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Godara (गोदारा)[1] Godra (गोदरा) Gudara (गुदारा)[2] is a Clan or Gotra of Jats found in Rajasthan,[3] Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Delhi. Found in Pakistan. They were were supporters of the Gahlot Confederacy.


  • They became well known as Godara due to being inhabited sometime on the banks of river Godawari. The Prince of Mewar was adopted by Gohit vansh, which made them Godara. They were the rulers in Jangladesh. [5]


Ram Swarup Joon[6] writes that Godaras are the descendants of Goha Dutta, a prince of the Mewar dynasty who was adopted by a Brahmin to fight against the Mohala Rajputs and his descendants come to be called Godara. They are found in large number numbers in Bikaner State. Chieftains of Sheiksar and Radanvan belong to this gotra. Bika Rathor was made a King by the people of this very gotra.

Rajatarangini[7] mentions that after the death of Khagendra's son Surendra, one named Godhara, born of a different family, became king of Kashmir. He gave away the village of Hastishala to Brahmanas. According to Rajatarangini[8] Gonanda III was ruler of Kashmir in 1182 BC. Godhara was the king of Kashmir about 10 generations back so his period may be calculated about 1432 BC (@ 25 years for each generation).

Bhim Singh Dahiya writes about an important inscription of a scion of Ghuman clan, which requires special mention. This is the Manikiala silver plate inscription of Gomana Karavaka. Here the person named Karavaka is definitely from the Gomana or Ghumana clan. [9] Pargiter compares the name Gomana with Godhara and Gonanda. Both these are clan names, nowadays called Godara and Gondal, respectively. Similarly Goman is also a clan name. The fact that the clan name comes before the personal name is not of any significance because this was the practice in those days. The Gusur Simhabala and Saka Moda of the inscription have the clan name or the tribal name before the personal name. [10]

Earlier Godaras were in Central Asia and then they migrated to northern salt-range Punjab region in India. At the time of Alexander's invasion in Punjab in 326 B.C. they fought with Alexander the Great. Later Godaras along with Sihag,Punia,Saran,Beniwal and Johiya migrated to north Rajasthan region known as Jangladesh and ruled there till 15th century .

Godara Jats were the rulers in Jangladesh before Rathores annexed it. Rathores under the leadership of Bika were spreading their rule in Jangladesh. At that time Godara Jats were ruling in about 700 villages in Jangladesh. Pandu was the patriarchal head of the Godaras; his residence was at Shekhsar. The important towns in their territory were: Pundrasar, Gusainsar Bada, Shekhsar, Gharsisar, Garibdesar, Rungaysar, Kaloo etc. The people of this clan were known as great and ambitious warriors.

In samvat 1515 (1459 AD) Jodha Rathore transferred the seat of government from Mandor to Jodhpur. His son Bika, under the guidance of his uncle Kandul, led three hundred of the sons of Seoji to enlarge the boundaries of Rathore dominion amidst the sands of Maroo. Bika was stimulated to the attempt by the success of his brother Bida, who had recently subjugated the territory inhabited by the Mohils for ages. Bika, with his band of three hundred, fell upon the Sanklas of Jangladesh whom they massacred.

Bika now approximated to the settlements of the Jats, who had for ages been established in these arid abodes; and as the lands they held form a considerable portion of the state of Bikaner.

The Jats and Johiyas of these regions, who extended overall the northern desert even to the Garah, led a pastoral life, their wealth consisting in their cattle, which they reared in great numbers, disposing of the superfluity, and of the ghee and wool, through the medium of Sarasvat Brahmins (who, in these regions, devote themselves to traffic), receiving in return grain and other conveniences or necessaries of life.

H.A. Rose[11] writes that Godara is a prosperous clan of Jats, of the Shivagotri group, found in Hissar, where it owns large areas in Sirsa and Fatehabad tahsils. They trace their descent from Nimbuji, who founded a village near Bikaner, and say that as they could not agree upon one of their own clan as chieftain they asked the Raja of Jodhpur to give them one of his younger sons as their ruler, so he gave them Bika in whose honour Bikaner was founded. To this day, it is said, the raj-tilak is marked on the forehead of a new Raja of Bikaner by a Godara Jat, and not by the family priest.

Evidence compiled by Nainsi on the clans of the Jats and their original homes and migration there from to different places in Merta in Nagaur are of Immense importance. It is one of the prominent immigrant clans who came to Merta.

Villages founded by Godara clan

  1. Baytoo in Barmer district in Rajasthan
  2. Gudha Malani in Barmer district in Rajasthan
  3. Chohtan in Barmer district in Rajasthan
  4. Pachpadra in Barmer district in Rajasthan
  5. Sanchore in Jalor district in Rajasthan.
  6. Kheenvsar in Nagaur district in Rajasthan

Migration of Godara's

Traditionally Jats consider their origin from the far northwest and claimed ancient Garh Gajni (modernday area between Ghajni, Afghanistan to Rawalpindi, Pakistan) as their original abode.[13] Persian chronicler Firishta strengthened this view and informs us that Jats were originally living near the river of the Koh-i-Jud (Salt Range) in northwest Punjab.[14] The Jats then occupied the Indus valley and settled themselves on both the banks of the Indus River.

