel between these two contemporary epigraphic record would preclude any conclusion regarding the subordinate rank of the chiefs of our inscription, on the basis of the absence of High sounding royal epithets.
As we have seen before, the first chief Harichandra must be placed at the beginning of of the latter half of the 6th century A. D. This is in full accordance with the fact that the earliest reference to the Gurjaras, to which race the Pratihara belonged, is carried back to the same period by the reference, in the Harshacharita, to the wars of Prabhakaravardhana against them. The province of Gurjaratra, which was named after them and must therefore, be looked upon as the province where they gained a firm footing and established themselves, was under the sway of this dynasty. Thia is quite evident not only from the find-spots
[Page-91] of inscriptions of this dynasty which have all been found within its area, but also from the express mention in the Ghatiyala Inscriptions, that Kakkuka ruled over Gurjaratra (v. 16). The inscription also throws some light as to the period: when this province was being gradually occupied by the dynasty. Verses 9 and 10 tell us that the four sons of Harichandra built a huge rampart round the fort of Mandavyapura which was gained by own prowess (nija-bhuj-arjjite). Mandavyapura is evidently Mandor, the ancient capital of Marwar, near Jodhpur. It is evident, therefore, that the Gurjaras under Harichandra and his sons had occupied the province, known after them, and proceeded up to Mandor, before the end of the sixth century A. D.
The period was indeed a suitable one for such conquest. After the downfall of the short lived empires of Mihirakula and Yashodharman, northern India must have presented a favourable field for the struggle of nations. The Gurjaras, who probably entered India along with or shortly after the Hunas, found a favourable opportunity to press forward till they advanced as far as the Jodhpur state. Their further advance was checked by the prowess of Prabhakaravardhana and his son, and they were therefore obliged to establish themselves in the province which was subsequently named after them. Harichandra must have been the leader, or at least one of the principal leaders, of this advanced section of the Gurjaras; in any case his dynasty was ultimately able to establish its supremacy over the entire, clan. This seems to be the only reasonable inference from the circumstances stated above, and I do not know of any thing which contradicts this view.
Inscriptions testify to the existence of a line of feudatory Gurjara chiefs ruling at Broach. The earliest date of the third chief of this dynasty is 629 A.D. Allowing fifty years for the two generations that preceded him, we get the date c. 580 A.D. for the Samanta Dadda, who founded the line. The date corresponds so very well with that of Dadda, the youngest son of Harichandra, that the identity of the two may be at once presumed. It has-been already suggested, on general grounds, that the Broach line was feudatory to the main line of the Guarjaras further north, But no link, connecting the two, has been hitherto obtained. The proposed identification would not only supply such a link but would also explain why the Gurjara inscriptions record that Dadda I was of the race of Gurjara Kings (Gurjara-nripa-vamsha) although he and his descendants are referred to as Samantas or feudatories. It further closely fits in with the theory of the Gurjara invasion dealt with above. It would appear that after Harichandra had carved a principality for himself in Gurjaratra and the neighbouring country, the nomadic habits of the tribe led them further south till they conquered a fair portion of Lata. The necessity of preserving their own against the rising power of the Chalukya probably led to the foundation of a feudafcory state in the southern province under Dadda,. the younger brother of the ruling king Rajjila. Instances like these are furnished by the history of the Chalukyas and the Rashtrakuttas.
The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsiang visited a Gurjara kingdom which was about 300 miles north of Valabhi or Surat. It is a noticeable fact that Gurjaratra or the country round about Mandor exactly answers to this description. As Harichandra's dynasty was certainly ruling in the locality at the time of the pilgrim's visit, we are justified in identifying
[Page-92] their kingdom with the one described by Hiuen Tsiang. We are unable to identify the king whose court was visited by pilgrim.
The Gurjuras, after their settlement in Rajasthan and Broach,had to fight for supremacy with Prabhakaravardhana of Thaneshwar who seems to have added native resistance against the invading hordes of the Hunas and tho Gurjaras. We have already mentioned about the wars of Prabhakaravardhana against the Gurjaras. The struggle was not, however, a decisive one, and continued till the time of Harshavardhana. The feudatory Dadda II of Broach is said to have produced a lord of Valabhi against the Kanauj Emperor, and surprise has justly been expressed how a small state like Broach could withstand the force of tho mighty emperor. It is quite dear if we admit Broach to have been feudatory state of Harichandra and remember its hereditary enmity with the royal house of Thanesar. That the Gurjaras were not worsted in their struggle with the kings of Thanesar appears quite clearly from the fact that they retained their independence as Hiuen Tsiang informs us, till as late a period as of Harshavardhana.
