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Map of Bulandshahr district

Bulandshahr (Hindi:बुलंदशहर, Urdu: بلند شہر) or Bulandshahar is a city and a municipal board in Bulandshahr district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It comprises of Jats of the Sangar gotra and is the administrative headquarters of Bulandshahr District. Barana is the ancient name of the present Bulandshahr.[1].

Variants of name

  • Ahivarana (अहिवरण) दे. Bulandshahr बुलंदशहर (AS, p.57)
  • Banachhati (बनछटी) दे. बुलंदशहर (AS, p.607)
  • Baran[2].
  • Barana (बरन) (AS, p.608))
  • Barana (बरन) दे. बुलंदशहर Bulandshahr (AS, p.608)
  • Kusha-Varana [3]
  • Uchchhanagara (उच्छनगर) दे. Barana बरन (AS, p.87)
  • Uchchhanagara (उच्छनगर) दे. Barana बरन (AS, p.87)
  • Unchanagara (ऊंचनगर) दे. बुलंदशहर (AS, p.104)
  • Varana River (वारण) Mahabharata (V.19.30)
  • Varana [4]
  • Varana (वरण) (AS, p.833) - बुद्धचरित 21,25 में वर्णित एक नगर जहाँ वारण नामक यक्ष को बुद्ध ने धर्म दीक्षा दी थी. इसका अभिज्ञान अनिश्चित है. (दे. वरन)[5]
  • Varana (वरण) Mahabharata (IX.44.95):
  • Varanā (वरणा) (AS,p.833) - पाणिनि 4,2,82 में उल्लिखित है. इसको वरण वृक्ष के निकट बताया गया है. यह सिंधु और स्वात नदियों के बीच में स्थित एक स्थान का नाम है. आश्वकायानों का निवास इस भूमि में था.[6]
  • Vārana (वारण) (AS,p.843) - महाभारत उद्योग पर्व 29,31 में इस स्थान का उल्लेख है-'वारणं वाटधानं च यामुनश्चैव पर्वत:; एष देश: सुविस्तीर्ण: प्रभूतधनधान्यवान'. यहाँ दुर्योधन के सहायतार्थ आने वाले असंख्य सेनाओं के ठहरने के लिए जो स्थान नियत किए गए थे उनका वर्णन है. जान पड़ता है वारण , महाभारत में अन्यत्र उल्लिखित वारणावत ही है. वारणावत का अभिज्ञान बरनावा जिला मेरठ से किया गया है. (दे वारणावत)
  • Varanaka (वारणक) (Naga) Mahabharata (I.52.17)
  • Unchanagara (उंचनगर) दे. बुलंदशहर (p.104)

