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Gill (गिल)[1][2] Gil (गिल)/Gila (गिल)/Sher Gil (शेरगिल)[3] Gela (गेला)[4] [5] Gull (गुल) [6] Ghilawa (घीलावा) is a Gotra or surname found in the Jat community mainly in Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab in India and Pakistan. Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [7]


  • They get this name from Ch Gangara (गंगारा). [9]

Jat Gotras Namesake


H.A. Rose[10] writes that Sipra, subdivision of Gill tribe, only give daughters to the Bharwana clan of the latter tribe or within their own circle.

Ram Sarup Joon[11] writes....According to the Puranas and Mahabharata, King Yayati chose his second son Puru as heir to the throne. This branch, therefore, continued to stay in the same area and ruled Hardwar, Hastinapur and Delhi. King Hasti made Hastinapur and Pandavas Indraprastha as their capital. Porus who fought Alexander belonged to this branch, Poruswal, Phalaswal,Mirhan, Mudgil, Gill and a number of other Jat gotras are of the Puru branch.

Ram Swarup Joon[12] writes about Gill : In the Puru dynasty Medhavi was the grandson of king Hasti and his son was Mudgil according to Vishnu Puran, descendants of Kiryan, son of Medhavi became Brahmins and the descendants of Mudgil adopted both the Varna Kshatriya and Brahmin.

Gill is a very large gotra of the Sikh Jats. Among the Pathans they are called Gilzai. In the European countries of France, Germany, etc, they were called Gauls.

Upto the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (Punjab) Gilgit was the capital of Gills which was conquered by Ranjit Singh. According to the census of 1911 Gills number about 1976O. Out of the 10 misls of the Sikhs, Gill belonged to the Nishanawali Misl.

B S Dahiya[13] writes: Gill/Gelani are the Aegli of Herodotus, Gelae of Strabo and others and Gili/Gille of modern Central Asia. Gelanis are mentioned in a passage of Ammianus Marcellinus. (XVII, 5, 1) J. Marquart tried to substitute Segestians in place of Gelan perhaps to prove that Sakasthan (Sacestene of the Greeks) was independent up to 350 A.D. In the heyday of th Gills in the Caspian sea was called the Sea of Gilan. The Gills do not add the suffix 'an' to their name. They are found in Punjab and Haryana.[14]

Most of the Gills are settled in Malwa (Punjab) and Majha. They lived along the rivers Sutlej and Beas and further in the foothills up to Sialkot. They claim lineage from Raja Prithipal of Garh Mathila.

They came to Punjab from South via Rajasthan. Waryah King Vinepal came to Rajasthan and built the fort of Bhatinda along the banks of Sutlej at Bathinda. Setting up his capital here, he captured the territories up to Peshawar. This dynasty was in power in Punjab till 1010 AD. Waryah was from the 26th generation of Vikrmaditya. Vineypal, Vijaypal, Satpal and Ganpal were from the lineage of Waryah.

Bhim Singh Dahiya[15] traces Gills to the people of Greece. They are the Aegi of Herodotus, Gelae of Strabo and others and Gili/Gille of modern Central Asia. Gelanis are mentioned in a passage of Ammianus Marcellinus. J. Marquart tried to substitute Segestian in place of Gelan perhaps to prove that Sakasthan (Sacestene of the Greeks) was independent up to 350 AD. In the heyday of Gills, the Caspian sea was called the Sea of Gilani. He[16] opines that people of this tribe came in the company of Alexander. Then settled in Kabul, Kandahar and Punjab. One of the sons of Hercules was named Gilla. It is also possible that ancestors of Gills came to Greece from Middle Asia and then to India.

Most of Gills converted to Sikhism during the period of Guru Hargobind. Gills also sided with 6th Guru in the battle of Mehraj. The descendants of Shergill, one of the eight sons of Gillpal, settled in Zira area.

The chiefs of Nishanwali Misl, Sukha Singh and Mehar Singh were Shergills. Majithia Sardars of Majha were also Shergills.

