(Dudee, Duddy, Doodee, Doodi, Dundi, Dundiya, Dhundi, Dhudi)
Location : Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
Dudi (डूडी)[1] Dudee (डूडी) Duddy (डूडी) Doodee (डूडी) Doodi (डूडी) Dundi (डूंडी)[2] Dundiya (डूंडिया) Dhundi (ढूंडी) Dhudi (ढूडी) is gotra mainly found in Jats of Rajasthan,[3] Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in India. Dudi gotra is also found in Bhati Rajputs, Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists and Bishnois. A slight variation of the name, Dhudhi (ढूढी) or Dhundi (ढूंडी) are found in Pakistan.
- As par Badwa records Dudi Gotra is said to get name after 'Rao Dedraj Ji' or Dudi Raja in the ruling Federation of Chauhans.
- Menal Inscription of Mahadeva Hara (Chohans) S. 1446 (1389 AD) provides us following ancestry of Hara Chohans: Koolun → Jaipal → Deva-Raj (Hara-Raj) + Ritpal → Kelhan → Koontal (+Deda-Raj) → Mahadeva.[4]
Villages founded by Dudi clan
- Bukansar Bara (बुकनसर बड़ा)- village in Sardarshahar Tehsil of Churu district in Rajasthan.
- Dudiyo Ki Dhani (डूडीयो की ढाणी) - Village is in Barmer tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
- Doodiyon Ki Dhani (डुडियों की ढाणी) - village in Nawalgarh tehsil of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan.
- Doodiya Kalan - village in Gudha Malani Tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
- Doodiyali (डूडियाली) - village in Lunkaransar tehsil of Bikaner district in Rajasthan.
- Doodi Talai - village is in the district Chittorgarh in Rajasthan.
- Sitsar (Churu): Sita Ram Dudi founded Sitsar in 1365.
- Dudi Kupwara is a village in Kupwara tahsil in Kupwara district of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Dudi Nagar (डूडी नगर) - village in Bhopalgarh tahsil of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan.
- Gajsar (गाजसर) - village in Churu tehsil of Churu district of Rajasthan was founded by Gaja Dudi in year 568 AD.
- Kalwa Bara (Nagaur) - village was founded by Kaluji Dudi.
- Sahjoosar (सहजूसर) - village in Churu tehsil of Churu district of Rajasthan was founded by Sahja Dudi in year 568 AD.
- Dudiyo Ki Dhani (डुडियों की ढाणी) - part of Ramrawas Khurd village of Jodhpur district.
- Dundisar (डूंडीसर) - Ancient name of Dodital, a fresh water lake in Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand, India
- Dudi Pora is a village in Handwara tahsil in Kupwara district of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Dudi Kupwara is a village in Kupwara tahsil in Kupwara district of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Dudley is a large town in the county of West Midlands, England. Needs further research.
- Dundee is Scotland's fourth-largest city in the United Kingdom. Needs further research.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Dudee (डूडी) (Jat clan) → Duddewani is a village in Pandhurna tahsil in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh.
- Dudi (डूडी) (Jat clan) → Duddi (डूड्डी) is a village in Parasia tahsil in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh.
- Dudi (डूडी) (Jat clan) → Dudia (डुडिया). Dudia Plates of Pravarasena II[5] were found at Dudia in the Aser pargana of the Chhindwara District of Madhya Pradesh.
- Dudi (Jat clan) → Dudar (डूडर) is a village in Multai tahsil in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh. Author (Laxman Burdak) visited it on 06.12.1994.
Dudis are considered to be the descendents of Duda Rishi. Others believe the clan to be descended from a Jat named Duda. Some people believe that this clan has derived its name from Dudhi plant while still some others are of the view that Dudi gotra started from village named Dudiya Kheda [6]
Dudika is a name mentioned in Indore Copper-plate Inscription of Skandagupta Year 146 (=A,D. 465). (See - Gupta inscriptions. This shows their lineage with Gupta Kings.
IX Nadol Stone Inscription of Rayapala V.S. 1198 (1141 AD) (See -Chahamans_of_Marwar) identifies Dauvurika of this Inscription as Dudidar (डूडीदार) of Rajasthan.
Dhundi Raja - We find mention of Dhundi Raja in Kashi. Guru Charita[7] states regarding Guide to Kashinath that early in the morning, after taking the bath in the Ganges one should first offer worship to Dhundi Raja and then offer his worship to Lord Vishveshwara.
Maṇikarṇa (मणिकर्ण, “precious ear-ring”) refers to one of the fifty-six vināyakas located at Kāśī (Vārāṇasī), and forms part of a sacred pilgrimage (yātrā), described in the Kāśīkhaṇḍa (Skanda-purāṇa 4.2.57). He is also known as Maṇikarṇavināyaka, Maṇikarṇagaṇeśa and Maṇikarṇavighneśa. These fifty-six vināyakas are positioned at the eight cardinal points in seven concentric circles (8x7). They center around a deity named Ḍhuṇḍhirāja (or Ḍhuṇḍhi-vināyaka) positioned near the Viśvanātha temple, which lies at the heart of Kāśī, near the Gaṅges. This arrangement symbolises the interconnecting relationship of the macrocosmos, the mesocosmos and the microcosmos.[8]
Tej Ram Sharma[9] mentions that The name 'Dadda' (डड्ड), 'Dudda' (डुड्ड) or 'Dudda' (डुड्डा) [10] cannot be derived from any Sanskrit root. Nor are these names found in any Sanskrit or Prakrit dictionary. Dr. H.D. Sankalia suggests that these names were derived from the Sanskrit term Dardara, [11] meaning 'a mountain', or a region having holes or ravines. The man may have shifted from a hilly region.
