Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Yaudheya (यौधेय) or Yaudheyagana (यौधेयगण) was an ancient Republic confederation.
Variants of name
- Yaudheyadesha यौधेयदेश (AS, p.772)
- Yaudheyagana (यौधेयगण)
- Yaudheya (यौधेय) Mahabharata (I.90.83), (II.48.13),(VIII.4.46),
- Yuti (यूती) = Yuti is a Chinese variant of Jat.[1] [2]
- Utian (Greeks)
- Utiya (Persian)
- Yautiya
- Yutian
- Yutiya
- Otanes (Behustun Inscription) (L.68)
Jat clans

Yaudheya (यौधेय) [5] [6] [7] are listed in Jat clans. Ushinara was ruler of Punjab who gave birth to son Nrig (नृग) from Rani Nriga (नृगा). Yaudheya was son of Nrig (नृग) who gave the name to this gotra. [8] They were rulers in Central Asia. [9]
Yaudheyas are said to be the descendants of Trin (Trin-Vindu) and Nriga. [10]
Mahabharata[11] tells us that Yudhishthira, having obtained for his wife Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Saivya tribe, in a self-choice ceremony, begat upon her a son named Yaudheya.
Dilip Singh Ahlawat has mentioned it as one of the ruling Jat clans in Central Asia. [12]
According to Hukum Singh Panwar[13]The Yaudheyas are the descendents of Nriga in the 27th generation, or say, 14 steps before Sagar. They are also identified with the Sakas.
Dalip Singh Ahlawat writes - यौधेय - इन लोगों का एक दल भारतवर्ष से हिमालय को पार करके अमू दरिया को पार करता हुआ कैस्पियन सागर तक पहुंच गया। वहां पर ये लोग ढे व दहाये कहे गये।[14]
Mention by Panini
Yaudheya (यौधेय) is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. [15]
Yaudheyi (यौधेयी) is mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. [16]
Ancestry of Yaudheya
Yayati → Anu → Sabhanara → Kalanara → Janamejaya → Maha Shala → Mahamanas → (1.Ushinara + 2.Titiksha)
- 2. Titiksha) → Rushadratha → Homa → Sutapas → Bali
Identification by B. S. Dahiya
Bhim Singh Dahiya[17] provides us Clan Identification Chart from Yutiya - Yaudheya:
Sl | West Asian/Iranian | Greek | Chines | Central Asian | Indian | Present name |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
61. | Yutiya | Utians ? | - | - | Yaudheya | Johiya |
Yaudheyas ancient tribal confederation

Yaudheyas had an ancient tribal confederation who lived in the area between the Indus river and the Ganges river. They find mention in Panini's Ashtadhyayi and Ganapatha. There are other references to them namely in Mahabharata, Mahamayuri, Brihatsamhita, Puranas, Chandrasekhar's and Kashika. As references are spanned from writings of early period to the medieval period, the chronology of Yaudheyas perhaps spans from as early as 500 BCE till 1200 CE. They were in zenith of their power from about 200 BCE to 400 CE.
Yaudheyas as known to Panini
We find earliest mention of Yaudheyas in Ashtadhyayi (V.3.116-17 and IV.1.178) of Panini (c.500 BCE) where Yaudheyas are mentioned amongst Ayudhajivin Sanghas.
V. S. Agrawala[18] mentions Sanghas known to Panini which includes - Yaudheya (यौधेय), under Yaudheyadi (यौधेयादि) (IV.1.178).
V. S. Agrawala[19] writes that there is the sutra Saṅgha-odghau gaṇa-praśaṁsayoḥ (III.3.86), which speaks of the political Saṅgha technically known as Gaṇa. Sangha and Gana were used as synonymous for a republic. Panini speaks of the Yaudheyas as a Saṅgha, where as they refer to themselves as a Gana on their coins, albeit in the post Paninian period.
V S Agarwal [20] writes about State emblem – Aṅka and Lakshnaṇa – As mentioned in Sutra IV.3.127, a Sangha had its Anka and Lakshnana. The Lakshnana denoted the heraldic symbols or marks of a Sangha which they employed on their coins, seals and banners. The Mahabharata takes Anka as a symptom of Lakshnana in describing the census of the royal cattle by branding them with proper marks (Vanaparva, 240.5), But in Panini’s sutra, anka seems to stand for the legend adopted by the states, like Mālavānām jayaḥ, or Yaudheya gaṇasya jayaḥ, as found on their coins. Lakshnana is the same as lāñchhana or heraldic crest of later Sanskrit.
V S Agarwal [21] writes that In the Sutra Jayaḥ karaṇam (VI.1.102) Panini refers to Jaya as a technical term in implying an instrument of victory, which was distinguished from the other word jaya denoting victory by an acute accent on its initial vowel. This term is found on many Gana coins and must be interpreted in the new light received from Panini’s rule. For example, the formula Yaudheya ganasya jayah on the coins of Yaudheya republic, proclaims the coin as a symbol of the authority. The issuing of coins was an exclusive prerogative of their sovereignty over that territory.
V S Agarwal [22] writes about Āyudhajīvī Sanghas – [p.434]: Panini refers to a number of Sanghas as Ayudhajivin (V.3.114-117), meaning those who lived by the profession of arms. Kautilya refers to two kinds of Janapadas,
- (1) Āyudhīya prāyāh, those mostly comprising soldiers, and
- (2) Shreni prāyāh, comprising guilds of craftsmen, traders and agriculturists. The former (and also his sastropajivins) correspond to Panini’s Ayudhajivi Sanghas, which were the same as Yodhajiva of Pali literature.
Four kinds of Ayudhajivins – Panini classified his material of the Ayudhajivin Sanghas under several heads, viz.
- 1. Sanghas in Vahika (V.3.114),
- 2. Sanghas of Parvata (IV.3.91),
- 3. Pūgas, organized under their Grāmaṇi in to some form of Sangha Govt (V.3.112), and lastly
- 4. Vrātas living by depredation and violence (V.3.113, V.2.21), and having only semblance of Sangha.
The most advanced Ayudhajivin Sanghas belonged to the Vahika Country (V.3.114), which comprised the region from Indus to the Beas and and the Sutlej (Karnaparva, 44.7; Hindu polity, 1.34). These are the Yaudheyas, Kshudrakas and Malavas etc.
V S Agarwal [23] writes about Yaudheya (V.3.117) – Panini’s reference to Yaudheyas is the earliest known. The Yaudheyas have a long history as shown by their inscriptions and coins of different ages, and were existing up to the time of Samudragupta. Their coins are found in the east Punjab (now Haryana) and all over the country between the Sutlej and Jamuna, covering a period of about four centuries, 2nd century BC to 2nd century AD. The Mahabharata mentions Rohitaka as the capital of Bahudhāñyaka Country, where a mint site of the Yaudheyas of Bahudhanyaka was found by the late Dr Birbal Sahani. Sunet mentioned by Panini as Sunetra was a centre of Yaudheyas where their coins, moulds and sealings have been found. The Yaudheyas do not seem to have come into conflict with Alexander, since they are not named by the Greek writers. The Johiyas who are found on the banks of the Sutlej along the Bahawalpur frontier may be identified as their modern descendants (ASR, xiv, p.114).
V. S. Agrawala[24] mentions Ayudhjivi Sanghas in the Ganapatha under Yaudheyadi group, repeated twice in the Panini's Ashtadhyayi (IV.1.178) and (V.3.117), a phenomenon somewhat unusual. Nine names are common to both groups and they alone seem to be genuine. Yaudheyadi group includes following Sanghas:
(1) Yaudheya, as explained above.
(2) Śaubhreya (शौभ्रेय), probably named after original ancestor Shubhra referred to in Sutra (IV.1.123). The name was possibly connected with the Sabarcae of Curtius, who are named as Sabagrae by Orosius.
After the battle with the Oxydrakai (Kshudrakas) near the old junction of Ravi River with Chenab River, Alexander, marched towards the Subarcae, a powerful Indian tribe where the form of govt was democratic and not regal (Curtius). Their army consisted of 60000 foot and 6000 cavalry attended by 500 chariots. They had elected three generals renowned for their valour and military skill. The above description points to the Sabarcae having been an ayudhajivi Sangha, which the Saubhreyas of Panini were. In this case Greeks particularly noted the form of Govt which was democratic and not regal.
The territory of the Sangha lay on the lower course of the Chenab after it mate the Ravi River. The tribe was settled near the river by which Alexander was returning with his fleet after his battle with Kshudraka-Malavas. Both banks of river were thickly studded with villages.
[p.450]: (3) Śaukreya (शौक्रेय). Probably the Scythian tribe Sakarauloi, mentioned as Saruka, along with Pasionoi (Prāchīnī) in the Puṇyaśālā Inscription at Mathura.
(4) Vārteya – May be identified with the Indian tribe Oreitai, settled to the west of the river Porali which now falls in to the Sonmiani Bay, west of Karachi. (cf. Saunamāneya in Subhrādi gana IV.1.123;IV.1.86). According to Curtius the tribe had long maintained its independence in those parts and it negotiated peace with Alexander through their leaders, which reflects its Sangha character.
On the east of river Arabis (old name of Porali) was another independent tribe which the Greeks called Arabitai, corresponding to Sanskrit Ārabhaṭa (the home of the Ārabhaṭi vritti), a word unknown in Paninian geography, but both of them as the Greeks noted, lay within the geographical limits of India.
(5) Dhārteya – unidentified, probably the same as the Dārteyas. The Greek writers mention Dyrta as a town of Assakenoi or the Āśvakāyanas of Massaga, and this may have been the capital of the Darteyas.
(6) Jyābāṇeya (ज्याबाणेय), a war like tribe whose bow-sting served arrow. The Vratyas of Tandya Br. (XVII.124) and Srautasutra appear to be the same as Panini’s Ashtadhyayi Sangha of Vrata type. Amongst them we have a feature called jyā-hroda, a king of bow not for shooting arrows ḍwhich seems to be a contrivance for hurling sling balls, most probably a pellet-bow. The Jyabaneyas seem to be section of these Vratyas. The Mahabharata specifically mentions the Mountaineers (Parvatiyas) as experts in fighting by hurling stone-blocks as big as elephant heads, and secondly by shooting stone balls with slings (kshepaṇīya, Dronaparva,121.34-35).
(7) Trigarta (त्रीगर्त) – It is mentioned here again although its
[p.451]: constituent states (Trigarta-Shashthas) have been referred to only in the preceding Sutra V.3.116
(8) Bharata (भारत) - This gana alone mentions Bharatas as an ayudhjivi Sangha. It must be some old tradition, otherwise Panini locates them in Kuru region, on the borderland of the Udichya and Prachya divisions of India. According to another sutra the Kurus lived under a regal form of government. It seems that these Bharatas lived round about Kurukshetra as a Sangha in Panini’s times.
(9) Ushinara (उशीनर) – already mentioned as a division of Vahika. It is likely that it was under Sangha government.
The above survey of the names of ayudhajivi Sanghas as found in Sutras and the Gana-patha shows the dominant fact that the Sanghas were clustered in the north-west regions of India and the Punjab, that they were mostly ayudhajivins or martial tribes, a feature retained by most of them to this day, and they were living in different stages of political evolution, ranging from the Vratas and Pugas to Shrenis and Sanghas, as represented by the wild Pishachas at one end and and the highly organized Yaudheyas on the other hand.