There are 40 villages of Gills in Jagraon area of Ludhiana.

In the beginning of the 12th century, the descendents of Jhalli son of Gillpal, made Payal their center and founded the village of Chemo Naame. Dhamot, Gouriwala, Gill, Sihora are old Gill villages. Gills and Dhaliwal are also settled in Jagdeo Kalan village in Majha.

The people of Sipra Sub-Clan of Gill clan had mostly migrated towards Jhang. Most of them converted to Islam. Gills in Kabul are Moslems.

In Sandal Baar, Kakkar Gill was the only prominent village of Gills. The Gills settled in Jhang, Montegomery and Shahpur in the West Punjab had converted to Islam.

Shahi are also from the Clan of Gills. Some of Gills had settled in Assam in 1505 during the times of Guru Nanak. Many gypsies in France are Gills (also a very common French name,probably derived from the name Jill)

H.A. Rose[17] gives following details: Gil is one of the largest and most important of the Jat tribes. Its main settlements are in the Lahore and Ferozepur districts ; but it is found all along the Bias and Upper Sutlej, and under the hills as far west as Sialkot. Gil its ancestor, and the father of Sher Gil, was a Jat of Raghobansi descent who lived in the Ferozepur district,

[Page-300]: descendant of Pirthipal, Raja of Garh Mithila. The tribe rose to some importance under the Sikhs, and the history of its principal family is told at pages 352 ff of Griffin’s Panjab Chiefs.

Two pedigrees of Gil are given below. He had 12 sons who founded as many muhins : —

Two Gil Pedigrees

Sobhru, Jaj, Talocharu, Kesaria, Chhaj, Jiuna, Bahawara, Wadhan, Chheli, Mokha, Raji and Shahi.

Pedigree I: Ram ChandarKashabSurajHarditDaryaWani PalKaur PalUdasiNayanJobirMathlaManhajKarorRathiAjanatWanbhirPirthi PatGil

Pedigree II :Suraj (Sun) → MarotWidyaWanipalKaulpalUdasiNayanJobirManhelaManhajKarorRathiAjanatWabharPirthipatGil

The Gils worship their eponym on the Chet Chaudas at Rajiana, in Moga tahsil, where he has a temple. He also appears to be called Raja Pir and to be specially affected by the Wairsi Gils.

In Jind their Jathera is Surat Ram, whose shrine is at Bajewala in Patiala and offerings to which are taken by Mirasis. In Ferozepur the tribe is said to affect Sakhi Sarwar and its men prefer to be called Dipa, Sarupa, etc., instead of Dip Singh, Sarup Singh, and so on, with the title of ‘Mian’ prefixed. At weddings they dig earth from the pond of Sakhi Sarwar near their home. They eschew jhatka meat, but will eat it if halal, like Muhammadans. When some of the tribe took to eating the flesh of animals killed in the Sikh fashion by jhatka, one lost his eyes, another found himself in jail, and so on, so they reverted to their former practice.

Subdivisions or muhins (Sub-gotras)

There are various subdivisions or muhins (sub-gotras) of Gill, based on the twelve (some say eight) sons of the progenitor of the gotra and their descendants as well, some of them are written below (excerpts below relating to the sub-gotras were taken mostly from History of the Jatt Clans - H.S Duleh [Translation from original Punjabi work "Jattan da Itihas" by Gurjant Singh], whilst parts relating to the twelve sons was taken from Deeper Roots of the Gill, Bhatti, Sidhu, Brar, Tur, and Related Jat and Rajput Clans by Gurcharan Singh Gill, edited by Janice Gill Bunker. Published by Indian Family History Society, 2008.)

Sub-gotras or muhins (list may not be exhaustive):

1. Sher-Gill: from descendant of king Gillpal (also spelt as Gilpal) named Sher - sources differ by stating him as either the son, grandson, or great-grandson of king Gilpal.