Sant Kanha Ram[12] writes that Dudi and Chharang Jats are reported inhabiting village Lunsara in year 1103 AD when Tejaji went to Paner from Kharnal and made a night halt in Lunsara on 25.8.1103 in Jayal tahsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
गणेश बेरवाल[13] ने लिखा है कि राजगढ़ के बारे में सरकारी गज़ट में अंकित है कि यह महान थार रेगिस्तान का गेट है, जहां से होकर दिल्ली से सिंध तक के काफिले गुजरते हैं। 1620 ई. के पहले यहाँ प्रजातांत्रिक गणों की व्यवस्था थी जिसमें भामू, डुडी, झाझरिया, मलिक, पूनीयां, राड व सर्वाग गणतांत्रिक शासक थे । जैतपुर पूनीया गाँव था जहां से झासल, भादरा (हनुमानगढ़) तक का बड़ा गण था। जिसका मुख्यलय सिधमुख था। गण में एक ही व्यक्ति सिपाही भी था और किसान भी। लड़ाई होने पर पूरा गण मिलकर लड़ता था। राठोड़ों की नियमित सेना ने इनको गुलाम बनाया।
Dhundi Raja founder of Dodi Tal
Dodital is One of the popular fresh water lake in Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand, India.
Dodital is believed to be the birth place of Lord Ganesha. According to one of the popular legends Lord Ganesha chose this place as his abode. The legend of Birth of Ganesha is mentioned Kedarkhand of Skanda Purana.
There is a temple devoted to Lord Ganesha here. Another name for this lake is Dhundital meaning Ganesh ka tal or lake of Ganesha. Dhundi or Dundi is one of names of Ganesha. Ganesha is known as Dhundi Raja/Dundi Raja. There is an inscription recorded in the Dhundi Raja Ganesha Temple here at Dodital.
According to local tradition the lake was earlier known as Dhundisar, which changed to Dundisar to Dudisar to Dodisar and Dodi Tal.
A scientist in 1961 tried to measure the depth of the lake but could not.
Dodeah King of Bhainsrorgarh
James Tod[14] visited Bhainsrorgarh on 19 February 1820 and has provided us following information, which includes Dodeah rulers in Bhainsrorgarh, an ancient Fort in Rawatbhata tahsil of district Chittorgarh in Rajasthan:
The etymology of Bhynsror: Tradition has preserved the etymology of Bhynsror, and dates its erection from the second century of the era of Vicrama, though others make it antecedent even to him. Be that as it may, it adds a fact of some importance, viz., that the Charuns, or bards, were then, as now, the privileged carriers of Rajwarra, and that this was one of their great lines of communication. Bhynsror, therefore, instead of being the work of some mighty conqueror, owes its existence to the joint efforts of Bhynsa Sah, the merchant, and Rora, a Charun and Bunjarri, to protect their tandas (caravans) from the lawless mountaineers, when compelled to make a long halt during the periodical rains.
How many lines of heroes possessed it before the Haras established themselves among its ruins is unknown, though the "universal Pramar" is mentioned. Its subsequent change of masters, and their names and history, are matters of less doubt ; since the altars of the Dodeah, the Pramar, the Rahtore, the Suktawut, the Chondawut,
- "— who sought and found, by dangerous roads,
- " A path to perpetuity of fame ;"
are still visible. Of the Dodeah name we have already preserved one wreck, though whether the ' rocket of the moon' was of the family who dwelt upon the whirlpools of the Chambal, we must leave to conjecture. Not so of his successor, the Rahtore, who was a scion of the house of Mehwo, on the Salt River of the desert, from which, though he was but a vassal of Mundore, the Rana scorned not to take a wife boasting the pure blood of the kings of Canouj. A younger brother accompanied her to the court of Cheetore. Soon after, the Rawal of Jaisalmer dared to put an affront upon the Rana, the acknowledged head of the Rajpoot race ! The chivalry of Mewar was assembled, and the beera of vengeance held up, which the stripling heir of Mehwo, darting forward, obtained. Although but fifteen years of age, entreaties
[p.599] (part): The Pramar {vulg. Puar) succeeded the Rahtore in the fief of Bhynsror. How long the former held it is uncertain.
[p.603] (part): Before, however, we altogether quit the wilds of the Chumbul, we must record that Bhynsror had been visited by another man of blood, the renowned Alla-o-din, in whose epithets of khooni or 'the sanguinary ;' and Secunder Sani, or 'the second Alexander,' by which history has given him perpetuity of infamy, we recognize the devastating and ferocious Ghilji king, who assailed every Hindu prince in India. Obedient to the letter of the law, he had determined to leave not one stone upon another of the temples or palaces of Bhynsror. Everywhere we searched for memorials of the Hoon, whose name is also connected with the foundation of Bhynsror ; of the Pramar, or the Dodeah ; but in vain. The vestiges of these ages had disappeared, or been built up in the more modern fortifications. Two such inscriptions we indeed discovered, reversed and applied as
[p.604]: common building materials in the walls around the town :
One was dated S. 1179 (A.D. 1123), but being in the old ornamented Jain character, would have required time and labour to decipher.
The other is also anterior to Alia, and the ornaments in this are decidedly Jain ; its purport is as given in the box.
Bhainsrorgarh Inscription of S. 1302 (A.D. 1246) [15] |
This form of sasun, or religious charity, is peculiar, and styled sasun Udyadit, which proves that the Pramar, of whom this is a memorial, was a feudatory of the prince of Dhar, whose era has been fixed. These discoveries stimulated our research, and my revered friend and guru, who is now deeply embued with antiquarian enthusiasm, vainly offered a large reward for permission to dig for the image of Parswdnat'h, his great pontiff, of whose shrine he has no doubt the first inscription is a memorial. When about to leave this place (indeed our baggage had gone on), we were informed of some celebrated temples across the river at a place called Barolli, anciently Dholpoor. The shrine is dedicated to Guteswara Mahadeva, with a lingam revolving in the yoni, the wonder of those who venture amongst its almost impervious and unfrequented woods to worship. As I could not go myself, I despatched the guru to hunt for inscriptions and bring me an account of it.
