The Ancient Geography of India/Index
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.) |
Contents: Top · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Afghan states, 131.
- Afghanistan, or Opokien, 87.
- Agahat, or Aghat Sarai, an old city near Sankisa, 371.
- Ahi-chhatra, or Ahi-kshetra, the capital of N. Panchala, 359 ; identified with Adikot, or Ahi-chhatra, near Ram Nagar in Rohilkhand, 360 ; fort restored about two hundred years ago, by Ali Muliammad Klian, 363.
- Ajudhan, or Pak-pattan, an ancient city in the Panjab, 214, 218.
- Ajudhya, the ancient capital of Oudh, 401.
- Akbar, ruins of an ancient city in the Panjab, 212.
- Akrureswara, now Aklesar, on the Narbada, opposite Bharoch, 322.
- Akshay-Bat, or Tree of Prayag, 389.
- Alakappo, capital of a tribe of tlie Vrijis, 450.
- Albania in Panjab, identified with Labania or the Sanskrit Lavana (salt), 157 ; famous for its fighting dogs, 157.
- Alexander — accounts of India, collected by, 1 ; siege of Aornos, 62, 63; passage of the Hydaspes, 160, 169.
- Alexandria Opiane, 21 ; same as Opian, 23 ; ad Caucasum, 24.
- Alor, capital of Upper Sindh, 257 ; chief city of the Musikani, 257.
- Amaravati, modern temple and town close to the ruins of Dharanikotta, 543.
- Ambakapi, the Amakatis of Pto-lemy, in the Eastern Panjab, 195.
- Amin, or Abhimanyu-Khera, near Thanesar, 337.
- Amyntas, author of ' Stathmi,' 2.
- Anandapura, near Vallabhi, 493.
- Analwara, or Naharwala, 320,322.
- Anarta, district in S.W. India, 6.
- Andhra in S. India, 527 ; now Telingana, 527 ; its people called Andarae by Pliny, 528.
- Anoma, or Aumi river, to the east of Kapila, 423.
- Andrapana, or Draband, 86.
- Aornos in Bactria, fort of the Varni, 60.
- Aornos, near the Indus, identified with Ranigat, 58; with Mahaban, 59; Raja Hodi's fort, 59; same as Avaranas, 60 ; fort of Raja-vara, 60, 65, 67 ; description of, 69.
- Apaga rivulet, now the Ayek R. ; flows past Sangala-wala Tiba or Sangala, 185, 209.
- Arabii, or Arabitae, a barbarous people to W. of Indus, 304, 305.
- Arachosia, of the Chinese, 39, 60 ; its two capitals, 39.
- Arattas, or Arashtras, the same as the Arestae, Adraistae, or Andrestae, 215.
- Atari, a ruined fort in the Panjab, 228; identified with the Brahman city taken by Alexander, 228.
- Atranji-khera, on the Kali Nadi, identified with the ancient Piloshana, 364.
- Attak Banaras, on the Indus, 53.
- Avanta, district in S. India, 6.
- Avantipura, in Kashmir, 95, 103.
- Ayuto, on the Ganges below Kanoj, 382 ; identified with Kakapur, 385 ; perhaps the same as Bagud of the Tibetan books, 386.
- Babar-Khana, or Tiger's House, part of Taxila, 112, 116.
- Bagris, the people of Bagar-des or Bikaner, 247 ; probably connected with the Yaudheyas or Johiyas, 247.
- Baibhar, or Vaibhara, mountain one of the Five Hills of Rajagriha, 463.
- Bairat, or Vairat, capital of Matsya, 337 ; 105 miles to S.W. of Delhi, and 41 miles to N. of Jaypur, 341 ; residence of the Five Pandus during their 12 years' exile, 340 ; visited by Hwen Thsang, 343 ; taken by Mahmud, 344.
- Balabhi, or Valabhadra, a famous city and kingdom in W. India in the seventh century, 316 ; identified with Surashtra and the modern peninsula of Gujarat, 317; now Vamilapura, in ruins, 323,
- Balnath ka Tila, a lofty mountain to W. of Jhelam, 165 ; called ' Hill of the Sun,' by Plutarch, 165.