They principally were kshatriya renown for their skills in warfare, as inscribed in the Junagadh rock inscription of Rudradaman. The Yaudheyas emerged in the 5th century BCE. They not only survived the Maurya Empire and Shunga Empire, but also the Kshatraps and Kushan Empire.The Yaudheya Republic flourished up to the middle to the 4th century when it was conquered by Samudragupta and incorporated into the Gupta Empire.[25]
We find earliest mention of Yaudheyas in Ashtadhyayi (V.3.116-17 and IV.1.178) of Panini (c.500 BCE) where Yaudheyas are mentioned amongst Ayudhajivin Sanghas.
Puranas (e.g. Brahmanda, Vayu, Brahma and Harivamsha) described Yaudheyas as the descendants of Ushinara and Nrigu[26].
Later, the Junagadh rock inscription (c. 150 CE) of Rudradaman I[27] acknowledged the military might of the Yaudheyas "who would not submit because they were proud of their title "heroes among the Kshatriyas"", although the inscription explains that they were ultimately vanquished by Rudradaman.[28][29]
- "Rudradaman (...) who by force destroyed the Yaudheyas who were loath to submit, rendered proud as they were by having manifested their' title of' heroes among all Kshatriyas."|Junagadh rock inscription [30]
The Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudragupta[31] also mentioned about the Yaudheyas. Varahamihira in his Brihatsamhita (XIV.28 and XVI.22) placed them in the northern division of India.
The territory of Yaudheyas included on the west – Sutlej, Depalpur, Satgarha, Ajundhan, Kahror, Multan, on the east - Bhatner, Abohar, Sirsa, Hansi, Panipat and Sonipat and on the north - Kangra. These were listed based on the assumptions of coin finds. Even Haryana and Panjab were included in the territory they might have ruled.
There isn’t much known about ancient tribes which are mentioned in ancient literature and inscriptions but the existence of a powerful clan known as Yaudheyas has come to light mainly from their coins and coin-moulds found in large number in this area. A large number of their coins depicted the god Brahmanyadeva or Karttikeya[32].
Dr Pema Ram writes that after the invasion of Alexander in 326 BC, the Jats of Sindh and Punjab migrated to Rajasthan. They built tanks, wells and Bawadis near their habitations. The tribes migrated were: Shivis, Yaudheyas, Malavas, Madras etc. The Shivi tribe which came from Ravi and Beas Rivers founded towns like Sheo, Sojat, Siwana, Shergarh, Shivganj etc. This area was adjoining to Sindh and mainly inhabited by Jats. The descendants of Yaudheyas in Rajasthan are: Kulhari, Kuhad, Mahla, Mahil, Khichar etc. [33]
Ram Sarup Joon[34] writes that ....Alexander invaded India in 326 BC and came upto the River Beas. After crossing the River Indus at Attock, he had to fight with a series of Jat Kingdoms. Alexander's historian Arrian writes that Jats were the bravest people he had to contest with in India......Names of tribes described above by Arrian as having fought Alexander viz., Maliha, Madrak, Malak, Kath, Yodha and Jatrak exist today as Jat gotras.
Ram Sarup Joon[35] writes that ....Samudra Gupta conquered the whole of Punjab and a major part of India. The clans defeated by him included
- Malaya who ruled Malva named after their gotra.
- Arjunayana who ruled Mewat and Jaipur;
- Yaudheya whose rule included Bikaner and Bahawalpur;
- Madrak whose capital was Sialkot;
- Abir who ruled Badaun, and the Betwa Basin now called Ahirwara;
- Vir Arjun clan who ruled Narisinghpur;
- Sankanika who territory was present Gwalior;
- Karaskar rule extended into present Mathura, Aligarh (there are 80 villages of these Jats in this area at present) and Kharparika.
Ram Swarup Joon[36] writes about 'Yodha, Yaudheya, (Johiya): Thaka, Janjoha and Bath gotras are branches of this gotra. According to the Mahabharata Yodhya Kings gave presents on the coronation ceremony of Yudhisthira. Arrian, the historian of Alexander the Great, also refers to Yodha ruling dynasty. Chanakya also mentions Yodhya republic in his Arthashatra. Before
History of the Jats, End of Page-108
the establishment of the Rathor Kings in Bikaner Rangmahal was the capital of Johiya king Sheer Singh. These people are related to Dangle and Bagar gotras. The Yodha Jats considers Nabhaji of the Yadu dynasty as their ancestor. Many Johiya Jats are now followers of Islam and are settled on the banks of River Satluj and in the State of Bahawalpur.
Four types of coins belonging to the Johiya (Yaudeya) kings have been found. On one type there are the figures of a bull and an elephant. On the other there is some god. On the third is written Yodhya Republic and on the fourth Jai Yodhya . A rock inscription of Shaka Raja Rudragamana has been found in the Pillar edict of Samudragupta.
Saiyad Nasir Hussain and Ata-Ullah were busy in settling the chaotic conditions. Saiyad Ata-Ullah invaded Bidli-Gari and killed Badra Sen and the villagers were made to run away. Mohammadans allowed the Roras and Kalals to settle down in place of Jats because the former was more loyal to the Mohammadans. Badra Sen's family had to wander homeless. Seven of his brave soldiers came there clothed as Brahmins, they drank and conspired with the Kalals, as result of which, the Muslim ruler was killed. Later on they met the sons of the Muslim ruler, and told them that they were Brahmins and were loyal to them. They brought their families. Soon they dominated the administration. After gaining sufficient power they shed their sacred threads (colloquially speaking - put it in the Gol) and became Gulia Jats. All the inhabitants of Badli and neighboring villages, however, knew that these people belonged to Badra Sen's family. Only one of them was a Brahmin who did not drink. He also settled down at Badli as is known to the elders of their village and has probably been passed down to the generations by word of mouth. According to this, Sant Sarang Dev and seven brothers of Dhulia Jat gotra came from Kharnal village in the Indergarh Pargana in Nagore (Nagaur).
History of the Jats, End of Page-109
Buddha Prakash on Yaudheyas
Buddha Prakash[37] mentions.... [p.104]: Foremost among the tribes, who took up the struggle against the Saka-Kushanas, were the Yaudheyas. They were akin to the Iranian tribe Yautiya, who figured in the volkerwanderung
[p.105]: of peoples which brought the Medes and Persians into Iran about the 9th-8th century B. C. Driven forward by the Medes, these people bifurcated into two wings, the right one pushing north-west- wards up to Transcaspiana and the left one wheeling towards the south-east and penetrating into the Panjab. In the sixth century B. C. their chief Vahyazdata posed a challenge before the Achaemenian emperor Darius by capturing the Kabul Valley, but was defeated by the governor of Harahvatis, Vivana.
Along with the Yautiya the warrior clans of the Hindukush region, called ‘the ten mandalas of Lohita’ in the Mahabharata (II, 27, 17) and Rohitagiriya in the Kashika (IV, 3, 91), who gave their name Roh to medieval Afghanistan, also seem to have moved cast. The name of the township of Rohitaka or Rohtak in Hariyana appears to enshrine a reminiscence of their settlement. The name of a Jat gotra Rohila also suggests that these people are connected with the ancient Rohitas or Rohs who had come to East Panjab. Subsequently they moved into Rajasthana where we come across the name Rohilladdhi in the Jodhpur inscription of Bauka. In medieval times they settled in the Transgangetic region of Uttar Pradesh which came to be known as Rohilkhand after them. That the Rohitas (Ruhilas of medieval times) moved with the Yautiya becomes clear from the existence of the settlements of both of them in the same region of Hariyana.
The Yaudheyas are mentioned with the Parshus or Persians by Panini (V, 3, 117). The Mahabharata (II, 48, 14-15) brackets them with the Sibis and Traigarttas and, at another place (VII, 159, 5), with the Adrijas,Madrakas and Malavas, and the Puranas connect them with the Ushinaras of East Panjab (F. E. Pargiter, Markandeya Purana, p. 380). Varahamihira refers to them along with the Arjunayanas, Rajanyas, Malavas etc. (Brihatsamhita, XIV,28)
On the basis of their extensive coinage their history in East Panjab can be tentatively reconstructed as follows.
The earliest coins of the Yaudheyas belong to the late second and first centuries B.C. One group of them, the earliest, consists of small potin coins without their name. On the obverse of some of them a tree in railing in shown, on others the same tree is coupled to the Ujjain symbol and on the third and fourth varieties the symbol of a banner and sun are added below which is the legend mahārājasa. The second group is of coins of metal varying from potin to
[p.106]: copper. On the reverse of them there is an elephant to right with a nandipada above it and a flowing pennon behind it. The obverse has a bull before a sort of post or standard in a railing and a legend yaudheyānāmbahudhānyake. The third class consists of a single small copper coin with the legend yaudheyānām above a bull. These coins show that, when the Bactrian Greeks launched their raids to the east of the Ravi, some local chief in eastern Panjab organized the people and assumed the title of maharaja. He may have successfully withstood the onslaughts of Menander and entrenched his hold after his death. It appears that many tribes and peoples marched under his banner for which reason he did not mention any one of them. But soon the Yaudheyas of Bahudhanyaka (Hariyana) were in the ascendant among them, excelling both in military exploits and in agronomic progress, as the elephant and bull on the reverse and obverse of the coins of the second class show. These coins pointedly refer to their eminent position as a leading tribe among the peoples of eastern Panjab. As will be shown later, they collaborated with the Arjunayanas.
The coming of the Shakas and Pahlavas posed another challenge before the Yaudheyas, but they faced it squarely and bravely. The Junagarh inscription of the Saka chief Rudradaman states that they were not prone to submit being proud of their title of heroes among the Kshatriyas. (sarvakṣatrāviṣkṛtavivaṡabdajātotsekavidheyānām Yaudheyānām) {Epigraphia Indica, Vol. VIII, p. 36). Though thwarted, they continued their struggle with renewed vigour as their coins of that period indicate. The first class of these coins, consisting of one silver and many copper pieces, have the figure of the six headed generalissimo of the gods, Karttikeya, and the legend yaudheya-bhāgavata-svāmino-brahmaṇyasya (of Brahmapya or Karttikeya the divine lord of the Yaudheyas) on the observe and that of Laksmi standing on lotus between the symbols of mountain and tree with a river below on the reverse. On some varieties of these coins Karttikeya is replaced by Siva with a trident and, on others, Laksmi is substituted by a deer. The second class of coins has an incomplete legend bhanuva standing perhaps for bhanuvarmasa, between a mountain and svastika above and a snake below on the obverse and a trident and a standard each in a railing on the reverse. These coins
[p.107]: show that, faced with the menace of the Sakas, the Yaudheyas strengthened their military orientation as is clear from the adoption of the war-god Karttikeya or Siva with trident as their tutelary deity, and also perhaps their supreme ruler (J. N. Banerjea, Development of Hindu Iconography, p. 143). Inspired by him, they marched against the enemy, as he himself led the army of gods against the demons, and claimed victory over mountain, river and earth, as the figure of Laksmi, accompanied by these symbols for them, on the reverse of the coins suggests. It may be that one Bhanuvarman was one of their leaders in their heroic struggle against the Sakas.