Dudi King of Ghazni
James Tod mentions the war of a Dudi king of Ghazni with Mangal Rao descendant of Salivahana, who had left Ghazni due to invasion on Ghazni from Khorasan and founded Salivahanpura in (S.72 = AD 16).
Raja Baland, son of Salivahana, had seven sons : Raja Bhatti, Bhupati, Kullar, Jinj, Surmor, Bhynsrecha, Mangreo. [16]
Mangal Rao succeeded Raja Bhatti, but his fortune was not equal to that of his fathers. Dhoondi, king of Ghazni, with a mighty force, invaded Lahore; nor did Mungul Rao oppose him, but with his eldest son fled into the wilds on the hanks of the river. The foe then invested Salivahanpura, where resided the family of the Raja ; but Musoor Rao escaped and fled to the Lakhi Jungle. There being only a cultivating peasantry in this tract, he overcame them, and became master of the country. [17]
The Genealogy of Mangal Rao it is as under: 53. Raja Gaj (founded Ghazni in Yudhishthira 3008= BC 93) → 54. Salivahana (S.72 = AD 16) → 55. Raja Baland → 56. Raja Bhatti → 57. Mangal Rao
Since the war of Dudi king of Ghazni was with Mangal Rao descendant of Salivahana (S.72 = AD 16) it must be around 91 AD taking 25 years for a generation.
Again we find mention of Dudi in the Multan Army of Husein Shah fighting with Rao Tano son of Rao Kehar (731 AD), the Bhatti Chief in Jaisalmer. James Tod writes that Rao Tano succeeded Rao Kehar. He laid waste the lands of the Barahas, and those of the Langaha of Multan. But Husein Shah advanced with the Langaha Pathans, clothed in armour with iron helms, with the men of Doodi, of Kheechee; the Khokur ; the Mogul, Johya, the Jadu, and Syed, all mounted on horses, to the number of ten thousand men, to attack the Jadoo.[18]
James Tod notes that Babar in his valuable Autobiography, gives us the names of all the tribes he met in his passage into India, and this enumeration goes far to improve the authenticity of the early annals of the Bhattis. Babar does not mention "the men of Doodi" [19] That means by the time of Baber the Dudi people had migrated from Multan.
Duddee Rulers of Rahim Yar Khan
Duddees Influence - In 1540, Duddees (Daudpota Family of Pakistan) a well-known tribe rose to considerable power in the eastern part of Bahawalpur. Amir Bahadur Khan Abbasi, the chief of Daudpota then came to power him and his descendants wielded small principalities of Bahawalpur State into a united kingdom. Amir Muhammad Mubarik Khan I, Abbasi who came to power in 1702 was an able commander and leader. Throughout his reign he had to fight many battles against Kalhoras. He abdicated in 1723 A.D., in favor of his son Sadiq Mohammad Khan I. Sadiq Mohammad Khan I (1723-1746) was killed in a battle with Khuda Yar Khan Kalhora. Amir Mohammad Bahawal Khan I, (1 746-1 949) ascended the throne in 1746. During his short rule, he built the towns of Bahawalpur, Qaimpur, Hasilpur, Tranda Ali Murad Khan, Shahbazpur and Mohammadpur Laman.
On the death of Amir Bahawal Khan III. Sadiq Mohammad Khan III, (1852-1853) was crowned as Amir. On assuming ruler ship he confined prince Haji Khan and his brothers and treated them harshly. A large number of Bahawalpur army was demobilized. All the grants, rights and claims of Daudpotas and other usual expenses were diminished and abolished. These events made the Amir unpopular. On the 29th of Rabi-ul-Sani, 1269 A.H, Fateh Garh Fort was attacked at night. Prince Haji Khan, who was kept as prisoner, was freed and brought to Khanpur. Haji Khan entered Ahmedpur East without any resistance and Sadiq Muhammad Khan III was imprisoned. Prince Haji Khan who assumed the title of Fateh Khan ruled the state from 1853 to 1858 A.D. Prince Rahim Yar Khan succeeded his father, the late Amir Fateh Khan Abbasi, as Muhammad Bahawal Khan IV (1858-1866). He was poisoned and died on the 25th March. I866. On the death of Amir Bahawal Khan IV, Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan IV was crowned when he was four and half year old. He was installed in 1879 when he attained maturity In the interim period from 1866 to 1879. The state was supervised by British Officers. Amir Muhammad Bahawal Khan V, the next successor was about I6 years of age at the time of his father's death in 1907. Amir Sadiq Mohammad Khan Abbasi V (I 907-1955), was proclaimed Amir of Bahawalpur on the death of his father in 1907. He was then a child of three years old. He ruled the state till 1955 when it was integrated in the Punjab province of Pakistan.
Dudi rulers in Rajasthan
Dudi Jats had ruled in Rajasthan. The Dudis are considered to be originated from Pushkar in Ajmer and ruled Didwana, Sambhar Lake, Nagaur area for 30 generations before the rule of Muslims and Rajputs. Raja Dharmpal Dudi ruled Didwana 25 generations ago in Dudi Nagavansh. Dudis founded the town Didwana in Nagaur district of Rajasthan and it was their capital. The kuldevi of Dudi Jats is at the Randhisar Pahadi (रणधीसर पहाड़ी). This is a the Hill where there is a temple of Goddess on the top of the hill. Randhisar village in Sujangarh tahsil in Churu district in Rajasthan.