- Banaras, or Varanasi, vulgo Benares, 435.
- Banu, the Falana and Pona of the Chinese, 84, 85 ; perhaps Banagara of Ptolemy, 86.
- Bappa, or Vappaka, a descendant of the Balabhi family, founded a new kingdom at Chitor, 318.
- Barahmula, or Varahamula, 99.
- Barbarike, or Bhambura, in Lower Sindh, 294 ;
- Barke of Justin, and Barbari of Ptolemy, 295.
- Baryaza, or Bharoch, 324, 326.
- Bazaria, identified with Bazar, 65.
- Begram, near Opian, 20 ; ancient remains, 21 ; identified with Karsana, 27; meaning of name, 29 ; description of plain of, 29 ; near Peshawar, 79.
- Bhatiya, or Bahiya, or Pabiya, or Paya, a strong fortress between Multan and Alor, 256.
- Bhatner, fortress, 146.
- Bhira, or Jobnathnagar, 155 ; capital of Sophites, 155.
- Bias, or Byas river, changes in its course, 222.
- Bihar, or Vihar, an ancient city of Magadha, 473.
- Bij Biara, or Vijipara, 98.
- Bir, or Pher mound, part of Taxila, 111.
- Bodhi tree at Peshawar, 79.
- Bolor, or Balti, the Palolo of the Chinese, 83 ; country of the Byltae of Ptolemy, 84.
- Brahmana, or Brahmanabad, the city of Brahmans, called Harmatelia by Diodorus, 267, 268; identified with the ruins of Bambhra-ka-thul, 272.
- Brahmapura, in the hills to the N.E. of Haridwar, 355 ; identified with Vairatpattan, 355.
- Bukhepala, 159 ; may be identified with Dilawar, according to the description of Strabo, 176, 177 ; or with Jalalpur, according to Plutarch, 176 ; most probably Jalalpur, 177.
- Cadrusi of Pliny, same as Cadrusia of Solinus, 31; identified with Koratas, 31.
- Ceylon, 557.
- Champa, or Chamba, on the Ravi, 141.
- Champa, now Patharghata, on the Ganges, 477.
- Chandels of Khajura, 55.
- Charitrapura in Orissa, now Puri, 510.
- Chenab River, changes in its course, 323.
- Chi-chi-to, or Jaghoti, 55.
- Chinapati, or Patti, in the Eastern Panjab, 200 ; called Haibatpur, 201.
- Choliya, or Jorya, 545 ; now Zora, or Jora, close to Karnul, 547 ; the Sora of Ptolemy, 547.
- Clisoboras, or Carisobora of Pliny, an ancient city on the Jomanes, or Jumna, identified with Kalika-vartta, or Vrindavana, 375.
- Daedali Montes, or Dantaloka, 52,66.
- Dantaloka Mount, or Monies Daedali, 52, 66.
- Dantapura, on the Godavari, capital of Kalinga, 517.
- Darapur and Dilawar, to west of Jhelam, 161.
- Darel, to west of Indus, identified with the Chinese Thalilo and Toli, 82 ; country of the Dards, 82 ; possessed a colossal statue of Buddha 83
- Debal, an ancient city in the Delta of the Indus, 297 ; situated near Lahari-bandar, 299 ; the enchanted city of the 'Arabian Nights,' 300.
- Depalpur, an ancient city in the Panjab, 213.
- Dhopapapura, a famous place of pilgrimage in Oudh, 401.
- Diodorus. Size of India, 4.
- Dionysopolis, the Dinus of Abu Rihan, 46 ; monogram of Dion on Greek coins, 46.
- Donakakotta, or Dharanikotta, 530 ; mentioned as Dhanaka-kata in cave inscriptions, 531 ; and by Hwen Thsang, 530; Danaka of Abu Rihan, 543.
- Dravida, capital Kanchipura, 548.
- Drona, a measure, used for the division of Buddha's relics, 441.
- Drishadwati river, the southern boundary of Kurukshetra, or Brahmavartta, 333.
- Dron-Sagar, at Ujain in Rohilkhand, the ancient Govisano, 359.