The extension of Gurjara power to south brought in conflict with Chalukyas. It is recorded in Aihole Inscription that Chalukya Pulakeshi (611-610 AD) defeated the Latas, Malawas and Gurjaras. The Gurjaras here must be taken to refer to the Pratihara dynasty under Dadda as it is included in Latas.
[Page-93] The Gurjara Pratihara line founded by Harichandra thus established itself in Rajputana and fought successfully against the royal houses of Thaneswar and Badami; For about two hundred years they reigned in splendour over the greater part of Rajputana hut the Arab invasion of about 725 A.D. brought about a decline. The Nausari plates of the Gujarat Chalukya Pulakeshiiraja, dated in October, A.D. 788, tell us that the Gurjaras were destroyed by an invasion of the Tajikas or Arabs, apparently shortly before that time.
It seems very likely that the Arab invasions referred to in the Nausari plates were those undertaken by the officers of Junaid, the general of Khalif Hasham (724-743 A.D.). Biladuri gives a short account of these expeditions and mentions, among other things, that Junaid sent his officers to Marwad Mandal, Barus and other places and conquered Bailaman and Jurz. There can be no doubt that Marwad is the same as Maru-mada which is referred to 1n the Ghatiyala inscription of Kakkuka and includes Jaisalmer and part of Jodhpur States. Barus is undoubtedly Broach and Mandal probably denotes Mandor. It is now a well-known fact that Jurz was the Arabic corruption of Gurjara, and Bailamana in as probably refers to the circle of states mentioned in our inscription as Valla-mandala. It would thus appear that the Arab army under Junnaid conquered the Gurjara states in the north as well as the feudatory state of Broach in the south.
This catastrophe must have taken place at the beginning of the second quarter of the eighth century A.D. According to Biladuri the Arab expeditions wore arranged by Junaid during the Caliphate Hasham who ruled from 724 to 743 A.D. According to Elliot Junaid was succeeded by Tamin about 726 A.D. Evidently this last date is far from being definitely known and we may therefore conclude that the expeditions were undertaker, shortly after 724 A.D. The Nausari plates show, however, that the expeditions referred to in them took place between 731 and 738 A.D. For, according to the Balsar plates, Avanijanasraya-Pulakesi-raja did not come to the throne till the year 731 A.D., and as he himself takes the credit of having repelled the Arabs from Nausari, the event must be dated after that year.
The Chalukya prince Ayanijanasraya-Pulakesi-raja, who successfully resisted the Arabs, probably took advantage of this opportunity to wrest the Lata province from the Gurjara kingdom. The decline of the Gurjara power thus brought about by the Arab invasion in the north and the Chalukya aggression in the south favoured the growth of a rival Pratihara dynasty which was ultimately destined to play the imperial role in India. The origin of this dynasty is described in verses 4 and 7 of the Gwalior prasasti of Bhoja published below. It records that Nagabhata, the first king, defeated the Mlechchhas, and after him ruled his two nephews Kakkuka and Devaraja. Vatsaraja, the son of the latter, became a very powerful king and wrested the empire from the famous Bhandi clan. Now, our inscription tells us that Siluka who was the protector of Valla-manala (a circle of kingdoms) defeated Bhattika Devaraja (v. 19). As Devaraja of the Imperial Pratihara dynasty was the father of Vatsaraja whose known date is 783-4 A.D., he probably flourished about the middle of the eighth century A.D. Siluka, according to our scheme of chronology must also have been ruling about the same time and the identity of the two kings called Devaraja may be at once presumed. A careful study of the two inscriptions seems to show that Nagabhata, the founder of the Imperial Pratiharas, successfully resisted the Arab invasions which proved so disastrous to the other Pratihara line. His successors were not slow to take advantage of this favourable situation, and Devaraja entered into a contest for supremacy with Siluka. He was defeated by the latter.