According to 'Rao Chhotu Singh the Badwa of Dudis'[20], Dudi clan people were integral part of Chauhans. The Badwa has provided following information:
- Nakh - Chauhan
- Vansha - Agni
- Varna - Kshatriya
- Gotra - Sribachh
- Mata - Jeenmata (worshipped on Shukla paksha 8)
- Dada - Beegaji (worshipped on bhadwa badi 6)
Rao Chhotu Singh provides information that Rao Dedraj Ji in Chauhan vansha founded village Didiyasar (डीडीयासर). Dudi Gotra is said to get name after Rao Dedraj Ji. The ancestry of Rao Dedraj Ji is as under:
Vakpatiraja → Manakrao Chauhan → Dedraj → Chahar → Gopal → Ghadsi (who built Ghadsisar talab in Dadrewa)
Chaudhari Devsi Dudi left Didiyasar in samvat 1290 (1233 AD) and came to village Jal (जल). Chaudhari Gajsi Dudi left village Jal in samvat 1352 (1295 AD) and founded village Gajsar. Chadhari Sitram Dudi left village Gajsar in samvat 1422 and founded village Sitsar on baisakh sudi teej samvat 1422 (1365 AD).
Dharmpal Singh Dudee has obtained information from Badwa of Dudis. Dudi people are said to have lineage with Gogaji and Jujhar Singh. As per Badwa the origin of Dudi is from Chohan Sakal (?) - Sambhar - Ajmer - Didwana. Father of Gogaji Jivraj (Jewar) Moved from Didwana to Dadrewa. When Mahmud Ghazni attacked Somnath temple Goga provided him a tough resistance in western Rajasthan. Goga became martyr along with his all sons and relatives. Since no son of Goga was alive his brother Bairasi or his son Udayraj became Rana of Dadrewa. Some Rajputs move out from Dadrewa are Dudi now and write Dadarwal. Dodiya/Dudiya Dods Rajput Sampwant (?) of Chohan are also Dudi. Sekhsaria Jats from Sekhsar are also Dudi but write Sekhsaria.Sekhsar village was adopted by Dudis. Some other Gotras with Chohan link have are sister gotra of Dudi. We have to find common origin. One Burdak village founded by a Dudi but not a single Dudi now all Burdak now. There are so many other villages founded by Dudi but not a single Dudi now.[21]
According to the Badwa records of Dudis, Gajsar village in Churu district of Rajasthan was founded by Gaja Dudi in samvat 625 (568 AD). Gaja Dudi's brother was Sahja Dudi who founded Sahjoosar in present Churu district. There is one old fort at Gajsar. Gaja Dudi's daughter was Abhal De who was a brave lady and is said to be married to Mangal Saran of Bharang. All Dudis are said to be migrated from Gajsar.[22]
It is a matter of intensive research to find the exact year of establishment of the village Gajsar, since the two versions have a difference of 1365-568 = 797 i.e of 8 centuries?
Kalwa Bara village in tehsil Makrana of Nagaur district in Rajasthan was founded by Kaluji Jat of Dudi gotra. The tamrapatra of Jagir of Kalwa was given to Kaluji Dudi by Delhi Sultnate. Kaluji built many ponds, developed gochar lands and dug a Bera (still present) named Dhala in his Jagir. Kaluji had two sons Ashaji and Dedaji. Their descends are called Ashawat Dudi and Dedawat Dudi. After their death the Meratias of Borawad invited Dudis on feast and killed many of them and occupied the Jagir of Kalwa. The remaining Dudis moved to other parts of Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab etc. Some Dudis moved to far off Dhanis in Kalwa region.[23]
Dudis also founded Dhundhar and Dudiya Khera towns in Jaipur region. There are number of villages of Dudis in Nagaur, Bikaner, Barmer, Jaisalmer, Hanumangarh and Chittorgarh in Rajasthan. After the Jat kingdom of Rajasthan was taken over by the Rajputs, Some Dudis moved to Haryana and settled in villages around Bhiwani, Jhajjar and Hisar districts.
Dudis were also in the army of Maharaja Suraj Mal. After wars with Muslims in Delhi they moved to jungle areas towards Jhajjar and Rewari. The East of Yamuna was also over populated so they moved westward.
राव बीका और राव जोधा की जाटों को समूल नष्ट करने की चाल
राव बीका और राव जोधा ने जाटों को समूल नष्ट करने की चाल चली। उन्होंने राजपूतों को मन्त्र दिया कि हम जाटों से लड़कर नहीं जीत सकते इसलिए धर्मभाई का रिवाज अपनाकर जब विश्वास कायम हो जाये तब सामूहिक भोज के नाम पर बाड़े में इकठ्ठा करो। नीचे बारूद बिछाकर नष्ट करो। इस कुकृत्य से असंख्य जाटों को नष्ट किया गया। [24] बीकानेर रियासत के मुख्य गाँव जहाँ जाटों को जलाया गया -
- जसरासर (चूरू) गाँव के कस्वां जाटों को,
- राजासर बीकान (लक्ष्मीनारायण) के भरता सारण को,
- हरदेसर के सारणों को,
- मालासर (गोगासर के पास) के सारणों को,
- बुकनसर बड़ा डूडीयों को अक्षय तृतीय के दिन,
- सवाई,
- अड़सीसर,
- हरियासर,
- मनहरपुरा,