- Elapura, or Elawar, identified with Erawal or Verawal, or the ancient Pattan, or Pattan Somnath, 319.
- Erannoboas, or Hiranyabaha river, the present Son, 453.
- Eratosthenes. Size and shape of India, 2.
- Fa-la-na, or Banu, 39, 84 ; the Po-na of Fa-Hian, 84.
- Five Divisions of India, according to the Puranas, 7 ; according to the Chinese, 10.
- Fo-li-shi-sa-tang-na, or Ortospana, 34.
- Po-lu-sha, or Parashawar, 47, 78.
- Gabhastimat. One of nine divisions of India, 7.
- Gandhara, or Parashawar, 47, 78 ; the Gandaritis of Strabo, Gandarae of Ptolemy, and Kien-to-lo of Chinese,47; its boundaries, 48.
- Gandharva. One of nine divisions of India, 7.
- Gangadwara, or Haridwar, 358.
- Ganges, called Mahabhadra, 354 ; the Hyparchos of Ktesias, and Hypobarus of Pliny, 355 ; formerly ran past Kanoj, 379.
- Ganjam, in east India, 513.
- Garjapatipura or Ghazipur, 438.
- Gaya Bauddha, in Magadha, 455 ; Brahm, the present city of Gaya, 458.
- Ghazni, the Chinese Hosina, capital of south Araohosia, 39 ; modern fortress, 41; identified with the Gazos of Dionysius and Nonnus, 43.
- Girivraja, or Kusagarapura, the ancient capital of Magadha, 462.
- Giryek, mountain near Bihar, 471 ; Indra's Cave in it, 471 ; Jarasandha's Tower on top, 471.
- Gorakhnath ka Tila, or Balnath-ka-Tila, or simply Tila, a lofty mountain to west of Jhelam, 164.
- Govisana, an ancient division of Rohilkhand, identified with fort of Ujain, near Kashipur, 356.
- Gridhrakuta, or Vulture's Peak, a famous mountain near Rajagriha, 466 ; now Sailagiri, 466.
- Gurjjara, a province of western India, capital Balmer in seventh century, 312; identified with Western Rajasthan, 313.
- Guzar, or Guzaristan, the Chinese Ho-sa-lo. capital of Northern Arachosia, 39 ; the Ozola of Ptolemy, 40.
- Harahaura. District in northwestern India, 6.
- Harapa, an ancient city in the Panjab, 210; description of its ruins, 211.
- Harsha Varddhana, king of Kanoj in the seventh century, 378 ; established the Sri Harsha era in A.D. 607, 378 ; died in 648 or 650, 378 ; n. Appendix A.
- Hashtnagar, 50.
- Hayamukha, or Ayomukha, on the Ganges, perhaps the same as Daundia-khera, 387.
- Hiranya Parvata, now Mongir, 476.
- Ho-sa-lo, or Guzar, the capital of north Arachosia, 39 ; the Ozola of Ptolemy, 40.
- Hu-phi-na, capital, 33; same as Kophene or Kipin, 34.
- Hushkapura, founded by Hushka, 91, 95, 99; the Hu-se-kia-lo of the Chinese, and modern village of Uskar, 91.
- Hwen Thsang, a famous Chinese pilgrim, who travelled over the greater part of India between the years 629 and 644. Chronological list of places visited by him. Appendix A.
- India. —
- Northern India, 12, 15, 17;
- Western, 12, 248 ;
- Central, 12, 327;
- Eastern, 12, 499;
- Southern, 12, 515;
- eighty kingdoms in seventh century, 13;
- political divisions in seventh century, 13 ;
- western boundary sometimes extended beyond the Indus, 15 ;
- size and shape, according to Patrokles, 2;
- Eratosthenes,2;
- Pliny,3;
- shapeand divisions, according to Mahabharata, 5 ;
- nine divisions of astronomers, 5 ;
- five divisions of Puiauas, 7 ;
- of Chinese, 10;
- Chinese names of India, 9 ;
- shape and dimensions of India, according to Chinese, 11 ;
- one of nine divisions of India, 7.
- Indrasila-guha, a famous cave in the Giryek mountain, 471.