[Page-94] but his son Vatsaraja pursued his policy with signal success and wrested the empire from family of Harichandra. All these successive changes in the fortune of the dynasty are reflected in our inscription. According to our scheme of chronology Chanduka was on throne when the Arab invasion took place. It becomes therefore a significant fact that where as he is passed with conventional praises, tribute is paid to the prowess of his successor Siluka. Then, again, the two successors of Siluka are said to have taken to religious life and not a single act of of martial glory is attributed to any of them. Thus was apparently time when their rivals gradually established themselves in the position of recognized suzerainty over the entire confederate clans which was so long enjoyed by them. The subsequent kings of the line of Harichandra retained possession of their own kingdom, although they lost their supreme position, and gradually seem to have reconciled themselves to the new conditions. Kakka the great grandson of Siluka appears to have accompanied the new suzerain power in its wars of conquest. For we are told in verse 24 that he fought with the Gaudas at Mudgagiri or Monghyr, Apparently he fought as a feudatory of Nagabhata II one of whose known dates is 815 AD and who is said in the [[Gwalior inscription of Bhoja (below) to have defeated king of Vanga.
There was, however, a temporary revival of the Pratihara power in the middle of the ninth century A.D. The Daulatpara copper plate of Bhoja, dated in the year 843 AD. records the grant of a piece of land situated in Gurjaratra but the Ghatiyala Inscription of Kakkuka refers to the province as being, held by that king. As this inscription is dated 861 AD Bhoja must have lost this province between these two dates. Infact a close study of Daulatpura plate seems to indicate that the province was held by Vatsaraja and Nagabhata but lost by Ramabhadra and regained by Bhoja before 843 AD. For it speaks of the grant by the first, its continuation by the second and renewal by the fourth king, leading to the evident conclusion that there was a break in the possession of the territory in the reign of the third. This view entirely agrees with what we know of the rival Pratihara dynasty;5 for Nagabhata II was crushed by the Rashtrakuta king Govinda III and Ramabhadra's reign was an inglorious one. The difficulty of the rivals must have presented the requisite opportunity to the Jodhpur Pratiharas to regain the power that they had lost. Thus the two successors, of Siluka, are described as practicing austerities an unavoidable duration of their political and military inanity Kakka, the third king after Siluka is described as a great fighter and his queen consort is called a maharjni. Their son Bauka was also a great hero and his military exploits are described at great length in our inscription.
According to the Ghatiyala inscriptions Kakkuka,also ruled over a vast dominion. Nothing is known about his successor but it, is likely that with the revival of the Imperial Pratiharas under Bhoja during the latter part of Bhoja'n reign, their territory was annexed by the latter.
A few words may be said regarding the geographical names mentioned in the inscription. Mandavyapura and Medantakapura (L.7) most probably denote the cities of Mandor and Merta. Line 11 contains the names of Stravani and Valladesha, two provinces close to each other. As Siluka is said in the same line to have been Vallamandala-palaka. Valla must denote the region over which these Pratihara chief ruled. As Siluka said in verse 18 to have fixed the boundary between Stravani and Valla. The former would appear to have denoted a neighbouring kingdom. Stravani is probably the Tamani of the Ghatiyala Inscription of Pratihara Bauka as the latter occurs along with Valla in a list of contiguous countries. The locality of this Stravani or Tamani has not been established so far. It seems to me, however, that it is to be identified with the kingdom of Talan referred to by the Arab geographers of the ninth century A.D. A comparison of the various to this kingdom
[Page-95] by Arab writers (Elliot:History of India, Vol.I, pp 4,5,13,21,25) seems to show that it consisted of a part of the Panjab just to the north-west of Raiputana. Reference is twice made (vv. 27, 29) to Mayura, a king defeated by Bauka. We know of no such king, but Hiuen Tsiang refers to a city called Mo-Yu-lo (or Mayura) situated near Gangadvara mentioned in v. 23. Mayura of our inscription may refer to tho king of the locality.
Treta-tirtha (?) (v. 20) and Bhuakupa (?) (v. 27) cannot be identified. But Ganga-dvara (v. 23) and Mudgagiri (v. 24) are well known names denoting respectively Haridvar and Monghyr.
Translation of Jodhpur inscription of Pratihara Bauka dated V.S. 894 (837) A D
- (Line 1). Om ! Salutation to Vishnu !