By the fourth century region of Multan was under their control.[15] Then they rose to the sovereign power and their ruler Jit Salindra, who promoted the renown of his race, started the Jat colonisation in Punjab and fortified the town Salpur/Sorpur, near Multan.[16]By the end of seventh century, Jats were thickly populated in Deybal region.[17]Their main population was settled in the lower Sindh.The Chachnama stratified these large population of Jats, as 'the western Jats' (Jatan-i-Gharbi) and 'the eastern Jats' (Jatan-i-Sharqi), [18] living on the eastern and western side of the Indus River. The chronicler s further classified them as 'The Jats living on the banks of the rivers (Lab-i-Daryayi) [19] and the Jats living in plain, desert (Jatan-i-Dashti); and 'the rustic Jats' (rusta'i Jat) living in villages.[20]As Jataki, the peculiar dialect of the Jats, also proves that the Jats must have come from the NW Punjab and from other districts (e.g. Multan) dependent upon the great country of the Five rivers.[21]

By the end of fifth and the beginning of the sixth century, Godara's and Jat's southward migration, second in line, took place and they reached Kota in Rajasthan, probably via Bikaner regions. From Kota they migrated further east and established their rule at Malwa under the rule of Salichandra, son of Vira Chandra. Salichandra erected a minster (mindra) on banks of the river Taveli in Malwa.[22] Probably after their defeat by Sultan Mahmud in 1027 AD, and later hard pressed by the Ghaznavi Turkish Commander, the Jats of Sind again migrated to Rajasthan and settled themselves in Bundi regions.[23] The second inscription found at Bundi probably dates from circa samvat 1191 (1135 AD) possibly refers to the Jats as opponents of the Parmara rulers of Rajasthan.[24]

When Muhammad bin Qasim attacked Dahlilah, a fortified town in between Roar and Brahmanabad, most of the inhabitants (the Jats) had abandoned the place and migrated to Rajasthan via desert and took shelter in the country of Siru (modern Sirohi distict) which was then ruled by King Deva Raj, a cousin of Rai Dahir.[25]

However, the third migration took place in early eighth century, Godara's and Jats of lower Sind migrated to Rajasthan, probably via Barmer regions to Bikaner, Ganganagar and Hanumangarh. By the twelfth century, the Jats settled in western Punjab, as the native poet Abul Farj Runi mentions them along with the Afghans.[26] Meanwhile, they also extended their abode in the eastern part of the Punjab (now Haryana to Sirsa and Hisar), as in the end of the twelfth century they resisted Qutb-ud-din Aybak in the region of Hansi.[27]

Sub divisions of Gahlot

Bhim Singh Dahiya[28] provides us list of Jat clans who were supporters of the Gahlot when they gained political ascendancy. The Godara clan supported the ascendant clan Gahlot and became part of a political confederacy.[29]

Godaras reconcile with Rathores

James Tod [30] writes that ....A variety of causes conspired to facilitate the formation of the state of Bikaner by Rathores, and the reduction of the ancient Scythic simplicity of the Jat communities to Rajpoot feudal sway. Although the success of his brother Bida over the Mohils in some degree paved the way, his bloodless conquest could never have happened but for the opresence of a vice which has dissolved all the republics of the world. The jealousy of the Johiyas and Godaras, the two most powerful of the six Jat cantons, was the immediate motive to the propitiation of the 'son of Joda' ; besides which, the communities found the band of Bida, which had extirpated the ancient Mohils when living with them in amity, most troublesome neighbours. Further, they were desirous to place between them and the Bhattis of Jaisalmer, a more powerful barrier ; and last, not least, they dreaded the hot valour and "thirst for land" which characterized Bika's retainers, now contiguous to them at Jangladesh. For these weighty reasons, at a meeting of the "elders" of the Godaras, it was resolved to conciliate the Rathore.[31]

The "elder" of Runiya was next in rank and estimation to Pandu Godara, in communities where equality was as absolute as the proprietary right to the lands which each individually held: that of pasture be common.

Conditions of Agreement with Godaras: The elders of Shekhsar and Runiya were deputed to enter into terms with the Rajput chief, and to invest him with supremacy over the community, on the following conditions :-

  • (1) To make common cause with them, against the Johiyas and other cantons, with whom they were then at variance.
  • (2) To guard the western frontier against the irruption of Bhattis.
  • (3) To hold the rights and privileges of the community inviolable.

On the fulfillment of these conditions, they relinquished to Bika and his descendants the supreme power over the Godaras; assigning to him, in perpetuity, the power to levy dhooa, or a "hearth tax" of

[p.161]: one rupee on each house in the canton, and a land tax of two rupees on each hundred beeghas of cultivated land within their limits.

Apprehensive, however, that Bika or his descendants might encroach upon their rights, they asked what security he could offer against such a contingency ? The Rajput chief replied that, in order to dissipate their fears on this head, as well as to perpetuate the remembrance of the supremacy thus voluntarily conferred, he would solemnly bind himself and his successors to receive the tika of inauguration from the hands of the descendants of the elders of Shekhsar and Runiya, and that the gadi (the chair) should be deemed vacant until such rite was administered.

To this day, the descendant of Pandu Godara applies the unguent of royalty to the forehead of the successors of Bika; on which occasion, the prince places "the fine of relief", consisting of twenty-five pieces of gold, in the hand of the Godara Jat.

Moreover, the spot which he selected for his capital, was the birthright of a Nehra Jat who would only concede it for this purpose on the condition that his name should be linked in perpetuity with its surrender. Nehra was the name of the proprietor, which Bika added to his own, thus composing that of the future capital, Bikaner.

Besides this periodical recognition of the transfer of power, on all lapses of the crown, there are annual memorials of the rights of the Godaras, acknowledged not only by the prince, but by all his Rajpoot vassal-kin, quartered on the lands of the Jat; and although ' the sons of Beeka,' now multiplied over the country, do not much respect the ancient compact, they at least recognise, in the maintenance of these formulae, the origin of their power.

[p.162]: On the spring and autumnal festivals of the Holi and Dewali, the heirs of the patriarchs of Shekhsar and Roneah give the tika to the prince and all his feudality.

The Jat of Runiya bears the silver cup and platter which holds the ampoule of the desert, while his compeer applies it to the prince's forehead. The Raja in return deposits a nuzzerana of a gold mohur, and five pieces of silver ; the chieftains, according to their rank, following his example. The gold is taken by the Shekhsar Jat, the silver by the elder of Runiya.