The advent of the Kushanas gave a rebuff to the Yaudheyas, but they did not lose heart and were on a lookout for the opportune moment to strike at them. On the death of Huviska they began their offensive by capturing some of their strongholds like Naurangabad near Bamla in Hariyana. This is clear from the fact that there only the coin-moulds of Kanishka and Huvishka have been found besides numerous coin-moulds of the Yaudheyas. It appears that this mint centre was wrested by the Yaudheyas soon after the death of Huvishka for no coin-mould of Vasudeva has been found there.
In other parts of the region the Yaudheyas struggled with the Kushana monarch Vasudeva and supplanted his rule.
At village Malhana, near Sonepat, a big hoard of coins has been found in which there are some coins of Vasudeva but about one maund and thirty-seven seers of Yaudheya coins. At Sidipur, Lova, Kisrenhati, Karauntha, Bhiwani etc. also coins of Vasudeva have been discovered with those of the Yaudheyas.
At Sanet, near Ludhiana, also coin-moulds of Vasudeva are found with those of the Yaudheyas. Thus it appears that the Yaudheyas were chiefly instrumental in uprooting the rule of Vasudeva from Hariyana and eastern Panjab.
On the North-West the Sassanids exercised pressure on him as is clear from the absence of his coins at places like Surkh Kotal. As a result of these troubles he was compelled to seek succour from the Chinese and, for that purpose, offered tribute to the Wei emperor (P. Pelliot, ‘Tokharien et Koutcheen’ Journal Asiatique (1934) p. 40).
In token of their splendid victories over the Kushanas the Yaudheyas struck a new type of coins the obverse of which bears the figure of the war-god Karttikeya, standing
[p.108]: facing holding spear in right hand and placing the left one on the hip, accompanied by his peacock, and the reverse has a goddess to left with right hand raised who may probably be identified with Caṇḍamāri whom Jaina Kathas associate with them. The legend on the obverse is yaudheyagaṇasyajaya (Victory to the Yaudheya people). There are three varieties of these coins. On variety A the goddess on the reverse is alone, on variety B she has a kalasha to the left and an inverted trishula to the right, and on variety C, the kalasha is replaced by a Sankha and the inverted trishula by two snakes separated by a vertical stroke like SIS. On the obverse of variety B the legend yaudheyaganasya jaya is followed by dvi and on that of variety C it ends in tri which obviously stand for dvitiya (second) and tritiya (third) respectively. It appears that, at that time, the Yaudheya tribe consisted of three sections which maintained their identities and struck coins with their distinctive marks. The second section added the kalasha and the inverted trishula to the design on the reverse and the word dvi to the legend on the obverse, and the third section inserted the shankha and the snakes separated by the stroke in the plan of the reverse and the word tri in the legend on the obverse to distinguish themselves from the first section. But, on fundamental issues, they displayed a large measure of agreement as the common figures of Karttikeya and Candamari and the common legend indicate. It also seems that, to emphasize their solidarity as a people, they agreed to omit references to their chiefs, the Maharaja-senapatis, and mentioned instead their tribe. Thus it is clear that they devised a unique framework of integration within which they could reconcile their individualities to their unity.
The aforesaid coins show that the Yaudheyas had geared their war-machine to a high pitch of efficiency. The figure of the war-god, holding the spear in one hand and placing the other on the hip, suggests the posture of advance and offensive whereas the figure of the goddess with right arm upraised indicates the goddess of war and victory, probably Candamari, blessing the conqueror with success. The conch gives the call to war and the kalasha bespeaks complete safety and triumph. The influence of Kushana types on the said designs proves that the Kushana mint masters were employed to cast them for circulation in the areas which were under Kushana rule before the rise of the Yaudheyas. These
[p.109]: coins have been found from Delhi, Sonepat, Panipat, Hansi, Sirsa, Abhor, Bhatner, Saharanpur etc. to Depalpur, Satgarha, Ajudhan, Kahror and Multan westwards and the Kangra Valley in the north. From Khokhrakot to Ludhiana, they must have been in wide circulation. This vast extent of this currency proves that the Yaudheyas had liberated this region from the Kusanas.
The Yaudheyas marched from victory to victory in their struggle with the Kusanas, knowing no failure or rebuff. Hence in popular estimation, they were believed to be knowing the mysterious charm of victory which ensured their success at every step. The legend yaudheyānām jayamantradharāṇam on a large clay seal, found at Sunet, gives expression to this popular belief.
In Mahabharata
Karna's conquests: Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 255 describes Karna's victory march and countries subjugated. ..... Then descending from the mountain and rushing to the east, he reduced the Angas (अङ्गा) (3-255-7b), and the Bangas (वङ्गा) (3-255-7b), and the Kalingas (कलिङ्गा) (3-255-7b), and the Mundikas (मुण्डिक) (Shundika) (शुण्डिक) (3-255-7b), and the Magadhas (मगध) (3-255-8a). the Karkakhandas (कर्कखण्ड) (3-255-8a); and also included with them the Avashiras (आवशीर) (3-255-8b), Yodhyas (योध्या) (3-255-8b), and the Ahikshatras (अहिक्षत्र) (3-255-8b).
In the History of Herodotus
Bhim Singh Dahiya[38] writes that the in the period from ninth century B.C. to the fourth century B.C., roughly the time between the Manda and Van empires and Alexander's invasion, we find numerous tribes of the Jats finding a name in the history of Herodotus and others. Among the tribes of the Medians, we find:
- Busae (the present Bassi)
- the Budii, (the present Bodhi or Budhwar),
- the Phut of the scriptures;
- the Magi (the famous Magian priests).
- The Sagartians may be compared with the Sagarvars;
- the Alarodians may be compared with the Alarod or Aroda of today;
- the Sapiri may be compared with the Sapra of today;
- the Hyrcanias may be compared with the Varkans or Virks of today;
- the Paeonia may be compare with the Paunia/Punia of today;
- the Sarangians may be compare with the Saran of today;
- the Utians with the Utars of today or the Utiya of the Persians.
The ruling people are called Arizanti or Arizatoi. The word Ari is a form of Arya and Zanti/Zatoi are of course the Jats, the Djati of ancient Egypt and the Guti of Sumer and China.
Yaudheyas in Gupta Inscriptions
Tej Ram Sharma[39] describes that....23. Yaudheya (यौधेय) are mentioned in Allahabad Stone Pillar Inscription of Samudragupta (=A.D.335-76) (No. 1, L. 22) :
२२. समतट-डवाक-कामरूप-नेपाल-कर्त्तृपुरादि-प्रत्यन्त-नृपतिभिर्म्मालवार्जुनायन-यौधेय-माद्रकाभीर-प्रार्जुन-सनकानीक-काक-खरपरिकादिभिश्च5 सर्व्व-कर -दानाज्ञाकरण-प्रणामागमन-
(L. 22.)-Whose imperious commands were fully gratified, by giving all (kinds of) taxes and obeying (his) orders and coming to perform obeisance, by the frontier-kings of Samatata,Davaka, Kamarupa, Nepala,Kartripura, and other (countries), and by the Mālavas, Arjunāyanas, Yaudheyas, Madrakas, Abhiras, Prārjunas, Sanakanikas Kākas, Kharaparikas, and other (tribes);-
Source - From: Fleet, John F. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum: Inscriptions of the Early Guptas. Vol. III. Calcutta: Government of India, Central Publications Branch, 1888, 10-17.
The Yaudheyas are included among the tribes subjugated by Samudragupta. In his time, they seem to have occupied northern Rajputana and south-east Punjab, and their territory extended up to the confines of the Bahawalpur State where their name survives in the name of the tract called Johiyawar. 581 Their earliest reference in the inscriptions is found in the Junagarh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman I (A.D. 150) 582 which mentions the victory of Mahaksatrapa Rudradaman over the Yaudheyas who were 'proud of their heroism'. The Bijayagadh Inscription 583 which is a record of the Yaudheyas (in Brahmi characters of the second-third century A.D.) 584 connects them with Bharatpur State in Rajputana. It refers to one Maharaja Mahasenapati, the ruler of the Yaudheya-gana. 585
Literally the word Yaudheya means 'a warrior' which corresponds with the Ossadu of Arrian, the Sambastae of Diodorus and the Sambracae of Curtius, who made their submission to Alexander. 586 They were a powerful nation and their forces consisted of 60,000 foot, 6000 horse, and 500 chariots. 587
We get three different versions about the origin of the Yaudheyas :
(i) In the Mahabharata 588 it is stated that Yudhisthira married the daughter of the Saivya King Govasana named Devika and begot a son from her named Yaudheya.
Buddha Prakash 589 and M.K. Sharan, 590 on this basis, have been tempted to connect the Yaudheyas with Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandava brothers. D.K. Gupta questions the foundations of this theory on this solitary basis in the absence of a more solid or a positive evidence; 591 but on the other hand he himself has indulged in connecting the Arjunayanas with the epic hero Arjuna. 592
(ii) The Vishnu Purana gives a contrary view of the same story. It states that Yaudheyi was the queen of Yudhisthira from whom he had a son named Devaka 593
172 Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions
(iii) The Harivamsa 594 and the Vayu Purana 595 state that King Usinara of the Puru dynasty had five queens named Nrga or Mrga, Krmi, Nava, Darva and Drsadvati who gave birth to five sons named Nrga, (or Mrga),'Krmi, Nava, Suvrata and Sibi (or Sivi) respectively. Sibi was the lord of the Sibi people or of the city of Sivapura, while Nrga (or Mrga) was the ruler of the Yaudheyas or of Yaudheyapura. The other three sons of Usinara, viz., Nava, Krmi and Suvrata, were the lords respectively of Navarastra, Krmilapuri and Ambasthapuri. 596 According to Pargiter, King Usinara established the Yaudheyas, Ambasthas, Navarastra,and the city of Krmila, all on the eastern border of the Punjab; while his famous son Sivi Ausinara originated the Sivis or Sibis in Sivapura. 597
It is very difficult to reject or accept the Puranic tradition without any further evidence. However, as regards their connection with Usinara, we may say that scholars are somewhat confused by differing versions by varied text with regard to the territory ruled over by him. 598 The Rgveda, the Jatakas as well as the accounts of Fahien and Hiuen Tsang connect the Usinaras with a region farther to the north-west in Swat Valley, a part of the ancient Mahajanapada of Gandhara; while the Aitareya Brahmana, the Kausitaki Upanisad and the Kathasa-ritsagara associate them to the region north of Haridwar near the source of Ganges at Kanakhala.
It is possible that originally they were settled in the Swat Valley but by the passage of time, they migrated to other places as well. For example, we find that the Sibis were known to Alexander's followers, living between the Indus and the Akesines (Chenab). 599
In the Mahabharata, 600 the Yaudheyas are described as having been defeated by Arjuna, along with the Malavas and Trigartas. In the Sabhaparvan,601 the Yaudheyas together with the Sibis and the Trigarttas are represented as having paid homage to Yudhisthira. In the Dronaparvan, 602 we find that an epithet 'Adrija' meaning 'mountain-born', is used for the Yaudheyas.