- (Verse 1). May Hrishikesha, In whom all elements enter and from whom creation and protection are supposed (to proceed), who is both nirguna and saguna (i.e., with and without attribute) protect yon-
- (Verse 2). The glories of ancestors are first sung by wise men because perpetual recitation of glories (has for its effect) the dwelling in heaven,
- (Verse 3). Hence the illustrious wise Bauka caused (the glories of his ancestors), belonging to his own Pratihara clan, and possessed of wealth, fame and prowess, to be written in (this) pratiasti.
- (Verse 4). Inasmuch as the very brother of Ramabhadra performed the duty of door-keeper (pratihara), this illustrious clan came to be known as Pratihara. May it prosper.
- (Verse 5). (There was) an illustrious Brahmana named Harichandra and his wife Bhadra, a Kshatriya. The sons born of them are known as Pratiharas.
- (Verse 6). There was an illustrious Brahmana named Harichandra Rohilladdhi, who versed in the meaning of the Vedas and the Shastras and who was a preceptor like Prajapati.
- (Verse 7). That illustrious Harichandra married (first) the daughter of a Brahmana, and, (as) second (wife), the Kshatriya Bhadra, belonging to a noble family and possessed of good qualities.
- (Verse 8). Those sons who were born of the Brahmana wife became Pratihara Brahmanas. Those who were born of queen Bhadra became 'drinkers of wine'.
- (Verse 9). Four sons, fit to hold the earth, wore born to her,viz., the illustrious Bhogabhata, Kakka, Rajjila and Dadda.
- (Verse 10). In this fort of Mandavyapura, conquered by their own , they erected a high rampart, (which was) calculated to increase the fear of the the enemies.
- (Verse 11). From Rajjila among them was born the illustrious son Narabhatta,. On account of his prowess his second name was ' Pellapelli.'
- (Verse 12). From Narabhata was born a son, the illustrious Nagabhata, who had his permanent capital at the great city of Medantaka.
- (Verse 13). From him, begotten on Jajjikadevi, were born the two uterine accomplished sons named Tata and Bhoja, who were oppressors of enemies.
- (Verse-14). By Tata, who realized that the world evanescent as lightening, the kingdom was conferred on his younger brother, the illustrious Bhoja.
- (Verse-15). Tata himself retired to the pious hermitage of Mandavya, adorned with streams and rivers, and practiced there the rites of pure religion.
- (Verse-16). From him (Tata) was born the son, the illustrious Yashovardhana, renowned for his prowess, (who earned) fame by his own arms and rooted out all the thorns (i.e. enemies).
- (Verse-17). From him was born the son, the illustrious Chanduka of great valour , (who was) full of splendour, of charitable disposition and invincible to enemies in the war.
- (Verse-18). From him was born the son, the illustrious Shiluka of irrepressible prowess, who fixed a perpetual Boundary between the provinces Travani and Valla.
- (Verse-19). Who, the protector of Vallamandala, having knocked down Bhattika Devaraja on the ground, at once obtained from him th ensign of umbrella.
- (Verse-20). Who had a tank excavated, a city established, and the lofty temple of Siddheshvara Mahadeva constructed, at the holy place called Treta.
- (Verse-21). From the illustrious Shiluka was born the excellent son, the illustrious Jhota, who proceeded to the Bhagirathi (Ganges) after enjoying the bliss of kingdom.
- (Verse-22). From him was born Bhilladitya, possessed of satva qualities and disposed to austerities (tapas); he governed the kingdom, while young and then bestowed on his son.
- (Verse-23). Proceeding to Gangadwara he stayed for eighteen years and finally went to heaven by practicing fast.
- (Verse-24). From him, too, was born the noble son, the illustrious Kakka, who gained reputation by fighting Gaudas at Mudgagiri.
- (Verse-25). (whose) knowledge of Prosody, Grammar, Logic, Astronomy, with attendant arts, and poetry in all languages was extraordinary.
- (Verse-26). From king Kakka, begotten on the pure illustrious great queen Padmini, of the Bhatti clan, was born the illustrious Bauka.
- (Verse-27). Having found the matchless enemy gone to Bhuakupa after killing Nandavalla, while the good Pratihara prince, born in the family of he Brahmana king and belonging to his party, had broken in disorder , the illustrious Bauka, a singleman despised by the enemy, suddenly burdt forth and killed, with his weapons, first Mayura and then his men who were like deer, and thus his glory was manifest.