Table of Jat republics in Jangladesh

Dr Karni Singh, a well known political personality and author, records that Jats had established powerful governments in north India. Prior to 1488 Jats had seven Janapadas of Godara, Saran, Sihag, Beniwal, Puniya, Johiya in desert region of Bikaner. Following are the main clans and their heads with capital and number of villages in each territory. [32], [33]

S.No. Name of janapada Name of chieftain No. of villages Capital Names of districts
1. Punia Kanha Punia 300 Jhansal[34]/Luddi[35] Bhadra, Ajitpura, Sidhmukh, Rajgarh, Dadrewa, Sankhoo
2. Beniwal Raisal Beniwal 150 Raisalana Bhukarkho, Sanduri, Manoharpur, Kooi, Bae
3. Johiya Sher Singh Johiya 600 Bhurupal Jaitpur, Kumana, Mahajan, Peepasar, Udasar
4. Sihag Chokha Singh Sihag 150 Suin/Pallu Rawatsar, Biramsar, Dandusar, Gandaisi
5. Saharan Pula Saran 300 Bhadang Khejra, Phog, Buchawas, Sui, Bandhnau, Sirsala
6. Godara Pandu Godara 700 Shekhsar Shekhsar, Pundrasar, Gusainsar Bada, Gharsisar, Garibdesar, Rungaysar, Kalu

It is thus clear that out of 2670 villages in the Jangladesh, 2200 villages were under the rule of Jats. Each canton bore the name of the community, and was subdivided into districts.


पंडित अमीचन्द्र शर्मा[36] ने लिखा है -गुदारा जाटों ने गहलोत संघ का समर्थन किया । गुदारा गोत्र के जाटों का निकास जैसलमर है।

बुरड़क गोत्र से सम्बन्ध

बुरड़क गोत्र से सम्बन्ध का उल्लेख बुरडक के बडवा की बही से 11 वीं शदी में मिलता है. ददरेवा के राव बुरडकदेव (b. - d.1000 ई.) के तीन बेटे समुद्रपाल, दरपाल तथा विजयपाल हुए. राव बुरडकदेव महमूद ग़ज़नवी के आक्रमणों के विरुद्ध राजा जयपाल की मदद के लिए लाहोर गए. वहां लड़ाई में संवत 1057 (1000 ई.) को वे जुझार हुए. इनकी पत्नी तेजल शेकवाल ददरेवा में तालाब के पाल पर संवत 1058 (1001 ई.) में सती हुई. राव बुरडकदेव से बुरडक गोत्र निकला.

राव बुरडकदेव के बड़े पुत्र समुद्रपाल के 2 पुत्र नरपाल एवं कुसुमपाल हुए. समुद्रपाल राजा जयपाल के पुत्र आनंदपाल की मदद के लिए 'वैहिंद' (पेशावर के निकट) गए और वहां पर जुझार हुए. संवत 1067 (1010 ई.) में इनकी पत्नी पुन्याणी साम्भर में सती हुई.

नरपाल के उदयसिंह और करणसिंह पुत्र हुए तथा पुत्री आभलदे हुई. आभलदे का विवाह संवत 1103 (1046 ई.) में रुनिया के गोदारा कर्मसिंह के साथ हुआ.

ठाकुर देशराज लिखते हैं

ठाकुर देशराज लिखते हैं कि भारत की स्वतंत्रता को नष्ट कराने में जिस भांति जयचन्द राठौर का नाम बदनाम है, उसी भांति जांगल प्रदेश के जाट-साम्राज्य को पांडु गोदारा ने नष्ट कराकर अपने नाम को जाटों के लिए अहितकारी सिद्ध कर दिया है। आज उसकी संतान के नौजवान इस बात के लिए पश्चाताप कर सकते हैं कि शासक-जाति के होते हुए भी शासित हैं। किन्तु इतिहास में सभी प्रकार की घटनाएं हमें मिलती हैं। पांडु को यह कुछ भी पता न था कि उनकी संतान के जो अधिकार इस समय सुरक्षित हो रहे हैं, वे भविष्य में नष्ट हो जाएंगे। इसमें कोई सन्देह नहीं, पांडु बड़ा बहादुर सरदार था। उसके गोदारे बांके योद्धा थे। जांगल-प्रदेश में सबसे अधिक राज्य गोदारों के ही पास थे। उनके अधिकार में 700 गांव थे। इसी एक बात से जाना जाता है कि वे प्रसिद्ध योद्धा और महत्वाकांक्षी थे। पांडु से एक गलती हो गई थी कि वह सारन पूला की स्त्री को ले गया। कहा ऐसा जाता है कि सारन पूला से पहले उस स्त्री की शादी पांडु से होने वाली थी। पांडु ने स्त्री को उठाकर गलती ही की। किन्तु सभी जाट राज्यों का उससे शत्रुता कर लेना उचित न था। एक ओर से मोहिल जाति गोदारों की शत्रु बनी हुई थी, दूसरी ओर से जैसलमेर के भाटी उन्हें हड़प जाना चाहते थे, तीसरी ओर स्वयं जाट उन्हें मिटाने पर तुले हुए थे और चौथी ओर से प्रबल राठौर आक्रांता आ रहे थे। ऐसी हालत में गोदारा क्या करते? आत्म-समर्पण के सिवाय उन्हें कोई चारा नहीं दिखाई दिया। उन्होंने राठौर के साथ जो संधि की थी, उसकी शर्तें मांडलिक राजों से कम नहीं हैं। मुन्शी ज्वालासहाय जी ने लिखा है - बीका के वंशजों ने उन शर्तों का पालन नहीं किया।1

गोदारों का वर्णन जो ‘वाकए राजपूताना’ में लिखा गया है, उसके कुछ अंश हम ज्यों के त्यों उद्धृत करते हैं-

“अपनी कदीम रियासत जोधपुर से आने के कुछ दिनों के बाद बीका 2470 गांव का मालिक हो गया। चूंकि इन दलों के लोगों ने उसे खुद मालिक स्वीकार