2. Jhalli-Gill: from the descendant of king Gillpal named Jhalli

3. Mud-Gill (some sources state they are unrelated to the Gill Jats)

4. Sipra-Gill: from the descendant of king Gillpal named Sipra

5. Bandhan-Gill (or Wadan/Wadhan-Gill): from the descendant of king Gillpal named Bandhan (also transcribed as 'Wadan/Wadhan')

6. Shahi-Gill

7. Wairsi (Vairsi)-Gill: from the descendant of king Gillpal named Wairsi (Vairsi)

8. Ladhai-Gill: from the descendant of king Gillpal named Ladhai

9. Nag(a)-Gill: from the descendant of king Gillpal named Nag(a)

10. Loi : Son of Gill

Sons of king Gillpal (legendary progenitor of the Gill gotra) according to two traditions:

Twelve son pedigree (according to Gurcharan Singh Gill in 'Deeper Roots Of The Gill, Bhatti, Sidhu, Brar, Toor, and Related Jat and Rajput Clans')

1. Sobh Rai (Sobhru of Ibettson) is the eldest son of Gillpal. He is the grandfather of Sher-Gill after whose name we have the Sher-Gill Clan. He was established in Rai-Kot of Budha.

2. Judge or Juj was the second son of Gillpal. He is the ancestor of Bandhan Gill tribe. He established a village named Danda Beenda. His generations are as follows: Gillpal, Juj, Mehar, Bhikh, Biji, Badhan, Parchand, Mokal, Thiri, and Raja. This Raja established the village Rajiana after his name. Raja is also called Raja Pir and two smadhs are built in his name. One smadh is in Rajiana and another one is in Sish Ganj. Each year there is a fair at Vasakhi time. Many Gill clans attend this fair. Raja was killed in a battle with the Brar clans who expelled his descendants from Rajiana and they moved and established Moga. Raja had eight sons who lived in Moga, namely: Binny, Shahni, Kaloo, Dhudi, Kaun, Augharh, Mohpal, and Dodavanni. They established many villages. The village Dhudike is founded by descendants of Dhudi who lived in Moga. Dhudi had two sons, namely, Manak and Kambo. Next four generations of Manak are Ahmad, Daow, Sulema, and Mansoor. Mansor had two sons, namely, Aali and umand or Ahmad. The descendants of Umand are in the villages of Chuharhchak and Rauli. Aali’s son was named Surat. All of the Gills in Dhudike are descendants of Surat. Surat had three sons, namely, Gurdas, Basso, and Sulemshah. Gurdas had four sons, namely, Bhomian, Kapura, Dalpat, and Sukhchain. Bhomian’s descendants are in Baja Patti in village Dhudike. The descendants of Kapur are in Kapura Patti of village Dhudike. Basso had a son named Purana and Purana had three sons named Jeun, Kheun and Kauloo. Purana’s descendants are in Purana Patti and its name was later changed to Kauloo Patti. Dalpat had two sons, Jhhanda and Dharma. Descendants of Jhhanda are in Jhhanda Patti of village Dhudike. Descendants of Dharma established Madoke village. Sulemshah’s son, Sadru, had two sons, Nathu and Sukha. Nathu’s descendants are in Nathu Patti in Dhudhike. Sukha’s son Harditta and his son Mabuu established Nathuwala Sharki village. Its name was later on changed to Nathuwala Zadid. Families from village Herr came to establish Herr Patti in Dhudike. The descendants of Sukhchain went to a village Sangherhay in Ambala and in village Api Goguali in Zira. The village Dhudike was established during the time of the fifth Sikh Guru Arjun dev Ji. Several other clans also came along with the Gill Clan into Dhudike, such as, Saran, Sidhu, Aulakh, Dhaliwal, Sopal and others. Raja Pir’s son Shahni’s descendants stayed in Moga and have the following generations according to Harnek Singh Rode in “Moga Bolda Hai”: Shahni, Atla, Bhojo, Saloma or Sulema. Saloma had four sons, namely, Siria, Amru, Langar, and Piara. Amru’s sons were Moga and Joga. Joga’s sons were Mehla and Ajit. Mehla’s descendants settled in Moga Mehla Singh. Ajit’s descendants settled in Moga Ajit Singh. Moga’s sons were Awalkhair, Sandli, Auswang, Roopa, and Surtia. Auswang’s next three generations are Danshah, Mitta, and Chaina. Chaina is credited with establishing Moga as a strong village.