- (Verse 28). What other king but Bauka, while his authority over other kings was destroyed, his own younger brothers and ministers had left him and his army on all sides was seized with terror, could, unaided, stand firm like a pillar, and, leaving the horse-back and standing on the ground unperturbed, sword in hand, pierce the enemy through and through, causing thereby a terrible burial ground in that battlefield ?
- (Verse 29). After having dispersed the recent gathering of the newly formed confederation, and killed Mayura, Bauka, the lion among men, killed the army which was supporting waves of swords.
- (Verse 3o). Whose mind would not now be filled with terror on remembering the house of dead made by Bauka's sword, which ere long was put in confusion by the enemy's host the house of dead which was made by the arms, thighs, legs and other limbs, rent in twain, with oozing as well as bloodless cavities, together with the entrails hung above, and which was full of jackals ?
- (Verse 31). Verily, when Bauka was dancing in the battle-field, placing his feet on the very entrails and other parts of the dead bodies, the frightened men (enemies) who were like deer, became quiet as it were with strain tishiha, tishtha . This indeed was very strange !
- (L. 21). The year 894, (the month of) Chaitra, the fifth day of the bright fortnight.
- (L. 22). Engraved by Krishnesvara, son of the gold-smith Vishnuravi.
Notes by Wiki editor
Mentioned here are some probable linkages with Jat clans. We need further research to prove these facts.
- Rohilladdhi (रोहिल्लाद्धि) - Seems related with Rohil clan ?
- Rajjila (रज्जिल) - In the list of Jat clans we find Rajliye (राजलिये) is gotra of Jats. They are descendants of Rajil (राजिल). [2]
- Daha (दह) - Daha (दहा) is Jat Gotra in Punjab and Pakistan. [3],[4]. They have descended from ancestor named Daha (दह).
- Narabhata (नरभट) - Narhar/Narhad (नरहड़) is an ancient town situated in Chirawa tehsil in Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan, India. Its ancient name was Narabhata (नरभट). [5] It was ruled by Nehra Jats.
- Travani (त्रवणी) - Tivari (तिवरी) is a Village in Osian tahsil of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan. Its ancient name was Travani (त्रवणी). Taval (तावल) Tawal (तावल) gotra of Jats originated from place name Tivari (तिवरी). [6] R C Majumdar tells us in above description that Stravani or Tamani has not been established so far by him. It seems to me, however, that it is to be identified with the kingdom of Talan referred to by the Arab geographers of the ninth century A.D. A comparison of the various to this kingdom by Arab writers (Elliot:History of India, Vol.I, pp 4,5,13,21,25) seems to show that it consisted of a part of the Panjab just to the north-west of Raiputana. Talan is again a Jat clan.
- Vallamandala (वल्लमण्डल) - Vallamada is mentioned in verse-19 of the inscription. We find mention of Vallamandala in the history of Balhara. In Sanskrit, "Bal" means "strength" and "hara" means "the possessor". Thus, Balhara (बल्हारा) means "the possessor of strength". Balhara Jats were the rulers in Sindh from 8th to 10th century. In 710 AD Muhammad Kasim occupied Sindh. Vallamandala of this inscription is the kingdom of Balharas. Bhim Singh Dahiya writes that the Balhara clan finds mention in numerous references. A country of Balhara, adjoining Jurz (Gujar) country, is mentioned as situated on the western sea coast in connection with the location of "A Race of fair women". [7] The Muslim historian, Abuzaid (916 AD) and Al Masudi (943 AD) speak of two empires, named as Juzr and Balhara.
- Ajja (अज्ज) - Used for Arya. Ajra (अजरा) is a gotra of Jats. It get its name from King named Ayu (आयु) in Kuruvansha.[8]
- Badanalaya(बड़णालय) - Bad (बड़) is a gotra of Jats in Pakistan.
- Gurjarattra (गुर्जरात्रा) - Gurjaratra comprised the districts of Didwana and Parbatsar in Marwar. This area since ancient times is domonated by Jats. Gujar is also here a Jat clan.
- Mandavya (माण्डव्य) - Mandavya hermitage is mentioned here. Mandavyawas a Nagavanshi mahapurusha. We find many Jat clans originated from Mandavya.