1. वाक-ए राजपूताना, जिल्द 3 ।

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठान्त-621

कर लिया था, यह स्वीकारी उसे विजय से अच्छी पड़ी। किन्तु तब से अब तक उनमें से आधे देहात बरबाद हो गए हैं। किन्तु सूरतसिंह के जमाने में तो आधे भी न रहे थे। इस देश के जाट और जोहिया उत्तरी देशों में गाढ़ा नदी तक फेले हुए थे। वे अपना निर्वाह प्रायः पशुपालन से करते थे। भेड़-बकरियों के ऊन और भैंसों-गांयों के घी को सारस्वत ब्राह्मणों के हाथ बेच देते थे। उस रुपये से आवश्यक वस्तु मंगा लेते थे। जाटों की प्राचीन सादगी रफा हो के राजपूतों के अधिकृत होने और राज्य बीकानेर के कायम होने में चन्द नगर अनुकूल हो गए थे। बीका के मोहिलों पर विजयी होने से उन्हें विजय करना सुगम हो गया था। किन्तु जाटों में वह फूट न होती जिसने दुनिया की प्रायः सल्तनतों को बर्बाद कर दिया है, तो सहज ही में बिना खून-खराबी के सफल न होता। जाटों के छः दलों में से उनके दो बड़े दलों - जोहिया और गोदारों में अनबन थी। इससे उन्होंने राजी से बीका की हुकूमत को स्वीकार कर लिया। दूसरे वे बीका की फौज के उस अत्याचार को देख चुके थे जो उसने मोहिलों पर विजय पाने के समय किए थे। तीसरे वे यह भी चाहते थे कि हमारे और जैसलमेर के बीच कोई सरहद कायम हो जाए।

गोदारों का सरदार पाण्डु जो सेखसर में रहता था और रूनियां का सरदार जो उससे दूसरे दर्जे पर था, गोदारा जाटों की सभा ने इन दोनों को बीका के पास अधीनता स्वीकार करने की बात तय करने को भेजा। उन्होंने बीका के सामने निम्न प्रस्ताव रखे-

  • 1. जोहिया आदि दीगर फिरकों के मुकाबले में हमारी मदद की जाये,
  • 2. पश्चिमी सीमा की हिफाजत रखें,
  • 3. हमारी जमात के अधिकार और लाभों में कोई हस्तक्षेप न किया जाये, अर्थात् सुरक्षित रखें।

‘भारत के देशी राज्य’ नामक इतिहास में लिखा है कि -

“बीका ने उक्त प्रस्ताव स्वीकारते हुए कहा था - ‘मैं’ तथा मेरे उत्तराधिकारी किसी भी समय तुम्हारे अधिकारों में हस्तक्षेप न करेंगे। और जब तक इस तरह राजतिलक न दिया जाएगा, तब तक राजसिंहासन सूना समझा जाएगा।”

मुन्शी ज्वालासहाय जी ‘वाकए-राजपूताना’ में आगे लिखते हैं -

'इस पर गोदारों ने अपने इलाके में महसूल धुआं फी घर एक रुपया और जोता जमीन फी सौ बीघे पर दो रुपया लगान वसूल करने का अधिकार बीका को दिया।

'इस पशुपालन गिरोह के इस तरह इन्तकाल आतअत करने से शौक आजादी जो आक्सस और जगजार्टिस के किनारे से हिन्दुस्तान के जंगल तक उनके साथ रहा, बखूबी अयां है और अगर्चे उनकी हुकूमत मालिकाना बिलकुल चली गई है लेकिन उनका राजपूत आकाए, उनके नामुमकिन उल-इन्तकाल वापोती यानी

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठान्त-622

हुकूक मौरुसी पर दस्तन्दाजी करना चाहें तो अब भी खूरेजी पर मुस्तैद हैं।1

गौदारों की अनबन से बीका को बिना लड़ाई-झगड़ा किए भू-भाग व हुकूमत मिल गई। ऐसा बहुत कम होता है और कुछ एक रस्में जो बतौर यादगार तरज हसूल हुकूमत मालिकाना कदमि वाशिन्दगान मुल्क से कुल हिन्दुस्तान के राजपूतों में जारी है असलियत की जानकारी के लिए बड़े काम की है। फर्मान रवायां मेवाड़ का मुल्क के कदीम वाशिन्दगान यानी भीलों से तिलक कराना आमेर में खजाने व किलआत का मैनों की हिफाजत व अहतमाम में रहना। कोटा-बूंदी का मदीक मालिकान हाडौती के नाम से मासूम होना और औलाद बीका का जाटों से टीका कराना ऐसी रस्में हैं कि उनके सबब से कदीम मालिकान सर जमीन के हकूक और तर्ज हसूल रियासत फर्मान वालिया हाल सहू नहीं हो सकते। आज तक दस्तूर जारी है कि बीका की औलाद में से कोई तख्तनशीन होता है तो पांडु खानदान का कोई शख्स उसके राजतिलक करता है। उस जाट को राज पच्चीस अशर्फियां देता है। अलावा इसके जिस जमीन को बीका ने अपनी राजधानी बनाने के लिए पसन्द किया था, वह एक जाट की मुल्क-मौरूसी थी। उसने भी दावा किया कि शहर के नाम के साथ मेरा नाम भी शामिल किया जाये। उसका नाम नेरा था, इसलिए बीका और नेरा के नाम से शहर का नाम बीकानेर रखा गया। दवामी यादगार मिल्कित के सिवा शेखसर और रूनियां के जमींदार होली और दशहरा पर रईस और उसके सरदारों के टीका करते हैं। रूनियां का सरदार अपने हाथ में नकरई तस्त व प्याला लेता है और शेखसर वाला रईस की पेशानी पर तिलक करता है। रईस इनको एक अशर्फी और पांच रुपये पेश करता है। अशर्फी शेखसर वाला ले लेता है और रुपये रूनियां वाले के पास रहते हैं। अन्य सरदार भी इसी तरह अपनी-अपनी हैसियत के अनुसार नजर करते हैं।”