The Yaudheyas were one of the republican tribes of the
Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions 173
Punjab. Panini 603 includes them among the ayudhajivi samghas together with the Parsus who are considered to be Persians by Dr. Buddha Prakash. 604 Panini mentions the Yaudheyas in another Sutra also. 605 Kautilya also refers to the Yaudheya as a warrior clan of the Punjab. 606
The Brihatsamhita 607 places them in the northern division of India and describes them as being in the region of Brhaspati. 608
In the Sahityadarpana of Visvanatha, they are described as interested in gambling (divyatam) and speaking the Southern Vaidarbhi. 609
Yaudheya coins have been found all over the area from Saharanpur to Multan. In the Ludhiana district have been unearthed their votive tablets. A rich find of their coin-moulds was brought to light by B. Sahni at Khokrakot near Rohtak where there seems to have existed a regular mint. 610 Their new currency 611 depicting their tutelary deity Karttikeya which replaced the Kusana currency in these regions, shows that they played a leading part in the extermination of Saka rule in India. 612 The findings of the Yaudheya coins in large number at Saharanpur, Dehradun, Delhi, Rohtak and Kangra attest the fact that they had driven out the Kusanas from these areas and had re-established themselves firmly, in the 3rd-4th century A.D. 613
One of their seals, bearing the legend "Yaudheyanām jayam- antradharāṇām" 614 shews that they were held in high esteem among the warrior-clans of the Punjab . Some scholars seem to be confused about its interpretation. Shobha Mukerji 615 opines that their coins were issued in the name of the gana as well as the Mantra-dharas. M.K. Sharan 616 explains the word " Mantradhara" to mean the members of the Executive Committee "those vested with the policy of the state". He is of the opinion that one set of the Yaudheya coins is struck in the name of the "Mantradharas"and the "Gana", while the other set is struck simply in the name of Gana. 617 He seems to have wrongly substituted the reading "Mantradhara" for "Mantradhara". He has been arbitrary in separating "Jaya" from Mantradhardnam" 6l8 which forms a compound by the combination of the two words. Further he rejects the view of some historians who consider the word " Mantradharāṇām" to mean
174 Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions
'those who were in possession of Victory Charm'. But he contradicts himself at another place while explaining a seal 619 found at Naurangabad with the remarks : "This seal indicates the bravery of the tribe and that they were never defeated as they had adopted the title of '(जयमन्त्रधरा)' ".
Actually the expression may mean 'the Yaudheyas who knew the secret of victory'. It is symbolic of their victory and pride that they never got defeated.
Another word which has raised some controversy among the scholars is "Darma" found on some of the Yaudheya coins. Some scholars take it to mean Dharma while others take it for 'Dama' or 'Darma to be a Sanskritised form of Greek "Drachma".620 Again some controversy arose whether it was a copper one or of silver. 621 The word 'Damma' or Dramma has been used for a gold coin. 622 It may be remarked that the word borrowed from some foreign language may not strictly be used in the original sense and hence it may simply mean coin. sup>623 The Kusanas had introduced gold-coins which were later on adopted by the Guptas. But the Yaudheyas seem to have never adopted the gold currency since so far we have found no gold coin belonging to them. This may speak of their weaker economic condition ; surely they could not compare with powerful monarchies. On some of the Yaudheya coins, we have the mysterious words, "dvi" (two) and "tri" (three) after the legend "Yaudheyaganasyajayah" which may point out their making a confederation with other tribes, viz., the Arjunayanas and the Kunindas. 624 They seem to have controlled the area lying on the banks of the river Sutlej up to the borders of the Bahawalpur State which is still called Johiyawar. The word 'Johiya' is apparently an abbreviation of 'Jodhiya', which is the Sanskrit Yaudheya. 625 Cunningham, however, takes the words 'dvi' and 'tri' of the above-mentioned coins to signify 'the money of the second and third tribes of the Yaudheyas'. 626
M.K. Sharan 627 has enlisted about twenty-four types and Symbols on the coins of the Yaudheyas which may point to their religious leanings as well bear out some aspects of their social life. They are as follows :
Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions 175
1. Bull
2. Elephant
3. Deer
4. Peacock
5. Tree-in-railing
6. Human figure standing (warrior)
7. Laksmi
8. Cobra
9. Scythic-like object(Yupa)
10. Stupa
11. Trisula
12. Nandipada
13. Shell
14. Svastika
15. Vase or Mangala Kalasa
16. Tribal sign or Ujjayini Symbol
17. Two S with a line in between probably representing two hooded snakes
18. Triangular-headed symbol or more probably a Yupa
19. Zig-Zag line depicting snake or river
20. Circles with dots around, probably representing the sun
21. Curved object within railing, probably a representation of the Yupa
22. Hill so-called Caitya
23. Six-headed Ṣaṣṭhī or Krttika 628
24. Siva.
581. R.K. Mookerji, Ag. p.25.
582. D.C. Sircar, Hz. p. 178, L.12.
583. Fleet, (Dx) 1 , pp. 251-52.
584. S.B. Chaudhuri, Jx. p. 93.
585. FJeet, op. cit., p. 252, L. 1 : यौधेय-गण पुरस्कृतस्य महाराज- महासेनापते :....
586. Alexander Cunningham, Sz. pp. 208-09
587. Ibid.
588. Adiparvan, Ch. 95, verse 76:युधिष्ठिरस्तु गोवासनस्य शैव्यस्य देविकां नाम कन्यां ।स्वयं वराल्लेभे तस्यां पुत्रं जनयामास यौधेयं नाम ।।
589. (Zy.) 1 , pp. 103-05.
590. Sg. pp. 65-71.
591. Fauja Singh and L.M. Joshi (Ed.), Hy. Vol. I, p. 180
592. Ibid., p. 179.
593. विष्णु-पुराण (गीता प्रेस)चतुर्थ अंश, अध्याय २०, श्लोक ४४: यौधेयी युधिष्ठिरा-द्देवक पुत्रमवाप ।
594. I. 31.24-28: takes the reading Nrga.
595. 99.18-22: takes the variant reading Mrga.
596. D.C. Sircar, Oz. pp. 252-53.
597. Pargiter, M. p. 264.
598. Vg. Vol.1, p. 103; S.B. Chaudhuri, Jx. p. 91; H.C. Raychaudhuri, Az. (edn. 1972), pp. 60-61.
599. Vg. Vol.1, p. 103; K.A. Nilakanta Sastri's, Age of The Nandas and Mauryas, p. 70; Cf. M.K. Sharan, Sg. p.78: Quotation from P.L. Gupta.
600. Dronaparvan 7/18/16; Karnaparvan 8/4/46.
601. Sabhaparvan 2/48/1 3.
602. 1.59.5 : यौधेयानद्रिजान् राजन् मद्रकान् मालवानपि । B.C. Law, Tg, p.75 f.n. 5: There is no mention in Sorensen's Index to the Mahabharata of 'Adrija' used as the name of a tribe.
603. V.3.117 :पर्श्वादियौधेयादिभ्योअणञौ ।
604. (Zy.) 1 , p. 103.
605. IV. I. 178 : न प्राच्यभर्गादियौधेयदिम्य: ।
606. Arthasastra, Ed. R. Shamasastri, 11,35, p. 142; see also f.n.4.
607. XIV, 28. p. 122: n VI, 161 गंधारयशोवति हेमतालराजन्यखचरागव्याश्च ।यौधेयदासमेया: श्यामाका: क्षेमाधुर्ताश्च ।।
608.XVI.22, p.133 त्रैगर्तपौखाम्बष्ठपारता वाटधानयौधेया: ।सरस्वतार्जुनायनमत्स्यार्द्धाग्रामराष्ट्राणि ।।
609. साहित्यदर्पण, टीकाकार, सत्यव्रतसिंह VI,151 यौधेयनागरिकादीनां दाक्षिणात्या ही दिव्यताम् ।
610. R.K. Mookerji, Ag. p.25; for the diagram see: M.K. Sharan, Sg. p. 131.
611. Bearging the Brahmi legend "यौधेयगणस्य जय:"
612. Buddha Prakash, (Zy.) 1 , p. 104.
613. M.K. Sharan, Sg. pp. 90-91.
614. The reading taken by Sharan and Shobha Mukerji "Yaudheyanam Jayamantra-dharanam" is wrong. It should be "Yaudheyanam Jayamantradharanam" See John Allan, X, Introduction, Page, CLii; Majumdar & Altekar (Ed.) Pg. (edn.) 1967, p.30, note I; Buddha Prakash, op.cit. p. 104.
615. Shobha Mukerji, Lg. p. 69.
616. M.K. Sharan, op.cit., p.82.
617. Ibid., p.83.
618. Ibid., p.82.
619. Bearing the inscription : यौधेयान (नां) जयमंत्रधरा (म्)
620. M.K. Sharan, Sg. pp. 94-95.
621. Ibid., p.95.
622. Xy. p.456, Col. I.
623. R. p. 81.
624. Pg. pp.31-32; M.K. Sharan.Sg. p. 144.
625. Alexander Cunningham, Sz. p. 206.
626. Ibid., p.207.
627. M.K. Sharan, Sg. pp. 133-46.
628. Ibid., pp.96-97: It should be the goddess 'Śāṣṭhī' also known as Devasenā, the consort of Karttikeya. Even on a certain type of coins, the figure presumed to be of the six-headed Krttika, J.N. Banerjea had interpreted it to be the figure of a goddess Laksmi with aureole round her head, as quoted by Sharan himself.
Yaudheyas in Jat History
Hukum Singh Panwar[40] writes:....Dr Colin Renfrew [41] talks of agricultural activity in Anatolia before the end of Ice Age, and Calvin Kephart[42] interestingly finds the Pre-Sumerian Gutis (and Utis, identified with the Jats), disseminating knowledge of agriculture in those lands, especially relating to cultivation of wheat, the original cereal crop, according to Vanilov, (supra) of the Punjab (Sapta-Sindhu) , were-from it was introduced through upper reaches of the Indus to Afghanistan and North Iran, and to Baluchistan, South Iran,and and Mesopotamia through its lower reaches. This movement of wheat must ave inspired Dr. Daniel Zohary, who[43] credits Afghanistan and north Iran where bread wheats are thought to have originated from a hybrid of emmer (Triticum Dicoccum) and 'goat-face grass' (Aegilops Squarrosa). Like many others, the above mentioned scholars, except Vanilov, advocate the migrations of the Indo-Aryans from west to east, but their thesis is conclusively refuted by the findings of Kephart and the archaeological evidence of Mehargarh (8566 B.C.) in Baluchistan.
The fact that wheat and certain cattle were carried to the west from Punjab (Sapta Sindhu) leads to the next important question - who were the carriers of this culture to those countries? It may, without any hesitation, be suggested that, in addition to the Dasas (Dahae), the carriers of these were the Yaudheyas. Dr. Buddha Prakash[44] contends on the authority of Frye and Adontz, that Yaudheyas, (the descendents of Trin and Nrga), along with the Maciyas (Matsyas or Machhiyas?), Parsas an Assagartas figured in an ancient Volkerwanderun and finally settled in Anatolia. They reached Anatolia through northern Iran (Luristan) where they were known as Yautiya. Those who reached
The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations:End of page 245
Anatolia through Armenia and Transcaucasia were simply called Uti or Utene in Greek. T.J. Kedar,[45] like others, does not admit India as the home of Aryans and contradicts himself when he locates Indo-Aryan tribe like Sivas or Sivis, Manns, Yakshus (Jakshus or Jakhus or Jakhars), Purus, Kurus and Sigrus (Sigrohas) etc. in Armenia and Anatolia in 7102 B.C., the age of Emperor Yayati.