- Manda]] (मण्डा) - It is a matter of research if Mandore has any connections with [[Manda] clan of Jats.
- Mayura (मयूर) - Mayura, prakrat Mor, named king is mentioned verses-27 and 29. He seems to be king of Mor Jat clan heading a federation against Pratihara Bauka.
- Jajjikadevi (जज्जिकदेवी) - Wife of Nagabhata and mother of Tata and Bhoja seems to be of Jajja (जज्ज) Jat clan.
- Bhatti (भट्टी) - Verse-26 tells us that From king Kakka, begotten on queen Padmini, of the Bhatti clan, was born the Bauka. Bhatti is a Jat clan.
- Treta-tirtha (?) - Place (v. 20) ?
- Bhuakupa (?) - Place (v. 27) could not be identified. We find in the list of Jat clans a clan named Bhuwal (भुवाल) found in Hanumangarh, Nagaur, Tonk districts in Rajasthan. This gotra gets name from place called Bhuwanavan (भुवनवन). [9]
प्रतिहार वंश में बुरड़क गोत्र
इतिहासकार महिपाल आर्य एवं प्रताप सिंह शास्त्री [10] लिखते हैं .... महाराजा बाऊक की संतान बुरड़क कहलाई. बुरड़क जाट क्षत्रिय गोत्र के लोग राजस्थान के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में आबाद हैं. मारवाड़ में मंडोवर नगर है, इस पर नाग, मौर्य तथा प्रतिहार जाटों का आधिपत्य रहा है तथा मंडा/मुंड गोत्र के जाटों ने भी यहां शासन किया है. प्रतिहारों के अनेकों वंशज जाटों में इस समय बुरड़क (बाऊक की संतान वाले), कुकणा (कक्क के वंशज), राजलिए (राजल की संतान) आदि नामों से अभिहित होते हैं. यहां यह बताना भी आवश्यक समझते हैं कि इन्हीं प्रतिहारों का एक दल आबू में जाकर ब्राह्मण धर्म में दीक्षित हुआ था, तभी से मंडोवर के परिहारों/प्रतिहार की दो शाखाएं हो गई- एक जाट परिहांर और दूसरी राजपूत परिहार. मौर्यों से प्रतिहारों अथवा परिहारों के हाथ मंडोवर आठवीं सदी में आई. ऐसे प्रमाण इतिहास में मिलते हैं राजा मयूरध्वज से राजा भोगभट्ट प्रतिहार ने राज्य हथिया लिया था. विक्रम की 11वीं शताब्दी में मंडावर परिहांरों के हाथ से निकल गया और उस पर पवारों का आधिपत्य हो गया. पवार जाटों ने एक समय सारे ही मरुधर प्रांत मारवाड़ पर अधिकार कर लिया था. जो नव कोटि मारवाड़ के नाम से अभिहित होता था.
विक्रम संवत 1002 (945 ई.) के पश्चात चौहान वंशीय (चौहान उपाधिधारी जाट) सहजपाल का आधिपत्य मंडोर पर हो गया और लगभग 100 वर्ष तक चौहान मंडोवर पर काबिज रहे.[11]
मरुस्थान (राजस्थान) में काकवंश
दलीप सिंह अहलावत[12] लिखते हैं: काकवंश के लोगों ने मरुस्थल में मांडव्यपुर जीतकर मण्डौर नामक एक प्रसिद्ध किला बनवाया जहां पर हरिश्चन्द्र राजा हुए। किन्तु इस किले के निर्माण के पूर्व ही आठवीं शताब्दी में काकवंशी इधर विद्यमान थे। इनके दो शिलालेख मिले हैं। एक जोधपुर से चल मील पर मण्डौर के विष्णु मन्दिर से संवत् 894 चैत्रसुदी 5 का लिखवाया हुआ और दूसरा जोधपुर से 20 मील पर घटियाले से संवत् 918 चैत्रसुदी 2 का लिखवाया हुआ। इस पर काकवंश के वहां पर राज्य करने वाले राजाओं की वंशावली अंकित है। इस वंशावली में राजा हरिश्चन्द्र को वेदशास्त्रों का ज्ञाता लिखा है और उसकी भद्रा नामक रानी से भोगभट्ट, कक्क, रज्जिल और दद्द नामक चार पुत्रों की उत्पत्ति भी लिखी है। रज्जिल को राज्य मिला, जिसका पुत्र नरभट्ट उपनाम पेल्ला पेल्ली था। नरभट्ट का पुत्र नामभट्ट उपनाम नाहाड़ था, जिसने मेड़ता को अपनी राजधानी बनाया। इसके तात और भोज नामक दो पुत्र हुए। तात ने मांडव्य ऋषि के पुराने और पवित्र आश्रम में रहकर अपना जीवन बिताया। वह धर्म के पथ पर अडिग रहा जिससे उसकी बड़ी प्रसिद्धि हुई। इसकी परम्परा में यशोवर्द्धन, चन्दुक और शिलुक हुए।