ऊपर के वर्णन से मालूम होता है कि गोदारों की जो सन्धि बीकाजी के साथ हुई थी, वह सम्मानपूर्ण थी। उसमें यह कहीं भी जाहिर नहीं होता कि उन्होंने अपनी स्वाधीनता खो दी थी। यह ठीक है कि पीछे से शनैः-शनै उनकी स्वाधीनता नष्ट हो गई। कई इतिहासकारों ने राठौरों को इसके लिए दोष दिया है कि उन्होंने यह अच्छा नहीं किया कि अपने सहायक गोदारों की स्वतन्त्रता नष्ट कर दी, उन्हें ठिकानेदारों के रूप में भी नहीं रहने दिया। कुछ लोगों की ऐसी भी शिकायत है, किन्तु हम इस बात के लिए राठौर शासकों एवं बीकाजी के वंशजों को तनिक भी दोष देना उचित नहीं समझते। राजनीति में ऐसा होता है। यदि हमें भी राठौरों जैसा अवसर प्राप्त होता तो हम भी उनके साथ यही व्यवहार करते।

1. ये शब्द हमारे नहीं. 'वाकए राजपूताना' जिल्द में मुंशी ज्वालासहयजी ऐसा ही लिखा है. (लेखक)

जाट इतिहास:ठाकुर देशराज,पृष्ठान्त-623

ठाकुर देशराज[37] ने लिखा है .... भरतपुर-जयपुर रोड पर हलेना के पूर्व की ओर अजरौदा गोधारा जाटों का एक पुराना मशहूर गाँव है। गाँव की नींव सन् 1590 ई. में पड़ी थी। राया से चलकर आए कुछ लोगों ने इसे आबाद किया। आबाद करने वालों का सरदार कुवेर गोधारा था।

Distribution in Delhi

Dhool Siras, Bharthal,

Distribution in Uttar Pradesh

Villages in Hapur district

Godara Sikh Jats live in :

Bachhrota, Chhapkauli,

Villages in Meerut district

Alamgirpur Badhla, Nangli Kithod

Distribution in Gujarat

Villages in Banas Kantha district


Distribution in Rajasthan

Locations in Jaipur city

22 Godam, Ambabari, Anaj Mandi, Barkat Nagar, Bhagwati Nagar, C-Scheme, Gandhi Nagar, Ganpati Nagar, Gopalpura Bypass, Hanuman Nagar, Jawahar Nagar, Jhotwara, Khatipura, Malviy Nagar, Mansarowar Colony, Nemi Nagar, Officers Campus, Queens Road, Shastri Nagar, Shyam Nagar, Sindhi Camp, Sodala, Station Road, Tonk Road, Vaishali Nagar, BMIT

Villages in Jaipur district

Godara Jats live in villages: Birampura Pipala (4), Renwal (1), Sadarampura (3), Jaganavtali (1),

Godawara Jats live in villages: Garudwasi (1),

Godhara Jats live in villages: Mohanpura (2), Hirnoda (2),

Villages in Sikar district

Alakhpura Godaran, Banthod, Bhojasar Bara, Bhookhron Ka Bas, Bidasar, Birania, Birodi Badi, Chuwas, Dadhia, Daulatpura Sikar, Dhandhan (20), Dinarpura, Jaleu, Kandlau, Kanwarpura Srimadhopur (1), Katrathal, Losal, Manasiya, Mandawara Sikar, Mandiwal Ki Dhani, Mardatu Bari, Nabipura, Sikar, Sujanpura, Sutod (Ganeri), Thethalia,

Villages in Churu district

Abasar[38], Baghsara, Bhalau Teeba, Bhanin, Bharang, Bidasar, Chhabari Mithi, Chadwas, Chhajusar Churu (5), Chhapar Churu (11), Dhadheru Godaran, Dhani DSPura, Dhani Meghsar, Dheerwas Bara, Dulchasar, Girwarsar, Haripura Taranagar, Kalwas, Kanuta, Karansar, Lalgarh, Lambor Chhoti, Lodsar, Malasar Sujangarh, Meethadi, Mundra, Paharsar (50), Raiya Tunda, Rajalwara, Ratnadesar (2), Rewasi, Sahwa, Sangasar, Sardarshahar, Sujangarh (87), Suratpura, Toliyasar, Udsar, Untalad,

Villages in Jhunjhunu district

Ajari Kalan, Bhorki, Bhurasar, Godaron Ka Bas (Singnor), Godara Ki Dhani, Kari,


Villages in Jodhpur district

Anwana, Baithwasiya, Bana Ka Bas, Banar Jodhpur, Baori, Barliya, Basni Harisingh, Bawarli, Bhundana, Bijariya Bavri (20), Boranara, Boyal, Buch Kalan, Chicharli, Dabri Jodhpur, Gagari, Godaron Ki Dhani (Salwan Kalan), Gujaron Ka Bas, Jagalwas, Jajiwal Godara, Jodhpur, Khabra Khurd Osian, Khangata (1), Khara Bera, Kharapar, Khatiyasani, Khinchan, Lohawat Jatahwas, Loradi, Mailana (60), Malawas Bilada, Mandor, Masooriya, Mathaniya, Merasiya, Nagalwas, Nandara Kalan, Nandiya Khurd, Nandwan, Nokhra Godara, Ostaran, Padasla, Palasani, Poonasar, Purkhawas, Raikoriya, Raimalwara, Rajlani (70), Rudiya, Salwa Kalla, Shaitan Singh Nagar, Sirmandi, Sopra, Sramikpura, Tena,

Villages in Hanumangarh district

3 Rwd, 34 ndr, 654 rd, Alayki, Bhadra, Bhagwan, Bhairusari, Bhakranwali, Bharwana, Bhojasar, Bhompura, Bhukarka, Bolanwali, Chahuwali, Chaiya, Chak 34 RWD (Rawatsar), Chhani Badi, Dabli Kalan, Deeplana, Deidas, Dhaban, Dingarh, Dudali, Dulmana, Shri Dungar Singh Pura, Fatehgarh Hanumangarh, Fefana, Ghamoorwali, Gogamedi, Hanumangarh, Indrapura Hanumangarh, Jakharanwali, Jogiwala, Jorkian, Khat Jalu, Kikarawali, Khotanwali, Kishanpura Utradha, Kulchander Lilanwali, Makkasar, Maliya Nohar, Mallkhera, Maujgarh, Meharwala Hanumangarh, Mirjawali Mair, Mohan Magaria, Morjanda Khari, Moter, Nagrana, Nathwana, Nethrana, Nimla, Nukera, Pacca Saharana, Panditanwali, Phephana, Pichkarain, Pilibanga, Ramgarh, Ramgarh Ujjalwas, Rampura Urf Ramsara, Ratanpura, Ratna Desar, Ratnisar Mahajan, Rohiran wali, Rorawali, Saharani, Saliwala, Silwala Kalan, Silwala Khurd, Sangaria, Shivdanpura, Thalarka, Udasar Bara,