Tahsils in Bulandshahr district

Villages in Bulandshahr Tahsil

Adaoli, Adauli, Agota, Ahmadpur, Ahmad Nagar, Ahmadpurtanda, Aimanpur, Ajitpur, Akabarpr Raina, Akbapur, Akbarpur Jhojha, Akbrabad Kuda, Akhtyarpur, Alamgirpur Dhanaura, Alamgirpur Nainsukh, Alipur Gijhauri, Anchana, Anehda, Asawar, Asfabad Chandpura, Atmadsarai, Atta Bulandshahr, Aulina, Aurangabad, Aurangabad (NP), Aurangpur Mirpur, Aurangpur Mohsan, Badnaura, Baglapoothri, Bagwala, Bahadur Mahespur, Bahadurpur Pasauli, Bahalimpur, Baharmand Nagar, Bakaura, Baral, Barari, Basendua, Bhaipura, Bhamra, Bhandauli, Bhandauria, Bhatona, Bhikanpur Bulandshahr, Bhogpur, Bihra, Bishaich, Bisundra, Bondra, Boor Nagar, Bubupur, Budhana, Bulandshahar Dehat, Bulandshahr (MB), Chandpur, Charaura Mustafabad, Chawali, Chhapravat, Chirawak, Chirchita, Dalpatpur Mukteshvera, Dariapur, Daulatabad, Daulatgarh, Deoli Urf Deonagar, Dhakauli, Dhamera Kirat, Dhamrawali, Dhimari Aidalpur, Dohali, Dostpur, Dudupur, Etmatpur, Faijabad Redhawali, Farhadpur, Fatehabad Urf Julepura, Fatehpur Buzurg, Gangarua, Gaus Mahiuddinpur Urf Jaganadh, Ghayaspur, Ginaura Janardar, Ginorashekh, Girdharpur Nabada, Gulaothi (MB), Gulavathi Rural Natthugari, Guthaolitikre, Guthawali Khurd, Harchana, Harganpur, Hartauli, Hasanpur, Hatmabad, Hazipur Bhatola, Hazratpur Abhaipur, Hazratpur Samaspur, Herapur, Hingmala Urf Bhawsi, Husenpur, Imilia, Ismila, Ismilpur Dehlai, Jahara, Jainpur, Jalkhera, Janaura, Jasnawali Kalan, Jasnawali Khurd, Jauligarh, Jauth, Jeewat, Jirawathi, Kahira, Kaithara, Kalauli, Kalampur, Karim Nagar Banboi, Karkaura, Kaulsena, Kaurali, Kazampur Deoli, Kazipura, Khairi, Khalilpur Rath, Khanauda, Khangawali, Khawajpur Ashrafpur, Khawazapur Mirpur, Khetalpur Bhansauli, Khithala, Khushhal Pur, Kiryawali, Kishanpur, Kisoli, Kota, Kuchheja, Kudaina, Kurala, Kurli, Kurval Banaras, Kutubpur, Kyampur, Lahagra, Lakhavati, Loharka, Lohrara, Luharli, Machkauli, Mahayatpur Garhi, Maholi, Mahrajpur, Makhadumnagar Urf Mithapur, Malagarh, Maman Kalan, Maman Khurd, Manakpur, Manglaur, Manpur, Margubpur, Mathna Jagatpur, Maukhera, Milka Mosamgarh, Milkmakanpur, Mirpur, Mirzapur Agarpur, Mo.Panahpur Segli, Mohamdabad, Mudi Bakapur, Mursana, Murtzabad Bhatwara, Nabautpur, Nagala Jeet Urf Jitava, Nagla Bal Urf Balka, Nagla Ibrahimpur, Nagla Karan, Nagla Kelan, Naglashekh, Naithla Hasanpur, Nasirabad Poothi, Nausana, Nayagaon, Nimchana, Nimkhera, Noorpur Ki Madhaiya, Odara Urf Nawada, Olendha, Pachauta, Paharpur, Palibejpur, Partapur, Pavsara, Pipala Ikhlaspur, Pondari, Poth, Rahimpur Alawa, Rahimpur Bhagawan, Raipur Katauri, Raipur Talab, Rajgarhi, Rajwana, Ramgarh, Rampur Colony Urf Mirzapur, Rashidpur, Rasulpur, Rasulpur Sarafuddinpur Urf Acheja Ghat, Rasulpur Teliya Urf Maithana, Rehmanpur Syewali, Rijhaura, Sabdalpur, Sadarpur, Sadharanpur, Saidpur Khurampur, Saidpura, Salavat Nagar Gangavali, Salemgarh, Samkola, Sannaut, Sarai Chhabila, Semli, Sengra, Senta, Shahnagar, Shahpur, Shahzadpur, Sharifpur Bhansroli, Shekhpur Garhwa, Sherpur, Shivali, Sihi, Sikhera, Sikri, Sohanpur, Sujapur, Sunahra, Surjawali, Sutari, Tajpur, Tajpur, Tanda, Tatarpur, Tomri, Utrawali, Utsara, Valipura,


The Chauhan ruler Arnoraj had conquered the kingdom of Kusha-Varana (Varan is modern Bulandshahr) then held by the Dod clan ruler either Sahajaditya or Bhojadeva. That it did not escape the victorious arms of Arnoraja might be seen from the first part of verse 17 of Bijolia Inscription. [7]

The history of Bulandshahr begins even before 1200 BCE. This region is close to the capital of the Pandavas - Indraprastha and Hastinapur. After the decline of Hastinapur, Ahar, which is situated in the north-east of Bulandshahr District, became an important place for the Pandavas. Later the king Parma made a fort in this part of the region and a king named Ahibaran laid the foundation of a tower called Baran (Bulandshahr). Since it was perched on a highland it came to be known as "high city", which translates as Bulandshahr in Persian language. King Ahivarn or Ahibaran was a Kshatriya and a Suryavanshi (lineage of the Sun). He was the 21st descendant of Samrath (Emperor) Mandhata, the ruler of Ayodhya. As per Mahalakshmi Vrat Katha, it is under Emperor Mandhata lineage that at one stage son of King Vallabh, Agrasen was born and at another stage son of King Parmaal, Ahivarn was born; both of whom further started their own Vansh: Agrawal (or Agarwal) and Varnwal (or Barnwal).