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-228
शिलुक के एक शिलालेख को सन् 1894 ई० के ‘जनरल रायल एशियाटिक सोसायटी’ के पृष्ट 6 पर उद्धृत किया गया है - शिलुक ने देवराजभट्टी का राज्य छीनकर त्रवणी और बल्ल देशों पर अपना राज्य स्थापित किया। बल्ल क्षेत्र के राजा देवराजभट्टी को पृथिवी पर पछाड़कर उसका राजसिंहासन और ताज छीन लिया। इस शिलुक के पुत्र झोट का बेटा भिलादित्य था जो अपने पुत्र कक्क को राज्य देकर हरद्वार चला गया, जहां पर 18 वर्ष बाद स्वर्गीय हो गया।
भिलादित्य के पुत्र कक्क ने व्याकरण तर्क आदि शास्त्र एवं शस्त्रों में पूर्ण निपुणता प्राप्त की। इसने मुद्रगिरि (मुंगेर) बिहार में गौण्डवंशियों को परास्त किया। भट्टीवंशी राजकुमारी पद्मिनी से विवाह करके इसने दोनों वंशों में सद्भावना स्थापित की। इस रानी से पुत्र बाऊक और दूसरी रानी दुर्लभदेवी से कक्कुक पुत्र का जन्म हुआ। इसका एक शिलालेख पटियाला में मिला है जिस पर लिखा है कि कक्कुक ने राज्याधिकार प्राप्त करके मरु, माड़, बल्ल, त्रवणी, अज्ज और गुर्जर वंशों में अपने सद्-व्यवहार से प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त की। जनरल रायल एशियाटिक सोसायटी सन् 1895 ई० के पृष्ठ 517-518 पर लिखा है कि “कक्कुक ने रोहन्सकूप और मण्डौर में जयस्तम्भ स्थापित किए।” यह संस्कृत भाषा का महान् पण्डित था। एक शिलालेख का उल्लेख एपिग्राफिका इण्डिया के 9वें भाग में पृष्ठ 280 पर किया गया है। यह श्लोक राजा कक्कुक ने स्वयं बनाया था। इस विद्वान् राजा ने लिखा था कि “वह मनुष्य अतीव सौभाग्यशाली है जिसका यौवन काल विविध सांसारिक भोगों में, मध्यम-काल ऐश्वर्य में और वृद्धावस्था धार्मिक कार्यों में व्यतीत होती है।”
मण्डौर में काकवंश का पतन और हरयाणा को प्रस्थान -
इस कक्कुक के बाद इस वंश की राज्यसत्ता समाप्त हो गई और मण्डौर का शासन राठौरों के हाथ में आ गया। राव जोधा जी ने मण्डौर का ध्वंस करके जोधपुर नामक नगर को बसाकर वहां राजधानी और किले का निर्माण कराया। यहां से वैभवशून्य होने पर इस काकवंश के लोगों ने मरुभूमि को छोड़ दिया और यहां से जाकर हरयाणा के जींद जिले में रामरायपुर में अपनी सत्ता स्थिर की और बस्तियां बसाईं। यहां पर ये लोग कक्कर और काकराण नाम से आज भी प्रसिद्ध हैं। यहीं से जाकर इस वंश के जाट मेरठ कमिश्नरी, बिजनौर जिला और अम्बाला में जगाधरी के पास बस गए, जहां पर आज भी विद्यमान हैं। जगाधरी के निकट अरनावली गांव के काकराण जाट बड़े प्रसिद्ध हैं।
काकराण वंश की भूतपूर्व किला साहनपुर नामक रियासत जिला बिजनौर में थी। इस रियासत के काकराणा जाटों ने सम्राट् अकबर की सेना में भरती होकर युद्धों में बड़ी वीरता दिखाई और अपनी ‘राणा’ उपाधि का यथार्थ प्रमाण देकर मुगल सेना को चकित कर दिया। इनका वर्णन आईने-अकबरी में है। साहनपुर रियासत में काकराणा वंश के चौदह महारथी (वीर योद्धा) थे जिनके नाम से इस वंश की शाखा चौदहराणा भी है जो पर्वों के अवसर पर साहनपुर स्टेट में मूर्ति बनाकर पूजे जाते हैं1। चौदहराणा जाट मेरठ में ककोर कलां, सबगा और बिजनौर में सिसौना चन्दूपुरा गांव में बसे हुए हैं। जिला रोहतक में इनका पाकसमा गांव है। साहनपुर रियासत में काकराणा जाटवंश के राज्य का पूरा वर्णन उत्तरप्रदेश में जाटवीरों का राज्य के अध्याय में किया जायेगा। काकराणावंशी काकज़ई काबुल कन्धार में पठानों का एक बड़ा