- Indus river, changes in its course, 251 ; ancient course past Alor, 258; delta of the Indus, 283.
- Jajhoti, the ancient name of Bundelkhand, 481 ; capital, Khajuraho, 481.
- Jajhotiya Brahmans, 483.
- Jalandhara, 135, 136, 137 ; same as Trigarta, 137,
- Jarak, on the Lower Indus, 287.
- Jayendra Vihara, in Kashmir, 97.
- Jushkapura, now Zukru, 101.
- Kabul, same as Kaofu, 17, 18 ; Ptolemy's Kabolitae, 33 ; size of Province, 37.
- Kabul, city, Ptolemy's Kabura, 33.
- Kacha Kot, part of Taxila, 112,115.
- Kachh, a large province in western India, 302 ; attached to Sindh in the seventh century, 302 ; capital, Kotiswara, 303.
- Kahaon, an ancient city near the Rapti river, 433.
- Kahror, an old town near Multan, 241 ; scene of battle between Vikramaditya and the Sakas, 241.
- Kaikanan, or Ki-Kiang-na, 86.
- Kakupur, an ancient city below Kanoj, identified with Ayuto, 386.
- Kali, or Kalindri Nadi, flows past Kanoj in the old bed of the Ganges, 379.
- Kalikavartta, or Vrindavana, the modern Brindaban, 375.
- Kalinga in south India, 515 ; country of Pliny's Calingse, 517 ; its capital Rajamahendri, 516.
- Kalyankot, or Tughlakabad, great fort at Thatha, 289.
- Kamatipura, capital of Kusa-Vihara, or west Kamrup, 500.
- Kambistholi, a people of the Panjab, 216.
- Kanchipura, capital of Dravida, 548.
- Kanishkapura, in Kashmir, founded by Kanishka, the present Kampur, 95, 99.
- Kanoj, a famous city in the Gangetic Doab, 376.
- Kapila, the birthplace of Buddha, 414 ; identified with Nagar, 415.
- Kapisene, or Capisene, Kiapishe of Chinese, 18.
- Karamar hill, 71.
- Karisi, city of, name on coins of Eukratides, 28.
- Karsana, or Cartana, Kiulusapang of Chinese, 20, 26 ; called Tetragonis, or the square, 27, 28 ; monogram of name found on the coins of many Greek kings, 29.
- Kaserumat, one of nine divisions of India, 7.
- Kashmir, kingdom, its extent in the seventh century A.D., 89; valley of, 90; people of, 93 ; old capital of, 93.
- Kasi-Banaras, 54.
- Katak Banaras, 54.
- Kauninda, district in north-east India, 6.
- Ketas, or Ketaksha, 124.
- Khrigipura,or Khagendrapura, vulg. Kakapur, 98
- Khajuraho, ancient capital of Jajhoti, 481.
- Khaka-Bamba, near Kashmir, 131.
- Kheda, or Kaira, 492.
- Khukhundo, an ancient city near the Rapti river, 433.
- Khunamusha, or Khunamoh, 98.
- Kien-to-lo, or Gandhara, 47.
- Kirana-Suvarna, or Singhbhum, 504.
- Koli, an ancient city on the Rohini, near Kapila, 416 ; probably the same as Mokson, 417.
- Konkana, 552.
- Kophene, or Kabul, 32 ; same as Huphina, 34.
- Kos, a measure of length. Appendix B.
- Kosala, or Mahakosala, in south India, 519 ; identified with Vidarbha, or Berar, 520.
- Kosambi, or Kosam, a famous city on the Jumna, 391.
- Kot Kamalia, in the Panjab, 208 ; identified with the first city of the Malii, captured by Alexander, 208.
- Krokola, or Karachi, the Kolaka of Ptolemy, 306.
- Kshemavati, or Khemavati, the birthplace of the Buddha Krakuchanda, 419 ; identified with Kakua, 419.
- Kukkutapada, or " Cock's-foot Hill," 459 ; now Kurkihar, near Gaya, 460.
- Kullu, or Kuluta, on the Bias river, 142.
- Kumarika, one of the nine divisions of India, 7.
- Kurukshetra, a famous place of pilgrimage around Thanesar, 332.