They are identified with the Jats clan Joiyas or Johiya[46] [47] of Bahawalpur and Multan Divisions (Pakistan) and Bikaner, Rajasthan (India). Yaudheyas were the rulers of South-Eastern Punjab and Rajasthan. Even today these areas are inhabited by the Johiyas.
Alexander had heard about a very powerful people beyond the river Beas. Arrian describes them as gallant fighters, good agriculturists and having constitutional government. [Ibid.] Though they have not been specifically named, there is little doubt in their being Yaudheyas. [48], [49] It is said in the Adi Parva of Mahabharata that Yaudheya was son of Yudhishthira by his Shivi wife. [50] They find mention in the Sabhaparva of the Mahabharata under different name-Mattamayura. It is said that starting from Khandavapratha Nakul marched towards west and reached Rohitika-beautiful, prosperous and rich in cattle and horses and dear to Kartikeya. He also captured Marubhumi and Bahudhanya. Because these three places had been the chief centres of Yaudheyas and also because Kartikeya finds depiction on the Yaudheya coins, Mattamayura is merely another name for the Yaudheyas. This ancient name is preserved in Jat gotra as Mori, Maur, Mor. [51]
It appears that the political power of the Yaudheyas was eclipsed under the Mauryas. But after their decline the Yaudheyas again became politically dominant and had their heydays up to the rise of the Guptas. [52]
During the glorious period of the Yaudheyas their neighbours in Rajasthan were Malavas (Jaipur, Tonk, Ajmer), Shivis (Chittor), Matsya (Alwar) and Maukharis (Kota). The Yaudheyas probably formed a confederacy with these and others and, as Atlekar suggests, gave a final blow to the tottering Kushan Kingdom.[53] The Yaudheya chiefs who bore the titles Maharaja Senapati appear to have been chosen for this purpose by Yaudheya gana. During this period they might have developed some contacts with the Vakatakas, Bharashivas and other Naga families, under the subjugation of the Guptas, they must have developed closure toes with the Guptas. It is probably during these centuries that they absorbed some elements of their neighbours. The Jat Gotra names Malava, Mokhar, Makhar, Machchar, Bharshiv, Nag, Dharan may be understood against this back ground. [54]
B S Dahiya[55] writes: Utar are mentioned by Herodotus as Utians, along with the Sarangians (Saramgha) and the Pactyans [56]. In the Puranas they are mentioned as Uttara.
Buddha Prakash says, “ The clan of Yaudheyas has an unmistakable resemblance with the Yautiya of Laristan the Ouitioi of Trans-Caucasia, and the Jut nomads of Kirmans” [57] [58]
The Trigartas
Very closely associated with the Yaudheyas were the Trigartas. We are told that in the Mahabharata that having defeated Mattamayuras, Nakula proceeded towards Shibis, Trigartas, Ambashthas and Malavas. [59] Trigartas are said to have gone to the sabha of Yudhishthira to pay tributes at the time of his Rajasuya. [60]In the connection they are mentioned in compound with Sibis and Yaudheyas. Others who joined them are Rajanya, Madra, Kekaya, Ambashtha etc. Later the Trigartas joined the side of the Kauravas. In the Dronaparva the Trigarta army has been described as including Mavellaka, Lalittha and Madraka which may be recognized in such Jat gotra names as Mavata, Mall, Mavalya, Littha, Lathar, Madra and Maderna. [61]
Colonel Minchin, a British historian says that “the extreme north-eastern portion of the state Bahawalpur and a portion of Bikaner, was inhabited by a race called the Yaudheyas to whom General Cunningham, another historian, attributes the foundation of the town of Ajudhan or Ayodhaunne, the battle field, which is evidently connected with their own name of yaudheya or Ajudhiya inscription of Samudara Gupta and at a still early date by Panini in the Junagarh inscription of Rudra Dama. Now as the great grammarian was certainly anterior to Chandra Gupta Maurya, his mention of the Yaudhas proves that they must have been a recognized clan before the time of Alexander. General Cunningham identifies them with the existing tribes of Joiyas, which is included by colonel Tod amongst the 24-ruling race of Rajputana. He sated that this race possessed the same haunts as the Dahia or Dahers, are now extinct, but in fact both these tribes are still found in the Bahawalpur state, and they were converted to the Muhammadan Faith by the well known saint Hazrat Baba Fareed Shaker Gunj, whose shrine is in Ajudhan, and from whom the place derives its modern name of Pakpattan (District in Punjab, Pakistan), meaning 'the ferry of the pure ones'.”
जाट इतिहास
दलीप सिंह अहलावत[62] ने लिखा है....यौधेयों की कालान्तर में कई शाखायें भी हो गईं। कुलकिया शाखा के लोग अब अजीतगढ़ चूड़ी के पास मौजूद हैं। इस वंश में ढाका शाखा के भी अनेक गांव हैं जिनमें गांव ढानी जयपुर में, ढकौली, पटौली, औगटा, सहदपुर आदि मेरठ में, मिल्क, मानिपुर, छाचरी आदि जिला बिजनौर में सुप्रसिद्ध गांव हैं।....यौधेय के शाखागोत्र - 1. कुलकिया 2. ढाका ।
यौधेयदेश (AS, p.772): यौधेय देश झेलम और सिंधु नदी के बीच का भाग है जहाँ प्राचीन काल में योधेय गण का राज्य था। कनिंघम के अनुसार यौधेय देश सतलुज के दोनों तटो पर विस्तृत था। (आर्कियोलॉजिकल सर्वे रिपोर्ट जिल्द 14) समुद्रगुप्त की प्रयाग प्रशस्ति में भी यौधेयों का उल्लेख है।[63]
यौधेय: ठाकुर देशराज
ठाकुर देशराज[64] ने लिखा है....यौधेय: [पृ.102]: यह प्रजातंत्री एवं जातिवादी समुदाय बहुत दिनों तक अपनी सत्ता को जमाए रहा। पौराणिकों ने इन्हें महाराज युधिष्ठिर के वंशजों में से लिखा है। भारतवर्ष के अलावा इनका एक समूह हिमालय को पार करके जगजार्टिस नदी को पार करता हुआ कैस्पियन सागर के नीचे तक पहुंच गया था। वहां पर इन्हें यौधेय की बजाय लोग भाषा भेद के कारण ढे और दहाये नाम से याद करते थे। यह शब्द यौधेय से धेय और फिर अपभ्रंश होकर धे रह गया। यही धे अंग्रेजी वालों ने ढे और दहाये नाम से पढा। जब इस्लाम का आक्रमण हुआ तो इनका एक बड़ा समूह भारत में लौटा आया जो ढे जाट के नाम से पुकारा जाता है। और मेरठ के आसपास के प्रदेश में आबाद है। हेले या देशवाले जाट इनके साथ बराबरी का बर्ताव नहीं करते हैं।
भारतवर्ष में जो यौधेय बाकी रह गए थे, वह आजकल जोहिया कहलाते हैं। बीकानेर देश में राठौड़ों के विरुद्ध इन
[पृ.103]: जोहिया जाटों को बड़ा भयंकर युद्ध करना पड़ा था। 15वीं सदी में इनके हाथ से बीकानेर का राज्य निकल गया। उस समय शेरसिंह उनमें बड़ा वीर सरदार था। कुछ लोग इन में से व्यापार भी करने लग गए थे। इन्हें चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य, समुद्रगुप्तय और कनिष्क जैसे साम्राज्य-वादियों से भी पाला पड़ा था किंतु फिर भी उन्होंने अपने अस्तित्व को स्थिर रखा। इस वीर समुदाय की सैनिक शक्ति की धाक पहली, दूसरी शताब्दियों तक तो सारे भारत में थी। रुद्रदामन ने इनके विषय में लिखा था:-
- सर्व क्षेत्रा विष्कृत वीर शब्द जातोत्सेकाभिधेयानां यौधेयानाम्।
अर्थात सभी क्षत्रियों के सामने यौधेयों ने अपना नाम (युद्धवीर) चरितार्थ करने के कारण जिन्हें अभिमान हो गया था और जो परास्त नहीं किए जा सकते थे, यह थी उनकी वीरता जिसका उल्लेख उनके शत्रु ने भी किया है।
भरतपुर राज्य में उनका एक शिलालेख मिला था। इस बात का वर्णन डॉ. फलीट ने गुप्तों के वर्णन के साथ किया है। उस शिलालेख में यौधेय-गण के निर्वाचित प्रधान का उल्लेख है। इनका प्रधान महाराज महासेनापति की उपाधि धारण करता था। कुछ अन्य गणों के अध्यक्ष भी राजा और राजन्य की उपाधि धारण करने लग गए थे। मालूम होता है एकतंत्रियों के
[पृ.104]: मुकाबले में गण अपने अध्यक्षों को राजा महाराजा या राजन्य की उपाधि देने लग गए थे। लिच्छवियों ने तो अपने 7077 मेंबरों को भी राजा की उपाधि दे डाली थी। यौधेयों का यह शिलालेख गुप्त काल का बताया जाता है। जोधपुर में भी यौधेयों का गण था और उसका सरदार था महिपाल। यह महिपाल अवश्य ही 1200 ई. के लगभग था। उसके वंश के लोग अजीतगढ़ चूड़ी की ओर बढ़ गए। इन यौधेयों की कालांतर में अनेक शाखाएं भी हो गई। कुलरिया शाखा के लोग अब तक अजीतगढ़ चूड़ी के पास मौजूद हैं।
दिल्ली और करनाल के मध्य सोनीपत में उनके सिक्के हाथ लगे हैं। पंजाब में सतलुज-यमुना के समस्त प्रदेश में यौधेयों के सिक्के पाए जाते हैं। यौधेयों के सिक्के कुछ भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के भी हैं। शुंग काल के सिक्कों पर चलते हुए हाथी और एक सांड की मूर्ति अंकित मिलती है। उन सिक्कों पर 'यौधेयानाम' ऐसा लिखा रहता है। दूसरे तरह के सिक्कों पर उन्होंने युद्ध के देवता कार्तिकेय की मूर्ति अंकित की है। तीसरी तरह के सिक्कों पर 'यौधेय-गणस्य-जय' लिखा रहता है। इस सिक्के में एक योद्धा के हाथ में भाला लिए हुए त्रिभंगी गति से खड़ी हुई मूर्ति बनाई गई है। कुछ सिक्कों पर 'हि' और 'त्रि' भी लिखा हुआ पाया गया है।