- सोनडी आदि गाँवों में बारूद से आगजनी की घटनाएँ की। बहुत से गाँवों के पास पुराने थेड़ (खंडहर) पड़े हैं।[25]
वीर बिग्गामल जी डूडी

जिला चूरू के वीर बिग्गामल जी डूडी ने गायों की रक्षा के लिए अपने प्राण न्योछावर कर दिए । पोटी गाँव के पोटलिया गोत्र के जाटों की लड़की अपने घर चरखा कात रही थी । बिग्गामल जी घोड़ी पर सवार थे और रास्ते में इस लड़की से पानी माँगा । लड़की ने जवाब दिया तुम क्या मेरी खेदियोड़ी मोड़ देगा अर्थात मेरी गायें राठ ले गए हैं उनको वापस ला दोगे ? बिग्गाजी ने कहा कि गायें लाने में मर गया तो क्या सती हो जावोगी । लड़की ने जवाब दिया यह तो वक्त ही बताएगा । बिग्गामल जी बिना पानी पिए ही राठों के पीछे हो लिए । वहां पर भिडंत हुई । गाये तो छुड़ा ली लेकिन बिग्गामल जी शहीद हो गए । काफी देर इंतजार के बाद वह लड़की पानी का गुणिया भरकर साथ में कुत्ता लेकर गयी । आगे जाकर देखा तो बिग्गाजी मृत मिले । वह लड़की उन पर कुंवारी सती हो गयी । यह स्थान पोटी से उत्तर-पूर्वी कोने पर स्थित है जहाँ मंदिर बना है । यहाँ लोग दाद के इलाज की मन्नत मांगने जाते हैं । विश्वास है कि यहाँ पूजा करने से दाद अच्छे हो जाते हैं ।[26]
Other Chauhan Samants
Some of the Chauahn Samants may have relationship with the Dudis are as follows:
Khichi Chauhan- Asrao 's son was Manakrao whose descendants are known as Khichi Chauhans. Asrao gave his son jagir of 84 villages. He constructed two forts Bhadanon and Jayal. After this ajairaj, Chandrarao, Lakhanrao, sangamrao and Gundalrao were samantas of Chauhans. (Devi Singh Mandawa,p.135)
Dodiya Samantas - Dod or Dodiya (डोडिया) - Earlier they had rule over some states in Gujarat. Present Hadauti was earlier occupied by Hunas and known as Huna Pradesh. Dods (डोड) defeated them and established their capital at Dodgarh (Gagrum). This area was under Nagavanshi rulers. This is mentioned in an Inscription of v.s. 847 (770 AD). Dodiyas defeated them and continued to rule here till v. s. 1300 (1243 AD). Jahajpur area in Mewar was also ruled by Dods. An inscription of their rule is found of the year v.s. 1334 (1177 AD). Telanjarai Dod was a samanta of Prithviraj. (Devi Singh Mandawa,p.135)
Dods of Bulandshahr - This town was earlier known as Vana (वाणा). This was ruled by Dod Kshatriyas, who were samantas of Chauhans. During reign of Prithvirah the ruler of this area was Anang. Anang had left a grant of v.s. 1233 (1176 AD). According to this grant 16 generations of Dods ruled here. They probably established here around 900 AD. When Mahmud Gazanvi attacked Mathura, Bulandshahr was ruled by Hardatt Dod. (Devi Singh Mandawa,p.135)
Dudis in Sindh
The Dudi people were old rulers of Khokara Kot, an ancient kingdom of Aryan times. There are many Dudee Gotra villages in Sindh.
Dudi Badwa
- Dudi : Badwa - Rao Chhotu Singh, From Village Dadia, Tahsil - Kishangarh, District - Ajmer, Rajasthan, Phone: 01463-230349, Mob: 09001329120
Distribution in Rajasthan
Locations in Jaipur city
22 Godam, Ambabari, C-Scheme, Dev Nagar, Dookana (Jahota), Ganesh Colony (Khatipura), Ganpati Nagar, Hasanpura, Jhotwara, Jyoti Nagar, Khatipura, Kishanpol, Kishanpol Bazar, Mahesh Nagar, Mansarowar Colony, Murlipura Scheme, Purani Basti, Queens Road,
Villages in Ajmer district
Villages in Jaipur district
Akhepura, Bhainsawa, Bhooratiya (1), Bichi (1), Dhamana (29), Dosra (दौसरा), Hirnoda (10), Jodhpura Chomu, Kakarda, Kudli (11), Madanpura (3), Mandaliya (6), Norangpura Sewa (8), Punana, Rasili (6), Rojri Phulera, Tootoli (1), Udaipuria, Dudu, Mangalwara Sholawata,
Villages in Jodhpur district
Aau, Banar Jodhpur, Baori, Bhoja Kor, Bilada, Chapla, Dhanari Kalan, Dudi Nagar, Dudiyo Ki Dhani, Falaudi, Gagari, Hariya Dhana, Hiradesar, Jaleli, Jodhpur, Kagal, Khangta (1), Kinjari, Kuri, Lordiyan, Malar Jodhpur, Malawas Bilada, Masooriya, Merasiya, Mornawara, Pipad, Raikoriya, Rajlani (200), Ramrawas Khurd, Ratkudia, Salwa Kalla, Sargiya Kalan, Sathin, Tabadiya Khurd, Utambar, Lawari,
Villages in Sikar district
Bheema, Bhojdesar (10), Chak Kishanpura, Tiroki Chhoti, Umara,
Villages in Nagaur district
Antroli Khurd, Bachhwari, Barnel (Parbatsar), Beechawa, Bher, Chui, Dabriya, Degana Ganw, Deh, Gachhipura, Gigaliya, Goredi Karna, Gular, Indawar, Kalkala Ki Dhani, Kalwa, Ladnun, Lalas, Mandukara, Minda (500), Mithariya, Nosariya, Phirwasi (2), Ranigaon, Rajendra Dudi, Rawaliyawas, Sabalpur Makrana, Sarunda, Tanwara, Untwaliya,
Villages in Churu district
Abasar, Badabar (15), Bamania (7), Bas Dhakan, Bidasar, Chhabri Meethi (1), Chhapar Churu (14), Dalman (4), Gajsar, Hamirwas, Jetpura Churu, Karansar, Khadyalo, Khariya Kaniram, Kusumdesar (100), Maihnsar (1), Nainasar, Parihara, Poti Churu, Poonusar (300), Radwa Rajgarh, Ramsara Taal, Rajiasar (2), Ratangarh (10), Rukhasar (1), Shehla (1), Sardarshahar, Sitsar (300), Sujangarh (11), Surjansar,