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-229
दल है। कैलाशपुर जि० सहारनपुर के पठान भी काकजई हैं। राजपूत स्टेट बस्तर काकतीय है। अलीगढ़ जिले की इगलास तहसील के लगसमा क्षेत्र में ठकुरेले-काकराणों के 52 गांव जाटों के हैं जिनमें गौण्डा, डिगसारी, रजावल, कैमथल, कूंजीनगला, गडाखेड़ा, मातीवसी, तलेसरा, मल्हू, जथोली, पीपली, बजयगढ, देवनगला, सहरी, कारीकर आदि बड़े गांव हैं। इन 52 गांवों में से 100 गांव और बस गए हैं। इस क्षेत्र को लगसमा भी कहते हैं। यहां अगस्मादेवी का मन्दिर भी है।
काकराणा जाटों में के मेरठ में मसूरी, बणा, राफण, पहाड़पुर;
मुजफ्फरनगर में फईमपुर, राजपुर, तिलौरा, मीरापुर, दलपत, ककरौली गांव हैं।
महाराजा युधिष्ठिर के राजसूय यज्ञ में कक (जाटवंश) वंशज राजा तथा इस वंश के बहुत से लोग आये और उन्होंने तोखी लम्बी तलवारें, फरसे, सहस्रों रत्न और दूर तक जाने वाले बड़े-बड़े हाथी भेंट किए। (महाभारत सभा पर्व अध्याय 51वां, श्लोक 26-31)।
दुर्योधन ने अपने पिता धृतराष्ट्र को बताया कि कुक्कुर (काकुस्थ जाटवंश) उत्तम कुल के श्रेष्ठ एवं शस्त्रधारी क्षत्रिय राजकुमार ने अजातशत्रु युधिष्ठिर को बहुत धन अर्पित किया। (महाभारत सभापर्व, 52वां अध्याय, श्लोक 13-17)।
काकराणवंश के शाखा गोत्र - 1. चौदहराणा 2. ठकुरेले[13] ।
- ↑ Dr Anupam Singh:Vindhya Kshetra Ke Pratihar Vansh Ka Itihas, 2006, p.38
- ↑ Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihasa (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998, p. 278
- ↑ Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), Book by Bhim Singh Dahiya, IRS, First Edition 1980, Publisher: Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd, AB/9 Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi-110064, p. 333
- ↑ A.C. Rose:'Tribes and Castes', Vol. II, p. 219
- ↑ Dasharatha Sharma: Early Chauhan Dynasties, Towns and Villages of Chauhan Dominions S.No.22.
- ↑ Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihasa (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998, p. 253
- ↑ Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, 1904, p. 163
- ↑ Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihasa (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998,p.219
- ↑ Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihasa (The modern history of Jats), Agra 1998 p. 273
- ↑ महिपाल आर्य एवं प्रताप सिंह शास्त्री: जाट इतिहास (जाट गोत्रावली) समकालीन संदर्भ, 2019, पृ.482-483
- ↑ आधार मारवाड़ का जाट इतिहास लेखक ठाकुर देशराज, प्रकाशन 1954
- ↑ जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृ.228-229
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III (Page 226-230)