यौधेय लोगों में निर्वाचित सभापति या प्रधान हुआ करता था। उपरोक्त बात उन के शिलालेखों से साबित होती है।
[पृ.105]: ऐसा मालूम होता है यह ईसवी सन् की दूसरी शताब्दी में ही राजपूताना की ओर आ गए थे। पश्चिमी राजपूताना, मारवाड़ और जैसलमेर तथा बीकानेर की भूमि पर अपना अधिकार जमा लिया था। रुद्रदामन से जो युद्ध हुआ था वह जोधपुर की भूमि पर हुआ था क्योंकि रुद्रदामन बराबर पैर फैला रहा था। हिसार और दिल्ली की ओर भी यह लोग बढ़ गए थे। कुछ लोग पंजाब में ही अड़ रहे थे। बहावलपुर के जोहिया अपने को राजपूतों की ओर ले जाने की चेष्टा कर रहे हैं किंतु राजपूताना में अधिकांश समूह अपने असली स्टाक में हैं और जाट कहलाते हैं।
यौधेय या जोहिया का इतिहास
यौधेय - इन लोगों का एक दल भारतवर्ष से हिमालय को पार करके अमू दरिया को पार करता हुआ कैस्पियन सागर तक पहुंच गया। वहां पर ये लोग ढे व दहाये कहे गये।[65]
दलीप सिंह अहलावत[66] लिखते हैं: चन्द्रवंशी सम्राट् ययाति के चौथे पुत्र का नाम अनु था। अनु की नौवीं पीढ़ी मे उशीनर था जो पंजाब की अधिकांश भूमि का शासक था। उनकी पांच रानियां थीं। बड़ी रानी नृगा से नृग पुत्र हुआ। नृग के पुत्र का नाम यौधेय था। इससे ही यौधेय वंश चला जो जाट वंश है। यह भाषाभेद से जोहिया नाम से प्रचलित हुआ1।
यौधेय गणराज्य शतद्रु (सतलुज) नदी के दोनों तटों से आरम्भ होता था। बहावलपुर (पाकिस्तान) राज्य इनके अन्तर्गत था। वहां से लेकर बीकानेर राज्य के उत्तरी प्रदेश गंगानगर आदि, हिसार, जींद, करनाल, अम्बाला, रोहतक, गुड़गावां, महेन्द्रगढ़, दिल्ली राज्य तक प्रायः समूचे उत्तरी दक्षिणी और पूर्वी राजस्थान में फैला था। अलवर, भरतपुर, धौलपुर राज्य इसी के अन्तर्गत आ जाते थे। यौधेयों के समूह के संघों में होशियारपुर, कांगड़ा तक प्रदेशों की गिनती होती थी। देहरादून, सहारनपुर, मुजफ्फरनगर, मेरठ, बुलन्दशहर, अलीगढ़, मथुरा, आगरा, मैनपुरी, एटा, बदायूं, बरेली, बिजनौर, पीलीभीत, मुरादाबाद, रामपुर जिला आदि सारा पश्चिमी उत्तरप्रदेश यौधेय गण के अन्तर्गत था। एक समय तो ऐसा आया था कि मुलतान के पास क्रोडपक्के का दुर्ग तथा मध्यप्रदेश का मन्दसौर तक का प्रदेश भी यौधेयों के राज्य में सम्मिलित था2। सिकन्दर सम्राट् इनकी शक्ति से डरकर व्यास नदी से वापिस लौट गया था।
पौराणिकों ने यौधेय वंश का प्रचालक युधिष्ठिर का पुत्र ‘यौधेय’ लिखा है। परन्तु यह प्रमाणित है कि नृग के पुत्र ‘यौधेय’ से यह वंश चला। हां ! यह सम्भव है कि युधिष्ठिर के पुत्र ‘यौधेय’ का संघ (दल) भी उपरलिखित ‘यौधेय गण’ में शामिल हो गया था। (लेखक)
भारतवर्ष के अतिरिक्त यौधेय का एक समूह हिमालय को पार करके जगजर्टिस नदी को पार करता हुआ कैस्पियन सागर तक पहुंच गया था। वहां पर इन्हें यौधेय की बजाय भाषाभेद से ढे और दहाये नाम से पुकारा गया। यह शब्द यौधेय से धेय और फिर अपभ्रंश होकर धे रह गया - यही धे अंग्रेजी लेखकों ने ढे और दहाये नाम से लिखा। जब इस्लाम का आक्रमण हुआ तो इनका एक बड़ा समूह भारत में लौट आया जो ढे जाट के नाम से पुकारा जाता है और मेरठ के आस-पास के प्रदेशों में आबाद है3।
भारतवर्ष में जो यौधेय बाकी रह गये थे, वे आजकल जोहिया कहलाते हैं। महाभारत के युद्ध में यह दल भारी तैयारियों के साथ सम्मिलित हुआ था। इनका उल्लेख महाभारत में आता है। इन्होंने गुप्त, मौर्य, कुषाण सम्राटों से भी टक्कर ली। जैसे - चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य, समुद्रगुप्त और कनिष्क आदि। सम्राट् सिकन्दर की यूनानी सेना ने इन्हीं वीर यौधेयों की शक्ति से डरकर व्यास नदी से आगे बढ़ने से इन्कार कर दिया था।
- 1. क्षत्रिय जातियों का उत्थान-पतन एवं जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 335 लेखक कविराज योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री।
- 2. हरयाणे के वीर यौधेय (प्रथम खण्ड भूमिका लेखक श्री भगवानदेव आचार्य।
- 3. जाट इतिहास (उत्पत्ति और गौरव खण्ड) पृ० 102 लेखक ठा० देशराज, जधीना - भरतपुर।
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-197
भरतपुर राज्य में इनका एक शिलालेख मिला था। इस बात का वर्णन डा० प्लीट ने गुप्तों के वर्णन के साथ किया है। उस शिलालेख में यौधेय गण के निर्वाचित प्रधान का उल्लेख है। इनका प्रधान महाराजा महासेनापति की उपाधि धारण करता था। कुछ अन्य गणों के अध्यक्ष भी राजा और राजन्य की उपाधि धारण करते थे। एकतंत्रियों के मुकाबले में गणतंत्र अपने अध्यक्षों को राजा, महाराजा या राजन्य (राजन्) की उपाधि देने लग गये थे। जाट वंश लिच्छिवि गण ने तो अपने 7077 मेम्बरों को भी राजा की उपाधि दे दी थी। यौधेयों का यह शिलालेख गुप्तकाल का बताया जाता है।
इनकी प्राचीन मुद्रायें लुधियाना के सुनेत स्थान से प्राप्त हुई हैं। सोनीपत (हरयाणा) के किले से और सतलुज तथा यमुना के मध्यवर्ती कई स्थानों से यौधेयों के सिक्के प्राप्त हुए हैं, जो कि भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के हैं। शुंग काल के सिक्कों पर चलते हुए हाथी और सांड (बैल) की मूर्ति अंकित मिलती है। उन सिक्कों पर ‘यौधेयानाम्’ ऐसा लिखा है। दूसरी तरह के सिक्कों पर ‘यौधेयगणस्य जय’ लिखा है। इस सिक्के पर एक योद्धा के हाथ में भाला लिए त्रिभंगी गति से खड़ी हुई मूर्ति बनाई गई है। तीसरी तरह के सिक्कों पर उन्होंने युद्ध के देवता कार्तिकेय (जो शिवजी का बड़ा पुत्र था) की मूर्ति अंकित की है। कुछ सिक्कों पर ‘हि’ और ‘त्रि’ भी लिखा हुआ पाया गया है।
ईसा की तीसरी शताब्दी तक यौधेय दल ने मारवाड़ (जोधपुर), जैसलमेर, बीकानेर (जांगल) प्रदेश की बहुत बड़ी भूमि पर अधिकार कर लिया था। दूसरी शताब्दी में शक राजा रुद्रदामन के साथ यौधेयों का युद्ध जोधपुर की प्राचीन भूमि पर हुआ था, क्योंकि रुद्रदामन बराबर पैर फैला रहा था। जोधपुर में यौधेयगण का नेता महीपाल था। रुद्रदामन ने इनके बारे में लिखाया था - सर्व क्षत्राविष्कृत वीर शब्द जातोत्सेकाभिधेयानां यौधेयानाम्। अर्थात् सभी क्षत्रियों के सामने यौधेयों ने अपना नाम (युद्धवीर) चरितार्थ करने के कारण जिन्हें अभिमान हो गया था और जो परास्त नहीं किये जा सकते थे। यह थी उनकी वीरता जिसका उल्लेख उनके शत्रु ने भी किया है। अपनी युद्धकुशलता के लिए वे प्रसिद्ध हो गये थे।
जोधा जी के पुत्र बीका जी राठौर ने जब नया राज्य बीकानेर स्थापित करने का प्रयत्न प्रारम्भ किया तो जोहिया जाटों का वहां 600 गांवों पर अधिकार था1। शेरसिंह नामक वीर योद्धा उनका राजा था जिसकी राजधानी भूरूपाल में थी। इस शूरवीर शेरसिंह ने राठौरों को नाकों चने चबवा दिये। बीका जी ने कुछ समय अपनी व्यवस्था ठीक करने और शक्तिसंचय करने में लगाया।
वहां के निकट क्षेत्र पर गोदारा जाटों की बड़ी शक्ति थी। जोहिया व गोदारा जाटों की आपसी शत्रुता होने के कारण से गोदारों का नेता गोदारा ‘पाण्डु’ जाट ने बीका जी से कुछ शर्तों पर संधि कर ली। अब बीका जी ने अपनी और गोदारों की सेना लेकर जोहिया जाटों पर आक्रमण कर दिया। वीर शेरसिंह ने अपनी सेना लेकर दोनों बड़ी शक्तियों का साहस से मुकाबला किया।
- 1. कर्नल टॉड Vol II P. 1126-27 पर जोहिया जाटों का 600 गांवों पर अधिकार था, लिखा है; ले० रामसरूप जून ने अपने जाट इतिहास में पृ० 70 पर इनका राज्य 1100 गांवों पर लिखा है। इनके परगने 1. जैतपुर 2. महाजन 3. पीपासर 4. उदयमुख, और 5. कम्भाना थे।
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-198
“देशी राज्यों के इतिहास” में सुखसम्पत्तिराय भण्डारी ने लिखा है –
- “शेरसिंह ने अपनी समस्त सेना के साथ बीका जी के खिलाफ युद्ध करने की तैयारी कर रखी थी। बीका जी जो कई युद्धों के विजेता थे, इस युद्ध में सरलता से विजय प्राप्त न कर सके। शत्रुगण अद्भुत पराक्रम दिखाक्र साहस छोड़ गया। अन्त में विजय की कोई सूरत न देख, बीका जी ने षडयन्त्र द्वारा शेरसिंह को मरवा दिया।”
‘वाकए-राजपूताना’ में भी यही बात लिखी है। यह युद्ध रामरत्न चारण के लेखानुसार सीधमुख के पास ढाका गांव में हुआ था।
शेरसिंह के मारे जाने के बाद भी जोहिया जाट विद्रोही बने रहे। उन्होंने सहज ही में अधीनता स्वीकार नहीं की। उनका प्रत्येक युवक प्राणों की बाजी लगाकर स्वाधीनता की रक्षा करना चाहता था। शेरसिंह के बाद उन्हें कोई योग्य नेता नहीं मिला।
“भारत के देशी राज्यों के इतिहास” का लेख -
- “यद्यपि बीका जी ने जोहिया जाटों को परास्त करके अपने अधीन कर लिया था तथापि वे बड़े स्वाधीनताप्रिय थे और अपनी हरण की हुई स्वाधीनता को फिर से प्राप्त करने का प्रयत्न कर रहे थे। अतः बीका जी के वंशज रायसिंह ने अपने भाई भीमसिंह जी के संचालन में एक प्रबल राठौर-सेना उनके दमन करने के लिए भेजी। इस सेना ने वहां पहुंचकर भयंकर काण्ड उपस्थित कर दिया। प्रबल समराग्नि प्रज्वलित हो गई। हजारों जोहिया जाटगण स्वाधीनता के लिए प्राण विसर्जन करने लगे। वीर राठौर भी अपने ध्येय से न हटे। उन्होंने इस देश को यथार्थ मरुभूमि के समान कर दिया।”
इस तरह से 15वीं सदी में जांगल प्रदेश पर से जोहिया जाटों का राज्य समाप्त हो गया।