Villages in Barmer district
Balotra, Barmer, Borawas Barmer, Chiriya, Chokhla, Dhanne Ki Dhani, Doodiya Kalan, Jaydoo, Karna Barmer, Koloo, Korna, Madpura Barwala, Naukh (5), Rawatsar Barmer, Sahar, Sindari, Umarlai Khalsa, Undoo,
Villages in Jalore district
Villages in Jaisalmer district
Villages in Bikaner district
Bikaner, Biramsar, Doodiyali, Khajuwala, Sadhoona,
Villages in Hanumangarh district
Bhadra, Bharwana Hanumangarh, Biran Hanumangarh, Chhani Badi, Gandhi Badi, Hanumangarh, Hirnawali, Jadwala, Khachwana, Kulchander, Manuka, Nathwana, Nimla, Nukera, Ratanpura Sangaria, Subhanwala, Thalarka,
Villages in Sri Ganganagar district
Chake 4M.ML, Kalwasia, Manniwali,
Villages in Jhunjhunu district
Bakra, Bhorki (200), Chinchroli, Doodiyo Ki Dhani, Gokul Ka Bas, Kari, Kolasiya, Kulod Khurd, Mahansar, Mandasi (1), Samaspur, Shekhsar Jhunjhunu, Sephara Gunwar, Solana,
Villages in Tonk district
Motipura (1), Sri Gopalpura (4), Dabar Doomba ,
Villages in Chittorgarh district
Villages in Pali district
Villages in Alwar district
Alwar, Fatehpur Bansur (250), Hanspur Kalan (400), Kotkasim,
Villages in Bhilwara district
Iras (400),
Villages in Kota district
Distribution in Uttar Pradesh
Villages in Badayun district
Distribution in Madhya Pradesh
Bhopal, Nasrullaganj (Sehore),
Villages in Harda district
Adampur, Ajnai, Ajnas Ryt, Atarsama, Baidi, Bamnai, Barnga, Bichhola, Bichhapur, Dagawan Neema, Dhani Tajpura, Harda, Kadola Ubari, Kartana, Kunjargaon, Kusia, Oshopuram, Rundlay, Ratatalai, Sontalai, Timarni,
Villages in Mandsaur district
Dilawara, Jaggakheri, Pipalia Karadia,
Villages in Nimach district
Villages in Ratlam district
Dhaunswas is a notable village of this gotra in Ratlam district. Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:
Barbodana 3, Dantodiya 3, Dhaunswas 34, Dodiana 3, Ghatwas 2, Hanumanpalia 4, Kalori 1, Kalori khurd 1, Kanser 1, Kunwajhagar 1, Mundari 3, Namli 3, Ramgarh Chaudawas 3, Ratlam 1, Shaka Khedi 1, Sikhedi 1, Umar thana 1,
Villages in Sehore district
Ashta, Bagwara, Jamonia Kalan(Pandagaon)[27] Hameedganj, Nasrullaganj, Sehore,
Villages in Dhar district
Badwai[28], Barkhedasoma, Dattigara (2),
Villages in Dewas district
Baijagwada, Dabri Dewas, Deola, Khal, Kundgaon Buzurg, Hatpipalya
Villages in Khargone district
Barwaha, Kodala, Temla Barwaha,
Villages in Barwani district
Villages in Ujjain district
Villages in Shajapur district
Distribution in Haryana
Villages in Bhiwani district
Charkhi, Dudiwala, Fatehgarh, Ghasola, Gothra Bhiwani, Mori, Morwala,
Villages in Jhajjar District
Jhadli (झाड़ली), Ruriawas (रुड़ियावास, रुड़ियास),
Villages in Rewari District
Villages in Sirsa District
Asa khera, Banwala, Chautala, Jamal Sirsa[30], Jhittikhera, Musahibwala, Paniwala Mota, Pili Mandori Sirsa, Teja Khera,
Villages in Fatehabad district
Villages in Hisar District
Villages in Kaithal District
Distribution in Punjab
Bhagsar, Dighawali, Dudi village in district Faridkot,
Villages in Moga district
- Dhudike is village in Moga tahsil in Moga District district in Punjab.
Distribution in Maharashtra
Villages in Dhule district
Distribution in Pakistan
Dhudhi is A tribe of Bar nomads claiming Parmar Rajput ancestry. They are found in Sargodha, Sialkot, Jhang, Vehari, Sahiwal, Faisalabad and Okara districts.
Dhudhi (ढूढी), Dhuḍhi, is a tribe of Muhammadans found in Pakpattan tahsil, Montgomery district, and akin to the Raths. In this district it is classed as Rajput, Jat, Arain, and in Shahpur as Jat. In Montgomery the Dhudhi Hutiāna rank as Rajputs. [31]
Natable persons
- Gaja Dudi (568 AD) - Gajsar (गाजसर) - village in Churu tehsil of Churu district of Rajasthan was founded by Gaja Dudi in year 568 AD.
- Devsi Dudi (1233 AD) - who left Didiyasar in samvat 1290 (1233 AD) and came to village Jal (जल).
- Gajsi Dudi (1295 AD) - who left village Jal in samvat 1352 (1295 AD) and founded village Gajsar.
- Sitram Dudi (1365 AD) - who left village Gajsar in samvat 1422 and founded village Sitsar on baisakh sudi teej samvat 1422 (1365 AD).
- Karmabai (20.8.1615 - 25.7.1634) - was a famous Jat woman popularly known as Bhakt Shiromani Karmabai. She was a strong devotee of Lord Krishna.
- Sant Harji Ram - Nanakpanthi sadhu writer village Takooberi (Barmer), has written 206 bani- sakhi of gurugaranth sahib. His guru was maharaj chanandas.