Sir H. M. Elliot Edited by John Dowson[8] writes quoting the Yamini which says that, in his Twelfth Expedition A.H. 409 (1018-1019 AD) after passing by the borders of Kashmir, that is, close under the sub-Himalayan range, and crossing the Jumna, Mahmud of Ghazni takes Baran, which is the ancient name of the present Bulandshahr.

As per an old treatise on Indian Caste system 'Jati Bhaskar', it is understood that Samrath Mandhata had two sons Gunadhi and Mohan. King Parmaal was the descendant of King Gunadhi while King Vallabh was the descendant of King Mohan.

During 1192 AD when Mohammad Gori attacked India, his Senapati (Military commander) Qutubbudin surrounded Fort Barn and with the help of traitors was able to kill King Chandrasen Dor and in the process take control of the Barn kingdom. He ordered the inhabitant of Barn-sahar to either adopt Islam or die. Most of the people were brutally killed and their head hanged on the fort minars.

After the fall of Barn-sahar the Baranwal community lost the leadership and direction and in the process scattered to different parts of India, mostly to the Gangetic plains of India and started living under the various family names of Lala, Modi, Goyal, Bakshi, Choudhary (Jats), Patwari, Parsariya, Simriya, Nagar, Arya, Shah.

At present the Barnwal population is around half a million. They are mostly spread in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal along with a sprinkled presence in Rajasthan, MP and Maharastra and the neighboring Kingdom of Nepal. Some of them have spread globally and settled down in UK and USA.

The ancient ruins found at places Bhatora Veerpur, Ghalibpur, etc. are indicative of the antiquity of Bulandshahr. There are several other important places in the District from where statues belonging to the medieval age and objects of ancient temples have been found. Even today several historical and ancients objects such as coins, inscriptions etc. are preserved in the Lucknow State Museum. Moreover, according to the Hindu mythology the pandavas had an encounter with prajapati daksh, father-in-law of Hindu lord Shiva; the place of conversation, a pond, is in Bulandshahr.


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[9] ने लेख किया है ...कर्णवास (AS, p.144) एक ऐतिहासिक शहर है, जो उत्तर प्रदेश में बुलंदशहर के निकट स्थित है। यह गंगा नदी के तट पर स्थित एक प्राचीन तीर्थ स्थान है। प्राचीन समय में इस क्षेत्र को 'भृगुक्षेत्र' कहा जाता था। महाभारत के प्रसिद्ध दानवीर तथा योद्धा कर्ण का इस स्थान से संबंध बताया जाता है। इसका नामकरण कर्ण के नाम पर ही किया गया है। कर्णवास के निकट 'बुधोही' नामक स्थान पर बुद्ध ने कुछ दिन तपस्या की थी।एक अन्य किंवदंती के अनुसार कर्णवास को उज्जयिनी के विक्रमादित्य के समकालीन किसी राजा कर्ण ने बसाया था।


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[10] ने लेख किया है कि....बरन (AS, p.608) बुलंदशहर (उत्तर प्रदेश) का प्राचीन नाम है. लगभग 800 ई. में मेवाड़ से भाग कर आने वाले दोर राजपूतों की एक शाखा ने बरन पर अधिकार कर लिया था. उन्होंने 1018 ई. में आक्रमणकारी महमूद गजनवी का डटकर सामना किया. अपने पड़ोसी तोमर राजाओं से भी वे मोर्चा लेते रहे किंतु बड़गुजरों से, जो तोमरों के मित्र थे, उन्हें दबना पड़ा. 1193 ई. में कुतुबुद्दीन एबक ने उनकी शक्ति को पूरी तरह से कुचल दिया. फतूहाते फिरोजशाही का प्रख्यात लेखक बरनी (Ziau-din Barni) बरन का ही रहने वाला था जैसा कि उसके उपनाम से सूचित होता है. मुसलमानों के शासन काल में बरन उत्तर भारत का महत्वपूर्ण नगर था. वरण नामक एक नगर का बुद्धचरित 21,25 में उल्लेख है. संभवत: यह बरन का ही संस्कृत रूप है. लोक प्रवाद है कि इस नगर की स्थापना जनमेजय ने की थी (दे. ग्राउज़, बुलंदशहर-- कलकता रिव्यू- 1818). जैन अभिलेख में इसे उच्छ नगर कहा गया है (एपीग्राफिका इंडिका-- जिल्द, पृ. 375) (दे. बुलंदशहर)