इन यौधेयों की कालान्तर में कई शाखायें भी हो गईं। कुलकिया शाखा के लोग अब अजीतगढ़ चूड़ी के पास मौजूद हैं। इस वंश में ढाका शाखा के भी अनेक गांव हैं जिनमें गांव ढानी जयपुर में, ढकौली, पटौली, औगटा, सहदपुर आदि मेरठ में, मिल्क, मानिपुर, छाचरी आदि जिला बिजनौर में सुप्रसिद्ध गांव हैं। जोहिया जाट जोधपुर, बीकानेर तथा जालन्धर जिले में जड़िया, जोड़ा, बिनौला, थाबलक, जड़ियाला, जोहल आदि 12 गांवों में बसे हुए हैं। जोहिया जाट सतलुज नदी के किनारे उस स्थान पर रहते थे जहां बहावलपुर राज्य था। आजकल वह पाकिस्तान में है। उस स्थान पर इस वंश के जाटों के नाम पर जोहियावार प्रदेश (क्षेत्र) विद्यमान है।
जय यौधेय लेखक राहुल सांकृत्यायन, पृ० 5 पर लिखते हैं कि -
- भावलपुर रियासत से मुलतान तक फैला एक इलाका जोहियावार कहा जाता है और बहुसंख्यक निवासी जोहिया (यौधेय) कहे जाते हैं। कराची के कोहिस्तान में जोहियार रहते हैं, बल्कि उनके सरदार को ‘जोहिया-जोजन्म’ कहा जाता है। अलवर और गुड़गांव के मेव अब भी यौधेय भूमि में ही बसते हैं और उनकी वीरगाथायें सुनकर आज भी रोमांच हो उठते हैं।
यौधेय के शाखागोत्र - 1. कुलकिया 2. ढाका ।
चन्द्रगुप्त का यौधेयों से युद्ध
कैप्टन दलीप सिंह अहलावत[67] ने लेख किया है ...राहुल सांकृत्यायन के लेख अनुसार चन्द्रगुप्त का यौधेयों से युद्ध - विक्रमादित्य ने यौधेयों पर आक्रमण की अपनी पूरी तैयारी कर ली थी। यौधेयगण के महासेनापति ‘जय’ ने यौधेयानियों की एक विशाल सभा में भाषण देते हुए कहा था -
- “यौधेय-यौधेयानियो! तुम यौधेय मां, बहिन और बेटियां हो। आज हमारे सामने जैसा संकट आया है, वैसा संकट शायद हमारे सारे इतिहास में कभी नहीं आया था। चन्द्रगुप्त हमें इस शर्त पर जीने देना चाहता है कि हम यौधेय नाम छोड़ दें, यौधेय धर्म छोड़ दें। यदि हमारा नाम और धर्म चला गया तो जीना किस काम का? शत्रु बहुत बलवान् है। आधे भारतखण्ड का धनबल, जनबल उसके पास है। लेकिन यौधेयों ने चन्द्रगुप्त को एक बार हराया था। उसे फिर ताजा करना होगा। ‘सुनन्दा’ ने तुम्हें रास्ता दिखलाया है। यौधेयानियां ही नहीं, कुणिन्दानियां और आर्जुनायनियां भी आज सुनन्दाएँ हैं। यौधेय नर-नारी से वीर के कर्त्तव्य पालन की बात कहना उनका अपमान करना है। अब की बार यौधेयानियों को भी हथियार उठाने का पूरा अधिकार होगा।”
यौधेयों ने अपनी पूर्वी और दक्षिणी सीमा पर अपने दुर्ग स्थापित किए। यौधेयों के पास घुड़सवार तथा पैदल सेनायें ही थीं जबकि चन्द्रगुप्त के साथ रथों और बहुत बड़ी संख्या हाथियों की थी। ‘जय’ की आयु 50 वर्ष की थी जो गणसंघ का महासेनापति था। युद्ध बड़े जोरों से आरम्भ हो गया। पहला आक्रमण स्रुघ्नपुर (अंबाला) सुह्य की ओर से हुआ। यौधेयों ने उन्हें यमुना पार नहीं होने दिया। विक्रम स्वयं मथुरा में बैठा वहां से सारी सेना का संचालन कर रहा था। उसकी सेना वहां से आगे बढ़ रही थी। यौधेयगण ने वहां उन से सख्त टक्कर ली।
जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठान्त-502
पूरे 2½ महीने के घमासान युद्ध के बाद शत्रुसेना यमुना पार करने और आर्जुनायन भूमि में घुसने में सफल हुई। परन्तु यौधेय एक-एक अंगुल भूमि के लिए मरे।
इन्द्रप्रस्थ के पास गुप्त सेना ने यौधेयों को सब से करारी हार दी। उनकी सबसे बड़ी क्षति हुई, उनका महासेनापति मारा गया। विक्रम का आदेश था कि किसी भी तरह ‘जय’ महासेनापति को पकड़ लाओ। ‘जय’ युद्ध में बुरी तरह घायल होकर रणभूमि में गिर गया। यौधेयों ने फिर-फिर हमला करके घायल सेनापति को रणभूमि से ले जाना चाहा, मगर गुप्त सेना ने ऐसा न करने दिया। ‘जय’ के पास आकर जब वीरसेन ने प्रणाम किया तो वह केवल इतना ही कह सका कि “यौधेय-भूमि से मेरे शव को ही ले जा सकते हो।” वीरसेन ने अपने बड़े-बड़े चिकित्सकों को बुलाया। परन्तु ‘जय’ थोड़ी देर बाद चल बसा। यौधेय पुरुष तथा स्त्रियां भी लड़े। विस्तृत यौधेय भूमि युद्ध क्षेत्र बन गई थी।
Vasati (वसाति)/Vais (वैस) - दलीप सिंह अहलावत[68] लिखते हैं कि....भोगवतीपुरी का शासक नागराज वासुकि नामक सम्राट् था। यह वसाति या वैस गोत्र का था जो कि जाट गोत्र है। इस वंश का राज्य वसाति जनपद पर भी था जो रामायणकाल में पूरी शक्ति पर था। इस वंश का वैभव महाभारतकाल में और भी चमका। द्रोण पर्व में कई स्थानों पर वसाति क्षत्रियों का वर्णन है जिस से यह प्रमाणित है कि ये भी महाभारत युद्ध में सम्मिलित हुये थे[69]। कुछ लेखकों को वसाति के अपभ्रंश शब्द वैस से वैश्य (बनिया) का भ्रम हो गया है। कनिंघम और मिश्रबन्धु द्वारा ऐसे लेखकों का खण्डन किया गया है। (जाटों का उत्कर्ष पृ० 319, लेखक योगेन्द्रपाल शास्त्री, जाट इतिहास उर्दू पृ० 355, लेखक ठा० संसारसिंह)। राहुल सांकृत्यायन ने अपनी पुस्तक ‘वोल्गा से गंगा’ पृ० 243 पर लिखा है कि “हर्षवर्धन का वंश वैस है जो कि क्षत्रिय वंश है। यह वंश वैश्य बनिया नहीं।”
जाटों का विदेशों में जाना
ठाकुर देशराज[70] ने लिखा है .... उत्तरोत्तर संख्या वृद्धि के साथ ही वंश (कुल) वृद्धि भी होती गई और प्राचीन जातियां मे से एक-एक के सैंकड़ों वंश हो गए। साम्राज्य की लपेट से बचने के लिए कृष्ण ने इनके सामने भी यही प्रस्ताव रखा कि कुल राज्यों की बजाए ज्ञाति राज्य कायम का डालो।
सारे यदुओं का एक राष्ट्र हो चाहे वे भोज, शूर, अंधक, वृष्णि, दशार्ण आदि कुछ भी कहलाते हों। इसी तरह सारे कुरुओं का एक जाति राष्ट्र हो; पांचाल, पौरव, गांधार, मद्र, पांडव सब मिलकर एक संघ कायम कर लें। किन्तु इसको कोई क्या कहे कि कम्बखत कुरु लोग और यादव लोग आपस में ही लड़कर नष्ट हो गए। यदि वेदो के पंचजना:, कहे जाने वाले, यदु, कुरु, पुरू, आदि संगठित हो जाते तो आज सारे संसार में वैदिक धर्मी ही दिखाई देते। किंतु ये तो लड़े, खूब लड़े। एक दो वर्ष नहीं, सदियों तक लड़े। यही कारण हुआ कि अनेकों समूहों को देश छोड़ विदेशों में भटकना पड़ा। कौनसा खानदान भारत से बाहर (उस बृहतर भारत से बाहर जिसमें काबुल, कंधार, उद्यान और मानसरोवर
[पृ.148]: आ जाते हैं) कब गया, यह तो हम 'जाट शाही' अथवा विदेशों में जाट साम्राज्य नामक पुस्तक में बताएंगे। यहां तो थोड़े से खानदानों का ही जिक्र करना है।
द्वारिका के जाट-राष्ट्र पर हम दो विपत्तियों का आक्रमण एक साथ देख कर प्रभास क्षेत्र में यादवों का आपसी महायुद्ध और द्वारिका का जल में डूब जाना। अतः स्वभावतः शेष बचे जाटों को दूसरी जगह तलाश करने के लिए बढ़ना पड़ा। वज्र को तो पांडवों ने ले जाकर मथुरा का राजा बना दिया। लेकिन स्वयं भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के आठ पटरानियों से 17 पुत्र थे। पुराण अन्य रनियों से 80800 पुत्र बताते हैं। खैर हम 17 को ही सही मान कर चलते हैं। इनमें से दो चार तो बच्चे ही होंगे। ये लोग पूर्व-दक्षिण की ओर तो बढ़ नहीं सकते थे। क्योंकि साम्राज्य का हौआ दक्षिण से ही बढ़ रहा था। दूसरे उधर आबादी भी काफी थी। अतः पश्चिम उत्तर की ओर बढ़े।
उधर पांडवों में भी परीक्षित को इंद्रप्रस्थ का राज्य देने के बाद भीम, नकुल, सहदेव के कई पुत्र शेष रह जाते हैं। स्वयं युधिष्ठिर के भी यौधेयी रानी से पैदा होने वाले यौधेय बाकी थे। अतः उन्हें भी नए देश खोजने के लिए उत्तर पश्चिम की ओर बढ़ना पड़ा। यदि हम हरिवंश, यादव दिग्विजय और महाभारत तथा पुराणों के वर्णन में से सच्चाई को छांट लेने की कोशिश करें तो हमें ज्ञात होता है कि पेशावर से ऊपर उद्यान
[पृ.149]: में जहां तख्तेवाही अथवा भीम का तख्त है वहां भीम के पुत्र आबाद कर दिए गए। और मुगलों के आने तक वे लोग वहां पर आनंद से पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी आबाद रहे। भीम का गल जाना वहीं माना जाता है। कहा जाता है कि युधिष्ठिर नहीं गले थे। इस तरह युधिष्ठिर के साथी कैस्पियन सागर के किनारे तक पहुंच जाते हैं।वे यौधेय ही धेय, धे और यूनानी लेखकों की भाषा में (Dahae) ढे और ढहाये हैं। कुछ लोग ऐसे ही जेन्थोई कहने लगे। यह शब्द जाट यौधेय का अपभ्रंश है, जो केवल भाषा भेद से जेन्थोई हो गया है। इन ढे लोगों को लेकर ही स्ट्रेबो और हेरोडोटस आदि ने भारतीय जाटों को विदेशी समझा है। इस्लाम के जोर के समय इनका एक समूह है भारत में आकर फिर आबाद हो गया जो आजकल ढे नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। यौधेयों का एक समूह आरंभ में पंजाब में ही रह गया था जो आजकल जोहिया कहलाता है।
शिविओं का एक समूह उद्यान को छोड़कर चीन की पूर्वी हद पर पहुंच गया, जो वहां की भाषा में श्यूची कहलाने लगा। कुशान लोग ही श्यूची (शिविची) लोगों की एक शाखा थे जो कि तुर्क देश में बसने के कारण तुरक नाम से भी याद किए हैं। वास्तव में यह वैसे ही तुरक थे जैसे मुंबई के रहने वाले पारसी, हिंदुस्तानी हैं। अर्थात रक्त से तुरक नहीं थे हालांकि पुराणों के कथनानुसार तुरक (तुरुष्क) यदुवंशी की संतान हैं।
[पृ.150]: ईसा की पहली शताब्दी में फिर ये भारत में आ गए और पुरुषपुर अथवा पेशावर को अपनी राजधानी बनाया।
यदुवंश में एक गज हुआ है। जैन पुराणों के अनुसार गज कृष्ण का ही पुत्र था। उसके साथियों ने गजनी को आबाद किया। भाटी, गढ़वाल, कुहाड़, मान, दलाल वगैरह जाटों के कई खानदान गढ गजनी से लौटे हुए हैं।
Geographic distribution
The Joiyas are at present found in the states of Indian Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan in India. And in Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Multan and Sahiwal in Pakistan side of Punjab and in Sindh province of Pakistan. Joiyas are considered a Punjabi tribe in Pakistan. Joiyas are known as Joyo in the province of Sindh in Pakistan.