3. The third son of Gillpal was Mokha. His descendants established Dhamot Kalan.

4. Fourth son of Gillpal was Tilak Rai. His descendant was Sanghu who established Ghall Kalan. He married a daughter of Sangar Brar, Raja of Faridkot. This relationship brought the animosity between the Brar and Gill Clans to an end. After this, they began to marry among themselves.

5. The fifth son of Gillpal was Raji. He established Charhik Chabara village.

6. The sixth son of Gillpal was Jeun who established Durha.

7. The seventh son of Gillpal was Sahi who established the village Raj-sobh.

8. The eighth son of Gillpal was Ranna, who established the Chhaj village.

9. The ninth son of Gillpal was Kes Rai. He was killed in the battle of Batthinda along with Gilpal.

10. The tenth son of Gillpal was Yug.

11. The eleventh son of Gilpal was Dhrug.

12. The Twelfth son of Gilpal was Loi

Eight son pedigree (according to Hoshiar Singh Duleh in 'History of the Jats')

1. Sher

2. Jhali

3. Bandhan

4. Vairasi

5. Nag(a)

6. Sarapa

7. Ladhai

8. Loi

Thakur Deshraj writes

गिल क्षत्रिय जाट वंश है जो महाभारत काल के पश्चात् प्रचलित हुआ। इसके विषय में दो तरह के ऐतिहासिक लेख हैं।

1. भारत में जाट राज्य (उर्दू), पृ० 403 पर योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री ने लिखा है कि -

“वास्तव में गिल क्षत्रिय आर्यों का वह दल है जो सबसे पहले कश्मीर से उतरा और कन्धार के पास से होता हुआ मुलतान के आगे उंची भूमि पर आबाद हो गया। प्राचीनकाल से यह भूमि उपजाऊ है। ऊपर बसने वालों ने, नीचे गीली भूमि में बसने वाला दल प्रसिद्ध किया। निचली तर भूमि को गीली कहते हैं। ये लोग सबसे ऊंची भूमि पंजाब व कंधार में आबाद थे, परन्तु इनसे ऊपर बसने वालों ने, निचली गीली भूमि में बसने वाला गिल नाम दिया। आजकल भी गंगा-यमुना के किनारे की भूमि को खादर और वहां बसने वालों को खदरया कहा जाता है, जबकि वे बाढ़ से बचने के लिए ऊपर भूमि पर रहते हैं। महाभारत काल के बाद इस वंश का अस्तित्व बौद्धकाल में काबुल नदी के किनारे और कन्धार क्षेत्र में था। यह लोग आज भी युसुफजई, काकरजई, सूरजई की भांति गिलजई पठान कहलाते हैं जो बड़ी संख्या में आबाद हैं। जई का अर्थ जत्था का है। ये लोग बौद्धधर्मी थे, फिर संघरूप से इस गिल दल ने इस्लाम स्वीकार कर लिया था। पंजाब में गिल जाटों ने गुरु गोविन्दसिंह के आह्वान पर सामूहिक रूप से सिक्ख धर्म ग्रहण किया।”

2. जाटों का उत्कर्ष, पृ० 370-71 पर योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री ने गिल वंश की उत्पत्ति निम्न प्रकार से लिखी है -