Villages in Sri Ganganagar district

22 ndr, Amarpura Jatan, Ganganagar, Ghamudwali, Lalgarh, Maler, Mandera, Mirjewala, Padampur, Pakka Bhadwan, Purani Abadi, Sadhuwali, Sardarpura Jiwan, Sherekan, Udaipur Godaran,

Villages in Nagaur district

Ajawa, Akora, Alay, Anwaliyasar, Banwarla, Barayli, Barnel (Parbatsar), Beetan, Bherwas, Bhomasar, Bidiyad, Birloka, Borawar, Borwa, Bugarda, Degana Ganw, Deh, Derwa, Dhehari, Dhundhiyari, Gigaliya, Jakhli, Jatawas, Jogalsar, Kalri, Kameriya, Khabariyana, Kharnal (20), Kherat, Khinyala, Kuchera, Ladwa Merta (4), Lalawas, Langod, Luniyas, Maharana, Mandal Jodha, Mandookara, Manglod, Manjhwas, Meharana, Morra, Narwa Kalan, Nimbari Kalan, Nimbi Jodhan, Palri Kalan, Papasani, Parasiya ki Dhani, Raidhanu, Raliyawata, Ramgarh Nagaur, Rawaliyawas, Reengan, Rooniya, Sabalpur, Sardarpura Kalan, Sarunda, Satheran, Sindhlas, Sunari, Teewli, Thalanjoo, Udrasar Nagaur (9), Untwaliya,

Villages in Bikaner district

Akkhasar, Arjunsar Station, Barsingsar, Bikaner, Chandesara, Dantaur, Dhani Pandusar, Dusarna, Gharsana, Jasrasar Bikaner, Kapoorisar, Kesar Desar Jatan, Khajuwala, Kolayat, Kuchor Athooni, Malasar, Migsariya, Mohkampura, Molaniya, Momasar, Nakodesar, Napasar, Narsinhsar, Nokhagaon (200), Palana, Panchoo, Ramnagar, Raner (t.Chhatargarh), Runiya Barawas, Satasar, Serera (Udasar), Shekhsar, Soniyasar Godaran, Surnana, Takhatpura, Tejpura, Thawariya, Udarasar (Village of Godara), Unchaira, Upana,

Villages in Barmer district

Aakli, Aalpura, Aasupura, Adarsh Jogasar, Adel Panji, Balau Jati, Baldevnagar, Balewa[39], Balotra, Barmer, Bataru, Baytu, Beriwala Tala (बेरीवाला तला), Bhadrai, Bhatala, Bheemra, Bhimarlai (भीमरलाई), Bhiyad, Bhurtiya, Bijrar, Bor Charnan, Borwa Barmer, Chabawas, Chak Gudha, Chandesara, Chaukriya Ki Dhani, Chawa, Chiriya[40] Daboi, Dakhan (2), Dharasar, Gangavas, Garal (4), Gira, Godaraon Ki Dhani, Godaro Ki Dhani, Godaron Ka Sara, Godaron Ka Tala (Chohtan tahsil), Godaron Ka Tala (t.Gudha Malani), Godaron Ki Basti, Godaron Ki Beri (t.Gudha Malani), Godaron Ki Beri (t.Gudha Malani), Godaron ki Dhani (Dharasar), Godaron Ki Dhani (Baytu tahsil), Godaron Ki Dhani (Chohtan tahsil), Godaron Ki Dhani (t.Gudha Malani), Godaron Ki Dhani (t.Pachpadra), Godaron Ki Dhani, Heera Ki Dhani, Jaydoo, Kalewa, Kanor, Kawas, Kharapar, Khipali Kheda, Khokhsar, Khudasa (20), Koloo, Korna, Kothala, Ladhaniyon Ki Dhani, Lakhoni Godaron Ki Dhani, Lilala, Lilsar, Madhasar, Madpura Barwala, Mandrooponiyon Ki Dhani, Mekarna, Mokhab Khurd, Nagar (t.Gudha Malani), Naukh, Nimboniyon Ki Dhani[41], Nokhra (20), Pabubera[42], Panawara, Patasar, Patiyal, Pooniyon Ka Tala, Rateu, Rawatsar Barmer, Redana, Relon Ki Beri, Roopji Rajaberi, Sahar, Santara (सणतरा), Sarla Barmer, Sarli, Sawau Moolraj Baytu, Sawau, Udasar Barmer, Utarlai (Kawas),

Villages in Pali district

Kekindara (3), Pali,

Villages in Jalore district

Mirpur Kheda, Godaron Ki Dhani (Hanumanji Ka Sthan) (t.Sanchore), Lalji Ki Dungari,

Villages in Jaisalmer district

Bhiyan, Bhaniyana, Jaisalmer,

Villages in Bhilwara district

Bhilwara, Kotri Bhadwon Ki,

Villages in Baran district


Villages in Tonk district

Bhurali (4), Bhairupura (3), Hajipura (9), Raghunathpura Parli (2), Rindalya Rampura (1), Sursanagar (10), Thada Nimeda (1), Bardla ,