- Puran Chand Dudi (चौधरी पूरनचन्द डूडी), from Dheerwas Chhota (धीरवास छोटा), Taranagar , Churu, was a social worker and freedom fighter in Churu, Rajasthan.[32]
- Dhanna Ram Dudi (चौधरी धन्नाराम डूडी), from Chhani Badi (छानी बड़ी), Hanumangarh, was a Social worker in Hanumangarh, Rajasthan. [33]
- Budh Ram Dudi - Freedom Fighter

- Boyat Ram Dudi (1923-30.01.2023) was a soldier of Raj Rifles. He retired from Indian Army in 1957. He was from Bhorki village in Udaipurwati tahsil of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan. He fought bravely at six fronts in World War-II for which he was awarded 6 Sena Medals. He was sent to Libya and Africa during World War-II.
- Prem Pratap Singh (Dudi)- Retd. Rajasthan Higher Judicial Services
- Shobha Singh Dudi- Zila Pramukh, Hanumangarh
- Jeet Ram Dudi - Ex-MLA, Rajasthan
- Jaideep Dudi - Ind.MLA from Bhadra,Hanumangarh
- Kamal Patel - Politician BJP, MP
- Dharmpal Singh Dudee - Author
- Surajbhan Singh Dudi - Editor, Jat sewak
- Lal Chand Dudi - Ex. Minister, Govt.of Rajasthan
- Jetha Ram Dudi - Social worker from Biramsar village in Bikaner district in Rajasthan.
- Rameshwar Lal Dudi - M P Lok Sabha (1999), Pradhan, Bikaner
- Ram Narayan Dudi - Cabinet Minister Rajasthan from village Ratkudia in Rajasthan
- Rupa Ram Dudi - Cong MLA from Didwana ,Nagaur elected in 2009
- Dhirendra Singh Dudi - Medical student and social worker from Kalwa Bara (Kalwa), Nagaur, Rajasthan, Mob:-9057176456, 7665465406
- Babu Lal Doodi-Manager in Eicher motors Ltd from village Minda in Nagaur,Rajasthan
- Chandra Prakash Dudi - Social Worker and Journalist from Kalwa, Nagaur, Rajasthan, Mob:9929199990
- Rajendra Singh Dudi - RAC/s SERVICES, Bikaner, Phone Number : 0151-2251159, Mobile Number : 9413301238
- Asha Ram Dudi - RAS, Home district Nagaur. Present Address : Prakash Dudi, Infront of Maha Vishnu Mandir, Jawahar Nagar, Loha Garg Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan. Resident Phone Number : 01539-225001, Mobile Number : 9460948989
- D.C. Dudi - Date of Birth : 10-August-1964, HOD( Geography) Department, VPO Hamirwas, Rajgarh Churu, Present Address : 51/188, Aman villa, Mansarovar, Jaipur, Mobile Number : 9414462203
- Sher Singh Doodi - X.En (Retd.) I.G.N.P , Date of Birth : 14-July-1946, Permanent Address : 95, Laxminagar ,Jodhpur, Phone: 0291-2541058
- K.R. Choudhary (Dudi) - Railways, X.En., Date of Birth : 22-July-1965, VPO.- Kotkasim, distt.- Alwar, Present Address : 276/A, Officer Colony, Ganpati Nagar Railway Jaipur. Phone Number : 0141-2759285, Mob: 9001195222
- Ms Ashu Choudhary (Dudi) - RAS, Date of Birth : 16-April-1975, Permanent Address : 190, Mangal Vihar, Scheme No-5, Alwar, Rajasthan, Present Address : E-40, Sector-b, Malaviyanagar, Jaipur, Phone Number : 0141-2550579, Mob: 9413305233, Email: ashee@live.in
- Sohan Ram Dudi - Ret SGT Indian Air Force ,Jodhpur, VPo.- Kagal, teh.- Bhopalgarh , Distt.- Jodhpur, Present City : Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
- Bhauma Ram Dudi, Village: Chokhla, Baytu tahsil, who lost life in struggle against Jagirdars in 1961
- P.C.Dudi- Divisional Commercial Manager in Nothern Railways from Ramdawas khurd. DOB:- 13-01-1965
- Prahlad Dudi - RAS (2012), from Barmer [34]
- Bhupendra Dudi - RAS (2012), from Barmer [35]
- Vidhyadhar Dudi (Nk) - From....?, Rajasthan, 2672277, The Grenadiers Regiment, Martyr Op Rakshak(J&K) 17-11-1993
- Abhinav Dudi : IDAS 2012 batch, Assistant Controller of Defence Accounts in Border Roads Project, Bikaner, Husband of Rashi Dogra Dudi, IPS, +918003819909
- Sapna Dudi - from Bhorki village in Udaipurwati tahsil of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan is Taekwondo player.
- Bana Ram Dudi - Industrialist from village Parbatsar tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan. Presently settled at Udaipur, Owner Arti Marbles Pvt Ltd Udaipur, Mob: 9414156335
- Sushila Dudi - From village Kalwa Bara, Makrana, Nagaur, Rajasthan is Drugs Control Officer Nagaur. सुशीला डूडी संभवत इस पद पर पहुंचने वाली मकराना तहसील की पहली जाट पुत्री हैं. आपका जन्म राजस्थान के नागौर जिले की मकराना तहसील में स्थित भक्त शिरोमणि कर्माबाई डूडी के गांव कालवा कि बोखंडिया बेरा ढाणी में हुआ. आपके पिताजी श्री जीवनराम डूडी साधारण किसान हैं. आप कड़ी मेहनत परिश्रम से इस मुकाम तक पहुंची हैं. इस खुशी के मौके पर आपके क्षेत्र के सभी मिलने वालों ने खुशियां मनाई एवं वीर तेजा कल्याण सोसायटी मकराना द्वारा आप को सम्मानित भी किया गया है. आपने अपनी शिक्षा जयपुर में फिर उदयपुर में स्थित बीएन कॉलेज फार्मेसी से की. आप को देख कर गांव के बहुत से छात्र-छात्राएं मोटिवेट हुए हैं तथा वह भी अधिकारी बनने के लक्ष्य अग्रेषित हो रखे हैं. आप लक्ष्य को हासिल करने के लिए अपनी माताजी को आदर्श मानती हैं. आप औषधि नियंत्रण अधिकारी 2018 के बैच में सलेक्शन हुई हैं. वर्तमान में जिला ड्रग्स कंट्रोल अधिकारी नागौर के पद पर पदस्थ हैं. [36]

- Gopal Ram Dudi (Naik) (01.02.1970 - 11.08.2003) became martyr on 11.08.2003 during Operation Rakshak fighting with militants in Jammu and Kashmir. He was from village Sadri, tahsil Lohawat, district Jodhpur in Rajasthan. Unit: 9 Jat Regiment.