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[11] ने लेख किया है कि....बुलंदशहर (उत्तर प्रदेश) (AS, p.640) कालिंदी नदी के दक्षिणी तट पर है. अहार के तोमर सरदार परमाल ने इसे बसाया था. पहले यह स्थान बनछटी कहलाता था. कालांतर में नागों के राज्य काल में इसका नाम अहिवरण भी रहा. पीछे इस नगर को ऊंचनगर कहा जाने लगा क्योंकि यह एक ऊंचे टीले पर बसा हुआ था. मुसलमानों के

[पृ.641]: शासनकाल में इसी का पर्याय बुलंदशहर नाम प्रचलित कर दिया गया. यहां अलेक्षेंद्र के सिक्के मिले थे. 400 से 800 ईस्वी तक बुलंदशहर क्षेत्र में कई बौद्ध बस्तियां थीं. 1018 ईस्वी में महमूद गजनवी ने यहाँ आक्रमण किया था. उस समय यहां का राजा हरदत्त था.


Bulandshahar Jat Chhatrawas

जाट छात्रावास वर्ष 1890 में स्थापित हुआ था । यह जिला मुख्यालय बुलन्दशहर (उ.प्र.) में जिला कारागार के पास स्थित है ।लगभग पुराने समय के 16-20कमरे हैं जिनमें रहकर समाज के छात्र अध्ययन कर रहें हैं ।मेन गेट के दोनों तरफ दो दो दुकान मुख्य मार्ग पर बनी है। अन्दर एक कार्यालय भी बना है ।पीछे काफी जगह ख़ाली पड़ी है ।परिसर बीच शहर में है ।कुल भूमि 6बीघा है ।

In Mahabharata

In Mahabharata

Varana (वारण) is mentioned in Mahabharata (V.19.30) (IX.44.95),

Varanaka (वारणक) (N) is mentioned in Mahabharata (I.52.17),

Udyoga Parva/Mahabharata Book V Chapter 19 mentions Kings and tribes who joined Yudhishthira for war. Varana (वारण) is mentioned in Mahabharata verse (V.19.30).[12]....the land of the five rivers, and the whole of the region called Kurujangala, and the forest of Rohitaka which was uniformly wild, and Ahichhatra and Kalakuta, and the banks of the Ganga River, and Varana River, and Vatadhana, and the hill tracts on the border of the Yamuna--the whole of this extensive tract--full of abundant corn and wealth, was entirely overspread with the army of the Kauravas.

Shalya Parva, Mahabharata/Book IX Chapter 44 describes the Kings and clans who joined the ceremony for investing Kartikeya with the status of generalissimo. Varana (वारण) is mentioned in Mahabharata (IX.44.95). [13]

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 57 gives the Names of all those Nagas that fell into the fire of the snake-sacrifice: Varanaka is the Naga of race of Dhritarashtra in verse (I.57.17). [14]....Varahaka, Varanaka, Sumitra, Chitravedaka, Parashara, Tarunaka, Maniskandha and Aruni.

Revolt of 1857

During the Revolt of 1857, a message of resolution was carried from Aligarh to Bulandshahar by Pandit Narayan Sharma on 10 May 1857.

The Jats, Gurjars of Dadri and Sikandrabad area began destruction of inspection bungalows, telegraph offices, and government buildings as they were symbols of foreign rule. The government institutions were looted and burned to ashes.

Geography and layout

Bulandshahr is located at [show location on an interactive map] 28.4° N 77.85° E. It has an average elevation of 196 metres (643 feet).

The city is located on the right bank of the Kali-Nadi River. The portion of the city on the bluffs was called Bulandshahr and the portion on the river bank was called Unchanagar.

Bulandshahr city is divided into two police districts, Kotwali Nagar (Urban) and Kotwali Dehat (Rural). King Ahibaran's tower which is still called Baran, remains a local landmark.