Villages in Alwar district

Baghana (50),

Distribution in Haryana

Villages in Sirsa district

Anandgarh, Asa khera (आसा खेडा), Chadiwal, Chautala, Darba Kalan, Dholpalia Dudhianwali, Ellenabad, Fatehpuria, Gudia Khera, Jamal, Jodhkan Jodhpuria, Kaluana, Khai Shergarh, Khari Sureran, Kheowali, Kheri Sirsa, Kishanpura Ludesar, Madho Singhana, Mameran Kalan, Nathore, Neemla, Nezia Khera, Rohiran wali, Sahuwala, Sherpura, Sultanpuria, Teja Khera,

Villages in Fatehabad district

Bhattu Kalan, Kirdhan, Pili Mandori,

Villages in Hisar district

Agroha, Chaudhriwas, Jakhod Khera, Kaimri, Kharkari, Kharia Dhobi, Umra,

Villages in Jhajjar district

Girawar, Surakhpur,

Villages in Bhiwani district

Mai Kalan,

Distribution in Punjab

Godara Jats have a population of 2,190 in Patiala district.[43] Other villages with Godaras are;

Villages in Patiala district

Villages in Firozepur district

Bhagsar, Daulatpura, Hiranwali. Kandhwala Amarkot, Karmgarh, Kheowali Dhab, New Siwana, Roherianwali, Dingawali

Villages in Muktsar district


Villages in Firozpur district

Kular Firozpur,

Villages in Hoshiarpur district


Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Godara Jats are found in Bhopal, Nimach, Dewas, Ratlam and Mandsaur districts in Madhya Pradesh.

Villages in Mandsaur district

Betikheri, Bhilyakheri, Ghatawda, Handari, Kacharia Jat, Laduna (Sitamau), Narayangarh (Malhargarh), Nataram (Sitamau), Pipalkhuta, Rajnagar (Sitamau), Ralayta (Haidra Mata), Ralayta (Multanpura), Ranayra (Sitamau),

Villages in Nimach district

Fatehnagar (2), Pipalyavyas (1), Ganeshpura (1), Luharia Jat (1), Khadawda (10), Nagpura (2), Pawti (2),

Villages in Dewas district

Bangar Dewas, Barwaikheda, Bordha, Deola, Gola Guthan,

Villages in Ratlam district

Villages in Ratlam district with population of this gotra are:

Berchha 1, Bilpank 1, Damottar 2, Dantodiya 1, Delanpur 2, Dhamottar 2, Dhaturiya 1, Dheekwa 14, Dodiana 2, Ghatwas 2, Gunawad 1, Jawra 4, Jharsandala 2, Kalori khurd 2, Kanchan khedi 18, Kanser 4, Madhopura 1, Mundari 2, Namli 2, Narayangarh sailana 2, Negarda 23, Panchewa 1, Salakhedi 1, Sikhedi 1,

Villages in Harda district

Adampur Harda, Ahalwada (Timarni tahsil), Bhamori, Bhonkhedi, Dagawan Neema, Devtalab, Nayagaon, Pura Nausar, Rundlay,

Villages in Indore district


Villages in Sehore district


Villages in Ujjain district


Distribution in Pakistan


Godara Hindu Jats are residing in Umarkot, Tharparkar, Mirpurkhas and Sanghar districts of Sindh Province,Pakistan and Punjab (Pakistan).


The Godara were another Mulla Jat clan found mainly in Hissar and Sirsa. Like other Mulla Jat clans, they emigrated to Punjab (Pakistan) after partition.

Natable persons

  • चन्दा राम गोदारा, ऊंटवालिया - मारवाड़ जाट कृषक सुधार सभा की प्रबंधकारिणी और कार्यकारिणी में रहकर आप ने जाट जाति की सेवा करके अपने को कृतार्थ किया है। [48]
  • Kishana Ram Godara, IES(Railways) from (Baytu) in Barmer Rajasthan
  • Anuprerna Kuntal (Godara) - RAS (1991) Bikaner Rajasthan.
  • Jeet Ram Godara - RAS, Addl.Coll. & Addl.DM, Banswara,9414290483
  • रामनिवास गोदारा - Agriculture officer in Department of Agriculture, Rajasthan Government, from Village-ऊंचाईडा tahsil-Lunkaransar District- Bikaner.
  • Prof. Hema Ram Godara - Principal College Education, Date of Birth : 6-December-1944, VPO - Toliyasar, Teh. - Sujangarh, Distt.- Churu, (Raj.), Present Address : "Godara Bhawan" Sunder Marg,Piprali Road, Sikar (Raj.), Resident Phone, Number:01572-253721, Mobile Number : 9413407361, Email Address : digodara@gmail.com
  • K. L. Godara - IPS (Retd.), Home town Hanumangarh, Date of Birth : 5-August-1933,213,OFFICERS CAMPUS,SIRSI ROAD,JAIPUR, Phone: 0141-2352399, Mob: 9414236979, Email Address : dadagodara@aol.com
  • R. C. Godara - AGM BSNL , Date of Birth : 20-April-1954, Present Address : Ward No. 4, Raisinghnagar, Sri Ganganagar, Resi Phone: 01507220975, Mob: 9413395093
  • R. S. Godara - Managing Director Dairy Department. V. P.O. Maler, teh.- Suratgarh, distt.- Sri Ganganagar, Date of Birth : 23-November-1952, Present Address : 8, Charan Singh Colony, Tonk Road, Jaipur, Resi Phone: 0141-2550008, Mob: 9829190009
  • J.S. Godara - D E BSNL, Date of Birth : 12-May-1962, VPo - Birania, Teh- Fatehpur, Sikar, Present Address : Hanumaan Nagar, Near Mody College, Laxmangarh, Sikar,Phone Number : 01573-222001, Mob: 9413395551, Email: jagdishgodara2@gmail.com
  • Birda Ram Choudhary (Godara) - Sr.A.O. Jodhpur Dev. Authority , Date of Birth :15-December-1960,VPO - Heera Ki Dhani, Teh.- Baitu, Distt.- Barmer, Rajasthan, Present Address : 294, Rajeev Nagar, Jodhpur, Phone : 0291-2720518, Mob: 9414530250
  • Mahendra Kumar Godara - RAS (2011) 78 Rank (General). From Dhani Pandusar (Lunkaransar), Bikaner.
  • Dheer Singh- BDO Rajgarh (panchayat samiti) from Haripura,Taranagar.
  • Puran Ram Godara - जायल (नागौर) गाँव के 85 वर्षीय जगत मामा के नाम से प्रसिद्ध ।
  • चौ. हेमराज गोदारा (आजीवन ट्रस्टी), एडवोकेट, संगरिया, 01499-250031, 9414380664, Life Time Member Trustee Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria.
  • Ajay Godara: RJS 2002 batch, Senior Civil Judge cum Chief Judicial Magistrate, Posting - Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Place - Ajmer , Rajasthan, M: 9414500786
  • Mahendra Godara: IRS (C&CE ) 2016, From Bikaner, M - 9929295036
  • Manish Godara: IRS (C&CE), 2010 Batch posted, At Gandhidham, Gujarat, M: +919414327885
  • Navdeep Godara: RJS 2015 batch, OT at Jodhpur, M: 8239114104
  • Pratiksha Godara: IPS 2011 batch Haryana Cadre, SP Bhivani, M: 9983977715
  • Nawal Kishor Godara - Businessman in South Africa in Kinshana Rd., Congo Handling Reetu Group Kinshasa as MD. He is from village Bhiyar (भियाड़) in Sheo Tehsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
  • श्योपत गोदारा प्रदेशाध्यक्ष ऑल इंडिया मेडिकल स्टुडेंट एसोसिएशन राजस्थान एव पूर्व प्रदेश सचिव NSUI निवासी -गांव धीरेंरा तहसील लुणकरणसर जिला बीकानेर 9680660366
  • Khyali Ram Godara - Freedom fighter, took part in Raisinghnagar movement of farmers. [57]
  • Nihal Singh Godara: became martyr in Kargil War on 1.11.1999. He was from Kheri, Sirsa, Haryana. Unit: 21st Battalion BSF.
  • अतुल गोदारा .. सुपुत्र श्री मोहरसिंह गोदारा, तारानगर जिला ..चूरू राजस्थान। कनिष्ठ अभियंता सार्वजनिक निर्माण विभाग भारत सरकार । प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय नई दिल्ली।