“गिल वंश केवल जाटों का वह सुप्रसिद्ध वंश है जो महाभारत के बाद ही विशेष प्रकाश में आया। प्राचीनकाल में फिरोजपुर का राजा अत्यन्त प्रतापी था। देर तक निस्सन्तान रहने पर जब उसके पुत्र हुआ तो कुछ कुचक्रियों ने रानी की मूर्च्छितावस्था में उसे उठाकर सद्योजात कन्या वहां रख दी और राजकुमार को राजमहल से लेकर एक रूमाल में लपेट कर गीले (नमी वाले) खेत में दबा दिया। किन्तु कुछ ही देर बाद एक शेर ने गन्ध पाकर उसे पंजों से खोदकर उखाड़ लिया और चाटने लगा। राजा भी उसी मार्ग से शिकार को निकले। घोड़ों की टापों से शेर तो जंगल में छिप गया किन्तु ऊपर मंडराती चीलों से राजा का ध्यान उस ओर गया। उसकी आकृति रानी के समान होने और रूमाल भी राजमहल का होने से दासियों ने भयभीत होकर सब भेद प्रकट कर दिया। गीले खेत से प्राप्त राजकुमार को गिल और शेर द्वारा रक्षित होने से शेरगिल ही कहा गया। इसी के नाम पर उसके वंशज क्षत्रिय, गिल एवं शेरगिल कहलाने लगे, जो कि जाट गोत्र है। समस्त गिल इसी कथावस्तु को अपना ऐतिहासिक आधार मानते हैं। महाराष्ट्रीय ब्राह्मणों में भी गिल एक वंश है, वहां भी सम्भवतः गाड़े जाने वाली किम्वदन्ती के आधार पर ही वे गिल-गाडगिल कहलाते हैं जिनमें श्री नरहरि विष्णु गाडगिल गवर्नर पंजाब का नाम उल्लेखनीय है। इस गिल जाटवंश का विस्तार काबुल नदी के किनारे तक हुआ।”

इन गिल जाटों को प्रसिद्ध यूनानी इतिहासज्ञ हैरोडोटस ने एग्ली (Aegli) लिखा है और स्ट्रेबो यूनानी लेखक ने इनको गेलाई (Gelai) लिखा है। आजकल मध्य एशिया में इनको गीली (Gili) कहा जाता है। भारत में शेरगिल जाटों को मध्य एशिया में सीरीगिल्ली बोला जाता है। (जाट्स दी एन्शन्ट रूलरज, पृ० 245, 301, लेखक बी० एस० दहिया)।

इन गिल जाटों का शासन एवं शक्ति गिलगित पर्वत तथा कस्पियन सागर क्षेत्रों में थी। गिल जाटों के नाम पर गिलगित नगर एवं गिलगित पर्वत हैं, जहां पर इनका शासन था। कैस्पियन सागर पर इनका अधिकार होने से वह गिलन सागर कहलाया था। (देखो चतुर्थ अध्याय, मध्यपूर्व में जाट शासन प्रकरण)।

गिल हिन्दू जाट बहुत कम हैं। मुसलमान जाट बहुत हैं जो कि पाकिस्तान तथा काबुल प्रान्त में हैं। गिल सिक्ख जाटों की इनसे अधिक संख्या है। इन सिक्ख जाटों की बड़ी संख्या फिरोजपुर, अमृतसर, पटियाला, लुधियाना, गुरदासपुर, जालन्धर, अम्बाला, कपूरथला जिलों में है। इनकी मजीठा रियासत सबसे समृद्ध और पुरानी थी। मुगल शासन का उन्मूलन करके सिक्ख राज्य की स्थापना और संवर्धन में इस परिवार के पूर्वजों ने जो किया, इसी तरह देश की स्वतन्त्रता के प्रति गिल जाटों ने अपने कर्त्तव्य का पालन किया। इस वंश में सरदार देशासिंह जैसे वीर, सर सुन्दरसिंह मजीठिया जैसे कुशल राजनीतिज्ञ, सरदार दयालसिंह जैसे दानी, सरदार कृपालसिंह जैसे उद्योगपति हो चुके हैं। गिल जाटों की निशानवालिया मिसल की वीरता के कारनामे बड़े प्रसिद्ध हैं। (देखो नवम अध्याय, निशानवालिया मिसल प्रकरण)। गिल सिक्ख जाटों की मंसूरवाल, मुकन्दपुर, छैना नौशीरा या रायपुर और मोगा आदि प्रसिद्ध जागीरें थीं। आज भी ये लोग शासन विभाग में ऊंचे पदों पर हैं।[18]