- Kusagarapura, the old capital of Magadha, 461 ; also called Girivrijja, 462 ; now Purana Rajgir, 463.
- Kusapura, or Kusabhavanapura, now Sultanpur, on the Gumti river, 398.
- Kusawar; or Kasur, in the eastern Panjab, 199.
- Kusinagara, the scene of Buddha's death, 430 ; identified with Kasia, 430.
- Lateswara, a province in west India, 321.
- Li, a Chinese measure of length, about one-sixth of a British mile. Appendix B.
- Lichhavis, a tribe of the Vrijis, 445 ; kings of Nepal, Tibet, and Ladak of this race, 451.
- Locharna of Ptolemy, identified with Logar, 38.
- Lohawar, or Lahor, the Labokla of Ptolemy, 197 ; named Mahmudpur by Mahmud of Ghazni, 198.
- Lo-mo-in-tu river, or the Helmand, 39.
- Madawar, or Mandor, in Roliilkhand, 349.
- Madhyantika, or Majjhima, made colossal statue of Buddha, 83.
- Madra-desa, a district in the eastern Panjab, 6, 185, 215 ; Sakala its capital, 185.
- Magadha, district in east India, 6, 452.
- Mahaban mountain identified with Aornos by General Abbott, 59 ; description of, 61 ; monastery, 61.
- Mahabharata, shape of India according to, 5 ; five divisions of India, 5.
- Maharashtra, 553.
- Mahasara, or Masar, 440.
- Maheswarapura, now Mandala, or Maheshmatipura, 488.
- Mahoba, or Mahotsavanagara, 484, 485 ; capital of the Chandel Rajas, 487.
- Majerika, country of the Nagas, famous for its beautiful stupa, 534; identified with the Bassaronaga of Ptolemy, 539 ; capital Malanga, 539.
- Malakuta, or Madura, 549.
- Malanga, capital of Bassaronaga, or Majerika, 539.
- Maleus, or Mallus mountain, 508 ; identified with Mount Mandar.
- Malwa, on the Mahi river, 490.
- Manhabari, identified with Minnagar and Thatha, 289, 290.
- Manikyala, 121.
- Mansura, the Muhammadan capital of Sindh, close to Brahmanabad, 271.
- Markandeya Parana, divisions of India, 5, 6.
- Massanae, or Sodrae, or Sogdi, 253.
- Mathura, a famous city on the Jumna, the Modura of Ptolemy, and Methoras of Pliny, 373.
- Matsya Purana, divisions of India, 5, 6..
- Mayapura, or Mayura, near Haridwar, 351.
- Megasthenes, measurements of India by, 2, 3, 4.
- Melane, Alexandria, founded by Alexander, now Ras Malan, 309.
- Minnagar, identified with Thatha, 289,291.
- Mong, or Mung, on the Jhelam river, identified with Nikaea, the scene of Alexander's victory over Porus, 177 ; founded by Raja Moga, 178.
- Morontobara, or the Women's Haven, now called Muari, or Cape Monz, 307.
- Multan, 215 ; fort and city, 230 ; various names, 232 ; capital of the Malli where Alexander was wounded, 238; taken by Chach in seventh century, 239.
- Nagarahara , or Jalalabad, 4 3 ; Nang-go-lo-ho-lo of the Chinese, 44 ; capital at Hidda, the Hi-lo of the Chinese, 44 ; the Nagara, or Dionysopolis of Ptolemy, 46.
- Nairanjan, or Lilajan, river, 455, 457.
- Nava-khanda, or Nine Divisions of India, 5.
- Navandgarh, or Naonadgarh, an ancient fort near Bettiah, 448 ; earthen stupas at, 449.
- Nepala, 451.
- Nikaia, identified with Kabul, 36 ; description by Nonnus, 36 ; on the Hydaspes, identified with Mong, 174, 177.
- Niphanda of Ptolemy, probably the same as Ophiana, 25.
- Nirankot, or Haidarabad, the ancient Patala, 279.
- Odra, or Orissa, 510 ; its capital Jajipura, 512,
- Ohind, Oaihand, or Utakhanda, 52 ; identified with Embolima, 65,67.