See also

Gallery of Godaras


  1. B S Dahiya:Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), p.238, s.n.79
  2. Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Parishisht-I, s.n. ग-30
  3. Jat History Thakur Deshraj/Chapter IX,p.695
  4. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 85
  5. Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Adhunik Jat Itihas, Agra 1998, p. 237
  6. Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats/Chapter V,p. 85
  7. Rajatarangini of Kalhana:Kings of Kashmira/Book I,p.8
  8. Rajatarangini of Kalhana:Kings of Kashmira/List of Kings, pp. xix-xx
  9. EI, Vol. XII, p. 301,
  10. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study), Bhim Singh Dahiya, p. 336-337
  11. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/G,p.301
  12. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.71
  13. Elliot, op. cit., Vol.I, p.133
  14. Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah Firista, Gulsan-i-Ibrahimi, commonly known as Tarikh-i-Firishta, Nawal Kishore edition, (Kanpur, 1865), Vol.I, p.35
  15. Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh
  16. Inscription No.1, Tod, op.cit., Vol.I, p. 622-23.
  17. Encyclopedia of Islam, vol.II, p.488
  18. Chachnama, pp.98, 117,131
  19. Zai'nul-Akhbar, p.191; Tarikh-i-Firishta, Vol.I,p.35
  20. Chachnama, pp.104,167
  21. Richard F. Burton, op. cit., p.246
  22. Inscription No.1, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix pp. 914-917.
  23. Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh
  24. Inscription No.II, Tod, op.cit., Vol.II, Appendix, pp. 917-919 and n. 13
  25. Chachnama, p.166
  26. Dr S.Jabir Raza, The Jats - Their Role and Contribution to the Socio-Economic Life and Polity of North and North West India. Vol I, 2004, Ed Dr Vir Singh
  27. Hasan Nizami, Tajul-ma'asir, Fascimile translation in ED, Vol. II, p.218
  28. Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Appendices/Appendix I,p.316-17
  29. A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/J,p.376
  30. James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Bikaner,p.160-162
  31. James Todd Annals, p. 140
  32. Dr Karni Singh (1947): The Relations of House of Bikaner with Central Power, Munsi Ram Manohar Lal Pub. Pvt, 54 Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi.
  33. Dr Brahmaram Chaudhary, The Jats, Vol. 2, Ed Dr Vir Singh, Originals, Delhi, 2006, ISBN 81-88629-52-9, p. 250
  34. Thakur Deshraj, Jat Itihas (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992, p. 617
  35. Ramratna Charan, Itihas
  36. Jat Varna Mimansa (1910) by Pandit Amichandra Sharma, p.44
  37. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.71
  38. User:Babulalkeelka
  39. User:Revantaramjat
  40. User:Hrdhaka
  41. User:Hrdhaka
  42. https://www.jatland.com/forums/showthread.php/40442-गोत्र-जोड़ने बाबत
  43. History and study of the Jats. B.S Dhillon. p.126
  44. Jat Samaj Badnawar, Samuhik Vivah Samoroh Samiti, Dwitiy Samuhik Vivah Samoroh 4 February 2014. Phone:9425969553, 9893548483, 9826418672
  45. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, p.71
  46. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.157
  47. Thakur Deshraj:Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.151
  48. Thakur Deshraj: Jat Jan Sewak, 1949, p.209
  49. Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Adhunik Jat Itihas, Agra 1998, p. 343
  50. Mahendra Singh Arya et al.: Adhunik Jat Itihas, Agra 1998, p. 364
  51. Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15
  52. Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15
  53. Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15
  54. Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15
  55. Jat Gatha, September-2015,p. 15
  56. 'Jat Privesh', July 2015,p. 18
  57. Ganesh Berwal: 'Jan Jagaran Ke Jan Nayak Kamred Mohar Singh', 2016, ISBN 978.81.926510.7.1, p.57-59

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