कैस्पियन सागर पर

गिल वंश - इनके नाम पर गिलगित नगर व पर्वत है। इनकी शक्ति होने से उसका नाम गिलन सागर कहलाया।[19]

The Shiji mentions the "Qilian Mountains" together with Dunhuang as the homeland of the Yuezhi. Gills (q→k→g) give name to the Qilian Mountains and Qilian Country.

Villages founded by Gill clan

Distribution in Punjab

Gills were numbered at 124172 in the 1881 Census. Population of Gill in Patiala district was 45,900. This clan is quite numerous in the sub-districts of Bhikhi and Rajpura and its sept "Jhala" holds 11 villages in the subdistrict called Sahibgarh. [20]

Villages in Amritsar district

Bhure Gill, Basarke Gillan, Bhaini Gillan, Gill Kamirpur, Kamirpur, Gillawati, Harar Mutsil, Baserke Gillan, Langarpur, Gilwali Sohian Kalan, Haditpur, Kad Gill, In Amritsar Gill population was 48,210.

Villages in Bhatinda district

Gill Kalan, Gill Khurd, Gill Patti, Burj Gill,

Villages in Tarn Taran district

This clan holds 142 villages in total and specifically its large concentration is in the Tarn Taran area where it holds about 25 villages. [21] Dhotian,

Villages in Ludhiana district

Gill Ludhiana : In Ludhiana Gill population was (28,101): It appears that this clan settled in the Ludhiana district about 350 years ago during the reign of Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor of India, and claims its ancestor was a king in the southern area of "Gharmela" . The "Gills" own about 50 villages mostly around the area of Jagraon. [22]

Villages in Jalandhar district

Gill is village in Nakodar tahsil in Jalandhar district in Punjab, India.

According to B S Dhillon the population of Gill clan in Jalandhar district is 10,500.[23]

Villages in Hoshiarpur district

In Hoshiarpur district the Gill population is 8,160. This clan owns 22 villages: Khararawal Bassi,Chela, Achharwal, Rajpur,Lakhsian, and so on.[24]

Chenji (चेंजी) sept of the Gil Jats is apparently confined to Hoshiarpur,Punjab. [25]

Villages in Firozpur district

Gill, Gillanwala,

In Firozpur district the Gill population is 78,000. [26]

Villages in Gurdaspur district

Gill, Gillanwali (t.Batala), Gillanwali (t.Dera Baba Nanak), Gill (t.Gurdaspur),

Gill, Gilzian are village sin Dasua tahsil in Hoshiarpur district in Punjab

Villages in Jalandhar district

Villages in Kapurthala district

Villages in Ludhiana district

Villages in Moga district

Ramu Wala, Rauke Kalan,

Villages in Sangrur district

Distribution in Uttar Pradesh

Villages in Saharanpur district

Paniyali Kasimpur, Daidpura,

Villages in Meerut district

Alamgirpur Badhla, Satwai, Sujatpur,

Villages in Jyotibaphule Nagar district

Chotipura, Daspur, Dehri, Jyotibaphule Nagar, Kapasi, Kuan Khera, Muda Khera, Nartho, Naraini,

Villages in Ghaziabad District

Kaniya Kalyanpur,

Villages in Shambal District


Villages in Bareilly district


Villages in Pilibhit district

Banjariya, Simraya, Tulsipur,

Villages in Rampur district

Dankari, Mulla Khera

Distributions in Rajasthan

Locations in Jaipur city

Gandhi Nagar, Mansarowar Colony, Murlipura Scheme, Queens Road, Bajaj nagar, Vidyadhar nagar(vijay gill), Vaishali nagar, Viswakarma,

Villages in Jaipur district

Mundiya Garh,

Village in Sikar district

In sikar ghilawa and Gill Gotra is same . its due to some mistake they written Ghilawa but there gotra is Gill.