In the old days the king of Bulandshahr lived at Oparcoat (upper court). The city has seen rapid expansion due to its environment and peace.

The city's development authority is BKDA (Bulandshahr Khurja Development Authority). Its office is located near Bhoor Choraha which is the crossroad where Meerut Road, Ghaziabad Road, Bulandshahr Road and Aligarh road meet.

The main residential areas in Bulandshahr are: Hari Enclave, shivpuri, uppar court, D.M.colony and Teacher's Colony.

Also,the main market of Bulandshahr is a place called ansari road which extends and then merges into chowk bazaar.

Being in the vicinity of the National Capital Region has also helped Bulandshahr a lot as it has finally resulted in rapid development in the general standard of Bulandshahr.

Bulandshahr city has one railway station from where there are trains to Meerut, Delhi, Khurja, Allahabad. It has an inter state bus terminal that has regular bus services to most places inside Bulandshahr and is also connected to most of the important towns in neighbouring districts.


As of 2001 India census, Bulandshahr had a population of 176,256. Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%. Bulandshahr has an average literacy rate of 63%, higher than the national average of 59.5%; with male literacy of 69% and female literacy of 55%. 15% of the population is under 6 years of age.


Bulandshahr has the proud distinction of owning the Narora Atomic power plant, one of the five in India. The plant is near the banks of Ganges and is of critical and strategic importance to India. Pottery Industry is worth mentioning. Khurja, that comes under Bulandshahr District is known throughout India and abroad for the famous pottery industry. Enter the city and you will see chimneys all over the place. The industry makes everything from simple cups and plates to highly sophisticated grand chandeliers and room partitions.

Jat Gotras in Bulandshahr

B - Baghad, Bargoti D - Dalal, Dehlan J - Jand J - Janmeja/Jaymeja K - Kaliraman Khadab/Kharab at village Jadol L - Luhach M - Malik in village Parsol N - Nadal, Nain P - Pilania & Punia at Village Banhpur , Panghal, Pawariya in villages Bilsuri, Shaikhpur-Gaindpur, Sukhlalpur & Bhatpura, Poras R - Rajora at villages Bhailai & Harchand ka Nangla S - Sejwal, Sirohi, Somran (सोमरान) T - Tevatia, Thanua Village-Hajaratpur Poothri V - Vaire