- Ophir, or Sophir, or Sauvira, 497, 561.
- Opiai of Hekaeteus, 25 ; their royal town not identified, probably Kabul, 36.
- Opian; 18, 20, 21, called Hupian by Baber, 21.
- O.po.kien, or Afghan, 41, 87.
- Oritae, or Horitae, a barbarous people lowest of Indus, 304, -307.
- Ortospana, 18; the Sanskrit Urddhasthana, 33; identified with the Bala Hisar of Kabul, 35.
- Oxykanus, or Portikanus, king of the Praesti, in upper Sindh, 259, 260; name probably derived from Ptolemy's Oskana, 262.
- Ozola of Ptolemy, the of the Chinese, 40.
- Pabhi hills to east of Jhelam, 166.
- Pak-pattan, or Ajudhan, an ancient city in the Panjab, 214.
- Pa.lo.lo, or Bolor, 83, 84.
- Palibothra, or Pataliputra, 2, 452.
- Palodheri, or, 51.
- Panchala, district in Central India, 6.
- Panjpir hill, 71,
- Parihasapura, in Kashmir, 101.
- Paropanisus, 19.
- Patala, or Pitasila, the capital of Lower Sindh, 279; identified with Nirankot, or Haidarabad, 279; also called Patalpur, 281.
- Pathan, in Kashmir, 101.
- Patrokles, size and shape of India, 1, 2.
- Patti, or Chinapati, in the eastern Panjab, 201 ; residence of Chinese hostages in time of Kanishka, 202.
- Paundra Varddhana, or Pubna, 480.
- Pehoa, or Prithudaka, near Thanesar, 336.
- Peukelaotis, or Pushkalavati, 49 ; Peukelas Peukalei Peukolaitis, Proklais, 49.
- Piloshana, an ancient district in the Gangetic Doab, identified with Atranji Khera, 364.
- Pippalavana, or the Pippala Forest, the site of the Charcoal Tower, 429.
-, or Palodheri, or Pelley of Court, 51.
- Po-na, or Banu, 84 ; the of Hwen Thsang, 83.
- Praesti, a people governed by Portikanus, or Oxykanus, 259 ; their capital Mahorta, 260; probably the Oskana of Ptolemy, 262.
- Pragbodhi mountain, in Magadha, now the Mora Pahar, 458.
- Pravarasenapura, the new capital of Kashmir, 95, 96, 97.
- Prithudaka, or Pehoa,near Thanesar, 336.
- Prithu Raja, gave name to Prithudaka, 336.
- Punacha, near Kashmir, 128, 129.
- Puranadhisthana, the old capital of Kashmir, the present Pandrethan, 93 ; possessed a tooth of Buddha, 94.
-, or Pushkalavati, 60.
- Pushkalavati, or Peukelaotis, Pukkalaoti, Pukkala, 49 ; stupa of the ' eyes-gift,' 51.
- Ramagrama, a famous city between Kapila and Kusinagara, 420 ; identified with Deokali, 421 ; relics removed by Nagas to the stupa, near the Diamond Sands, 534, 536.
- Rani-gat, or ' Queen's Rook,' identified with Aornos, 60, 67 ; description of, 72, 73 ; attributed to Raja Vara, 60-77, 78.
- Ran-si, or Nara-Sinha, in the eastern Panjab, 193 ; description of ruins, 194.
- Ravi river, its ancient course past Multan, 221.
- Sailagiri, the famous Gridhrakuta, or 'Vulture's Peak,' near Rajagriha.
- Sairindhas, the people of Sirindha, or Sarhind, 146.
- Sakala, or Sangala in the Panjab, now Sanglawala Tiba, 180 ; She-kie-lo of Hwen Thsang, 180 ; description of hill and ruins, 182 ; Brahmanical accounts of Sakala, 184 ; Buddhist accounts of Sagal, capital of Raja Milinda, 186; subject to Raja Mihirkul, 187 ; classical notices of Sangala, 187.
- Salt Range of Mountains, 157 ; Mons Oromenus of Pliny, and the Sanskrit Raumaka, 157.
- Samatata, or the Gangetic Delta, 501.