Villages in Churu district


Villages in Jhunjhunu district

Surpura Udaipurwati,

Villages in Nagaur district

Barnel (Parbatsar), Chardas, Chhapra, Gachhipura,

Villages in Jhunjhunu district

Bhorki (150), Gillon Ki Dhani (Bhorki), Vishanpura,

Villages in Bharatpur district

Ikran, Naroli Bayana,

Villages in Hanumangarh district


Villages in Ganganagar district


Villages in Alwar district

Dhola Palash,

Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Jind district

Alipura, Data Singhwala, Kakrod, Lodhar, Mirchi, Padarath Khera, Pandu Pindara, Ponkar Kheri,

Villages in Hisar district

Dobhi, Umra, Kharia Dhobi

Villages in Bhiwani district

Jui Khurd, Neemri Wali, Ladawas,

Villages in Fatehabad district

Chander Khurd (चन्दर खुर्द), Nehla, Samain,

Villages in Rohtak district


Villages in Kaithal district


Villages in Karnal district

Garhi Sadhan

Villages in Charkhi Dadri district


Villages in Jhajjar District


Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Villages in Ratlam district

Villages in Ratlam district with population of Gill gotra are:

Raoti 1,

Villages in Ratlam district with population of Gila gotra are:

Bhatkheda 2, Kalmoda 2, Kotdi 15, Kunwajhagar 1, Malakheda 4, Namli 1,

Villages in Dewas district

Geela clan live in Olamba (4),

Villages in Sheopur district

Mau Sheopur,

Villages in Raisen district


Villages in Shivpuri district


Villages in Gwalior district


Villages in Dhar district

Paduni Kalan, Sandala,

Distribution in Jammu And Kashmir

Villages in Jammu district

Nandpur (नन्दपुर ),

Villages in Rajauri district

Rajpur, Darhal

Distribution in Maharashtra

Villages in Dhule district


Villages in Nasik district


Distribution in Maharashtra

Villages in Chandrapur district

Palasgaon Jat

Distribution in Himmachal Pradesh

Village in Kangra district

Jat Lahr, Baidi

Villages in Hamirpur district


Distribution in Pakistan

Gill is One of the larger Jat clans. Historically, the Gills were found as far west as Sargodha and far east as Patiala. Many also settled in the canal colonies of Faisalabad and Sahiwal. They remain the third largest Muslim Jat tribe, after the Sandhus and Sidhus.

According to 1911 census this was the principal Muslim Jat clan in districts with population:

Notable persons

  • Dassauda Singh was a Gill clan Jat who founded Nishanian Wali Misal in Punjab.
  • Baba Kalunath - Gill Gotra बाबा कालूनाथ - गिल गोत्री
  • (i) इस वंश में सरदार देशासिंह जैसे वीर, सर सुन्दरसिंह मजीठिया जैसे कुशल राजनीतिज्ञ, सरदार दयालसिंह जैसे दानी, सरदार कृपालसिंह जैसे उद्योगपति हो चुके हैं।[29]
  • सिद्ध सूरतराम - गिल गोत्री
  • Narayan Singh Gill (सरदार नारायणसिंह), from Ikran (इकरन), Bharatpur was a Police officer and Social worker in Rajasthan. [30]
  • Swami Gopal Singh (श्री स्वामी गोपालसिंह जी) (Gill), from Keekri Ferozpur in Punjab was a social worker. He spread and popularized the Indian system of exercise in educational Institutes. [31]
  • Harnam Singh Gill - Teacher and Jat Leader Himachal Pradesh, fought for OBC status of Jats in Himachal
  • Dr Indermeet Singh Gill - New Chief Economist of the World Bank.[37][38]
  • Tej Prakash Singh Gill (Sqdn Leader) did act of bravery on 19 & 21 September 1965 in 21 Ground Attack Missions during Indo-Pak War-1965.
  • Second Lieutenant Baljit Singh Gill, Vir Chakra, Unit - 12 Jat (Ex 31 Jat), played very important role during Operation Cactus Lily in Indo-Pak War 1971. On 23 December 1971, he was in charge of a party detailed to lay an ambush in the Eastern Sector. In this operation, he displayed commendable courage, professional skill and leadership of a high order. He was awarded 'Vir Chakra'. He retired as a Brigadier. His two sons are also serving in the army.
  • Sant Singh Gill (Brigadier) (12.07.1921 - 09.12.2015) played very important role of bravery in Junagarh operation-1947, Indo-Pak War-1965 and Indo-Pak War-1971. He was twice awarded Mahavir Chakra for his acts of bravery. He retired in 1973 as Brigadier. He died on 09.12.2015. He was from Panjgrain Kalan village in tahsil and district Faridkot of Punjab.
Unit - 5 Sikh Light Infantry
  • Champa Lal Geel (Gdr) (02.02.1975 - 05.02.1998)- From Sanjoo village, Nagaur district, Rajasthan, 2688719, The Grenadiers Regiment, Martyr Op Rakshak (J&K). He became martyr on 5.2.1998 in Jammu and Kashmir fighting with the militants. A school is renamed after him, ‘Shaheed Champalal Gil Government Primary School, Gilon Ki Dhani' as per decision dated 8.3.2018 by Education Minister of Rajasthan Govind Singh Dotasara‎‎.
Unit - 6 Parachute Regiment
  • Jasdeep Singh Gill - राधास्वामी सत्संग व्यास के नए उत्तराधिकारी
  • Devendra Gill - I belong to a humble farmer family in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. My father migrated to Delhi in 1956. After his marriage , my mother joined him in Delhi and I am born in 1966. A mechanical engineer by qualification, I have spent my life in fire and life safety field for 17 years (1990-2007) in DRDO under the leadership of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and further 17 years plus (2007- 2024) in DMRC . Had the privilege of working under Dr E. Sreedharan, Dr Mangu Singh (another Jat leader) and now Dr Vikas Kumar. I am privileged to have such leaders to guide me and would be delighted to be of any help to my brothers. I live in Delhi and my village is in distt. Kangra, HP. A farmer by my hobby , I am an ardent Safety professional, would be volunteering to any assignment and help for my community brothers and sisters. Regards, Devendra Gill

Gallery of Gill people

Further reading


  1. B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.238, s.n.77
  2. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ग-82
  3. Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.35, sn-594.
  4. Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.36, sn-627.
  5. Dr Pema Ram:‎Rajasthan Ke Jaton Ka Itihas, p.299
  6. Dr Ompal Singh Tugania: Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu, p.35, sn-594.
  7. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, pp.341-342
  8. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 85
  9. Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p. 237
  10. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West ..., Volume 3,p.427
  11. History of the Jats/Chapter II,p. 31-32
  12. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 85
  13. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India,p. 254
  14. op, cit., p, 36-50,
  15. Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers, p. 254
  16. Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers
  17. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/G,p.299-300
  18. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter XI (Page 1028-1030)
  19. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV,p.352
  20. History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p. 126
  21. History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p. 124
  22. History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p. 123
  23. History and study of the Jats, B.S Dhillon, p. 127
  24. History and study of the Jats.B.S Dhillon. p.127
  25. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/B , p.157
  26. History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p. 127
  27. User:Sk56
  28. User:Sk56
  29. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter XI (Page 1030)
  30. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.44-45
  31. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.395-396
  32. Ministry Of Home Affairs (Public Section), Padma Awards Directory (1954-2013), Year-Wise List
  33. Ministry Of Home Affairs (Public Section), Padma Awards Directory (1954-2013), Year-Wise List
  34. Ministry Of Home Affairs (Public Section), Padma Awards Directory (1954-2013), Year-Wise List
  35. Ministry Of Home Affairs (Public Section), Padma Awards Directory (1954-2013), Year-Wise List

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