Yaudheya or Joiya are Hindus and Muslims.
Joiya Septs
The Joiyas septs are very numurous, 46 being enumerated as principal septs alone. Of these the more important are the Lakhweras, Bhaderas, Daultanas, Nihalkas, Ghazi Khananas and Jalwanas, their ancestor having been designated Naik-o-Kar Bhai or the Virtous Brothers, by Abdullah Jahanian, a muslim saint. Most of the Joiya septs are eponymous, their names ending in -ka and sometimes in -era.
The other principal septs are Akoke, Bhalana, Bhatti, Firozke, Hassanke, Jamlera, Jhagdeke, Jugeke, Lakhuke, Langahke, Laleke, Mihruke, Mummunke, Panjera, Ranuke, Sabuke, Sanatheke, Shahbake, Sahuka and Saldera.
In Mahabharata
Yaudheya (यौधेय) are mentioned in Mahabharata (I.90.83), (II.48.13),(VIII.4.46),
Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 90 gives us History and family tree of Puru, Bharatas and Pandavas commencing from Daksha. Yaudheya is mentioned in verse (I.95.83), which tells us that Yudhishthira, having obtained for his wife Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Shaibya tribe, in a self-choice ceremony, begat upon her a son named Yaudheya. {Yudhishthira → Prativindhya + Yaudheya (from wife Devika d/o Govasana of the Shaibya tribe)} [71]
Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 48 describes the Kings who presented tributes to Yudhishthira. Yaudheyas are mentioned in verse (II.48.13). [72]
Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 4 tells us about the Warriors who are dead amongst the Kurus and the Pandavas after ten days. Yaudheyas have been mentioned in verse (VIII.4.46). ...."Kaikeyas, Malavas, Madrakas, Dravidas of fierce prowess, Yaudheyas, Lalittyas, Kshudrakas, Mavellakas, Usinaras, have all been slain by Savyasachi." [73]
Also See
- ↑ Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria), The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Jat-Its variants,pp.345
- ↑ Mukerji, AB.; op.cit., p. 39.
- ↑ Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria), The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/Jat-Its variants,pp.345
- ↑ Mukerji, AB.; op.cit., p. 39.
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ज-43
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. य-6
- ↑ O.S.Tugania:Jat Samuday ke Pramukh Adhar Bindu,p.57,s.n. 2104
- ↑ Mahendra Singh Arya et al: Adhunik Jat Itihas, p. 277
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, p.341
- ↑ The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations, p. 245
- ↑ Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 95:Mahabharata (1.95.83) युधिष्ठिरस तु गॊवासनस्य शैब्यस्य देविकां नाम कन्यां सवयंवरे लेभे । तस्यां पुत्रं जनयाम आस यौधेयं नाम
- ↑ Dilip Singh Ahlawat: Jat viron ka Itihas
- ↑ The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/The Scythic origin of the Jats,p.192
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV (Page 341)
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.77, 445, 449
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.87, 89
- ↑ Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Appendices/Appendix II,p.322
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.500
- ↑ India as Known to Panini,p.426
- ↑ V S Agarwal, India as Known to Panini,p.431
- ↑ V S Agarwal, India as Known to Panini,p.431
- ↑ V S Agarwal, India as Known to Panini,p.434-436
- ↑ V S Agarwal, India as Known to Panini,p.445
- ↑ V. S. Agrawala: India as Known to Panini, 1953, p.449
- ↑ “Yaudheyas.” Ancient Communities of the Himalaya, by Dinesh Prasad. Saklani, Indus Pub. Co., 1998, pp. 112–115.
- ↑ Pargiter, F.E. Ancient Indian Historical Tradition Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1972 pp.109
- ↑ [http://projectsouthasia.sdstate.edu/Docs/HISTORY/PRIMARYDOCS/EPIGRAPHY/JunagadhRockInscription.htm Junagadh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman I, accessed on 23 March 2007.
- ↑ Rosenfield, "The dynastic art of the Kushans", p132
- ↑ Rapson, "A catalogue of the Indian coins in the British Museum", p.lx
- ↑ Source
- ↑ Allahabad Posthumous Stone Pillar Inscription of Samudragupta, accessed on 23 Marah, 2007.
- ↑ Allan, John A Catalogue of the Indian Coins in the British Museum (Ancient India), London, 1936, Pl. XXXIX.22
- ↑ Dr Pema Ram:Rajasthan Ke Jaton Ka Itihas, First Edition 2010, ISBN:81-86103-96-1,p.14
- ↑ History of the Jats/Chapter IV,p. 49-50
- ↑ History of the Jats/Chapter IV ,p. 58
- ↑ Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V, p. 108-109
- ↑ Buddha Prakash: Evolution of Heroic Tradition in Ancient Panjab, X. The Struggle with the Yavanas, Sakas and Kushanas, p.104-109
- ↑ Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/The Antiquity of the Jats,p.300-301
- ↑ Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions/Tribes,pp.171-175
- ↑ The Jats:Their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations/The migrations of the Jats to the North-Western countries,pp.245-246
- ↑ Dr.D.G. Sidharth, B.M. Birla Science Centre, Research Report, Aug., 1991, pp. 1-5. Cf. Ali Sami, Shiraz, Musavi Printing Office, Shiraz, 1958, p.12.
- ↑ Kephart, op.cit., p. 244.
- ↑ Deshpande & Hook, op.cit., p. 104. cf. also Zohary, Daniel; 1969
- ↑ Pol. & Sac Movts. in Anc. Pb. p. 105. Cf. R.N. Frye, Heritage of Persia. 1962. London, p. 50; N Adontz, Histoire d 'Armenia, les origines. p. 308). q. by Buddha Prakash. op.cit., p. 105.
- ↑ Op.cit.. pp. 2. 211. 30. etc. etc.
- ↑ Cunningham , A. Coins of Ancient India, London, 1891,pp. 75-76
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya: Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Appendices/Appendix II,p.331
- ↑ Brahma Purana, Ch. 13
- ↑ Harivansha, Ch. 32
- ↑ Mahabharata ch. 95, 76
- ↑ Maheswari Prasad, “Jats in Ancient India”:The Jats, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Vol.I, p. 23
- ↑ Maheswari Prasad, “Jats in Ancient India”:The Jats, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Vol.I, p. 23
- ↑ A.S. Atlekar and R.C. Majumdar, The Vakataka Gupta Age, p.27
- ↑ Maheswari Prasad, “Jats in Ancient India”:The Jats, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Vol.I, p. 25
- ↑ Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India,p. 276-277
- ↑ Book VII , ch. 68)( Pakhtoons)
- ↑ The Heritage of Persia, 1962, p.50
- ↑ Bhim Singh Dahiya, Jats the Ancient Rulers ( A clan study), p. 276-277
- ↑ Mahabharata, Crit.ed. II, 296
- ↑ Mahabharata, Crit.ed. II. 48.13cd., 14ab
- ↑ Maheswari Prasad, “Jats in Ancient India”:The Jats, Ed. Dr Vir Singh, Vol.I, p. 25
- ↑ जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृ.-199
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.772-773
- ↑ Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Pancham Parichhed,p.102-105
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter IV, p. 341
- ↑ जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृ.197-199
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter V, p.502-503)
- ↑ जाट वीरों का इतिहास: दलीप सिंह अहलावत, पृष्ठ.243-244
- ↑ 1. वसाति क्षत्रिय महाभारत युद्ध में कौरवों की तरफ से लड़े थे। (द्रोण पर्व व भीष्म पर्व 51वां अध्याय)।
- ↑ Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihas (Utpatti Aur Gaurav Khand)/Navam Parichhed,pp.147-150
- ↑ [Yudhishthira|युधिष्ठिरस]] तु गॊवासनस्य शैब्यस्य देविकां नाम कन्यां सवयंवरे लेभे, तस्यां पुत्रं जनयाम आस यौधेयं नाम (I.90.83)
- ↑ काश्मीराः कुन्दमानाश च पौरका हंसकायनाः, शिबित्रिगर्तयौधेया राजन्या मद्रकेकयाः (II.48.13)
- ↑ मालवा मद्रकाश चैव द्रविडाश चॊग्रविक्रमाः, यौधेयाश च ललित्दाश च क्षुद्रकाश चाप्य उशीनराः (VIII.4.46)
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