- Sushila Dudi has been elected Congress MLA from Nokha Bikaner (Bikaner) Assembly constituency in 2023. She is wife of Rameshwar Lal Dudi. She is from Biramsar village in Nokha tahsil in Bikaner district in Rajasthan.

- Dharam Pal Dudi (Gunner) martyred on 04.12.1971 during Indo-Pak War-1971. He was from village Dheendhwa Athoona in Surajgarh tahsil of Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan.
- Unit - 65 Field Regiment
See also
- More information can be had from The Badwa of Dudis – Shri Chhotu Singh Rao, Village – Dadia Tahsil : Kishangarh, Ajmer, Ph. 01463-230349, Mob: 09001329120
- Dundee (/dʌnˈdiː/; Scottish Gaelic: Dùn Dè [ˈt̪uːn tʲeː]) is Scotland's fourth-largest city in the United Kingdom.
- Diddeleng or Dudelange is a commune with town status in southern Luxembourg.
- Dundwara - Meaning area of Dundi or Dudi
- Dadi and Dodi - Clans in Afghanistan
- Dodiya
Gallery of Dudi people
Karmabai (1615 - 1634) -
Motilal Dudi, Kanchankhedi, Ratlam -
Mohan Lal Dudi, Bangrod -
Shahid Nimba Ram Dudi, Sena Medal
Sushila Dudi
External links
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.41,s.n. 1052
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.42,s.n. 1052
- ↑ Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
- ↑ James Todd Annals/Personal Narrative, Vol. II,pp.683-686
- ↑ Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Vol.5 (Inscriptions of The Vakatakas), Edited by Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, 1963, Archaeological Survey of India, p.42-47
- ↑ Dr Mahendra Singh Arya, Dharmpal Singh Dudee, Kishan Singh Faujdar & Vijendra Singh Narwar: Ādhunik Jat Itihas, p. 249
- ↑ Chapter-42, Lord Vishvanath's Grace on Twasta,p.41
- ↑ https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/manikarna
- ↑ Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions/Names of Brahmanas ; Jainas and Bauddhas,p.90
- ↑ H.D. Sankalia, Studies in the Historical and Cultural Geography and Ethnography of Gujarat. p. 108.
- ↑ Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Monier Williams. p. 470, col. 1.
- ↑ Sant Kanha Ram: Shri Veer Tejaji Ka Itihas Evam Jiwan Charitra (Shodh Granth), Published by Veer Tejaji Shodh Sansthan Sursura, Ajmer, 2015. p. 226
- ↑ Ganesh Berwal: 'Jan Jagaran Ke Jan Nayak Kamred Mohar Singh', 2016, ISBN 978.81.926510.7.1, p.2
- ↑ James Todd Annals/Personal Narrative, Vol.II,p.598-604
- ↑ James Todd Annals/Personal Narrative, Vol.II,p.604
- ↑ James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.201
- ↑ James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.202-203
- ↑ James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.209
- ↑ James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.209,fn.7
- ↑ Rao Chhotu Singh Village - Dadia, Tahsil - Kishangargh, District - Ajmer Rajasthan, Phone: 01463-230349, Mob: 09001329120
- ↑ dharmpal dudee <dharmpaluk@yahoo.co.uk>
- ↑ Laxman Ram Mahla - Uddeshya: Sarv Samaj Baudhik evam Pratibha Samman Samaroh Churu, Smarika, June 2013, by Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu, p.189
- ↑ Jat Samaj, Agra, October 1998
- ↑ Dharati Putra: Jat Baudhik evam Pratibha Samman Samaroh Sahwa, Smarika 30 December 2012, by Jat Kirti Sansthan Churu, p.39
- ↑ Churu Janpad Ka Jat Itihas by Daulat Ram Saran Dalman
- ↑ उद्देश्य:जाट कीर्ति संस्थान चूरू द्वारा आयोजित सर्व समाज बौधिक एवं प्रतिभा सम्मान समारोह, स्मारिका जून 2013,p.120
- ↑ User:Sk56
- ↑ User:Sk56
- ↑ User:Sk56
- ↑ User:Saharan88
- ↑ A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/D, p.240
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.160
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.162-163
- ↑ Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15
- ↑ Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15
- ↑ हम जाट हैं - सुशीला डूडी
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- Gotras in Alwar
- Gotras in Bhilwara
- Gotras in Harda
- Gotras in Mandsaur
- Gotras in Bhopal
- Gotras in Nimach
- Gotras in Ratlam
- Gotras in Sehore
- Gotras in Dhar
- Gotras in Dewas
- Gotras in Khargone
- Gotras in Barwani
- Gotras in Ujjain
- Gotras in Shajapur
- Gotras in Badayun
- Gotras in Moga
- Gotras in Sahiwal
- Gotras in Jhelum
- Gotras in Sargodha
- Gotras in Mianwali
- Gotras in Okara
- Gotras in Jhang
- Gotras in Bahawalpur
- Gotras in Vehari
- Gotras in Dhule
- Genealogy
- Bard History
- Jat Gotras Namesake