Notable Jats from Bulandshahr

PIN Codes of villages in Bulandshahr

• Agricultural School Buland 203121 • Anupshahr 202390 • Aurangabad (bulandshahr) 245401 • B B Bagar 245402 • Banhpur 245402 • Bugrasi 245403 • Bulandshahar 203001 • Bulandshahar H O 203001 • Chhattari 202391 • Dankaur 203201 • Danpur 202392 • Deputy Ganj 203001 • Dibai 202393 • G D Road 203131 • Gulauthi 245408 • Gurkul Sikandrabad 203202 • Jahangirabad Bulandshahr 202394 • Jahangirabad Mandi 202394 • Jahangirpur 203141 • Jewar 203133 • Kakore 203203 • Karora 203129 • Kayasthwara 203205 • Khanpur 245405 • Khurja 203131 • Khurja Chowk 203131 • Khurja Jn R S 203132 • Krishna Nagar 203001 • Kutchery 203001 • Lakhaoti 245407 • Na P P 202389 • Pahasu 202396 • Panninagar 203145 • Saidpur (bulandshahr) 245411 • Sakhari Nagar 203150 • Sarai 245409 • Shikarpur 202395 • Sikandrabad (ba Shahar) 203205 • Siyana 245412 • Subhash Road 203131 • Tehsil 203001 • Thora 203155 • Township 202389 • Unchagaon 202398 • Ag School 203002 • Agaura Hameerpur 203131 • Agouta 203001 • Ahar 202398 • Ahemedanagar 245411 • Ahmadgarh 203131 • Ajnara 203150 • Akabarpur 203001 • Akapur Tiyana 245411 • Amarpur 245405 • Anchrookalan 202395 • Andhiyar 202391 • Arniya 203131 • Asadpur Gher 202393 • Asawar 245408 • Asfabad Chandpura 245408 • Asgarpur 203132 • Ashwari 203150 • Aterna 203129 • Aulina 203001 • Auranga Bad Taherpur 245401 • Aurangabad Aheer 203205 • Bada Gaon 203131 • Baddha Bazidpur 245412 • Badshahpur Pachgain 203129 • Baghwala 245408 • Bagrai Khurd 203131 • Bagsara 202390 • Balka 245409 • Banail 203131 • Banboai 245408 • Banhpur 245402 • Bansuri 202394 • Baral 245408 • Barhana 245402 • Barhpura 202398 • Barkatpur 245411 • Barouli Basdev Pur 245412 • Bb Nagar 245402 • Behlolpur 202397 • Belon 202389 • Bhadaura Kamalpur 203132 • Bhainsaura 245412 • Bhainshakhur 245411 • Bhanshrouli 245411 • Bharana 203205 • Bhargava Pharmacy 202390 • Bharkau 245403 • Bhatauna 203001 • Bhatwara 203131 • Bhudhana 203150 • Bibayana 202390 • Bichoula 203131 • Bigraou 245412 • Bihra 245407 • Bihta 245402 • Bilsuri 203205 • Birouli 245409 • Birouly 202390 • Biroura 202397 • Bohich 202395 • Buklana 245402 • Bulandshahr 203001 • Bulandshahr Kutchery 203001 • Bulandshahr Tehsil 203001 • Chandauk 202394 • Chanderu 203001 • Chandiyana 245403 • Chaprawat 245408 • Charora 202394 • Chehla 202392 • Chhatary 202397 • Chithera 245405 • Chitson 203001 • Chitsona Ali Pur 245402 • Choundhera 202392 • Daduwa Mutafabad 202395 • Dangarh 202392 • Daoulatpurkalan 202392 • Darawer 202398 • Dariyapur 203001 • Darora 202394 • Dashhera Kherli 203131 • Daurau 202393 • Dav College Bulandshahr 203001 • Debai 202393 • Debai Bazar 202393 • Deputy Ganj Bulandshahr 203001 • Devrala 203129 • Dhalana 202394 • Dhamera Keerat 203001 • Dhaniya Wali 245403 • Dhanoura 203203 • Dharakpur 202399 • Dharmpur 202393 • Dharpa Chuhar Pur 203131 • Dhatori 203001 • Dighi 202396 • Dinoul 203131 • Dogawan 202393 • Donka 202392 • Doulatpur Kala 202398 • Farkana Gangagarhi 203129 • Gajipur 203205 • Ganga Garh 202396 • Gangawaly 203129 • Garhiya Manpur 245408 • Geshupur 203205 • Gesupur Barwala 245403 • Ghungharwaly 202398 • Ghunghraoli Banwaripur 203001 • Ginora Shekh 245408 • Ginoura Nagly 245405 • Giroura 245405 • Gt Road Khurja 203131 • Gulaothi 245408 • Guraoli 202394 • Gurukul Sikandrabad 203202 • Guthaoli 203001 • Gwarauly 203129 • Harchana 245408 • Hattmabad 203001 • Hazipur 245403 • Hingwara 245402 • Indoure Khera 202392 • Industrial Estate Sikandrabad 203205 • Ipdc Bulandshahr 203001 • Isapur 245408 • Ishmail Pur 203205 • Jadoul 245409 • Jahangirabad 202394 • Jakheta 202394 • Jaleel Pur 202394 • Jauly Garh 203001 • Jawal 203131 • Jhal Khera 203002 • Jirouly 202390 • Jugsana Kalan 203150 • Kahira 203001 • Kailawan 202395 • Kakrai 202394 • Kalena 203131 • Kamona 202397 • Kanauna 245405 • Kanwra 203205 • Karanbash 202393 • Kaser Kalan 202393 • Kaser Khurd 202393 • Katiyawaly 202391 • Kayasthwara Sikandrabad 203205 • Keeratpur 202392 • Kehroula 203131 • Khad Mohan Nagar 245412 • Khailiya Kalyanpur 202391 • Khakhunda 202392 • Khalor 202394 • Khandoi 202398 • Khanoda 202394 • Kharikbari 202393 • Khurja Jn Rs 203132 • Khurja Ho 203131 • Khushalabad 202393 • Khushhalpur 245408 • Kirra 203131 • Kisola 245403 • Kisoli 245408 • Krishananagar 203001 • Ksc Mill Anupshahr 202391 • Kuchesar 203001 • Kurli 245408 • Lad Pur 245402 • Lalkuan 203001 • Lalner 202396 • Luharaly Ludhiyana 203001 • Madona Jafara Bad 245402 • Mahav 245412 • Mahepa 203205 • Maithna Jagatpur 245409 • Malagarh 203001 • Mandi Anupshahr 202390 • Manglore 203150 • Mankari 245403 • Mauwa Khera 202398 • Meerpur 203131 • Mohana 245408 • Mohersha 202398 • Mukeempur 203001 • Munda Khera 203131 • Mundi Bakapur 245407 • Muni 203131 • Muradpur 202392 • Nagla Mahiuddinpur 203131 • Nagliya Udaibhan 203129 • Naithala Hasanpur 203002 • Napp 202389 • Narau 202397 • Narora 202389 • Navi Nagar 202394 • Nimchana 245407 • Nishurkha 245411 • Obs Gulaothi 245408 • Oledha 245408 • Pali Partapur 245405 • Panni Nagar 203001 • Parly 202390 • Partapur 245411 • Parwana 245407 • Paswasara 245401 • Pindrawal 202397 • Pitubash 245408 • Pondhery 203150 • Poothery Kalan 202392 • Prangarh 203205 • Rahim Kot 202393 • Raipur Palda 203129 • Raj Ghat 202393 • Ramghat 202399 • Rampur Manpur 203129 • Rangpur 203001 • Raniaoli 203131 • Raura 203150 • Rehamapur Siyawali 203150 • Ronda 203150 • Roop Wash 202390 • Roop Wash Pachgain 203131 • Runsi 202392 • Sabitgarh 203129 • Sakhani 202394 • Samashpur 203132 • Sanota 203205 • Sarai Chhabila 245409 • Sarai Ghashi 203001 • Sarangpur 203132 • Sarawa 203205 • Sathala 245402 • Satoha 202393 • Satwara 202392 • Seekri 203131 • Sega Jagatpur 245407 • Senda Faridpur 203131 • Senta 245408 • Shahbaz Pur 203131 • Shahkarinagar 203150 • Shekhpur 202392 • Shekhpur Gadwa 245407 • Shera 245411 • Shikhera 203002 • Shikoi 203298 • Shiwaly 203150 • Sihi 245411 • Sirora Banger 202390 • Soi 202396 • Sonda Habibpur 203132 • Sonjhana Jhaya 245405 • Subhash Road Khurja 203131 • Surajpur Makhena 202390 • Surjawaly 203001 • Talwar 202393 • Tauli 202394 • Thana Gajraula 202398 • Til Begum Pur 203205 • Titota Veer 202394 • Tyore Buzurg 202397 • Uamrara 202393 • Uncha Gaon 202398 • Utrawaly 202395 • Utrouly 245409 • Vijay Nagliya 202389 • Visundhara 245401 • Waira Firozpur 245412