- Sambracae, or Sabracae, or Sarabastae, a people at the junction of the Panjab rivers, 244 ; probably the same as the Yaudheyas, or Johiya Rajputs, 245.
- Sarhind, old city, 145.
- Satadru, province, 144.
- Satgarha, an ancient city in the Panjab, 212.
- Sattagudai of Herodotus, the same as Thatagush of Darius, 26.
- Sattapanni, or Srotaparni, cave at Rajagriha, 463.
- Saumya, one of the Nine Divisions of India, 6.
- Sauvira, district in W. India, 6.
- Shorkot, province of the Panjab, 203 ; city, capital of the province, 205 ; perhaps Alexandria Soriane, 206.
- Sindh, or the valley of the Lower Indus, 248 ; Siro, or Upper, capital Alor, 249 ; Vichalo, or Middle, capital Brahmanabad, 262 ; Lar, or Lower, capital Patala, 277.
- Sindhu, district in W. India, 6.
- Singhapura, identified with Ketas, 124.
- Si-pi-to-fa-la-sse of Chinese, 26.
- Sir-kap-ka-kot, part of Taxila, 111, 117.
- Sir-suk-ka-kot, part of Taxila, 111, 115.
- Sobhavati-nagara, the birthplace of the Buddha Kanakamuui, 419; identified with Subhay-pursa, 419.
- Sodrae, or Sogdi, or Massanae, 253 ; the same as the Sodha Rajputs, 254.
- Son-bhandar, cave at Rajagriha, 463.
- Sophytes, or Sophites, or Sopeithes, king of the western Panjab, including the Salt Range of Mountains, 157, 158.
- Soron, or Sukara-kshetra, an old town on the Ganges, 364.
- Sravasti, in Pali Sawatthi, or Sewet, a famous city in ancient Oudh, 407 ; identified with the ruins now called Sahet-Mahet, 409.
- Sthaneswara, or Thanesar, 328.
- Sudrakas, or Surakousae, 215.
- Sunuriswara, the capital of Langala, 311 ; probably only the name of a temple, 311.
- Swat, or Subhavastu, 81; identified with Udyana, 81; Uchangna of the Chinese, Udyana of Sanskrit, 81.
- Takht-i-Bahai, ruined city, 71.
- Taki, city, of Asarur, 191 ; the Pimprama or Alexander, 191; description of ruins, 192; the Tse-kia, or Ta-kia, of Hwen Thsang;, 192.
- Taki, province of Panjab, the Tse-kia of Hwen Thsang, 148, 154.
- Takkadesa of Raja Tarangini, 149 ; divisions and boundaries, 153.
- Takka-desa, or country of the Takkas, in the Panjab, 149.
- Tamralipti, or Tamluk, 504.
- Tamraparna, one of the Nine Divisions of India, 6.
- Taxila, or Takshasija, 104 ; of classical authors, 105 ; of Chinese, 108 ; extent of ruins, 111 ; extent of district, 120.
- Thanesar, or Sthaneswara, 328.
- Tirabhuktis, a tribe of the Vrijis, the people of Tirhut, 445.
- Tsau-ku-ta, or Arachosia, 40.
- Uchh, an ancient town situated at the old junction of the Panjab rivers, 242 ; founded by Alexander, 243.
- Udayana, Raja of Kosambi, or Vatsa-pattana, 392.
- Ushkara, or Uskar, the ancient Hushkapura, 100.
- Vaibharagiri, or Webharo, or Baibhar, one of the five hills of Rajagriha, 463.
- Vaidehis, a tribe of the Vrijis, 445.
- Vara, Raja, of Aornos, 60-77 ; seat of his queen on Ranigat, 60 ; his stables, 61.
- Varaha Mihira, Nine Divisions of India, 5, 6.
- Varana, or Barna Nadi, at Banaras, 435.
- Vatsa-pattana, or Kosambi, 392.
- Vena Raja, cured of leprosy at Prithudaka, 336 ; founded the fort of Soron, 365.
- Vipulagiri, or Wopullo, one of the five hills of Rajagriha, 463.
- Vishnu Purana, Divisions of India, 5, 6.