External links


  1. Sir H. M. Elliot Edited by John Dowson: The history of India : as told by its own historians. Volume II/Note D. — Mahmud's Expeditions to India,p.458
  2. Sir H. M. Elliot Edited by John Dowson: The history of India : as told by its own historians. Volume II/Note D. — Mahmud's Expeditions to India,p.458
  3. "Early Chauhan Dynasties" by Dasharatha Sharma, p.51-52
  4. "Early Chauhan Dynasties" by Dasharatha Sharma, p.51-52
  5. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.833
  6. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.833
  7. "Early Chauhan Dynasties" by Dasharatha Sharma, p.51-52
  8. The history of India : as told by its own historians. Volume II/Note D. — Mahmud's Expeditions to India,p.458
  9. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.144
  10. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.608
  11. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.640-641
  12. अहिच छत्रं कालकूटं गङ्गाकूलं च भारत, वारणा वाटधानंयामुनश चैव पर्वतः (V.19.30)
  13. महादंष्ट्रा हरस्वदंष्ट्राश चतुर्थंष्ट्रास तदापरे । वारणेन्द्र निभाश चान्ये भीमा राजन सहस्रशः ।।Mahabharata(IX.44.95)
  14. वराहकॊ वारणकः सुमित्रश चित्रवेदकः, पराशरस तरुणकॊ मणिस्कन्धस तथारुणिः Mahabharata (I.57.17)

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